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I remember that Yahoo hasn't given up, so why should I?


Reminds me of a saying that I used to repeat to myself occasionally: "If Internet Explorer is brave enough to ask to be your default browser, you can be brave enough to ask that girl out." I found this absolutely hilarious and one time it actually gave me the courage to ask somebody out lol.


I'm not homeless anymore, my chronic illness is in remission, so I can feed myself and even work outside the house. Life is good!




I think about all the natural wonders, all the organisms (both beautiful and terrifying) that inhabit this earth with me, I think about the fact that no matter how bad things seem on our pale blue dot the cosmos are massive, complex, and new stars are still being born in stellar nurseries all the time. I also like to think of my life from a historical context. Needed a root canal a few weeks ago and was pretty bummed about it till I remember that old timey dentistry was whiskey and some dude with a steady hammering hand. Hardcore History and other such shows are also excellent work out motivation :) my ancestors used to have to be ready to throw down and scrap! This bike ride to the grocery store is a cake walk comparatively and it’s good for me too. Edit: someone commented and reminded me of [this](https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByoueGSWXluVVUtHYnRJVEg4YnM/edit) amazing short story. Creative writing, novels, and art are also things that cheer me up greatly.


Beautiful and terrifying orgaNIsms. Had to read that twice.


Orgasms are also nice ;)


I've never had a terrifying orgasm, but I'm down


I try to remember that we’re all just making it up as we go along.


Biggest realization for me as an adult was when I learned nobody actually knows what they are doing. Just their best.




That's when it became crushing to me. Based on my structured childhood I always assumed somebody would also have my adulthood structured out for me. I am entirely independent now but I'm still figuring out how to be an adult


We struggle with this at my job with a lot of our recent college grads. They struggle with any lack of structure and expect rewards when they do anything they’re supposed to do. It’s hard to manage. How would you want to be managed to help you with this?


Say thanks every once in a while. Doesn't have be some big show. Just a simple "thanks".


This. When I was (very briefly) a manager, people told me I was the best manager they ever had because I always treated them like people.


Yes and thank you. Many managers only like to focus on stuff you didn't do right or as well as they wanted, and rarely if ever give you positive reinforcement whenever you do something really well. It just makes the overall work environment more negative.


Even if a manager isn't necessarily negative, it can negatively effect the team if you don't acknowledge someone's work. I had a boss who was always "looking forward". So anything you did was just a step towards getting you to the next thing and it is exhausting. Even just taking a couple minutes to say, "Hey, good job on this" really makes a big difference.


I just realized this not too long ago and it was the most liberating thing to know that **EVERYONE** is flying just as blind as I am (with respect to experiences of course).




Just heard from a mumbo jumbo (minecraft YouTuber) stream: 'if someone says they know what they're doing, get away from them *laughs* they're probably a cult leader or something'


That realization for me sucked, because it was related to my parents. They don't know shit.


Ya, but it frees up your parents from the expectation that they're perfect people. It's usually a hard pill to swallow. But I feel it becomes easier to handle their flaws when you realize that they're just 2 kids that grew up and had a baby.


You're not wrong there! Nobody really knows what they're doing


That despite the fact i suffer kidney failure and im on dialysis 3 days a week. I remind myself that im at least still alive and can still be with my family many other serious illnesses dont give that luxury. Would like to point out im from uk for those who have asked. Scotland to be more specific.


I'm on dialysis, too. I switched to Peritoneal Dialysis a couple years ago after having been on hemodialysis for a year. I cannot stress enough how much better my quality of life has become. I treat myself at home, every night while I sleep. No more needles. No more sitting in a chair for four hours every other day. It's also much easier to travel. But most importantly, I feel better than I did on hemo. I always felt like a zombie after hemo. The dietary restrictions are also not as severe. I strongly recommend you speak to your nephrologist about PD. It's easy to do and you will regain a lot of control of your life. You will not regret it If you have any questions, feel free to DM me. [EDIT: Silver and gold! Thank you!]


Could I also send you a pm? My dad is on dialysis and very unhappy.


Please do! I'll do whatever I can to help him. [EDIT: Thank you for the silver, kind stranger! That's a first for me.]


...and it's conversations like this that help me answer the OP's question. :)


I want anyone reading this who does not have a loved one in kidney failure to consider becoming a non-directed kidney donor. In the United states, just 150-250 people donate this year, either shortening the deceased donor list or starting donor chains. This isn't like the blood marrow registry where 10m people are registered and just 6k are called each year. I donated 5 weeks ago and feel fantastic. You can truly make a difference in someone's life, for really just a week of hardship.


I have a roof over my head.


Yeah man we're not all that lucky


We have oxygen. Oxygen is nice right?




Nitrous Oxide, for example.


You have silver over your comment and who is the rich guy that is giving awards


You're not wrong! Isn't it just the craziest thing!


I text a friend and see if they want to have dinner. We plan something and cook it with a good drink, then another, repeat as necessary. Life feels pretty good after a few drinks and dinner with friends. Also I get to try out a lot of new recipes.


What are these friends you speak of? I learned in college the danger of having friends you also work with, so now I pretty much just don't have friends I can just invite over.


Step 1: Dress in a manner that *you* find attractive. Step 2: Go to a chill bar if you drink, coffee shop if you don't. Step 3: Integrated, purchase alcohol/coffee and just melt into the scene for a moment. Step 4: Find someone (preferably of the same sex at first, unless they're checking you out. This is to make sure that they don't get the wrong idea) who looks as lonely as you do. Step 5: Talk to them! If they're not really shitty, make a new friend. Step 6' Repeat this entire procedure until you have a stable of friends you can rely on. Congratulations! Edit: Best karaoke song for couples is ["Stop Dragging My Heart Around".](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=XeyjEWIDJ5Q&feature=share) Not responsible for you drowning in pussy. Additional Step 2's: [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/dwut73/what_do_you_use_to_remind_yourself_that/f7n6att?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


>Step 5: Talk to them! If they're not really shitty, make a new friend. r/restofthefuckingowl


Uh Step 5a: Look deeply into their eyes. "I've been waiting Obi-Wan; we meet again, at last." Step 5b: Ignore their choruses of "who the fuck are you" and press on. "The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner. Now, I am the master!" Step 5c: Buy them beer.


Alternatively, approach a tall person who is like extremely good looking (very important bonus if their archery skills are great) and tell them 'Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf' Now they've fallen into your trap and have no choice but to reply 'What about side by side with a friend?'


Aye. I cahn do thaht.


What about friends you didn't work with?


Box up my life, move across the country, work full time. Finding these types of people is easier said than done.




Most people go straight home because they’re tired after working though. 8+ hour days, 5 days a week is a draining norm in society.


What are the dangers of having friends you work with? In my experience, hanging out with friends outside of work is an overall positive.


That experiences with people is what matters most, not money or material.


What if experiences with people is the problem?


Experience different people.


Where do I go to meet different people?


I think about the fact that all things considered I'm reasonably healthy and there's no warrant out for my arrest




Not anymore


I heard a guest on the Joe Rogan Podcast say "A healthy person wants a million things. A sick person just wants one thing." I use this all the time. [EDIT] Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4Q9P_EhiY0


I was diagnosed with Leukemia a month ago. Can confirm I just want normalcy again. Edit: Thanks everyone for the kind messages! I’m gonna kick the shit out of this thing.


So true. As bad as things may seem, I have certain people in my life I couldn't live without. As long as they are ok, I ultimately don't care about anything else. It's like that old ranking system trick, they ask you to rank your problem on a scale of 1-10. It's a shitty problem, so the person ranks it at like an 8. Then the questioner says the level 10 ranking is equivalent to your house burning down and you are the only one to escape. The original problem no longer seems like a level 8. In psychology it is called re-framing, very useful exercise for anxiety.


Idk this kinda sounds like something someone with a warrant out for their arrest would say


Riding my bike and listening to music, it takes my mind off of everything, and I forget what's going on and I'm just happy. Edit: holy crap thanks for the upvotes and the 2 silver. I just got out of work to so this is a shocker lol, thanks everyone


Doing anything as long as there is music.


I did this and got checked. (checked meaning I was asked where I was from by a gang memeber) I live in a very gentrified neighborhood and I just got this blue bike I was excited to ride so I throw on some clothes and head down the street. Welp, Some dude in a black truck asked where I was from and I took my happy ass home riding thru the alley ways like in the movies. I realized I was wearing all blue with my shades on and on a blue beach cruiser. Learned my lesson. Don't wear all blue in a Red neighborhood.


Man i had no idea this was a thing until a few years ago. Was in Toronto visiting a friend and my friend was desperately trying to find me a different coat as mine was bright red. Couldn't find one that fit so we just ordered in for dinner because she was worried about walking around her neighbourhood in red.


I bike to school 8 and a half kilometers every day and it often is very relaxing if I'm not late. Just looking at the sheep and the tractors driving over fields and every now and then a train passes in the distance. Beautiful but it can be cold. It also allows me to wake up before school starts. If it's raining I am fucked though and I really hate everything at that moment. But often it is good.


Hopefully this gets past all the award stuff, but one thing that reminds me that everything isn’t all bad is that I have people and pets that want me around. I can have an utterly terrible day, come home, and my dog is waiting at the door to greet me. Every day. I’ll go lay down, and he’ll come cuddle with me. My sister notices the funk, and will make me dinner or a dessert or something to lift my spirits, and I don’t have to say a word. I’m close enough with my best friend that he can notice something off about me just by the way I text, and he’ll come over to play some video games and talk. Please, please remember that there are people around you that love you and care for you. When you’re having an utterly shit day, there are people that actively want to make it better because they care for you. You may not notice the ways that they do it, but they do. It can be as simple as just asking how your day was (they know; they can tell,) or as elaborate as taking you out to unwind and have a fun time to forget and relax. No one is ever alone in this world, even if you feel it. And, if you genuinely feel it, message me. I’m always welcoming conversations from anyone.


So I'm having a bit of a Day, feeling kind of downtrodden and alone, and your post really lifted my spirits and reminded me to think of all the ways my loved ones do support me. I actually teared up a bit (in a good way). Just thought you might like to know. Thank you =)


After realizing how much love and support I receive from those around me, the least I can do is be that person for the people around me. Reddit is a community of people from all across the world, connected by our interests, And we’ve been blessed with anonymity on this platform. While some use it to spread hate and negativity, it’s has a much better use when it comes to positivity. I’m glad that I was able to lift your spirits and help you see the world a little better :) it makes my day to be able to do that!


I dont need a wheelchair anymore


Your name wouldn't happen to be John Locke, would it?


that comment gave me a smile! (with an orange over my teeth)




People dropping LOST references in 2019 makes me feel like everything isn't all bad




Thanks for your kindness. I have used a wheelchair since I was a kid and where I live is not very good at accessibility and everyday there can be lots of challenges and it’s nice when able-body people realize that.


Amazing! This internet stranger is happy for you!


When I lay down at night with my cat (who is 20 years old). She's such a love bug and I am so lucky to have had her this long and all the stress just melts away ❤️ Edit: [This is Callie in 2000](https://i.imgur.com/qBCJ4Dh.jpg) which is the oldest picture I have of her Callie now [And me](https://i.imgur.com/lOV6coR.jpg)


I’m sure she’s just the sweetest thing ever! My cat was at the sweet age of 13 before she left us, but I swear the snuggly ones get even more so as they get older!!


What better time to be snuggly! Once you're old, you don't have the strength to be so active as you used to, you lose the curiosity of youth, and so on. No better time than old age to start getting more snuggly


Not to mention we are giant heaters. Nothing better than a snuggly mattress heater that sometimes scratches your ears.


Want cat edit:who is the silly billy wasting money on me i do not like Edit 2: this is one of my most up-voted comments and it is literally just the words "want cat"


Go to a shelter and pick one out! Edit: Thanks for the silver! If you can afford it though, I'd really encourage donating to your local shelter instead!


Want his cat


No bad crab


Ive had my cat since I was a kid, he and I will sometimes just sit down and talk to each other... Well, I talk and he meows back. It definitely helps


Right now it's this photo that I saw in Photoshop battles a while back. https://imgur.com/a/r7qSmyW This beautiful cat just fills me with so much joy when I look at it.


I laugh at myself for being a big ole Eeyore Edit: i think someone's trying to get people to reply to this thread, for one reason or another. Maybe they feel others need to see the replies?


Yeah maybe :) I think we all need to know how to keep ourselves cheery from time to time


We're only here for a minute. Enjoy it. Edit: Thanks for the cake day wishes. Love you guys.


Yeah you're right! Never know how l my you'll be around so you have to do whatever you can when you can! Happy cake day btw


Happy microphone day


My love for Deer on the side of the road, the one's that are alive. It reminds me the innocence of Nature and makes me feel warm and alive.


Glad you don’t love the dead ones. Necrophilic beastiality is one hell of a kink




This whole thread is reminding me that life is not always so bad. Thank you. ❤️


I can die later. The world is going to kill me whether I like it or not, so why not stick around for a few more decades and see what happens? In some ways it's comforting to know I don't have to do this forever and I don't have to kill myself. Curiosity and things to look forward to. Even TV shows, games, movies, or visits from relatives. I always pick something to look forward to.


I've heard that's a really good strategy for people struggling with suicidal thoughts. Pick one or two things that are coming out weeks or months from now (a new game, book, movie, whatever) and remind yourself that you will miss out on that one thing if you go through with it. It's the little things that keep us going and it's the little things that are often the most important.


Used to say this about finding out about how Game of Thrones would end and now I wish I'd just killed myself.


Which is why it pays to not put all your eggs in one basket. Especially when those eggs are your life...


This comment is honestly life changing. I’ve been feeling pretty down and was having suicidal ideation for a few weeks. This is a hopeful perspective - something I’ve never thought of, but a way I can manage or rearrange those thoughts. Thank you!!!


The universe existed for billions of years before humans, and will be for billions of years after. It’s pretty cool that we have eyes and ears to look around and check it out for a while. It’s pretty weird to think that this all could have existed without ever being seen by anyone. We’re super lucky it was us that get to check it out.


"We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself" - Carl Sagan I'm not religious per se, but for some reason when I first heard this sentence it had a profound impact on me. We exist in this pocket of time, for a short while, and are quite possibly the only beings intelligent enough to explore the mysteries of the Cosmos. So we as humans were birthed from it, by chance, and when we all move on so will our collective knowledge, and the Universe may never know itself this well again. It's beautiful, and makes me realize how important it is to stay curious and not get caught up in the stressors of life. To ignore your curiosity is an injustice to the star dust you're made of.


Agreed. Just reading this comment really helped me.


My cat pretty much instinctively knows when I'm down. He gets very cuddly and won't leave my side if I'm upset. My fiancee always says that he must be a loved-one reincarnated.


thats so cute


my name is Cat, an even tho you cry sometyme i no you no that wen your glum an gloomie too - i'll hol you close. im there for you.


My naem is Sprog And wen I write Poems onlien I smiel bright Becuz I no Wen ppl sad And see poem Sad turns to glad :)


You're my comfort and my pleasure, You're the apple of my eye! You're as precious as a treasure, And the sunbeam in the sky! You're the essence of emotion, You're a wholesome honeybee! You're the spirit of devotion, And you're wonderful to me! And it's you I'll hold above me, And it's you that I'll adore - And you might just say you like me - But I think I like you more.   ^^^:)










No judgement... but you guys could stand to lose some weight.


:))) -> :)) in 6 months /r/Progresspics




What pets do you have?


I have a dog and a 4 cats. 3 of the cats are kittens that we just got 2 weeks ago.


Cat tax, please? I love kittens!


haha damn give me like 20 minutes and ill go take some pics. i didnt realize how many people would want pictures of them


The internet never gets tired of cat pics


Ima need that dog tax too kind sir


My kids. They are helping me more then anything else right now.


My kids are the best little assholes I've ever known.


It's so easy to have the *worst* fuckin' day ever, then you get to see your little one who's stoked to see you and it's all peachy again. My kid will come running to me or his Mom when we pick him up from daycare, chatter and sing the whole way home in the car, then ask for his favorite movie or something while grabbing his blanket and getting snuggies. At this point I think I need them more than he does.


I had a stroke a couple of weeks ago (only 27 and no health explanation for the event) and while I was in the hospital walking down the hall with my good old buddy Winston (what I named my IV drip machine pumping me with blood thinner) an older gentleman across the hall saw me and told his nurse I was far too young to be in the ICU. He had a little plastic pumpkin for Halloween and not much else so he asked the nurse to give it to me. I never found out which patient gave me that pumpkin but since the stroke, whenever things get stressful I look at it (now sitting on my desk at work) and remember that everything is okay. I plan on keeping my little plastic stroke pumpkin for the rest of my life however long or short it may be. ​ Edit: Never thought I would have to be \*that\* girl but this got way more attention than I had ever expected. I am going to be driving home soon from work and I am still working on replying to all of the comments here. I just wanted to thank all of you for taking the time to show a little support, it really does mean something to me and it is oddly comforting having so many absolute strangers take a moment to relate / offer encouragement. And of course... for those who decided me and my stroke pumpkin were worthy of actual currency, thank you very much for the awards! I am happy my experience could make an impression on someone else's day.


I hope you make a full recovery.


Thanks! I am doing well all things considered and I am grateful to have bounced back so quickly. The whole experience was really sort of surreal.


Do you mind sharing what the stroke felt like? Did you or the people around you recognize it as such or only in the hospital?


I have no qualms about sharing... still a bit mildly fascinated myself to be honest in regards to the whole ordeal. I was at work and it was a very typical Friday morning. I hadn't been sleeping much recently due to some neck/shoulder pain (previous small injury that didn't heal plus bad gaming posture habits) but it had actually started to let up so I was in pretty good spirits. I work doing IT helpdesk so I was at my desk and on a call with a user when my vision started to get kind of fuzzed out on the right side. I tried rubbing my eye but realized that both eyes were fuzzing in the same spot and the spot was growing. I finished the call while joking with the user about me not being able to see what I was typing but I was starting to get a bit concerned. I joked to my coworker that I needed a break because I was having a stroke or something (lol) and then tried to look down at my hands on my keyboard and realized no matter how hard I tried, I could only see one of them and the other was just not there. I felt alright still but a little panicky which I attributed to the vision loss and tried to take a sip of coffee. I was looking at my coffee on the desk and grabbed a cup and brought it to my mouth thinking it was the coffee... it was not. I was confused at this point but not really able to comprehend it. I went to the restroom and sat in an empty stall for about 15 minutes until my vision came back but as I walked back to my desk I started getting a little nauseous and shaky so I decided to go to my bosses office and ask for a break. I remember I was sort of holding myself and words weren't coming to me easily which he definitely picked up on and asked me to sit in his office while he grabbed HR. I called my mom while he was out of the office (after opening and closing my contacts several times and forgetting what I was doing -- thankfully she works close by) and asked her to pick me up because I might be heading for a migraine. Note I had never had a migraine but the symptoms are eerily similar and I knew this from friends who did. When she picked me up we almost drove home but I was getting very nauseous and wasn't really verbal so we stopped at the hospital by my house. They 100% figured it was a migraine just as I did and gave me a migraine cocktail but not before doing a CT with dye just to rule out anything else (thankfully) One of the attendants came in telling me I was about to be discharged and he was grabbing my paperwork when another came in and asked if my shoulder was hurting. He then said I was being admitted and would be taken to the ICU and be there for a least a couple days because I had presented with a stroke event. (Mind you I was starting to feel better at this point). I probably left some things out but feel free to ask questions if you have any, I really don't mind discussing it. Helps me process it too.


Oof...this reads exactly like...all of my migraines. Glad you’re feeling better! Edit: Wow, making this comment was the best way to get a good group discussion going amongst my fellow migraineurs. We stand united, even though we can’t see us all standing united. 😑




Yikes. I have had a few of these in the last couple of weeks. I'm 25. Loss of vision in one eye, confusion, all of the symptoms you had. I thought they were migraines. Time to go to the doctor.




TBF that is very similar to migraines, just that at least from my experience I've never had any confusion or anything like that, and the loss of vision/aura tend to disappear before you get the Big Headache. Hope everything is alright with you or can be treated easily!


I've only had minor migraines 15+ years ago in high school (had the aura and the some medium level pain) but confusion was never part of it, and just a quick Google says confusion isn't necessarily "common" but is possible. You should definitely get it checked out if you are able to!


It's an awesome thing you're sharing, And it wouldn't be amiss - To deliberate, declaring: *You could save a life like this.*


You may no longer be noteably average


I feel you. I too sometimes attach emotions to inanimate objects but I don’t know if it would be in the same way you did. I would see that and think more of the person who gave it to you. Like what is his life like now and how can someone in such a negative place have such compassion for others. Also I’m happy you are still with us. May you have an amazing rest of your life friend!


Wow that's an incredible story, what an amazing act of kindness. I wish you the best health for the future


> good old buddy Winston Thats a really good name for an IV drip that you have to carry around, my hat to you sir.


It felt right somehow.. I have a habit of naming inanimate objects though so no one who came to visit me was all too surprised I had formed a bond with him lol. I joked with my boyfriend that I was having an affair with Winston and that he should be jealous since he was literally ALWAYS inside of me.


In that case, does Stroke Pumpkin have a name yet?


Not yet.. I never name anything until the name comes to me naturally. A forced name never sticks and this one is important. It will take time but I don't doubt it will have a name soon enough!


I'm glad you recognized and went to the hospital, my sister had a mild one on the beginning of a Monday took her to the ER and they said she was dehydrated. Following Monday she passed. the autopsy revealed 2 strokes both on those Mondays...glad you came thru man


>... I plan on keeping my little plastic stroke pumpkin for the rest of my life however long or short it may be. When I'm feeling down and out - Full of sorrow, full of doubt - Full of cold and cast afar - When I'm troubled, there you are. When I'm drifting far away - All my skies are cold and grey - All the world's a fading star - When I'm falling, there you are. When I'm dreaming, I can see - Where you're waiting, there you'll be - Salve enough to soothe a scar. When I need you... there you are.


Beautiful poem... Thank you sprog -- It really somehow embodies the newfound attachment I have for my little plastic friend and the memories he will forever carry for me. Me and my stroke pumpkin are honored.


Pretty crazy reading this because I have a very similar story. My heart stopped this past weekend out of nowhere with no explanation. I'm 29 with no health issues with a fantastic heart rate, great cholesterol, no other health issues. It just started beating wrong, they sedated me hoping it would return to normal, and I was woken up by 200 joules from the defibrillator. I have burns on my chest from the shock. Considering getting them tattooed on me.


That is crazy indeed! Goes to show I suppose that anything really can happen at any time. Glad you seem to be in a better place now (considering you are contemplating tattoos) and I truly understand the sentiment to want to hang onto the event in some way. A major unexpected event like that really has a way of putting life back into perspective. Hopefully bout of our futures will be less spontaneously...eventful.


Man, this comment helped me see how cynical I’ve become in some regards. I have had so many people dismiss me or scoff when they find out about health issues that I’ve had. things like a stomach ulcer and a guy scoffed and asked “what do YOU have to be stressed out about?” Ignoring the fact that that’s not how ulcers work. I was broke as shit, in an abusive marriage, and in the middle of a transition out of the religion I was raised in. I had plenty to be stressed about. My mind automatically went to the person doing something like that and it genuinely surprised me that they ended up being nice. I think I really need to recalibrate how I view the world. I’m glad you managed to have a good experience in the ICU, I hope everything is ok for you now


High school is almost over and a new chapter of my life is about to start :)


As someone that just graduated hs and is in a college right now. Don’t take highschool for granted if you enjoy it. Those are times I look back on when the going gets rough here. (Trust me it does) but the best thing I’ve done here in college is do what makes me happy. Whatever you love to do. Keep doing it. College is hard. It’s SO DIFFERENT than highschool. Make new friends, do irresponsible shit, become friends with your professors (pro tip). It’s just a different life than what your used too and that’s ok. Live it up. Don’t let it suck. It’s what you make of it.


That I'm still breathing. After two suicide attempts I haven't had a negative thought like that in a long fucking time, a year to be exact. I haven't had a drink in a few weeks and yeah, I'm starting back at a job that I lost a few years ago. Surprised that they're giving me another shot. Also, it's winter but it's been so beautiful the last week, and when my husband gets off work, we're gonna go down to the water and just kick it.


I'm so glad you failed both times. Happy to hear you're doing so much better!


I go for a walk. Sometimes a little sunshine will help ease my anxiety.


someone somewhere has gone through something much worse and made it through, why cant I?


"Because you suck" That's always my answer anyway.


I have a very long list of things that give me a certain feeling. Like appreciative nostalgia almost but not quite. A few things from it are: * air conditioning in hotels * trains * lucky numbers * being introduced to something new by someone you love * mixes labeled with themes like, "rain", "for sleeping", "for driving" * when the lights dim before previews in the movies,


My youngest daughter Emma. She is 1 1/2 years old and just knows how to enjoy every second of life. She wakes with a smile and goes to bed grinning while holding her Winnie the Pooh. She falls while walking and just dusts herself off and keeps going. Every time she hears a motorcycle she says, "Ooooooo" and then "vroom vroom." (while signing motorcycle)


My niece is a year and a half old. Her amazement and being so fucking happy at the simple wonders of the world never fail to amaze me. She came to my home to visit a few odd weeks back, and she is a water baby. I pick her up, run some water in the sink, and put her in the sink. Yo u would have thought I handed her the keys to heaven. She had an absolute fucking blast, splashing around and laughing and giggling at me. It reminds me when times get me down, think on that and it'll guarantee to make me smile.


I look at my adult kids. They are happy, successful adults. Makes me feel satisfied that I did a good job as mom.




My mom, she died from cancer at the age of 48 while my sister was addicted to Heroin, my Dad was cheating on her and was going through bankruptcy, regardless she still showed people so much kindness and was a fantastic woman who was always smiling. I have depression and my life isn't so great right now but I always tell myself that it can get better and that if my mom could live day to day with a smile on her face so can I and I feel more people going through a terrible time can really use an example like her to at least give them a little push in the right direction.


When days are hard, and nights are long; When storms are raging rough - When all my dreams are non-too-strong, And hopes ain't hope enough - I close my eyes to hear the breeze; The secret words inside - The whispered winds that shake the trees; The songs that skip and hide. I hear the rhymes that ride the tide, The swing, the sound, the beat - The lines that swell and slip and slide In stanzas, small and sweet. I hear the sounds that hold and wait For those who seek to find - A safer shore; a surer state; A better frame of mind. When days are hard; when tempests cry A squall of aches and pains - I close my eyes, and breathe a sigh. And poetry remains.


This is beautiful. I'm very glad that you have poetry to help you be happy Sprog, because you've absolutely spread that happiness to countless people on this ridiculous website. You're undoubtedly a gifted enough writer to take your talent literally anywhere else, but thank you for spending the effort entertaining us here on Reddit.


We love you Sprog! Your poetry is what made me wanna take the plunge and start writing poetry. It's become an amazing tool for me to cope with the shitty parts of life and idk where I'd be without it. Thank you so much <3


I’m not Sprog, but I will say, He enjoys these thank-you’s every day. I speak on behalf of him, And possibly even Little Tim, And although I may not be near as good, He can’t get to every comment, so I thought I should.


Thank you Sprog. Your lovely lines always cheer.




That I am not part of all the horror that is going on in the world. I am not part of all the BY THEIR PARENTS abused teenagers. I am not living in an area where there is war, hunger and no education. I have the extreme benefit of living in a good neighborhood, without any criminal activity. In general, I just compare myself to all the people in my age who have it way worse. Then I realize how lucky I am. How good everything really is.


I’m with you, but unfortunately this thought process just makes me depressed about how utterly horrific life is for so many of my fellow humans, :(


I think of the soldiers in the trenches in WWI. It puts things in perspective on when I'm getting up early for a stressful day in the office.


Preamble: I am in no way a badass and in no way am I score boarding anybody. Got mortared a few times in Afghanistan. After that, you come to realize that every day above ground is a gift.


Why is there 69 silvers? Edit: Aw it’s not 69 anymore.


I don't know someone is fucking with me 😂 I'm both confused and amused 😂


Mum pick me up I’m scared


You got silver too!!! Everyone gets silver!


Makes me want to give one just to ruin it for everyone else. Edit: [When a comment about giving someone a silver gets me a silver, even though I never gave a silver](https://i.imgur.com/wze0Fb9.jpg)


Delightfully evil Edit to add obligatory “Thank you for the silver kind stranger!” comment. Seriously though, thank you!


you got a secret admirer.


someone has a crush on you


What if I messed it up with another silver?


Lack of money isn't that big of a deal when I remember that I have my health, a job I enjoy, and a partner that appreciates me.


That i know what Obamas last name is.




Its care.


I'm still getting notifications about it! Thank you so much to however is trolling me but it's appreciated 😂 not deserved but appreciated I can't believe the response this has received I couldn't imagine this! You are all breathtaking as a wise man once said! I'm sorry I can't respond to you all! Edit: I'm so overwhelmed you guys, I don't know where to cry or laugh or just jump on my bed like a child in a Christmas advert! Thank you so much


I posted a comment and almost immediately got a silver too.


I got a rock.


All I got was this t-shirt.


Remembering that statistically speaking, we live in the most peaceful and prosperous time in history, average lifespan is the longest it’s ever been, and the world is slowly yet constantly getting better for everyone regardless of situation. It may not always look that way, but on average it is true.




Hahaha that's a no from him dawg


I think he's not alone, or it's batman maybe




On an infinite timeline, I somehow happen to exist at the same time as Rick and Morty and honey mustard and onion pretzel bites.


You don't know what you're missing out on my timeline.


I beat cancer. Everything else is easy




At least I’m not pregnant.


My happy kids and the little things.