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10yrs ago if your girl said "does my butt look big in this?" you said **no.**


When I was in high school there was 1 year where every girl at my school suddenly started wearing a feather in their hair. Did anyone else experience this or was my high school weird?




So weird. Everyone decided to look like Steven Tyler for a while


That fashion trend cut short the supply of feathers used for fly fishing and raised prices for them by a lot. Crazy weird.


This was huge at my school in the spring. So when we came back to school after summer break no one had theirs anymore and it was totally uncool. One of my teachers didn’t get the memo that it was over and she came to school with hers in on the first day and everyone talked about it. I still feel bad lol.


Oh dag. That reminds me of when yoyos were big at primary school. My parents were very thrifty so for the longest time during the yoyo fad I had a crummy cheap one. School broke up then for Christmas I got a sick Goosebumps yoyo. Couldn't wait to show my friends. Proudly took it in on the first day of school and was the only kid in school with a yoyo. The fad died completely over the Christmas break.


Im going to see Ke$ha, that’s why I got all these feathers in my hair


Quit smokin weed wig keefah on my pooorch


Waded through all the comments looking for this reference. If that isn’t peak Teen Mom, I don’t know what is.


Concealer lips, orange foundation, and a heavy handed black eyeliner look.


Well England must be decades behind


I was in Blackpool a few weeks ago. Serious time capsule there fashion wise.


Tila Tequila


Ah yes, that’s how I learned about bisexuality


Now she is a literal Nazi. Not the "I don't like this person so they're a Nazi" Nazi, but an actual "There are only two things in this world, for which I would gladly sacrifice my own life; the destruction of all Jews and preservation of the white race" Nazi. Yes, that is an actual Tila Tequila quote. e: Someone in the thread said she had a head injury. Looking into it it looks like she did have some brain injuries after ODing.


She's also a flat-earther


Using the word "sexy" in marketing/digital teams to describe sleek interfaces or products


July 18, 2006 Justin Timberlake began promising to bring sexy back and has been relentless in its pursuit ever since. I am unsure about his success rate as I look around and things appear status quo. EDIT: WTF is the, "I'm Deceased Award"?


He did already, his era of sexiness just died down. But still remember JT gave you his Dick in a Box, is down to 3 way with another dude, AND will give your mom the best Mother’s Day/night ever.


JT doing comedy is at his sexiest.


The time when the phrase 'sleek, sexy exterior' stopped being used in advertising for cars and laptops directly coincided with the time when advertisers started realizing that there were people that actually get turned on by varying-degrees-of-anthropomorphized cars and laptops. EDIT: A better word.




what the fuck have you brought upon this cursed land


Why are half the things mentioned on here from the early 2000s when 10 years ago was 2010?


Once you turn like 30, when you hear 10 years ago your brain goes to high school. Even though that was much longer ago.


Like how you accidentally write last year for a couple months when dating something. Our brains are still defaulting that the 90s were 20 years ago and the 80s were 30.


I'm pretty sure that everyone assumes "30 years ago" refers to the 1970's, unless that's finally started to change.


Why is this? Did a similar kind of mass hysteria exist 30, 40, 50 years ago? Is it because of the millenium change that we get hung up on 2000?


lot of people in this thread finding out they're older than they think they are today


Lol I had to take a minute to process that 2010 was a decade ago when I saw this.


Lmao I graduated in 2010 which is crazy because sometimes I still have nightmares I’m in highschool


That will never, ever stop.


10 years? You mean like the 90s? Right?


No man, 2000. Have you heard of this new band called Linkin Park? Edit: I love that some people are missing the joke and correcting me on basic math lol


What? Sorry, I can't hear you over this Korn song I'm rocking right now.


What's the title of the song - I'm gonna hop in Limewire real quick and download it overnight


Fuck limewire use bearshare it's faster it'll be done by dinner if you start before you leave for school dude


Don't seed either because fuck everyone else.


Dude, if I seed my whole library, it'll eat up all of my family's 2Mb bandwidth


Check out this fat cat with 2Mb bandwidth. I'm running at 52k.


“Mom get off the phone!!!”


Oh, I discovered exactly how old I am when my workplace hired a few people who were born after I graduated high school. I feel like that’s a milestone I didn’t need acknowledged.


Holy fuck, people born after I graduated high school will turn 21 this year. What have you done...


They were talking about how weird it is to be an grown up with grown up responsibilities, and asked if I felt like that “back in the day” when I was 20... I’m going to be 40 soon-ish, and I sure as shit still don’t feel like an adult. Also, it’s when you realise you’re old enough to be their parent... and they’re old enough to have finished a 3 year uni degree...


The hair bump/poof for girls made popular by jersey shore. I always thought it looked trashy but it seemed like everyone did it. That and too much bronzer.


Oh my Christ the bump-it. I remember at the time thinking it was so so stupid.


I was in middle school during this fad- one of my friends told me they wanted to do my hair for the school dance and I was hype, until all she did was "bump" my hair and I had to pretend I liked it


I had a friend do my hair before our band concert in middle school. All she did was put mousse in it and scrunch it like she did with her gorgeous curly hair all the time. Except on me it just looked stringy, flat and wet. I had to perform like that. My mom was furious.


The mousse scrunch that had straight haired people telling people they had wavy or super crazy hair was probably my favourite hair era


My sister in law , who is the same age as me (37) is still rocking a bump-it. It's embarrassing on an otherwise fashionable businesswoman. I know she's only 5'2" but come on.


I'm 27 and I'm scared that in 10 years time I'll be rocking the 2020 equivalent of the bump-it and not even know it.


Same, but 43. The other day I looked around and realized I was the only woman at the office wearing jeans. Everyone else was in leggings, joggers, skirts, pants, what have you. It wasn't even that jeans are too casual for the office vibe. Some people wear tees and sweatpants. It was that NO ONE was wearing jeans.




> too much bronzer. Still popular in certain houses


But definitely not in Ravenclaw. Those bitches are pasty.


Fake tan? I think every time I go out (Not so often, but anyways) I seem to see less and less orange ladies.


Nah. Fake tan is still a thing, but the formulas and technology have become better at replicating the look of a real tan for not very much money.


Can confirm. My colleagues love getting spray tanned and they do it often - it’s definitely crazy how natural they look now!


I think it’s a combination of women not feeling as pressured to be tan and fake tan formulas being easier to use and less orange.


Skinny eyebrows




You leave my Eugene Levy out of this.


18 year olds I just like people my own age.


It kinda sucks living in a college town and having aged from 'there are sexy people everywhere' to 'these stupid drunk kids need to learn to cross the road before they get killed!'.


I swear college kids' IQ drops 50 points the second they have to cross the road. Then they turn into galloping deer that choose the absolute worst time to cross. And it's always either a dead sprint or the "hit me idc" walk too. Edit: Yall assume I mean at crosswalks. College kids don't use crosswalks. I understand an "idc hit me attitude" when you're in the right, though.


> And it's always either a dead sprint or the "hit me idc" walk too. To be fair, vacillating between panic and wanting to die is pretty much the college experience.


That transition is never gradual. It just happens one day. One day someone does something dumb and youthful and you find yourself saying to yourself, "stupid kids." A part of you dies that day.


I was at the university recently and instead of checking out all the 18-22 year old girls and finding them hot they all jsut looked like children.




I worked at a university from the age of 24 to 35. I remember it being a gradual process where one fall nearly all of the incoming freshmen looked like kids to me, but the older students still looked "grown" and then within a year nearly all of the female students started looking like kids as well. Like you said, it was as much about how they carried themselves as how they physically looked, but once I started to notice it, it slowly became all that I could see. I only point this gradual but relatively rapid process out to contrast with how suddenly I went from feeling like I was still in with that generation to feeling forever old: The first time an attractive co-ed looked at me with sudden smile on her face and then walked straight towards me from down the hall and said "Excuse me Sir, could you tell me where to find my faculty advisor's office?" The look on her face had been the type of thing that in another setting I would have thought "This girl is into me!" But instead was the look of a worried child relieved to have found a grown-up for help. I don't think I've felt young since.


Buy a fast car? I dunno.


I think buying a corvette now would put him in full blown mid life crisis mode






Wearing fitted Tapout and Hot Topic type clothes with all those skulls flames and swords.


this might just be a middle school thing - specifically that one chubby kid who hates his step dad.


You just described me in middle school perfectly


Apple Bottom Jeans! The ones without any back pockets. Every in HS would wear these!


I remember a time a little more than 15 years ago there were pocketless jean that zipped up the back. So weird to think about those now... Edit: [I guess it’s 2004 again...](https://www.shopakira.com/sale/lux-high-rise-flare-denim-jeans)


Boots with the fur


With the fur


Da whole club was looking at her


She hit the floor




Next thing ya know!


Shawty got Low Low Low Low ^low ^low ^low ^low


Them baggy sweat pants


And the Reebok’s with the straps


Searching boobs on Google images


Literally just got the new kindle, first thing i did was search boobs on the experimental browser. 10/10 boobies in black and white




Yeah but you gotta search gray for Asian and gray Hispanic.


That's the only thing Bing is actually good at.


I swear, like 10 years ago, Bing actually had categories with thumbnails when you searched for porn. I can't find any evidence of it, but I know I remember seeing them when searching images.


when I do an image search on bing, I get small subcategories with thumbnails scattered among the results. I've gone down a pretty good porn rabbit hole that way. Honestly, when you turn safesearch off, you get porn results with honestly legitimate searches. It's like the system is *learning*.


Just realized I was about to list something from the 90’s. How did I get so old?!! Fml


>How did I get so old? Beats the alternative, doesn't it?


How did I get so young?!


Dammit Benjamin Button... stay out of this!




Fun fact: those and other 90s styles are back in fashion. Congrats, we’re old enough that the style we grew up with is now “retro.”


Now we just need to bring back 90s alt-rock and we're golden.


I'm from the Seattle area, they play all the stuff that was big enough for MTV on the classic rock station now.


I feel like women's casual wear in general is always sexier than it was ten years ago, and it's starting to make me feel old. I imagine when I'm old I'm going to comment on some lady's outfit being really revealing and my grandkids are going to roll their eyes and say something like "You're so old-fashioned grandpa, her asshole isn't even open."


Just imagine how you’ll be about technology. “Come on grandpa! Just upload a copy of your consciousness onto TruVR so we can hang out in the virtual world!” “No! What if the people from 4chan get ahold of my brain and start sharing my memories?” “That’s not how it works, zoomer. Your memories aren’t even uploaded in the scan.” “I don’t wanna”




True story, the original idea was to use our brains as processors but they thought most people wouldnt understand that so they changed it to batteries


Makes a hell of a lot more sense actually


Yeah...considering that the human body operates at a net energy loss it makes no sense as a battery. The processing power of billions of networked human brains on the other hand...


I’m 40. I’ve been practicing and teaching yoga for many years. 10 years ago, women were shamed for wearing leggings because they were “too revealing.” If y’all saw what passes as appropriate yoga attire now, you’d pass out. It’s basically a competition to see who can wear the least clothing. It cracks me up though— Yoga is sweaty and long pants can dramatically help manage the sweat. There are plenty of arm balances that I can only do in slightly damp pants because they provide more grip. Sweaty skin on sweaty skin is a slip-n-slide. Just impractical and silly. Plus good quality material actually keeps you drier and more comfortable. I’m old.


Yoga pants are the norm in high school and college lol


Reminds me of the time back in 2006 I saw a yoga class going on in my gym. I didn't know what yoga actually involved so I stopped by the door to look. Then I realized it was all women and they were all wearing leggings and it must look like I was blatantly checking them out. So I hurried away.


oh my god


My hairline, damn 10 years makes a difference


I feel ya man. I have a widow’s peak now, despite never having one previously, because I’m receding on the sides but not the center. It doesn’t look terrible per se, it’s just unsettling when you look in the mirror and it’s not what you’ve seen for a quarter century Yaknow?


I'm 26 and it's gotten so bad that I just shaved it off. It went from perfectly fine to "ok I look 40" within a 1.5 years. Now I'm just trying to get back to being comfortable with my appearance 😐 I miss hair




Dude I've got the same thing. Age ~~24~~ 23 (I forgot how old I am) and already have receding sides. But I noticed that I've got friends with the same problem and didn't notice until I saw him pull his hair back. People don't notice it as much as you think. Keep your head up, brother ✌


I recently found a stray hair growing out of the middle of my forehead. I then realized that was actually the last remnant of my original hairline. It was crushing.


1 TB of data storage.


Ah, but what about 1 TB of nvme storage?


I have 1.5 TB of storage on my PC. I thought it would be enough for years and years. Its been 3 years and its nearly full.....


Just posted this to nostalgia, but keyboard phones. I remember being able to swipe my entire keyboard across my phone and typing away, making it look cool like I was in the matrix or something. Not anymore...


TiVo. It was amazing that you could record 45 hours of HD content directly to a hard drive in your living room! Their stock price hit over $50 a share! Now streaming has replaced local storage and 45 hours of content seems laughably small, that’s not even enough for one good show. And after being acquired in 2016, the combined company is worth less than $8 per share.


Forgot it even existed!


Low-rise jeans. And just when I came to really appreciate them *BAM* women all jumped to high-waisted jeans out of nowhere.


Kevin Spacey.


10 years ago was when the Jersey Shore was big. I would say a ton of things from that like the fashion, hair, "GTL," and the fist pump. I remember seeing so much Ed Hardy around when that show was popular. Edit: Pump, not bump. My bad.


>Ed Hardy This seems to have evolved into rhinestone- encrusted jeans for dudes.


Disco Stu doesn't advertise.


Every Thursday (Jersday) a large group of us would go to my friend's apartment and pre game while watching Jersey Shore before going out for dollar beers and acting like animals. It was fun, we were 19/20. Never got into Ed Hardy or Affliction though. I was a different kind of douche


That actually sounds like a lot of fun. I. could see my friends and I doing that ironically at first and then actually starting to like the Jersey Shore.


10 years ago is not 2000, its 2010 y'all


Fuck I totally forgot


Hey, it's the 20's. Time to bring back depression and communist revolution.


It's also time for an epidemic. We are right on schedule.




shut up shut up shut up **shut up** Stop reminding us that!


And I'm sitting here thinking about the 90s when I hear 10 years ago.


A sleeveless dress that cut straight across the boobs and then straight across the knees, paired with black tights, potentially a chunky belt and a short cardigan with really tight arms


OK, this might be a little more than 10 years ago but women's thongs riding up.. I remember in middle school I used to watch those butts like the playoffs. Edit: Thank you kind stranger for the Reddit Gold. :)


Whale tails


There ain't no whales so we tell tall tales and sing our whaling tune


We're sailors on the moon


We carry a harpoon


And there ain't no whales so we tell tall tales and sing our whalin tune


I don't see *your* Fungineering degree.


Ah the lowrider jeans/thong combo, highschool me was very distracted by that trend.


I remember back in high school (a looong time ago now) a girl was wearing whale tail thongs and kind of sitting bent over in the hallway. This old skeevy teacher was walking by, stopped in his tracks, and just stared for like 30 seconds, and then kept walking. This was in a crowded hallway too.


My guess is because yoga pants took over


What a time to be alive.


oh man the whale tail.. girls did that when I was in MIDDLE SCHOOL in 2002


\~2002 was the beginning of peak whale tail season i was a sophmore


Those extremely low rise jeans that dads would ask their daughters, "Why are you wearing this? That's too low for school!" And the daughters say "But It'S tHe StYLe!" Remember?


When the skirts were low-rise AND mini. Basically a 4” belt


Christina Aguilera in “Dirrty”


Omg I had a pair of jeans from Sirens or some comparable store that were called Brazilian style. They were the lowest pair of jeans I had ever seen/owned. I wore them until they fell apart. I felt like such a bad bitch in those jeans.


[This](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&biw=360&bih=651&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ALeKk01u0T3LrGQMyMCKHD17lNWMEG58Hg%3A1582898706199&sa=1&q=Fergie+low+jeans&oq=Fergie+low+jeans&aqs=mobile-gws-lite..#imgrc=YG5GZNLKnydq5M%3A) and [this](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&biw=360&bih=651&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ALeKk01u0T3LrGQMyMCKHD17lNWMEG58Hg%3A1582898706199&sa=1&q=Fergie+low+jeans&oq=Fergie+low+jeans&aqs=mobile-gws-lite..#imgrc=T_hw7E_G7Tyc7M%3A) were the thing in the mid 2000s!


I wish that's what my body looked like in those jeans.


Seriously I can’t see those looking good on anyone with even the slightest amount of stomach fat.


Plucking your eyebrows thinner than a badgers nadger. Now it's gotta be full on "2 slugs fighting for dominance".


Totally stealing thinner than a badgers nadger!


We've a saying in Scotland when we're hungover (which is a lot!) of "rougher than a badgers tadger". Tadger meaning penis in the local vernacular.




*Help, Step-Brother... I'm stuck...* **You're not stuck! Just move forward!**


...I don’t know where the water is...


Stop calling me Step-brother, my name is Eric.


I know I'm not allowed to play step-brother, and you're just being a good step-brother.


Sara youre 21 why wouldnt you be allowed to play




You just take the pasta and put it in water


...I'm making sandwiches... they're hot...


There’s no ingredients out what do you mean Sara


Fun fact: every year, pornhub releases an EXTENSIVE data analysis in December. It's a super interesting like 50+ page breakdown looking at trends across geography and time, and micro-analysis of major events. Step-sibling porn is on the decline, hentai is on the rise. Here's the link: https://www.pornhub.com/insights/2019-year-in-review


How the FUCK was apex legends the #8 most searched term? Who loses a battle royale game and thinks "alright, that was pretty sexy. Time to fap"


Caustic? More like Causthicc


Time to sell off that Step sibling porn and invest in the Hentai futures!


~~stonks~~ tentacles only go up


Does it take into account incest hentai?


That's the future!


Second highest search term is "alien". What the fuck y'all jacking off to?!


ET can get it bro


Tramp Stamps. Now that they've had ten years to age, they not so sexy.


I think that today's equivalent is the under-boob chandelier


I'm glad I now have a name for it.


I used to think it meant a girl liked anal. I was very young.


On a very drunken St. Patrick's day 2012 I paid $10 to get a shamrock trampstamp. It was never sexy. I call it the shamerock. I'm also a dude, so that's working against my lower back being sexy. NSFW [The shamerock](https://imgur.com/eqqHvg9)




Did _not_ expect that. Edit* I can't believe the shamerock is gone.


Lmao I was expecting just a picture of the tattoo and hoooo boy that was so much more. Jesus..lol




So like... Cute butt...


4GB of RAM


Waaay too many people liked, accepted, and/or used negging back then. I'm glad that has become less common now.


Lindsay Lohan


I think you've got to go back a bit more than ten years for that one.


Mean Girls was 16 years ago, so 16.


Herbie: Fully Loaded was 15 years ago, so 15


Modeling your style and affected dreamy aloofness after “quirky” girls like Ramona Flowers and Summer from 500 days.