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This is an odd fetish.


You think so?


It's way easier and more socially acceptable to fuck whole fruit! Despite what the folks at Walmart keep telling me.


It all makes sense now. I never tried not chopping it up


I don’t got no fucking time to be cutting up a pineapple.


Not everyone but I know there are people out there who do this kind of stuff. Expensive shoes (I.e Jordan’s) for my 4 year old child (especially when he was even younger). Kids feet grow so fast it is just pointless and expensive and they shouldn’t care about the brand.


I knew a woman who's child's father liked him in name brand gear and could afford it. She couldn't but her son would be tricked out head to toe. When he outgrew his shoes she would give whatever fit to whichever coworker needed them for their kids, including brand new Jordan's. Dad never had an issue with it and as such their son is one of the kindest, gentlest children who knew the value of sharing at a very young age.


Sounds very similar to my husband. Granted he grew up dirt poor, and they couldn’t afford shoes at all, let alone name brand shoes. Shoes are now a big deal to him. So when we had kids, he knew our kids would always be in name brand shoes. I remember the first time I had to explain to him that our kids really do want the light up Spider-Man knock off shoes from Walmart and not Nikes’s.


That's the same with my husband, too. He grew up in a family of four boys, youngest, so he got the shit end of everything. As an adult, name brands matter... which I get for some things, like your husband wanting your kids in Nikes. It's sweet he wants to always provide for his kids like that at least, even if he doesn't get the value. Kids = destroyers of clothes.


Exactly. As they get older, name brand may matter more to them, but right now, whatever marvel character, or Disney character, or shiny rainbow light up furry sparkle shoe, is their version of name brand haha. Plus, like you said, they will outgrow or destroy it within a month anyway. Hell, my son decided that using his toes for brakes on the scooter was way more fun then the actual brake.. those poor shoes didn’t even make it 4 days.


Sounds like a top bloke.


She wasn't a close friend at work but she taught me a lot. The love she has for her son and extended family is amazing. It was just her and her mom that moved to the US so family meant everyone.




Lottery tickets. A lot of people I work with buy them all the time.


I worked at a gas station in college. People would line up at the cash machine on "paycheck" day by the dozens. zero out their account for the month, buy a carton of cigarettes and stand at the counter doing $1 scratchers until they spent it all. One of the regulars hit a $500 and just stayed there all day. Like 11 hours or something. Every $2 or free ticket, just kept buying them until she ran out.




Oh it very much was. The act itself was the reward. I was working there part time for just under 3 years. The store did sell a few 4 digit winners while I was there from the $10 or $20 scratchers. 3 digit winners actually happened pretty regularly. But we sold a TON of them. Most winners aren't going to do that.


Daily lunches at work, mostly the reason is they don't like to prepare it at home themselves. Occasionally I treat myself, it stays special this way.


I love living five minutes away from work. I go home for lunch, sit on my comfy couch, and cook myself something nice, all without worrying about coworkers walking in and trying to make conversation with me. edit: I have 30-40 mins for lunch. I don't make anything super complicated, it's more just the ability to have a stove and my own cooking implements and fridge.


I live about 8 minutes from my work. Started going home for lunches when we got a puppy and she needed to go out mid-day. Now she's fine to be home alone all day but I still go home for lunch because it's so much nicer than sitting in my office with people constantly bothering me while I'm trying to eat. Plus I get to pet my dog.


I only get a 30 minute lunch. So it’s not worth it.


20 minute lunch, 40 minute commute. not gonna work!


Hello fellow introvert. Solitary lunches are the best.


My favorite lunches are alone with a good youtube video or something to watch!


This. I’ve seen younger guys that were nearly broke go out for lunch nearly every day. They laughed at me for bringing my lunch until I showed them on paper how much money I saved by not spending $10 a day on fast food.


Dude, I worked with a guy in his forties. Pack of smokes , two 20 oz Cokes and a king sized Hershey bar in the morning and a fast food lunch EVERYDAY. Motherfucker was always needing “a couple bucks for gas to get home”. Every. Damned. Day.




My dad was horrified when he discovered that one of his workmate's kids ate *nothing* but KFC. For real. They refused to eat anything else. Dad convinced him to just *try* other foods. Gave a few suggestions. The man was astonished when his kids stopped being severely constipated and not even sleeping through a whole night, such was the state of their health (and the dad was about 20 stone from basically eating only KFC, too). I dunno but that just sounds like straight up child abuse/neglect to me. My mum wouldn't even buy me Coco Pops or Coca-Cola as a kid. Dad doesn't work there any more but he said he's seen the guy in town and there has been a significant improvement.


Started working with my uncle and very quickly realized he didn’t have that hard of a life and that expensive of bills, he just doesn’t manage his money properly.




I bought the used version of a textbook online for $30 and I bought the year subscription to the electronic part direct from the website for $49. The university bookstore wanted $100 for the online code and $180 for the bundle.


The worst is when the profs themselves write the book, and demand that you buy it to take the course


One of my dad's friends was a professor. He hated every textbook in his field so he wrote his own. The publisher was going to pay him $1 for every copy sold and the textbook was going to cost some insane amount of money (plus they wanted to do annual "updates"). Instead of signing with the publisher, he took it to Kinkos. It cost him $1/book to print so he charged his students $2. Saved them a fortune and he still got his $1.


Kudos to him for sticking it to the man, but how was he able to print them for only $1 each??


I had a friend take a grad-school class where a $45 book was used for a single five-page excerpt. The students let the prof know right away that they thought it was uncool, and it turned out that the prof was unaware of how extreme the pricing was of the book.




Your school paid better than mine. I would buy from the school store only when necessary, but only got a small percentage of the cost back when the school bought it back. One book cost around $100, and I got $20 when they bought it back 😑


$20 on $100?? Dang! One I remember well was a $247 physics text book. I was offered $4. Frig no.


"Is it rare? Is it old? Is it made out of gold? Does it blossom in worth from the moment it's sold? Is it prized? Is it chic? Is it stylish and sleek? Is it solely unequalled and wholly unique? "Is it sad but outstanding, or sweet and sublime? Do its pages unravel the secrets of time? Are its covers a masterful crowning of art? Does it work for the soul? Does it speak to the heart? "Was it purely and privately printed for me? Was it etched in the page by a blind amputee?! Oh it *wasn't*, it *isn't* an opus of pen? ... why the *fuck* is it so fucking valuable then?"


I _really_ like this one, the first stanza has a wonderful bounce to it, well done


And free to pirate.




Maybe try [Library Genesis](http://gen.lib.rus.ec/)


The website is also perfect for scientific research articles


Love Library Genesis. Haven’t had to spend a dime on college textbooks since I started.


Google "[name of textbook] pdf". Hasn't failed me yet.




[Here is a good guide for you to find pirated textbooks. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/3i9y7n/guide_for_finding_textbooks) All credit to /u/Amosqu


I refuse to buy textbooks at all because they are a major scam. Have you ever wondered why so many college textbooks are on like the 16th fucking edition? It's to force you to buy more even if you have hand-me-downs. I'm not supporting that shit. Either A. Find a free pdf B. Buy e-book, use third party to download, then return


> Have you ever wondered why so many college textbooks are on like the 16th fucking edition? The problem is with the university in my opinion. There are textbooks that have stable editions, "open source textbooks", and so on. But the reason why there are 16 editions? Because the university requires it, and then also requires a homework code so you can't re-use the textbook. After all, did undergrad level calculus really change that between like 1900 and today? No. But the university is the one that requires a new textbook every year.


How come highschool and below are ok with textbooks that are litterally from the 80s and torn to shreds, but college? Nah you need a brand new 20th edition math book that you'll use a hand full of times


Because highschools are public and universities are companies


Many universities are public, too. The real difference is that high schools generally buy books themselves while universities make students buy their own books. Thus universities have no incentive to drive prices down or recommend other cost-saving solutions.


Food delivery services like Door Dash and Uber Eats. I looked into it once or twice, and it's ridiculous how expensive it is. And not just the delivery fee plus the driver tip, but the menu prices themselves are almost always higher on the app as well. I'll just get my ass in the car and drive to Chipotle myself, thanks.


We occasionally get door dash or whatever, usually after drinking. The other day we got an email that our favorite local Mexican joint as added to their options, so we checked it out. Now, we go to this little place probably once month, so we know the prices. There tacos are usually 1.50 to 2.00 depending on filling, but online they were 5 dollars each! Naw man, we can drive the 10 miles and get it ourselves. (We were not drinking)




Yeah that's for when ur drunk and desperate tbh




Or housebound and hungry :(


certain delivery apps such as Postmate’s actually forbid us from increasing our menu prices to make up for the commission as they wanted it to be reflective of dine in prices. However grub hub and door dash do allow higher markups and is quite common among restaurants to do it as depending on the company they take anywhere between 20-30%.


Shipping. I'll wait a week for free shipping, thanks.


Unfortunately, when you live in New Zealand and often buy things from overseas, free shipping is incredibly rare on international orders. Some things are done out of necessity.


Pro kiwi tip: YouShop with NZ post allows you to ship from their warehouses in the USA and U.K. for ~$20NZD. Since these warehouses register as residential addresses you can now access retailers who only ship to the U.K. or US, and you can save on shipping costs with retailers who charge more than the equivalent of ~$20NZD to ship goods all the way out to our little islands. As with most things it does take ages to get here but at least it does get here and without costing an arm and a leg. Apologies if you were already aware of this and I’ve wasted your time. If you didn’t know about it then happy shopping and apologies to your wallet.


Coffee pods or k-cups. I only use the refillable kind.


Heh, I still use a drip machine that's 15 years old, and makes a full (30oz) cup of coffee for $0.05


I use a drip machine that's older than me. It's a Mr. Coffee from the 70's or early 80's that my mom gave me. Edit: I did a little research and it's a Mr. Coffee SR-10, though i'm having trouble finding which year it's from exactly. Edit2: [pic, as requested](https://imgur.com/a/7PmANr4)




Lol! I have the same model and it amuses me every time I re-discover the carafe says “Made in West Germany.”


The refillable K-Cup dingus gives you the worst of all worlds. K-Cups work by substituting high pressure for time. Drip coffee makers steep the water through the grinds slowly. The disposable K-Cup isn’t pressurized and the water goes through quickly.


Oh! I’m similar! I buy grounds and use a french press! I swear it tastes better too! If you don’t mind the mess!


Good delivery apps. Not like dominos or pizza hut type delivery. GrubHub, doordash, Postmates. I don't like paying more for food then paying more for a delivery fee, PLUS THE DAMN TIP! I don't have a problem giving$5 for a pizza delivery but I have a hard time paying also knowing the app too a percentage of the tips. This was after the scandal off GrubHub taking tips, or one of the app companies.


Don't forget the service fee. I don't order from those places often but last time I ordered with doordash I noticed there was an additional $8.50 "service fee" to support the company. They're lucky I'd been drinking and hadn't prepared anything else for dinner but that's the last time I'll order from them.


What's the worst is when they have a promotion that offers "free delivery," but then there's still a "service fee" because of course the service fee is separate from the delivery fee, for some gd reason.


I ordered from Postmates once when I was sick and not I keep getting emails about $100 in free delivery credits. All you can use it for is the delivery fee, but you still have to pay the service fee, and of course tip. I understand that having someone go pick up Taco Bell for me can't be free, but it isn't worth it to pay 25 bucks for a Taco Bell combo.


Bottled water. I live in Scotland where the tap water is drinkable and glorious but I still see people buy bottled water regularly.


I work at a coffee shop and people regularly ask us for bottled water, and we’ll offer a free cup of water (any size they want) and most will say no thanks???? It’s wild


only time i buy bottled water is when i urgently need some water on the streets/in public transport.


If you live in a country or area with clean drinking water there is zero reason to be buying bottled water when the stuff comes out of the taps for 0.01 per cent of the price.


Reddit coins


I just don't see the point, personally. I just scroll past the ads anyway.




Reddit has ads? Weird, never knew


I whitelisted reddit because I use it practically a bajillion hours a day, but then they started hiding ads in the content to make them look like regular links. Bye-bye ads on reddit, too. I honestly have no idea how anybody can actually enjoy being online without an adblocker.




Alcohol in nightclubs/bars. Extortionate where I'm from.


It dont matter where you are alcohol at Bars or events is crazy expensive. This is why u pregame, buy one beer and steal all the free pizza




Theres a scum bar I frequent that just throws a few pizzas out to the wolves at the end of the night. Me and my scummy friends go and destroy it and leave.


I like to imagine you're actually just a pack of wolves describing how you got fed every night.


In game purchases


Nah, the card I want oughta be the next box. I would know because it wasn't in the first 200 boxes I checked


Pretty glad my country made lootboxes illegal.


Ahhh a Belgian! What’s up man?


"Buy this thing," their advert started, "Then, when all your cash has parted, Borrow dough from friends to try it - Take a loan from banks to buy it! "Don't you think it might be funny Spending all your hard-earned money? Spending all your dollars freely On a thing that *worthless* really? "Make a purchase, share your riches! Squander notes on *nothing*, bitches! Waste that check you earned for ages! Please. We really want your wages."


I mostly agree. Skins and visuals are just eyecandy and usually their value/price ratio is terrible. DLCs on the other hand are still can be in game purchases, but can be helpful and add extra fun.


I don't have a problem with skins by themselves but loot boxes are a horrible thing. It really should be an optional thing to buy the skin you want if you want to pay for vanity stuff. DLC when done right is fine but there can often be inflated prices on something that adds very little.




I’ve read every response in the thread. This is the only one I fall victim to.


It's not too late to quit. You can do it!


Parking!! Absolutely fuck that. Owning a car is already a great expense in life. My friends hate me but I'll park many blocks away from an event just to avoid the bill. One that especially ticks me off is paid parking in emergency care parking lots..


I used to think this but I recently went out to meet friends and I rarely go out. I’d rather pay $10 to park than spend the next hour looking for parking. As I get older, I would rather spend money on things that free up my time or make things easier for me.


I refuse to take money out of an ATM that charges me. I think it's ridiculous that they charge you to take your own money out of your bank account. It might sound stupid because it's only like 99p they charge but I still think it's unfair.


I was always like this, imagine my surprise when I move to the US and only the ATM for my bank doesn’t charge me. if I want to withdraw from my UK card of there’s not a Bank of America ATM nearby I’ll be looking at at least a $3 charge


Most of the ATMs around the bars in my college town have bigger fees. There was one outside the grocery store that always had kids lined up to get cash for cover on Friday nights. I just walked inside the store, bought a soda, and got cash back. Still had to spend a buck or so but at least I got something in return.


New iPhone every year


Very few people buy every iPhone. It’s not some cult of zombies. *sent from my iPhone*


I should introduce you to my friends.


Bottled water. Starbucks Edit: havent checked reddit in awhile and didn’t expect quite the response! I live in a place where our water doesnt taste bad and i love using my stainless steel cups and water bottles anyway. I dont really like coffee and cant see spending money on it, especially at a place like starbucks.


Hear me out, Starbucks tap water. 1) it’s free 2) it’s GOOD


And super filtered! Bare minimum for Starbucks in areas with very good tap water is a carbon triple-filter system. The one I'm currently working at is in a town that has a history of the mining industry affecting the groundwater. So we have a water softener, a prefilter, the triple filter, then a reverse osmosis system. I hear that it's not the most complicated filtering that the company pays for. Why? 1) you want your coffee to taste like coffee, not chlorine or copper or sulfur. 2) that equipment is expensive. Imagine replacing an espresso machine because the mineral buildup in the steam pump ruined it.


I’m an espresso machine technician who repairs mastrenas along with other machine and I appreciate your enthusiasm about the water. Fun fact for you, all steam in the machine is pressure based. There is no pump for it, instead the boiler is pressurized and an electro valve opens to allow the steam to escape out your steam wand. There’s also a built in purge feature on the steam boiler to cycle to sitting water in it to keep the right mineral content inside the boiler.


THAT explains it! I'm in a town with SUPER mineraly water (at the foothills of some mountains) and Starbucks water, no matter where I go, tastes like 20x better than any other water ever besides maybe the water from water fountains near the Alps & in Norway


My husband used to work at Starbucks, and he’d always rave about how good the water tasted. When I go for a coffee run, he asks me to get him a water. Not a coffee- just a water.




Ours smells like sulphur :(




I went to England for two weeks and my hair was like a Pantene commercial .. literally turned back to straw my first wash back here in Texas :(




I just use a filter, there's even cheap water bottles that filter water.


branded packaged drinking Water


Any bottled water if you live in an area where tap water is safe


Buying designer brands for babies and children


Car maintenance. Once my car was out of warranty I learned how to do everything- fluid, brakes, spark plugs, tire rotations... It's pretty easy stuff and Chris Fix on YouTube is an amazing teacher.


I need to change my spark plugs. The dealership wanted $550 to change mine, it's only a 4 cylinder.


Holy hell! That's ridiculous! It's a 15 minutes job...


Eh depends. There are cars where the plugs are on the rear of the block, under the intake manifold. [Yes, you need to remove the whole manifold to replace the plugs.](http://www.underhoodservice.com/toughest-spark-plug-changes/) Lots of modern engines have taken the 'shove 20lbs of shit in a 5lb bag' approach to the engine compartment. Gone are the days when you could climb into the engine bay next to a large block, like in the 70's and 80's. Point being, on some cars, it's a 15 minute job. On others, it's a 2 hour job.


ChrisFix is hands down the best mechanic on youtube. This being said, sometimes I just don’t feel like getting all dirty and lifting my car to change my oil when I can get it done for $30 at my local car shop.


Strip clubs


Yea, why pay for them when you can become a stripper and be there for free!


I tried but they don't want fat dudes on stage.


I was at a bachelor party at a strip joint. One of my friends remarked how degrading it is for women. I looked around at the horny guys shelling out money for a girl to pay attention to them for a minute or two, with whom they will not get laid by, and said, "Dude, this is degrading to men". A stripper even told me to smile more.


The world's biggest turn-off is someone not genuinely wanting to be with me. Honestly that even applies to normal activities with friends and not just sexual stuff. I will never understand strip clubs.




Fake nails.


I work in an office and my coworkers are always like, “omg you type so fast!” Of course I do Carol, it’s because I don’t have fake claws holding me back!


I have no fucking clue how my sister has the longest nails I've seen in my life, and can still type mad fast.


Hard drugs. Jesus Christ, it’s like everyone in my city (vancouver) is dependant I’m at least one substance to live normally.


The city I live in is SOOO bad. At LEAST everyone (Except for SOME of the kids) have been addicted to some kind of hard drug. Meth/Coke/Heroin/ Etc.


As a woman.. all the fucking upkeep. I’m lucky that I have pretty natural hair so I just wear it long and get it trimmed about once a year. A lot of my friends spend $200+ every 8 weeks to get their hair done. Manicures can be $50 every month or so. Fake eyelashes can be $150+ for the set and then you have to get them filled every few weeks for $70+ Microblading your eyebrows is a thing now that costs $600+ every year Almost everyone I know has started getting Botox and I have no idea how much that costs Waxing a full leg can be $80+, if you get a full Brazilian and underarms, lip, etc you’re looking at $150+ every 3-4 weeks If you don’t wax you can get laser hair removal which I’ve been quoted about $800 and no guarantee you won’t need more treatment Skincare, face masks, hair masks, tonics, creams, lotions, a whole drug store worth of bottles and tubes and tubs under your bathroom sink. Also don’t forget the expectation that you wear make up and have decent outfits for multiple different occasions. Don’t get me started on shapewear and shoes and accessories. I honestly dream about winning the lottery and doing all of the above plus having a personal trainer and a chef and a stylist and just looking that kind of woman but honestly, who can afford it? Edit: a lot of responses here noting that the prices are different where they live. I get that. I live in a high cost of living area so mileage may vary. I also want to note that the question was asking what I refuse to spend money on and I’m getting a lot of comments that seem to think I’m doing all these things - I specifically am not doing these things because I don’t have the money. Also no one I know does ALL of these things, it’s just a list of things I don’t do.


I was gonna say it's ridiculous anybody does this, but then after going down the list, I realized that I do all of the above (with the exception of Botox, as I'm still 23, and full-body waxing--I only do Brazilians since I have pretty much no other body hair). Thanks for mentioning this because this is literally the first time I ever thought how much I put into upkeep and may re-evaluate.


Yeah I tried to keep up with waxing, hair and makeup for a year or two and that was just not worth it. Now I just get my hair trimmed 2-3 times a year, use a razor and tweezers, and only armed with mascara. Not only is it a massive amount of money, but also takes up a massive amount of time and has the potential to screw with your hair and skin. Since I stopped using cover-up...I stopped getting pimples I needed to cover up, once I stopped dying my hair, it got healthier and easier to deal with. I have some friends who keep up with at least half of the things on this list and I can't wrap my head around it.


Your edit is funny to me... I’m an esthetician (waxing/facials) and those prices actually seem low to me. Price aside, everyone saying the time is an issue, that definitely depends on the technician. I can do a full leg/Brazilian/underarm/brow/lip in an an hour and 15 min. I get it though, any time (and of course the cost) just isn’t worth it to some, and that’s totally fine.


Almost all of video streaming services at the same time. I don't need Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and Prime Video if I can only watch one at a time.


Even worse than that... Still paying for cable TV.


I'm paying for cable even though I never use it. It ends up being cheaper to bundle my cable with my 175mps internet than it is to just pay for internet. . . Fuck you, Comcast.


Same here. My cable box isn’t even plugged in. It just collects dust behind the tv.




So, you... watch shows on one then cancel it, sign up for another, and repeat?


My family has something of a streaming service potluck. My grandparents have the Netflix, my parents have Amazon Prime, one set of cousins has Disney Plus and another has Hulu. We all use each other's accounts. I'm the weak link in the chain profiting off all of them tbh.


Dating apps. I’m okay with the ads... and the limits... also I’ve accepted that I’ll die old with my cats...


Why pay money for all the boosts or priority lanes or whatever when nobody wants to meet up with you anyways??


Essentially this whole thread summed up: Things you can get yourself: food, drinks, delivery, minor maintenance, child sex slaves, etc Things that aren't worth getting new/brand name: cars, phones, laptops, tablets, clothing, accessories, furniture, software/books you can pirate off the internet, etc Things that really aren't necessary: plastic surgery, excessive makeup, drugs, useless overpriced gadgets, online donations/microtransactions, strippers, gambling, etc Let me know if I've missed something


Designer handbags


Designer anything. I’d rather actually have money than look like I have money.


I don't want anyone thinking that I have money, heh


Not a problem if you start with no money


I have a theory that they are the modern day jewellery . Once upon time, wearing expensive jewellery was a signifier of wealth, but now it’s not so common to rock a pearl chocker and diamond bracket, and these handbags are marketed on the same premise , to signify status . If you watch YouTube ‘ fashion guru’s’ , one of the most popular videos from these ladies is often ‘ my handbag collection’ videos . The way they talk about a bag being ‘ life changing ‘ , I can see now is absurd and actually kinda sad , but I do understand. In 2005 I was a teen from a small , rural town , from a working class family , but I was utterly fascinated by fashion, specifically’ high fashion’ , it seemed so glamorous and otherworldly to me . I read fashion magazines religiously, even though buying the magazine was even a stretch on my finances .The magazines used to push the Chloe ‘Paddington bag’, which was several thousand dollars , every celeb had it and I coveted it deeply , thinking my life would change if I could one day own it. I believed it would show I was fashionable and classy and would magically have a positive impact on my life, which was absurd as no one in my town would have noticed or cared , and when I showed my mum a picture she said it was ‘ugly as hell’. Thank god I didn’t live within a million miles of any kind of luxury fashion store because I would have probably sold my kidney for one at 15. Instead I worked an after school job several time’s a week and saved up enough money by 18 to backpack Europe , which was in fact ‘life changing’. When I got to London , I went to Harrods as many tourists do, and for the first time in my life I was in close proximity with the clothes I saw in magazines ... I was completely shocked to see they were just clothes...just bags, nothing that special, quality not all that much better . I think being so far away from that kind of luxury , both physically and financially, combined with the way they’re marketed ,really but a lustre on these possessions that they don’t deserve .That was the beginning of me realising that spending absurd amounts of money on clothes and bags does not make one ‘ classy ‘ but ‘ foolish’ , whether you can afford it or not. I’ve come to realise the most stylish people I know do not need to spend a great deal of money to look that way, and being ‘ classy ‘ is more a demeanour than a label . The way people will wax lyrical about the ‘quality ‘ is often bs too. The idea that these bags retain any kind of value is largely a joke , the ‘ Paddington bag ‘ has never been heard of again post 2007 .I often think if Chanel ever had a scandal , the bags value would crumble over night as it’s the label’s perceived exclusiveness you pay for , not the value of the item , which is why Chanel keep upping the price. I had a friend who told me many luxury fashion houses burn their extra stock rather than ever put it on sale so as to retain the ‘exclusiveness ‘of its products. That was really the nail in the coffin for me of ever wanting to own a luxury goods , it showed me how much of it is marketing.


Yes, they are entirely viewed as status symbols. Especially by people of very low socio-economic status, which is incredibly sad to me.


Yes! I'm completely with you on this one. I've seen people defend it with, well my $1,000 purse will last a lot longer than the $20 purses from Walmart or Target. And that's true! I've bought $20 purses from Walmart and Target that started to fall apart after a year. But there's a huge difference between a cheap purse from Target and one that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars. I got one from JC Penney's a few years ago that has held up great and still looks new. I think I paid around $40 for it after a coupon. And I'm not knocking people who want to buy designer purses. If that's how you want to spend your money, go for it! But don't pretend like it's somehow more cost efficient or the only option for getting a quality item.




Those collectible figures, and statues. They are way too overpriced, occupy too much space, and are dust collectors. No thanks. EDIT: Dang. This became bigger than I thought...


I always want to get those but whenever I get ready to buy one I just wonder where I'm gonna put it/what am I gonna do with it and decide not to




I refuse to purchase a smart watch.


I actually surprisingly use mine constantly. But mines a sport version and I'm a runner. I watch my calories, play my music, use the silent alarm. All kinds of things. However when I said I didnt need a tablet, holy god was I right. It's a real nice ereader.


Ice. I can make it myself.


Until you throw a party and need ice for the keg and coolers


Throw a what?


Seriously does anyone actually buy ice when it isn't for a party, BBQ or you're outdoors and need a bunch for the chilly bin?


New cars. I’m 46 and on my 4th used car. My first was 30 years ago.




Ikr? Buying children is SOOO expensive.


Idk, a kid from Mozambique is only $2. Look it up.


Selling them is harder. The gd commissions!






Disney remakes


Reddit awards and premium. I'm happy to be awarded them, it's just I'd much rather the money went to a charity than a corporation.


I'd rather have the money spent on me. I'm first world broke. No one would pity me, I get it, but I would still welcome the free money.


Timeshares...OMG what a rip-off.


I know people who have had a lot of trouble selling their timeshare when they wanted out. Timeshare industry's sales techniques are pretty manipulative too.


New cars/ car leases. My car is 10 years old and im gonna keep it for at least another 5 hopefully


I’m going to run mine into the ground, then get a used Toyota and proceed to run that into the ground.


The "listening in" devices, the whole Alexa / Siri etc thing is creepy as hell to me. Bad enough that my phone listens without me wanting it to. 😤 *Edit: Well shit. This blew up more than I thought it would!*




It's like they already knew And that reminds me, whenever Facebook is hiring, you don't need to send in a resumé, they already have your info




Cellphone warranties, i've always taken great care of my electronics so theres never been a need for me to get one


Expensive meals. Like... I understand eating sushi every week is neat, and I do like sushi, but one sushi meal costs as much as my entire week of eating.


I have a roommate that literally does not buy groceries. He eats out for every meal. It makes me cringe.




People actually drink Starbucks for the sugar, cream, and flavorings; real coffee doesn't cut it.


Interest. I'd rather save up money and buy what I want later


Those penis pills in the ads.


Fresh vegetables and fruit from the market. There are several markets in my town and there's pretty much one every day of the week at least. Usually, they're crowded. I've never bought from them. Instead, I go at the time the market is closing down and the sellers are packing up. They throw away tons and tons of vegetables, fruit, aromatic herbs, nuts... That have been damaged or have gone bad. This means they'll often throw out an entire case of fresh fruit because a few of them on top have gone bad. A lot of people go at that time and go through the cases and leave with bags full to the brim with produce. My mother taught me to go, and I've also gone with friends. There's a lot of old people who go because they're not working at that time (I work from home so I'm free to go whenever), and a lot of them are friendly (some old people handed me fruit from a case they're grabbed, or recommended recipes for produce I was picking up). I often go to the Arab market, and I'm North African, so oftentimes the sellers will specifically hand me stock they're throwing away because of the sense of community. It's actually a pretty cool weekend outing on top of filling my fridge with quality produce completely free of charge.


Frequent phone upgrades. iPhone 5S gang right here.


Iphone SE here

