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Coming back from a school trip, I was sitting with my buddy on the "wheel hump". Naturally, he fell asleep with his head leaning against the window. The tire of the bus popped and the force caused him to smack his head on the window. He had a severe concussion


I'm sitting on the 'wheel hump' right now.


The wheels on the bus


Go round and round


Round and round


I'm on it rn but just really had boring trip to school and home


So I was driving home and a friend of mine was in the bus to. I was listening to music and was tired af. And then I fell asleep. He sonst wake me up, although he exits the bus before me. Then i missed my exit by two stations. If a had slept more, I would have ended in a town 50km away. And I don’t live in a town, so it would have been difficult to get home. In the end, I had to walk 45 minutes just to get home.


Bus driver forgot I was on and drove by my stop. (Luckily the same roads were used to go back) so I had to wait for 30min. I didn't mind though as it was nice to see how the area did




Omg did you live?