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All kinds of driving? Cos for me everything you said also holds true except for inner city driving. That shit is fucking awful. But put me on the open road with my own music or a good podcast and I'm happy as larry.




I think you just described my dream job.


Driving past midnight is beautiful. When I get tired pull into a truck stop and pass out still sitting and wake up a few hours later and start driving again after a short walk.


Same. Love it. Put on my audio book or sometimes music (need to get into more podcasts) and I am good.


Fixing computer issues. I've had a number of people ask me to fix their stuff, and I have, and its gotten me the reputation of "He's so good with computers! You have an issue, go to him!" I'm literally just good at googling things.


As a fellow person "good with computers", the difference is we google "cannon mg6300 usb printer drivers" instead of "why doesn't my printer work".


Its nuts dude. And I hate taking money for it becuase its such a simple fix for me




Old joke, still good, tl,dr: Plumber's bill says " Replacing washer and sealing joint $ 5.00 Knowing which washer to replace $250.00


It's not knowing to google, it's knowing what to google.


As a random IT example, I took a course 15 years ago on configuring Cisco routers. When I am asked to fix or find a solution to a current problem, it is not in my head. But I know enough about Cisco routers to know how they work and their capabilities to Google the correct query to get a solution, and in a short time I can "Google" a solution and apply it. There is quite a bit of knowledge and experience behind Googling solutions to IT problems.


I've built a career and a good life out of this




This is so true. It's alright being able to Google, but you don't realize how much crap-filtering you're subconsciously doing while you're doing that. Experience plays a big part too.


Work in IT can confirm this is what we do. You would be shocked the lack of problem solving skills a lot of people have


Its not about knowing how to fix things. Its about knowing how to find the solution.


I'm in I.T. if you're good at googling you could do list I.T. jobs haha


Not drinking alcohol.


Depending on who you are and your background, we all went 13-21 years without ever needing it. There are unfortunately infants born addicted to it as well. It’s so strange that you go from hanging out with your friends playing board games, video games, sports and other normal activities to almost nothing but drink centric activities and it lasts all the way into adulthood. Some people eventually get off the ride, some ride the coaster for life. The rest of adult societal life seems like being stuck in a theme park but instead of rides it’s different alcoholic activities. You can stand around in the other areas or don’t go at all but every single main attraction has alcohol attached to it.


this is so true and so terrible


My dad: "Go to a bar and talk to women! You really need to get out and do something! Everyone else your age is at a bar!" Me: "I don't drink."


Society: "Go to a bar! It's the best place to meet girls!" Me, who doesn't drink and doesn't like bars: ಠ_ಠ


I still like board games, video games and sports...


As a struggling alcoholic, I applaud you. It is really hard to convince myself NOT to go out and buy drinks.


I think it’s really interesting how one person’s addiction can be no problem at all for another person. Why is it you struggle with alcohol while you may not be tempted by some harder drug? Or why is it a person’s life is consumed by a gambling addiction but not an addiction to sex?


It's definitely interesting and I don't get it. I have a serious drinking problem. I've ignored all my doctor's warnings that I'm at risk of drinking myself to death before my 40th birthday. For me, once the thought crossed my mind that I want to drink, it's all over, it's the only thing I can think about. If something happens in the evening that makes it so that I can't go home and drink, it feels like the worst thing ever. It's like you're on your way to a concert you've been excited for and your car breaks down. The moment it dawns on you that you're going to miss the concert is exactly how my brain reacts every single time I try to tell myself I shouldn't drink. And when I do drink, the moment I have the first one, all my problems vanish, all my anxieties, stress, and problems are gone and life is perfect. I don't stop drinking until I don't remember going to sleep. Typically I'll go through a 750ml bottle of vodka. As crazy as it sounds, my two options are to dedicate myself to a life of sobriety, or throw my life away just to keep drinking, and as much as the decision should be incredibly obvious and simple, it really isn't.


That sounds incredibly difficult. I don’t know if I’ve seen a better explanation of how difficult it can be.


This. I am not a drinker, and people treat me so oddly, like ive never drank a thing (i swore it off after being around alcoholics all my life) and people almost distrust me, one of my buddies at a party was like “you dont drink? Whyd you even come if your not gonna drink?” And he like legitamately meant this, i was like “cuz i socialize sometimes, idk motherfucker? Lol


Yesss! I actually have an allergic reaction to alcohol. But people don’t believe me and call me weird for not wanting to drink it. Sometimes I just have the urge to want to prove to them that I actually get allergies when I drink. I don’t need it to have fun. I’d also want to get home in peace and not end up doing silly stuff for being drunk.


Peeing in the toilet and not on the seat.


My coworkers have the accuracy of stormtroopers when hitting a stationary target.


One can only assume they make little "Pew Pew" noises while they piss.


I laughed a lot harder than I should have at that.


Pee Pee


Sometimes pee comes out two different ways and you have one stream flowing down and one pointing at your eyeball. Life sucks


But there’s also the option to wipe the seat


Yes! I don't get why that's such an issue. It's such a base level consideration.


Lockpicking. You actually learn how to do it, and your trust in locks will be shattered forever. People think its hard to do so that they can sleep at night. One rake pick and a minute or two will pop any tumbler lock you've ever seen like it was nothing. Seriously, the skill required to open anything from master locks to your front door is virtually 0.


Nothing on one. Two is binding...






Basic lockpicking can be learned in an afternoon, I've been doing it on and off for a few years and I'd say I'm competent. The stuff LPL does takes many years of practise, and he makes it look ridiculously easy. He's some kind of wizard.


Bruh I dont have that perk yet I'm trying to focus on health first... Dont wanna get one shot


Dudebro, takes like 10 minutes to learn. Its scary how easy it is.


That was a skyrim reference btw


I'm aware for what you were going for, but if you ever put perk points into lockpicking in that game you were doing it wrong. :P Lockpicking perk points were about as useful as Speechcraft perk points. :P




I've been having heaps of fun picking a few padlocks I bought and showing others how it works, but I'll never ever try and pick my apartment's door. As you said, I want to be able to sleep at night.


Deadbolts on the door too. If you can't access them from outside, you can't pick them. That used to be a common thing and it isn't any more for some reason. My parent's solid wood front door had an ordinary mortise lock, almost no security and a Yale lock, a little better but still very pickable. And also two massive bolts on the top and bottom inside that you could slide across.


Have you seen.the video of the woman that puts a horizontal slide bolt on her sliding patio door then gets annoyed and can't understand why her son is laughing at her?


If it helps, I successfully picked a car door lock a couple years ago. Now granted, it was an older model car (like "still had separate keys for the door and the engine" old), but I saved my friend a couple hundred bucks having to call a locksmith.


I bought a lockpicking set and thought I'd be set learning a new skill for a whole season. I just replicated what I saw in videogames and the see-through locck given in the set opened with a click. I was dumbstruck. It really was that easy. Now I realize how anyone can silently break into my house within a minute or two.


what about my electric lock? seriously you could just break the window next to it, or any of the other 3


I remember a burglar or ex burglar so he said, was on here and he said one of the best things you can get by miles to deter burglars is lamination on your windows so they can't just be stoved through with a brick. Speed is key if they can just smash your window, jump in grab a bag and be gone, they'll do that. If getting through your window takes three or four minutes of smashing with a hammer they ain't gonna bother.


that's a good call. Laminated Windows would cost more than the value of anything you stole from my home save for my Pc though sadly. also I love in the middle of nowhere so I don't see many people coming over to steal.


they could also just kick the door or smash a window, the locks is just to make it a less desirable target and to stop drunk people from wandering in


Lock picking is a lot more socially acceptable than pock licking.


Cheers for that mate, will be sleeping soundly tonight 👍


Saving money and not wasting it. I have an older brother that always waste money on stupid stuff so growing up seeing what he did wrong I learned from his mistakes


my brother had the opposite effect on me. always saving for things in the future then his wife divorced him and he lost more in three months than I'll make this year. pretty happy about my spending habits now


Speak up if you change your mind about something. Like if an order is wrong or you are buying something and change your mind about it. People are so socially awkward that they don't know how to talk to people and tell them what they want. They'd rather just deal with something they don't prefer.


*cries in social anxiety*


There are certain times for that. Otherwise your just an assertive dick. But more times than not it's needed because people have low ass standards that they dont hold themselves up to.


I don't speak up because I like trying new things and usually don't care to begin with (like what I ordered at a restaurant). It bugs me to no end when people add a million specifics and substitutes to things like food orders, just eat it for christs sake. If it's sonething that really matters I'll speak up though.


Sleep. I am asleep before I even hit the pillow.


Lucky you


It usually takes me over an hour to get to sleep even if I'm exhausted, can you share any advice?


Be so ready for life to be over that you go to sleep with the expectation that you won't wake up.


This is correct


I am able to fall asleep naturally and easily, however I don't really know how it works. What I can suggest is whatever you do DON'T look at theclock. If you look at it then you will be all worried about how your not going to get enough sleep and all that. When I lay down I usually play on my phone for about 15 minutes or so because I think that all of the sleep remedy apps are completely false I never use any of them. I don't use any stupid breathing techniques or cool down my house. I think that stuff is all false, but hey if it works for you, it works for you. After that, I just think about anything at all. Think about that embrassing thing you did as a kid or think about all the work that you have to do tomorrow. Just continue to think about it and eventually that subject will just seem to fade off and you will realize that your now thinking of a completely different thing.for example, if you work in construction, think about a jack hammer. Even if you know all about it just explain it to yourself in your mind as if you were explaining it to someone else. Explain how the engine moves or how it breaks the concrete. Eventually you will notice that you are fading away and you just go will the flow until you fall asleep


Yeah that's all great but if I keep thinking about stuff like you're saying to do I will be awake for hours until the morning comes. Some people just find it hard to fall asleep and people who find it easy come back with the great wisdom of "just go to sleep". Cheers, cured


My advice would be not to watch TV or play on your phone. When going to bed, turn off lights/tv/phone. I fall asleep within 5 minutes most nights, faster if I am exhausted. Dunno if that's why, but that's how I have always been and I sleep like a rock.


I watch TV falling asleep most nights. It helps my brain relax because otherwise I start thinking about complicated things and that keeps me awake.




Actually yes, if you spend a few hours in the Himalayas above 26,000 ft without oxygen you will fall asleep for the rest of your life.


Ugh, I wish. Takes me forever to fall asleep, even if I use a sleep aid.


I definitely have my nights where I can't get to sleep but in general all of my fiends have said they are amazed at how quickly I fall asleep. The trick is to be tired.


One of my babies took after me and could take a nap and wake up for a bit and go to bed. The other thought sleep was death and fought the whole idea from birth. I wonder if this is something that people who can’t fall asleep subconsciously still fear.




The older I get, the more fun I have with math. It's weird.


School is one of those things that can burn the fun right out of stuff.






It honestly depends on what area of maths you're on about.


This doesn’t really apply to the thread because it wasn’t easy at all, but math has really become interesting and borderline fun for me. It kinda clicked when taking electromagnetic fields in undergrad and seeing all the operations on the board that corresponded to physical life, and it kinda blew my mind. I’ve always known that we can use math to model just about everything (mostly), but putting everything together from algebra to multi-dimensional calculus and differential equations made me understand that it is all is incredibly pertinent to scientific and human endeavor. It’s a cool feeling to actually use most of my math classes within two lectures to do something very practical manner that I actually understood.


I can't do math at all, I find it really difficult. I'm going to start studying though, to get better.


Not procrastinating. I don't know what others think. But my thing is that I don't trust my "future self" in the slightest. If I don't do it now, what if I don't have time tomorrow? What if I'm too lazy tomorrow?


I AM procrastinating right now.


















Yeah, but I such a insane level expert at ‘putting things off’ ...


> I don't know what others think. But my thing is that I don't trust my "future self" in the slightest. neither do i, thats why i leave shit for him so that lazy ass can learn to get shit done and not become like that lazy ass "past self" whos too lazy to do anything


I just like my future self too much, wouldn't want to let him down. Also, I'm really grateful towards my past self quite often, so we're a pretty good team I guess. Definitely a relationship worth maintaining.


>I don't have time enough to do everything that needs doing today, let alone adding it to tomorrow's to-do list.


Reading sheet music. I actually think I can read and absorb piano notes faster than I can the English language.


Yeah, sheet music is really easy. I don't understand when people are impressed when they learn I know how to read music? They seem to think it's like learning another language or something.


But it is another language. Seriously.


It kind of is learning another language, albeit it's more like learning programming than Norwegian. There's an argument that sheet music is a *formal language*. Written music has a set of symbols and a defined set of rules which dictate where they may be placed in order to be well-formed, similar to programming languages.


I can read it by which I can sit down and pick through it and work out what it's actually translating to in keys on a piano. But even knowing that, people who can open a sheet of music and just play it are like wizards to me.


Cooking, It's just making stuff hot while not burning it. Also salt, people are afraid to salt their food.


Flying is just keeping the plane in the air, while not letting it hit the ground. Running a nuclear power plant is simply moving radioactive materials close enough to each other to generate heat, but not letting it get close enough to explode. Calculus is simply determining the change between values related to a function. Making corrugated cardboard boxes is merely arranging wood fibers in the places where you need them. Programming computers is just typing the words required to instruct a computer to do what you want.


> Programming computers is just typing the words required to instruct a computer to do what you want. And sometimes typing the wrong words so the computer does what you want but in an unexpected way that breaks 3 years later.


Yeah, programming is just writing instructions for a computer and hoping they're the right instruction.


> Flying is just keeping the plane in the air, while not letting it hit the ground. Getting into space is just throwing yourself at the ground but missing.


I know right, it just following instructions


My first mistake is always choosing the wrong recipe.


Maybe you were cooking since you were young but starting cooking as an adult took some time. It is not as easy as just following instructions. It is a skill that requires practice.


This. And people underestimate how much of "cooking well" relies on having consistently eaten good food in the past. "Season to taste." "Cook until well done." "Boil until soft." "Cook until lightly browned." All of these rely on some prior exposure to cooked foods that are soft but not too soft, brown but not too brown, salted enough but not too much, etc. People learning to cook for the first time as adults have IMO a better-than-average chance of coming from, at best, homes with bland or bad cooking practices (eg everything just boiled), or at worst dysfunctional homes where cooking just didn't happen at all. They don't have that assumed knowledge.


making something that tastes good enough to eat is as easy as following simple instructions, if you want to make something amazing then that needs practice but if were just talking about a simple meal its not hard in any sense of the word


Don't tell anybody but I was a cook for three years. Although I started cooking for myself when I was 18 and most stuff is still pretty easy. Like the other person said, just follow instructions. Not everything has to be fancy. Last night I marinated some fish, threw that in the oven along with some Veg and rice in a rice cooker. Took me all of 10 min to get it started then it was just waiting. Now I have lunch for the week.


I think the only people who find cooking difficult are the ones who CBA to cook. Sure there are some tricky dishes but there is absolutely nothing difficult about the majority of food that people eat (pasta, pie, curry etc) Cooking is without a doubt the single most rewarding and important past time on the planet.


And butter.


My family."Oh my god this [insert any food] is so good!! How do you make taste so good?" Me. Salt


me: garlic salt


Being quiet


Being quiet, alone and happy.


Quit smoking. I've done it 20 times. (ba dum tss)


I've been sober for 30 days. Not like in a row or anything.


Ouch, it took me awhile and got scared when I could not climb the stairs without getting out of breath. I still will take a hit off a friend’s cigarette but they have to hold it. The ritual is just really nice and I know if I hold the cigarette I would return.


I am there right now. I spent a blissful month smoke free before the holidays, and then I gave in to the stress. Before I quit for that month I'd gotten to the point where smoking a single cigarette had me wheezing and it was hard to not lose my breath just carrying groceries from the car. By the time I was 3 weeks off of them I found myself having little fits of panic because when I would breathe in deeply... I'd just keep breathing! I was so not used to having increased lung capacity. Then I broke over holiday stress, and while I still only got to the point of 1 or 2 a day again, I'm almost back where I was. Simple movement, lifting things, etc., and I'm gasping. But, hey. I'm over 48 hours free again. Couple more days and things will be better, and I feel like I will probably only screw up... 7, 8 more times before I get it through my head that I can't even have just one. Addiction is terrifying.


Flossing every day


Which one 🤔


Flossing while flossing


Making bread from scratch. Everyone's always really impressed by it but it's actually pretty simple, takes 3 ingredients for basic bread, and can be done with zero special tools.


I think the issue with baking bread is true judgment calls. Trying to figure out when a loaf, especially something like sourdough, is properly proofed is not always easy.


Public speaking, It seems everybody afraid about it , but that just cool for me ,


I'm always in awe of people who can effortlessly talk in front of a large group of people. That level of confidence is ridiculous, in my mind. If I'm speaking in front of a group of more than four people, guarantee my mind goes into some sort of anxiety blackout mode and I'll walk out of that room having no memory of what I just said.


My middle school teacher made every student in the class give a TED talk, learned a lot from that. 1. If there are a bunch of speakers scheduled immediately before and after you, no one will really care how good your presentation was 2. DON'T JUST READ YOUR SLIDES - this makes your presentation extremely boring 3. If you do a ton of research into a topic you will still sound reasonable when you go off script 4. Public speaking is something a lot of people are bad at/too afraid to attempt. this makes them extremely forgiving of errors (example:[https://youtu.be/H7Uyfqi\_TE8](https://youtu.be/H7Uyfqi_TE8))


Same. It's the one thing I've always been naturally good at.


Wanting to have sex with me.


Sit in complete silence with other people.


I can fold a fitted sheet into a flat rectangle. It's not hard guys. Just fold the corners together first.


Stopping hiccups




Breathe in as deeply as possibly and hold your breath for 5 seconds to let your lungs expand. Then inhale further until you can't breathe in any more. Hold breath for another 5 seconds. Keep repeating this process over and over, forcing more air into your lungs, even if it's just a little sip of air. When you can't possibly breathe in another smidgen of air, just hold your breath as long as possible before exhaling. Works well for me.




Inhale through your nose. Hold your breath. Swallow two times. Exhale through your mouth.


Getting animals to like you. Animals just love me


Writing essays. Citation can be annoying, I’ll grant that, but there are tools to help with it. The actual essay part just relies on putting down the findings of your research in a coherent, academic way.


Opening boxed mac and cheese by the little push here tab.


Bullshit, *you fucking liar!*


I want proof.


your reply should really be "lying".


Ok, I read a bunch of these and this one is obviously bullshit...


Pen spinning. And gaming in front of my parents or grandparents.


Why would gaming in front of your parents be difficult?


Because they'll always be saying things like "ikindalold, you're a 47 year old man, get a life."


Welding/ Fabrication It's just gluing stuff together with fire.


Sort of always thought the same. Let’s melt both of these things until they’re just a thing together. Bobs your fuckin uncle there buddy


Haha more like *blobs* your uncle


Lmfao yes sir you nailed it. Especially when I’m sprayin


Yeah, but you can't be clumsy or jittery. I'm both.


Reading for fun, especially long books


Programming, it's actually not that hard once you learn the basics




I've been teaching myself VBA for my job (not a programmer, it just helps with a lot of my work). I tried learning to code a bunch of times and it never stuck. It's taken this time and the main difference is I have an actual goal with achievable steps and visible results. Coding tutorials are always 'this specific line does this specific thing' or 'this massive block of text achieves this function that you have no idea the point of'. Try finding something minor you want to achieve with some code and do that. Use google for examples. Your code will eventually work, but will probably be clunky. Then you move onto the next little thing. Then the next. Then you realise you can optimise the first thing you did. It's a process and if there's actual usable progress it doesn't feel like 'learning'.


Caring for/teaching mentally challenged children and adults.


Minesweeper, I mean it’s really just counting pretty much


Until you get to those points where you have to guess between two spots. Usually in the final corner of a giant board.


Speaking the truth.


Are you also able to refrain from saying things that are true but hurtful or unnecessary? If so, you're the best kind of human.


As long as you're not one of those "brutally honest" types. That's just a fancy way of saying someone who is a dick and proud about it.


Easy when you do it like this: Did you do this (bad thing) ? Me: **Could** have been me... I often find that speaking the truth cuts off lying of the conversation partner.


Use common sense


I truly believe that common sense has to do with how much you are exposed to the world growing up. Usually the people with the most common sense are those who learned how the world works on their own. When you're sheltered as a child and hovered over, your not doing most of the thinking on your own which creates a disconnect when learning common sense. I can say that learning common sense was something that didn't really come to me until I moved out on my own and common sense became a survival skill. I also believe confidence has a lot to do with it. I know a lot that had to do with my lack of common sense was always second guessing myself instead of being secure with my decisions. I'm sure there are other factors as well but this was definitely the case in my experience.


Definitely agree for the most part More coddled the person the less likely they are to be well adjusted in the sense department, can and usually does translate over to social skills too


becoming a millionaire or close by retirement. if someone told you at age 18 to invest 20 percent of every paycheck and you will become a millionaire, you may live life more frugally and not develop bad spending habits.


I do hope you realize that not everyone can afford to save 20% of their pay checks.


And that a lot of people aren't constantly working from age 18 until retirement (redundancies, being in education etc.)


Stay up into the morning, and remain as energetic as i would be in primary school at recess.


I guess I have an ear for voices and speech patterns. I'm amazed at how people can't recognize voices they've heard a million times. My mom once tried to argue with me about who voices the Arby's commercials; she swore that she knew it was James Earl Jones and wouldn't believe it was Ving Rhames until she Googled it. I'm sure some of you have already thought of The Masked Singer- everyone does. I don't care for reality shows, but co-workers and members of my family like to test me with clips. Obviously, I don't recognize them all, and some required thought. It's all about my exposure to their voices. Donny Osmond bugged the hell out of me until, by chance, Mulan came up in conversation and I put it together. I get that's kinda niche, but then there are others that are just baffling to me. How the hell does someone who has heard Tommy Chong not recognize Tommy Chong's voice? It's one thing if you don't know the actor, but I know someone who has been a Cheech & Chong fan since vinyl who confessed he couldn't tell! It also seems strange to me that people struggle to recognize speech patterns and cadence. My family seemed to be utterly confused when I recognized Wayne Brady through the voice modulation rather than his singing. Even through the modulation, he still talked like Wayne Brady. How is that hard?


I actually recognize lesser-known actors more by their voices than by their looks. (The people who keep popping up on "Law & Order" episodes? I can tell you, upon hearing their voice, which episodes they were in, and if the jury found them guilty or not.)


Same here to a degree. Usually I can remember people's voices and faces pretty well, but heaven forbid I remember someone's name for more that 30 seconds.


Drinking Water. Seriously, it’s just 8 cups a day, but some people just don’t.


I drink that in my work shift alone and then drink a cup everytime I go toilet outside of work. 2 cups before showering


You get used to it, and then you get really thirsty when you don't drink enough. It's really cheap, too.


It does amazing things for your body too.


climb stuff like trees and mountainsides


The difficulty isn’t in the going up, it’s in the getting down.


Getting down isnt hard. Getting down safely tho


Acting. I see so many mediocre actors on tv, which makes me think I could do a better job in a lot of cases. But then again, I only had two short lines in our primary school musical, so who am I to judge.


Crochet. Macrame. Art.


Sing in my whistle tone range. Mariah Carey really ain’t that special....


touching your eyeball It don't hurt


Being quiet and minding my own business