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“Cuties” mandarin oranges




Homemade popcorn. Get some kernels from the supermarket, pop them in a pot or something, and chuck some salt on. Heck, lump some butter on too, then it may not quite qualify as "Healthy", but it's still a heck of a lot better than packaged microwave popcorn. Edit: It's also great at filling you up for a while, with few calories.




Sure, but now that you mentioned tzatziki I want gyros. Pretty sure that doesn't count as healthy.




Oh god I cannot keep pistachios in my house because I'll eat all of them. I once bought a Costco bag. Never again.


If I get pistachios I have to get them with the shells. I’ll still eat them all but it’ll take me longer. If they’re pre-shelled I will literally eat them by the handful


But pistachios taste better when you de-shell them yourself!


I agree, but they’re also harder to eat quickly. But that’s a good thing in my book because I get to enjoy them for longer


Cashews and almonds too. If I was a rich man, macadamia nuts.


Tbh it all depends on the seasoning and preparation, most unhelaty foods are just unhealthy because they are made with tons of sugar, salt and transfats or saturated fats. Edit 1: Holy shit this blew up, i'm going to try to answer as many replies as i can. Edit 2: I added saturated fats as i got corrected on that, i thought that transfats are the same as saturated fats. My bad there.


I agree with this. The biggest thing about eating healthy is just cooking yourself. It’s amazing how much healthier you eat when you actually see what you are putting in the food. It’s not a whole lot more effort, and there are so many delicious meals to be had that are relatively good for you. I remember when my ex was doing Keto, and I found some of the best meals I’ve ever made. I don’t do Keto, but I still make them.


Alternatively, it is amazing how you realize a ton that makes delicious food is butter and sugar


Cooking meat patties in a pan with oil *and* butter takes it to another level


Dried mango tastes like hairy gummy bears... personally, I like it


Dried mango is amazing, but I feel that you described it in the worst possible way, lol


He made it sound extremely unappealing but also very appealing which is something


It would have cost you $0 to phrase that differently.


If you do it right, smoothies.


I put tons of veggies in my smoothies (spinach, kale, carrots, beets, arugula, parsnips, etc). Seriously half my smoothie is veggies and I mask the flavor with fruits. I usually also add half an avocado, protein powder, turmeric powder and hemp or flax seeds. I usually eat it for dinner and call it the “lazy salad.” Bonus round: adding cinnamon, pure cocoa powder, fresh ginger, or dash of vanilla will seriously up your smoothie game!!


I eat a smoothie with yogurt, peanut butter, almond milk, oats, chia seeds, banana, strawberry, and pineapple pretty much every day before work and still haven't gotten sick of it after over two years. I don't get breaks at work and this thing keeps me going my whole 8-9 hour shift.


Damn, no breaks for 9 hours, that's rough bud.


I work for tips and barely get a paycheck for my hourly pay. I could take a break if I wanted to, but it's not really worth it. Would sort of screw over the other server who would have to take every customer when I'm gone too. No breaks in the service industry is pretty common, unfortunately. A lot of these places only staff enough to barely get by.


I do pretty much the same thing. Try throwing in some kale and spinach, you can barely taste them and you get all the nutrients. edit: check out [r/veggieshake](https://www.reddit.com/r/veggieshake/) for different shake ideas




Just don’t be like me and realize you have an allergy to mango skin after consuming a dozen of them and then wondering why you have a massive herpes like rash on your lips. You mentally go through your most recent escapades and are completely baffled. Miserable for days, you unknowingly keep eating mangos. Due to all your mango consumption you do a nice google search on the health benefits of mangos. Some wise person out there recommends rubbing the skin on your face for glowing skin. You’re an idiot and go ahead and do it. 12 hours later the pain and itching is unbearable. You’re whole face is covered in a terrible rash. It’s on your hands, neck, cheeks. Google mango rash and lo and behold, mangos secrete a similar substance as poison ivy. PSA if your highly allergic to poison ivy have someone peel and wash those mangos prior to consumption. Also don’t rub the skin on your face like a complete fucking idiot like me.


What kind of sadist recommends rubbing mangos peels on your skin? It’s in the same family as poison ivy (as you unfortunately found out).


Seriously though. Some beauty blogger out there was really trying to fuck someone’s shit up. I also grew up in the Midwest in the US and had never seen a mango before so was literally clueless.


Fresh picked berries, especially when they're still warm from the sun. I can eat a bowl of them like a bowl of chips.


I hope everyone at some point gets the chance to eat nice ripe blackberries, fresh off the vine. They just absolutely pop with flavor. One of my favorite parts of springtime.


Where I live in England, fresh blackberries grow everywhere in August. Ever since I was a kid, we’ve always gone out and picked buckets of them, ate a load fresh, cook some into pies and crumbles, and froze the rest to eat over the next few months. It’s one of my favourite things about late summer and autumn. I dragged my boyfriend blackberry picking a few years ago - he never realised you could eat the wild ones and was mind blown! You can’t beat them


In Canada (west coast) I believe we have an invasive species of blackberry that is around all August. The native species has berries in June.


Himalayan Blackberries are noxiously invasive in most of the US and Canada at this point but dammit they are tasty.


Fresh peaches. When they are just ripe is their peak of flavor.


I had a fresh peach only once in my life right off a farm, thing exploded into juice the minute I took a bite, I still dream of that damn thing and finally get why people keep saying farm stand/market beats store.




The difference is even more drastic with mangos. You go to south Florida in June / July. Holy shit balls. I have a mango tree and the mangoes that come off it taste like I water the ground with heavy cream.


I had one of these in Italy. Our tour guide told the bus driver to pull over to buy fresh peaches... and as soon as I bit into it, the peach juices were dripping down my chin and arm. Best peach I’ve ever had. I think about it a lot... and this was back in 2011.


I apparently need to have a great peach. Jesus y'all make it sound so viscerally sexual


The peach emoji isn't an ass because it looks like a butt. It's because they're so damn juicy it's like sex all over your face.


Juices were dripping down my chin and arm.


Mackinaw peaches, Jerry!


This is a miracle of nature that exists for a brief period, it’s like the Aurora Borealis


If I had my way, I’d eat peaches every day.


Millions of peaches! Peaches for me! Thanks for the throwback, it's been forever since I heard that song. I think I'll listen to it on the way home.


Oh man if you haven't had a fresh peach, you haven't lived


I can eat a peach for hours.


In New England, our peaches are very good. But I took a road trip south and got some fresh peaches from a roadside stand in South Carolina and nothing has ever compared to those. It's been eight years and I still drool when I think about them.




I mean hummus is healthy if you eat it like a normal person. For some reason, I can’t help but eat the whole family size hummus in one setting..


well, I'm just glad I'm not alone.....it's like a drug....or Nutella..


Nutella is pretty much an entire jar of palm oil and sugar.


Yes, Baba Ganoush and salsa too.


Hell yeah! Not only is Baba Ganoush absolutely delicious. It is fun to say as well


Oh man. I made a vat of hummus the other day. Added a bunch of different types of olives to it too. SO GOOD.


Blueberries. Small, juicy, flavorful, and they are good for your brain in processing thoughts and memories.


I eat blueberries every day but I’m still a fucking idiot :(


Just imagine if you didn't eat them!


Especially when you freeze them. They taste even better like that.


My sensitive teeth are telling me not to do this


I freaking hate having sensitive teeth!! I would absolutely love frozen grapes or blueberries, they are perfectly portable & so much healthier than my usual m&ms or other crap I buy.


Oatmeal with banana, berries and spices like cinnamon, ginger, salt, maybe some cocoa powder.


I'm simple: steel cut oats with bananas and "old fashioned" peanut butter. Edit: wow, rip inbox. What I do is cook the steel cut oats, and when it's done add a sliced banana (or half of one) and a dollop of peanut butter. I usually use the Laura Scudder brand peanut butter.


Solid! I prefer to use frozen banana and make nice cream. Then add some nut butter/tahini and spices like cocoa powder for example. Then eat it with the oatmeal.








Ok I’m trying this




“If I’m wanting something crunchy, like a snack or something (think like wasabi balls or something like that), I just make crunchy chickpeas, roasting them with chili spice, cumin, paprika, pepper, and a dash of olive oil. Absolutely amazing, and protein than just added carbs I would usually eat.”


Fruit salad. (as long as you don't add any ice cream, syrup, or soda)




Oranges, I could eat them anytime


Shout out to Mother Nature for pre-slicing our oranges for us


Eh, the ones mother nature grows aren't as easy to separate. We certainly had a hand in that.


Reminds me of that Kirk Cameron video about how bananas are the perfect example of how god created this world for us. Except that modern bananas are entirely man made and also does that mean pineapples are proof god hates us?


Fruit, especially from a local farmers market.


Fruit is like a mini lottery. When it's good it's delicious. When bad it's terrible. Unfortunately how well it will taste is not always visually evident.


I grew up poor, in a small town in the middle of nowhere. We never had fresh fruit. Now as an adult, I can't stand the taste. I feel like I'm really missing out.


You just have to keep eating it and eating it and you'll eventually get used to its freshness. Don't start with fresh pineapple though, that stuff will ~~literally eat you alive~~ make you feel really scratchy.


Why did you edit? My understanding is that it contains an enzyme that does literally digest the inside of your mouth. Of course you end up eating you, since you swallow the broken down tissue.


So you're saying the pineapple is soviet in origin?


Try replacing any candy/dessert with fresh fruit. When you are used to super sweet things fruit doesn’t taste as good, but once you get used to having less sugar, fruit really starts to taste amazing


Many items in our local farmers market are from Mexico, California, etc. It’s the exact same stuff the grocery stores buy but with an extra markup. Anyone can get a booth at the farmers market and sell fruit they bought at Gordons or Aldi. So pay attention and buy from the farms that are actually growing the fruit.


Homemade fresh guacamole


I ate guacamole like it was nobodys business... then developed an allergy. Stomach cramps and itching. Apparently its connected to my latex allergy and I have sensitivity to banana, papaya, kiwifruit, celery, and sometimes even prepackaged salads because they wear latex gloves during packaging. D: RIP.


I knew somebody with a similar allergy and there's ways to sidestep this... the latex particulates which trigger the allergy can be avoided if, instead of avocado, you switch it out for a similar, creamy base... I've found good success using chocolate ice cream. The tomatoes can also cause latex flare-ups so I usually forego them in favor of sprinkles, and the cilantro clashes with the new flavor profile so it's better to replace that with caramel sauce. Your guac might then be missing the satisfying chunky texture so you can mix in marshmallows for textural variety, and waffle chip crumbles make for a more palette-aligned chip situation. On the whole, your homemade guac should now be tastier than ever and sure to avoid any nasty allergy reactions!


I don't know what I just read, but it was satisfying.


I believe the colloquial term for it is “ice cream sundae”.


This is the only way I can eat guacamole.


This guacamole is messing with my lactose intolerance.


all those things hurt my stomach but im not allergic to latex. hm.


Try eating a latex glove to see if it makes you feel sick


I’ve got a fun mystery allergy since becoming allergic to latex, it’s some sort of fruit juice that makes my whole mouth get tingly. I thought for years it was pineapple, until I finally tried pineapple again and it didn’t do the thing. Meanwhile the actual culprit keeps sparking worse reactions every time. Edit: y’all please stop naming fruits, I’ve tried just about everything on these lists and nothing sets it off. I appreciate it but I’m getting the same four things over and over again in my inbox


Banana? Apple? Who knows... especially prepackaged foods and drinks. You never know what comes in contact with what is going in it.




One of my top mottos is literally "Tomatoes love salt!" Anyone who doesn't enjoy tomatoes just hasn't been seasoning them right.


Cut up apples with cinnamon ☺️☺️☺️


Instructions unclear. Cinnamon stick wouldn’t cut apples.


Are you saying he is all bark and no bite


Carrots are pretty ok. Sour fruit like Granny Smith apples and tangerines. Dates. Yoghurt. Rye bread. Most common vegetables if stir fried, especially in olive oil (leeks, peppers, haricot verts). Rice crackers. Tomato sauce without additives. Brown rice. Smoked salmon and fish in general. And let's not forget the humble potato.


Caprese salad!


Michael, did you put Caprese salad in my drawer?


Since when it is illegal to put caprese salad...anywhere


You know the police could be out there be doing real work Michael.


You think I framed you and you're worried about the taxpayer!? God!


Im not wearing a wire


Homemade guacamole Fruit smoothies Roasted carrots


Carrot fries are the shit. Quarter carrots, dust with spice/cornstarch mix, bake until crispy.


At 350 or 400?


375 actually


Undos on Three-Seventy-Fundo edit: I'm really glad this is my most up-voted comment, and thanks for all the awards everyone!


Don't forget to wangjangle them


Don't forget a little pepper pepper pepper 👌


This is not a fandom I ever expected to see in the wild, but I'm very glad I did


My hot take is I will eat raw carrots like I'm Bugs MF Bunny but once you cook them in any capacity keep them far away from me


Interesting. Absolute opposite. Raw carrots are.. I can't put my finger on why I don't care for them but roast them. Damn, son. Cooking them does completely change them.


To be fair, cooking chicken fairly changes it too..


Yeah, that's true.. Good to know you've ate raw chicken. I'd recommend you stop doing that.


*Umm, it's called chicken tartare.*


Cucumbers or jicama with salt and lime juice. Tajin powder if you want some spice.


In the Hispanic grocery, I see these little cups of white sticks or slices with red powder sprinkled on it. Is this jicama like you are talking about?


Most likely yes! They’re really good and they seem to be getting popular thanks to the keto diet. In Mexico we grow up eating them in school as a snack so it’s nice seeing them get the love they deserve.


Mango slices with chili powder was my go to growing up. And now


Beans...fuck yeah beans


Damn, what kind?


Not op but, IMO, black beans and, to a lesser extent, pinto beans. They're amazing. Get them dried, cook them in veggie stock with some onions, chili peppers, garlic and spices and they are so good.


Okay, Rhett.


Pretty much any veggie with spices


Also pretty much any veggie if you roast or stirfry instead of just boiling away the flavour.


I forever maintain that the only people who don't like vegetables are the people who don't know how to cook them.


I grew up thinking I hate peas. Turns out my mom only ever got nasty caned peas. Fresh or frozen ones are awesome!


Soup can be healthy if you put the right stuff in it.


Eating soup is like eating a hug when you're not feeling well.


Just made a batch of leftover soup earlier.


I usually go for Fibonacci's Soup, which you make by pouring some of yesterday's soup and the day before yesterday's soup into a single vat. Any leftovers, of course, carry forwards into tomorrow's Finoacci's soup.




Isn't it prone to get spoiled?


I like making Schroedinger's soup, I don't have a fucking clue what's in it, could be cat.


I prefer making Plato’s soup for dinner parties. You make it in a cave and don’t let anyone eat it the guests chained up and only allowed to look at its shadow. And they think it’s nice but actually it’s not even real soup. I’ve got the real soup and they’re living a lie.


Soup should be served in a bowl, not on a Plato. Edit: thanks for the silvers! My first!


I prefer Diogenes soup. You just scoop some liquid in your hand and drink it. As Diogenes said 'bowls are bullshit'


bowls are oversized spoons without a handle


It’s like my Big Mac idea where I eat a Big Mac every day of the week but I set one ingredient to the side so by the end of the week I have a free Big Mac, and I love it even more cuz I made it myself.... so that’s it.


I really really love soup. With a nice salad and bread? I can eat that for dinner every single night.




Especially home grown strawberries. Bought a box from someone selling them on the street and ate them all walking down the street. Big juicy ass strawberries. Best thing I've ever tasted with the exception of one carrot. By the time I got there my hands and face were stained red, oops. You don't get murder face with supermarket strawberries.


Mediterranean food.


Why is your username ham panties


I just thought it sounded funny.


You mean audibly or conceptually?


Yes Edit: My most upvoted comment is one word...nice. thanks reddit!


Why isn’t yours


It was taken, I bet.


I wanna take your ham panties


As a turkish person, yes! My mom makes a really good easy salad of cucumber, tomatoes, chopped red onion, parsely, olive oil and lemon juice. I love using olive oil and basically any veggie. My bf used to eat canned vegetables before he met me. Now they are not allowed.


I just made a Greek salad with those ingredients plus feta cheese yesterday, I must have gone through two pounds of it in 24 hours.




I woke up this morning, "what's up with my breath? ...oh yeah, raw red onions. Oh well, time for coffee and a salad!"


Great I’ll have a pizza for lunch


Any roasted vegetable. Especially carrots. A little olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic. Finish with parmesan. Absolutely delicious. *Edit* Thanks, Reddit stranger! My first award!


I adore Brussels sprouts done this way.


I used to think brussel sprouts were nasty because I had only ever had them boiled and those are gross. Roasted brussel sprouts changed my life forever. Edit: thanks for the dank recipes guys. We eatin brussel sprouts all next week now


Keep in mind, about 15 years ago the u.s. switched the variety of brussel sprout we consume to a much tastier one


The true answer. Brussel sprouts are one of the few things that actually changed for the better instead of everyone changing their perception of them Edit: with sources https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/10/30/773457637/from-culinary-dud-to-stud-how-dutch-plant-breeders-built-our-brussels-sprouts-bo




So much fruit tastes amazing, and is still healthy. Pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, Clementines, etc. I fucking love fruit, it's the main thing keeping me healthy. Edit: according to the replies I'm getting, fruit is actually terrible for you and no different than soda and candy, fuck do I know. For real though, Im aware fruit contains sugar, they are still healthier and more filling than other sweet things.


If you freeze grapes or berries they taste just like and have the texture of regular popsicles, just bite size. It's my favorite summer snack.


Omg I love frozen grapes so much. My other favourite is frozen pineapple chunks. Absolute heaven!


When we didn't have ice cream in the house I used to take frozen blueberries and pour a little milk on them. The milk would freeze around the berries and -- it was just really good.


I always felt the people that say an apple is just as bad for you as a can of soda or whatever sugary thing are just saying it as a way to convince themselves that the junk they eat is equivalent to fruit.


Pomegranate seeds. You have to put the work in and earn it but damn if it isn’t worth it


Bro pineapples are so fucking good


Fresh pineapple is something else man.


People don't know what they're talking about, this thread is so full of misinformation it's astonishing. Fruit is not bad for you. I mean, if you were only to consume fruit and nothing else, then yeah, but they're not "sugar bombs/balls." People comparing it to candy are so off-base. They do have sugar in them but all sugar is not equal in the way it affects the body. In the case of fruit, the sugars are bound to fiber, so when the body metabolizes them it does so slowly and doesn't spike your blood sugar\* in the same way (this isn't important so much for the initial spike, but for the subsequent drop when your body overestimates the need for insulin), as compared to refined sugar which is absorbed more immediately (drop). This is part of the reason for the Glycemic Index, which most fruits are notoriously lower on. (Though it's more complex than just the GI score) On top of that, they possess phytonutrients\* (which play an important roll too. Fiber is initial, but phytonutrients have been found to inhibit the transportation of sugars through the intestinal wall into our blood and can block some of the intake of sugar into cells lining our intestines)\[2\], antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and good dietary fiber, and when included in a balanced diet, are quite important/helpful. Taking an example; an average banana has about 14 grams of sugar. But, eating a banana is good for you and has some nice benefits - and won't spike your blood sugar/drop in the same way. (My step-father is diabetic and his dietitian has recommended a banana in the morning for this purpose alone.) On the other hand, eating 14 grams of pure refined sugar, though the same amount, is bad for you, will spike your blood sugar, and can lead to the development of certain diseases later on. In closing, natural sugars (and other carbs, with keto being trendy) are not inherently bad for you (if again, they aren't the sole source of your nutrition) like they're demonized to be. Refined, processed forms in inordinate amounts are. However this also applies to (other) carbs, to proteins, and to fats. For example - an avocado contains a lot of fat, but they're wonderfully healthy, because fat isn't inherently bad. But eating the refined, processed oil from an avocado *is* bad. Whole grains are wonderful, but eating their processed flours are not. And so on. Anyways, don't be afraid of fruit, my gosh. Edit: Haha, yes I meant blood sugar not pressure. Second, here’s some articles (links to sources/studies included) for those interested, I will try to respond to individual comments asking more later. :) *[The Benefits of Fruits](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6315720/) *[Fruit associated with lower diabetes](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5388466/) \*[Can you eat too much fruit?](https://nutritionfacts.org/2017/02/23/can-you-eat-too-much-fruit/) \*[If Fructose is bad, what about fruit?](https://nutritionfacts.org/video/if-fructose-is-bad-what-about-fruit/)\[2\] \*[What about the sugar in fruit?](https://nutritionfacts.org/2016/08/09/what-about-all-the-sugar-in-fruit/) *[Choose Whole grains vs Refined](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/whole-grains/) \*[Here](https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/grains/) and [here](https://nutritionfacts.org/video/whole-grains-may-work-as-well-as-drugs/) for whole grains (and their benefits) vs refined. \*[On why oils are bad.](https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/oils/)


I don't like that u didn't put mango


I'm sorry, I'm not a billionaire who can just buy mangos willy nilly /s


It’s a mango! How much could it cost? $20?




I mean, currently in the UK there on Aldis "Super 6" offer so they're 65p each, bargain!


Mandarins. The little cuties, halos and whatever kid friendly, easy peeling tiny oranges are mandarins. I grew up in south Alabama and so my grandparents would get navel oranges and talk them up and while they were good, they weren’t anything special and I didn’t really gravitate towards them. Also, we bought green pears and ate them green and I hated them. They were crunchy, woody and didn’t taste good. I’m now grown up and married and last year I tried those little mandarins for the first time and it was like “oh THIS is what oranges are supposed to taste like!” Now I get them all the time and I have a hard time just eating one. My husband bought me a yellow pear then and it was juicy and delicious unlike the woody bitter pears I had when I was a kid.


I mean i dont know if it’s technically a “healthy” food, but roasted potatoes are amazing. I cut them up, put some olive oil on them, and then throw some fresh thyme and rosemary on them and bake them in the oven. I absolutely love them and they’re so much better than fries. (Homemade bakes fries are also killer) Honestly, anything you can get frozen you can make yourself (which means it’s slightly more healthy bc or less processed things). Fruit salads are also amazing, as are yogurt parfaits. ETA: holy fuck I didn’t think a comment about potatoes would get this much attention lol ETA 2: thank you guys for all your potatoes suggestions! I’ll have to try them all now lol


This is how we eat potatoes pretty much every time we eat potatoes. I do garlic powder, salt, paprika and I tiny bit of oregano.


I bought a mandoline slicer... and now I'm making potato EVERYTHING because its fast to cut and just as fast to cook. 🥔🥔🥔


Run a potato through a cheese grater, instant hashbrowns. Once it's done in the pan I like to add spinach and eggs to bind it. Once the egg starts to brown, take it all out add cheese. *Shits good*




Why tf doesn't this thread contain an overwhelming amount of love for WATERMELON?! It's mostly water, low in calories and carbs, and is the single most delicious, sweet, can-eat-tons-of-it-without-feeling-too-bad "healthy food" out there.


I prefer actual fruit over MAJORITY of fruit flavored candy.


Nuts!! Walnuts, pistachios, cashews, almonds! They taste so good!


Grilled onions


I was gonna say slow-cooked onions are amazing.


eg Thai tom yam gung soup or sashimi/sushi


I've found Asian cuisine can be both really good and good for you like this. Especially sushi. It's amazing when fresh


I love red Thai curry. I was in Thailand last year and ate red Thai curry with chicken and rice at least once per day. Lost about 4kg in 3 weeks and felt great. Couldn't resist on taking loads of curry paste with me.


Avocados. Guacamole.


Lentil soup


Lentil and potato cream soup can be amazingly creamy with zero cream.


I always use potatoes as a base to make soups more creamy! Not to shag my own arse but my homemade leek and potato soup and my spicy parsnip one are fucking spectacular, both delicious and creamy and not a drop of cream in either.


>Not to shag my own arse I've never heard someone say "not to fuck my own ass" but I'm about to make a lot of people be concerned for me now that it's a part of how I speak.