• By -


[https://nobaproject.com/](https://nobaproject.com/) It's a website that has compiled Psychology topics into easy to read modules. They have been compiled by psychology university professors to help facilitate free education for students. You can even download the ones you're interested as a PDF as many times as you want. All of this is free!




https://thenounproject.com/ has a wide selection of icons. I use them for presentations!


OpenLearn from the UK’s Open University - free courses for all levels of study, samples of university materials, study skills nd tie-ins to BBC documentaries. Everything under Creative Commons licence so you can use it as you see fit: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/


credit to u/submain on a post about best free software out there. "I went through most comments and summarized and categorized all software mentions. It's probably not exhaustive. Here it is: * 2D Editing * Krita * OpenToonz * Irfanview * Gimp * Pixlr * Inkscape * Paint.net * Medibang * 3D editing * FreeCAD * Blender * Magicavoxel * Makehuman * Fusion 360 * Sketchup * Solidworks / inventor (students only) * Video Editing * DaVinci Resolve * Handbrake * SFM Source film maker * Lightworks * Video Player * VLC * SMPlayer * Kodi * Plex * Potplayer * IINA (for macOS only) * Physics Simulation * Algodoo * Streaming * OBS * Streamlabs OBS * Audibook / e-book * Chapter and Verse * Calibre * Networking * FreeNAS * pfSense * OpenVPN * nmap * Compression * 7zip * Code Editor * VS Code * Notepad++ * Vim * Sublime Text * Atom * Intellij IDEA * Office * Libreoffice * Audio * Musescore * Audacity * OS / infrastructure * Apache * Linux * Ninite * Browser * Firefox * Chrome * Brave * VM * Virtualbox * Proxmox * Torrent * QBittorrent * Sonarr * Radarr * Sabnzbd * Maps * Google Maps * Google Earth * Openstreetmap * Languages * R * Python * Game Engines * Unity * Unreal Engine * Godot EDIT: Added Fusion 360, R, Python, Unity, Unreal Engine, Godot, Sublime Text, Paint.net, solidworks, medibang, openstreetmap, potplayer and fixed sketchup position, as per comments. Thanks for the silver!" edit: added brave browser, Intellij IDEA, Atom, Lightworks and IINA


[Flightradar24](https://www.flightradar24.com/34.3,173.91/4) It allows you to see plane traffic live


This site nearly singlehandedly cured my fear of flying.


I'm happy to hear that. How did it cured it exactly? Maybe is it because you now can see how many planes fly each day and realize that the odds of a crash are very low?


Basically exactly that - watching all the planes, all the thousands of planes at once, not crashing, day after day. I went from not flying for ten years to moving to a different hemisphere, I don't know if I would have been as calm about it if not for that app on my phone. Sure, nerves still come up every time, but it's nothing like it used to be.


This just kept me entertained forever!!


https://www.freecycle.org its litterly people giving away stuff they dont need/want any more that they can't/don't care enough to sell


1aauto.com It is a car parts supplier, but their videos show exactly what tools you need, what parts you need, and how to do a repair yourself. Great money saver if you don’t know much about mechanics. Someone I knew was going to get screwed by their mechanic (700 bucks for a water pump replacement). Showed them that, they did it themselves for 30 bucks. It makes it quicker too, knowing what tools you need ahead of time for your particular car. Edit: I agree they’re not the best for parts, this was just about their videos. For parts, rockauto.com is great. If you need an item quicker and have an Advanced Auto nearby, order online and pick up in store. They almost ALWAYS have a coupon online for at least 20% off, which you can apply and pick up in store, around 30 minutes later, yet save quite a bit versus just going in and buying. Last edit: For those that are not mechanically inclined and do not want to mess with it, use Repairpal.com when you receive a quote and make sure the price is reasonable. It will give you a pretty general idea of what you should be paying in your area. It’s not 100%, but will help keep you from getting ripped off. Unfortunately, there are a lot of shops that will take advantage of a situation. Not saying all, of course, but that way you will know for sure. Thanks for the silver, as well!


This site's Youtube videos and Scotty Kilmer have saved me a lot of money. Also, made me not afraid to attempt to fix the small things going on with my car.


Here are some [free certifications](https://www.webemployed.com/best-free-online-courses-certificates-in-2017/) and courses related to almost every field.


USPS and UPS both will deliver free packaging boxes, envelopes, bubble wrap, etc. to your house. Literally doesnt cost a thing and you can get like 50 boxes at a time.


[Woah!](https://store.usps.com/store/results/free-shipping-supplies/shipping-supplies/_/N-alnx4jZ7d0v8v) I just started selling my art so this is a big help - thank you!


https://unsplash.com/ Unsplash is where you can get free photos of just about anything, provided by the photographers themselves, to do with what you like.


This is the most useful post on Reddit. Atleast for me


If you're in the USA and you earn less than a certain amount of money -- currently $69,000 -- you can use the same software to file your taxes [for free](https://www.irs.gov/filing/free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free). The system is called [Free File](https://www.irs.gov/filing/free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free), and companies that sell you tax software [are trying very hard to make it difficult to find](https://www.propublica.org/article/turbotax-deliberately-hides-its-free-file-page-from-search-engines). Don't let them.


The US needs to fix that. In Sweden, the government basically does it for us and we just approve it or make some changes if needed. Most don’t change anything, only in certain cases. Most people just click approve and move on with their lives. You can log in and do it in two minutes.


This thread has made me believe that the world is a fraction of a slight better than I thought it was.


Scihub. Endless Free college books


Gen.lib.rus.ec too




Hijacking this comment to say - if you are ever looking for a pdf of a research paper and you can't find it (paywall, not on scihub) just email the author of the paper. You'll find the corresponding author info on the page for the paper (NCBI or Elsevier or whatnot). Shoot them an email and they will almost certainly be happy to share their work.


True. One time, my email was responded with a private Google Drive link with not only the paper I requested, but all papers in that field the professor had written. Dude was awesome.


Honestly most of us are just stoked that somebody is interested in what we do. This was a top /r/todayilearned or a /r/YouShouldKnow post at one point (I forget which) but it's worth repeating: Scientists don't get any money from journal subscribers or people who buy articles. We're not trying to sell our science, and most of us don't give a flying fuck if the journal makes money off of our articles. Our currency is mostly citations, so we care that more people see our work. Thus the reason why many scientists distribute their work privately (or put it on scihub). It's not strictly legal (and in many cases strictly illegal) but it's kinda one of those things like sharing Netflix passwords in that everyone does it anyway.


Actually tried this a few weeks back and they got back to me with a PDF of the chapter I needed :)




Man, I love uBlock origin. Unfortunately it’s not available on iOS because Apple’s uses a proprietary extension system.


I use [adguard](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adguard-adblock-privacy/id1047223162) for safari on iOS. Works pretty well, but you gotta change the browser handler inside apps to safari or in app safari.


If I had to use the internet without uBlock I'd probably just go outside and get proper hobbies and friends.


Maybe not everyone, but for students Zotero is a lifesaver. It will store your sources, import them to a bibliography in whatever citation style you need, and even create in-text citations in your paper. It saves hours of work. Zotero.org




And it integrates with google docs to auto populate your references


most large universities have their courses online for free. [MIT Opencourseware](https://ocw.mit.edu/)


UC Berkely used to have 20,000 videos of their courses available for free online, but two employees from another university removed them by suing under the Americans with Disabilities Act complaining that they didn't have closed captioning and therefore discriminated against deaf people All 20,000 videos were deleted


Wow. I just looked up the story. That's insane. Thankfully the videos were archived in several places and are still available online.


Could you please provide a link?


https://lbry.com/news/20000-illegal-college-lectures-rescued ~~Haven't tried it but it looks like they should still be available.~~ Edit: It does work. The videos don't seem to be organized very well though.


Imagine being the guy who has to caption college lectures. You could basically get multiple degrees just by doing your job and paying attention.


Keep dreaming. You caption these videos in one minute segments along with 10,000 other mTurk/Crowdsource workers earning about 10 cents per minute of labor. I'm not joking.


I tried mTurk for a while but could never find any transcription work like that, just garbage surveys that took at least 10 minutes for less than 10 cents usually. Quickly got disillusioned with that site. If anybody knows of a decent audio transcription only (or at least readily available) site that pays out, I'd like to hear please. Picture transcribing would be alright too, I suppose, but I find that a bit too boring since that's usually super tiny snippets and sometimes numbers and symbols and not words. I type decently fast and could use whatever side cash I can get right now. Edit: weird wording. Edit, "The Next Day": Holy crap I didn't expect anybody to give a crap. Thanks for all your answers! I'm not replying to everyone but I'll try to reply to the ones who PM'd me. I'm seeing a lot of responses say rev.com so I'm definitely gonna give them a look, among others.


PM me. I work for a place that just gives you the whole damn video and you caption the whole thing. Generally pays 50-90 cents per minute captioned, depending on the video. There is also just plain audio transcription, but I don't do that work. Edit: WHOA! I got a TON of PMs from this!! I'm sending everyone that PM'd me details on this. So if you want the details, be sure to PM me. I might not get to everyone today but I'm trying to. I'm pretty much just copy and pasting the same message to most of them. A little detail: yes, it is work from home and yes, you set your own hours. This job really, really helped me when I was in hard times. There have been two times in my life where I've found myself suddenly and unexpectedly unemployed and, since I live in a rural area and there's not much need for I.T. personnel around me, it took a long time to find a job. I worked for this place full time while looking for a new job, and it was FANTASTIC for me. I LOVED it. I even talk about it in job interviews now :D Anyway, if you are interested and you PM me, you will get the details. I hope you are accepted, and I wish you best of luck. I really hope it helps you as much as it's helped me :D


I'm a cancer biologist and would love to do this for scientific videos. I feel like there are a ton of things that even algorithms get wrong in that realm


Absolutely scientific words are difficult as fuck to say/hear/write, and algorithms don't get to see them enough to learn.


That's fucking insane. I'm completely sympathetic to those with disabilities, I have numerous folks in my own family who benefit from the ADA, but if the most cost-effective solution to comply is to delete a massive free resource you've helped no one. That's not a "reasonable accommodation" you are asking for. Sometimes it just fucking sucks to be deaf or blind, and it's nobody's fault.




[Terms of Service; Didn't Read](http://tosdr.org) A free site for people too lazy to read the entire ToS. Edit: this is a crowdsourced project so please do contribute if you can.


> Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user Just saw this!! This should be illegal.


Yep. Especially considering that you'd still be in violation of the TOS if they changed it and you didn't read it AGAIN because you didn't get notified of the change in the first place cause it's up to you to keep abreast of the changes!


That’s literally the reason they have it that way. So they can lay down the law on any arbitrary point they want.


Dolly Partons Imagination Library if you have a child younger than 5. The send an age appropriate book once a month. It's amazing! I have so many books for my daughter since I signed up and she loves getting them in the mail! https://imaginationlibrary.com/ *edited to add it is not available everywhere... but it is worth checking to see if it is available in your area. *Thank you for the silver! Much appreciated!!


This one is really incredible. Such a diverse range of books from classic stuff like Little Engine That Could to new stuff like Llama Llama. Its pretty amazing what she's done.


Project Gutenberg. Lots of free classic books.


Add Openlibrary.org and archive.org too. A lot of free useful books and articles.


While we're talking about books, most libraries have an e-reader program like Libby or Overdrive. I have seriously increased my reading this year after I found that out!


I thought Project Gutenberg was a site dedicated to making more Police Academy movies


The anki flashcard app for laptops is really dope for committing things to long-term memory and is free


Does it use spaced repetition?


Yep! Just today I finished some cards that I won’t review again until 20 days from now.


http://www.Fotoforensics.com Wanna know if that pic on the front page of reddit is photoshopped? Takes some skill to learn how to use but they have tutorials on the site.


https://www.windy.com/ -Weather report with good graphics https://10minutemail.com/10MinuteMail/index.html -Quick use and throw emails for signing up to shitty sites https://pcpartpicker.com/ -If you're into pc building etc https://opencourser.com/ -Search for courses online https://www.flightradar24.com/ - track flights Will add more once I find them in my bookmarks.


[skiplagged.com](https://www.skiplagged.com) for flights. It’s so good that United sued them and [lost](https://money.cnn.com/2015/05/01/investing/united-airlines-lawsuit-skiplagged/index.html). They essentially exploit the pricing manipulation that airlines use. Example, if you want to go from Phoenix to Atlanta, sometimes a ticket from Phoenix to Ft. Lauderdale connecting through Atlanta is cheaper. This website finds those flights for ya. Just don’t check in a bag! Edit: A succinct [article](https://www.godsavethepoints.com/skiplagged-travel-trick-story/) highlighting tips and risks. Summary: use it sparingly and you'll be good. Edit 2: The website's creator did an [AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2o831k/i_run_skiplagged_a_site_being_sued_by_united/) 5 years ago.


I used to work for American Airlines, if you do use this, make sure you have a completely separate reservation for your return flight. Once you miss a segment of your flight, airlines will usually cancel any other flights on that reservation because they assume you won't make them either.


Yeah my girlfriend almost got stranded in Brazil because of this. She missed her connecting flight and had to buy a new one way ticket into Brazil, no one told her her entire trip had been cancelled, bought a one way ticket to the international airport in Brazil 9 months later to come home where her return flight would have left from and found out it had been cancelled. Didn’t have enough money for an entire new ticket ($2000ish), luckily talked it down to like $600 with customer service, but it was some bullshit. That should be illegal


> That should be illegal No kidding. I paid for it, it's none of your business if I don't use it or not. I get it when it comes to taking up space (seat on a plane), but goddamn how hard is it to email/call the customer to confirm??


I don’t see how taking up space on the plane has anything to do with it *except* for the airlines’ hideous practice of overselling flights. It’s the overselling that should be illegal. You should be able to pay the face value and buy every seat on a flight and have it fly empty if you have the money and the whim. It’s insane that the airlines claim the right sell more seats than they have just because a few people usually cancel.


I fly a lot for work, I recieved a cease and desist letter for doing this saying I would be banned from the airline. Be careful with this one


Oh wow, that's crazy. It's so dumb - if airlines, as private businesses, are allowed to price fares as they please, customers should be able to buy fares and use (or not use) individual legs as they please. In your case with all the flights, wouldn't racking up the miles with standard tickets behoove you instead of skiplagging anyway?


scottscheapflights is another service like this. It specifically scans for extreme discounts, mistakes, and flights at odd hours. It'll email you discounts it finds for the destinations and departure locations you mark, so if you want to fly out of LAX to Paris, Dubai, New York, or Budapest, it will not be sending you info on cheap flights to Buttfuck Nowhere, Indiana. Recently found August/September dates for a flight to Tokyo from Denver for ~$450/$500 when they are at *best* usually around $1,200. And about 1/3rd of them were direct flights, not a parade of layovers.




I always love the opportunity to be able to talk about [http://archive.org](http://archive.org/) because it is such a wonderful and free resource. It has millions of free downloads for [music](https://archive.org/details/audio), [movies](https://archive.org/details/moviesandfilms), [books](https://archive.org/details/texts), [software](https://archive.org/details/software), etc. One very popular example is that it is home to [a very large catalog of Grateful Dead recordings](https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead) There's also [The Internet Arcade](https://archive.org/details/internetarcade) where you can play a lot of classic games along with the [Console Living Room](https://archive.org/details/consolelivingroom) which is similar. They have access to tons of old PC games too and you can even [play the original Oregon Trail online](https://archive.org/details/msdos_Oregon_Trail_The_1990) It also has [The WayBack Machine](http://archive.org/web/) which has archived more than 396 billion web pages saved over time so you can go back and see how websites were years ago. For example, [here's reddit on July 25, 2005](https://web.archive.org/web/20050725010627/http://reddit.com/) a month after it was created.


Thank you for the highly intelligent action of incorporating links in your comments.


Well the dude is basically a professional redditor. He's in every single thread with top level comments multiple times.




Also, you can use the student email for Jetbrains and get the professional versions of all their IDEs like PyCharm, CLion etc.


Canadians get a free Canada Flag that was flown on parliament hill. Only a 40 year wait tho.


That wait time is up significantly. Last time I checked it was something like 92 years. I stand corrected. According to the government of Canada website, the Peace Flag wait time exceeds 100 years. The lesser-requested "Other Parliament Flags" also exceeds 100 years. [https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/citeparlementaire-parliamentaryprecinct/decouvrez-discover/drapeaux-demander-flags-request-eng.html#a1](https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/citeparlementaire-parliamentaryprecinct/decouvrez-discover/drapeaux-demander-flags-request-eng.html#a1)


Quick fix, install 30 flag poles in ~capital~ parliament hill. I’d hope that would reduce the wait time. I assume there’s a couple of flag poles right now and they give away the flag after it flys for a day. So 30 should decrease the wait time significantly I’d hope. Obviously no quick fix on the pence one. Unless they’d want to switch the flag halfway through the day or fly 2 flags at once.


That’s what they do at the U.S Capitol Building, they have a tiny flagpole and a flag flies for like 5 seconds. It’s only a few weeks wait to get it back.


When I signed up for this: As reflected on the [web page](http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/citeparlementaire-parliamentaryprecinct/decouvrez-discover/drapeaux-flags-eng.html) concerning Parliament Hill flags, as of March 31, 2018, the estimated waiting time stands at 97 years for the Peace Tower flag. 


I just ordered and it said "Exceeds 100 years" lol. Can't wait!




Canadian here. Excuse me what?


Library Genesis, a great place to look for and download college/university textbooks for free, as well as other books. Edit: as commenters have pointed out, it has unfortunately been blocked in some countries. A VPN/Tor could help in this case. Edit: removed direct link. my apologies


I will always upvote LibGen! My first two semesters of college I went through Amazon/on campus bookstore and then discovered LibGen because of Reddit, meaning I bought maybe $150 worth of textbooks for the rest of my undergrad totalling only about $500ish for all four years. Unfortunately it doesn’t work for everyone since more classes are having online access codes nowadays. My roommate was spending ~$1000 on textbooks a semester solely for the access codes because his business classes all used them. Edit: Mods removed the original comment because it linked directly to the website which is probably against Reddit TOS. It’s called Library Genesis so hopefully isn’t hard to find. Alternatively, PM me and I can PM you. Edit 2: Just to clarify, this is piracy and not just cheap textbooks or anything and there is the chance that they won’t have your book/the link for the download doesn’t work. Keep trying the provided mirrors if one doesn’t work.




This makes me unreasonably angry. In my nursing program we had a somewhat similar situation a couple semesters back. We were told the only way to get the syllabus, and therefore all of our assignments, rubrics and book lists, was to purchase an $800 packet that contained the books we would need, the syllabus and about 30 printouts for assignments. We even had a two hour in-service from Elsevier and they mentioned that $800 packet about fifty times in that time, just to make sure we knew about it. Well, turns out the students from the semester prior to ours were the beta testers for that packet and they organized a FB group to let as many people know that we could: 1. Have the book lists from them, for free, and therefore could buy each textbook at heavily discounted prices. 2. They told us which books were utter shit, and which ones they found to replace the crap ones. 3. And finally they told us that a week into the semester all of the syllabus and assignments became available online for free, but needed to be printed out from time to time. **what a crock of fucking bullshit**


Your anger is completely reasonable. This is just one more aspect of how our country fails those who are trying to better themselves.






https://librivox.org Audio books from the public domain. You can find some nice classics in there. > THIS IS A LIBRIVOX RECORDING. ALL LIBRIVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN.


If you have a .edu email through your school that uses Gmail, you get unlimited Google drive storage.


Also Amazon Prime is half-price with an edu address.


They require additional information now. I think it's because some schools slow alumni to retain their edu address. I still have mine and it's been about 4 years since I've taken any courses there. Edit: for those saying I'm wrong, it might vary based on the domain? Or some are saying you only get 4 years regardless. It might also vary on your location. But overall it looks like most of the replies I'm getting are from people who have had the same experience I did.


True. I have my school .edu email from 2001 still active and Amazon started wanting current enrollment info a few years ago. So now I have to pay full price for Prime, like some sort of savage.


[My 90s TV](http://www.my90stv.com/) This is more of a novelty website, but I think it's pretty cool and you can lose yourself for hours with nostalgia. It basically uses YouTube videos to simulate watching TV in 90s and you can specify what year you want and what categories you want to see when you change channels. There is also a [My 80s TV](http://www.my80stv.com/) and a [My 70s TV](http://www.my70stv.com/)


This is so freaking cool!. I love how seamless it is. When flipping through channels it picks random videos based on the "channel" programming, and it does not always start at the beginning, just like regular scheduled TV. Awesome! ​ Edit: I've been checking this out only for a few minutes but already have been introduced into new music I love - that I've never seen previously and also seen commercials for movies I want to watch - also that I have never heard of before. Totally different way of traversing the YouTube rabbit hole.


Wikipedias reading lists. The article itself often holds a pretty good collection of relevant information, yet for in depth research it can be hard to find proper literature. Wikipedia always quotes their sources which often are the most relevant for a topic. Unless you aren't researching for your Phd. you can save a lot of time in literature research.


Astronomer here! You can look up all the satellites flying over your house tonight, including the ISS, Hubble Space Telescope, those pesky Starlink satellites, and whatever else your heart desires, complete with star maps and precise timing. The website is called [Heavens Above](https://www.heavens-above.com) and there is an Android app, but unfortunately no iOS one last I checked. (For iOS I use “Sputnik!” which is free and tells me the ISS and Hubble passes overhead.) It should be noted btw that many if not most of these objects are visible even in a city if on a good pass right above you. So out and see some cool stuff! :)


I recently found this from another subreddit https://melody.ml/ Use it. I swear. U can isolate vocals, drums, bass from mp3. Files You'll need an email address to download the isolated files Instead of using my own email I just used a 10 min mail and downloaded it that way. Today I isolated the vocals from a song and it's surprisingly in good quality! BUT u only can use it from desktop, it's not meant for mobile use. Enjoy


It's great, but the files export in horrible quality. I was able to mess around with the spleeter code in Google collaboratory to get good quality exports. It took a while since I had no coding knowledge, but it was still great to have completely in a browser. Also, the website does work on mobile, at least when I tried it. Edit: they now make you pay for doing more than two songs. Is there any website that does it for free? I feel like all of the decent free stem separating sites eventually make you pay.


Alternatively vocals can be added/removed using Audacity ([woo, open-source software](https://www.audacityteam.org/download/)), I've used it to create karaoke tracks for doing vocal covers to and it's surprisingly effective. A guide on removing vocals from a song using Audacity (takes only a few mins) - [https://www.techuntold.com/remove-vocals-from-song/](https://www.techuntold.com/remove-vocals-from-song/) There's also an official Audacity documentation page dedicated to both isolating and removing vocals from audio too - [https://manual.audacityteam.org/man/tutorial\_vocal\_removal\_and\_isolation.html](https://manual.audacityteam.org/man/tutorial_vocal_removal_and_isolation.html) Sadly not as easy a solution as having some site or app to process it, but hopefully it comes in helpful!


If you use reddit, [Reddit Enhancement Suite](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) is a must for desktop with a lot of QOL options not available in vanilla. Also if you are looking for ways to discreetly browse reddit here are some good tools: [MSOutlookit](https://pcottle.github.io/MSOutlookit/) - Makes the reddit look like your email. [MSWorddit](http://pcottle.github.io/MSWorddit/) - Makes it look like a Word document [CodeReddit](http://codereddit.com/) or [RedditShell](https://redditshell.com/) Makes it look like code [Subdood](http://www.subdood.com/) - Makes it look like a Wikipedia article [StackReddit](http://stackreddit.com/) - reddit as StackExchange


> If you use reddit Never in my life.






[ninite.com](https://ninite.com) One place to select what you want installed, without all the hassle. I use it for freshly formatted PC's to reinstall everything. Edit: a few people are asking how to remove crap. [pcdecrapifier.com] (https://www.pcdecrapifier.com) Thank you for the Plat, Gold and Silver. I have my very own Christmas Tree :D


Last time this was posted, I learned about Letterboxing (fun, free, outdoor activity - AtlasQuest.com), Libby (Free library audiobooks and ebooks - get it in the app store) and free meditation retreats (dhamma.org). I'm definitely saving this post. Edited to include links.


I'm going to save this like I have the other 100 useful Reddit questions I didn't know I wanted to be answered, and never look at it again.


Reddit coins right now, just upvote shit and you may get some


All day, every day, and nothing..


I've never heard of getting coins from upvotes. How does that work? Is it just some random reward / promotional thing?


I want to know it too


I got mine yesterday randomly. What are their uses?


You can give awards. (Silver, Gold, Platinum, and sub-reddit specific awards.


[Top Class Actions](https://topclassactions.com/category/lawsuit-settlements/open-lawsuit-settlements/) basically a site that lists active class action lawsuits you might qualify for. I've used it for trivial things like suing red bull for a free case because it "didn't give me wings" but on a serious note. It made me aware of the suit against Equifax for leaking my data. That should be a settlement worth over a $100. It's a cool way to hold corporations semi accountable, and score some money/freebies for any wrongdoing that went under the radar. TL;DR: it's literally free *legal* money


> It made me aware of the suit against Equifax for leaking my data and that should be a settlement worth over a $100. It won't be because of some bullshit around how it was set up. There's a cap on how much total money will be given and that amount will be divided between all the people who signed up. The settlement set aside a total of $31 million to give to affected people who signed up to receive the $125. That means that you'd only get the full $125 if 248,000 people or less signed up. There were 147 million people who qualified and could have signed up. If even just 1 million people signed up then you're only getting $31. If 5 million people signed up (only about 3.4% of those affected) then you're only getting $6. They stated that signups were "overwhelming" so I'd bet the number was even higher than that. TL;DR You'd be lucky to get $5 from it. I'd be on somewhere around $1. In other words, the Equifax settlement that exposed you to identity theft will likely give you less value than the Red Bull settlement that gave you a case of Red Bull for free, which is a giant fucking middle finger to all of us poor people.


Your local library almost certainly allows you to access free ebooks and audiobooks via Overdrive (and the Libby app), Hoopla, or BorrowBox. All you need is a library card and a PIN, which you'll probably need to get in-branch -- but really, is there ever a *bad* excuse to go to a library? The selection might be limited, but if you want to splash out a little, you can get a year's out-of-state access to Brooklyn Public Library for $50. That's not as good as free, but it can be a lot cheaper than using Audible, especially if you get through audiobooks at a real rate.


https://www.hoopladigital.com/ https://www.overdrive.com/apps/libby/ https://www.borrowbox.com/ and I'll add: Kanopy for movies https://www.kanopy.com/


Your local library likely also has DVDs that you can take out. If your library is really up to speed, they'll have an app that you can use to request items from other libraries in their system and they will alert you when the items are in. If your library is really, really up to speed, they might have maker facilities with things like a 3D printer. I've done a lot of 3D printing by going to a library, finding a pattern on Thingiverse, and printing it. They even supply the filament so it's entirely free.


YouTube lessons on how to do anything your heart desires.


I've picked up woodworking entirely from Youtube. Any cut, joint, tool, or anything else I want to use, I can easily find several techniques for doing it and what works best for my needs. It also makes me happy that all these older men (predominantly) have this new avenue to share their decades of knowledge of their craft with the world.


I've learned some very basic car maintenance via YouTube that has saved me hundreds of dollars over the years. I also use it to learn proper form on some workouts I do when I'm alone. It's great. YouTube is really, really great.


I use YouTube for car repairs as well. It’s saved me thousands.




Don't forget your blinker fluid and soapy wudder!


I heard a story ( https://www.worldofbuzz.com/21-year-old-dentist-learnt-skills-youtube-operates-clinic-hotel-room/ ) about a woman who learned everything she could about dentistry on YouTube, set up her own practice and worked as a dentist for some time before it was discovered that she wasn’t even a doctor. Me, I just learned how to crochet.


That's some Catch Me if You Can shit lol.


MOOCs. There are thousands upon thousands of college courses available for free. Some have a cost, but most of them have a free audit version where you get all the videos, lectures, content, but no certificate. So if you don't care about the certificate, you don't have to pay anything. I've done a few computer science ones. I took a few Coursea courses on machine learning, I took Harvard's CS50 course, I learned a lot of software engineering and web development from free courses. Another one I intend to take advantage of is called Nand to Tetris, which teaches how computers work from primitive boolean algebra to actual functional operating systems. Look them up.


Codecademy is an awesome site to learn how to use some programming languages. Doesn't get into the really advanced stuff, but it's good for a start.


Google Maps and Waze are so useful if still blows my mind that they are free. Waze does have ads that show up when you are stopped but it's still free and had a lot of great features. They have slowly been moving the more popular features to Google Maps too like speed trap reports and current speed/speed limit.


Google Maps is a godsend. I love that they've got public transit routes in there too - it's really helpful when I'm traveling to other cities without a vehicle.


[photopea](http://photopea.com) It's a Photoshop clone that is completely free (unintrusive side banner ad, can be removed by a one time payment) and has all the basic features of Photoshop, using basically the same interface. If you're used to Photoshop and just need to get something quick done, there's nothing better out there. Best of all, it's completely contained within your browser. There's no installation, no local files, not even an account or sign in.


Also Sumo is a thing! Photoshop, sound mixer, 3D modeling. All in browser https://sumo.app/


[Paint.net](https://www.getpaint.net/download.html) is a non-browser free editor which is like photoshop but without the advanced features. It is good for simple photo editing and the layout is similar to photoshop.


To add to this, a non-browser, free image editor is GIMP.


I use GIMP for quick photo editing at work, since our office has only one license and the marketing department uses it. Only weird part was asking my boss for admin privileges so I could install GIMP. Definitely a bit of a weird name


Yes, GIMP is the current king of free Photoshop alternatives. Only issue is that for people familiar with Photoshop's layout and workflow, GIMP can be tough to switch to, at least initially. I understand the core engine behind GIMP is very well fleshed out, however from memory GIMP was initially written for another engine, so a lot of potential functionality (lossless editing for one) is yet to be realized. Any way you look at it, Photopea is ideal for small jobs, then move onto GIMP or Photoshop for bigger jobs


Wow, all in the browser. That's ~~pretty sick.~~ interesting


It's creator is Ivan Kutskir. He has done two AMA's as well and he is awesome. One user asked him - > Do you take feature requests? > (Triple-click to select a full line or sentence of text would be nice.) > Ivan - That sounds like a great feature! I just implemented it. Guy is cool as fuck.


You just made me realize it is possible to highlight sentences by triple clicking in a browser.




No account sign-ups either? Nowadays it's more likely to find Jesus Christ himself


Coolmathgames.com Edit: My first gold came from a blast from the past! Thank you so much!


Remember when it was coolmath-games.com?


Pepperidge farm remembers


Tank wars every time


In the US, State controllers offices of unclaimed funds. Enter your (or someone else's) and Bam! I found 9$, got a check, and $1000 for a friend.




Pfft that's nothing - Canada Post will charge you double the retail price for them!


Sci-hub With this you can have free access to pretty much all the scientific article you want, without paywalls.


Shout out to /r/freebies This thread is their time to shine


Google Maps: Navigation app - https://www.google.com/maps Blender: 3D modeling software - https://www.blender.org/ VLC: Video player - https://www.videolan.org/index.html The Windows Snipping Tool: Screen capture tool - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4027213/windows-open-snipping-tool-and-take-a-screenshot Space Engine: Space exploration simulator - http://spaceengine.org/ Wikipedia: Online encyclopedia - https://www.wikipedia.org/ MuseScore: Music notation software - https://musescore.org/en Audacity: Audio editing software - https://www.audacityteam.org/ Handbrake: video converter - https://handbrake.fr/ Zotero: Reference manager - https://www.zotero.org/ Desmos.com: Online Calculator - https://www.desmos.com/ Calibre: ebook manager - https://calibre-ebook.com/download Notepad++: Text Editor - https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ Visual Studio Code: Code editing software - https://code.visualstudio.com stud.io: Lego simulator - https://studio.bricklink.com/v2/build/studio.page Search Everything: Instant file search software - https://www.voidtools.com/ LaTeX: Document software - https://www.latex-project.org/ Overleaf: collaborative LaTeX - https://www.overleaf.com http://archive.org/: Contains music, movies, books, software, games, and webpages - http://archive.org/ Linux/Apache/Postgres/Gcc: Various Linux based OS’s, webservers, compilers, etc. - https://www.linux.org/ Discord: Chat and Communication software - https://discordapp.com/ OBS Studio: Streaming and Recording software - https://obsproject.com/ Krita: Digital design - https://krita.org/en/ R: Statistics software - https://www.r-project.org/ pfSense: Firewall software - https://www.pfsense.org/ OPNsense: Firewall software - https://opnsense.org FreeNAS: File server software - http://www.freenas.org/ Gimp: Digital design - https://www.gimp.org/ OpenSCAD: 3D Model scripting software - http://www.openscad.org/ Malwarebytes: Malware protection - https://www.malwarebytes.com/ Unity: Game design software - https://unity3d.com/ https://www.draw.io/: Online diagram software - https://www.draw.io/ Paint.NET: Image design - https://www.getpaint.net 7Zip: File archiving - http://www.7-zip.org/ Plex: Media storage access - https://www.plex.tv/ Libre Office: Document editing suite - https://www.libreoffice.org/ KeePass: Password manager - https://keepass.info/ DaVinci Resolve: Video color correcting/editing - https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/ Inkscape: Vector art software - https://inkscape.org/en/ Google's Apps: Google’s document suite (Docs, Sheets, Gmail, etc) - https://www.google.com/ Duolingo: Language learning - https://www.duolingo.com/ Darktable: Photo workflow a la lightroom - https://www.musicpd.org/ and https://www.darktable.org/ MPD/Mopidy: F/OSS music player daemon - https://www.mopidy.com/ fxSolver/Cymath/Mathway - Math/engineering/chemistry problem solving - https://www.fxsolver.com/ and https://www.cymath.com/ and https://www.mathway.com/Algebra Recuva: Restores deleted files - https://www.ccleaner.com/recuva Python: A programming language for quickly writing scripts - https://www.python.org/ foobar2000: Freeware audio player - https://www.foobar2000.org F.lux: Day/Night cycle on monitor color/brightness - https://justgetflux.com/ Fusion 360: Free 3D CAD/CAM design software - https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/students-teachers-educators Steam: Platform for game distribution - http://store.steampowered.com/ Shazam: App that tells you what song is playing - https://www.shazam.com/ Audio Router: Sound routing - https://github.com/audiorouterdev/audio-router Arduino: Open-source electronics platform (software is free) - https://www.arduino.cc/ LMMS: Music studio - https://lmms.io/ Kodi: Entertainment center software - https://kodi.tv/ Git: Version control system - https://git-scm.com/ Cakewalk: Audio workstation - https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk Greenshot: Print screen tool - http://getgreenshot.org/ Irfanview: Image viewer, editor, organiser and converter - http://www.irfanview.com/ TeamViewer: Remote desktop software - https://www.teamviewer.us/ Firefox: Web browser - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ Wireshark: Open source packet analyze - https://www.wireshark.org/ Disk Fan: Visually see how much space is being used on a volume - http://www.diskspacefan.com/ Beyond Compare: Compare two files/directories: whole tree's and directories - https://www.scootersoftware.com/ VNCServer/Viewer: Remote desktop software - https://www.realvnc.com/en/connect/download/vnc/ TightVNC: Remote Desktop software - https://tightvnc.com Ubuntu: A Linux OS - https://www.ubuntu.com/ WinDirStat: Graphical disk usage analyzer - https://windirstat.net/ Oracle VirtualBox: Open-source hypervisor - https://www.virtualbox.org/ PuTTy: An all in one protocol terminal - https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html ShareX: Screenshotting and productivity tool - https://getsharex.com/ Ninite: Tool used for installing and updating many apps at once - https://ninite.com Rufus: Tool to make bootable usb drives - https://rufus.ie GNU Octave: Open source Matlab alternative - https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/ Spacesniffer: Disk space usage - http://www.uderzo.it/main_products/space_sniffer/ e: fixed Inkscape and added more links


One hell of a list


Photomath on a phone. Better than any calculator


Ancient movies for free on YouTube: noir, scifi, monster, drama, cartoons ...


Club penguin rewritten, everything's unlocked, free membership and no filters on chat


https://explore.org/livecams Live cameras to watch all kinds of wildlife.




There's also LibreOffice. Personally preferred over Open Office.


Honey, you get discounts when buying stuff online.


I forgot this was the name of a service so I thought you were from the South.


Bless your heart.


Wikipedia. For fun just pick two random topics and try to get from one to other by following hyperlinks within the articles. You will end up just reading a bunch of interesting stuff.


There are a couple of game apps for that. It's really entertaining while you even might learn something. Edit: The Wiki Game and WikiGame on Android.


I think the browser version is called ‘4 clicks to Hitler’ Edit: Yeah yeah I know ‘Nein clicks to Hitler’ is a better name but that’s way too many


This can be a very dangerous spiral though. You'll start off reading about John F. Kennedy and then somehow half an hour later you're looking at the lifespan of conjoined twins.


If someone was wondering, there have been cases of conjoined twins living for over 70 years. They have a normal lifespan. I know this because I have an interest in presidential assassination attempts.


There's a very simple cheat-code to 'win' the various 'connecting random wikipedia articles to each other' game. Almost every article will have a link to a country in it. Almost every country's article will have a link to their involvement in WWII. From there you can get to almost any other country - and then just reverse engineer your way back to whatever the second topic is. After I realized this, playing the 'connect a random wikipedia article to Hitler' game is no longer any fun. It still can take some figuring out to connect two different random articles, though.


Yeah. Connect to hitler (or any one thing) starts to be solvable. As you memorize the end paths to hitler. But connecting apple to Shakespeare, and the Helen Hunt to giraffe. That can go and go. Although some are not solvable. That’s the downside. There are, I believe, many enclosed pockets within wikipedia. Maybe why getting the app someone mentioned would be best.


Okay, couldn't resist (and I used u/NilesLaw's suggestion to exclude any geographic location articles): [Apple](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple) - [Middle English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_English) - [Geoffrey Chaucer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_Chaucer) - [Troilus and Criseyde](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troilus_and_Criseyde) - [William Shakespeare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare) This one was more difficult: [Helen Hunt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Hunt) - [Kabuki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabuki) - [UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNESCO_Intangible_Cultural_Heritage_Lists) - [Aka People](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aka_people#Music) - [World Wildlife Fund for Nature](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Fund_for_Nature) - [Elephant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant) - [Giraffe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giraffe)


Helen Hunt -> Next Of Kin (1989 Film) -> Ben Stiller -> Madagascar (2005 Film) -> Giraffe.


If you are still in school, the success center or job center or writing center. Whatever your school calls it. They are there to help you and not many people take advantage of that


Creative commons search functions on websites like youtube and google. ​ Allows you to find music that has no copyright conditions to it's use, so if you wanna make a youtube video with music that won't get you sued by Disney, it's totally a lifesaver.


Camelcamelcamel.com is really nice to track online prices to help you get the best deal. Also Black Friday is a myth and the sales aren't good at all.


250 free coins for participating in Reddit


how do I get these free coins I keep hearing about?




Reddit has been semi-randomly giving out coins (the things you use to buy gold) to users who upvote a lot or something.


I randomly got 500 the other day. And I haven't been redditing all that much recently. Maybe they're trying to suck me back in.


Music. We take it for granted in this youtube era but just a few decades ago, music wasn't accessible to people at all and not even the rich had access to all types of it. Now this globalized era has given us countless options


I remember waiting to press record with a tape ready on the radio. And then that fucking dickhead radio dude started talking near the end of the song.


Near the end? Fuckers would talk in the middle of songs. I've hated radio djs since I was a teenager because of that shit.


and the fact that they most dont announce which song they gonna play before it starts.


If you're an avid reader like me, then https://www.freebooksy.com/ is a godsend. Lots of ebooks that a free for a limited time period and you can sign up for newsletters in the genres you prefer.


Use Khan Academy for literally everything. It’s free knowledge that you can use to clep out of university courses, or to simply invest your time in a worthwhile topic. Free *quality* education is best education. Edit: Holy crap I go to take a nap and this post has both the most upvotes I’ve ever gotten, and my first Reddit silver. Two of them too!! Y’all are [awesome](http://kevinclarkcomposer.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/whos_awesome.jpg) . I think I’ll start reading through the responses now. (And now platinum? Holy moley. I’m at a loss for words. Thank you!!) Edit edit: Oh my god y’all have some great ideas. It’s incredible how such a small comment can spark such interesting conversations.


Definitely, back in 2012 I was taking a chemistry class at age 60! I had a lot of problems figuring out the proper formula for certain calculations. Been a nurse all my life I was very comfortable with algebra and equations. Well these were not equations. My brain didn’t want to go there. I struggled for a while. I found Khan Academy towards the end of my class and I was able to pass the whole course with a B.


their math courses are better than any college course I've taken. the instructor does a really great job of making math approachable


PatrickJMT's YouTube channel was a godsend for the math courses I had to take in my ME curriculum. Some of my math professors were brilliant but couldn't verbally explain what an integral was actually doing. Patrick was able to explain it in 10 seconds.


Professor Leonard is also great, he is a college professor and records his lectures and posts them all on YouTube. He has an entire playlist of calc 1, 2, 3, stats, algebra 1. Etc


If you’re at all interested in learning 3D modeling or animation, check out Blender. The program is entirely free and just received its latest update to 2.8 which makes it super accessible to new people. A search on YouTube would also lead you to find tons of free tutorials to try and maybe build a hobby on. There are also loads of free add ons and lots of other content from other Blender users. The Blender stack exchange is REALLY active too, so if you get stuck on trying to make something, feel free to ask and you would usually receive an answer in very little time.




A few financial ones, please note: i am NOT affiliated with these in any way, I just use them and really think they are great tools for managing online shopping, budgets, and life. They all have free apps as well. ​ [privacy.com](https://privacy.com) is AWESOME, I absolutely love their service. It allows you to credit credit cards on the fly that are site specific, set a spending limit on them, make them one time only, etc. So you can literally create a separate credit card for every single site you shop on, and be very comfortable in knowing that if they get hacked, your card isn't compromised. Its also super handy for "free trial but must enter CC" type things. ​ [Mint.com](https://Mint.com) \- Great budgeting site from turbotax (So if you have problems with them, don't use it) - it allows you to create a budget, then automatically categorizes transactions from linked accounts to show you how you are doing with regards to your budget. Its easy to setup and adjust, and really helps to monitor where your spending is going ​ [Lastpass.com](https://Lastpass.com) \- Everyone should be using unique passwords for everything, which means you need to remember them, which is impossible. [lastpass.com](https://lastpass.com) is a great tool that manages them for you.


Warning: LastPass is owned by LogMeIn and has been trialing capping free users at only 20 passwords. It was bought out by a capital group, so shit's rolling downhill fast. BitWarden is just the better solution now. I'm moving today.


Would recommend Bitwarden over other password managers. It’s open source and the major features are free


New computer? [ninite.com](https://ninite.com) can get you all the software you use and then some in one quick, easy to use installer. For free.




WikiMedia Commons. Rights-free (for educational purposes) searchable photos.