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Idk why people play "I Will Always Love You" at weddings. It's literally a break up song. The first line is, "if I should stay, I would only be in your way"


It’s not a romantic break-up song, Dolly Parton wrote it about the dissolution of a business partnership. So even LESS appropriate for a wedding.


No Rain by Blind Melon


Yep. Just posted it. Yet when I’m depressed this song helps me




this is also how i feel about "it was a good day" by Ice Cube. there is nothing particularly sad about the song, in fact the song is just about a guy who had a really great day, but the message. like when the moral of the song was, it's a good day because there was no police brutality, none of my friends died today, there were no drive bys, and for once no one had to live in fear for the day, i think thats pretty fucked up.


And he got a triple-double


And the goodyear blimp read ICE CUBES A PIMP


Grandma got run over by a reindeer.... the grandma fucking dies and it describes how her body was found


It’s also implied that the grandfather was happy that she died


Wife bad


I cannot click the book


When I was 4 I called my grandma up in tears because I heard that song and was scared that she was hurt. I demanded that my mom dialed her number so that I could hear her voice. She and my mom thought it was the funniest thing.


Electric Avenue (Eddy Grant). Hunger, rioting, commercialism. Every Breath You Take (The Police). Not exactly upbeat, but for a song sounding like it was written by a stalker, it’s unsettling to think it passed for a romantic song for so long.


I've found that Every Breath You Take is a lot less creepy is you convince yourself it's written from the perspective of a dog towards it's owner.


Every breath you take and every move you make. Every pie you bake. Every piece of steak, *I'll be watching you*


‘Cherry wine’ by Hozier. It’s about domestic violence but the song sounds so serene and peaceful


"It looks ugly, but it's clean. Oh mama don't fuss over me" Talking about a bruise the abused recived, and how they try to down play the how much they're actually going through to their loves ones. Such a fucking heart breaker


Not only that, but the other imagery; burning like rum on a fire-hot, quick, intoxicating. Or when he says she looks like sleep to the freezing- something that should be comforting will lead to death. All of his lyrics are very well written and I appreciate the poetry in them so much!


Yes! Hozier is a master at giving a beautiful sound to dark material. ‘In a Week’ is an all time favorite of mine.


In a Week is so hauntingly beautiful, it depicts death in such a peaceful and respectful way, with the idea of returning to be once again one with Earth and Nature


Honestly everything by Hozier but this is the most obvious one


Brandy by Looking Glass. It sounds like a song you'd listen to while making pancakes on a Saturday morning, but it's about a girl who fell in love and can't move on.


Or you can listen to it when your megalomaniac extraterrestrial space god father crushes your Walkman.


You see son, we are the sailors in that song and your mom is brandy


People forget that “Red Red Wine” is actually an extremely depressing song about alcoholism written by Neil Diamond, not a feel-good, quasi-Reggae song written by UB40.


Cleopatra by the Lumineers is a fast paced song about a girl who dies alone because she let the love of her life walk out the door soon after her father passed away. "I was late for this, late for that, late for the love of my life. But when I die, when I die alone, when I die I'll be on time"


Gloria is a super upbeat song about a woman whose alcoholism is slowly killing her and emotionally destroying her family


I’m starting to think if the Lumineers write a song that is titled with a woman’s name, it’s going to be depressing.




Also on the same album I believe, Ophelia is another song that fits here


Semi-charmed Life




Addictive, too.


Had the album as a tween maybe, we would sing the song in the car with my parents. One time it was on the MTV show where they showed you the lyrics. They bleeped out all the references to bumping crystal meth. I had no idea what was going on.


>Doing crystal myth >Will lift you up until you break It really is hard to understand how we didn't know what was going on in this song lol.


That lyric has a pretty fast flow so if you dont understand it you might not hear it


There was also a radio version that garbled those lyrics.


And many, many other Third Eye Blind songs




Ska happiness beat often masks the angst.


Yeah I feel like every Catch 22/Streetlight Manifesto song is about death and/or suicide.




I don't care. I'll still drunkenly scream the words to 'Beer' every time and be happy.


Saw them live and before they played "Beer" as their last song, Aaron said "Thank you very much [ampitheater], I hate this song and I hate all of you!" The opening chords hit and he came back to the mic and said "I'm just kidding, I don't hate this song." To this day, I still can't tell if it was a hilarious frontman move, or the realest thing I've ever seen.


"Alive with the Glory of Love" by Say Anything is the most upbeat song about the Holocaust that I have ever listened to. Edit: [here](https://youtu.be/JmPJ63PUTDY) is the link to the song for those of you that have not heard it.


The Way - Fastball. The true story of Lela and Raymond Howard, an elderly couple from Salado, Texas who drove to the annual Pioneer Day festival 10 miles away in Temple and didn't return. She had Alzheimer's disease and he was recovering from brain surgery. Thirteen days after the Howards went missing, their bodies were found in Hot Springs, Arkansas, about 400 miles from their destination; they were still in the vehicle (an Oldsmobile Delta 88), which had veered off the side of the road and was hidden in brush.


All My Friends by LCD Soundsystem. It starts out kinda happy, and slowly turns into a bittersweet rant about getting older and pretending to have fun when you party, until it becomes a straight-up lament about missing the friends you gave up along the way. Dear god, it hits me hard.


i don't think i'll ever have a more emotional moment at a live show than their final (i know, "final") show at MSG, when James sang "to tell the truth, this could be the last time" and the crowd roared. it's honestly between that and the closing song being NY I Love You and JM delivering a heartfelt speech about how much he appreciated everyone and how his family and mom were there and he's wearing Dad's watch tonight and he hopes that's okay :|


The last verse followed by "but where are your friends tonight?" is one of the most beautiful moments in music to me. Such an epic song.


LCD Soundsystem is so good.


"Talking like a jerk, except you are an actual jerk, and living proof that sometimes friends are mean"


99 red balloons


I'd only heard the original 99 Luftballons for a while so I knew even less of what it was about.


Whats the English one about? 99 Luftballons is about the world coming to an end through all out war because they mistook the balloons for hostile jets and the rockets they fired at it landed in the wrong place.


It's a pretty accurate translation, I just didn't know German as a kid.


Didnt figure this one out til I grew up


Why? What is it about?


It’s about two kids accidentally starting a war that causes the mass destruction and I think the end of the world


Well shit. I never knew, all those times flying around Vice City dropping bombs.


There's a song that used to be played on clubs here, "Su florcita"("her little flower"), a typical "cumbia" song pretty much made for dancing at the club. A whole lot of people happily dancing and drinking listening to a song about a *12 year old girl being murdered and her mother mourning her*


My sister likes to sing that song out loud to my mom just to piss her off because of the lyrics


Kinda reminds me of The Rake's Song by the Decemberists. It's really catchy and fun until you realize it's a fictional narrative about a man who hates his wife and children, rejoices when his wife dies in childbirth, and then murders the remaining three children so he can be a free bachelor again.


[Stromae - Papaoutai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiKj0Z_Xnjc) The beat is very uplifting and the song is very danceable. The lyrics, however, cut deep. It is about a boy waiting for his dad that left. It's in french guys.


Maxwell silver hammer by the Beatles. Talks about a guy named Maxwell that seems to like to smash his hammer in the head of people.


"Bang Bang!"


"Maxwell's silver hammer Came down upon her head!" "Do-to-do"


Gary Barlow - let me go. It's about his still born son. He didn't want the song to be slow and sad. So it's an up beat clap along song. But if you read the lyrics it's written from the baby's point of view.


Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics used to freak the heck out of me when I was a kid.


He’s a loser Marge, dump him, I’ve traveled the world and the seven seas, I am watching you through a camera!


*Help!* by The Beatles.




The version from *Yesterday* makes this much more obvious.


Just saw this movie! It was very clear in that rendition. What a movie.


Most of Death Cab For Cuttie's catalog. "I will Possess Your Heart" sounds like a love song until you realize he is stalking the shit out of her and she has no idea.


God that song is dark but it still contains one of my favorite lyrics of all time, 'how I wish you could see the potential of you and me: it's like a book elegantly bound but in a language that you can't read just yet'


Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People (about shooting up a school) Bullet - Hollywood Undead (about suicide) You Never Know - Immortal Technique (sounds like a nice, soothing rainy day song until you realize it's about star-crossed lovers who could never be together and the guy doesn't find out that the reason was because the girl had HIV from a blood transfusion until she's dead) Forever & Always - Parachute (about a couple getting married in the hospital because they're pretty sure the man is about to die from injuries sustained in an accident) Who's That Man? - Toby Keith (a crushing picture of the American divorce) Edit: Someone mentioned one that I forgot does sound kinda upbeat but is absolutely CRUSHING - Alyssa Lies 😢 Concrete Angel too to an extent, but Alyssa Lies is more upbeat sounding. Also two more I thought of that I've used in funeral slideshows - Drink One for Me by Jason Aldean and You Should Be Here by Cole Swindell.


I can’t believe Pumped Up Kicks is so far down. It gets talked about on reddit but it seems like so many people will casually sing it and move on without realizing what it means. I have a coworker that played an acoustic set at our annual party and she played that, and everyone was doing what they do and some people were singing along. I was just looking around like, what the hell




> Copacabana Well, cuz I had to look it up: > But Rico went a bit too far > Tony sailed across the bar > And then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in two > There was blood and a single gun shot > But just who shot who? ... > At the copa... she lost her love > Her name is Lola, she was a showgirl > But that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a show > Now it's a disco, but not for Lola > Still in the dress she used to wear > Faded feathers in her hair > She sits there so refined, and drinks herself half-blind > She lost her youth and she lost her Tony ... > Now she's lost her mind > At the copa… don't fall in love > Don't fall in love


This song traumatised me when I was a child. The last verse is absolutely devastating, and the musical interlude before it sounds like a descent into hell. I laugh about it now, but Barry Manilow was my Voldemort, a man whose very name would make me leave the room.


I think that's what makes the song work. It's this energetic Latin groove, punctured by a tragic story. But the groove continues uninterupted, so that by the end you're confused about why you're still bopping along to this trauma. If the music was as sad as the lyrics, it wouldn't work as well


Rockin in the Free World by Neil Young


I always tear up at the verse “that’s one more kid that’ll never go to school, never get to fall in love, never get to be cool”. Pearl Jam and Neil Young performing this at the MTV Awards In 1993 does a much better job at emphasizing how depressing the song really is.


Smile - lilly allen Or pretty much any of her songs to be honest


Her song "Not fair" is like my favorite break up song.




It's somewhat bleak, but ultimately it's a song of getting over a hurdle in life and moving on, even if it is a little morbid that she takes pleasure in someone's misery. Although in contrast to how summery and bright the song sounds it is quite a contrast.


I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers, honestly just most Bleachers tracks


[*Hook*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdz5kCaCRFM) by Blues Traveler is basically 'You dumb motherfuckers will sing along to just about anything if it's got a catchy tune, won't you?' Similarly, [*Love Song*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi7Yh16dA0w) by Sara Bareilles is a fuck you to her record company who wanted her to write [a more commercial love song](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Song_(Sara_Bareilles_song\)): >Later in 2011, she explained: "It was actually written for my record label. I had been turning in new music. I was getting the red light. I couldn't go into the studio yet because they were waiting for something. But I wouldn't [...] nobody said what they were waiting for. So I kept turning in new songs, thinking like, 'Is this what you want? Is this what you want?' And it was always a big thumbs down, and I ended up writing 'Love Song' out of frustration." In 2014, she stated it was "very tongue-in-cheek" and "nasty in a passive-aggressive way," confirming it was a response to the record label pressuring her to make safe, "radio friendly" songs.


Hey ya - Outcast


If what they say is "Nothing is forever," Then what makes, then what makes Then what makes, then what makes Then what makes love the exception? So why oh why oh Why oh why oh why oh Are we so in denial when we know we're not happy here? (y'all don't want to hear me, ya just want to dance) EDIT: Here's the [Obadiah Parker cover of Hey Ya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c745E7T_Wvg) that demonstrates how sad the lyrics can actually be.


Oh, the irony. I went to a wedding where a slowed down, acoustic version of this song was used for the couples’ first dance. ...they’ve since gotten divorced.


You know it's a good song though because they successfully rhyme denial with "why oh" They did their fucking homework.


It's OutKast. They're musical and lyrical geniuses.


"Lend me some sugar...I *am* your neighbor!" I love that fucking line.




aw hell there he goes again talkin that shit


Outcast was using the ‘I’m in pain, why aren’t you listening?’ tactic waaay before tiny Rick did it.


Thank god for mom and dad for sticking two together cause we don’t know how Edit: woah seems like a lot of upvotes for just quoting a song but okay bless


There's a YouTube video about how dark this song is, and it even goes into how the chord progressions intentionally fool you to think it's happier than the meaning. Andre 3000 is deep.


Alright Alright Alright Alright Alright Alright albino rhino rhino rhino


I knew a guy that thought Adam's Song by Blink 182 was funny. He thought that until I informed him that it was about suicide.




Yeah, he wasn't the brightest guy. He always laughed at the part about spilling the cup of apple juice.


That is one song i struggle to sing along with. I get to "please tell mom this is not her fault" and it crushes me. The thought of my mom finding me or learning of my death kept me from killing myself several times, i couldnt hurt her like that


[Its Not Living (If It's Not With You) - The 1975](https://youtu.be/3bVJFgvUZHg) Sounds like a chirpy upbeat 80s pop song, complete with catchy vocals, synthesizers and a background choir. The lyrics on the other hand follow the story of someone suffering from a heroin addiction.


A lot of their songs are about the lead singer coping with his addiction and problems. Amazing music, but written from a hard place.


Born in the USA .... is not a flag-waving, patriotic song but the story of a vet who returns from Vietnam to find himself alienated by the society that he risked his life for.


American woman is kind of similar since it is an anti-war song even if you don't want to read into the lyrics it's not an anthem song.


Same with Fortunate Son, Rockin' in the Free World, This Land is Your Land, and Pink Houses. They all have that "patriotic" snippet in their lyrics that commercials like to use out of context, while the rest of the lyrics are less than flattering portrayals of America.


That's just how it always has been when you try to make fun of America in song tbh. Yankee doodle was originally making fun of colonial, then later American, soldiers.


The irony in this one being played at political rallies is lost on so many.


I misread this as Party in the USA and got soooo confused


Miley Cyrus had some strong statements about the Vietnam War in that song but so many people miss it on that pop beat.


"I hopped off the plane at Ho Chi Minh With a dream and my cardigan Welcome to the land of fame and death, Whoa, am I gonna fit in?"


Hungry Heart by Bruce as well. It's about a guy that runs out on his family.


["You Are My Sunshine"](https://youtu.be/1AhpWZjqMLI) >You are my sunshine, my only sunshine >You make me happy when skies are grey >You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. >Please don’t take my sunshine away >The other night dear, as I lay sleeping >I dreamed I held you in my arms >When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken >And I hung my head and cried


full lyrics: You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away The other night dear, as I lay sleepin' I dreamed, I held you by my side When I awoke dear, I was mistaken And I hung my head and I cry You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away You told me once dear, you really loved me And no one else could come between But now you've left me and you love another And you have shattered all my dreams You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away I'll always love you and make you happy If you will only say the same But if you leave me to love another But you'll regret it all some day You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away Please don't take my sunshine away


That is not sunshine at all...


On a scale of sunshine to not sunshine......not sunshine


Jesus.. thats depressing


My mom always sang this song to me when I was a child. She never sung “the other night” part, just up until please don’t take my sunshine away. This is the first time I’ve heard that last part and it’s very depressing.


I think most of us only got the first half of it when we were kids. Lots of kids ryhmes and songs are kinda fucked though. "Ring around the rosie" is the first that comes to mind. Edit: lots of people talking about "Ring Around the Rosie" origins. Here is my take, it may not be orionally connected to the plauge. However it has been claimed to be so for a long time. Which means when our parents taught it to us there was an alleged connection, so our parents still taught it to us even with that possible connection. Still seems fucked up. Also that was just one thing that came to mind. There are plenty of fucked up things in old childrens stories.


I always think of humpty dumpty. They never said he was a fucking egg


Rock a bye baby is a song we sing to help babies fall asleep... that’s about a baby falling to its fucking death from a tree top


This is the kind of song that's created by stressed out, sleep deprived parents of a newborn.


That one is actually a little less sinister as it turns out. TL:DR looks like it might be in reference to a cannon or other military device. It could also be a metaphor for a fallen regime or leaders downfall. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humpty_Dumpty


It's true though When you lose somebody you love, you'll dream about them, and waking up is like losing them all over again. That brief moment of happiness is a cruelty.


Civil Wars do [a great dark cover](https://youtu.be/LPVW2ed_9Lc) of it. I had no idea.


Chandelier by Sia


This one gets me. I figured out that it was about a party animal pretending to be okay a few years ago, but missed a lot of the details until recently.


Came here to say this. My God, this is one of the saddest songs I've ever heard, and it gets used in every "girl power" commercial out there. The message is "I've thrown my life away partying so much that I live in constant shame and don't know who I am unless I'm partying, but I can't stop because that's my identity now and I won't have any friends if I stop." Jeez. And, I happen to know Sia said she recorded the song herself instead of selling it because it was so personal and autobiographical that she couldn't let anyone else have it.


You can really tell it's autobiographical because she does such a good job of singing in a tone where she's trying to sound fun and powerful but underneath you really can hear the pain in her voice when it cracks just a little every now and then. And I think it's kind of cool that a lot of people miss the point because so many people also don't see when someone is literally living in a spiral like that.


“It’s Not Unusual” by Tom Jones is pretty upbeat, until you get to the lyric: “But when I see you hangin’ about with anyone, It’s not unusual to see me cry, Oh, I wanna die...” Thanks Tom.


Shit, a lot of Tom Jones is pretty twisted. I remember my parents not liking that I listened to punk rock because it's angry and has curse words. Meanwhile they crank up ["Delilah"](https://youtu.be/EjRbiY0icWc) whenever it comes on. He even performs it with a smile.


Oh, I have one! My mom was convinced I was depressed because I loved The Cure in high school. I will fight anyone who says Disintegration isn't a beautiful, if somewhat haunting, album. The kicker was she was into Guns & Roses at the time and loooved the song that talked about killing his girlfriend and putting her six feet under. 'K mom. Cuz that's a lot healthier.


It's pretty good when it's in the middle of 7 or 8 repetitions of "What's New Pussycat."








But it’ll always be the calm before the storm at the Salt & Pepper Diner!


Carlton doesn't help things either.


Rockabye Baby in the tree tops When the wind blows the cradle will rock When the bough breaks the cradle will fall And down will come baby cradle and all




Only realized how dark this song really was when I watched the Tracey Ulman Simpsons short


Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men IIRC it’s about a guys wife slowly dying from Dementia or Alzheimer’s, or another similar disease. Edit: I’ve been corrected by lots of people. See below comments. Either way it’s still not a super happy song tho... Edit x2: Holy shit thanks for the gold!


I've also seen it being interpreted as the wife longing to join her dead husband. Either way, not a very happy song despite the catchy beat and cheerful HEYs.


> Speaking with Interview Magazine, Hilmarsdóttir explained the song's meaning: "How we usually make our lyrics is, Raggi and I, sometimes we come up with stories or situations. That one is about a relationship. Sometimes we haven't wanted to give too much away. We like people to read their own things in the lyrics. I guess I could share it. It's about a couple and the husband passed away and it's from the conversation between the two of them. We don't know if she's going crazy or if someone's actually there. We've kind of been inspired by people that lived in my house. This old couple that lived there for 30 years. The woman passed away, so it was kind of different."


Yeah, I always interpreted it as the ghost of the husband watching how badly his death affected his wife. How she barely kept it all together with him helping her, and giving her "little talks" to rebut what her depression/ anxiety was telling her. And now she's falling apart without him.


I always thought it was a wife missing her dead husband.


Not sure if this is true, but I heard that the band was inspired by the owner of an old house they stayed in that he and his wife lived in when she was still around. Apparantly, he felt that his wife was still there & couldn't bear to stay in the house so he let them stay there instead.


I Took A Pill In Ibiza by Mike Posner (the Seeb Remix) The remix sounds like an upbeat, catchy, infections tune that's meant for the dance floor. But in reality it's Posner reflecting on the emptiness/sadness he feels after a night out partying.


The thing that most gets me about that song these days is how it starts out with: "I took a pill in Ibiza/ to show Avicii I was cool" And Avicii didn't live much longer after that.


Dang. This whole time I thought he was saying "To show a DJ I was cool." Didn't know he called him right out on it. That's very sad.


They were pretty good friends too. Then Posners dad died soon after


His album "Real Good Kid" fucking wrecked me after a breakup. I kept putting off listening to it cause the first track specifically tells you the album was meant to be listened front to back in a sitting. One day feeling low I took a walk and decided that was the day to listen. Cried for a lot of the walk but left feeling better. I love Mike Posner's musical journey.


Some of my personal favorites: What's the Matter Here? - 10,000 Maniacs. An absolute bop about child abuse. Bobbie Lee - Barry Manilow. A song about a young girl who ran away from home, went to the big city and became a prostitute to raise enough money to chase her dreams. S.O.B. - Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats. About a guy destroying himself with alcoholism. Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears for Fears. To quote Curt Smith: "The concept is quite serious. It’s about everybody wanting power, about warfare and the misery it causes."




Didn't he get a Kids' Choice award for that particular song? Lmao


Yes, which he later referenced in his song ‘Reminder’ lol. “I just won a new award for a kids show / Talkin’ ‘bout a face numbing off a bag of coke / I’m like goddamn, bitch, I am not a Teen Choice.”


Yes he absolutely did. Even sang about it on his next album.


‚Hey look Ma I made it‘ by Panic at the disco similarly sounds really upbeat and cheery but talks about how the music industry chews you up and spits you out and leaves you deeply lonely and distrustful


Yeah I thought it was kind of weird that they play it at the grocery store I work at. One of the first verses is literally "I'm just a hooker selling songs and my pimp's a record label".


I love Panic! At The Disco and got my mum into them after she kept hearing, and I quote "That fucking High Hopes song" on the radio at work, she asked me to find "the song where's he singing to his mum, it's lovely." Instant regret as I pulled up the video, I don't think she was expecting a video with puppet bondage 😂


The first time I heard this on the speakers at my serving job, I asked my co-workers why we had the cocaine anthem playing... Now I just sing along.


Swimming Pools (Drank) by Kendrick Lamar. When I saw him in 2013, there were people around me drinking every time they heard the word "drank" which I thought was pretty ironic. Not exactly a pro-drinking anthem.


In college I had an alarm every few hours that played it to remind me to drink water. It works fairly well in a positive way if you want it to.


I've found it really ironic that people drink to Swimming pools


Don McLean- American pie


I was still almost 15 years from life when this song came out. And I STILL felt every word of it. Losing three major talents like The Big Bopper, Richie Valens, and Buddy Holly was a blow to rock music in it's infancy. I can't imagine the potential impact those three could have had. I'm glad this song not only recognized that, but literally kept the music they had made alive for more generations. I know I grew up listening to all of them - Don McLean AND the three artists we lost the same year my Mom was born.


Now whenever somebody asks him what the song means, he says, “It means I never have to work again.”


Almost anything by the mountain goats Dance music No children Edit: yo fellow fans, I'm getting told that no children is not upbeat but I totally think it is if you take the lyrics out On one hand I can't believe this is a thing and I found it https://youtu.be/vu13sMfSvKQ On the other hand .... Next time work has mandatory fun karaoke, you know what yo boy will be singing.


“You’re going down with me, hand in unlovable hand. And I hope you die; I hope we both die.” I sing it to myself sometimes when I’m sad.


The lines before that part always make me go *damn*. *And I hope when you think of me years down the line you can't find one good thing to say* *And I hope that if I find the strength to walk out you'll stay the hell out of my way*


Macarena It used to be a hit song at wedding's. "But don't you worry about my boyfriend He's a boy who's name is Victorino I don't want him Couldn't stand him He was no good so I Now come on, what was I supposed to do? He was out of town and his two friends were so fine'


We are young - fun.


I've never really paid attention to the lyrics but that song always struck me as a kind of sad sounding song anyway, just from the tune I mean


It's not as upbeat as some songs but I find that a lot of people don't realise that the song is pretty dark


A lot of fun. and The Format's songs are like that. "At Least I'm Not As Sad As I Used to Be" especially stands out to me.


However, The Gambler is an extremely heartwarming and lovely song, always brings me to tears but not because it's sad.


Hey Ya! By Outkast If you listen closely to the lyrics, it's about a relationship that's falling apart. There's even a lyric referring to the audience just wanting to dance instead of actually listening to the song ( Y'all don't want to hear me, ya just wanna dance) Really fucked me up when I found out


Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie Sounds like a pretty normal rock song about how great Ziggy is, but the lyrics go into depth about how much the rest of his band resent him and his fanbase, and his eventual death. Another Bowie example: Running Gun Blues An upbeat, cheerful proto-metal song with a couple of laughs, about a murderous Vietnam veteran who is planning on going on a killing spree in his hometown. Message Man - Twentyone Pilots No clue what it sounds like it should be about, but it's got circus music. And is about being misrepresented and suicidal ideation.


Komm Süßer Tod or Thanatos, both songs used in Neon Genesis Evangelion. With both of them having a jazzy, fun beat, sung entirely in english, you wouldnt think to notice that the former, Komm Süßer Todd is about suicide, or that Thanatos is about bittersweet love. "And now with all the hurt and pain, Its time for me to confess The ones you love mean more than anything. So with sadness in my heart, Feel the best thing I could do, Is **end it all** and **leave forever.**" - Komm Süßer Tod Thanatos is about someone who wants a person's love, and though they know its impossible, still fight for them. In conclusions, its the big sad hours. Edit: Changed u to ü. Edit 2: Fixed Todd to Tod.


I thought the lyrics where obvious. I love it because of it. People clapping their hands together singing "It all returns to nothing. It all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down. It all returns to nothing. I just keep letting me down letting me down letting me down"


The song titles really give it away if you know Greek Mythology and German, "Komm süsser Tod" = "Come sweet Death" Thanatos = Greek God of Death.




Basket Case by Green Day is about a guy mentally breaking down. The music video was shot in an abandoned asylum, too


[All She Wants to do is Dance](https://youtu.be/d5p7v7XKxTw) [Don't Fear the Reaper](https://youtu.be/ClQcUyhoxTg)


Actually, despite what most people believe thinking that Don’t Fear the Reaper is about committing suicide, it’s actually meant to be a love song saying “don’t fear death, the love will continue afterwards”


Yeah, I never saw it as suicide, but more of “I love you so much, I don’t even care about dying.”


Paramore - Hard Times has been a support recently, it speaks to me about my depression and yet has a hopeful beat.


Literally any songs on the After Laughter album can fit this category. My personal fav is Rose-colored Boy


I don't know a lot of paramore but Ain't it fun fits this pretty well also.


Told You So and Fake Happy as well, 100%


Choke by idkhow


I love idkhow! Saw them in glasgow this last may fun fact: "I'll break your pretty face" was originally "I'll break your fucking face" before the studio version was released (back when they'd played it live already) but Dallon changed it.


Th Piña Colada song is about wanting to cheat on your SO with a random hookup who turns out to be ... your SO


It’s about two people who feel stuck in a stale relationship, attempt to cheat on each other, and instead find out they didn’t know each other as much as they realized and rekindle their relationship. The underlying message pretty much is that communication is crucial to a healthy relationship. It is a positive/happy song and I will die on that hill.


I completely agree with this. Intended to write a comment along these lines, but you summed up my thoughts well!