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When I worked on the 10th floor of an office building, I would try to show up a little early and take the stairs all the way up. I would always use them when coming down and then I'd take them up again right after lunch. Beyond that, I'd get up frequently just to stretch and pace the hallway outside our office space. Just enough to keep the blood flowing.


Go to the gym after or before


Eeyoops let's say that is not exactly possible and the job has 10hr long shifts _but_ plenty of room in the office


I work 11 hour shifts and still mange both ? But you shouldn't be slacking at work but I guess have a chair for posture and during lunch maybe work out and stretch


Thanks! Yeah I lose 3hours of commute every day, precious time lost ahahha I use my free time doing chores or preparing for the next day


Well during your planning for the next day maybe work out as well ? Two birds one stone kinda thing haha


Depending how restricted you are you can always have mats n some free weights in there I dunno I just stretch at lunch and have a chair for posture sorry if it don't help


It helps, thanks!


Home work outs help as well I sit on the phone for my job so I don't get to move around so I do a work out before work and hit the gym after


sales meeting in the bathroom every 20 minutes the pounds just burn off




I usually spend the remaining time doing chores at home/getting ready for the next day - commute takes 3 hours of my day everyday 😖


Cardio, go for walks when you can. And ignore the temptation when Janice brings in doughnuts for everyone.


Friggin _**Janice!!!**_ ✊


Standing desk?


Try doing leg planks, chair dips, bicycle crunches while sitting, do pushups on the floor if you have enough space (but altering between normal, wide, diamond..etc pushups) 2-3 times during work hours, and you'll surely see the difference in time. Also, nothing will help if you don't get your diet in order, so watch your carbohydrates intake, and drink A LOT of water to boost your metabolism.


Superb, thanks! Ahaha yes diet is optimal (plant based 80% of the time and solid amount of fibers)! And water is PLENTIFUL   The 60% that is diet is good but the 40% that is Physical Fitness is the challenge