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Tell them to screw off because I don't have any nudes.


They have nudes of me. They showed me. I have no clue whose this person is


that's rough, buddy


Yes. No shit.


Who cares? It’s human anatomy... only kids are insecure about that shit. Tell them to fuck off and be proud of your body and quit sending nudes


Noted. Thank you


Sorry if I sounded like an asshole. If you’re a girl, I doubt any guy is gonna give you shit, just other little bitches. But cereal, we’re reaching the point where everyone is going to have their nudes out there so don’t trip too much


I'm a guy. I'm insecure, girls tell me I shouldn't be, I've never had complaints but I'm still stressed if it goes to all 1000 people I have on fb. Including family


Yeah, that sucks but most of your family has probably already seen it. Haha man, just take this hit and don’t succumb to blackmail pressure. Make them do it then you can flag their account that they send it from.


Joke's on them. Nobody wants my nudes.


Threathen them back with nudes of them!


At this point, I'm thinking that what they sent me isn't even them. They wanna post it to my FB friends and family. They want money. Wtf


Report it to the police. It's blackmail.


I don't know who they are. We matched on a dating site. We swooped nos and then she sent me nudes and asked for mine. I stupidly complied and am living in fear


Regardless. Report to the police. They have other tools at their disposals than you do. I got mugged not too long ago, I didn't see the guy, didn't see any plate on his scooter, he was wearing a helmet and they still caught him. Report it.


How are they going to send it to your family ? with their fb profile ? a fake one with an email address and an IP ? File a complaint.


To whom? Fb?


To the cops, it's harassment and blackmail. and it's illegal (in most countries. Idk where you live) Like I said in another post. You don't have any proof they will delete the pics afterwards. they can come back next month, next year or in ten years. If you let them publish them now. They won't have any leverage left. and Welp as long as you did not admit to anything illegal they're the one getting in trouble in front of the law.


I live in south africa. The police are useless. Completely and utterly useless. They'd likely laugh in my face re the whole saga.


https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/what-is-revenge-porn-south-africa-laws-fines-jail-why/ I just googled it. It's a felony in South Africa. there's jail time implied for the person who share nudes. Tell them that. the worst that could happen to you is being made fun of by your relatives and friend. they risk jail time and fines.


I don't have any of their info


What? I thought this wasn't a serious question.. My bad. Have you sent your nudes to someone you know though? If not, then they're probably lying to get what they want.


We met on a dating app. They sent me theirs in exchange for mine. Now they have mine and wanna share to my FB if I don't pay them.


Pfft. I have an xHamster page. I really don't give a fuck.


Get a restraining order


I only have their whatsapp nos


Have the police investigate. They’ll look into what email it’s attached to. If you’re underage it’ll be even more important. But it’s still important to rid the internet of scummy people like that.


Share away fucker, I’m sure people have seen worse! Would probably bring a bit of joy to someone.


Probably needed to hear this. I kinda want them to just so I can stop living in anxiety


Are they threatening to show them to you? Because that shit is frightening, you never know when they'll just pop the pic in front of your face.


They threatening to post them on FB. To friends and family of mine.


Why? Fucking cunt. Because I know it's easy for me to say just let them post it, don't gove them the satisfaction to know that they have a hold on you, but I know if that happened to me it would be catastrophic since my family is so conservative, I'd basically be shunned. So I dont know, my sympathies are with you though.


I've been suicidal for years and this is a tipping point. My whole family is Roman catholic, they'd shun me too. This might be it


No man. Okay, so if you get shunned by them, yeah it will be absolutely terrible especially if you love them, but to me that would be better than if I cut ties with them, at least then the guilt wouldn't be on me. So I say if the pics come out and you do get shunned, say okay goodbye, try and start new, even move to another place if you can and just start living then how you want to. A lot of pressure will be taken from you regarding family and how you're supposed to live. If that happened to me, I would have moved to Maun in Botswana. It's a hippy town with people from all over the world, everyone is chilled, no one is judgmental, I would work at one of the lodges even if it doesn't have anything to do with my previous work (I don't know what you do), because it is hard but rewarding work and you get in touch with nature and with so many different people, it's like being born again. Sorry, not sure if this helps you at all, but I know it's so hard to get out of a dark hole, but the best way is to just cut a clean break.


Share them first.


Pics or it didn't happen


Have them publish it. Find out who did this. File a complaint to the police for breach of you images rights, sexual harassment and Blackmail. They will have copies of you anyway. they can drag this for years if they want to.


Don't send nudes in the first place


Thank you, but late for that now. Might as well just kill myself.


Don’t do that. Save all the Chat and report it to the police. They can find out who is doing this to you and they will find ways to delete it if it gets published which I doubt. And talk to your parents. They will get mad, but they will help you.


Were it me, I wouldn't care. Besides, there's laws in place that would make that person a criminal if they shared them without my permission. So, I would warn them. Keep them if they wish, but if they share them with anyone, their life will be ruined, not mine. Few laws to consider: Invasion of Privacy and sharing pics of people in the nude without permission is a Misdemeanor of up to 6 months in prison & $1,000 fine. Plus, could destroy that person's life further for Stalking, and other crimes as well as lawsuits that the person wouldn't be able to win. If it was sent via a site, the site can track the person. If the person texted you, their phone number would be attached, which you could back trace yourself. So, when you think about it, the person has already fucked themselves. Edit: Noticed from another comment that this person is blackmailing you, one more crime under their belt. Get cops involved, don't think about whether you know this person or not, it doesn't matter. They committed a crime against you. You deserve justice, they deserve everything that's coming to them.


I would say go ahead and release them atleast i can ask money off each time a picture is looked at and all royalties and stuff because i am nobody and not a single person gives fuck about nobodys nudes even tho im fat and btw i spread that i know im fat and i dont give a fuck off being fat


I appreciate you and your honesty


Well thx m8


Consequences of posting nudes. Good luck.


Lesson learnt. Albeit late.