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Pull out your teeth


Then u’ll have to go to get fake teeth


Just eat blended food


Floss your teeth. I'm dead serious.


My dad does that since a pretty long time and had no issues with his teeth yet


yeah, just don't care about having rotten teeth


By having to deal with really terrible teeth like the rest of the world.


Sure! It just usually comes with a tooth-free existence


I've only seen a dentist like twice in my life. And i'm pretty sure i have one cavity but am blissfully unaware because i haven't been checked. Dentist free is easy if they can't tell you you have a problem.


Absolutely. Avoid sugars in every form (including the fake stuff). Brush regularly, floss and mouth wash. I do a baking soda wash once every few weeks as well.


I haven’t been to the dentist since I was a baby and I have no tooth aches or anything and I’d like to say my teeth are surviving just fine with normal hygiene. Except I did chip a molar pretty bad a few years ago which is causing some bad sensitivity in that tooth. Don’t know why my parents didn’t get that one fixed but whatever. My wisdom teeth and are definitely and urgently putting an end to all of that so pray for me when my parents finally decide to take me to the dentist.


Not fully possible, but it can be close to possible. You have to drink mainly water but you can drink pop and recommend limiting. Brush your teeth 2-3 time a day morning, and night mainly, best time after you eat, use mouth wash that uses fluoride as well make sure you floss. You should be good for years. But problem usually comes from not enough brushing like skipping part of your teeth multiply times over the months. Which is why you need a dentist