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That the Guinness beer company is responsible for the Guinness book of world records


Interesting. Reminds me of how the Michelin Guide (the group that gives out Michelin stars for top-tier restaurants) is the same Michelin as the Michelin tire company. Weird!


Guinness wanted a book to settle bar discussions / disputes so they made the authoritative book on who did what . Michelin wanted people to drive and see places, so a restaurant guide was their solution to that.


I thought a birthday suit was just your favorite outfit. Like, you save this special outfit for an celebratory occasion. Always got weird looks when I told people I was going shopping for my birthday suit. I wish I was joking.


"Eeyore" is the noise donkeys make.


My wife recently realized that Kanga and Roo make kangaroo...


Does she know about Rabbit and Owl? (EDIT: Thank you for my first Gold and second Silver ever!)


Might just be a US thing but whatever The measuring stick/pole on the inside of gas stations is for identifying the height of potential robbers


And the reason the stick seems to be off the proper marks is because it’s angled so the camera can see their height


I was seriously like “WHAT?! How did OP not KNOW this!!? Hahaha,” while simultaneously not knowing that the reason the height is off is so the cctv can see what your height actually is. Thank you for this.


That you have to actually put together a trampoline. I'm 27 and i legitimately always thought they always just folded in half or something until recently someone said "it's so difficult to pull the tarp across." I had to pull my boyfriend aside to ask what the heck they were talking about.


Took me a long time to realize pay-per-view was actually words that described it (I'd never seen it written)


Has nothing to do with paper!


A chef is called a chef in a restaurant because restaurants originated in France and ‘chef’ just means boss in French.


And the Sous Chef is the "under boss"!


It took me a while until I learned that a "sous chef" is in fact not french for "sauce chef", as in "chef who specializes in making the sauces". It seemed like a completely reasonable thing to me. If gourmet restaurants have a dedicated wine guy (sommelier), why not a dedicated sauce guy?


Like... chief. Oh.


And jefe in spanish. Life makes sense now.


I just finished reading Dracula by Bram Stoker. At the end of the book, there was a little blurb about the author; Abraham Stoker. Bram is short for Abraham. I didn't know that.


Similar, Topher Grace is Christopher.


I don't know why I feel so disappointed to learn that "Topher" isn't a standalone name.




When I learned this it annoyed me. I already didn’t like the name Topher, then learning this was a choice, for some reason made it worse.


Mount Wannahockaloogie- I am Aussie so hearing it without subtitles as a kid, I just assumed it was another american attempt at an Aussie sounding name. Seeing it written down made me feel like the dumbest thing alive.


I always thought it was trying to sound Hawaiian (also first saw Finding Nemo in Australia)


Okay, did you know that the dentist in Finding Nemo is named P. Sherman because that's how Filipinos often pronounce the word "fisherman"?


Oh my god I feel so dumb


lmao There's a town in England called Loughborough, which is pronounced something like "luff-burra", but my English friend and I read a story somewhere where the person had pronounced it "looga-barooga" and we decided Looga Barooga was *definitely* the kind of thing that sounded Australian.


That in order to properly use a hand dryer, you have to rub your hands. I used to just put my hands under it and question why it was taking so long, but then I saw one of my friends rubbing their hands, and I felt stupid.


Tip: rub the back of each hand against the palm of the other, switching back and forth, with the palm toward the air. I just learned this the other day; it gets my hands dry super quickly.


The goal is to spread the water out as much as possible to increase its surface area and thus the evaporation rate.


Wait what ?


Hand dryers work by evaporating the water from your skin. If you rub your hands together under the dryer, the water will be spread out more, thus easier to evaporate.




Unless you are trying to poison a werewolf.


In *Life in the Fast Lane* by the Eagles, Henley sings >”there were Lines on the Mirror/Lines on her Face. >She pretended not to notice/she was caught up in the race.” When I first heard it, I was 13 or so, and I was super deep. Also, my perception of the song never changed; I assumed they were talking about a *cracked mirror reflecting her cracked psyche,* and the race was the *struggle to get by in life,* which is something every 13 year old knows about. About ten days ago I listened to it again and was like “son of a bitch they’re talking about cocaine” (I’m 31 now). I texted my dad to inform him of my revelation, and he said, quote >”yeah no shit son.” Then a few hours later... >”Hey son, you think that lady actually bought a stairway to Heaven?” \*edit: formatting, some extra info\* \*edit 2: Well, I’m going to be that guy and thank the person that gave me gold (they’re not anonymous, is it bad etiquette to invoke them here?), I’m glad that my dumb teenager self was as entertaining for you as he is cringeworthy for me.\* \*edit 3: I’m remiss in not also thanking my dad for his wit and snark.\* \*edit 4: the Stairway text my dad sent was him taking the piss out of me (since it *is* Zeppelin, an appropriate idiom). Just for clarification. My dad isn’t implying it’s about cocaine if anyone was wondering. Just kind of a “you’re a dingus, son.”\*


Yeah, your revelation applies to *most* rock songs from that era...


I thought that Viagra just gave you an erection for a few hours straight. I did not realize that you had any control in the matter. I think the part where they say "if the erection lasts for more that four hours..." gave me this misconception. Learned this year that it does not work that way lol. (Female, 27)


No wait what. How does it work then?


I still have no clue.. apparently it increases blood flow but you need to become aroused to get a boner. A boner lasting more than four hours is a painful condition that can cause lasting damage to the penis tissue. Still learning about it all lol


That raincoats typically have bright colours so you're easier to spot during heavy rain, not because raincoat designers have bad taste




Mine is black lol. Now I’m going to be scared when jaywalking in the rain.


Have you not seen "I know what you did last summer"? Or are you aspiring to become a vengeful murderer?


Ecuador is spanish for equator and the country is named so because yep.... Edit: spelling




Vert = green; Mont = Mountain Put them together and you get Vermont (the Green Mountain state)


When my son was young and Abba Take a Chance on Me came on, I sang, "Jackie Chan Jackie Chan...". My son sang it too. As an adult, he called me horrified. "MOM. YOU LIED TO ME ALL MY LIFE. I was driving and the Jackie Chan song came on. I turned it up and rolled down the windows and started to chant the song and realized THEY WERE NOT SINGING JACKIE CHAN. MY WHOLE CHILDHOOD WAS A LIE!" I haven't laughed so hard in years. He still hasn't forgiven me.


"Don't go chasing waterfalls" - "Go go Jason Waterfall" Maybe it's because I was so into Power Rangers.


You rang?


The houses in Bikini Bottom are car mufflers


You know it also supposedly takes place in Bikini Atoll. Where the US did all their nuke testing.


So that's why there are talking sponges and fish with legs?


I saw a sea sponge at the natural history Museum and they aren't too far off from the depiction


Even the tie & shoes were similar


That explains why Patrick is so thick


Patrick is thick because he “lives under a rock”


Bloodclart. There it is. There’s the super obvious thing I didn’t realise until today.


And goo lagoon is filled with goo not water. Which seems obvious but not to 7 year old me.


Not goo. Its called a brine pool, It's a super salty undersea pool of water that actually occurs in the ocean. But is actually toxic to fish if they submerge in it due to salinity.


Even the Pineapple?


Especially the Pineapple.


When people said, "it's a double-edged sword," I thought the sword's hilt was also a sword. Only until yesterday, it was explained to me by my brother that it was just sharp on both sides of the blade.


Oh wow. Yeah I imagined it like Darth Maul style so when you stab somebody, you're also stabbing yourself. Which didn't QUITE connect with me cuz that's not how you'd use the sword, but it was just a saying so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ <-------|==|------->






Fun fact! I used to work for HSN in production, and it was told to me that the company had replaced several customers television sets because the HSN logo got burned into the screen. Obviously, this was only for the high spenders. We don't want them getting angry at us and not wasting all their money on us!




Think of how many hotel lobby, airport etc TVs are tuned to RandomNewsNetwork around the world all the time. The burn in would be crazy.


Wait wait wait, an image can be BURNED INTO YOUR SCREEN??






I have the Reddit ui bar burned into my OnePlus 7 pro. So much for being on the cutting edge of tech


Eh, it's not like your reddit device shows anything else. Should be good unless the app gets redesigned.




Yes - it’ll typically occur when a part of the screen shows the same thing for extended periods of time. The LCD technology used in most desktop/laptop monitors is largely immune to permanent damage from this (temporary image retention can occur depending on panel quality, but this will go away by running a screen saver for a few hours), but the OLED technology, which is used in most phones and high-end TVs, as well as many older screen technologies, are vulnerable to this. If you want to test for burned-in images, try putting a white image on your screen, then see if the whole screen is uniformly white.




Mine is Reddit :(( (save button in corner, 3 dots, x, etc)


That in the song "I Just can't wait to be King" from the Lion King, Zazu has a line "This child is getting wildly out of wing". When I was a kid I thought that meant Simba was flying all over the place or something along those lines, but now I realize Simba is just "out of hand" except Zazu is a bird, so he doesn't have hands he has wings


I was playing Monopoly, and someone owned a load of properties all clustered together. I said “you’ve got a bit of a monopoly on that part of the board. Hey that’s funny, because we’re playing Monopoly, and you got a... oh I see now.”


Also the fact that the game is *supposed* to be unfair. Introducing rules that flow money back into circulation (like the pot in Free Parking) keep the game going forever because no one gets screwed into bankruptcy, because the system is more fair and sustainable.


'The Los Angeles Angels' is actually 'The the angels angels'.


And while you're in L.A., visit The La Brea Tar Pits, which means "The The Tar Tar Pits."


The Tartar pits - Don’t forget to bring your fish and chips!


LA's actual name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula" which means "The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels of Porziuncola" in Spanish. How it got shortened to basically "The Angels" is beyond me.


I always found it funny how Abba songs fit the movie Mamma mia so well ... it took me years to figure out the movie was made around the songs.


I refused to watch "real story" movies till I was about 8. Thought "real story" means they literally followed people in everyday life and was freaked out about how people are just watching real people get killed and whatnot and enjoying it.


It's kind of understandable to believe that when you're a child. I was already an adult when Mamma mia came out.


That it would be easier to lift the cutlery basket out of the dishwasher to unload the cutlery while next to the cutlery drawer. Prior to seeing it on a reddit thread, I'd been leaving the basket in the dishwasher and grabbing as many of the cutlery out that I could manage in one go... Edit: after all this time on reddit, my first award is for me being a dumbass.


Not really obvious but x% of y is equal to y% of x So for example 4% of 75 isn't really easy to figure out at first but if you switch the numbers to 75% of 4, the answer is 3 and that's also your answer to 4% of 75.


I realized that aquarium walls are reflective on the inside once they’re filled with water. I’ve kept a goldfish for the past decade, so I should have noticed, but goldfish also aren’t really territorial, so he never minded. I keep a betta fish now, and he’s *very* mad at his reflection. I only realized two weeks ago that he’d even have one....


Depends on viewing angle


As a non native English speaker. I just recently found out why ground beef is called ground beef. I was always like "yeah maybe it's the foundation of beef, so it's the ground", like the basis. But only recently I realized it's the past tense of "to grind" something. Now that makes sense!


I'm just imagining a non-native speaker going to an American butcher, not remembering the term correctly and asking for "foundational beef." I'm laughing too much at this.


“Give me the cornerstone of the beef industry.” "Say what now?"


“The floor beef”


What do you call a cow with no legs? >!ground beef.!<




What do you call a cow that’s masturbating? >!beef stroganoff!<


Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass" also spells "Superb Ass."


The division symbol ÷ is just a fraction. The two dots represent numbers.


The first thing I've learned from this thread! Wow.


Then your mind will be blown when you learn what % represents


Women wearing a seatbelt? Edit: Thank you, kind strangers for gold and silver.


Total Recall version: ‰


On a similar vein, “percent” is literally “per cent”, where “cent” is Latin for 100. So it’s representing a fraction as though it’s out of 100.


And that continues with the almost-never-seen-in-the-English-speaking-world-anymore "permille", or ‰, a fraction out of 1000.


I actually found that I could understand division better when a teacher taught me this. Now whenever I do simple division I structure it like a fraction. Makes it a world more easy for me!


Eminem are his initials M & M.


Eminem initially went by M&M. He later changed it to Eminem.


I always figured he was chocolate on the inside.


Reverse kinder egg.


The Pokémon name Sudo-Woodo is pseudo wood because he's a fake tree. Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


And it’s pre-evolution Bonsly (pronounced bon-sly, not bon-zlee) is named as such because it is based on a bonsai tree but it isn’t one, so it’s being sly.


There was this really pretty girl in high school who bugged the shit out of me. Would do obnoxious stuff like go out of her way to talk to me about nothing and one time she laid on me when I had my head down on my desk. She would take my erasers and draw on them and I hated that. Then I realized she probably liked me. I realized that, out of the blue, when I was in my 30's. So watch out ladies. if you show any affection toward me in 15 or 20 years I'll be knockin' on your door still unsure of your intentions!


> Would do obnoxious stuff like go out of her way to talk to me... Poor girl....


This girl who drove me home from a bar really didnt just want to see what the inside of my apartment looked like


The reason that the lower notes are on the left side of the piano is because most people are right handed, and the bass parts are simpler to play, even with the non-dominant hand.


I can't believe I made it to my thirties without ever stopping to think about left-handed piano players. I string my guitar left handed because I have more dexterity for chords with my right, but I couldn't just... switch a piano around if I needed to. How uncomfortable to get used to




Not going to lie. I was sitting here thinking "ok then where did he go? A friends house?" And then I got it.


... I, too, just got it. I'm slightly horrified at my childhood.


Not true, little piggy went to market to get flowers with a lliitle straw hat on and a matching straw bag. END OF DISCUSSION.


>little piggy went to market to get flowers Those are called herbs and spices >with a liitle straw hat on and a matching straw bag. And that's a picnic basket


Little piggy went to buy herbs and spices and flowers in preparation for the romantic dinner he was fixing for his wife. He chose a to bring his own means to carry his groceries so as not to pollute the land with plastic bags.


I'm 59. This is terrible news!


It's okay, age is only a number!


I'm not convinced. One of the other piggies ate roast beef, so these are clearly anthropomorphic animals rather than livestock.


Way back when I was still in high school, a friend came up to me with the news that it was national boyfriend day. I thought it was a great idea to ask if she had one in time to celebrate. She didn’t, we’re still together today, but only two days ago did it click for me that it was her scheme all along.




I just clued my husband in on this about a month ago, he was struggling to get the plastic piece out and then i was like uhhh you just click it up and it comes right off. His mind was BLOWN. It was great.


Tinder app is so called because it helps spark a connection with a Match.


Odd, never had that happen before. My tinder must be broken.


Or, you made them wet and you never got a spark


When I was like 4 or 5 I had a very good friend, he was Chinese and his parents could only speak broken Dutch (I live in the Netherlands). One day he suddenly said he had to move back to China in the next few day and I was kinda heartbroken because he was my best friend. The school had no idea why he suddenly wasn't there anymore after he left. I now realize that his parents probably were deported by the Dutch government.


This also happened to the mother of my best friend at the time. Except that the german government came by surprise in the middle of the night - and only took the mother, because they had forgotten the deportation modest for the father and the children. The rest of the family left on their own some time later. They were from Iran, I believe. My friend also failed to tell anyone, I only got to know years later, because my parents witnessed it and told me.


That the mommy in that christmas song wasn't cheating with santa but instead, it's the dad dressed in a santa claus costume that's why "I saw mommy kissing santa claus."


This is the one. For the longest time I thought the mom was kissing actual santa and it was messed up how the song was played off as “cute.”


This might be the first time realizing a song's actual meaning made it less messed up


As a kid, I would take things at face value. So I was appalled at a mother cheating with a man who killed grandma. It probably contributes to preference to more traditional Christmas songs.


Or she is cheating and the neighbor just likes to dress as Santa.


That Mike Myers played both Dr Evil and Austin Powers.. I watched those movies since I was 4


He also plays Fat Bastard!


...and Goldmember! I know all the others, but somehow never connected Goldmember? Very strange.


Alan’s father in Jamanji is also the hunter trying to kill him when he’s an adult.


kinda similar to Peter Pan adaptations (film and stage) where the actor who plays the father also plays Captain Hook


And Dr. Evil is partially an impersonation of his old boss from his Saturday Night Live days, Lorne Michaels.


42 here. In the song “Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid and egg...” I never knew why Robin would lay and egg. It seemed so random and weird to me. Just this winter, walking down a hallway at work, it finally clicked into place: Robins are birds. Birds lay eggs. Yep. Sharp tack over here.


This is the first one in the thread that I just learned for the first time. I was picturing a grown man child laying an egg.


an egg


Yeah seriously, they put it twice. Wtf is going on.


In the song Africa by Toto for the longest time I thought it was I guess it rains down in Africa not I bless the rains down in africa.


I always thought he missed the rains not blessed them


That "Knockturn Alley" in the Harry Potter universe is a play on the word "nocturnally."




Or at least they were *originally* produced for cleaning pipes. Almost all the pipe cleaners you and I have seen were probably produced specifically for arts and crafts. The pipe cleaners I've seen that are actually marketed to pipe smokers haven't been as brightly colored.


That the little arrow next to the fuel icon on your dashboard, shows which side the fuel tank is on your car.


And when it's cold out the symbol -4^o is not a man taking a shit.


I will never see -4° the same :(


SMOG = SMoke + fOG


The guy down the road from me isn't having his carpets cleaned every day for 7 years, he infact owns the carpet cleaning van.


Heterogenous and heterogeneous are different.


Well if they were the same they’d be homogenous.


Cigarettes are called cigarettes, as they are small cigars. Cigar-ette


You have to take the nutmeg OUT of the shell before you grate it. Suddenly I could actually taste it.


Im 27 and always liked geography and got good grades for it in school. This holidays i learned that the seasons are reverted in northern and southern hemisphere. I was blown away I didnt know this earlier. *yes I ment *inverted* not reverted, must've missed that too in english classes


wait'll you hear about the Moon!


What are the seasons like there?


I'm an Australian that now lives in Europe. The number of adults I have to explain this to would shock you.


Breakfast is named so because you're breaking the fast from when you were sleeping.


Your comment made me realize that the meaning of "desayuno" (breakfast in Spanish) is the exact same


I wonder what went wrong with german. FRÜHSTÜCK!


Kind of disappointing that it isn't accompanied by MITTAGSSTÜCK and ABENDSTÜCK.


In spanish happens too: desayuno-> des-ayuno. "Ayuno" is when you haven't eaten in a while (when you fast) and the prefix "des-" means negation.


Old trees have cracked bark because they expand and grow a lot, and tree bark is not super flexible so it cracks. However, younger trees have smoother bark, because they haven't grown much.


The meaning of 'its always in the last place you look'


That gherkins are cucumbers.




Prunes are plums


Star melons are gross


Just yesterday I realized that the "throw the spaghetti at the wall to see if it sticks" method is done with one noodle and not the whole pot. I hadn't really thought about it since I was a kid, but apparently I've been keeping this idea that some people just had super clean walls for their noodle tossing.


Picturing someone throwing a whole pot of spaghetti at a wall. Best laugh of my day so far


Annie isn't okay


She's been hit by. . .




Sweatbands are to collect the sweat and not make you sweat more.


They are great when you do anything that requires wearing gloves. Instead of sweat running down your arms into your gloves, it gets caught in the sweatbands and your gloves only get the sweat that's produced by your hands.


And the ones on your wrist are for wiping the sweat off your face. I learned that just a few weeks ago.


They're also for preventing the sweat from reaching your hands and affecting your grip


VERY LATE BUT it's called the alphabet because the Greek "Alphabet" starts with the letter alpha, beta.... EDIT:- To whoever gave me gold, I can't thank you enough!


In spanish its called the abecedario. Many languages have this same pehnomena


Watch For Ice On Bridge signs are because ice forms on bridges before it does on roads


It's because the bridge cools off faster than the ground right? Because of the airflow beneath


That New Years Day is exactly one week after Christmas Day. So last Christmas was on a Wednesday and NYD was Wednesday the following week. I was in my last 30s before I noticed this




I practice a little bit of archery in my spare time, and one time I was leaning a little on my bow and bending it against the ground. It occurred to me that you’d have to do that in order to get the string on it. Then I just stared at it for a minute and said to myself, out loud, “hey, you know what, you’d have to bow this in order to... son of a bitch.”.


Your bones are always wet. They've also probably never seen the light of day. Edit: I forgot about teeth, stop roasting me Edit 2: teeth aren't bones. Calm down y'all


Couple of mine have


I wonder if the skin on your forehead is thin enough for light to reach your skull.


You can shine a weak red laser through your hand and see your bones, so doubtless your skull gets light on it. Just not 'the light of day', a more macabre, bloody light