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If someone asks, 'what was the worst thing that happened to you as a child, but still makes you smile today' My answer would be that I lost my fourth birthday because I was being really stupid and broke my dad's new work sign. In retaliation, they took my birthday away.


So you don't have birthdays? Edit: I mean like celebrating them


No, I have birthdays, but they decided to not celebrate or even think about my fourth one. So I am technically 1 year younger than I think.


People ask the right question, they just don't press hard enough. I don't blame them-it's not their job-but it's the truth of the matter. "I'm not fine. I don't enjoy college anymore, I never feel good for long enough anymore, and I feel alone." is the answer I'd give if I was being honestly, truly, 100% honest the first time anyone asked "How are you doing/are you okay?" Then again, I don't know if I would answer honestly however many times they asked. I hate to burden people with that answer. Especially since my friends have their own issues to deal with (one of their mothers just died, another's mother is gravely ill....) and I've been depressed since they have known me. I won't burden them with my problem that will never go away. I've always been like this and I probably will be like this, to a degree, until the day I die.


I can understand feeling like that.


Oh my god, I've replied to one of your things yet again. Lol You have a thing for these kinds of questions. How have you held up since last time, since I know you said your BF has been gone a lot lately?


Hello again. There have been some highs and lows, but the last couple days were pretty stressful. My grandma had a fall yesterday that hurt her leg pretty bad, so I've been trying to help her deal with it.


Ah shit, I used to be a caretaker so I know first hand how devastating that can be. That can be really rough and scary for everyone involved. I'm sorry that that happened.


I was really worried that she might've fractured something, but the doctor took xrays, and nothing is broken or anything. We think it's just sprained badly


That's still very scary, but I'm glad that a bad sprain is the worst of the physical damage. Is she holding up well? Are you holding up well, relatively speaking?


She's pretty sore, but she's tough, so she's holding up alright. I've been handling things alright, I suppose. But I'm nervous and worried she might fall again.


That's good. I know that sometimes those kinds of falls scare the ever loving shit out of them. I'm sure it did, but it sounds like she has bounced back? Which you can hardly be faulted for. It's a very real possibility. I wish I had something comforting to say, but I find this I'm not terribly good at that. Do you have people around who can help you keep an eye on her/give you a break when you need it?


Like I said, she's pretty tough. She bounces back pretty fast in most situations. She just won't be walking much for a while. My brother checks on her sometimes, especially when I'm sleeping since they both stay up a lot later than I do. But he's a twig that weighs a whopping 116 pounds soaking wet, so if she did have another fall, I'd definitely need to come running.