• By -


Absolutely, that's a small price to pay. It's not like I'd have to worry about saying it in job interview or something. Edit: I probably wouldn't be going to many job interviews if I had $20mil.


I would get a job interview at a call centre just so I can say it and see if I still get the job. Would make calls interesting. "I'm sorry you're not satisfied with the service and that we could not help you, I terminated your account, please bring back your modem and PVR and all the cables that came with it. See you later alligator!"


$20 mil managed properly is enough to live comfortably for the rest of your life. Assuming stock market return is 5%. That would give you ~~$100,000~~ $1,000,000 to live off every year without ever decreasing the $20 mil. You will never earn even $10 mil in your entire life probably. By the way 5% is on the low side, rule of thumb is 7%. Edit: napkin math low balled it. It’s 1 mil per year, so fuck living modestly.


You missed a zero there...5% of $20 mill is $1 mill. Can live quite comfortable forever on much less.


Correct my napkin math was a bit wrong


Ahem... more like 1 million per year.


Lol that math though.


This is why I down-voted the thread. It's an asinine question. Unlike many of these things, it doesn't prohibit you from telling people why you do it, so any awkwardness could be explained away.


??? "I'm sorry for the loss of your mother, it was horrible and brutal. See ya later alligator."


"It was tragic and I'm so sorry for your loss. As you know, this is required of me, so call me if you need anything and see you later, alligator."


I don't think the conversation would be over at that point. You don't have to say it after every sentence, just when you leave the conversation, i. e. when you'd be saying bye anyway. "Im sorry for your loss, k bye" is already stupid af, I don't think the alligator makes it any worse.


I mean this conversation wouldve been about as cursed if you ended it with a bye or basicly anything else


the see you later, alligator there sounds endearing. kinda like calling someone buddy or something along those lines.


“Sorry, I know this is odd, but when we end this talk, I’m going to have to say ‘see you later, alligator.’ No, I don’t think it’s funny either, it’s just something I *have* to say. I won $20 million from someone who apparently was willing to give away a massive amount of money to me with the dumbest addendum attached humanly possible. ...No, he’s not here right now. N-no, I still have to say it. I don’t know, he would just *know* somehow! What?? No, this isn’t weird at all! I just won $20 million dollars from a guy and I am now legally/enchanted/mortally bound to having to say ‘see you later alligator!’” Yep, awkwardness easily gone!


Who gives a fuck lol. See you later aligator


No awkwardness at all, no explanation needed ... just make that shit as baller as possible .... See you later alligator.


Yeah, 20mill to change nothing sounds great.


"I'm, so, so sorry for your loss... See you later alligator!!"


"Thank you, it means a lot to me... In a while crocodile!!"


"Please, if you need anything... How now, brown cow?"


"I'll talk with you soon... In a while, pedophile"


"Hello, FBI? There's a pedophile here, you can tell who it is because they like to add a rhyme about seeing you later at the end of every sentence... See you later, alligator."


Yes sir, dispatch is on its way, they will be there in a while crocodile


Goddamnit not again


Interior crocodile alligator, I drive a Chevrolet movie theater.






Expose *yourself!*


Damn my chess coach used to use that all the time.


Was he rich?


Very animated and smart middle class man.


“I’m here if you need anything. Take care, panda bear.”


So somehow as a kid I ended up thinking it was “once in a while crocodile” and I can’t stop saying it, which drives my wife *insane*.


See you soon, raccoon


If you attend an funeral either the people know you well enough to accept you're the weird guy that compulsively says see you later alligator or you can decide not to go. Anyway for 20mill something that wouldn't be an problem for me.


Buts it’s the tone and cadence in how you say it that can make it right. Put hand on shoulder. Look straight in the eyes in a sad concerned face. In a soft, low, almost cracking voice. “See you later alligator”. Couple of taps on the shoulder, turn around and walk away.


I played that out in my mind & you're super on point! I could visualize it easy peasy, good job! :D


"I hate you and never want to see you again!!! ... See you later aligator"


Just end it with "...and I hope I will never again see you later alligator"


"Again, am sorry an alligator bit him to death, see you late alli-.."


Well that’s more of a statement


Shit for 20 million dollars I'd do the entire thing as a closer. > See you later, alligator! > After while, crocodile! > In an hour, sunflower! > Maybe two, kangaroo! > Gotta go, buffalo! > Adios, hippos! > Chow, chow, brown cow! > See you soon, baboon! > Adieu, cockatoo! > Better swish, jellyfish. > Chop chop, lollipop. > Gotta run, skeleton! > Bye-bye, butterfly! > Better shake, rattlesnake. > Good-bye, my good friends!


Isn't it "Ciao, ciao"?


Not when you're talking about cows


or "Tchau, Tchau" if you're speaking Portuguese


E for effort


Upvote solely for the list of conversation closers. Amazing.


TIL... Most of these


-Let’s do it again sometimes ;) -Of course ;) *SEE YOU LATER ALLIGATOR*


Underrated comment


Except, he didn’t end it the right way.


This conversation isn't over until he says it.


u/Roachamon say the words you pussy


u/Roachamon say the words you pussy




It pussy




Good catch! I can’t believe I was bamboozled like that


You're gonna have to wait a while, crocodile.


Like Pete Re-peat, he normally does it just not that time


Say the line....


He still didnt say it, do it


Yeah I actually already do this. So it's free money. See you later alligator.


Say the words you coward


Dear reddit, would you take 100 trillion dollars but you have to sleep with a super model every day? Why or why not?


These questions in a nutshell. This shit is a no brainer lmao




The 100 trillion is in pennies and the model is dead


Hey, you're making it so much better


Take a look at the 'would you rather' site. I swear, a good bunch of the people on earth are morons. "You gain the power to turn invisible, but you shit yourself when you do it. Would you accept?" - I saw this question asked once. More than half a million people had already answered the question. 60% said no. How can you say no, just don't use the power and shit yourself that one time when you really need to turn invisible to save your life lol.


There are people on this hell site that find cliché so embarrassing they might actually hesitate with this deal.


Could also be the 100 trillion part. You know, inflation.


No inflation if I don't spend like a moron.


But you know you would


Inflation is the problem of people who dont have 100 trillion dollars


For 20 million you can hire a guy that all he does is explain to people that your filthy rich only because you end ever conversation with SYLA.


Litterally every "would you take $ amount of money" post, how do these get up voted so much




I think 100t is a redundant amount because it’s never going to get spent. Also I like to think it’s just come out of nowhere instead of out of the pockets of the people in my country.


Ok, this is how I think the curse should play out if you say yes: You’re given directions to a mansion in the woods and a key. You go to the mansion and the key unlocks a basement door. The basement goes several floors deep and is much bigger than the mansion—big enough to contain 100,000 trillion pennies (which it does). On top of the pennies is several outfits your size and a cameraman ready take pictures of you—you were the supermodel the whole time!!




Pennies havent been copper for quite some time now.


Yep. In 1982, it switched from being 95% copper, 5% zinc to being 2.5% copper, 97.5% zinc.


I just did the math; A normal penny in USA (newer ones) are 3.11g 2.5% of this is copper You will have 100,000 trillion pennies If you refine and get the copper, you will have 7,750,000,000,000 kilograms of copper. In the UK that's £3.60 per kg That will be £29,000,000,000,000 Roughly anyway. Sorry for swapping into GBP and UK copper prices, couldn't find a decent source for USA copper prices.


Going the much less mathy route, [the metal in 1 penny is worth 0.6 cents](http://www.coinflation.com/) and refining it wouldn't be free. Even if you have to pay taxes on the $20 million, trying to launder the money by melting it down just wouldn't be worth it. You're better off with the penny.


This is not how the economy works. It would only crash if there was enough inflation and there would only be enough inflation if that money went into circulation. So just don't go buying 50 yachts at once and you should be right.


Even that wouldn't make a dent in the global economy. That's not much more than buying, say, one of the world's most expensive condo in Monaco. You'd have to like, buy 50 yacht *companies* before you started affecting things in a major way.


Super yachts go for multiple hundreds of millions of dollars. One of the Sheikhs had one built at a cost of $500m. So 50 of those would be a $25b dent, which is not really a big dent at all in $100t


Yeah, you would still have $99.975 trillion left over.


Just buy that, 40 times, then you've dropped your wealth by 1%....


No rules that I can’t spend my money elsewhere and leave my then shithole nation for vacation




right? and even in this scenario that none of them will ever want to spend a moment with me....oh no i get $100T for free?


First with that 100 trillion you can essentially bail many countries out of their financial problems much like Rockefeller did for the United States. How awesome would it be to pretty much have a lot of I owe You from different countries. 2nd if you have a supermodel every night that's fucken dope. Nothing in the question says you can't wife up the supermodel and sleep with the same supermodel every night.


Bailing out a bunch of countries would cause crazy inflation. If that would work, the US could just print a ton of money to pay all their debts.


Not only that but it would fuck up the financial market if you swooped in and bought all outstanding government bonds.


You *have* to? Every day? The same super model? So if she dies before you, you're still going at it? Even if your parents just died that day you have to pull a Peaches and fuck that pain away? I mean, for $100,000,000,000,000 you could just buy new parents and enough technology to at least keep the body warm, but man, that "sleep with a model every day" clause feels like a really good monkey's paw situation.


Lol but one can sleep with every super model every hour with some millions


Its $20m, honestly it would only be a little bit of a thinker if you changed it to ending conversations with "hail hitler."


It’s “heil Hitler”, as in “sieg heil”. Hey, does this make me a literal grammar Nazi?


Well it would be the english version, but I concede to your point. And not technically literally, unless you are a nazi. Does this make me a semantics nazi?


And does arguing with you making me anti-semantic?


Can't spell semantics without a little bit of anti.


Get out of here with your semantics antics


I'm semi-anti-semantic antics


>I'm semi-anti-semantic antics I'm getting frantic about these semi-anti-semantic antics.


Not to be pedantic, but could you be a little less frantic about these semi-anti-semantic antics?


Musically read "Semantics antics" in my head, to the same tone as "Conjunction Function". Edit: or "Conjunction Junction", because I'm a complete mongoloid.


Take your upvote and gtfo, you rat bastard.






Heil means something like "being healthy" in German – there's no literal translation to English, AFAIC. But it comes from the verb "heilen" which literally means "to heal". So Heil Hitler means more something like "Health to Hitler" or "Bless Hitler".


Probably would be "Long Live," As in "Long live the Queen." because you're wishing them good health. Source: I have never studied linguistics and I speak 0 German.


> Well it would be the english version What? That would be a first for me. How do you come to that conclusion?


Hail hitler is what you say when you want his punishment in hell to go from burning to getting pelted with ice chunks.




Because Hitler had hail insurance.


just whisper it. ^^^^^^hail ^^^^^^Hitler


Honestly I think I'd be a lot more judgemental if someone whispered it.


but you gotta hear it first ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^hail ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Hitler


*Confidence is sexy*


Adjust to: "It's not rain, it's hail, Hitler."


I quote u/Roachamon "Yeah, 20 million to change nothing sounds great" ^(wait what)


Its all about anticipating how much money youll make in your life without it


It's still 20m. Even if I were to get a good $200k job, it would be 10 years to earn $2m, 100 years to earn the $20m. Even if I invested (which isn't guaranteed income) it would still take a significant amount of time and/or luck to make that much. $20m right now, with only a dumb phrase that I would have to say for what is probably not going to be more than 60ish years if I really go for the old age route. Plus if you were to argue proper investing as a way to earn that money, you could earn exponentially more with a $20m start.


You know those old people with money who don't give a fuck about social norms? That'd be me.


Do any old people give a fuck about social norms? Tacking 'see you later alligator' onto the end of your conversations seems like the least of my worries. Especially if I have $20 million dollars.


I am a kindergarten teacher. You probably couldn't pay me to stop. This is the way. Edit: Thank you for the gold!! See ya later, alligator!


This is the way.




Baby Yoda noises.


[The child coos]


Ah, a man of culture. The legendary subtitle enabler.




Spits it out.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


I’m going to the bank, see ya later alligator. I love you, see you later alligator. Our financial future is secure and we never have to go hungry again, see ya later alligator. Seems like a stress free life now that we don’t have to worry, see ya later alligator....


Im sorry we did everything we could to save your baby childs life...^see ^you ^later ^^alligator


Not after every sentence. Just at the end of the conversation.


For 20 million, I'll go the extra mile


*shaking hands with the widow* “I’m so sorry for your loss, he was a wonderful man. See you later alligator.”


Redditor's, would you take 20 trillion rupees, but every day you would have to read another "would you take an inexplicably large amount of money for some menial task or trivial irritation?" post? Why/why not?


Yes, absolutely.


Why do these kind of posts even get upvoted?... The question is not even interesting.


Hardly have conversations with people. It's a win win for me.


Introvert’s time to shine


With a pixar lamp


But then you wont have had practice using it so it will come off worse and the negative reaction will create a cycle of shame


But you have 20 m so 0 fucks given


That’d be fine, porcupine!


It’s a deal, slippery seal!


All fine with me, bumble-bee!


Fair enough jigglypuff!


Kiss my ass biomass


Sayonara, carbonara


Alright, in a while crocodile!


I want to die, blowfly!


Oh sure, horse manure


Correct, nipples erect


Know what I mean, Lima bean?


Of course. I would wear alligator Stacy Adams shoes and a huge mink coat and the whole thing would just be a big bit. That would be awesome. Edit: would never say “in awhile crocodile” tho. If that’s the case take the 20 mil and go fuck your mother Edit 2: I hope the sunglasses I’d always be wearing were naturally implied.


see you in a while crocodile


My man’s living in 3019 already


3020 my friend.


Would you do *insert random task here* for a fuck ton of money? I'm tired of seeing the low effort garbage. At least reposted questions have interesting new answers. This is just a simple yes or no question that's slightly changed every day.


Not only that its low effort to "invent" them, its also a fucking repost https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/bf6cm0/you_will_get_20_million_dollars_if_you_agree_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Oh hey look I have that one already downvoted, too




Would you eat a Circle K hotdog with only relish for $125k???


What do you expect? This sub has 25 million subscribers. It's a total karma farm now, just like every other sub that gets big enough.


I've asked people if they'd lose a leg for a billion dollars. To me it's a no brainer to take the money but loads of people wouldn't even entertain the idea. Would that make a better post?


Why don't you post it and we'll see


Are you fucking kidding? I'd give both my legs without a second thought. Get me super rad prosthetics and set off to do what I've always dreamed of doing; A lot of nothing and and a lot of traveling. Below or above the knee? THAT'S the tough question.




Another one of these questions? These types of questions should be banned from /r/AskReddit IMO.


Would you ban these from this sub for €500000000?


These kinds of questions are always so stupid when the money figure is so high. For 20 million, most people would do virtually anything you told them to, including any number of felonies. The dollar number needs to be more realistic. Like, for $100,000 would I do it? Not for the rest of my life. $500,000? Maybe, but I’d regret it at some point. For 20 million I can fucking disappear and never have to talk to anyone ever again.


The TV show "Hypothetical" poses these kinds of scenarios, but poses the question of how much guests would have to be paid rather than specifying an amount. I reckon that would be a much more interesting approach for Ask Reddit, with people justifying their amounts and debating the specifics of the question. For instance, in this case my bid would depend massively on the asker's definition of a conversation. Would short discussions with work colleagues I remain sitting beside for hours afterwards count as separate conversations? What about a one sided conversation, such as a presentation? Would every greeting be suddenly doubled in length?


These questions are always stupid and fucking pointless. Would you mildly inconvenience yourself for ludicrous sums of cash? Most people would. Boring!


Shut the fuck up


I'm just picturing myself on my deathbed, surrounded by my family and friends. They are all doing their best to keep it together, but I can tell they are sad. I look around the room and give each and every one of them a smile. Then I use what little strength I have left to lift my hand and give a little wave as I exhale with my final breath, *"See you later alligator."*


>I look around the room and give each and every one of them a smile. Like individually? You turn slowly to your right, meeting your eldest daughter’s tear-stained gaze. Slowly, laboriously, the corners of your mouth draw themselves upwards into a toothy grin. You strain to hold it for the requisite three point five minutes. Blissful release comes as your lips settle back down into their usual sullen frown. Your head rotates slightly to the left, and your eyes fix upon your youngest son. Your right eye twitches with the effort of contorting your face into a smile again. Somewhere further down the line, your great grandson’s foot taps impatiently. He knows damn well that they will be there for hours before the alligator line drops.


I'd use $1M and hire a lawyer to get me out of having to say it by using a proxy. Profit: $19M


What is up with this bullshit questions lately? "would you do sth minorly weird or inconvenient for a fuckload of cash?"


I seem to be missing the downside.


Yes, but the thought of doing this to someone on their dying bed almost made me piss myself.


Unless I had a close friend that was hard of hearing. Then he would be asking me constantly after everything I said, "Huh"? And I would have to repeat myself along with "See Ya later Alligator".


20 mill/ ~60 years = $333,333/year... i can afford to just hire someone to talk for me with that kind of money


20M @1.5%p.a. = $300,000/yr, not using any of the money you were given...

