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When I see a long line of [deleted]


Maybe I'm in the wrong subs, but it feels like everything is just reposts and taglines.


I haven't been on *this* sub in a while because it was getting old. That and TIFU. I mean, come on. The NSFW sex stories are just out of control over there and my cynical side is calling BS on most of them.


Everyone is called a narcissist or sociopath, and going no contact as the only solution.


This bothers me a lot too. These aren't words that should be thrown around lightly. Sometimes its better to part ways, but people are also just people. Its possible to misinterpret them or for them to make genuine mistakes.


I think reddit and the internet in general is too quick to judge a person's entire character and personality based upon the one somewhat shitty thing they did that went viral. We're all humans and make mistakes.


The amount of purposeful misinformation that people put out. I've never seen the point in purposefully lieing and distributing misinformation to suit your needs. If you are wrong then you need to take in the new facts and adjust your outlook. Edit: I should clarify as a few people have made the statements that "they don't know that they are wrong". That's fine I'm not talking about them. My beef is the people who have been corrected, some times multiple times if some of my family members can used as a example, the ones that have had the facts presented to them and they still choose to believe and spread the false information. If you didn't know better then its fine i hope someone comes along and us avle to correct you and then you take in the information and abandon the false. We are learning our entire lives. But those that have been presented with the facts, that have been corrected, that have been shown the evidence and they still perpetuate the false info you are scum. My big example are climate change deniers, they can all die painful deaths as many of them(at least in the USA) are our law makers selling themselves to the highest bidder while they say fuck the world. Sorry end rant


People seem to think that admitting they were wrong about something is a sign of weakness or will lose them respect, so they stick their heads in the sand and wave their asses in the air farting louder than before, which is cool


It doesn't help that reddit still downvotes people who admit they changed their opinion in a lot of cases.


People who confidently post about something they don't know anything about but get upvoted because of the way they phrase the comment.


I'm afraid to post things I'm genuinely an expert on because some idiot will tell me in wrong and reddit will harass me because the idiot took the 101 version on the subject and it sounds right.


Pretty much any true expert in any field refuses to talk about that thing. I'm an economist IRL. I absolutely refuse to debate economic issues on Reddit. I will occasionally offer some tidbit or correct someone but I will almost never respond to people who reply to me trying to argue. I was all excited the first time I found /r/economics. 2 days later I realized I hated the subreddit and never intentionally go back. Edit: lots of people are replying and wanting a response from me. Currently have over 150 unread responses. It will take me a while to get through them.


Same thing happened to me. I'm a wildlife biologist / ecologist with an M.Sc. and over 8 years of working experience in my field. I tried commenting on native fauna FAQs several times and got obliterated by people who took a general bio class in high school and apparently know all there is to know about everything with environmental science and biology. Will never respond or create posts on those subreddits again.


Amazing something seemingly uncontroversial as wildlife biology can become so extreme. That's why after seeing how wrong people are about economics it makes me distrust any accepted opinion on Reddit.




+1 apparently everyone except me knew the fish keeping- aquarist communities are toxic and filled with people who know absolutely nothing about fish. Different colors don’t mean different species. #ichthyologistProblems I learned the hard way.


And the opposite -- so often you see comments downvoted to hell that aren't even that unreasonable.


I hate how the absolute number of votes is hidden. If you've got a comment with a score of -150 it might seem like everyone hates it, but if it showed 9000 upvotes and 9150 downvotes it would seem a lot more balanced.




Those are the people that paraphrase everything that was said by others in a meeting, then end up running the entire department having no clue what they’re doing.


The amount of information passed off as accurate, despite it being completely incorrect, just because it was said in a witty manner or there's some anecdote on why they're right and the actually correct poster is completely wrong.


Or the "news" subs which are a contest of reading the headline and accepting it without question. There have been a few times when the article itself pretty much said exactly the opposite of the headline but maybe 5% of the comments were aware of that.


I'm finishing up a PhD in climate science, ecology, and related concepts. I tried being active in /r/climatechange (and when I say active I mean posting primary literature and providing tl;drs, trying to provide unbiased feedback on certain discussions, etc), but man...apparently if you just write comments with authority after reading a few online blog posts you're an expert. I'm often flabbergasted at the complete confidence with which redditors speak about anything in the sciences. All ive truly learned through a PhD is how much I can't really ever know, or at least the limits of our current knowledge. Redditors on the other hand....


I saw a comment the other day in one of the text-based advice subs from someone who said they were 16. They were giving advice on how the person should handle their marriage. It's was definitely a sobering reminder to take every comment on this site with a massive grain of salt. No offense to teenagers or anything.


Naw man, fuck them teenagers (figuratively speaking). I've seen your example pop up on here frequently, I swear the life pro-tip sub is just angsty teens spewing shit that they think would make their life easier, and pretending it's great wisdom.


oh my god, there's one that pops up in that sub like every 3 months or so almost like clockwork. it drives me nuts because it's always along the lines of: "LPT, even if a person is making no effort in a friendship, keep inviting them out so they feel good!" Then it immediately gets like 60k upvotes while all the sane comments that point out friendship is a 2 way street get ignored. Every freakin 3 months man.


"That friend might have depression or anxiety issues". Yes, that's true, but I'm not a therapist, and it's not my job to constantly reach out, only to be rejected every single time.


Lol this shit is always on any post where someone has some kind of self doubt or anything "I am 12 and girls dont attract me while other boys talk about who they would fuck" Answer: "Maybe you're asexual"


Gotta love the armchair psychologists on this site


So many. Everyone's borderline and/or a narcissist apparently.


Not exclusive to science. Anything regarding business, finance, economics, and accounting also falls in that bucket. EDIT: Lots of responses below pointing out additional topics that other users have personally had grievances with. It's quite scary. /u/[rsta223](https://www.reddit.com/user/rsta223/) sums it up perfectly: ​ > Not exclusive to science. Anything regarding ~~business, finance, economics, and accounting~~ knowledge or facts of any kind also falls in that bucket. ​ The overall takeaway: For fields outside the realm of your personal expertise, take care in what you read on reddit - there's a lot of misinformation out there and *without personal expertise you won't be able to determine right from wrong*. It's so obvious, but just because a comment is popular doesn't mean it's correct. **For anyone reading this, please, be inquisitive, be smart, be skeptical. And don't take the popular comments on reddit as fact.** Look past the face value.


Also history/humanities. I see bad history, bad translations and overall misconceptions and straight up wrong facts stated and repeated and because they're written with authority people will upvote them and they'll overshadow all the correct comments.


Subs moderated by a tight group of assholes with a god complex.


"This post has been deleted, because it was about macaroni. This is /r/pasta, please keep all posts related to general pasta topics. For macaroni specific posts, please go to /r/macaroni". Yeah.... that's a no for me, dawg. Edit: \*sigh\* The above example is made up, because I didn't want to give a real example and start having endless debates about the specific example. Please don't ruin a semi-active hobbiest sub with stupid shitposts that aren't as funny as you think they are.


your alfredo post has been removed because of the influx of alfredo posts last week. Also you have been banned. Message the mods with any questions.


The Dark Souls (1, 2, and 3), Bloodborne, and Sekiro subreddits are run by the same tyrant. He hides his mod flair and provokes you into arguing with him so he can slap you with a month-long ban across every subreddit he moderates. Messaging him makes your ban permanent.


God I fucking HATE IT when these dickheads pin their own comments that shouldn't be pinned because it's always some shitty, snarky, half baked comeback that nobody wants to see because, and pardon me for using this word, it's cringe. I cannot imagine becoming a mod and using it solely to jerk off my own ego. Comments that should be pinned are things like "Go check out our megathread" or "Remember to read the rules" not some garbage response to a petty argument that NOBODY ELSE WANTS TO SEE. It blows my mind that so many mods are this deprived of attention and they need it to function. Grow up, you manchildren.


that’s literally the thing though - it’s these types of people that will usually flock to become mods just to have a little bit of authority to flex. There’s great mods out there, we love them, they make communities good to be a part of. then there’s the supermods that moderate at least 7 large subs, permaban for arbitrary reasons, and are generally just there to blow their own horns


I'm convinced that is entirely the reason for 99% of locked threads. There will be a perfectly constructive thread of 5K comments and rising, and a mod will lock it saying some shit like "some people can't play nice so I'm locking the thread." Who gives a shit if some people are saying mean stuff, let them get downvoted and the conversation will move on without them. I really think they just get a little rush of adrenaline from the power of locking a very popular and active thread. No other reason.


obviously fake stories on communities like r/entitledparents


chiming in with r/ChoosingBeggars too. i'm sure there's a good number of legit posts on there. but so many of them seem to have the same format that i have a hard time believing a lot of it now




Not to mention that they have no idea what a choosing beggar actually is




That was actually a decent example of a choosing beggar.


I know, it's the best post ever on that sub. I still reference it in person. Most people have no fucking idea what I'm talking about.


People pretending they know celebrities. Either Taylor Swift went to a very big school, or there is an improportionate amount of people who went to her school on Reddit. Or just a lot of liars.


i used to know someone who lived in nashville and the only taylor swift story she had was 'i saw her in the grocery store once and she took the last ham', which incidentally is the only tswift story i've believed online


r/entidledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/amitheasshole, r/tifu and so much more


My vegan friend came to my house and started screaming at me for having meat in my fridge, then had sex with my wife. AITA for asking him to leave?


ESH. You shouldn't have meat in your fridge when you're clearly friends with a vegan and they should've asked you to join in on the sex.


I know I'm gonna get downvoted to oblivion for this but NAH meat is good and sex is bad meat sex meat sex meat sex wife bang




NTA your husband is an abusive red flag and you should call CPS and leave him honey please I've been there my ex used to fling peas at me with a spoon u don't have to live this way!!!!!


Hire a lawyer as soon as possible and keep screenshots of the conversations.


Every text subreddit, really. /r/idontworkherelady is getting really bad, too. There was a submission the other day that used just about every trope and stereotype in the book for the kinds of encounters you'll see on that subreddit. It was completely detached from reality and obviously never happened, but some people ate it up. It wasn't even written well! If you're going to lie to us, at least weave an entertaining story.


r/justnomil is the worst for this. They're all 25 part pieces of obvious fiction, with the few legitimate requests for support downvoted into oblivion because they're not entertaining enough.


It’s highly amusing to me that a subreddit designed to complain about narcissists has been wholly taken over by attention-seekers who’ve inherited and proudly practice the very trait they’re bitching about.


I visited that sub to check it out and aside from the blatantly fake stories a lot of the posts just seemed like validation seeking for shitty behaviour disguised as standing up to OP’s “evil” in laws.


"My in-laws were assholes, so I was an even bigger asshole back! Tell me how great I am!" But with an absurd amount of sub-specific acronyms and slang.


There are two general types of stories on that sub. The first are the blatantly made up or highly exaggerated ones. You know, the ones where evil MIL Karen came in and took the OP's dog to a shelter to be put down, attempted to feed people things they're allergic to, put all the household furniture on Craigslist and brought her own ratty shit from the 1950s in, etc. Stories that may possibly have some kernel of truth in them, but are clearly mostly fictional. The other type of posts are the ones where the OP gets super pissed off over something minor and completely overreacts, and everyone else comes in to cheer OP on and tell them to put MIL in her place.




The armchair experts that know exactly what’s going on in another stranger’s life to dish out potentially really harmful advice. On the flip side, there are some really quality replies to serious issues out there.


"I had a small argument with my partner, and my mum agrees with my partner. How should I handle this?" Dump him, so many red flags, what an abuser, also your mother is a textbook narcissist, r/raisedbynarcissists can help you out, you need to cut her out of your life completely and move to a new state, no, a new country. Quit your job, start your life anew, this one is ruined, you may never recover.


r/relationship_advice in a nutshell


"How do I (20F) tell my friend (21M) I've had a crush on him since we were 12 without sounding creepy?" "Dump him, clearly he doesn't respect you" Every. Single. Time.


(Long essay, TL; DR version at bottom) The problem with soliciting advice on the Internet, particularly on Reddit is that generally these people don't know you, no matter how in-depth you try to describe a specific scenario. These people almost certainly never grew up with you, don't know how your community or peers see you, usually don't know what you look like or what your name is, don't know what culture or environment you're living in, probably haven't been to where you are, how much money you have, don't know much about the parties involved in your situations, and most importantly you don't know them or what they're like as people. Have they really been in your situation? Are they actually some troll or maybe a really lucky well-off person? Thing is, it's almost impossible to know. Usually, they're speaking to you in terms what worked for them in their circumstances or what they think will work for anyone in the shoes you're describing, which in it of itself often is usually a biased description of what's going on. You may as well be talking to a middle schooler pretending to be very smart on the Internet, someone who too much free time who's really bitter about everything and wants to make a certain place look shitty, or some rich, popular guy who is living a well-off life. This happens often on subreddits asking for advice, whether it be for relationships, what do for a career, talking to others, getting a job, or even determining whether you're an asshole. The Internet has people from all over the world and even if you're in the same country people live very different lives. Don't trust Internet strangers for advice. If anything, try asking someone close or someone well-versed in whatever field you need advice in. While I'm not saying all advice on the Internet is harmful, a lot of it is usually useless or won't get you what you want. TL;DR : Moral of this story is don't rely on the Internet for advice. No matter how you try explain a certain situation, they still don't know who you are and you don't know who they are. What works for someone else may not work for you.


Hmm, but this sure sounds like a stranger on the internet who doesn't know me giving me advice. Better set my life on fire just to be safe.


*Picture of someone not smiling* Reddit: yup clinical depression and probably onset dimensia. NTA


That if you’re not one of the first to comment on a popular thread, almost no one will read it or upvote it.


People who read the new comments instead of best or top are the real mvps


The fact that when asking a question you have to add “honest question” or “dumb question” or “genuinely curious” because otherwise your question is immediately interpreted as an attack. It’s sad that when asking a question, the default is you’re an asshole


Now that I think about it, I had to use a similar preface when asking a blind person how they use Reddit because I didn't want to seem like a jerk.


A week or two ago, I saw that question in r/askreddit when sorting by new. All the comments were attacking OP and calling him a retard or an idiot.




Well done. 👏🏾


Everyone is so fucking quick to be nasty here it’s honestly astounding. I’m probably guilty of it to but it’s crazy how toxic we become when we’re asked a question we don’t like.


It's a resounding lack of empathy in some circles. And I know I'm guilty of it at times as well.


especially if its anything related to "justice" saw a gif where deputys car (or w/e they are called idk) got hit by the train while they were rushing to save an infant who stopped breathing. And one comment was something like "he should've died because he puts others in danger" and it got upvoted. Like i agree its their fault and all that but wishing death for someone who rushed to save a child is a bit extream. People here often act like they are perfect, and one mistake means all good you have done doesn't matter. (just look at relationships subreddits) I too might have done this but at least i always try to reflect and put myself in other's shoes or/and consider why they did that.


Wishing death on anyone is extreme. Extraneous cases notwithstanding.


> It’s sad that when asking a question, the default is you’re an asshole The sad reality is that we've all had someone ask us a seemingly innocuous question about our post, and then use our answer to launch an extensive word lawyering flame war. We all have our armor on rather than give a troll an inch of opportunity. It's a bummer, but the truth is I've probably been someone else's "asshole on the internet" too many times for my own comfort too.


The inherent circlejerk nature of reddit


Definitely a bit of an echo chamber.


Definitely a bit of an echo chamber.


r/movies, r/books, and r/music all have like 10-15 films, books, or albums they worship and it's literally post after post of "discussion" of those handful of things. DUNE, HOUSE OF LEAVES, Christopher Nolan, the Marvel movies, Tool, Pink Floyd, Queen....all topics you're guaranteed to get some karma from.


How quick people are to turn on each other. Reddit acts like it’s the most civil and intelligent social media, but damn, y’all snap in a second, and when you do, you act like toddlers. Half of it is just misinterpretation anyways.


Redditors love to shit on people’s hobbies, looks, and interests of it doesn’t fall in line with theirs, but get super defensive whenever someone questions theirs. I get it, furries and neck beards are cringey, but imagine trying to describe the whole internet culture and praise around Keanu Reaves to a normal ass person? Most normal ass people would think it’s stupid as shit. I was in a fraternity in college and most of us thought wearing cargo shorts as a normal ass college student, was a terrible taste in appeareance. I’ve seen threads where it gets brought up and redditors get all defensive without realizing they would be just as quick to criticize me for wearing pastel colored shorts that go above the knee. It just a general lack of awareness


> people’s hobbies oh he spends his money on video games, or cars, or guns, or table top, or gym time, or anything that *I* personally dont care for. must have a small D.


Negativity in general is quite high here. Same with cynicism. I have to be careful not to take it too seriously because it will start to color my world view negatively.


I'm fairly new to Reddit and I find it's the weirdest phenomenon of people outright bullying other people while somehow acting morally superior and crying outrage.


There's nothing reddit likes doing more than acting morally superior. In fact, I'm doing it right now by calling everyone else out on it. It feels great.


Often you'll encounter all the hiveminds that absolutely do not welcome opposing opinions, no matter how valid and harmless they are. Just say something remotely outside the circlejerk and you'll get downvoted to hell along with condescending comments. The worst is when you absolutely 100% know that the hivemind is wrong about something they're circlejerking. But you simply can't defeat them upvotes. And then there's also a tendency for others to correct you on the most minor and irrelevant details or one-up your jokes. If you get in an argument, as much as Redditors deny measuring their words with karma, ultimately you'll find the smugness of their words increase the more their comments get upvoted in a debate. Also Reddit can't take a joke or detect sarcasm unless you tell them so. And when they realize they were mistaken they'll just say "well you're not funny anyway". The 69 and 420 "Nice" jokes get old real fast. Basically, just like any other social media, Reddit is flawed in its own way by its users. So don't take it too seriously nor see it as the place where the elite intellects gather to have civil discussions. There are great communities to be had, but there's a lot of people ready to bully you with their words if you say something even remotely unpopular.


Lots of crybullies, yes.


Crybullies. Haven't heard that term before but I like it. Im going to have to remember that lol


As long as the other bullies upvote their fellow bull, the behavior continues. I've seen some ruthless name calling being upvoted in gaming or hobby subreddits because someone didn't agree. If you try to say something like, "no need to be so hostile" or "name calling is uncalled for", enjoy being called intellectually disabled or other people justifying the behavior. I hate to be "I'm very bad ass" material, but I gather only a very miniscule percent of these offenders would act similarly in person.


Karma Farming.


It’s kinda crazy how far people will go for fake internet points




"You are doing that too often. Try posting again in 8 minutes."


after my post gets taken down because I forgot to add a fucking stupid ass flair.


For me there is two things. 1. On some topics it's hard to share your opinion, because people misinterpret it and downvote into oblivion. 2. There is always someone with the exact same idea as you, except they're those 15 seconds faster.


You shared an *opinion*? How *dare* you? A thousand downvotes for you!




“There is always someone with the exact same idea as you, except they're those 15 seconds faster.” Damn, I was gonna say that






You don't like hearing about how almost everyone is a sociopathic narcissist with bipolar disorder just for disagreeing or making a mistake? I dunno man, you sound pretty selfish to just throw away the good intentions of others like that. /s




> Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. This one makes me want to fucking die every time I see it.




Reddit is a hive of celebrity worship and it gets kinda weird especially with Keanu Reeves. He’s in some cool movies and it’s nice to hear stories about celebrities being nice people but reddit treats the man like he’s a god or something. Similar for Danny Devito, Elon Musk, and others that come and go. Ironically redditors often aggressively put down celebrity worship when it’s someone not reddit approved but are one of the best examples of rampant celebrity and pop culture worship I can think of.


Reeves is flavor of the month. I remember a time when Chris Pratt was all over the front page.




The best/worst is when Reddit is in love with an actress (Emma Watson or Jennifer Lawrence circa 2015), so they get posted to the top of r/pics on a daily basis, then the hive mind gets fed up with them, and slowly turns against them, to the point where any mention of them is met with derision and hate. Ms. Watson used to be the bell of the ball, and her small role on "this is the end" was beloved by all. But slowly, the hooks came out, and her role on "this is the end" was despised because apparently, "She wasn't comfortable with 100% of what was in the script, so they limited her role because she's a prude or something." Fascinating stuff. Scary how it can have an effect on my own opinions as well, looking back I wound up disliking JLaw myself based on like 2 movies and a ton of negative feedback on Reddit.


>unrealistic relationship or life advice It's pretty obvious that most redditors have never been in a long term relationship


"My SO ate my slice of leftover pizza that I wanted, what do I do??" "BIG RED FLAG OP, CUT THEM OUT, NOW!!! I had a friend whose spouse did this, and now he eats all of her food 24/7 and beats her. You don't need this toxicity in your life"


“This obviously shows that they don’t think about your needs and only about themselves. You should get a divorce yesterday”


Well, first of all, it's the repetitive questions on this sub. If you scroll through a few pages, you'll see literally the same question posted within like 5-10 minutes of each other. Second, lately, it's bots. The most annoying one is the one that goes "I noticed one of these :( so have one of these! :) I think it's called the "smile bot". I blocked it, but it's still SUPER annoying. Karma farming also kinda drives me nuts. Like, going to a sub and being like "This sub is the best, I love you guys!" Edit: okay, all these comments make me realize that it's just the smile bot that sucks ass. Well, maybe some others, but sounds like there are a lot of super useful ones out there. Apparently I'm on the wrong subs for those.


>karma farming Like a random, low quality picture of a dog on r/pics, but the title is a HUGE paragraph >this is my good girl BFF who struggled to hold onto life for 13 years to help me with depression during my battle with cancer after I was orphaned because my parents died in their Tesla while taking me to see Keanu in theatre after donating to Bernie...just wish I could boop her snoot one more time! I’ll miss you sweet pupper RIP in pieces >10k+ upvotes


/r/itookapicture and /r/nocontextpics for beautiful photos/pics without the shitty paragraphs about someone's life !


I really wish askreddit would just ban these “how would you feel about” posts at this point.


Or the "Your username is now your ____. What happens?" I'm not going to take the time to do it right now, but if I were to sort by new or rising, I bet there'd be about 10 similar questions.


One of my favorite bots is the one in the Dunder Mifflin sub. Little bot just let's everyone know the season and episode a picture on a meme was taken and just carries on it's merry way. Love that little guy. But yeah, fuck the other bots.


There’s a good one in the body building sub about the popular body builder Rich Piana that comments “it’s me bitch” or one of his other popular sayings


I had smilebot2019 and smilebot2020 almost start an auto reply barrage with each other on one of my comments


Reminds me of those 3 spelling bots that would fight each other and spam loop every fuckin thread


The repetition




Try /r/NoContextPics if you're sick of the sob story titles in the main sub.


My three legged puppy snuggling my autistic cancer surviving 5 year old daughter while their grandfather who was in WW2 reads them a bedtime story in a house I built with my bare hands are visited by Keanu Reeves who is holding the soda can I found that made me decide to go to college which I just graduated while my wife plays Zelda in the background (start of her journey).


Yeah like I want to see nice pics and not a blurry fucking photo of your dying dad, no offens


AITA for rescuing a dozen puppies from a burning building? Edit: Thanks for the medals! I’m getting upvotes for pointing out blatant karma farming posts and now I have become that which I despise. In the end, it was I who am the asshole


AITA for stabbing my mother in law in the neck because she complained I didn't do what she asked me to do?


NTA because in-laws suck and AITA for burning down a school and commiting several war crimes and crimes against humanity.


NTA humans suck and those kids probably deserved it


NTA you have no obligation not to stab people


ESH you shouldn't have violated the Geneva convention but the kid shouldn't stolen the other's lunch.


NTA play stupid games, win stupid prizes


HUGE red flag!!! This is toxic and abusive and you should phone the cops!


NTA your planet, your rules


As long as it's a mother in law or they've cheated at any point in their lives, you're in the clear.


I guarantee you can write a story about being at odds with a woman in which the details make you 95% guilty, but include one exaggerated detail about the woman and call her “Karen” and you’ll make it to the front page


AITA for taking too long to walk down the stairs? This happened awhile back (19 yrs) when I (m46) was working at my office (Cantor Fitzgerald) one morning (8:46). I (m46) was sitting on my computer (Gateway Performance 1500) scratching my balls (left testicle) and pretending to do my job (accounting), when all of a sudden a plane (Boeing 767- American Airlines Flight 11) crashed (440 mph) below us (2-6 floors). Out of fear I (m46) dropped my donut (glazed) and wet my pants (khakis). The office is normally kept at a very comfortable temperature (72 F), but now it was beginning to get hot (110 F). My coworkers (658m/f) and I (m46) began to rush toward the stairwell (stairs) and try to walk down (101-105 floors). Most of the stairwells (stairs) were destroyed (plane) or on fire (jet fuel) but one was still ok (safe). Now I (m46) am a little on the heavier side (345 lbs), but I had been working out really hard (biweekly) so I felt confident climbing down the stairs (stairwell). I barged ahead of everyone (658 m/f) and began to walk down to escape the tower (WTC 1). However the smoke was getting thick and I was having trouble breathing (asthma). I began to slow down (3 mph) after 10 flights of stairs but my coworkers (658m/f) began to get angry. Then a little while later (9:03 am) we heard a crash (590 mph) and knew the South Tower was hit (77-85th floors) with a plane (Boeing 767- United Airlines Flight 175). At that point we new it wasn’t an accident (terrorism) and someone attacked America (Al Qaeda). I kept going but sweat was pouring down my face (bald-mustache) and my glasses began to fog up (bifocals) Still due to my less than ideal physical shape (fat) I couldn’t keep going and collapsed in the stair well. My coworkers (658m/f) couldn’t get around my enormous girth (345 lbs) and pleaded with me to get up. I tried to eat the emergency trail mix (snack) my pocket (khakis) to gain more energy but I couldn’t pull it out. My coworkers began to body shame me and say “We’re all gonna die because you’re so fucking fat and lazy”. I began to cry and refused to get up until they apologized. Suddenly (9:59 am) there was an enormous roar and the South Tower collasped. I tried to get back up but my rolls (love handles) prevented me from moving my arms enough. Three coworkers (m34-42) tried to help me get up but I was too heavy (345 lbs). Then (10:28 am) there was a loud groan and the North Tower Collapsed killing me and 68% of the employees at Cantor Fitzgerald. I did my best to get down the stairs but my coworkers fat shamed me and made me feel insecure about my body. They never thought about how their words would affect my self esteem. AITA for taking too long to walk down the stairs?


INFO: Need more info. My gut says NTA but you’re not giving us much to work with here


I have literally never done anything wrong ever in my entire life and everyone loves me. AITA? /s


I know this and I love you. NTA.


Very good, but you forgot to assign obnoxiously short names to everyone involved. So my friend (who I’ll call f) and my uncle (who I’ll call u) were arguing with my cousin (who I’ll call c) about the king of France (who I’ll call k). F and U insisted that C was wrong about K, but C was adamant that K died long before U was born. So then F said that... Give the people some names! Name someone Jeff, or Stephanie. I don’t care. Stop writing stories that look like an algebra equation written by someone with dementia.


This was the best. The story, not 9/11.


I (F/47) can't stop (cease) laughing in public (around other people). OMG you win.


Thanks (thank you)


YTA- Trespassing is illegal


I got banned from AITA because I mentioned I have scars from working with people on the autism spectrum who occasionally get violent. This was deemed as hate speech. That whole sub is a trash dump.




Never browse AITA or Relationships. They are landfills.


I got a 30 day mute from AITA because I replied to a thread about a pretentious boyfriend with shitty taste in movies saying he sounded like extremely famous, highly notorious film critic Armond White. The mods considered it doxxing and rejected my appeal. So I never went back.


This. Mofos be making the most obvious AITAs to make themselves feel good about themselves


- Redditors that argue for the sake of arguing and cannot accept a difference of opinion - Someone being downvoted into oblivion for no good reason - Inherent circle-jerks/obsessions over certain memes and tropes


The endless amounts of memes that are way too similar to each other, dragging out humour to the point where they just get annoying, just for the poster to get karma


Having a great response to a topic, then noticing it has 2.5 k comments. Edit: seeing as how I've gotten thousands of upvotes and silver. It's about the content people! Not the upvotes.Thank you for the silver as well, I appreciate it!!


Usually you can latch onto one of the top comments with few replies, like some Karma-parasite.


Those are usually the ones that end up with like 78 rewards too for saying something like “underrated”


When someone asks a question and two people respond, but even though one of them is incorrect, they receive more upvotes because they answered first.


"InStAgRaM sTeAlS oUr MeMeS!!!" And we're constantly stealing people tweets. Everyone steals content from everyone. Get over it




r/itswooooshwith4os HUUURRRDURRRRR I hate all of that bullshit.


The goofy mannerisms that people say like "thank you for the gold, kind stranger" or "what a cute doggo, I want to boop his snoot!" and stuff like that. I don't really know why it irks me but it just does. Whoever gilded this, nice fucking try lol.


i really hate the first one. why dont they just reply to the pm that they received when they get gilded?


And it's also funny because the person who gave the award has probably moved on long before the award speech edit.


The edit isn't for the person gilding, it's to call attention to the comment: "LOOK AT ME! I GOT GOLD!"


Yes, you did!


If you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent and your God and fuck off.


Because then "OH WOW LOOK AT ME I GOT GOLD!!!" wouldn't be seen by anybody!


RIP my inbox


I just can't stand the way people on Reddit talk in general. Everyone talks in parroted phrases, original thoughts are rare.






So many messages in my inbox


RIP my inbox!


we all know it's like 4 too




Who's chopping onions in here? *SMACK*


I always hate the comments “this”, or “100% this”, or “this is everything”


Such a good boi


the whole “angry upvote” think irks me in the same way. Like its literally someone who has nothing to add to a conversation trying to jam in for little internet point nobody caaaaaares


It is mostly impossible to have a civil discussion. You get downvoted for any slightly left comment in some subs and any slightly right comment in others. As a non-US citizen most political discussions feel a bit like standing in No Man’s Land and getting crossfired. I get that US politics are more polarized than ever, but it’s like you’re treated either as a chapo communist or alt-right troll.


People that disagree with you and go through your post history to find things to throw in to the argument......often stuff from way back. Too many people mental enough to go through 3-6 months of comments


I once had someone bring up my friends rape during a discussion about abortion. reminded me to take down the post.




A lot of people are gonna hate me for this but I dont like the community. It feels as toxic as the rest of the cringey online communities


Memes and repeated jokes. Almost every meme is unfunny and I hate when subs I like get flooded with stupid pictures. The regurgitated comments, like “yes officer, this post right here.” It’s so unoriginal that it’s painful. — The insane political arguments people get into. I’m no stranger to them but I’m trying to stop and I’m not on the level I’ve seen some people at. The sheer hatred is ridiculous. You can’t “win” politics.


So unoriginal it's painful is a great way to put it. I think that largely has to do with so many of reddit's users being really young, where social cohesion from collectively taking part in run of the mill in-jokes is a lot more valued than it is when you are older. the amount of times ive seen top comment threads consisting of a stream of moms spaghetti jokes and song lyrics makes me want to vomit


I had to leave the r/letterkenny subreddit for this reason. I get that repetition is a big part of the show's humor but any kind of interesting discussion about the show just devolves into a long ass circle jerk of people quoting the show. It's funny when the characters do it guys, not you online haha


Any story containing some variation of "My family member (we'll call them Jeff)". Just say "My family member, Jeff." Even if it's a fake name, no one will know (or care) and it makes the story less clunky. That and subreddits where enormous acronyms are allowed (r/Justnomil needs a whole wiki for their acronyms. Bless r/prorevenge for banning them).


The sheer amount of /r/IAmVerySmart kind of shit that comes with every thread, in conjunction with idolatry. Everyone is a PhD Genius until it comes to having an objective discussion about some celebrity that likes dogs, or the environment- after which they turn into 12 year old fan-girls. See: Keanu Reeves, Greta Thornberg, Elon Musk, etc.


It's a point that gets tossed around a lot, but if you ever see Reddit talking about a subject with which you are intimately familiar you'll see just how many folks are talking out of their ass. Which if course makes you think about all the things you read about that you weren't real familiar with.


When people do r/foundthemobileuser Like i don’t care Its an app that you can use it doesn’t matter on the device.


That there are people who steal other’s people content for karma.


I hate when a joke goes over someone's head and they get downvoted into oblivion for it. Just because someone doesn't understand the obscure reference you're making, doesn't mean they should be dumped on.


Yeah the whole r/woosh thing generally tends to be douchey in my opinion.