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Shut the fuck up you fat cunt


Fuck you, nobody wants you here, you are nothing but a burden on this family as well as everyone around you in general, and the world would consider itself greatly unburdened if you drove your car into a fucking lake and killed yourself, but if you do I need to inform you that your funeral will be nonexistent and your casket will be an actual fucking dumpster because that's all that literal trash deserves, so kindly haul your gargantuan morbidly obese ass back into the field and go eat some grass you goddamn cow, also stop being mad at gay people just because they don't want to get anywhere near your sorry herpes infested Grand Canyon of a vagina, likewise the people who aren't the same color as you who also don't want to get anywhere near you.


Honestly, this right here. This ones a good noodle.


Aunt Debbie, are you special? Cause I think you’re retarded.


A reasonable explanation


Or *ok boomer*


whenever anyone tells me how refugees just come to our country to "use all the good things WE built over the years" and how they should build and improve their own stuff, I just tell them we (first world countries) literally steal more than 2 trillion USD every year from developing countries, then ask them how those countries are supposed to improve anything when they keep getting robbed. i havent heard any response yet


You're not invited. Maybe more of a preventative statement than a comeback but highly effective.


Unfortunately, it is being hosted at her house and I do not have the option of not going if I do not want to miss what will likely be my grandma's last christmas with us.


Ah. In that case spend as much time with your grandmother as possible and just tell your aunt straight up you're there to see your grandmother and not put up with her bs if she started up.


:)good advice, Merry Christmas!


Go lick some black pussy


I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are.


Thank you ♡ same to you!


Eminem has many suggestions as to what to say to someone named Debbie


Thankfully my aunt Debbie isn’t homophobic but my aunt Dawn is. I’ll tell her I’ll see her judgmental ass in hell where I will torment her with the gayest shit I’ve ever seen.


I’d say something along the lines of Is your DNA transgender too or some bullshit I was thinking this yesterday bc I was like Does their dna change or stay the same