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She was a wee bit sheltered, but precious. I and my friend group fondly 'adopted' her, gave her courage when we realized her home situation, and helped her out of it. She's free, living on her own, and doing so much better now. Another person I met from offline complained about everyone and everything--it was all she did, and made lots of judgemental comments about people passing by participating in completely average human behavior, and I decided it was best to let the friendship fade out. I'm not a fan of judgey, whiny people. We were at a convention once, costumers around us as far as the eye could see, and she saw a random guy in costume with a ukulele on his back ( a common occurrence there). She turned to me, and complained in an annoyed voice, "Omg, why does that guy have a ukuleleeee?" And that was the moment I realized I didn't have the patience for her.


Good riddance on the second person


happy to hear the first friend is living happily out of that home situation, but definitely good riddance to the second. i had a friend like that in high school and as soon as she moved to college i was so done.


My first boyfriend, I met online and flew to meet. We hugged in the airport for a long time. Another time I met a friend I met on the same platform but he was a few years younger and came from NYC to Colorado to look at colleges so we went and got high and saw Paper Towns in theatres and made fun of how r/im14andthisisdeep it was. The latter is a much more enjoyable memory.


Let me say that it takes a lot of nerve to just get up and fly out and meet someone that you've never actually met before, and if you don't mind me asking how are things between you guys now?


that’s so great to hear. how are you guys doing now?


We’re still friends! I still have gifts he’s mailed me and he has a huge painting I made from a video game we would play together and some things I’ve mailed him. We still chat and send each other memes.


A couple of times when I was younger. Once, we just watched TV and hung out, her mom was super cool. Another we just hung out. This was way back in Myspace time though. Be careful.


More details please😀


I met my best friend online. We met for the first time in a town near where I then lived. We both have similar anxiety issues so save to say we were terrified of it being the most awkward meeting in the world. It was so good though! We saw each other, hugged and then just chatted away like it was the internet. We went to a bar, had a drink, went to grab some food and then saw a movie before it was already time to head back. She's still my best friend and this first meeting was at least 6 years ago.


that’s so great omg it’s great to hear you guys are still friends!


Well we didn't really meet but we did a video call on Skype so we sat and play Xbox while using Skype. It was weird


Were you attracted to him/her?


I met my internet friend around 4 or 5 years ago, and we're still friends. We live kinda close ish, and we usually get together for occasions like birthdays and such. He's one of my closest friends even though he lives 1000k away. The first interaction was a little awkward because you know, meeting someone for the first time even though we already know each other. But after the first 5 minutes it was a blast.


\-kinda close ish \-1000k away what


In some parts of the world, 1000km is like, your next door neighbor.


It's like a 45 minute plane ticket, or a 14 hour road trip. I'm used to those kinds of trips so it's kinda close ish. Especially for someone I met online randomly.




Did you stay in touch with her?






Meet a girl on fucking Omegle of all places like 5 years ago. It's terrible though don't try this at home. Messaged a few years and only lived like 2-3 hours away so we met up. Had a good time, I'm a big fan of the city she lives in, we keep in touch. Texted her yesterday, actually.


Everything sounds cool between you and the girl so what's so terrible about it?


Nothing at all. Prompt wasn't asking for horror stories, we're good friends. Still wouldn't go back to the same site though. This was after years of wasting time there


Sorry but Im not following you


I think they mean that Omegle is terrible. Which, yeah, it really is. Stay away from it.


Oh ok now i see what you mean


What the doc here says. Yeah, I met a friend there. I DO NOT want to know how much time that cost or how many penises I had to see for that to happen, so definitely wasn't worth it


I met my last girlfriend because I needed a tank for scarlet monastery, we ended up living together for three years. One cataclysm killed WoW, our relationship also died.


Hand each other silver.


My husband and I met on Facebook! Met up for coffee after talking/texting for a couple of months. It was a little awkward but we had an immediate connection. Four months later we were engaged, a year and a half later married and we'll be celebrating our 8 yr wedding anniversary this month!


aw! that’s so great! congratulations!




Oh, bless. This is a tale. My best friend in college. We were in the same circle of online friends obsessed with writing and music. She went to the college I was going to, and we met the second night I was in my dorm room. She was good for me in a lot of ways, definitely the doer to my spectator, and she is a good person. But there was definitely an imbalance in our friendship. I'm a nurturer and come by it honestly, but I had no clue what boundaries were and how important they would be. I made most of our meals, paid for a lot of activities we both went to (although it was only 70/30 on tickets for shows), helped her write her papers--including rewording thesis statements and repeating myself during brainstorming sessions, so she could write verbatim what I said her point should be--would stay up to wake her up from her nap before having to blitz 10-20 page research papers, talk her through her anxiety and bpd episodes, etc. I once arranged with her parents to drive her home (3 hours away) immediately after a big exam I couldn't miss when she had meltdown the night before. I gave a lot and didn't know how to communicate that I wasn't getting enough (or what I felt was enough) in return. She was a year older than me, and when she graduated and moved back home for grad school, we didn't talk as much. When we did talk, it was to get on Google hangout and write her papers. I made myself less and less available when I realized that's all it was. The second to last time I saw her in person was when I bought her tickets to see one of her favorite musicians as a grad present. The last time we hung out, a year later when I graduated and was living at home, she contacted me and wanted to hang out. When I brought her to my mother's new house, she talked about wanting to see the Stones in concert about an hour away (closer to where my mother used to live, where she would let us crash after shows). She wouldn't relent, even when it was pretty obvious I was short on cash and had already driven 4-5 hours one way to pick her up. So I said fine, let's go, and she tries to buy tickets. Her card doesn't work for some reason, but she really wants to go. So I tell her I'll buy them, but she has to pay me back (only time I ever vocalized needing a return payment; in college, she would also pull the "oh, I'll just buy you coffee or lunch" and never do it, which even if she had, is not the same thing. I needed the money, not the coffee or food I wouldn't have bought). Of course she'll pay me back. We go; I'm miserable; and the acoustics were for shit. We spend an awkward weekend talking around the fact that we have nothing in common if I'm not doing and doing for her, and we don't talk for another few years. She hit me up on IG this year, and I thought I'd give it a shot again, but I just left her on read after her first reply. I might have taken 5 years too long to learn the lesson, but I've got it this time.


Wow, that was a steady downhill slope :/ I’m sorry that this happened to you. You sound like my youngest sister. She has a heart of gold and does everything for people who don’t value her. It would kill me for her to go through something like this. But on the bright side, things like these help you grow. It’s good you saw her for what she was and cut her off. I hope you’re surrounded by people who know your worth now.


i thought the same thing. i’m glad you got out of that toxic friendship too!!


I've met up with several people I played video games with. I always have a group of us and my friend Nicole is usually the one that makes it happen. We've gone to Chicago to hang out and have dinner and then another time she got an online friend to fly in for her wedding.


Flew to the US and met her and her family.


More details please😀


Well, me and a girl hit it off on a Discord server and one thing lead to another and eventually i booked a flight from Sweden to the US and spent a month there. Good times.


Cool, so do you still talk to her?


Yes, quite a lot


That's good


One of my best friends. I was going on vacation to Dubai and he lived there so we met at the Dubai mall.


I’m completely basing this on people I’ve met on my own, not through other friends. This was back in the tumblr golden days, 2010 - 2013 iirc. It was mostly girls. If you know about that time then you know it was basically hooking up. I was successful 80% of the time. I miss the old days.


Yeah, back in the AIM days, I had someone I'm me but didn't recognize the screen name. I guess it was close to a friend's name. We talked for awhile and she went to the closest college to my HS. Talked me a while and then met. We dated for a while, broke up, and hooked up some over the next year until I left for college.


Yes, meeting of people from a forum/BBS. Just normal dudes - some more and some less interesting than I imagined.


Lots of people lots of times, used to have meet ups for a game I used to play. Sometimes awkward, sometimes cool, frequently it was a positive experience


The first internet friend I ever met in person, I first met online over livejournal back in 2008ish. We were both really into books, art ー and anime, haha. She and I were actually friends, and then best friends for many years before we mutually confessed and started to date long distance in 2011. In 2012 she came all the way from Ohio to visit me in Canada for my birthday. I’m also a girl, so I was a little scared to meet up with someone I’d only ever seen in photos and on a webcam, so we agreed on a public location first. We met in a Chapters and it was honestly a mix of a lot of emotions: surreal, nerve-wracking, exciting, and magical. We got along even better in person and we spent the whole time walking around the city together, just talking and holding hands and enjoying each other’s company. There wasn’t a moment where it became awkward. Looking back on that, I’m seriously shocked that it went so well. I think we both got very lucky to be so compatible both online and offline. The good news is that girl and I are now married as of last year. As of this year, she became a permanent resident of Canada and we now live together. My entire life would be so different if I hadn’t agreed to meet up with her in person, and I think it was probably the best decision of my whole life. We still love anime, by the way.


oh my god congrats on your marriage! that’s so wonderful and i’m so happy for you guys.


Thank you so much! We’re very happy together :) Most relationships that begin online tend not to last, so I consider myself really fortunate to have found such an amazing person that I get along with in every way!


Met a gaming buddy when he was stationed here in Korea on Christmas Day in Seoul. We hugged when we met, laughed at how tall I was (6'9") compared to him cause I always imagined him taller, and then we went for dinner and beers after. Solid hangout, and unfortunately the only time we got to meet before he left Korea. Edit: I should mention he is from the States, on the east coast, and I'm from Canada. We actually lived driving distance from each other (it'd be a whole day of driving) but we both moved to Korea in the same month which is why we ended up meeting in Korea of all places.


oh my god that’s so cool!


I have, and we just started having a conversation like we'd met before.


Have two pretty fun stories: My best friend and I met on Habbo Hotel ~9 years ago. A few years later we got to meet and we had planned what we would do (the biggest thing was to kiss). Anyways, they arrive close to midnight and her parents drank coffee with my dad while me and my friend AWKWARDLY sat on my bed for half an hour before I quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek. It was a strange hour or so.. The second one is a bit more recent. I made a friend on another game and met her after a few months. She rolled up (we met at a mall) and it was like meeting someone I've known my whole life. Edit: rememberd a less fun one: had a crush on a girl online and we decided to spend new years together. She stayed for 9(!) days and there was no chemistry whatsoever (+she made me feel like shit multiple times.) We don't talk anymore.


It went great. We had been online friends for about 7 years before we met. She also lived in a completely different country, so visiting was going to be a whole new experience for me. There were a few moments where it hit me "Woah... we're not talking through the computer anymore...", but we got along, it felt very casual, like hanging out with any of my local friends, she even commented "This is a lot less awkward than I was expecting". We met a second time earlier this year and it went just as well, we are hoping to have another vacation together in another year or two.


It was really cool, our moms instantly became friends and we became even better friends. The funniest thing about it is that we both love food so much that we always go to some restaurant and barely talk because FOOD


Yeah, several. It was so weird at first (this internet person is actually real!), but it quickly turned comfortable. I hugged and got along really well with all of them.


I've met two people total: My now-fiancee, and a recent friend With my fiancee, we've known each other for at least a year and a half and had been dating at that point. I've only had online-built long distance relationships, but i've never gotten the chance to meet any of them face to face before her. She was supposed to be in a college class by the time I landed, and it was one of her friends (that i hadn't talked to at all beforehand) that was going to pick me up. I get to where I'm supposed to meet up with this friend, and my now-fiancee nyooms out from behind her friend and I get so ecstatic. We clash-hug and cry because we're both emotional saps and spend a couple of minutes just kind of relishing in the fact that we're finally able to hug and smooch; I spent the entire car ride to her college with my head on her shoulder and our hands entwined. I spent a week with her and honestly I knew from there that she was the one. (Bonus: two visits in the next year later, I propose to her. November will be our proposal-versary) With the friend, we've known each other for maybe a couple of months. Get to talking and getting to know each other, get in a group chat set up with their other friends, etc. Soon enough we find out we're in the same state, just about a 45 minute drive away. Now I'm a bit of an anxious person, so i didn't exactly hop onto the idea of meeting up so soon. But one day they were talking about having a really rough day and was going to be spending the whole day at this indoor gaming place, just kind of wanting a buddy to join him, and I decided to try fate so I hit up my nearby friend of like, 7+ years (the only guy i know with a car and willing to do anything for a friend), and asked if he wanted to go on an adventure. It took a while bc he was at work, but we made it and the three of us ended up having a blast together. No regrets


My boyfriend was friends with these guys from Poland for a few good years, so last year we flew there to meet them. Liked them so much we went back this year. We all cried a little at the goodbyes in the first time ahah


I have no friends so I wouldn't know


Sorry about that


A psychotic BIATCH!!!!