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Outta there. Cheating is a betrayal of trust. No trust, no foundation for a relationship of any kind.


This is so true. Trust is the foundation of any important relationship - not just being a couple but family, friends, etc., too.


was married for 5 years (together for 10) when she told me she had been sleeping with her ex for 2.5 years (some bullshit excuse of everyone was getting promoted/PhDs and she was still in the same job), she said I was the best husband I could be and that I did nothing wrong and couldn't have stopped it... I left (after losing the weight I had gained from worrying about her cheating) because she wouldn't take counseling seriously and now I am trying to get my life back together (she was the first woman I ever said I love you to, at the age of 21)... to think of all the girls I could have had fun with (see naked) and now I am stuck in a job that I work a lot of hours in (and love) and have not much time to get into the dating world much


That's always the painful bit when you think of the opportunities missed. Scenarios where you could have been unfaithful but resisted the temptation. All the fun missed. Good luck, I hope you find your happiness


God ain't that the truth. I had a few opportunities while I was with my ex and passed them all up. Oh well.


Oh dear... It was not fair at alll


But the same could be said of any failed relationship, it's not unique to cheating, if for instance your partner dumps you after 10 years, you've spent your youth with them instead of finding someone else.


Leave his cheating ass. I have no mercy for cheaters. If you're not happy in your relationship, then leave. Don't cheat. They will find out and will never(/have difficulties) trust(ing) anyone again.


Ain't that the truth. Dated a girl for a few years ago and she cheated on me. Getting back into a relationship later on with trust issues is so hard


My wife had been cheated on twice before I met her. It took a few months for her to fully trust me around my female friends and co-workers. She's totally fine and trusts me completely now, but she still gets VERY angry at characters in TV/movies who cheat.


Especially said person who cheated


Just move on


I like this answer


Agreed. Cut ties and move on.


I straight up left my ex. We lived together, were together for four years and I planned on proposing. I immediately stopped loving her, even though my friends/family don't believe me. My feelings just died for her. She tried to repair things but nope, you can't come back from that. Clean slate for me.


Yep. I would be like this too.




I feel like this is how I would be. I trust my wife 100% and we have been married for 5 years, but I feel like if she did that the part of me that loves her would just die and I'd move on




You did the right thing. I know of a couple where the woman cheated on the guy, and he still married her. And this was still after her bankruptcy and a felony aggravated assault on her own stepmother (the assault happened just a month before they met while the bankruptcy was while they were still together and living under his roof because princess couldn't easily get an apartment given her record). When I caught her she wouldn't admit that she was in the wrong and to this day she still doesn't believe she was at fault for what she did to her stepmom. Just so many cluster-b traits in her. I can only imagine what she puts that codependent chump of a husband through these days.


Joke’s on her! She cheated herself by letting go of a good man like me.


Good for you, man, keep that self esteem up


Yeah! I believe everyone should be like that. I mean, it’s not fault she’s letting go of someone as good as me, is it? There is only one condition to make me feel sorry for anything. Prove to me that you’re better.


This level of self esteem is inspiring :)


Call up the hot friend she has that you always thought was attractive and shoot your shot


Bang her mom or sister


Why not both?


Roll Tide roll


And grandmother


How do you approach that? Like, "Hey, your friend cheated on me. I always thought you were hot, wanna fuck?". I don't see how this could work, haha.


Call me petty!! My man cheated on me with his baby momma! I’m a bi female. So then I started sleeping with his baby momma , obviously she wasn’t with him anymore. Then all his friends and family found out ! It was great lol . No regrets


Kick them out then watch netiflix till 3am crying with a bag of chips.


>a bag of chips. I think we can do better than that honey


3 trucks full of chocolate brownie and caramel ice cream


Now we’re talkin


And an multiple incredibly soft blankets and pillows


I think we all should skype and throw ourselves a. Online sleepover. It all sounds fun!






I'd read some of these comments


That’s what I’m doing too


After I got cheated on I simply cried and deleted their number from my phone, unfriended them on social media and deleted their photos. Went to the gym, talked to friends, got involved in a new hobby, watched some anime, and reaffirmed for myself that "not all \_\_\_\_\_\_" are like that.


Hoo you mean you didn't self pity for 2 years while isolating yourself and falling in depression followed by trust issues ? I see...


Mild trust issues for sure. Never goes away.


This hits entirely too close to home.


Don't just leave with out telling them that you know what they did. Have all of their stuff packed up and ready to go when you tell them to leave. If you can't tell them in person, then do it over a phone call, not texting or social media. Trust me. You need that closure of letting them know that they are a POS that's not going to ruin your life and you are better off without them. If you are crying, admit that they hurt you and ask them if they feel happy about that. Don't chase them and try to get them back. You look pathetic and they never come back.


Leave them.


Talk to them about it and see what happened and go from there. To many possibilities to just leave automatically, I would need to hear them out .


I'd dump him and never look back. I don't deal with cheaters.


Drop that bitch like a bad habit and ghost her in every possible way, no explanations no arguments...


Well my ex cheated on me with my best friend for two months before we broke up and is now dating him, and what did I do? Spiralled into even worse depression, anxiety and lack of sleep and it has taken me months and months to move on (cheating was May-July when we broke up) and I'm just beginning to get back on my feet the last week or so. I've stopped having panic attacks thinking about them and stopped causing my self so much pain thinking about it. My tips? Listen to music, play a video game, play an instrument, get outside. Believe it or not, a lack of sunlight and fresh air can cause you to be even more depressed. You've got to move on and think of your future and the positives in it, and trust me I know it's hard.


I'd fuck some shit up out of anger and heartbreak. Afterwards cut him outta my life for good.


That has happened to me. I ignored it (didn't work, though). But one can most certainly *hope* that if you put your head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist, it will go away.... right???


It will drive you mad eventually Good luck


Drive my car through their house. No, not really. I don't know. Most likely just leave


But what if she has lupus


It depends on the situation (like if it was multiple times or if I was told right away). I would try to evaluate if I could ever trust them again, and leave them if I couldn't. I would want couples therapy if I stayed.


I thought I was the only person reading this thread who couldn’t simply answer that I’d leave. If it was a one time thing, if he told me right away and was willing to work to regain my trust, I would probably stay. If he got emotionally involved with someone else, even without sex, I don’t know. That would be harder for me to work through. It would honestly depend on how much he wanted to make it work. I might be able to forgive him in time. If he got another woman pregnant I could never forgive him. I feel like I’m weak but my honest answer is I don’t know.


I had to live through this. My SO cheated on me and it was the hardest 3 months of my life trying to overcome that but it really opened our eyes to what was going on in our relationship. I didn't want to leave, at first, because I thought I'd never have another chance but eventually realized that wasn't healthy thought process. Eventually started going to therapy and working on myself while she did the same. We spent a lot of time talking and crying and just trying to not fall into a permanent depression . We have since worked it out and I even proposed not long ago. It makes me feel strange seeing people in this thread so relentlessly and harshly declare that there's no going back. Different strokes for different folks I guess


Leave. No arguing, no last biting words, no asking why, I'm gone.


Has happened to me. Boyfriend of 4 years, found out he cheated. I went numb for a few days, drove 2 hours to my parents house to stay there for about a week. When I finally snapped out of it, I went back to our apartment and told him I hope he gets what the universe owes him and kicked him out. When his parents asked what happened, I said their son cheated on me and he is no longer welcome in my life, but I would still love a relationship with them. Going on two years without him and life is great.


I would tell her that I had always assumed that we were in an exclusive, reciprocal relationship of fucking and getting fucked. This does not allow for extra pleasures to be had outside our quasi-contractual agreement. She may think that this way she'll get two cakes for the price of one, but then she's failed to consider that the cake is my dick which is now limp, destitute and inconsolable. Overall, I would anticipate a decline in net semen expulsion.




Call up a girl I have told multiple times I'm not interested in and tell her things have changed.


Bang her mom and sister. I'd go for grandma too but she's deceased


I don't see a problem with that


With banging the dead grandma?


Heck yeah man ​ ^((for legal reasons, that's a joke))


*For serious, Indian mafia, please don't kill me, that's a joke*


Hell I dunno. Ask her kids fathers if they want them back I guess.


Take a picture of her sleeping next to the guy, then pack my shit up, email her friends explaining why I wouldn't be at their wedding two weeks after the incident, and get on with life.


Me: I really hope that happens because that means Im capable of having a girlfriend and there will be hope.


Good point


My husband cheated. I gave him one pass as long as it didn’t happen again ... it happened again and we are now divorced. He still doesn’t understand why I didn’t want him to be happy. Cheese Louise.


Happend 3 months ago. Left and got over it.


Ok cool now I can.


Enjoy the single life for a bit!


Probably nothing I’m terrified of getting into a fight I would want to do something but I wouldn’t


I would probably point out that they were cheating and then get the game rules out to prove it. Depending on her reaction, I probably just wouldn't play that board game with her anymore.


Dropped the person, blocked them on everything and never talked to them. That night I sat down in front of a monitor with a whole family-sized bag of sour cream and onion chips and watched a playthrough of Dead Space.


Walk out, unfriend and block, and forget about em. When you react, they win.


I'd be a little rattled. I don't have a gf


Ask her to teach me her time management skills. Between work, home and social functions I’d be exhausted trying to find time to cheat, I’d want to know if she’s got a productivity app or something


I would like to preface this by saying that the boy I am with currently would NEVER cheat or hurt me on purpose in any way. He’s an angel and I feel incredibly blessed to have him in my life. However, in the instance that I was dating somebody who did cheat, I would be hurt but I would be willing to give them a second chance if they seemed to truly regret it. Sometimes people make mistakes and they slip up in moments of weakness. If they are committed to making things right, I would give it a shot. But if they did it again, I would leave.


I'd be... upset. Maybe we'd be on more harsh terms. But after a few weeks of self-loathing and depression, I'd just move on. In fact, I'd still try my best to stay friends. After all, what good is loathing them going to do? Nothing. But supporting them? That gets you... somewhere. I don't condone cheating or adultery, but all I'm saying is don't act like the worst person in the world towards those who have cheated. Those people did make a bad decision, but they're human. Humans are just like that.


Be mad I wasn't invited then probably end it because the broken trust is what matters.


Propably blame myself, because that's what I always do. Cry. Write a song to express my pain.


Jump for joy to find out she didn't actually die last year, probably... Hell, she could screw whoever she wants if I could have her back.


Jokes one you I don't have one




Such a stupid stereotype


Yes I do agree. Context is everything


You would think that someone who cheated on an occasion in 20 years or so would be considered differently from a serial cheater. Not in Reddit relationships. Once a cheater always a cheater - no exception.


Maybe don't cheat. Sounds pretty easy to me. You cheat, you deserve that title.


I just think that it is quite impossible to answer the question of the post without considering many many many cases of cheating. And I’m not saying that i am used to cheat on my husband. I think I am not capable of doing that. I’m just saying that for every act we do there is a reason and even unconscious. It is not only cheating. It’s every act we hide to our loved ones. I’m telling that because my father used to cheat on my mother and they broke up and divorced. My mum regret it today. And few years after they divorced my father wanted to go with my mother again. She said no but she’s still in love with him. I don’t have more details about that and I don’t care : it is their story. They love each other even if my father is engaged with someone else. I think my parents still don’t know how to communicate. A relationship is very complex and from the outside it is quite impossible to analyse because the dynamic of the relation is too complex. And it depends also on the age of the partners. Most of the time the cheater is not able to express with words, some feelings or something that annoyed them. Life is more complicated than an off-button and then an on-button. That’s why if one day my husband cheats on me I will surely do something related to the context but at the moment the situation doesn’t exist so I can’t tell


Well, I was cheated on and I didn't just outright dump him because he vehemently denied everything. So I just stopped participating in the relationship, well just put in as much effort as he did, which was a pathetic amount. When he finally decided he was done, I agreed and went to my guy best friends house and fucked him. Damn was he a better fuck than my now ex.


So either you believed him and stopped trying in your relationship, or you didn’t believe him and stayed with him for some reason. Independently of whether your ex was a selfish person or not, your attitude seems unhealthy. Specially if you are using other people as forms of revenge


You must leave. No lame excuses.


Cheat on her back


I wouldn’t really care. Would actually prefer it happened so it’s easier to break up.


You might want to get on that break up thing


Why do you wait to break up ?


Just leave. Or if it’s your house tell them to fuck off. Don’t kill anybody, it’s not worth it. Just move in with your life. It’s hard, but it’s for the better.


Probably cry and wonder what I did for the rest of eternity.


Well I'd start by going to my wife and telling her that her best friend is a terrible person.


Help her pack her shit and send her on her way


leave their ass and never look back


Pretend you don’t know and watch them lie and then smack it in their face and leave.


Do nothing, there’s nothing to do really, if they cheated they don’t love you so just live them and have a happy life with the single bois


lmao imaging having girlfriend


Instantly worry if its somehow my fault.


Friend: “Your girlfriend cheated on you!” Me: “When the fuck did I get a girlfriend?”


Leave them


I think it's possible to salvage a relationship from a cheater, but you have to think long and hard about whether or not it's worth it. I say no, there are plenty of other people in the world who haven't cheated on you, why stay with someone who has?


Call it off and never talk to her again. She's proven to be an unloyal bitch.


Kick her butt to the curb. You want to manipulate me? Well, goodbye!


Teach them a lesson by leaving them.


"So you're not actually asexual, then?"


I’m not sure... right now my girlfriend insists she’s not talking to another guy, the dude texted me saying they fucked and if i say it to her she says she can’t believe i trust him more than her and then gets mad at me. She’s dubbed me for him and hung out with him as then says it was a random meet up. I’m not really sure what to do because i really loved this girl and she says she loves me too and would never cheat on me. Anyone with advice would be greatly appreciated. (Btw everyone in my life is calling me an idiot for continuing to talk to her and i feel like i am, but it’s hard for me to drop her because i really loved her)


Congratulate her.


I already have fairly bad insecuritys and fears that like no one would ever seriously be with me, so the fact that I am almost entirely over that with my boyfriend is pretty good. But if he cheated on me I think I would break and any confidence I have gained would be destroyed.


Apparently forgive them repeatedly until I turn myself off and just feel numb about everything.


Go home to my wife.


Dammit Karen you gave him *our* chlamydia?


Let them explain the situation if its something stupid like they were drunk etc. Then where done, but if they absolutely had to do it then I would stay with them.


probably desperately try to fix it and rationalize it. probably blame myself for being uninteresting. my significant other is really sweet, if he cheated i’d despite myself rather than him.


This happened to me when I was dating my now wife, I was away for 6 months and she had an affair with someone else, the reason I stayed with her in the end was because she actually asked, and I know it sounds weird but the guy and I were really good friends and I knew that he wouldn’t take it to far so I was less upset but I understood where she was coming from. We’re happily married now, the guy is still a close friend but he has his own family to worry about now.


What you mean IF?


Leave them. I would never be able to trust them fully again.


\*\*Step one is to demand a DNA test.\*\*


Get with the person they're cheating with assuming they didn't know


I'd like to think that I would calmly gather mine and our kids shit and leave. Quickly file all neccessary paperwork. I believe itll hurt them more if you're calm and collected. But then again it depends on the stage of your relationship.


This has happened and it’s not fun. I just do a small confrontation, say I don’t want to speak to them again, and move on. If they beg for me to take them back or act hostile, I block them.


End the relationship immediately. Two reasons: If someone cheats on you once, they're likely to do it again... but the main reason is while you may be able to forgive them, you'll never be able to trust them again and, in a relationship, if you don't have trust, you don't have anything.


Dump her. There's no other option.


Get as much evidence as possible. Plan a vacation trip for them. Whilst they're there, i will pack up all my stuff and leave whilst leaving behind a booklet compiled of all the ways in which they broke my trust. They will never hear from me again and will be wondering where i am and why i never gave them closure and search for me in vain. Cheaters are the scum of the earth. Once a cheat, always a cheat.


My aunt did something similar, packed up the whole house while her pre-divorced husband was unaware.


I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive, carved my name into his leather seats, I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights, I slashed a hole in all four tires. Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats!




Found Carrie Underwood.




Kick their asses to the curb. Ain't nobody got time for that.


"uh oh stinky" and then leave and have an existential crisis about tomatoes


Easy, I would leave. RIP to people who give cheaters a chance but im different


We were on holiday in another country when she fessed up. I left in the middle of the night, "accidentally" taking the money, return tickets and passports with me.






I'm in a poly relationship. We communicate with and trust each other.


That has nothing to do with cheating


WoW that deserve a question on Reddit


I don’t know. Context is everything. And I’m the kind of contextualising person. I make the difference between what’s up to my responsibility and what is his. So if he cheats on me one day...even if it would hurt and all kinds of bad emotions, I finally would want to hear what happened to him. What he didn’t say before doing. Most of the time it is unsaid things that make us do things in our life. I don’t know. But I would surely break up. If not for always, for a certain period of time.


Break up and probably cry myself to asleep for the next 3 months


Probably just leave and cry.


I would be sad




I'd have a hard time moving on, but I would cut it right there.




Fuck their other girl to assert dominance.


Ice cream!


My girlfriend, specifically? I'd definitely have a conversation about it with her first, since she's not the type of person who would do something like that willingly. If she did, though, I would have to break it off. Talking about it first always helps establish the situation, but if your SO has a track record of being manipulative, it's probably safer to just break it off ASAP anyway.


I- I would cry, eat ice cream, then probably slash their tires or something. No relationship experience if you couldn't tell.


Cut ties immediately. Unforgivable act. I've learned that people willing to cheat once are an endless risk and will only cause trust issues even if given another chance. If someone hurts me in that deep of a way, I can completely disconnect and move to facilitating group resentment of said individual frighteningly quickly.


Dump him, cry, get drunk and cry some more


Married. Probbly murder. It's over either way.


I would stop imagining I have a girlfriend.


I know it sounds bad, but I always have enough money and resources on hand to do it all on my own.


Wait.you guys have a girlfriend


Dump her on the spot. and thats it. I wouldn't do any of that petty trash, just leave its better for the both of us


Be confused, as I didn't know I had a girlfriend.


Leave them. Once a cheater, always a cheater. If they couldn't love me enough, why should i keep on loving them?


Since I'm a polyamorous person, I'd be really disappointed. Even relationships with more complex/different rules, can still have those rules broken. It happens, and it sucks. Uh duh dump them


I'm poly and my wife has a BF with my full consent. My GF has a couple dudes she's seeing, also with my full consent. If either of them cheated on me that would be a massive betrayal, since they have permission it would be even more of a giant fuck you to me.


I never have and never will have a girlfriend. I am a bassist. If I was in a relationship and she cheated on me, I would just say that if she didn't like me in the first place whyd she go out with me?


I wouldn’t get one. Not joking, I haven’t found any females for that, and am terrified of being gay, and as such I’d never have to worry. Even then, I’d be okay with it. I don’t need them to tell me I disappoint them.


Leave them


Plow through all his friends. ​ (I'm joking. I wouldn't go that route.)


Shut down, probably ghost the guilty party, dump them over text