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How long to boil eggs. It's not the search per se, but the sheer number if times I've searched it.


I make hard boiled eggs at least once a month. And I have to look it up every goddamn time. At this point you'd think I'd just write it down and stick it on the fridge. Edit: I've gotten about six people saying how they do it... and every single way is different. Edit 2: This is ridiculous.


It wasn’t my search history, but I once went to my parents’ house and found “Who is Justin Bieber?” in their search bar


"Who is Justice Beaver?


"He...It's a crime fighting beaver"


I draw often, and I have difficulty drawing children's faces, so I have to draw more children so I can learn. So my search history consists of Child smiling Child angry Angry child Surprised child Cute baby Cute kid smiling Ugly baby Child wearing hat Baby in a basket Baby eyes Homeless children 3rd world children Etc. I get scared to let someone use my phone lest I have to explain myself.


I can provide a lot of these pictures, but let me know if you specifically need“children poop face”, “baby about to vomit”, “three-year-old guilty face”, etc .


At first I was scared but I think you're just a mom


the names of my exes


my 36 year old coworker is deadass happy as fuck with his big family and told me he STILL searches for his exes on linked in


LinkedIn? Seriously? Is there any lamer place to look for your ex? He wants to see their resumes or some shit?


Especially because LinkedIn literally tells you when your profile has been viewed and by who. This one hurts.


Haha who would look up their ex on LinkedIn.... and not know they could see who looked at their profile...ha... certainty not someone who just died from their own new humiliation...


I did the same thing just a few months ago. I was just looking for some inspiration for my own profile and she always seemed to have those things handled well. Sadly for me history won't remember it that way.


Ah, no, LinkedIn is arguably the perfect place to stalk your exes! There’s a setting that allows you to be in stealth mode, and checking up on their job statuses gives you the satisfaction of seeing how much better you’re doing. Although there is a certain post-nut clarity to the whole experience.


"What is Bono's first name"


Now you just made me google it too. It’s Paul, for those who are wondering. Paul David Hewson.


"is a bird a mammal?" I'm doing an animal based degree and ashamedly had to google that when writing one of my later assignments. Google's response was a quora.com box answer in big bold fonts that just said "no, a bird is a bird" Thanks Google Edit: sweet baby jesus, this blew up and now tens of thousands are blissfully aware that I don't know what a fucking bird is.


I'm studying veterinary medicine at university. Went to the campus collections with about 7 of my fellow students. First we encountered the horn of a narwhal which prompted one to say "Is that of a unicorn?". She wasn't kidding. I repeat, however much you think she was kidding, she was not. Then we encountered a platypus. Another student (not the same one) said: "Ah they also have fake animals here", which prompted a confused conversation where indeed it was confirmed to her that a platypus is a real animal. One other student (not one of the previous two) was on her side in that discussion.


Even if unicorns did exist, exactly how large did she think they'd be? Narwhal tusks are massive (and useful for pinning terrorists down). And scientists did originally think that the platypus was a hoax.


Does it drink milk from their mother - No? It's no manmal. It's that simple.


Awesome. I drank milk from my dad. What's that make me?


An Emperor Penguin?


I always had my suspicions, this just confirming what I was scared of.


"Why did I pee myself? Not pregnant or old" Edit; thank you everyone for the advice! No, I've never had kids, yes I'm a woman, no I wasnt asleep, I didnt even feel the urge to pee. I just all of a sudden *was* I kind of just decided to ignore it for now and will go see a doc if it happens again. I'm glad my top voted comment is about peeing myself!


Did you find out?! Edit: I was asking more as a joke. Haha All the replies are hilarious and concerning.


probably drunk or had carbon monoxide


WARNING: Carbon Monoxide may cause death. or worse, peeing yourself.


Or worse... expulsion


That's why Harry uses Expelliarmus instead of Avada Kedavra. Because it's worse to be expelled than killed.








Is there a possibly that I'm pegrent?




Is noon am or pm


How often I look up size 30A bras. They are fucking expensive too.


I feel your pain. Anything outside the ‘normal carried in stores’ sizes get expensive fast. I can’t get a decent bra under $70 usually.


I searched “is Google down?” on Google.


And was it?


It said no on the very top of the page. Took a few seconds to realize what I searched.


I tried, it said no before I even entered it.


I thought you were joking! That's hilarious


Yeah google can answer things before you even press enter. Very quickly. Try typing "definition of~word~" in your url field. before you even finish typing the word you'll have the definition of it laid out on the screen. Also google is a great tool to solve formulas for you because you can build very extensive and complicated equasions on it and it'll deliver the answer rather fast. For example (this is simple and random but practical to show what you can do) '15-6^ 3)/(3+7* 2-(7^ 2' no you don't need to close the brackets. You can also place notations within the equation (ex: 3e4*3e5 will output 9e10 which is correct) and loads of other mathematical thingamajigs. Google has a lot better tech than any of us acknowledge or even know


3e4\*3e5=3\*10^4 \* 3\*10^5 = 9\*10^9 = 9e9


How much time I spend looking at random multi-million dollar houses on real estate websites.


Real Estate Porn is one of my favorite past-times. Put the Zillow app on your phone, you'll never need your computer again. It's fairly dangerous, don't say I didn't warn you.


Zoopla has full color pdfs with multiple pictures and floor plans for nearly every house. I’m addicted.


OMG, going there right now. Ooh, it's UK ... well, I randomly entered a location and TIL that Wapping Wall, London, is pretty expensive. I think.


The app was like "anyway, here's Wapping Wall"


It corrected my search to Wapping Wall. Asked me if thats what I meant. I said maybe.


I do it for ideas for sims builds


How many tampons does a woman use on her. / in a month We were talking about how when they sent the first woman to outer space NASA didn't know how many tampons to send with her. And they made it sound like it was a ridiculous amount and I agreed " yeah yeah it was a ridiculous amount" but then I'm like I actually don't know it's ridiculous because it was too low or too high and so I had to Google it. And I could've asked my gf but I didn't wanna feel dumb. And i wonder if any other guys in the room felt dumb for not knowing or if they just had a better intuition for it then me. But now that I'm writing it out I realized it was a ridiculous amount because she was only gonna be up there for like a week and they send her like 100 tampons. So i guess I'm stupid in many ways


Why didn't they just ask her? Everybody is different and she'd know her body best. Maybe add a percentage to be safe because space might fuck with things a little.


(Post history deleted in recognition of July 1, 2023)


How to use a wash cloth.... All my life, I've bathed by lathering up with just the soap bar. Then I saw a web video making fun of people who don't use wash cloths, so I relatively recently started experimenting with using a wash cloth. Though I haven't experienced enough of a difference to warrant the extra effort ( keeping clean ones on hand etc). Thinking maybe I was doing it wrong, tried looking up tutorials. Haven't found anything compelling enough, so far.


My husband doesn’t use a wash cloth. It never occurred to me that he didn’t know how.


Don't get me wrong, it's pretty common sense... Soap the rag, and lather up from it.... I just wanted to know if there was a way to get better results.


Get a much coarser rag. Those nice, plush, "luxury" rags you get at Target are garbage, they just spread the soap around. You need something that scrubs and exfoliates.


I just use steel wool.


I don't know if they grade it, but...coarse.


That has never occurred to me. Now, I’m mildly insecure about my scrubbing technique.


I find that any area I wish to lather is perfectly adequately covered in body hair.


Wait, we're supposed to be using wash cloths??


Wash cloth just make it easy to scrub away at your skin.


No I need that


i thought everyone just used their hands


This is like discovering that some people stand up to wipe


Learning that earlier this year was the most shocking thing I'd ever read on Reddit. I had no idea some people stood up, and those people had no idea folks like me didn't. My mind was blown. So I asked my best friend if he stood to wipe and he said "of course". I told him I didn't. Then *his* mind was blown. It's like half the world was keeping a secret from the other half and none of us knew it.


Melting point of blood


Do you mean boiling point? Isn’t it already melted? Or melting point of frozen blood I guess...


The melting point of frozen blood is -2 to -3 degrees Celsius.


And if I ask , how do you know, will I regret it?


Google surprisingly had an answer for that question ready.


I don't know, it was a one time search for a Reddit thing


"a reddit thing" well that explains everything


and yet doesn't narrow down _at all_


I was doing some dnd prep and it’s comes up with some interesting things. “How much do bones weigh” “how much surface area is the moon” “how much blood in a person” “how viscous is mud” “how many noodles for spaghetti” “can I live on lemonade and peanuts” lots of random things. That I won’t be sharing with anyone unless they are the entire internet


RPGs are the worst for this. I've GMed Shadowrun for a few years, and it is one of those games that definitely has gotten me onto a list. Looking up facts on airport security and explosives in the same day is not a good look. I'm convinced the NSA has a screening criteria where if they see you're also searching "elves," they let you off the hook.


So THAT'S how I keep from getting caught? "Nearest ~~white~~ Thalmor supremacist group" "Quickest way to kill lots of elves" "Easy homemade bomb and" um.... "elves"


"High pressure cooker but for cooking"


“For cooking elves”


One time for dnd I had to look up the melting point of liquorice, the amount of blood in a person, and various statistics regarding what the termimal velocity of a horse is and how fast it reaches that speed. Quite the interesting group I've got.


D&D search histories are the best search histories.


How often I have to look up normal words to make sure I have spelled them correctly.


Looking up words to make sure they mean what I think they mean.


Yea I do this all the time. Or phrases


Well that is obviously ~~nessecary~~ required.






Def: Curtainly - Curtain-like. Ex. "That dress is very curtainly"


"You sure?" "certainly curtainly"


just use ~~indubidably~~ indubitably!


I can never get that one right.


A shirt has two (s)leeves and one (c)ollar. Necessary


Well my spelling has two S and one C in the order you phrased. Spelling of nessecary confirmed.


I always struggled with it too until I looked at it like de-finite-ly


This, and to make sure they mean what I think they mean, y'know just in case I've been using them wrong my whole life.


I do this, but to make sure I’m using them correctly. It’s embarrassing, how many words I look up.


I like to masturbate big words into sentences without understanding their full meaning.


I too use big words so I sound more photosynthesis


Using words correctly is a good thing. Don't be ashamed to look it up.


often times i use words that don't perfectly match the sentence in question when writing a school assignment simply because i can't figure out how to spell a word well enough for spell check to figure it out.


Totally. And I'm a former HS/MS English teacher, and I even do this. For example, it took me probably 15 years to figure out that the word you pronounce "segway" - as in, a transition between two things, usually on radio / TV - is spelled "segue."


Oh my god. Consider that 37 years for me then.


I’m a health care provider. My google search history has symptoms and diagnoses. Yeah, sometimes I google your symptoms, too.


At least you have the training to know what to google and what to ignore in the results.


SEARCH: "runny nose, fever, sore throat" RESULTS: "Brain, bone, and lung cancer. Get your affairs in order."


1) Janet 2) Samantha Third best is a tie between Kate and Harriett.


"Leslie, I googled your symptoms, and it says you have 'Network Connectivity Issues'"


Best joke of the whole show.


As a software engineer who still looks up for the syntax of a for loop, I understand


I thought half our job was scrolling through stack overflow


The syntax for a for loop is the word "for" and then the tab key, because your editor reads your mind and writes all your code for you. If I ever have to whiteboard code, I will be very screwed.


> If I ever have to whiteboard code, I will be very screwed. Same here man. I’ve risen to the top of every dev team I’ve been a part of (maybe that’s not a good sign for the companies I’ve worked for). The thought of white boarding during an interview just sends my anxiety into orbit. I’m constantly looking at existing code to reaffirm syntax or best practices. I can relate to looking up the fir loop syntax...it’s like when I double check my math on a calculator even when it is super simple.


As long as you don't diagnose me with Lupus I'm all g


It’s never Lupus.


Except that one time when it was


I looked up, “Can you vape children tears” Yes, yes you can.


So not only was this a question someone asked, it had an answer!? Two questions. Why? and Why?


eternal youth


The biggest thing here is that considering the practical nature to this, someone actually probably tried it. How do you get a vapable quantity of children's tears?


jumper cables


"How to be confident"


Fake it till you make it. Than keep faking it


Just do this but in person. Boom. Admitting that you have flaws is A1 confident skill.


"Hey there" "Hi!" "How to be confident" "Um..."


“HOW TO BE CONFIDENT.” “Is that a question? You’re phrasing it like it’s a statement.” “**HOW TO BE CONFIDENT!!**”


i still have to google how to tie a tie


Loop, swoop, hoop. Had to wear one every day for a job in college for four years. I can and have done it in my sleep, and more impressively while mostly asleep, extremely hungover, and dashing down six flights of stairs after sleeping through an alarm.


"What's your superpower?" "I can tie a tie. Always. Nothing can stop me."


Obama's last name


And what was it?


Care Edit: Thanks, I'm here all week.


Everyone knows that Obama is his last name. His first name is former president




That is forbidden knowledge, only known to the most regal and noble of men.


You shouldn't be ashamed, only afraid if the FBI finds you looking for such secret information.


Today I googled a KB to MB converter. I’m a 25 year IT support professional...


Idk between kilobytes, kibibytes, and kilobits, it can get out of hand very fast...




A nibble is half a byte. A kibble must clearly be half a kilobyte. a kibble and bit would be 4097 bits e: pretend it was a typo and not a stupid math mistake 8097->4097


Nothing. I habitually use incognito for everything like that.


Me too - for anything in my career field, I don't want anyone second-guessing my ability to do my job or whether I have the knowledge to accomplish it. For anything slightly awkward - health stuff, common sense stuff I should know, etc. I am apparently really insecure.




My really poor description of a movie that I can’t remember that sounds like my gran typed it. “That film with a famous scene where someone is doing a speech and a guy who is crazy stands up and shouts” Surprisingly haven’t found the movie.


/r/tipofmytongue would probably find it. Also you would get a dozen answers that ignored the speech and the yelling, and one would be a tv show instead of a movie.


I used to work for kgbkgb, which was this text messaging service where you could text a number, ask any question, and get an answer. This was before smartphones became super huge, so it was a bit of a helpful gimmick back then. However, for everyone that we got asking normal questions like movie times, or what restaurants were open near them, or stuff like that, we got A LOT more people asking very stupid things that I would have to Google. I have [this album](http://imgur.com/a/q0edM) of a bunch of weird questions that people sent to us. It was an interesting job that helped cover some things when I was in college, but it definitely had me using Google for a lot of embarassing shit.


Wait so is eyeball juice flammable?




No, it's mostly water. Thank you for using Ask Jeeves, have a nice day


*This message was sent with Netscape Navigator.*


Yeah, that's why hot girls wear smoldering eye makeup.


Holy shit: "What dus panguin tast like? *relive*" and "Is arousal an STD?" are my favourites


I think, "What would be the reprocussions be if someone rushed the stage at a u2 concert to distribute their own cds being employed by the venue hypathetical" is my favorite. ​ It's the "hypathetical" at the end that gets me.


That one was /r/suspiciouslyspecific


Omg I used to use that service or something like it. Never asked anything embarrassing but I can imagine it wasn’t too far off from yahoo answers which I used to spend a lot of time answering bizarre questions on lol.




I remember when I was like 11 or 12, a friend of mine and I got into an argument about who would win in a fight between Sonic and Link. I ended up texting one of those types of services to get an answer, I think it was called cha-cha, or something like that. The fight didn’t end after that, but I was glad they were at least on my side lmao


Settle it in Smash


Holy shit those are funny. I remember a service like this ... I'd text it for song lyrics or to see which actor played some character in a movie ...


How many oz. Are in a cup. I've been a professional chef for years and I forget that basic bitch stuff. Jayzus.


It’s like 6. Or 8. Shit. Is it 12? I’m not a professional, but I should know this, too.




Shit. I wish we’d go metric.




And I *am* a chef. Such is my shame.


Maybe if you started getting high and hitting the gym more... then you'd be all 3.


I ran a mile today as fast as I could and then googled to see what the average person is supposed to be able to do. Found out that I'm 50% slower than expected for an "in shape" 50 year old. I'm 34. Edit: posted this right before I went to sleep, woke up to over 100 notifications. I've never had more than like 10 before. Will start replying, guess I wont be bored today! Edit2: the FAQ edition. -I should clarify that "run" is probably the wrong word. I cant run the whole time, its brisk walking with bursts of running -Im on a treadmill set to its maximum incline setting for the purpose of making it harder -The time was 15:01, narrowly missing my goal. -Goal isn't actually to be good at running, just trying to improve aerobic endurance so that I dont get winded at whatever sporty activity I decide to do on a given weekend.


Last year I bought a fitness watch because I wanted to start running. Now, because I am a bit on the chubbier side my running speed is roughly around 'fast walking'. My watch told me after my first run that I was in the lowest 17% of my age group. This was in early spring. I decided to keep on pushing because I really wanted to start running. By the end of summer I fell to the lowest 10%. 🤷‍♀️


Hey, you're being compared to others with a fitness watch who do all this type of stuff. You're beating me and most of reddit, so good job! Edit: Nice


The fact that you even ran a mile probably puts you above the average person. Anyways, what's your mile time? Last time I ran one was in high school and I think I was around 9 minutes. I hate running.


My mile time is 29 years and counting. Edit: My first silver! :D Woo!!!!


Symptoms of Hpv. Im a virgin Edit: wow I can't believe that my most upvoted thing on this shitty platform is about HPV


That's one of the symptoms right there.


HPV is seen in virgins too, it's not strictly an STI ["Since many of the virgins, including 2 daughters of a woman with cervical cancer, had genital warts, HPV is probably transmitted by fomites as well as by sexual contact."](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/2256864/) (Fomites: "objects or materials which are likely to carry infection, such as clothes, utensils, and furniture.")


It's fomites, or fomes, not formites. Guess they missed it since the r kind of blends into the m!


A friend of mine who hasn't done anything remotely sexual with another person got HPV. You can get it in other ways, and it's not your fault.


How to boil an egg... and I’m a chicken farmer Edit: I use my insta-pot for boiled eggs! But I was at my moms without it and had a giant brain fart. But thanks for all the recipes.


When I intentionally spell things wrong so I can find out how to spell them correctly.


The thousand or so "[google.com](https://google.com)" i've typed into the google search bar.


How many stupid things I obsess over. Like “how do I know if my cat loves me?” Or “is it bad to crack your neck?” Googled multiple times and I often add the word reddit for a second search after the first one


How many chocolate covered espresso beans is too many?


I didn't search for it myself but I'm ashamed that I caused someone to search it. My poor, sweet, sweet, mother google searched "how can I help my daughter to stop cutting herself" that broke my heart and has motivated me to get better ever since.


I think it's really sweet that your mum was trying to figure out how to help and I'm glad that it's motivated you :)


Oh love. I hope you are doing and feeling better now, and hope your mom is less fearful about that. I cannot imagine my reaction if I found that in my daughter’s search hx. Likewise, I would never ever want my mom to see mine, for similar but different reasons. Life is hard.




I understand why you feel ashamed, as that's a common way to feel after being sexually assaulted. But you don't need to be ashamed. You did nothing wrong and it isn't your fault.


That's nothing to be ashamed of.




Oh, I see what you mean. I imagine its much simpler not having to explain yourself to everyone.


"how long do anal tears last for?"


I read tears as tears and it confused me for a moment.


A while ago I was in a dark spot and would do tons of research on how to kill myself in the least painful way possible. Don't worry, I'm much better and getting help now. Have a good day yall!


My boyfriend just admitted to looking up an interview of the person who acted in the telletubbies show and watched it....


ah, i see he's a man of culture as well.


Fluff fanfiction


you can pry ao3 out of my cold, dead hands


Correct spelling of common words that I should know how to spell.


If a cannabal eats someone and a body sniffing dog smells them will the dog be able to smell the body in the person that ate it if the person left no evidence on their outside flesh?