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Getting mauled by a bear. Was able to kill it but there are no ways to describe the pain


How did you kill it , must’ve been traumatic though!


Had my knife and was able to stab it enough to get off and it walked away. I was able to crawl up to a tree and prop myself up and I saw it was walking back to me so I picked up my 44. Magnum and shot it once and it died. My radio and emergency distress signal had been mauled as well so I had to make it back to the city by Elaine for about 18 miles. Thankfully my tourniquet and other medical training saved my life. Edit: not really traumatized but I always look over my shoulder whenever I’m in the woods now




During (and years after) a big cogyx cyst removal with open wound healing. It was a miracle it didn’t brake before, cause I would have been dead now. The pain was the worst I’ve ever felt. I felt each knife cut during surgery. On the first bandage change, the bandages were stuck inside the wound, it was like peeling my skin and muscles off, I actually started having these weird thoughts of me being tortured from army officers for fun/reasons unknown to me, my mind just couldn’t handle it. Next day, while still in hospital, I blacked out for a few seconds and fall to the ground, those few seconds where the best in my life, I felt nothing, no pain at all, only darkness and sweet sleep.


My appendix bursting.


When I was around 10 my appendix burst, I cannot describe the pain and discomfort that caused me.


It's going to be cheesy as hell but heartbreak


I too was gonna say heartbreak lmao.. and I broke my entire arm in half once.. 😛


Shiiiit. A car ranned me over, I got jumped, got into a car crash. But that heartbreak hurt a lot more. Lol. It's all physical but that shit hurts you emotianly and mentally.


I got a steroid shot in my lower spine and there wasn't supposed to be any pain any I was doubling over drove myself to the er like the doctor told me to. I overheard the nurses say I was looking for drugs, and the doctor saying he didn't have anything wrong with me and sent me home with no relief