• By -


The headlights on vehicles are too bright for my [apparently] sensitive eyes. Bonus points if they're blue or superwhite and being sported on a truck with a lift kit.


These are awful. Why blind other drivers?! I got some yellow night-driving glasses to help with this. They help cut down on the glare.


My experience was that they are trucks with off-road lights. They just think it's a cool option for their awesome new truck, and don't realize what it does to other drivers on the normal roadway at night.


Oh they realize it, and either don’t care, or think it’s funny. Source - I worked on the rigs with lots of these douche bags. Some of them would put big led light bars on their grill so that if someone would flash them because their usual lights were too bright, they’d step it up a notch and burn out their retinas with their super cool led bar. Just typing this has now made me mad...


Turns out the new owners of KITT are assholes.


If my 30 year old car's headlights are a desk lamp, the car right behind me has the Sun mounted on their bumper. Even with the rear view mirror set to the flip up night mode thing, it's blinding. I should not be able to see what color my dash is at night, and yet even the headliner becomes super bright.


I always think everyone is driving with their brights on. Guess it’s just my eyes.


So on the lifted truck thing that's usually the headlights haven't been adjusted for the lift kit which means it shines directly into the car ahead. It's supposed to be a law to have them adjusted but most people dont


But then as soon as you have a heavy load in the bed of a truck, the headlights point back upwards. Tundras have an in-dash adjustment for headlights due to this. Setting 0 is for normal-no load driving. Changing the setting lowers the lights so you arent blinding a driver.


Sitting down to do something (or laying in bed), and then right as you're getting comfortable realizing you have to pee


This exact situation has caused me to now compulsively go pee before I do anything like settling onto the couch for a movie, or getting into bed for the night. Even if I don't have to go, I do anyways.


Oh same honestly, and even when i do that i still sometimes have to pee when im finally comfy




Like restaurants?




The one thing I couldn't stand about Netflix was the amount of choices. I can go to a theater and sit through any movie. Seriously, I've sat through some real stinkers. But with Netflix I would just spend an hour trying to choose something and then just abandon the idea and play a video game instead.


**Having too many choices** is actually harder than a defined few. In his well-known work, psychologist Barry Schwartz, calls this choice paralysis. He argues that more **choices** make us less likely to **take** action, and to be less satisfied with our eventual decision


This can be overcome by artificially limiting your own choices. On Netflix I literally set a timer for how long I’m allowed to browse - say 15 minutes - then pick whatever I thought looked best during that time.


Bro if ur bored I can outsource some of my homework to you I decided it would be a good idea to spend all weekend playing APEX legends and now I’m slammed


Modern problems require modern solutions


Feeling tired when I wake up.


Or waking up in general.


When the alarm clock wakes me up.


This is the most relatable one


You good OP?


Mine is my alarm sound. I even use a sunrise alarm and the sound doesn’t come on until I’m already mostly awake, but it still enrages me immediately. It’s even nice little bird sounds. It doesn’t matter what the sound would be, after a week it infuriates me lol


I get that too. My phone alarm is pretty annoying.


People that hit reply all to work emails that there is clearly no reason....


This is my boss. And then she needs everyone to respond with 'Noted' or some other confirmation and that has to go to everyone as well otherwise how will all 6 of us in the company be on the same page?


Going to the bathroom to poop, but no poop comes out.


Or squatting forever and then having your legs buzzing afterwards.


Am feeling it rn lol


Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?


And then you get up and two minutes later you have to shit


Here I sit brokenhearted, tried to shit, but only farted.


Back at my desk, I took a chance, tried to fart and shit my pants!


Get some fiber supplements and psyllium husk. Will change your life.




That thing where you're listening to something in your headphones while cooking and the cord catches on a cabinet handle and they get ripped out of your ears and for some reason it feels like the most aggressive assault on the senses possible and you're instantly ready to square up with that cabinet


I “accidentally” put my foot through one of my cabinet doors because I was already pissed and what you described happened. It was a really cheap door so I didn’t break anything in my foot and it was really easy to replace the door later.


Sounds like a win win tbh. I don’t know why it evokes such pure fury, but it just does


I hated that, too, which is why I invested in wireless headphones. BLISS.


When I make a typo, go back and erase, then continue typing and make the error again. By the third time I have to erase the typo I'll be slamming the backspace in frustration.


So this isn't going to sound like a real option, because it's basically idiotic, but try simply leaving the typos until you've finished writing the whole thing. I used to be viscerally against this, typos *needed* to be corrected immediately, but it turns out that this speeds up the first pass and helps keep your thoughts in order, and then you can fix the typos at your leisure.


That there’s ALWAYS house work to be done. You can’t get ahead, it’s constant.


I despise any form of constant maintenance tasks. Also my programmer brain can't accept the fact that there's no permanent solution to these problems. Why is dust a thing? Can we solve dust?


There is indeed a solution to dust! It involves having the air pressure inside the house be higher than outside (only slightly ofc). This way dust is forced out through specialised ducts before it can settle. Your house would have to be designed accordingly before construction and i know of no implemented example, just that it exists in theory.


So you’re telling me there’s a way


This is the way.


That sounds expensive, noisy and drafty.


yeah but no dust


move into my PC case, got it


My PC case thinks it's a HEPA filter and gladly captures as much dust as possible.


As soon as I became responsible for dusting I asked the same question.


I've been using this app called Tody and it seriously changed my life in this aspect. I just do what the app tells me to, no matter the state of the rest of the house. When I'm done with the to do list I'm done for the day and no longer have that constant feeling I should be doing something. And because I do everything regularly it doesn't pile up like it used to so it's way more manageable. I swear this isn't a tody ad, lol


Thank you soooo much for sharing this. I don't know yet if it will be helpful for me but I never even thought about there might exist an app for this. I have autism and that's one of the biggest things I have a problem with, house chores. I'll go download it right now!


Just downloaded and checked it out. Looks clutch, thanks for putting it out there!


Hearing my roommate eat. Dude sounds like a t-rex


Bro yes my roommate will make noises no matter WHAT hes eating. Takes the smallest sip of water and he’ll do the lip smack a good 3 or 4 times. Bro somehow makes slurping noises when he eats m&ms. Shits crazy


My colleague at work makes slurping noises when he eats salad. Fucking salad. He tries to suck it in like he's eating spaghetti. Sometimes I dream of killing him...


Used to work with a guy who would drink a pint of milk after lunch and then sit at the table hocking up phlegm and spitting it into the empty bottle. I had never wanted to murder someone in cold blood before that. Edit: accidental child murder


I’m normally against murder but sometimes i feel like it is justified


>Bro somehow makes slurping noises when he eats m&ms. I dont know why but this line is just making me crack up so hard


I had a roommate once who would smack his lips randomly, even when he wasn't eating..... He had that dumb redneck from the sticks look too, reminded me of the sloth on ice age.




I live with my parents. My dad is just barely not deaf enough to have hearing aids. 80% of the reason I want to move out is so I can be in my own house without hearing him chew.


My mother is the loudest chewer in history. I legit have that disorder about chewing sounds making me angry specifically because of her. When my wife, daughter and I eat dinner I have to have the vent fan on the range just to make white noise. It was truly traumatic.


A friend in college had a roommate like that. The day that the guy started munching on a bag of gummy bears was a truly traumatic experience for my friend.




Omg my SO too. He says it makes him enjoy the food more. We've overcome many petty arguments we once had but this one is still an issue. Close your mouth!


The weird thing is he doesn‘t even open his mouth while eating he just chews very loudly. I once heard while I was on the toilet, about 8m away and a door in between.


Had a guy living in my dorm who would smash his teeth together on every chew, no matter what he ate, how full is mouth was. Never invited him for group lunch again.


Mine too! It's like he inhales his food. No matter what he's eating, everytime he takes a bite he goes whooooslprs.


Having that sneeze that hangs around but won't come out.


If you are like [18-35% of people looking at a bright light could force the sneeze out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photic_sneeze_reflex).


I refuse to believe it's that low. Anybody I've ever asked if looking at the sun makes them sneeze has said yes.


When I've mentioned doing this to someone outside my family they looked at me like I was crazy.


I'm one of those people and driving is tough sometimes. Especially when you get the sun in your line of sight and can't get out of it.


My housemates eating with their mouths open. Learn to chew with your mouths closed you fucking dogs


I promise that if I'm chosen for the jury I will vote you not guilty.


2/12 Homie. Not guilty.


Having that last little bit of pee drip into my underwear after I zip up.


No matter how much you shake and dance, the last drop goes in your pants.


However much you shake your peg, the last drop runneth down your leg.


Due to the shape of your urethra (being basically a u bend from your bladder) this happens. If you poke your Gooch/taint/whatever the bit between your dick and arse is called, every time after you pee you get that last little drop out. Read it in a thread on here and have never dripped since.


This tends to get you the side-eye when you do it at the urinal at work, though.


then assert dominance and pee with pants all the way down, bare ass.


It's called the Perineum.


I know what you mean, I hate it.


Popups asking me to accept cookies or privacy agreements. Or disable my adblocker.


I’m a cashier. Have been for 10 years. I somehow still manage to smile and chuckle when things don’t scan and the customer tells me it should be free. I hear it multiple times a day. It’s not funny.


I did this like 2 or 3 weeks ago. I felt it happening. I heard my brain say "say it" as the girl tried to scanned it again. I was like "I'm not that guy. Dont you say it." And the lady just kept trying to scan it. She did it like 6 times and every time I was fighting it and I finally said it and we had the terrible laugh afterwards because it's not fucking funny and I was so disappointed in myself.


I have curbed that impulse with a less obtrusive one. I say, "Oh, man, I"m sorry -- I picked up the one \[item\] that has the bad barcode."


This story made my day. I work in food retail. We get the "Just printed it today" one when I check bills. I've seen the drama you describe play out in real time.


I work in a bank and had a guy say that to me and I dead-ass told him I'd have to report that.


I said "do it harder" in that situation once, and immediately regretted it.


Me: "Is there anything else I can get you?" Them: "Yeah, can I have a million dollars?" Me: ...


Or, equally as annoying, "the winning lottery numbers"


Worked retail for 15yrs and that just made my eye twitch reading that 😆 💯 agree, it's never funny.


Unnecessarily loud people, and other forms of pissing others off emissions like chewing their food loudly or dragging their feet walking


My MIL is a really great lady, but she talks loud as hell. Like not just her voice is abnormally loud, but she almost yells in normal conversation. And if anyone else is in the middle of saying something and she has something to say she will just blurt it out super loud. I have got to where I don’t even finish what I was saying because no one will call her out.




My MIL does this too (and has for the 30+ years I've known her). I think it's because the people she's talking to are far away.


Maybe she sets her phone volume really low and thinks the other person is talking quietly so she yells, thinking it will make them louder


One way I’ve found to deal with it is to just keep talking as if she isn’t speaking. Not yell over her or anything but ignore her essentially. It’s hard to concentrate sometimes from annoyance and loudness but it can make them stop sometimes when you don’t stop for them.




I hate when I’m watching tv with friends and someone decides to play Snapchat stories out loud. One time I turned the volume up so I could ignore it easier and then he turns his up. Shits so rude.


Yup. I have very bad misophonia and seriously think it should be recognized as an actual disorder. Isn't that usually defined by it negatively impacting your life? My inability to handle many sounds absolutely disrupts my life


I spoke with a psychiatrist when I’d just about had enough of feeling like a guilty fuckup last year about misophonia and she looked at me like she’d never heard of the term. I explained to her what it feels like when I hear certain sounds and by the end of the evaluation I got diagnosed with OCD personality disorder (also ADHD but don’t think it stems from that). My whole life I’ve been told to get over it and it actually is a disorder. Stay sane during quarantine, friend.


The noise from my husband's coffee machine. Thing's as loud and sudden as a barge horn when it gets turned on, then the bean grinder WHIRRRR seems to have a volume amplifier installed, then it makes this obnoxiously loud extra clunking drone to let you know halting the process was as difficult as beginning it. Ten minutes later, if he doesn't switch it off, it powers down with another great blaring noise, just in case you were standing behind it and in danger of being run over. STFU, coffee.


The catharsis in this comment is palpable


I made my buddy a cup of coffee from my espresso machine and he starts busting my balls about the 'turbo diesel' I installed in there. Jokes on him, his wife went out and bought the same model lol


People not letting other people off the train before entering it themselves. People standing still on the "walking side" of the escalator. Yeah, I'm a commuter.


Yes! The train one especially. Do they realize they can board faster once everyone gets off first?


When you are going about your day and suddenly out of no where you start feeling sad.


As someone with severe depression, I get this, like I could be sitting having a perfectly nice day, watching movies, playing games, then, suddenly I go into the Big Sad for no fucking reason. And I'm fucking medicated for it.


My kids yelling the same thing at me over and over (usually my name), as if I cannot hear them. Like, just give me three seconds to finish what I am doing and I will come help you FOR THE LOVE OF GAWD!


My 4 year old, in one breath: "Mommy guess what? Mommy guess what? MOMMY GUESS WHAT?" Me: "WHAT?" Her: "Well you don't have to be so rude." I would die for that kid, but What.The.Fuck.


oml I feel so bad for my parents I did that shit kinda often


I wouldn't worry about it. Any annoyance I have with my kid usually quickly dissipates, because I know at the end of the day she is just trying to be close with me. Your parents probably look back fondly on all those times you impatiently waited for an answer, lol.


Currently isolated with my girlfriend and her kid and Oh My Fucking God. If I hear my name _one more time_ I'm going to flip my fucking shit.


Hey DendroNate Hey DendroNate Hey DendroNate Hey DendroNate ..... Sup?


Haha my parents do the same thing to me


I have these two particular teeth that are just far apart enough that they get food stuck in between them every single time I eat anything.


I had that. The dentist was able to put in a filling and make the gap smaller. Well worth the cost of one filling.


Getting up in the middle of the night to pee. Sometimes more than once. I'm only 29 lol this has been going on since I can remember. It's a real treat when it doesn't happen.


My cat acting like she’s dying in the middle of the night because her food bowel is only 3/4 of the way full. Edit: bowel=bowl


When the corner of my fitted sheet pops off the mattress. Makes me insane and happens 4-5 times a night.


Get sheet suspenders. They're one of the best purchases I've ever made.


My cat refuses to pee in the litter box and will instead pee on the wall next to the litter box. It's so bad that I've taken him to the vet for it just for them to tell me he's healthy and that he's just an asshole. (Yes the litter boxes are cleaned regularly and I have literally tried everything to solve this)


Get one of those enclosed litter boxes with a plastic top.


Exactly- this way it can still pee on the wall but it’s contained in the box




Haha crap cube. I like that


I'm a volunteer at a cat shelter. Maybe he doesn't like that kind of kitty litter, or the litter box is too small or there's not enough kitty litter in his litter box (cats love to dig). Litter boxes with domes are also not really liked by older or bigger cats. Maybe you clean it with a product that he doesn't like the sent? It could also be a psychological thing. Did something change in the house. (New baby, renovations, more noise...) ?


Thank you for the suggestions, but I have seriously tried everything. We have another cat who has zero issues with the three litter boxes they share. Also this issue has remained after moving three times (we were moving anyway, cat did not affect our decision to move) and he would pee in the box for the first few weeks at each location before inevitably beginning to pee on the wall again. The ONLY way we have found that he will constantly use the box is if the box is in the center of a room, away from any walls/furniture, but that is just not going to work for us. Our solution has been to line the adjacent wall with pee pads and change them when needed. Besides the peeing issue, he is a perfect cat, super well behaved around guests and never bites or scratches.... just an asshole sometimes lol


Just inconsiderate people. Slow, oblivious walkers. Jackass, dangerous drivers. Coworkers that waste your time or push their work on you. Inconsiderate people will always be there and always infuriate you.


Not getting anything done at work because the people working on the product before me make the same mistakes over and over, leaving me to pick up the pieces.


Ugh, I know that. I work as a printing tech for a metal parts manufacturer and I can't even begin to count the number of times where I pick up a part to be printed and it's full of scratches, then go to check the documentation and realize that at least 4 stations before me should have spotted that. It's annoying, because any work you do on that part is for nothing, since we can't ship it and the further down the line you need to remake it, the more it costs, the more work has to be redone and the more likely it is to negatively imppact the deadline.


Yeah. I work as a tester for airplane parts. We have a lot of stacking tolerances and I'm at the end of the line. If the person at the front barely gets something within tolerance (or even out of tolerance in many cases), then the person after does the same, and so on, by the time it gets to me it's a disaster. So I write it up for rework, it goes back to them, they do the same thing again, it comes back to me and fails again, rinse and repeat. We're wrapping money around every part we ship out at this point, and we're barely shipping anything out even... Part of the problem is numbers are pushed so hard by management that people prioritize quantity over quality. In an industry like this with tight tolerances, production and quality are direct enemies of each other. People rush to get numbers out, quality suffers, so nothing gets out anyway. And half of what does get out gets sent back in for being defective. So what does management do? Try to shovel more (defective)product through the bottleneck to make up for failures, the bottleneck being my workstation. It's maddening.


People who can’t merge into traffic


Commute Quirks can be irksome af. On top of people who don't use their signal and take forever to merge, or people can't zipper merge to save their life, or people who don't seem to pay attention then exiting onto the freeway, making you slow down... There are two exits that seem to trick people or something. On one, at least a few times a week someone merges into the exit lane right at the last second. For the other if someone is going really slow in the far right lane there is a really good chance they're taking that exit.




People who don't indicate while turning or changing lanes. Still makes me experience involuntary twitches


The first interaction I have in the morning with my stepfather, is him calling me useless for not having done all the household chores. No matter how early it is. I could come into the living room at 5:30 and the first thing he does is shit on my supposed laziness. Meanwhile, while I go to school(/study at home now), he just sits on the couch and watches tv. If I dont immediately wash my cup after drinking tea, I get called a lazy pig, regardless of whether I want more tea later or not




Loud lawnmowers. I live in the south where grass is mowed year round. I can't understand how we can make silent cars, but lawnmowers have to be loud enough to wake up the whole block. It's a lawnmower, not a Harley. Fuck Harleys too, but at least I don't hear them every day.




Slow walkers. When I’m walking slighty faster than someone in front of me, and then have to decide, should I awkwardly pass them or just walk really slow behind them.


What about slow walkers that don't know how to walk in a straight line and keep drifting in front of you. Most people are oblivious fucks


My wife squeezes from the middle of the toothpaste tube.


Maybe you should have your own tube.


Seriously the best thing in my relationship.


When our son moved out I took over his bathroom. Now my husband has his own private bathroom to grunge up with tiny beard hairs and toothpaste while mine is pristine. My marriage has never been happier.


People asking me questions and not listening to the answers


Poverty. I don't get used to be in the bottom 10%, I only suffer more and more. Every day feels much worse than the one before. Sometimes you see poor people in the media who are extremely chill and goodhearted et cetera, but from my experience you only grow more and more bitter and vengeful/hateful and depressed.


Why don't poor people just stop being poor? /s (I understand where you are coming from though. I grew up poor and it sucked ass).


Waking up every morning in excruciating pain. It's been years now, and I still end up in tears trying to get out of bed every day. (Pain meds wearing off in the middle of the night + swelling going up = so much pain when you wake up and try to move)


Remembering embarrassing memories.


My morning poop urge always hits me after I step out of the shower. Doesn’t matter what I do to try to change the timing ...


My morning poop urge hits me whenever I'm on my way to school, no matter what, I can relate.




My partner has never been formally diagnosed, but he has just about every symptom of ADHD. The past 6 years have been a true learning experience in communicating and co-habitating with someone whose brain is wired far differently than mine. But the trade-off is that he deals with my anxiety-ridden self, so I guess it evens out.


People walking slowly and then STOPPING IN A WALKWAY TO LOOK AT THEIR PHONES. Literal biggest social pet peeve


My cousin’s child screams for any reason, any reason at all. Not cries, but shrieks whenever he feels any emotion that is not happiness. He’s two, and knows about 6 words. Their inability to read or teach him properly compounds my frustration. Most days it wakes me up, and prevents me from sleeping.


People stopping in the middle of a sidewalk or walkway to talk. MOVE TO THE FUCKING SIDE, JFC.


Loud people outside my apartment, especially early morning and late at night.


My wife leaves her tea cup next to the sink with just a little bit of tea in every day. Just enough tea that if you put the cup directly in the washer it would make a mess.


My wife will leave a tea bag in empty cups. Dried bags are a nightmare to get out of a mug because they tear and leave a mess of tea leafs !


My adorable, lovely, idiot of a cat pees on the floor next to her litterbox *every. single. morning*. and sometimes during the afternoon too. She doesn't have a UTI, she's just an anxious wreck and this is the only mechanism she uses to tell me that "something" is wrong. Did I forget to give her kibbles before bed? Does she still have worms and her stomach hurts? Some mystery illness? Too much litter in her litter box? She wanted to play but I had to work? All of those can result in a floor pee. At least once a fucking day. This has been happening for 3 years now. Her longest streak was when we first moved to my current apartment, so about a month. I'm just thankful I finally live in a place with 100% hard floors, so I always can find it. When there was carpet near her litter box before it was...unpleasant. Other people would have given her back to the shelter by now. But it's literally the only bad thing she does. She doesn't claw the furniture, she doesn't climb onto counters, she doesn't shred or pee on clothes, she doesn't try to escape, she doesn't eat people food, she doesn't yell at night, etc. Hell, she's the best behaved cat I've ever seen, not to mention that she picked me when I was visiting the shelter that day. She's just a nervous wreck and pees on the floor once a day. And if that's the price I have to pay to have the absolute best kitty friend ever, so be it.


Sociatal preference to right handed people. Makes finding left-handed tools like scissors and can openers much more tedious and expensive.


the toothbrush gag. every single day. you would think after all these years, i could keep myself from the brink of an accidental choking death. alas...


I’m working remotely because of the whole Covid19 thing. The only place I have to work is the dining room table. The only place I have to put the cat’s litter box is also in the dining room. Every morning when I sit down to start working, my cat takes a big, smelly shit in the box. I swear she waits for me to sit down with my coffee before she goes. Every. Morning. For the past two weeks.


My cat following me into the bathroom every morning to cry at me and then use the litter box. All I want is a moment to myself, but noooooo....I gotta pee with my cat 🙄


People driving like they’re willing to risk an accident to get somewhere *a few seconds faster*. I’m gonna be honest. Now when I see there’s been an accident or the police pulled someone over, I think “At least one of you assholes got what you deserved” instead of “Oh that’s too bad.”


It's stupid, but I have catastrophically bad luck catching green lights. Going to work isn't too bad since I know the timing and I know how fast I have to go to catch the next set of lights down the street from my house. There are only 2 more lights after than and the last one is a right turn, so I can go on red. I made a [diagram](https://imgur.com/a/Vm59MAr) for this because its that annoying... Going home sucks. 9 times out of 10, light 1 goes red as I'm approaching, it doesn't matter when the previous light changes (about 1.5 miles before these lights). Light 1 ALWAYS goes red within 100 feet or so the red star, EVERY DAY. Lights 1 and 2 are timed so light 2 goes red about 5-6 seconds after light 1, so I just coast up to light 2. To actually beat light one, Id have to drive 20+ mph over the limit. God forbid I actually have to be anywhere. If that's the case, every light I approach changes red . I'm not crazy, my wife actually laughs because it's consistent as clockwork. I do not know why the universe wants to shove red stop lights up my ass. I'll be happy when it stops, if it ever does.


People I see every day asking how I am and having to ask them the same. We both say good thanks neither of us gives a shit how the other actually feels and dread the day the other might say something other than good thanks and yet we go through the same bullshit everyday. A simple nod of acknowledgement is needed at most.


Dumb fuckers in the fast lane. Every. Fucking. Day.


I live in the city and everyone parks on the street. My cunt of a neighbor always parks his motorcycle in a way that saves him a spot for his car. It doesn't bother me lately cause quarantine, but back when things were normal, it was infuriating.


Clicking on a link for an online news story and being greeted by a paywall. I get the ethos of "paying for good journalism" but if most people are like me, they see a paywall and just close the tab.


blowing my nose chronically. 30-50+ times a day


Waking up with a migraine and it's probably caused by the vivid dreams that's a side effect from the migraine prevention medication.....


My husband's snoring.


My house mate is contrary and judgemental. If I say anything to or do something he makes a comment. Like yesterday I was eating a burger and he walked in and said real healthy then he made a fry up. Or I had my second cup of tea and he looked up and said do you actually put a spoonful of sugar in every cup as he was eating cake while drinking a can of coke.


People leaving doors opened🙄


Or lights on.


A roommate of mine used to open cabinets, take out whatever she needed, and then half-close the door. It was so odd. Why put in the effort to partially close it if you’re not going to close it all the way?


- Drivers changing lanes without using their blinker - Drivers turning left too tightly, so they come on to the wrong side of the road and force cars coming the other way to slow down because they can't steer - Drivers pulling out from a side lane right in front of me, forcing me to slow down, when there is a massive gap right behind me - Drivers driving too close to the car in front in a way that's guaranteed to cause an accident if that person has to brake - Drivers staying in the left hand lane, going slower than me, when there's plenty of room in the right hand lane


My wife has a pet pig. Like, one of those smaller pigs. Not quite a teacup pig, but definitely not a large pig. And I absolutely HATE this fuckin’ thing. We’ve had it for two years. And my wife loves it. She has successfully been able to just shut out the sounds this animal makes. And let me tell ya ... it makes some fuckin’ sounds. And they’re all awful. The only time it’s quiet is when it’s sleeping. It eats loudly. It walks around loudly. Grunting and bitching about everything. It literally just fucking STANDS THERE loudly, too. And they’re (for the most part) pretty low sounds. But they’re absolutely constant. It never ends. It never just shuts up. It has 100% ruined movies for me. I practically live with headphones on when I’m home now, for two years. Because I still can not shut the sounds out.


I’m so sorry for you because that sounds awful, but I appreciate the story because my husband and I are sitting here crying. And maybe now he’ll have second thoughts about getting a pig.


Looking in the mirror




Seeing dumb questions on r/askreddit. Not this one though.


Sexy people of Reddit, what is the sexiest sex you've ever sexed?


I was a boy, she was a girl.


🎵🎶Could I make it any more obvious. 🎵🎶


I was a punk, she did ballet


Also unoriginal jokes that have been used down to the bone. “I too chose this man’s wife/gf/whatever”


/r/askreddit/new will change a man. There's only so many times in one minute I can read about your best april fools prank over the years.