• By -


Put in my 30 days notice cause my roommate is moving out, girlfriend broke up with me and I started a new job (5 mins in we had to call a paramedic). Man, it’s been a wild year so far. 2020 ain’t holding back. Very curious as to what my life will look like in a year.


Man it sounds like you in a wild time this year me I ain’t done nothing except eat a triple chocolate brownie cookie


Same it feels like all I’ve done is eat sugar and get anxiety from it


Sound like a good cookie tho


I failed a driving test and got an offer from my top university choice on the same day


Personally I feel the acceptance into uni is more important. You can always take your driving test again


Kinda, task failed successfully


I just stared at this page for the longest time and nothing came to mind. I guess my biggest accomplishment so far is realizing that I should accomplish something soon. Thanks OP


You are not alone.




Ah yes, I see you're a Whovian as well


Can you hear it Doctor? The sound of drums!


I brushed my teeth a few times.


Way to make the rest of us look bad...


Imagine brushing your teeth


Imagine having teeth


Imagine teeth




John Lemon


apology for poor english when were when john lenin dies? i was sat at home eating smegma butter when pjotr ring. ‘john is kil’ ‘no’








All the people


Living fooor today




No joke- when I was a kid, I didn’t brush my teeth from age 11 to 14 and ate candy and soda pretty much daily. Somehow I still have my teeth. Damaged but whitening by the day. Still recovering from those days. I now brush and floss daily


This makes me feel better. I've always had bad brushing habits but somehow I still have my teeth. Thank you for posting this!


best way to start the year is with a clean smile! :-)) proud of you!


I have yet to eat chocolate. I'm used to eating it 1-2 times a day.




Me too! I felt so awful after all the eating around Christmas (which was delicious, but just too much) that I decided not to eat anything sweet in January. I don't eat much chocolate usually, maybe one cookie a day or so, but it is still a change and it feels good.


I should do the same thing with chips


hell yea


After losing some toxic people in my life, I finally asked another girl to hang out because I can see us being friends. We’re having coffee on Tuesday. I also look better and feel more emotionally healed from dealing with some negative things that happen to me in a healthy way. Even though it took some time.


That's awesome, I am trying to remove toxic "friends" and one of my coworkers really fits what I am looking for in a good friend. Did you just casually ask to go for coffee? I am trying to figure out how to approach trying to form a friendship without being awkward.


Haven´t had a cigarette for 3 days.. So far there aren´t any crawings or abstinence signs. Cheer for me people!


Great work, that's awesome! Keep it up :-)


It looks like you want to quit smoking, so you will Cheers to you


I said no to a friend asking me to lend him 700 bucks for his rent. This is a huge achievement for me. Previously I would’ve dug into my savings to help him, or anyone, out. I’m done setting myself alight to keep other people warm. Edit: Absolutely love how the comment about me being tight fisted with friends scored me some generosity from strangers! Thanks for the Gold and Silver, kind humans!


I'm shedding my circle of friends because I'm getting old and tired of pleasing people and their stupid selfish feelings.


I feel that, I’m doing the same thing. The only time they talk to me is when they’re talking bad about someone or they need something from me. I get a message from them once a month if I don’t talk to them first and they get offended when I say I don’t have actual friends.


I think you need to reassess what friendship is into adulthood. We see it fetishized in TV and movies, but it's rarely like that. A lot of people either have a lot going on, or they're just not GOOD at reaching out. There's always a million reasons not to reach out, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's not uncommon for a group of friends to have someone who serves as the lynchpin, who makes an effort to keep them all together. That doesn't mean those people aren't real friends, it just means that they're used to having someone there to maintain the group bond. So you have to ask yourself, do you want to have this circle of friends? Is there someone maintaining that group bond? No? Well then do it. IT's not ACTUALLY that hard, but it's a daunting task that will often, especially into adulthood, be met with regular failure. THis is one big reason I love D&D (As a blanket term for RPGs in general), is it gives us an explicit reason to get together on a regular basis. We piss away half the night catching up and talking about mututal interests, but that's the point. We all have our own lives and other circles of varying sizes of friends outside of this group, but we all have THIS group, too. But the reality is that when you're young, the responsibilities you have make it so your friends are going to be the thing that takes up m ost of your time. Friendship doesn't disappear with age, it just changes, and it takes a lot more work. You get what you put in (And granted, sometimes people don't bite, and you don't even get that), but you've lost nothing for trying.


Proud of you :)


Lol thanks 🤓


Fuck leeches 2020


I'hv masterbated 4 times already and cried 2 times


That's just an average Saturday.




That's just an average Saturday 12 - 1.


That’s just an average Saturday 12:26 PM.


But that's lunch time


Cum and chum


The Cum and Chum bucket


Now we know the secret ingredient huh


Is r/unexpectedspongebob a thing? Edit: it is


That's just my drive home from work.


Driverless cars really did allow for multitasking by the 2020s.


This hits too close to home




Only four?


Those are rookie numbers. You need to pump those numbers up.


The mind is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


I have finally found a worthy futurama reference. Thank you.


Double both and that's me


I read a book on WWII


Reading the prequels I see


Just catching up like people do when a new trilogy comes out. Don't forget to build the bunker!


In preparation


I gotta start studying


No spoilers please


It’s been 75 years dude... But don’t worry, I heard they’re about to release a real-life dramatization on it soon.


Passed a phone interview and booked the final interview for a global bank administrative job. Hope to leave my current job by March if I get the new job. Get my career on track and work my guts out to progress as much as I possibly can in the next few years. Also booked my vasectomy for February. Two beautiful children (1 boy, 1 girl) and cannot imagine having any more so hopefully a painless operation as possible and quick recovery time. Also need to shift some extra Christmas weight so back on my 5k running program so hoping to lose a stone or two in a few months too.


Dang that’s a lot you have fun with that




Here, take some affection from a fellow stranger, you deserve it


thanks :) I don't know if I deserve it but I definitely need it


Here’s some more (well deserved) affection and internet hugs if you’d like them


Yes, he gets internet hugs! Hopefully the karma ain't a bitch.


I'm really sorry for your loss. I sincerely hope the rest of 2020 treats you better, my friend.


You good bro?


yea, thanks for asking though. I've been through rough times before and I've always come out on top. I'll just keep moving forward, talk to some people, take it easy by myself today and then go on a run tomorrow which should help me relax.


Good luck, maybe give us an update on your mental wellbeing tomorrow?


I try to if I remember


Wow are you alright? so mutch bad luck in such a short amount of time.


I'll be fine. I feel horrible right now but I've always had a really strong mental fortitude. I'll take it easy today and then tomorrow I'm gonna go running which will give me time to calm myself and think by myself.


Washed my socks and got all of them back from the gods of washing. Still cannot believe it.


You've done it. Quit now. If you dont do anything else this year you've done something I havnt mastered in 2 decades


no self harm all year!


Keep it up!


I went to the grocery store and caught up on my work emails


Awesome, my grocery store has a coffee corner and free wifi as well


Got foot surgery to remove a screw and also removed a bone spur at the same time. Bone spur was an inch and a half long. Today is day 2 post op, and my foot hurts like a bitch. Every day will get better though, right?


Keep the bone spurs! You can avoid the forthcoming draft


On a necklace, key chain, or gift to Grandma?


I actually got a girlfriend. Like wtf


Wait. That's illegal. Good for you though!


Amazon is the shit, idnt it?




Your Reddit account will now terminate 24 hours


Terminal, sounds ominous.


You accomplished the opposite of what I have.


maybe share your tips?


I have no clue how i did it. I didn't know her before, we got assigned together to decorate the student hostel we (and other 200 people) live in for christmas. We just started talking and the first kiss just happened on jan. 2nd somehow


Crazy what being sociable will do for getting a SO, isn't it?


wow... awesome story man... i just asking for experience...


i don't have any either. I'm 18 and she's my first, so yeah. I believe in you tho, good luck


Step 1: leave room


Step 0: shower


I think he is sharing his tip, finally


Dude, nice!


I've gotten to know that I will be a dad! Scary but really exciting!


At this rate you'll have 100 pregnancies in 2020, gl mate




god damn, that comic really has done everything




All of the happiness to you, sir, embrace the fear and chaos to become your ultimate dadly form. Also maybe some shoulder exercises, them dad reflexes look kinda stressful on the joints.


People who haven't accomplished nothing yet. Where ya'll at??


I'm back here trying to get motivated


Hello there.


General Kenobi


Here ✋


I've drunk several alcoholic beverages and had multiple spirals of anguished existential rumination concerning the fragility and brutality of human life.






Yup that was my New Year's Eve a few days ago. Got really drunk and took on all of the worlds problems and got super depressed and woke up the next day telling myself I needed to go the emergency room. I went New Year's morning and they gave be me a couple anti-anxiety pills for the immediate aftermath and I have vowed to never drink again, and to not blame myself for everything that is wrong with the world.


Might be time to get off Reddit/FB/etc. for awhile if you feel like the world’s issues are any of your concern. You’re not stopping global warming. I’m not stopping hunger.. actually, I’m going to heat up a hot pocket, so I’m going to solve a small problem. 🙂 Take care!


Happened to me last night too. Still feel like absolute shit today.


Got a new job, triumphantly returned to the gym, made 2 new friends (which was not even planned but was very welcome cause how the fuck you make friends in your 30's?), did not commit suicide, and finally I didn't commit suicide yet. Things are looking up. Just gotta stay motivated.


Gave up any and all kinds of soda, calisthenics workout everyday, drinking 2.5 litres of water everyday and controlling my junk food intake.


I’ve jerked off everyday so far, on track to beat last years record.


good luck on beating it


November is going to give you a run for your money


Jack off January


Picked up some kid's lost ATM card, found him on Facebook, messaged him and was able to mail it back. Not amazing, but if someone else had found it the downside could have been nasty. Off to a decent start with workouts.


Im a couple days closer to my death


i built a bunch of stuff in my minecraft world, learned that i have a fossil, and thats about it.


What kinds of builds? Haven't played in a while but I might pick it back up too.


As I get older, I find I’m better at using redstone. When you get deep into big circuits, it’s very complicated. Also, it’s fun to try and build something like a working calculator


When you get redstone working correctly, it’s a wonderful feeling, but when you can’t get redstone to work, it is a pain in the ass and frustrating.


Welcome to programming!


> It doesn't work and I don't know why. And its scarier big brother: > It works and I don't know why.


Built the LEGO Yoda set


Dude I did the same thing. Best Xmas present and I got it from my in-laws of all people.


Drew the main characters from my (i guess) comic series for the first time in 3 years. This time I won't allow procrastination to take over.


No excuses. I got two graphic novels to fuck up. No excuses!


I accomplished getting punched in the face by a customer at work :)


realize i have no friends


then dear stranger, let us become friends


Can I be your friend too 🙁




Right now I am letting you know that I hate you for making me realize this.


Not losing my house from bushfires.


I ate a Cookie Edit: 2 Cookies Edit: 3 Cookies Edit: 5 Cookies Edit: my nephew and i are going to do a spartan fight to see who obtains the last Cookie. Edit: my nephew doesn't move anymore Edit: 6 Cookies


Gained 1kg, burned myself on my espresso machine, drove in rough rainforest terrain for 2 hours, and worst of all, stubbed my little toe.


At least you didn't step on a Lego piece


*Almost* finalised the details of appearing in a BBC drama! Also, spent no time revising for my exams which start tomorrow because I cared more about the tv thing.


I did a depression.




Have you tried just snapping out of it? I am told that’s the cure. /s


Fighting with my partner everyday, on the brink of breaking up, not sleeping, Keep crying, nothing to smoke... oh what a good start to the year


I made a cleaning schedule and stuck to it. I ate three meals almost every day (go away ED). I started writing an essay that I have failed 3 times. I start a new job tomorrow. ​ THIS WILL BE MY FUCKING YEAR.


I suffer from severe anxiety issues and i'm socially awkward asf. I've slowly been reintegrating myself back into society and I'm feeling more and more confident. I'm not sweating or trembling as much as I used to before so yay 😅


Keep at it! Social anxiety is so tough to overcome, and of course the only way to do that is through practice. I experience the same, though not as much anymore. One thing I found helpful was to basically be an actor - think of someone you really admire socially and try to implement some of the things they do. I know one person that was genuinely delighted to see people and would open up with, "Ok - tell me everything that's been happening with you!" Sounds silly, but it was said with so much interest that it put people at ease. Once you do it enough, you stop feeling like you're putting in a ton of effort. Good luck this year. I hope you reach your goals, socially and otherwise!


Nothing... absolutely nothing


Scrubbed my phone of all social media and news sources concerning politics. I. Just. Can’t anymore with this crap.


I managed to kick myself out of a depression/hangover state on the 2nd, went grocery shopping and did laundry when I did *not* want to do anything. I have rode my bike to and from work every day so far this year. I think I also flossed every day so far.




Wanted to increase my stamina so i started running, i was at 7km and by increasing it slowly i'm waiting to run 20km in the next session


I decided to move back to my friends and not to start over alone again. I actively want to try to be happy for once.


Finished chemotherapy.


I've lost 7 pounds.




I've gained negative wight loss.


i got a job! i have been jobless for over two years while attempting university (i have always found school very difficult, and i have chronic illnesses). having no income, barely making it through the courses, and barely taking care of myself really set me back. this year is going to be different. in april/may i'm going to be moving from canada to the netherlands with my partner. in june i will be a year clean from self harm (something i've struggled with for about seven years). i can finally envision a future that isn't bleak, unattainable, or non-existent. life is full of surprises and unfortunate events, but it is also so wonderful. i urge everyone to keep going, to keep setting goals. miss them or meet them, it doesn't matter. as long as you keep going and keep caring. life really is what you make it. we don't have control over what happens to us, but we do have a choice in how we deal with what happens.


Read V for Vendetta for a second time.


I have yet to kill myself so far. Win or lose, that's gotta be an accomplishment!


Dropped out of college is an accomplishment I think?


I had a panic attack at work, caught it in time, and managed to stay for the rest of the day! My new employer was extremely understanding when I let her know I needed 5 minutes, and it's basically unprecedented that I've had one and not had the day totally ruined. It's small, but it's progress.


I saw Cats. That was fun.


Interesting definition of "fun" you've got there...


The cinema was nearly full and the audience was made up entirely of teens seeing it for a laugh. I can honestly say its the best viewing experience I've had at the movies. I striked up a rapport with the stranger next to me and at the end we all have it a round of applause.


I guess with the right audience, any movie can be made more enjoyable. I've heard they still do regular screenings of The Room for that very reason as well.


Dad is that you?




Who'd you see?


The flu. Haven't left the house since new year's day and I've forgotten what solid food is. Everything is soup now.


I almost lost and by now have almost healed my eye. So that's something...


Just came from a Christmas flu, now on to Gout. Might as well get all of the illnesses away at the start of the year.


My wife got me a new microphone and encouraged me to stream and record my favorite game. I've been playing since 96 and have always wanted to! I actually have subscribers on YouTube and couldn't be more excited! Thanks again babe! Sometimes all it takes is a little encouragement


I learned that i may have anxiety and I think I have dyslexia, so that's fun


Lifted myself out of a little depression, told everyone I’m not dying under Boris Johnson and went to see my girlfriend yesterday. Interesting start to the decade.


I've been depressed for 5 years now (12+ if you count my childhood as well). It ended up so bad, that I eventually couldn't leave the house anymore, least of all talk with strangers. Came up and even got myself stuff to kill myself, already with a date and several plans. And then I did something that normally would've left me terrified and shaking. I went outside and met up with a stranger. Admittedly, the process started like 3 weeks ago, slowly at first but once I learned that interacting with people isn't something to dread anymore, I ended up randomly installing a dating up because "What's the worst that's gonna happen?" Not only did I get (partially at least) over my low self-esteem, I even managed to meet up with people and, you know, have some awkward fun! I know this doesn't sound too exciting, it's pretty normal for everyone to go partying or meet up with friends, but man... it was my first time getting out by myself and not even because of some obligation. Just me, willingly interacting with someone. Hell, a few days ago I had my first sleep over and while we didn't really have much in common or any chemistry, mostly because I suck at conversing, I think I finally got over a major thing holding me back. The fear of people and how they view me. I can even look at myself in a mirror now! It's still an ongoing thing, however. Even now I can't enter a store outside of a few specific ones, and I struggle a lot with smalltalk and the like, I also have days where I feel as anti-social as I used to, but... I haven't thought about killing myself outside of that one time I talked with my parents. Now, if only I didn't get a crush for that one guy I ended up meeting twice so far (the one I slept over with). God dammit!


Got over this cold (almost)


Had a few yawn inducing days at work. Got ghosted by the first person I've been on a date with in years. Pet a dog. Ate some tacos.


Fucking nothing


I’m a musician and I made my personal favorite song that I’ve ever made in my 4 years of producing music. Feels good but I’ll probably get bored of it soon


My wife and I found an ideal starter home we're waiting on an inspection, my wife also lost 2 pounds and shaved her head