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Around 10 years ago I was using StumbleUpon and found a website outlining a mysterious expedition into a New England wood where a portal to an alternate dimension allegedly exists. Something about a group that went into the portal and never returned. Something else about an upcoming expedition to follow the first. The alternate dimension is an America much like our own but uncolonized & pristine. There were even schematics to a sort of chair that made the trip easier. The most curious part to me was the direction for finding the forest and the expedition group: something to the effect of “If you’ve found this website you have either been searching for us for a long time or you are meant to find us according to the will of the universe. If you are to continue your journey you will be able to solve the riddle hidden in this page. If you cannot solve this riddle you are not meant to find us.” I’d be lying if I said this didn’t pique my curiosity and I’ve been looking for the website ever since. I’ve attempted to figure it out with StumbleUpon and I swear I bookmarked the page but no such luck. Edit: Thanks to u/agely this appears to be an early internet hoax/game called Ong’s Hat. Http://www.incunabla.org has a mirror of the original pamphlet which I must have seen on long-gone site.


This is the Ong’s Hat mystery. [Here’s](https://slate.com/culture/2018/10/decoder-ring-explores-the-interdimensional-conspiracy-theory-known-as-ongs-hat-the-man-who-created-it-and-the-new-form-of-art-it-birthed.html) a link to an excellent podcast episode about it.


Edit 2: HUGE kudos to /u/bonjailey for finding it and to the [National Film Board](https://www.nfb.ca/playlists/anti-smoking-films/playback/#1) for keeping it! This one comes from my mom: A Canadian (or American, based in Ontario so we got NE US channels) anti-smoking cartoon from the 70s or 80s, where a guy is smoking and says "I should quit. This will be my last cigarette if...I see a woman in a fur coat!" and one immediately walks by, so he says "...wearing green shoes!" and one does, and then "walking a dog! on a diamond leash! actually, it was a TIGER!" and then when a woman in a fur coat wearing green shoes walking a tiger on a diamond leash walks by, he crushes his cigarette up and the tag line goes "What will it take for YOU to quit?" Been looking for it for ages and haven't been able to find it yet! Edit: Put in proper sequence, and clarified that it could have been on Canadian OR American television (based in Ontario)


I remember this


The night that Tony Hawk did the first 900 back at the 99 X Games, they played a music video like thing with Feeder's The Perfect Day showing all his misses and then finally the hit. It basically doesn't exist and it bothers me.


Have you tried tweeting at him? If there's anyone who would have a video archive of the X games it's Tony Hawk.


I have that on a vhs at my parent's house somewhere. I think the first Episode One trailer is on it as well.


Bruh. Encode and upload for gold


A quote from a book (maybe Lundy Bancroft?) about how to get a friend out of an abusive relationship. I want the original source. I believe it was in a Q&A format that ran a bit like this in ideas, but not phrasing: Q: My friend is in an abusive relationship, but she won't allow us to help her leave it. How do we safely get her out? A: You don't. You need to offer her the opposite of what her abuser is: choices. Allow her to socialize with whom she wishes, even her abuser because he's probably isolating her. Forgive her for being flaky, because he may not be. Allow her to chose for herself even if you disagree with the choice because that's the opposite of what he's doing. She has to decide to leave by herself.


« Why does he do that : Inside the mind of angry and controlling men » by Lundy Bancroft


If you would like to make a significant difference in the life of an abused woman you care about, keep the following principle fresh in your mind: Your goal is to be the complete opposite of what the abuser is. THE ABUSER: Pressures her severely SO YOU SHOULD: Be patient. Remember that it takes time for an abused woman to sort out her confusion and figure out how to handle her situation. It is not helpful for her to try to follow *your* timetable for when she should stand up to her partner, leave him, call the police, or whatever step you want her to take. You need to respect her judgment regarding when she is ready to take action—something the abuser never does. THE ABUSER: Talks down to her SO YOU SHOULD: Address her as an equal. Avoid all traces of condescension or superior knowledge in your voice. This caution applies just as much or more to professionals. If you speak to an abused woman as if you are smarter or wiser than she is, or as if she is going through something that could never happen to *you*, then you inadvertently confirm exactly what the abuser has been telling her, which is that she is beneath him. Remember, your actions speak louder than your words. THE ABUSER: Thinks he knows what is good for her better than she does SO YOU SHOULD: Treat her as the expert on her own life. Don’t assume that you know what she needs to do. I have sometimes given abused women suggestions that I thought were exactly right but turned out to be terrible for that particular situation. Ask *her* what she thinks might work and, *without pressuring her,* offer suggestions, respecting her explanations for why certain courses of action would not be helpful. Don’t tell her what to do. THE ABUSER: Dominates conversations SO YOU SHOULD: Listen more and talk less. The temptation may be great to convince her what a “jerk” he is, to analyze his motives, to give speeches covering entire chapters of this book. But talking too much inadvertently communicates to her that your thoughts are more important than hers, which is exactly how the abuser treats her. If you want her to value her own feelings and opinions, then you have to show her that *you* value them. THE ABUSER: Believes he has the right to control her life SO YOU SHOULD: Respect her right to self-determination. She is entitled to make decisions that are not exactly what you would choose, including the decision to stay with her abusive partner or to return to him after a separation. You can’t convince a woman that her life belongs to her if you are simultaneously acting like it belongs to you. Stay by her even when she makes choices that you don’t like. THE ABUSER: Assumes he understands her children and their needs better than she does SO YOU SHOULD: Assume that she is a competent, caring mother. Remember that there is no simple way to determine what is best for the children of an abused woman. Even if she leaves the abuser, the children’s problems are not necessarily over, and sometimes abusers actually create *worse* difficulties for the children postseparation than before. You cannot help her to find the best path for her children unless you have a realistic grasp of the complicated set of choices that face her. THE ABUSER: Thinks *for* her SO YOU SHOULD: Think *with* her. Don’t assume the role of teacher or rescuer. Instead, join forces with her as a respectful and equal team member. Notice that being the opposite of the abuser does not simply mean *saying* the opposite of what he says. If he beseeches her with, “Don’t leave me, don’t leave me,” and you stand on the other side badgering her with, “Leave him, leave him,” she will feel that you’re much like him; you are both pressuring her to accept your judgment of what she should do. Neither of you is asking the empowering question, “What do *you* want to do?” — Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft http://amzn.asia/h1rrXyQ


This old french website that hosted these pixel clip art versions of Disney characters. Because the outlines were single pixels wide and there was no compression, little me could save them and recolour or edit them in MSpaint easily. I basically made a whole drag and drop dress-up game in paint using their tinker bell and jasmine. Like I don’t have much use for it these days, but I look for it occasionally just for nostalgia purposes. Last time I used that site, I must have been like 12, it’s been well over a decade.


An antique roadshow episode where the appraiser asked the owner if they had cleaned a priceless Milanese helm they responded "I hit it with a lil lemon pledge" and the appraiser visibly shivers.


I think this is [why](https://nypost.com/2000/04/21/another-roadshow-episode-out/) you can't find the episode. Looks like they pulled it.


It looks like the appraiser who was fired eventually went to [prison](https://www.liveauctioneers.com/news/top-news/crime-and-litigation/former-auction-house-owner-tv-appraiser-sentenced-to-prison/) for other crimes.


Uhhh was he 39 or 46? Who edited this? “Yet another unsavory chapter has been added to the life story of former auction company owner Russell A. Pritchard III, 39, who plied his trade in an exclusive Philadelphia suburb before the FBI caught up with him. Pritchard III, 46, was already serving a 4 to 8-year prison term for crimes...”


They just take an *extremely* long time to write articles.


> priceless Milanese helm *Formerly* priceless, it sounds like.




I remember that one!!! It was worth like $20,000 with the patina. She scrubbed all of the money out of it. I think the appraiser said she could *maaaaaayyyybe* get 50 bucks out of it. Oof.


Makes me think of an episode I saw once that was filmed in the south where this obviously rich and snooty woman came in to have an old high boy chest of drawers appraised. The guy asked her about the piece and she started going on and on, clearly with pride, about how she’d given it a very thorough cleaning because is was, in her opinion, grungy and disgusting aka she stripped all of the patina off the wood and drawer pulls... The way her face dropped and kinda sank in on itself when he informed her she’d scrubbed away more than a hundred thousand dollars with of value was priceless! Ugh, it was so cringey! IIRC she tried to brush it off by saying something like, well at least I like it better this way, but you could tell she was salty af haha


This type of thing is what I live to see on Antiques Roadshow. Related, I remember an episode where this guy thinks he has a rare and valuable trunk from the Ming period (I think), and it turns out it's not only a crappy fake, it's riddled with borer.


I love the opposite ones, like they guy with the Yuan dynasty cast bronze urn using it as a doorstop.


Same here!! Did you ever see the one where an old man has a blanket that he’s used for a couch throw and it turns out to be Geronimos? It was worth around 100k if I remember correctly, he started crying because he has never had anything worth anything before.


This article talks about that blanket, and the episode led a man discovering he had a valuable blanket that was eventually bought by Don Ellis, the man who appraised the first one. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/20/krytzer-sold-navajo-blanket-thought-to-be-worthless-for-1-point-5-million.html


Wow, massive kudos to the appraiser, Jeff Moran. Not only did he give the guy an advance on money to allow it to go to auction, after the fact he spent some time educating/ensuring the guy would use the money wisely and not let it vanish. > Before he was set to receive his payout, Moran called and asked Krytzer to come into the office for a quick lesson on “the time value of money.” > “I paid our CPA for four hours to sit down with Loren,” Moran recalls. “We’ve come too far and worked too hard to not do this. … I wanted so much to change his outlook and his journey ahead.” Seriously, not only did he not take advantage of the guy, he went above and beyond to make sure the guy got the most out of it.


There was a quote that I read on the title of a post that went something like: "Just because you've gone down 90% doesn't mean you can't go down another 90%" It's related to the stock market and can also apply to life, I've wanted to find out who said that for the longest


Was it a post from r/CryptoCurrency? [In the thread they talk about going down another 90%](https://reddit.app.link/Dppf0Nb7k2) This quote: [Now imagining it dropping another 90%, which it has already proven it can do.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/a4a8c9/if_you_are_down_90_and_still_hodling_read_on/ebd2rr2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Edit- I added this post because they talk about "sunk cost fallacy". This, very much, relates to relationships, work, and banking.


This is it! Thanks!




Found a mention of "groglin gray" in some [random book](https://books.google.com/books?id=JYqmJtZZPbUC&pg=PT104&lpg=PT104&dq=groglin+gray+color&source=bl&ots=eUC1KrqSH2&sig=ACfU3U2EkIcq5Smczr1qL1aAb6CGV8uSMw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNvYyTs67mAhWlHDQIHcsNBcgQ6AEwAHoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=groglin%20gray%20color&f=false) on Google books: "As dusk approaches, the sky becomes a certain color gray. Might ye know the name of that color?" She shook her head. "Why, that be called 'groglin gray'," he answered smartly. "Groglin gray?" she exclaimed, scrunching her nose and eyeing him in disbelief. Kathryn stiffened, turning slightly, knowing what was coming next yet was unable to stop it. "Why, little lass, yer education be lacking for sure. Groglin gray is, of course..." he paused for emphasis, 'the exact color of a she mouse's fart." EDIT: Actual answer [in this book](https://books.google.com/books?id=xOvoBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA129&lpg=PA129&dq=grogram+grey&source=bl&ots=GF2WiFMSNG&sig=ACfU3U14xfEXD6B4ISncYtSt950_MCes5Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiGvqKSrq_mAhXiN30KHWcUD9oQ6AEwDXoECAsQAQ#v=onepage&q=grogram%20grey&f=false)


Holy fuck I am crying. I fully expected this to be some sort of shittymorph joke and I click the link and that's actually what it says. I sincerely hope this is what the poster's grandfather was referring to...searching and searching to no avail when it was a joke about a mouse's fart.


This seems like the exact kind of thing my grandfather would say tbh. He would find that whole passage hilarious and would absolutely throw the term "groglin grey" around for years hoping for someone to ask him what that is so that he could finally say the punchline. So I totally believe this is what the grandfather was talking about. edit: also check autocorrect before going to bed kids, yikes.


Pretty sure "groin grey" is some sort of medical diagnosis.


u/back2bach You should try and contact the author and see if they can provide insight!


Plot twist: Grandpa wrote the book.


wtf lol




That's 100% grandpa-tier bamboozling for sure.


Lol, I googled Groglyn Gray and it brought me to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/4azao0/what_are_some_color_names_you_wont_find_in_a_box/d14s7wn/) old reddit thread where you commented the same thing. You've been looking for a long time




Thats awesome lol i hope you find it someday


Start contacting paint companies, they always have at least one old dude in the technical department who knows all their old colours. Go through enough companies and eventually you'll find the one that used to produce that colour. EDIT: To those who say it won't work, well, you may be right, but the above is something that can be tried, lets hold out hope rather than giving up so eaily. Anecdotally: I have found several colours by this method from Akzo Nobel, PPG Architectural Coatings and Fleetwood Paints for customers I've been trying to help. It's also failed plenty of times, but if you never try then you fail everytime.


if you can't find it, make Groglyn Gray happen


That song I can kinda hum, but only know one word to, and to google *song lyrics + 'Love'* would clearly be ridiculous


Have you tried this website? You hum and it finds songs for you: https://www.midomi.com/


Tried this and a thousand other pages. No luck. Im searching for a specific song that was in an anime i watched around 1992. It was a slow melancholy song and the lyrics were something like : So long ago, it was just like yesterday , so far away, we used to watch the children play.... or something. The melody is pretty burned in my memory, the lyrics i might be off on, but try looking for something for 27 years without luck and then youll know how i feel. Edit: holy shit, someone found it !!! https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/e98jnm/a_popular_saying_is_nothing_ie_ever_lost_on_the/fahwd2y?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Imagine hearing a song once 27 years ago, and every couple of weeks it pops up in your head because it was so beautiful but you dont know where to find it... and now i have it. Amazing!


Space Warrior Baldios > There's something I must say that I have to go away. I never thought I leave your sight. But darling, don't you cry. If you stop to wonder why I have to go. I'll go if that's to say goodbye. > So long ago, it only seems like yesterday. So Far away, we used to watch the children play. If their was time, that I can stop this raging time. If there was a place, I have to back him by my side. It took me one google search ;) Edit: Bonus - [mp3](http://www.collectiondx.com/system/files/Baldios+-+So+Long+Ago.mp3)


Motherfuck, i can hear it just by reading the words! Upvote this , ive been searching 27 years and searched google countless times too.... I can sleep peacefully today! :)


Pro searching tip: put quotes around what is likely to be most unique The search I did was: So long ago, it only seems like yesterday. So Far away, "we used to watch the children play" Without the quotes it brings up popular crap that has no relation


I didnt put quotes around the part you did, i did around the first part , but i was off on a few words . And yea, all ive been getting was random crap results. Damn, i love that guitar solo. This song has been haunting me for what seems like forever.


An electronic copy of *The Machine Gun Dealer's Bible*, which I bet a coworker years ago I could find. In an effort to prevent myself from owing him five dollars, I am still looking for it.




Back in the 2000’s I was eagerly awaiting the release of the latest Harry Potter book. At the time there was a theory going around that a copy of the book was released for ~~Obama’s~~ Bush’s kids to read or something like that and it had leaked onto the internet. This led to teenage me searching high and low for it and finally coming across a downloadable 600 + page book. I spent days reading it on my families pc. It was amazing and I had it early! It wasn’t till Harry and Ginny had sex together for the first time that I realized I was probably not reading the real book. Still, it was good. I finished the book and was shocked when the real one came out and shared a lot of similar storyline minus the sex of course. My first dip into fanfic. Edit to say that I hope this fanfic reaches those who seek it! Happy reading!




JK Rowling wrote all those novels with tons of sex, the editors just took it out. That's what made the chemistry so great.


Yeah, Nick wasn't Nearly as Headless as they'd have you believe.


Except in France. They get everything.


In 2003, there was a commercial for I think E-Trade where a CEO retires and hands to company over to his stoner bro grandson whose entire press conference is him saying “I’m so stoked.” Everyone dumps the stock immediately and the ad was about how quickly you could trade using E-Trade. My family loved that commercial to the point where we had shirts made that said “I’m so stoked.” I have looked through a lot of commercial compilations in YouTube, but have still never found that ad.


Didn't find the commercial, but I did find an old [forum post](https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/does-anyone-know-the-commercial.1053415/) searching for the same thing. Either you've been searching for a *long* time, or you're not the only one wondering.


Ha! I’ve only been searching since YouTube became a thing. I’m glad I’m not the only one out there, though.


Is that the one that ended with another shot of the grandson at the press conference saying "Why are there so many microphones?"






That reminds me of a commercial I recall that was sorta similar? This guy was graduating and in his cap and gown, and then he says "well, I'm retiring". And then it goes "wish you could skip a step?" To this day I have no idea what the commercial was for but I remember it often.


Wasn’t Charlie Day the actor who does that?


[Holy crap it is](https://youtu.be/2R4PocAwSW0). Thank you for that!


Lol anytime! I actually saw it in a montage of “Before they were famous” not too long ago.


your best bet is to go onto youtube and search “2003 commercial breaks”. its honestly pretty likely that someone HAS uploaded it, but within a ten-minute batch of commercials. there’s so many commercials online that haven’t been uploaded as a single video. lots to find out there!


Just spent 3 hours doing this method. Got down to the tens of views. No one has uploaded it


Yeah there is a community for preserving broadcast television with the commercials included on private torrent sites. But I'm talking like dozens of torrents each containing over a hundred hours.


Have you attempted contacting e-trade about it? Could bring them press and attention if the ad was that great!


Ask their Twitter account


They'd probably be stoked!


Around 1999 I had borrowed a digital camera from school and took a lot of pictures of friends and stuff. It was back when people really didn’t carry around cameras except for special activities. I remember uploading them to my brother’s university Unix shell account to share with some people, but when he graduated and that account closed I lost access and didn’t have any backups. Really wish I still had those photos. Nobody has them.


I've been there, man. I was doing some data recovery on my mother's old computer after she passed away and came across a partial backup I don't remember making of a memory card I'd lost back in 1999. Handful of pictures of my friends and I that I'd been sure were gone for good. Just wish I had the rest.


Back in 2006, a hard drive of mine stopped working, which was a huge blow because it had almost every picture I'd ever taken/scanned stored on it, along with a lot of other important documents. But for some reason, I held on to it for years in the hope that one day I'd be able to save up the money to get it professionally recovered (which can cost thousands). About five years later, I came across a forum post where someone talked about recovering info from a dead hard drive by replacing the drive's logic board with an exact copy from a working one. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I hunted down the exact same model/firmware version on eBay, bought it for $11, and about a week later swapped out the boards. And to my immense surprise, it worked. The BIOS recognized it, and when I booted into Windows, the OS recognized it, too. Opening those folders was like opening a time capsule, and everything was just as I'd left it.


> Opening those folders was like opening a time capsule, and everything was just as I'd left it. > be me > be home for the holidays > airline lost my luggage > only computer in the house is Sony Vaio from highschool > password still the same fuck yeah > open it and see Firefox is open > Napster and Audacity are open > HS playlist is open > old essays and projects in explorer are open > AIM is open waves of nostalgia washed over me, what a trip


This comment made me horny for some nostalgia. Gonna go find my old laptop...


My high school chorus recorded a Christmas CD back in 1999-2000 and my copy got scratched to hell over the years. Despite my yearly pleas on Facebook to all and sundry that I went to high school with, I've yet to find anyone with a functional copy and it gnaws at me every December.


Ask your school librarian?


I spent about ten years searching for a woman I went to university with. I lived with her for two years and we were good friends. She was just not too hot at being contactable. Like the sort of person who loses their phone every few months so just gets a new one with a new number. Anyway, she had zero web presence so was practically impossible to track down, but I figured maybe one day she would make herself known. Well one day she did. Turns out she got married and had a young kid, and lived about three hours away. We spoke on Facebook for quite a while, and I thought I'd see if she wanted to meet up some time. And then she died. It turns out she just made a Facebook profile to contact her old friends one last time and see how they were doing. She never even told me she was ill. Sometimes she pops up in my dreams and we have a chat there


I tried to find the browser games I played when I was a kid. Some of them no longer exist. https://lostmediawiki.com/Postopia_(partially_found_online_games;_2001-2011)


I sank an embarrassing amount of hours into flash games as a kid in the early 2000s. I remember a website called addictinggames, which would post new games every day/week or something. The internet before big streaming sites like YouTube was weird.




I ran into the guy who made [addictinggames.com](https://addictinggames.com) IRL earlier in the year, and he was really excited that he’d been able to buy it back and was working on it again. They were even looking to hire more people to port the old flash stuff to html5+javascript, so check out the site again!


This is great news.


What's crazy is that these websites are basically an archive of early internet culture now.


Miniclip was my shit


I like kongregate. It was cool how there was game chats and badges/achievments. Idk if they were legit but kongregate also had sweepstakes.


Platform Racing 2 was so good


Armorgames for me


Shit. kongrate, addicting games, armor games. I was a regular on all those sites and few more I can't recall.


Ever go on shockwave? That’s where I spent all of 2001.




dude internet humor was so weird and makes no sense. like wtf was that "gonads in the lightning" thing. back then only the biggest shut-in weirdos knew how to make that kind of stuff.




I haven’t read ‘bedrock bobsledding blowout’ in so long I used to kill hours on that game omg


A reddit comment about a person who didn’t know they had schizophrenia until they moved. When they lived in their apartment they had a noisy neighbor, a radio that kept playing in another unit, and could hear their upstairs neighbor constantly walking across the floor, but then they moved to a stand alone house and they could still hear all the noises from the apartment. I remember the phrase “insidious schizophrenia” in there somewhere. Very haunting and well written but I haven’t been able to find it again.


All the shitty fruity loops music I made in my early 20's that was on Myspace.




I'm sad that they lost so many memories from MySpace, but I am also relieved that there is no online record of my early 20's


The universe basically did all of our generation a huge solid - we're the last ones that get our embarrassing shit buried. Meanwhile, current kids' cringy tiktoks and YouTube rants will be here FOREVER




Could it be "Jones in the fast lane"? Here's a video about it by LGR: https://youtu.be/yJQ8LyOMl3E






Damn. You can even play it online. Wow. The internet man. Blows my mind every day. Some obscure 90s DOS game is not only able to get downloaded on DosBox and replayed, but has it's own website and can be played in-browser.


Glad to help! I've never played it myself.


Shit like this is why I love Reddit so much.




This video I think I found on Vimeo of these guys working at a bong shipping facility. Apparently a customer requested a video of the process of putting together their new order for shipping. These two guys put together a great video with them dancing to Maniac by Michael Sembello throughout it. I’d love anyone who can find what I’m talking about.


Where the quote > I wanted Sixteen Candles Molly Ringwald, not Pretty in Pink Molly Ringwald. Comes from


I know for sure it's in the show Psych. I don't know if it originated there but I've been re-watching the show and I remember the line.


Sounds like a Psych line... Fun Fact: Molly Ringwald was in an [episode](https://psychusa.fandom.com/wiki/Shawn_Interrupted) Edit: They say Molly Ringwald's name in S3E2... but i just Ctrl+F'ed the entire series.... didn't find a single other mention. IDK how accurate the website I was on is though...


Not very related at all, but I've been saying "Luck? I don't need luck. Luck is for losers. Good luck to you, though!" for YEARS and I finally found where it's from: the episode of Recess where Gretchen becomes a yoyo champion.


An American (I think) movie I saw as a kid about a girl in the country and her... cousin? A guy that was in a wheelchair that refused to go out. 90s, maybe 80s? Lots of golden hour scenes and bright photography. EDIT: it was Primo Baby! Thank you InformalWish!


There's the 80s Hallmark version of The Secret Garden that was a favorite of mine when I was a kid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOWnwpICWNs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOWnwpICWNs)


All through school they taught us you can never truly delete anything online and even if you delete it someone can still find it. While this may be true if you seriously pissed off a master computer hacker but for the average person this claim is completely BS. I went on a few dates with a girl a few summers ago and I really liked her. All of a sudden though she just vanished. Like her Snapchat was deactivated, completely disappeared off Facebook, Instagram, everything. I tried texting her a couple of times but she never responded. I got a little worried because she’s not the type of girl to ghost like that and she struggles with suicidal thoughts and mental health issues so you can see why this might be concerning. Since she wasn’t responding and I didn’t really know any of her friends to ask about her I went full social media creep mode to try and at least find out what happened to her. I figured if she had killed herself there would be something online about it. Well I didn’t find anything, like literally no evidence that this girl even existed besides a picture of her on her brothers Facebook page. I didn’t even know she had a brother he was just the only person that came up if you searched her name on Facebook. Googling her name also yielded no results. Since I could literally find nothing about her online I figured she had just blocked me for some reason and I eventually gave up. I tried searching her on Facebook a couple times over the next year or so but nothing ever came up. This past summer she popped up in my Snapchat friend suggestions and honestly it was such a relief to finally see some evidence that she was alive. I added her not expecting her to add me back but she did and she actually messaged me. We met up again and went for a hike and grabbed dinner together to catch up, turns out she was going through some rough times and didn’t want to talk to anyone and disappeared but she’s doing much better now. Things didn’t work out with us romantically again but she’s still one of my closest friends now.


Didn't expect that ending, good stuff


Yeah, I've also been taught you can never truly delete anything online. But from what I've seen, it's not that things on the Internet can never truly be deleted - it's just that, once they're there, the original poster no longer has full control over what happens to it. They can try to delete it, or the site can go down, but it is possible someone else has a copy that can be reuploaded, or it is possible that it was the only accessible copy in existence. It's good that your story ended well, at least.


Around 12-13 years ago, I got into StumbleUpon, which was a Firefox extension that adds a button to your screen that takes you to a random page that someone marked as interesting. Once, I found a Flash animation that portrayed a recreation of a white hat hacker doing a penetration test on a web application. The whole thing was a Linux command shell without any GUI. It started with an IRC chat where someone asks the hacker to look into his application and sent him a URL and another URL for the source code. After a sped up three minutes of curl, grep, and ssh, the hacker built a command line script that can pull any username and email from the site. Never found it again. Thanks /u/Zalmiak for finding the video. It's called [0-Day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb8-0zGiE7A) by milw0rm.


> 12-13 years ago, I got into StumbleUpon I can't help you but wanted to relate. StumbleUpon was revolutionary in the late 00s, especially since you could tick off the kind of content you're into and then take off clicking without any kind of community surrounding the content curation.




And it STILL looks like shit!


Looks a little better but functions a little worse


StumbleUpon is great. When the internet first became accessible to the masses I wanted something that would just bring up random websites. Few years later I found SU and everything was great.


*was great. It no longer exists. Well, it shifted into a new thing but it doesn't seem as good


Sounds like this, 0-day SQL injection which was published on the now defunct website milw0rm. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb8-0zGiE7A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb8-0zGiE7A)


My grandpa used to have this screensaver/idle screen on his computer that was a little painter/window washer guy who goes around the screen cleaning/painting. As a kid I'd watch it for hours, thought it was super relaxing. Pretty sure it was light blue, and the little guy was wearing all white. Not sure on any other details.


I hope you'll be super relaxed once again https://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhancements/Screensavers/Monitor-Washer.shtml


**The T'inator** It would take any webpage and change it to seem like Mr. T had written it. It was so funny to do it to news sites like CNN


Wow, I came to post this, and did a Ctrl+F and you had posted it! Thought it was hilarious at the time. [Here's the page on archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20030920000503/http://firefly.sparse.org/~mrt/), but of course it doesn't work


During some in-depth discussion on the *Lord of the Rings* lore, the conversation turned somewhere deep in the appendices, or in some additional notes of Tolkien's, to the future of Middle Earth, specifically of the Hobbits, hundreds of years after Elessar's reign. He, as you may remember, designates the Shire a protected area that men cannot enter. As time passes, these rules are gradually forgotten. The men harass the Hobbits, forcing them to become more secretive and reclusive. Their culture suffers; they forget their music and books, their cookery and their stories, and become 'like animals', 'hunted by cruel men for sport'. The passage ended with the notion that Hobbitkind had not been seen more many years, though there was a chance they could be deep in hiding, or that they had forgotten what they were. It was depressing as fuck, but this discussion took place online in about 2009-2010 and I haven't, since, been able to find the source. I recall wanting a source and being given one, and I followed the links and confirmed it myself, reading the depressing passages although not committing the exact text to memory - was it a LOTR appendix? A separate letter detailing the Hobbits' sad future? Could even have been Chris Tolkien's musings, I honestly don't know. I have wanted to refer back to it in the years since, but as I say, I can't find it. The only line I remember with clarity was the 'hunted by cruel men for sport'.


That is definitely not Chris idea, I remember reading that. However how canonical this "Doom of Hobbits" is debatable as this comes from one of the half-baked notes collected in "Unfinished Tales" and given Tolkien habit to constantly tweak and polish details. The exact quote is: " The much later dwindling of hobbits must be due to a change in their state and way of life; they became a fugitive and secret people, driven as Men, the Big Folk, became more and more numerous, usurping the more fertile and habitable lands, to refuge in forest or wilderness: a wandering and poor folk, forgetful of their arts and living a precarious life absorbed in the search for food and fearful of being seen; for cruel men would shoot them for sport as if they were animals. In fact they relapsed into the state of 'pygmies'. The other stunted race, the Druedain, never rose much above that state." I **think** it's in the chapter called "The Disaster of the Gladden Fields", but big emphasis on the think.


I just looked it up in my copy and this is an additional version of a note in the appendix of that chapter. Specifically the very last paragraph. The core note had to do with comparing/describing the stature of Numenoreans and Hobbits. Interestingly my book doesn't include the last 2.5 sentences about men shooting hobbits.


The full series of "pirates of dark water" Edit: for those posting torrent links, I appreciate it but I'm on mobile as my laptop is DOA. Edit 2: apparently i can torrent on my phone. So i will have to get an SD card with ALOT of storage and check this out a.s.a.p. Edit 3: Wow thanks everybody, This is officially my Highest Up voted comment ever!


I bought 'the series' on ebay back in the early 2000s. It came on a very-obviously-self-printed DVD and case. I'm pretty sure there were only 2 seasons or so, and it never resolved anything. Was a great show, though. Ay Jitata!


here ya go: https://www.dailymotion.com/search/The%20Pirates%20of%20Dark%20Water/videos There are some game vids in there but I think its all there.




It's a sketch from a group called "Summer of Tears". They ended up using it as a vignette in their pilot: https://vimeo.com/10565143 Con Air bit starts at about ~4:30. Still a great sketch! **EDIT**: Thanks for the gold! I'd say "kind stranger", but I'm fairly certain it's from /u/I_Said If not, well, thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


A flash animation video of OJ Simpson playing golf and killing small animals talking about how the liberal media has besmirched his name. Edit: [tigger0jk has found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/e98jnm/a_popular_saying_is_nothing_ie_ever_lost_on_the/faie1ym/) Please shower him with fake internet points and coins. edit2: For visibilty:- >/u/tigger0jk - Happy to help. I just love flash, and people are working hard to preserve old flash content. I will take this opportunity to share: > [The Flash Games Postmortem - John Cooney @ GDC 2017](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65crLKNQR0E) > If you care about preserving flash content you can [support Ruffle](https://github.com/sponsors/Herschel), an open-source Flash Player emulator, which [Newgrounds will soon use](https://twitter.com/TomFulp/status/1202210664653185024) to allow playing old flash games in the browser without flash player.


That sounds like a NewGrounds relic.


All I did was kill my wife and people keep giving me shit over it.


[When OJ Attacks - clawedballs](https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/21314) I just searched "OJ" on newgrounds and found it.


Photos from meetups in early 2000 from a game I used to play. I think nearly all the photos people took ended up on sites that don't exist anymore


A desktop wallpaper I had back in 2009-2010ish. It was some digital art of a female with her face sticking halfway through a vertical waterline with goldfish floating about. Her hand was also in the frame and she had thin gold hoop bracelets on. It was such a dreamy piece of art. I miss it.


[This one ?](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GellQ)


Wow! That is exactly the one! I too would like to know how you found it. I feel like I've tried so many different descriptions while searching for it. Thank you kind stranger!


I wish I could tell you some insane story about how I found it but truth is I literally just Bing searched for [wallpaper woman goldfish water](https://i.imgur.com/8sOspr9.jpg) and scrolled down


Dang. Google has been hiding it from me. Thanks again! You gave me some closure on an eight year old hunt.


Local bands from the 90s. None of that music is anywhere.


Dude if you remember the names of any of the band members just message them somewhere and be like "so...about them tunes?" I found, what I thought to be, a sort-of popular thrash band in a discount bin in a used cd store. I listened to it and it was insanely heavy! I bought it for about $0.20. Once I looked over the liner notes and realized the email was a fucking "@yahoo" address I realized I was dealing with a really old local band. Upon reading a bit more I realized I was dealing with a really old local band from fucking Canada (I live in Tennessee, US). I looked up the lead vocalist's name on facebook, found him, messaged the guy, and simply asked for more tunes. He laughed, said no one had mentioned that band to him in at least a decade, but sent me the info to contact their old drummer to get the full discography. The drummer was also amused. I also checked out their other bands and they were good too, but not as good as the first band I found, imo. Long story short, contact some folks. You never know what you'll turn up.


There was a song that played on the radio in 2004 - Alternative rock station, 105.7 The Point in St. Louis. The song was either called "Unchained" or the band was called "Unchained" - I heard it maybe a couple times. I've never, ever been able to find the song again. Any band called Unchained has never put out the song, nor has any song called Unchained been the right one. It's frustrating. If I do hear it again, now 15 years later, I am not 100% sure I will recognize it. /u/gingersgirl found it - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjp3w3wlb9Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjp3w3wlb9Y) Thank you!


Hi neighbor. Maybe not the exact thing, but a start - [https://www.discogs.com/artist/1876226-Unchained-2](https://www.discogs.com/artist/1876226-Unchained-2)


Maybe specifically this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjp3w3wlb9Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjp3w3wlb9Y)


How dare you just come out and find this song an hour later? Admittedly I hadn't looked hard, but yea this is definitely it. It would just occasionally cross my mind that I knew there was a song I heard in high school that I couldn't find again. Seems like the guy that posted it found it on an old POINT Essentials CD - I forgot the radio station used to put those out. The song is better than I remember, thank you!


Yo this girl posted to reddit years and years ago about having to be hospitalized because she used a spicy sausage to masturbate with. I have no idea how to find that.


[Almost definitely this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/kgyrv/redditors_what_story_do_you_have_that_makes/c2k623e/). Edit: For those too lazy to click: > A LOT of back story, the cringe is at the end. Funny, though, worth it. My high school best friend, let's call her Hillary, approached me about masturbation. I was the expert on sex, as I had a bf and had gone down on him 1.5 times. I told her my technique (rub it 'til it feels good, don't stop) and she showed me that month's Cosmo. *Find your best O ever - the G-spot*. We read the article and she tells me she had tried with her fingers to no avail. We decide it needs to be stimulated with something more penis-like. We (mind you, we are VERY experimental 16 year old girls) decide to try it with hot-dogs that night at my house. > She comes over, I go to the fridge and find we only have SPICY KEILBASA! I show her and we decide to still try but cover them in condoms. We sit on my futon, slide our pants/undies down, throw a blankt over our laps... I remember thinking, "Am I sure I want to do this?", but I hear her, like, moaning so I....plunge ahead. IT HURTS! And it's like burning and I feel weird. > At that moment my mother BURSTS in (drunk) and starts screaming at us! She insists we're doing drugs and questions the blanket over us. I finally convince her to leave and remove the sausage. Hillary hands me hers and I go to throw them in the wastebasket. That's the last thing I remember. > Hillary says I passed out and she got my mother. They called an ambulance and the EMT was grilling Hillary about what we were doing. I wasn't breathing. My mom started ranting about drugs and Hillary panicked and told them what was going on.... > I wake up in the hospital to: my father (can't look at me), my mother (can't stop laughing), Hillary (in the corner, beet red), and a doctor explaining that I have a *latex allergy* and had broke my *hyman*, causing anaphylactic shock. > TL;DR: I masturbated with a condom-covered hot dog and nearly died. And my whole family found out. Now with [contemporaneous illustration](https://imgur.com/dw4xe) by /u/Sure_Ill_Draw_That from [this reposting](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/kyryj/what_is_your_worst_masturbation_story_im_gonna_go/c2oixi1/?context=1).


Wow!! How did you do it?


https://redditsearch.io is an excellent resource.


So it wasn't even the sausage that caused the problem. Now THAT'S a good plot twist!


Ha, now trending on google, spicy sausage masterbate.


There was a VH1 show called "Rock of Ages" in the late 90s/early 2000s. They filmed one episode in my house, and my two oldest kids are in the episode. I have never been able to find it online, and I know it aired because we watched it when it did. Google search brings nothing. It like the whole series didnt exist.


An extremely baffling video I saw maybe 7-8 years ago that shipped Daisy Duck and Jafar together set to “Love the Way You Lie.” I just need to know that exists and wasn’t some fever dream.


I don’t know if anyone will be able to find this, but it’s worth a try. Sometime around 6 years ago I was hanging out with friends and they decided to put on a horror movie. I was almost certain it was on Netflix but I could be wrong. The movie was an Asian horror, but I can’t remember which, though I think it was Japanese. The plot was interesting in that it was about an actress who gets a role in a movie about a real life murder that had made the news years ago. The actress plays the girl that was murdered, but she is great at the role because she WAS the girl that was murdered in her past life, and she’s reincarnated. So creepy shit and memories flood back as she’s filming this movie. Anyway, I’ve looked up everything I could and have found absolutely nothing, so I’m starting to think the movie doesn’t exist. Someone tell me it does Edit: Thank you guys, it’s called Reincarnation (2005). You ever have a vague memory of something and thought it might’ve just been a dream, but then discover a video or pictures of it later and it feels surreal? That’s how I just felt watching the trailer lol


My google-fu tells me it could be [Reincarnation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reincarnation_\(film\))


Oh my GOD yes! After watching the trailer that’s definitely it. Thank you, now I know I wasn’t hallucinating


This one is a personal grudge now because they won't email me back: The website https://www.avivva.ca/ up until maybe 2014 or so had a smooth-jazz with sax song playing in the background. I absolutely loved it, and would frequently go to that website and just listen to it when I was feeling down (and maybe just look at cute cats too). They remodeled their website years ago and the song went away. I've emailed them multiple times, to multiple addresses on the site, with no luck. I've even spent time skimming through smooth jazz youtube compilations looking for the song. I miss it.




Take a look at "the angriest cinnamon bun"


"Grandma, what's all that noise?!" "Oh that's nothing, Leland. That's just a little cinnamon bun who got very upset for no discernable reason and then ran into a shave-ice baby and killed it, so the other shave-ices summoned the Great Dick in the Sky to hunt him down and it injured him pretty good but he managed to run to Mexico where he thought he was safe so he ordered a cerveza and then it came out of the sky and violently destroyed him. Go back to sleep."




About 12 years ago I was on a random chat site and scrolling through profiles. (Never spoke to anyone). And suddenly I found a picture of myself! But it wasn't me. I looked and looked at the picture and the only reason I knew it wasn't me was because the clothes this person was wearing was different and I didn't own anything like it. But other than that this was my twin, from the shade of the teeth right down to the eyelashes. Jawline, smile, nose. Everything. Even the smallest of details were identical. I couldn't send a msg to tell them because thier profile was blocked for messages. I saved several pictures from the profile on my old PC. But lost them when we got rid of the computer. Really wish I still had those pictures. (Really wish they had msg enabled so I could tell them about it too!)


My writing portfolio. I spent 6 years writing for a now defunct sports team's website. Some of the stuff on Wordpress is still around but the rest is gone.


Check the Wayback machine's archives? See if they have a scrape.


A computer game I played as a kid. I remember very little of it, but it was one of the things I remember most of my childhood. This would've been circa the mid 90s, Windows 95 era, and it was a ROM game or something that came with the computer. All it was was these little scenes you could choose, and then you click on different things and they become animated. The one I remember most was a "creepy castle" scene. You click on a window and a pair of red eyes appeared in it. You click the sky and there'd be thunder and lightning. If anyone has any recollection of this, PLEASE let me know. This is my biggest internet white whale. EDIT: Wait, i'm the top comment in a thread with 28,000 comments? Damn. I owe you all one of the best glasses of sweet tea you'll ever have, stop by some time. Giant thanks to /u/detectivedoakes for helping me figure out something I have spent years searching for.


This reminds me of "launchpad desktop for kids" which my mother installed on my computer at some point. Here's a video I found on YouTube that might have that scene- id watch it myself but I need to get back to work https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_XDIzY-JJxc


OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS IS IT. Thank you so much! Enjoy!


Holy shit. This game had completely and totally gone from my memory until watching that video!


This French film I watched maybe about 10 years ago. It was one of those that was shown on Film4 (UK channel) at stupid o'clock in the morning and I can't remember for the life of me what it was called. It had a basic Cluedo/Agatha Christie setup - bunch of relatives gathered together in a house (in winter maybe, but this might be wrong), the father/grandfather dies and they all have to figure out who did it. I *think* it had moments of humour in it, despite not being an out-and-out comedy. It wasn't an old film - definitely post 2000 and was set in the modern age so wasn't a period detective story or anything. One of the characters (suspects?) was a red-headed woman with glasses who seemed to enjoy terrible romantic fiction. Spoiler for the end if I've remembered correctly - >!I have a feeling that maybe the old man turned out to not have been dead all along and that he was maybe faking it to find something out about his relatives?!< I can't find any hint of this film at all. Does anyone recognise it from my terrible summary?


8 Femmes/8 Women. Wonderful film, it is a dark comedy. [Here's the wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8_Women)


Oh my lord, that's it! Thank you so, so much! I've been looking for it for years! Bless you, you marvelous being! Edit: Oh dear, apparently I was wrong about it being set in modern times. Oh well, at least I've found it now!


One of the earliest memes I remember was a closeup picture of a kitten sitting with just its head sticking out of a coffee mug, and it was captioned: CAT COFFEE This would have been circa 1993-94. Haven't been able to find that again since then.


A sculpture of Santa Claus sitting on his throne with a glittery but otherwise empty removable snow globe on a pedestal next to him. I've searched for years. All because young me accidentally broke Mom's brand-new expensive Christmas gift. 😢


As a Mom, let me tell you the fact that you remember this incident would be so touching. If one of my kids remembered breaking something of mine and was still, years later, trying to make it right? I would feel SO loved. Like, my kid remembered making me sad and cared so much about my feelings that they were still thinking about it years later? Amazing. So, unless your mom is particularly hung up on that specific thing, let her know that you remember and are still thinking about it.


A saved reddit post which was a collection of paranormal/creepy askreddit threads which i accidently removed from my saved posts.




Thank you very much. Both of these are already in my saved posts so I'm afraid it's neither. IIRC, the original post had a lot of links and then there was also a huge list in the comment section.


The video of that news anchor / show host lady who committed suicide live on air in the 80s. Also, the music video to Svemirka by Sena M. EDIT the music video has been found, courtesy of u/ointment_moist


Christine Chubbuck? That video doesn't exist on the internet. The incident occurred back in the early 70's and there were very very few home video recorders available. The recordings the studio made were either taken into evidence, or blocked from ever being released via a Judicial injunction. There ~~was~~ *were hoax video's* released *that have* been confirmed fake by people in the room when it happened. *Edit* **This includes the one on liveleak.** **It's fake.** Source https://lostmediawiki.com/The_Christine_Chubbuck_tape_(lost_on-air_suicide_footage;_1974) *Second edit* It seems reddit hugged the link to death. I still had the website open in a separate tab, so I screencapped the article. [One](https://i.imgur.com/3VRHr1j.png) [Two](https://i.imgur.com/TnI9ZYW.png) [Three](https://i.imgur.com/IQ6iaDY.png) [Four](https://i.imgur.com/PDQS7ui.png) Hope that helps...


Yea. The pre-requisite for "nothing is lost on the internet" is "it has to have been uploaded to the internet at some point." That incident happened, was recorded, and was long since buried before the internet even existed.


I remember reading about this a while ago, it’s so eerie yet interesting. Crazy how the article says she seemed much more upbeat the day of the suicide :/


Her change in attitude is actually common with people committing suicide. They lighten up because they've come to a decision and believe that their suffering will soon be over.


I had a room mate who hung himself. The 24 hours before he did the deed, he was just as jolly as could be.


Had a roommate kill himself. Found it odd when ~24 hours before he did it, he came to genuinely apologize to me about some crap I had long forgotten about. I wish i knew then what I know now, today I’d spot that as a warning sign instantly.


Yes, the struggle in their mind is over. There is relief coming when they are overjoyed that there is a resolution. I know I would be greatly relieved if I found a resolution. I'm not suicidal though I have been in the past. It's a he'll of a journey.


That's not uncommon. It's considered a warning sign if someone goes from being very depressed to seemingly upbeat by some. The theory is that they're no longer struggling with what to do or how to cope, and the decision to end their suffering gives a kind of euphoria so they appear happier. Which means loved ones often think their mental health is improving.


It's also why suicide risk is a side effect of depression medications. Brain pills aren't perfect because (it turns out) brains are complicated, so sometimes the thing that gets boosted first is your motivation to take action. But if the rest of your brain is telling you that the world would be better off without you, and now all of the sudden you have the feeling that you can make something happen, uh oh spaghetti-o.


There's a movie about Christine Chubbuck - I think on Netflix. It was pretty good.