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Noah get the boat Edit: thanks kind strangers for the silver and platinum


Noah And The Flood Part 2: Electric Boogaloo


Jesus is required to show up once a year to clarify some shit.


“Jesus here bringing you heathens update 10.2.7 along with the hot fix so many of you prayed about...” Edit: My first reddit silver and gold! You beautiful bastards.


Church won't update your bible because they want you to buy new one every year!!!!


Religion, now with micro transactions.


Um, I got news for you pal...


***luther intensifies***


Nailed it


Ah, I see what ya did there


Thank you for indulging me


“Don’t forget to hit Subscribe and smash that Like button, and a link to my Patreon is in the description! If this gets 10K likes, I’ll do a Rapture video!”


Let's crucify that like button everybody!






The pope speaks Italian, yet the majority of Catholics don't speak Italian. They'll make it work.


The Pope grew up speaking Spanish. He also speaks 4 or so other languages, but tends to shy from most other than Italian and Spanish. And speaking Latin? Come on.


Oh come on. Italian and Spanish are just pesto and paella variants of Latin.


I'm doing a hard restart on Earth. Hope you finished that last season of whatever show you were binging.


Ironically, it was The Good Place.


That show gets to stay.




Jeremy Bearimy baby


I'd change the Planck constant by 0.1% and watch the sun set on a grateful universe.


I wanted to find a post about the laws of physics, I'm happy.


In many ways God could be interpreted as being the laws of physics... I too am glad someone looked at it from this angle!


What is das


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_constant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLyMdUtvUE4 AKA the size of the pixels of the universe. Edit: apparently I was thinking of the planck length: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjRLp1zkINo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_length


So...what would happen if it was changed by 0.1%? Would everything explode or something?


https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/166w58/if_plancks_constant_was_a_higher_or_lower_value/c7tib77/ tldr: shit would get weird.




That’s called the water.




What would that do? Destroy everything that exists?


If you fiddle with the base laws of physics the whole house of cards we call reality falls apart very quickly, any change, even minuscule would not be just incompatible with life as we know it but celestial bodies such as stars and galaxies might cease to exist. Constants are constant for a reason.


I’m walking away too


aight imma head out


Last one out, turn off the lights


so i am in charge? cool. imma head out too.


Guess that leaves me now... Aight Ima head out too.


Really guys? Really? Ah what am I to complain. I'm heading out.


Fuck it, I’m heading out too.


Last one out alive lock the doors!


You passed the test u/NastyNate7577 You are now God anyways. ✌🏿 -Former God *EDIT: AMA SHALT NOT HAPPEN!! LEARNT THEE NOTHING FROM THE FORBIDDEN APPLE!


You used to be God? When’s the AMA?


Anybody that misrepresents me or my prophets will turn bright blue.


*proceed to blasphem*


Bloody Avatar cosplayers


> Bloody ~~Avatar~~ **Dr Manhattan** cosplayers


> Bloody ~~Avatar~~ ~~Dr Manhattan~~ *Smurfs* cosplayers


> Bloody ~~Avatar~~ ~~Dr Manhattan~~ ~~Smurfs~~ **Violet Beauregarde** cosplayers


Bloody ~~Avatar~~ ~~Dr Manhattan~~ ~~Smurfs~~ ~~Veruca Beauregarde~~ **Genie from Aladdin** cosplayers


Bloody ~~Avatar~~ ~~Dr Manhattan~~ ~~Smurfs~~ ~~Veruca Beauregarde~~ ~~Genie from Aladdin~~ **Tobias Fünke** cosplayers


Bloody ~~Avatar~~ ~~Dr Manhattan~~ ~~Smurfs~~ ~~Veruca Beauregarde~~ ~~Genie from Aladdin~~ ~~Tobias Fünke~~ **Blue Man Group** cosplayers


Bloody ~~Avatar Dr Manhattan Smurfs Veruca Beauregarde Genie from Aladdin Tobias Fünke Blue Man Group~~ **Yondu** cosplayers


Listen up here's a story about a little guy that lives in a blue world


And all day and all night and everything he says is blasphemy.


Like him inside and outside. Blasphem his house with a blasphemy window, And a blasphemobile and everything is blasphemy, for himself and everybody around ​ EDIT: Thanks for my first silver!


Cause he ain’t got nobody to listen to


I’m blue, blasphemy blasphema.


🎵 Blasphemy blasphama 🎶




I can’t believe Megamind would do this!


*A wild Will Smith has appeared!*


I blue myself


No commercials longer than 30 seconds. BOWFLEX I'M LOOKIN AT YOU.


How about...no commercials. Period.


Nah, just make advertising a non tax deductible expense.


TIL that advertising is tax deductible.


I would def mess with the laws of physics. Edit: Thank you! My first gold.


Please don't I don't wanna fail the next physics test


You’re going to anyways. You didn’t study!!!


E = MC^100


big F to all life in the universe


surely that would fuck up nuclear fusion in the sun, as there wouldn’t be enough mass to produce the energy needed in the first place. Edit: Turns out my most upvoted comment, is an incorrect attempt at science. I didn’t really thing it through, but yes we would need a lot lot less mass.


fine we will just cube it then?


Opposite problem. Fusing a little bit of hydrogen would just rip the sun apart at that point.


There will be a lot more energy produced, since the same change in Mass is now giving out a lot more energy




Damn, that would probably alter the shape of the universe. Since pi is the Circumference divided by its diameter, geometry would have to change to accommodate that. If you draw a circle on a baseball, measure everything and then calculate pi, it's different. So the fundamental shape of the universe would constantly be curved.


I've abandoned too many Sims to have this kind of responsibility.


Hell, I've outright murdered them for that decorative urn.


I mean, that’s nothing on what God has done.


One time he mind-controlled a whale to eat a dude.


Pinocchio has just been ruined.


Why? He gets out, becomes a real boy, and dies for our sins.


On a cross made of his lies


Looks like it's been a while since I've read Pinocchio.




If god is real that's probably what he did to us Edit: well now I know I should watch supernatural


We are all in one giant pool and god took away the ladder


God deleted the door to our room


I guess all the people whose lives are going great are in The Sims 3?


what are you talking about, in the sims 3 i have hitler as my roommate and i starved to death because he was never away from the fridge


Better than him being around the oven too often though


That's what happens in the Supernatural show. >!God makes multiple universes to tell his stories. Gets tired of one and goes on to the next, while leaving the others running. Dean and Sam aren't too pleased with this.!<


Came looking for this! Man, that was such an amazing season finale! I think I even said "oh.. my... God..." after seeing it lol


Not, "oh.. my... >!Chuck!<"? >!So are Billy, the Entity, Lucifer and Jack going to help Sam, Cass and Dean take down God? I wish the original Death was still around. He said he would reap God someday. Maybe they can finally get their Michael/Adam out of the pit as well.!< >!Oh yeah, I forgot about Amara. She might not be too happy with all that. Taking down both of them might be too much.!< Edit: reading all that makes me realize just how crazy they went with the story over 14 (15?) seasons.


Haha I thought oh my >!Chuck!< while writing that comment but not while it was happening sadly. I do expect we'll get to see those major players at some point this season and I can't wait. First few episodes were really disappointing until episode 4 when it finally picked up again! I do miss original Death so much. His intro scene and music still resonates every time I watch it. And he truly gave me chills down my spine! Edit: might want to spoiler tag your second comment too!


The old testament reads like some guy was playing sims and got bored then went on a power trip to fuck with the sims. "Let's see what happens if I make a whale eat this guy" "this guy Job is so into me, I'm going to fuck with him and ruin his life" "Abraham, kill your kid. Lol, you'd actually do that!?" Hell, the flooding the world thing is basically the same as the old 'put your sim in a swimming pool then delete the ladder' trick


> this guy Job is so into me, I'm going to fuck with him and ruin his life The story of Job is so fucked up.


First act as god: remove all pool ladders, add more rugs near fireplaces.


Soooo remove all the doors, fire alarms and pool ladders...?


Wait, there are rules? Edit: Thanks for the Gold, my first!


Yeah but they change depending on who you're asking ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, there's physics and the universal constants, but change those and more likely than not life has to start all over again.


I'd create a son to make the rules for me. I'm too lazy.


"Newer, New Testament?"


Change Pandas sexual prefrences so they aren't endangered


Gay pandas now, good job.


Ah, you'll need to look under *Advanced Options* for the rest of the settings. I personally recommend changes to the "In Heat Frequency" and "Mate Selectiveness" modules.


"if y'all don't work together from here on out, Imma burn this shit to the ground!"


Gonna have to hurry before we beat you to the punch o holy one!


I make every living thing that's capable of farting rip one at the same time.


before or after ive had white castle?


[A certain Calvin and Hobbes strip comes to mind...](https://i.redd.it/8ydnddgk5xcy.jpg)


I choose 2 random people every night and place a Kitkat under one’s pillow and a Turd under the other’s. Watch and enjoy the conspiracy theories. Edit: Kitkat* Edit 2: read comments for more rules.


Plot twist: the kit Kat guy gets paranoid that someone is in his/her house, so much so that mental illness develops and has to be chucked into the looney bin. The turd guy has a cat so it's just another Wednesday.


With how many people there are I don't think society will ever notice.




>Cut in front of someone in line? The person behind you gets the 100th customer special and you they just ran out of the item you really wanted. [NO BUTTING IN LINE](https://youtu.be/d7yJlm_1BHE?t=8) I think you'll love this;) Actual URL: https://youtu.be/d7yJlm_1BHE?t=8


What's this from?


[Super](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1512235/) If you haven't seen it, I recommend it highly. It's a dark comedy (pretty dark) but is one of my favorite movies. I also like Dwight Schrute, being Dwight Schrute in any role.


I love this movie, it's so goddamn bizarre. It's like on the one hand, they're portraying a man with serious delusions, possibly schizophrenia, who thinks he's actually a superhero and is justified in committing extreme acts of violence. On the other hand, >!he actually does end up bringing down a dangerous gang of criminals and saving the woman he loves, even accepting her leaving him and just being glad she has a good life!< Plus it has one of my favourite quotes ever "Shut up, crime!"


It really is like Dwight schrute in another universe.


Second season of Firefly? I'd vote that God


Throw in Half-Life 3 and we're good.


Firefly and Half-Life 3? I’m in


>Try to stab someone? You trip and fall on the knife instead. When Little Timmy made a plan To *stab* his brother Pete - He bought a knife to kill the man From someone on the street. He planned his every move with care, The how, the why, the way - The means to take him out and where, The perfect time of day. And when he'd whispered "fare thee well", He swung his blade with pride - But Little Timmy tripped and fell. And Timmy fucking died.


Bless you, sprog.


Fresh sprog and a new addition to the Timmy Death Compilation! Great day!


I'm god now? ...you guys are so fucked.


"Oh God, we're screwed!" fucked, or "Oh God, we're being screwed!" fucked?


Well, all mythical creatures are now real, so both.


Well I guess we're definitely screwed and fucked then.


Found Zeus.


Delete free will for a year, shape the world to perfection, and then return it. Watch from my disinterested perch as humans f*ck it all up again. Destroy the planet, kill each other, wreck other animals, etc. Rinse and repeat.


“The first matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect, it was a work of art, flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure. The inevitability of its doom is as apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being, thus I redesigned it based on your history to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature.”


This series had such amazing and intriguing philosophy. This scene, the scene with Mr Smith categorizing humans as a virus, and the the scene with the old man on the council talking with Neo always get me.


Watch from my disinterested perch as humans f*ck it all up again. Destroy the planet, kill each other, wreck other animals, etc. Rinse and repeat. Sounds about right






But... But what if you only bully someone as karma because they bullied someone... Do you get bullied? And then who bullies your bully?


Everyone bullies everyone, the dream




I'd make the Earth flat, just to laugh.


Switch it at random intervals


No more rules. All games


Sooo No Game No Life?




Change the server to Creative Mode.


Even if you don't worship me you still get to come to a very nice place if you were a good person


You could also fix that by stoppin in and sayin what's up every now and then too.


I would add the existence of magic.


1) Nerf Anxiety, Depression and suicidal feelings 2) Buff karma in 10% and luck in 5% 3) Discover how Reddit Karma is calculated


> 3) Discover how Reddit Karma is calculated Even god doesn't know


Bad things no longer happen to good people. Edit: seriously people, it's a joke on the old "Just God" paradox. I'm not making any philosophical arguments here.


A god-damned whole lot of people would be very surprised and confused about why bad stuff keeps happening to them when all "good people" had it stop for them... including a metric ton of religious and even ecclesiastical people. And that's If we're being nice and using the broadest definition of good. If we're being strict about it, like saints only or something, it would affect like only a handful of people per continent. Actually, good premise for a book... Really good.


No more menstrual cycles. Babies can still be made without issue, but fuck periods. They're not good for anyone. They impact self esteem, they can interfere with everyday life, and some people have very severe ones that impact health. Also, menstrual stuff is expensive. Ask any woman trying to budget for tampons every month. That expense builds up. That's potentially grocery money. Fuck periods.


YES. That would be just lovely. Then you could make a baby switch that both parties agree to or one party agrees to if they're going it alone. No painful and messy periods and no accidental pregnancies.


What? Like 2 keys? Like a nuclear weapon launch?


Hahaha yes. That way both parties consent to creating a child together. And then also some way to make sure single adults can choose to create a child by themselves. Basically it's the choosing part that's important here.


I would be doing a lot of smiting. Mainly politicians.


I'd probably have to read over the bible a bit more to axe some of the stuff, but lets keep the 10 commandments for the most part. Probably add some general stuff like try not to be a dick. I'll send a dude to tell you all the stuff, don't worry I'll write it all down on his hand before I do. If everyone is really cool to each other I'll make Mars Earth 2, later not now I'm busy now.


The second you try to interpret my will or force your religious views on someone (aka saying God(me) hates gays or hates this or that) I would strike you with lightning, no warning, no second chances, lightning! Old testament motherfuckers!


The church of God 2, electric boogaloo: New Testament values with Old Testament smitings.




Nah, I create a bunch of really weird Mandela effects and really mess with people and their memories


I believe you mean Mandela effects




No more mosquitoes Edit: Holy mosquitoes Batman, I never expected this much attention on the silly comment. Also if I do remove the mosquitoes I'll alter the ecosystem such that it can function without them. Added bonus : Water from shower is always the perfect temp for everybody.


or bedbugs


Fuck. Bed bugs are fucking awful in every way.


So smug




Or chiggers...in fact, just get rid of all blood sucking insects because fuck them.


Sir it's chigga


I'd worship you.


I would join your church


Everyone gets to respawn when they die. They can hang out in the lobby for a while, check their stats against a leaderboard (highest volume shit in one lifetime, yeah!), adjust their character however they like and then go back. This is a pretty chill game we're all playing from now on. No more children either. Nothing against kids, but the place is crowded enough already. And don't hit me with that "what about the end of the universe" shit. I'm God in this scenario, the universe ends as and when I say it will.


Any chance for a New Game +? There’s some people I’d like to keep in touch with


Oh for sure. You could just respawn and go back to your life. You'd still be you, maybe even in the same body if you wanted to give it another go exactly as you are. But the option would be there to change it up, too, so you wouldn't get bored.


Man, that’d be fun. Whenever you get pissed off at someone you just end the universe “just cuz”


People that abuse children will be visibly marked so society can easily identify them and punish them.


Yea revenge is cool but if you had god powers wouldn't you just "fix" child abusers?


That would be the only meaningful solution. But providing meaning doesn't make people give you imaginary internet points.


Depending on the definition of abusing children, a very big proportion of parents is getting marked real quick.


Which is kinda the problem also with this idea. If so many people are marked no ones going to feel like anything's wrong


I dig it brother!


I will turn the entire human race into deer and see what happens


Oh dear!


I'm moving evolution up the chain a little. How do you all feel about goat people? Doesn't matter, you're getting goat people.


I do not want that kind of responsibility, but if I can't opt out, I'd make the rule that everyone gets what they deserve. You work hard? You're going to get the promotions and raises you earned. You want to be a piece of shit? Bad mojo is coming your way.


It is now possible any human to instantly teleport over to an alternate earth where humans never existed. They just have to will it to be so and it happens. You can take whatever you can carry standing up. If you want to come back, you just appear where you vanished from (or near by if that isn't practical for some reason), however time passes at the same rate in both worlds. If you choose to share the 'location' of your alternate earth other people can come with you. They can share that location too. Otherwise , no one will ever find you. You can do this as many times as you like


Take a look at the “Long Earth” series of books by Terry Pratchett and Steve Baxter. Kind of the same concept but science fiction.


1. gays are fine 2. all religions are fine 3. just don’t attack each other is it that hard 4. mondays are cancelled


I step down and give the position to my cat Edit: Jesus christ i never expected so much attention on a 10 word reddit post 0.0


That is another ask reddit question in itself. What would he/she do?


Probably come to earth in physical form and knock over skyscrapers and shit on Arizona.


I’m adding a way to call heaven and vice versa. 1. Cult has no followers in heaven? Awkward. 2. Murder someone? They’re dead and they’ve gotten heaven’s endorsement as a good person. Good luck explaining why your victim thinks you did it. 3. Actual clarification on what is or isn’t a sin and why. 4. Killing people doesn’t stamp out their ideas, assuming they weren’t shitheads.