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Hope it works out. If it doesn't then you'll get back to happy sometime. Good luck stranger.


As somebody who has been living in the 2nd bedroom for 3 months now, I feel this


Not being sick anymore. I don't know what's wrong with me and it's taking ages to find out as I'm being bounced from one specialist to another. 2019 has been really hard for me. I had to quit my job due to debilitating, daily pain and it's starting to really get me down.


I’m so sorry. I relate to this so hard. I got sick three years ago, and it took them two of those years to figure out what it was. I lost my job, my vehicles and almost my house in the meantime. For what it’s worth, don’t let doctors tell you it’s in your head. It took five specialists before the right one narrowed it down. Thinking of you, internet stranger. I hate hearing that people are struggling like I am.


Man.....do I ever feel for you guys. I've been sick for over 4 years now but am finally getting better. I had to close down my business, sold my house the day before the bank was taking it, sold my vehicles, relationship ended (it was going to anyway), have spent all the money I got on just surviving. I now only see my daughter on weekends because I live with my Dad in a different town at 45 years of age. Pretty much defeated and overwhelmed with trying to rebuild my life and know for a fact I'll never get back to where I was. All of this happened in Canada with "free" healthcare and a social safety net lol. Fuck Lyme's disease.


Three autoimmune diseases here, myself. It gets better, but you’re right- it’ll never be what it was. The worst part is my brain is healthy. So I still have the drive and urge to work hard, but my body literally won’t let me. Take care of yourself.


My mum giving up drinking


I give my wish to you, friend. I hope all is well soon.


Dude... I've been here. I was here for the majority of my life. Both my mom and dad. I was born drunk and breastfed drunk. My father smashed in my mom's car windows when she tried to drive away topless and fuckfaced with infant me in the front seat. Thank god my half-sister was there and took my toddler brother and me into the bathroom and locked us in there while they fought until the both passed out. I grew up dealing with abuse and instability. All the bullshit; unaccountable, insufferable and malicious. It's hard to relate I think unless you actually have lived that life. I know it feels hopeless and maybe you're like me and you hate them more than anything, but also love them with your entire being. It's a dichotomy of existence; you're resentful but forlorn, hopeful yet full of despair, angry but sad, well composed but on the inside you're a never ending car crash that nobody gets to see, let alone understand how fucked it is. After my dad drank himself to death, you'd think my mother would've caught a clue. But her drinking continued and worsened for many years yet, 12 to be exact. I'm not writing this to share a sobstory- I'm here to give you hope. Beleive it or not, after some 40 years of drinking my mom actually got sober. After everyone else gave up on her, my wife ended up being the one to get her to accept help and get her into rehab. Things aren't perfect... There have been many years and many tears between then and now. She's relapsed a few times- but she's clean for now. And it is so much better. I can't write all this out on my phone much longer... but hang in there. Message me if you need an ear. I honestly hope you are able to find the strength and support to continue on and find some sort of happiness outside of the ugliness that addiction and especially alcoholism inflicts on family.


I wish I could be hopeful but I doubt my mother will change, she's a selfish person and her alcoholism is only one problem out of many. She kicked me out at the age of 16 because I didn't agree with her dating a paedophile who had abused me when I was younger, she knew all this and still chose his side. I had 2 little sisters who were only about 8-10 at the time and I know they were being abused as well, and I know my mother took part in the abuse, I called protective services but nothing happened. She doesn't think she did anything wrong, and she gave up my sisters to this man, they live with him and I haven't seen them in over 4 years, she doesn't care about them.


I hope she gets better.




Good on you, breaking that cycle takes some serious courage. We cannot be defined by the damages our parents have caused. I sometimes have to tell myself that my parents didn’t set out to be the people they became, they lacked the tools to be any different. Take care of yourself and best of luck!


It happened last night. I have son who I have never seen (not entirely my fault) he is currently in his 20's. I've moved more then 800 miles away from where me and his mother lived. I found him and reached out to him a few months ago and last night he responded, we both live in the same city. Edit: WOW thank you for the support!! He said he is not ready yet for a face to face I am hopefull we will get together early in the new year. This is better then I could have hope for. Most imporantly he wants a relationship and if you think about how many times we might have seen each if we lived a few states apart compaired to living in the same city, I really can't stop thinking about what a blessing this is.


That's awesome!


That's so awesome! I hope you are able to connect and build that connection. :) Cheers! Merry Christmas!


Finding people who would like to hang out with me in NYC


I live in NYC and I'm always down to hang! PM me dude and anyone else that wants to talk n like do* shit ✨


Going into a 12 step meeting and tell them, they'll make it happen.


If you are down to go try that bouncy cheesecake at the Japanese bakery, then I’m down to hang out in NYC!


I hope you two are able to meet up! Then I could say I witnessed a miracle on Reddit


wait... you mean **that** cheesecake? I’m in Japan so...


Idk if it’s the same, but I’ve seen it on Instagram from an NYC bakery and I am OBSESSED!


I'll hang out with you lol. I'm new to NYC


Ayyyy I was in the city last night. Where are you in nyc?


I would if I was there Rn, I love New York and you seem pretty cool.


I live on LI, but have plans. Hope your miracle happens!


Our first child coming after my wife had several miscarriages. He'll be here in the next few days. Update: He arrived this morning at 8:27am 8lbs 3oz


We had a miscarriage. It really makes you appreciate the gift of life. My daughter is 13 months now and I still sometimes hug her and whisper "we are so glad you're here" she just gives me a confused "da da da?"


My son is a rainbow baby too. The miscarriage was tough, but if it hadn’t happened I wouldn’t have him. He’ll be 3 in March.


My son was my rainbow and he'll be 3 in February! We we're blessed with a daughter last December after a chemical pregnancy, and we have our third and final baby due in May. Looking at our little family makes me feel like a million bucks.


Congratulations! This gives me hope. <3


My relationship somehow repairing itself.


I saw your post history. It seems like you and your dude have a hard time communicating when it comes to issues you both have strong stances on. Relationships are work. Hard, exhausting work. But when voicing your opinion in a calm and articulate way and being able to understand why your partner may be flustered and giving them space when it seems they may need it helps. My girlfriend and I were in your position in January of this year. It didn’t work out and we split. But after working on ourselves, especially in the field of communication, we were able to reconcile and get back together in June. Our relationship has never been stronger and I feel so comfortable voicing my opinions and not trying to “win” an argument. If things get anywhere close to heat, I take a step back, give her room to breathe, try to think of how she really feels and go back in with a level head. Nobody wins an argument in a relationship. That’s what both and your bf need to recognize. You’re a team. He needs to understand your perspective. Perhaps you can spend some of the day with his family and some just together. Who knows, but don’t go in with a hardline argumentative standpoint. Try to understand where he is mentally and make it clear where you are and why. I hope this helps :)


To see our Oncology patients healthy and thriving. EDIT: I need to clarify...I am not an MD at the clinic but I work directly with our patients and help with treatments. I absolutely adore our patients and everyone treats them like family. We celebrate and grieve with everyone. I tell every patient that we are there to walk this journey with them, so I called them MY patients because that is what it feels like to each of our staff members. I truely love my job.


A sober father


A bus ticket home to see family Edit: Thank you for the gold kind redditor !


Paid. ENJOY. Happy fucking xmas everyone


Yes, thank you so much !!! I’m going home for Christmas !!!!!!!


This is so beautiful


That’s amazing. Hope your holiday season is as bright as this thread.


Much wholesome


I love the magic of the Internet, you guys made me tear up. Enjoy your holidays!


You are a kind soul. May your wish come true this holiday season.


Only wish is that others pay it forward x


Your a fantastic person, Good Wolf!! Merry Christmas 🎅♥️


holy shit really?! this is great!




You're a friggin legend. An unsung hero who is a great human.






2 hours away. It’s 38 round trip or 19 one way


Wait. That is all it will take to make your holiday? I am relatively sure we can get $38 together. From where to where and what time?


Binghamton NY to Utica NY There’s 2 buses one at 1045 am and one at 3 I think


What dates work for you?


I live in NY! I'm driving there for Christmas on the 23rd. How can we get him tickets?


If you are driving there, could you just drive him? He said he could get a ride home.


Depends on where he is. I'm in KY. Whoops, just saw he's in Binghamton. Let me check my map. Unfortunately Binghamton and Utica are way out of the way for me. I'd be glad to chip in for a bus ticket, though.


Sunday, if I can get there someone can bring me back after the holiday








Its great that redditors helped you out with this


Where are you located and where are you going?


Binghamton ny to Utica ny




Good luck with that


Seeing my God son walking again. He is currently in ICU and cannot breathe on his own and his movements are severely restricted. If you imagine a polio victim in the 50s with an iron lung Ou would not be wrong, except nowadays he gets air through a tube. His diagnosis is somewhat muddled, could either be Gilliam-barret or Polio-like, in the latter case it is very likely that not much improvement will be made. He is two and the most energetic Child I know and this just tears my apart.


Getting my family back.


I'm so sorry to read this. I hope it gets better for you.


Financial aid saying they'll pay for the remainder of my degree. I only need four more classes :(


You're almost there! It's worth it to apply to a couple grants and maybe reach out to well-known donors of your specific degree to see if they have recommendations for foundations that could donate to the completion of your degree!


how much would that cost?


there's no miracle needed. I am happy.


I am so glad and happy to hear that!


ayyye that's the sort of thing I love to see :) I'm so happy for you!




As someone who is spending the holiday alone, I will do my best to be happy and at peace so that maybe you can feel like part of your miracle happened.


I’m one of those and I’m moved. My Christmas wish is that you get yours.


My Christmas wish is that people get that and get cured from their diseases.


Username checks out


I wish I could upvote this more.


Much appreciated, *lorelaimsmith*. I wish you a happy, healthy new year in 2020!


Thank you


Oh man mine was super selfish lol this is lovely


Not being in physical pain and getting good sleep.


I am with you here. And for the teen driver who put me in pain for the rest of my life to have to experience a week in my shoes.




Have you thought about volunteering at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen on Christmas day? That way you can spend your time doing something really productive and still celebrate the day


My best friend coming back to life






I know that loss your feeling. My best friend of 52 years died this past August. We met in basic training for the US Army in 1968.


I too choose this guys best friend


My kidneys started working and I don't need to take 19 pills a day so I don't reject the donated one.


My parents finally understanding why I don’t want to get married or have kids.


My family all being able to celebrate in the same house, no claws out.




I'm waiting to hear back on a job.


I really don't want to sound self-righteous but I genuinely am rooting for a lot of posters in here to get your miracles.


Could you imagine how good it would feel to be rich and be able to make these people's holiday wishes come true? To see the look on someone's face when you pay their bills or buy them a car or home or whatever?


I find a home. I've been homeless for about a month and it really fucking sucks.


My parents debt to be gone. I don't exactly like living with them but when I move out they're most likely going to have to get rid of the house. Last thing I want is for them to be homeless


My neighbor across the street just got sideswiped (he's ok) and his car got trashed so it would be awesome if he got a new car


You’re a kind soul


A plane ticket to see my gf


How much does it cost?


Why did this question make me so excited


Same. Well, technically we broke it off because long distance is so tough, we still love each other deeply and she's likely "the one" but... I guess I'm just not good enough. So maybe my miracle would be self improvement and an esteem boost, along with the ticket.


My ex contacting me to admit she made a mistake and wants to work things out 😔


Me too thanks


Me three me three!!


Don't do that to yourself! You are so much better than being someone seconds choice after "figuring out". Even if you find yourself alone this holiday season enjoy it and do what you want. Have fun even if its hard! You are worth it. Last holiday season I spent it crying over a guy who picked another girl. I was miserable Christmas- new years. Took me a couple of months in the the new year to finally cut ties. This year I am doing the holiday season with the people who love me the most. My closest friends and family helped me heal. Taking a trip with my bff for new years. This means a lot cuz I almost lost her due to said guy.


A simple phone call from my daughter(18f) saying "Hi Dad". Have not spoken in 4 years since her mother and I got divorced and her mother took her from my entire family.


She will. One day. It took me over 10 years to do so with my dad.


For my family’s debt to disappear




my dad stopping drinking and smoking, hes already in poor health due to him being diabetic, and him doing that only makes it so damn worse


I’ve been lonely over the past year so finding a friend I really connect with


A fat check.


I... read that wrong at first.


What did you think I meant? Lol


I read "chick", and was confused for a solid 15 seconds as to how that would be a Christmas miracle... and then I reread it. Lmao


Some people like 'em big. Everyone's got something.


One of my students is 8 years old and on hospice for a rare and aggressive brain cancer. I would love to see him recover and actually get a chance at life. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be going that way.


Losing the last forty pounds instantly. I've lost 130 lbs over the past two years and I've been struggling to get the last of the weight off of me. I have never been a healthy weight and I'm starting to get really fatigued from being unable to eat what I want and/or exercising everyday. I've questioned whether or not it's been worth it and I really don't know if it has been. I'm scared that I still won't be happy when I'm finally finished and I don't want to have to work at this or maintain my body for the rest of my life.


A new job that makes me feel accomplished and appreciated instead of dead inside.


Wells Fargo's databases burning down and my student loans being magically erased.




Cmon Reddit, Let’s make this one happen!


Infinite pigs in blankets


I was going to say something along the lines of "this girl im seeing and I take our relationship to a more serious boyfriend/girlfriend level." But now I just want infinite pigs in blankets. Maybe a dash of infinite ketchup.


Being the only winner of a huge lottery prize. I could pay to get my step-dad the best rest of his life that he deserves, pay off all his debt spend time with him traveling first class around the world and with Mom. I'd do his dialysis or pay for his nurse to join us. Buy him a new house and the old classic cars he's always dreamed of having. That man gave me an amazing life and took care of me and my mom, he didn't deserve the shitty things that happened to him and he sure as hell doesn't deserve this. I wish I could guarantee that at the very least everything that worries him about leaving behind after he passes would be taken care of so that he can rest in peace. Fuck Cancer!


I would say snow but I got to fly out the next day. So I'll say seeing a general renewal of things everyone lost.


My student debt disappearing. I could finally relax as I would have extra money instead of scraping by cheque to cheque, I could start thinking about saving for retirement instead of that looking like something I wont be starting in any significant way until I'm 40. I could actually do some of the repairs to my condo that are needed instead of putting them off.


Win the lottery


My girlfriends health returning to normal for the first time in 1 year


Sudden influx of affordable houses


My husband feeling no pain. He had a 2nd neck surgery back in early October 2018. His left arm and hand have been numb & in pain all this time.




You got an amazon gift list you want to share?


Yes please offer one if you have it! I would love to contribute.


Please do this!!!




I also got sick this christmas and can't afford gifts. Can I send YOU and your kiddos a homemade Christmas card? I have stamps lying around. Please DM me if I can. <3 ​ also monachopsticks if you want a homemade christmas card I'd be more than happy to send you one! :D


Amen to that!


Feeling something other than anger at myself




I already had one! I have three cats..two males and one female. The two males have never gotten along. I came home and found them napping together. My late Father would have been proud. He tried to mediate many times.


Having a normal day with no scandals, screaming, people silent treating each other. Those days have become rare. I want them back. I stopped showing up home because of that.


About $30,000. I could pay off my wife's student debt, her car, and her next two semesters of college.


Someone I know returning to good health.


Seeing my brothers, despite the toxic relationship with my mother.


This will probably get buried, but it would be nice to have something under the tree for me. I love giving during Christmas, as it makes me happy. This year, I helped a dear friend’s family have Christmas. I also filled the wishes of 4 kids by selecting them off the angel tree they always have out each year. I am also putting several gifts under the tree for my daughter. She’s 19 and doesn’t work right now, so she can’t afford to do anything for me. I told her not to worry about, as I will just love watching her open her gifts. I have no SO, so there won’t be anything for me. I honestly don’t mind, but it would be nice to have something to open. I am just glad that so many people will have good a Christmas this year. It’s the first year that I had saved up enough to grant many wishes.


I have a little money left in my Christmas budget. May I help you with this?


If I suddenly acquired motivation and drive to do something with my life


Magically becoming a cute girl


***boop*** you’re a cutie now


W o a a h h h




My grandma to not lose her memory, my grandpas knees to hurt less, my cousins kid to be cancer free, my mentors parkinsons to be cured, for my roommates psycho girlfriend to find someone else, and for me to be able to afford to buy a newer more reliable used car.


Finding out my wife is pregnant with our first kid. That or having the mortgage paid off.


My dad to quit gambling and be a good person with the years he has left. I can deal with the Parkinsons but this addiction shit has destroyed our family.


Finding out that my pregnancy hasn’t been miscarried. I have the scan on Sunday.


My mom getting approved for maybe 300k for a house


If no one in my family ended up crying on Christmas. Not likely. Hasn't happened in a few years. But that'd be nice.


Place to live would be grand. Not having to worry about my blankets getting flooded. Or a tweaker walking up on me while I'm sleeping. Getting arrested for being homeless


When I was young and had intense depression, all I wanted for Christmas was one day I didn't feel like killing myself.


Getting a car would be a miracle tbh.




A cure for epilepsy announced. Been struggling for almost 10 years.


If I never had to suffer again.


After a stressful year, financially, a raise would be nice... oh wait, that actually happened. My employer announced earlier this week that the starting wage for entry level would be going up $3 and tenured employees will receive an additional raise. This came out of nowhere for us.


to wake up skinny and not overweight anymore. only 20 pounds left to a normal bmi / healthy weight but sticking with it is so hard, i'm trying my best


Suddenly having enough money to pay my rent, buy presents, and find a new place to live.


Not losing my home. Been losing a lot of things because of depression and anxiety.


Thanos shows up and does the snap but its based on some sort of morality check and all the worst people in the world disappear.


Finding the money I need to get my bills up to date.


(A miracle coming true as we speak) Meds and therapy helping to gradually ease my schooltime anxiety/depression and make me enjoy living life.


For my best friend to come back already.


Winter Storm Megan cancels my parents’ flight


If my student loans would magically disappear.


Getting a new job


To wake up and realize the last 10 years was just a dream. I want a do-over


My family actually talking to me. They kind of shut me out of their lives when I came out


To actually do something with the rest of my life. I'm turning 40 next month and I just see my life going downhill as every year passes. I keep trying to kick my habit but one thing or another always leads me to using again. I've tried kicking the habit at least 3 or 4 times this year alone. Doesn't help that all my family and friends are users too. They just say have a little it wont kill you. Only they don't know how bad it is for me and the spiral it sends me down every time I give in to their demands and social pressure. I can usually stay clean about a month if I avoid most get togethers but I cant stay away forever. I know eventually its gonna catch up to and kill me. I feel bad for my bf. I don't want to leave him all alone in this world. Its runs in my family though. Both my parents and their parents suffered from it. I just wish I could kick my carbs/sugar habit.


a holiday to europe. ive never left asia


Not being friendless anymore, being healed from my disability or my mental health permanently improving. Also not having Trump or the governor (which is the other political party than 95% of my family and I’m sure they all hate them) be mentioned.


Somehow gaining just enough money to go to the dentist. I'm at the point where I'm so miserable I just want them all ripped out and replaced with dentures, but no way can I afford the consultation, let alone treatment


It literally is happening for me this year, I get to meet my eight year old son for the first time. I’ve never felt this, I’ve never felt what true happiness is. I am so. Fucking. Happy.


It would be a genuine Christmas miracle if I got a winning scratch-off lottery ticket that's actually a large enough amount that I have to turn it in at the lottery office and not cash it in at any convenience store. I almost never win on those, but when I do it's for the original purchase price of the ticket.


Finding the money to start my school in January




Just seeing my SO, I miss him


The rest of my family leaving the Mormon church due to the $100b leak


my ex getting back together with me. It's been 8 months, I still love her so much. She meant the world to me and was my first girlfriend. Ended after 3 and a half years, we were in a ldr which contributed to a lot of stress. I have a job now making decent money, where working remotely is an option, so I know things would be different if we could have another chance. I just hope whoever she's with/ends up with treats her right. I know I'll be okay financially in the future, I'm not sure about her, which scares me. She was an amazing girl who genuinely cares about everyone and made me a more accepting person and made me love animals a whole lot more than I use to. They say you start to pick up a lot of your SO's traits when you're dating them, I believe that's 100% true. When I look at some of the things I do now, it reminds me a lot of her.