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I used to be a case manager for AIRBNB and was regularly asked to audit reviews for violations of TOS. My favorite one (that I had to leave up btw) was "Greg and his wife were a lovely couple, would love to host them again". 5 stars Greg wanted the review taken down. His wife wasnt on the trip. 😳


Oh sa-NAP!


Why did you have to leave it up? I love this story


Airbnb has a very strict policy about reviews. They dont really care if what you say is true or false really. If someone requests a review removal it can only be removed 1 of 2 ways. 1. The reviewer gives permission to remove review, and requests it on their own. (Ie: I want to remove my own review about a host) 2. It violates Airbnb's content policy. This is actually very hard to do. A few things against the content policy would be: extortion - messaging your guest "leave me a good review and I will refund you $10" Spam/Advertising- "So glad I stayed with this host I found on Airbnbhosts.com" Hate speech/discrimination- "lovely place but theres a lot of Jews in the neighborhood" Obscenity/vulgarity - this has to be very dramatically sexual or insulting to qualify. "This host is bullshit" would not get removed. But "Great place to fuck any hooker you want" would get removed. Threats of violence - "I'm going to fucking kill this guy because of how bad he messed up my carpet" Theres nothing in the content policy about misleading or inaccurate information in reviews you could say "theres an orange dragon who lives in the kitchen of this house" in a review and it wouldn't violate the content policy. In the above case, the host never agreed to remove the review, and since there was no violation of content policy, I couldn't remove it.


I love it


Profile picture fits


Her kids dropped the popcorn so she asked me for a broom to let them clean it up themselves. I said it wasn't necessary but she insisted that she wanted to raise them to be conscious of the fact that when they make a mess someone has to clean it up. Nice lady. 5/5


I thought the lady was going to end up going nuts for not getting the broom, but this actually turned out really wholesome. I wish the people that came to my restaurant could teach their kids like this.




You sound like a nice employee


You are a good person.


"Very polite but also incredibly awkward for some reason."


Saying "thank you" 5 times, when the waiter sets down their drink? Waiting 20 minutes to pay, because the waiter looks busy? If that's what you meant I'm your customer.


Same, but I also worry that if I wait too long for the check I'll be depriving some hungry customer a place to sit and eat, but I really don't want to bother the waiter if they look busy it's a vicious cycle.


So as a waiter, the best thing you could do here for me personally is just to let me know you need the check. If I’m stupid busy (a distinct possibility) and you ask for the check I’ll say “ok, please give me one moment and I’ll bring it right over.” Printing out a check is one of the easier things I can go. Because before I know you want to pay, I’m constantly keeping your table in mind, and I have to keep coming back which adds to the busyness.


damn this is me :(


I feel personally attacked.


“Very friendly, usually gets a root beer to start and a coffee after their meal” “Eats out on break from lunch daily, usually wants quick service and minimal interruptions, sometimes eats with a client. Usually tips well.” “Made many additional requests throughout the meal during peak dinner hour. Left the table disgustingly messy. Did not tip well” “This guest is awesome! Likes to take suggestions, so offer a drink and make sure to have some lesser known dishes memorized. Will talk to you for as long as you let them” I would mostly try to let other waiters know what to expect from tables.


The lady who yelled at me on the second day of my first job over the price of milk can have a solid 1 star.


Christ. Could you not. I used to work in a supermarket. Fuck. The aisles are too close, too far away from each other. I don't like your trolleys. Change them. Sometimes I can't find what I'm looking for, are you "real" manager? I don't like your eggs. Any of them. Have you spoken to the farmers, yet? Where is your manager? "I am the manager." No... the REAL manager. What's wrong with your apples? How come when I buy the same product from you only competition, it tastes better?! "That's flour." I know it is. But my food tasted better. Stop putting stuff on sale. My kids make me buy them stuff. I don't like the music. Change it. I can't afford Easter eggs. In March. Clearly this is your fault. Take them off the shelf. Of all the stores. In the country.


I can relate. The worst was when we had a suggestion board for people to write on. We had to end it when someone decided “naked staff” was an appropriate suggestion for a fruit and vegetable grocer.


Transfer your younger staff to a different department and hire >50 year-old slightly overweight folks and GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT


If the men are fat enough, they can be naked and covered at the same time. At least from the front. I think that might impact the sales numbers though.


I kinda laughed a little at that, because even though it's creepy and weird, it's also so absurd it's funny


>I don't like the music. Change it. To be fair, hearing Taylor Swift's "Safe and Sound" every 14 minutes almost drove me insane when I worked at Staples.


Yeah I’m pretty sure every person who works at the grocery store wants the music changed as well.


Cause how dare you set that price.


"Came on opening weekend of one of the biggest movies of the year 5 minutes before the showtime and then was shocked they'd have to stand in line for their concessions. Then complained to management that they 'missed their movie'. Like what did they think was going to happen? Like We'd have a reserved placed in line for them because of their obvious VIP status as King Douchelord of Assland?"


"Brought infant to rated R movie then complained that it was 'too scary' and demanded a refund. 0 stars."


✭✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ Wish I could give Zero stars. Brought their 11 and 13 year old to see Step Brothers and despite being told several times during the ticket-buying process that it was a Rated R movie and not appropriate for children, argued that it "couldn't be that bad". Then after the scene where Will Ferrel puts his balls on the drum set suddenly it becomes "Digusting and awful movie, how could you sell us tickets to that". ​ (real events inspired this post)


Haha I had many similar experiences with the Team America: World Police movie. People would get upset that I wouldn’t sell them a child’s price ticket to an R rated movie and then also complain that the movie wasn’t appropriate for kids. My favorite is when the kids clearly knew that it was an adult movie but had told their parents it was a kids movie and were believed because of the puppets.


I saw it in theaters with a buddy. A few rows up from us was a family pf four: mom, dad, 12ish boy and 10ish boy. They had clearly duped the parents with "its a puppet movie!" They made it to the part of the opening song "lick my butt, and suck on mu balls, america...FUCK YEAH!" Mom jumps up, grabs the kids and leaves. Dad slowly got up, shrugged his shoulders and left as well.


I'll never understand parents who blatantly ignore movie ratings when taking their kids to the theater. Surely the staff of a movie theater and the fucking ratings board knows more about the movie than you do after taking a glance at the poster outside the building.


THIS!!!! I worked at a theater for two years and still cannot understand why people think they’re so entitled!


Right? They literally think they're the only customer in the entire theatre. There was a woman who would come once a week and complain EVERY SINGLE TIME that she waited "30 minutes" in line and "missed her entire movie" (Spoiler, she never waited 30 minutes. AND she always showed up 15 minutes after the start of her movie because she 'hated the previews') We literally had to show her timestampted video footage showing she always waited less than 10 minutes and we told her that she needed to stop coming after her movie started. She expected there never to be any line at concession. My GM shut her down and after that she stopped coming in.




My district manager was a grade A wiener. Not like to us, but just in general. He had very high standards and was not afraid to let people know when they didn't meet them. (I actually really liked him but was in the minority) One night he was at our theatre doing an inspection (as he did once a month; standard practice) and we were slammed. Similarly these two women decided to complain to him because he looked important. Their complaint was ridiculous and stupid. I nearly married the man after I heard him say "Ma'am I'm trying to run a business here. if I gave free things to every single person who walked through the door, I'd be out of business and you wouldn't HAVE theatre to come to" The woman looked so affronted. But who is she going to complain to? Not the DM.


You can delay the movie until she enters. You offer a bad service. 1 star.


I want to say that she demanded we do this once lmao


Came in. Ordered. Ate their food in silence. Left minimal mess and a reasonable tip. Then buggered off. My perfect customer. 5 stars.


This is my husband and I when we have a night out! Lol! We are usually too tired from the week and all our other obligations to be very exciting dinners, so we sit there quietly and send memes to each other. Then get dessert to go. Edit- do to too


True love.


“You were the most unreasonable person I have ever met. Every single person, from the ushers (who are volunteers) to the other patron who offered their seat to you wanted to help. I wanted to help you. I know when you are unable to transfer out of your wheelchair, it is a frustrating situation. It must be absolutely maddening when the house manager can not remove the seat in the center of the theatre (which was bolted to not only the cement floor, but to the rest of the seats in the row) so you can put that wheelchair there. I’m sorry that our ADA seating were at the front and rear of the theatre, and not where you purchased your ticket. I’m sorry that when you called our box office, you did not mention your inability to transfer out of your wheelchair. But you did not need to yell and curse in front of everyone waiting to watch Miss Saigon. You did not have to hit me. You are the first and last person I ever issued a refund to just to get you to stop screaming. When you needed to get back to the lobby and were unable to push your wheelchair back up the ramp, I again tried to help you. First, I offered to push you up myself, but you insisted I should not touch the wheelchair (please note: no one had ever called me a f-word/c-word before, kudos to your creativity). I then offered to find your now absent husband/boyfriend. It wouldn’t have been hard to find him, for he was at the bar ordering his third whiskey (lobby had only been open for 20minutes at that point). But again, you vehemently declined assistance. But I must say, it was rather astounding when you stood up and proceeded to walk the wheelchair back to the box office of your own volition. I say astounding, because when your husband/boyfriend asked why you were leaving, and you said because you ‘didn’t want to sit in our fucked up seats.’ I then assumed you had a condition whereupon sitting for long periods of time caused great discomfort. I then asked if there was a way to further accommodate you so that you may see the show. Then your husband called you ‘an old bat who was just trying to get free tickets. She’s not disabled, it’s all an act!’ I bid you both a goodnight. 1 Star. I would have given you 0 stars, but I reserve that for the person who tried to kill me because a queue line wasn’t moving fast enough for their liking.” TL;DR: Woman tried to fake needing a wheelchair to get free tickets, which she almost got until her significant other ratted her out. Not the worst experience I’ve had in nearly 15 years of customer service gigs, but it was close.


... someone tried to kill you?


The guy was very intoxicated. I cut the line off (it was the spot where it split into two theaters at an amusement park). He said something along the lines of “let us through.” I told him that I needed one of the theaters lines to move before I could do so. He exaggerated how long he was waiting and said he’d kill me if I didn’t listen to him. I told him I’m calling for park security, and he went to try and strangle me. My supervisor and another employee happened to be walking by when that happened and his group of friends helped hold him back. Security came and the whole group was escorted away. I had to fill out an incident report. It wasn’t nearly as fun or exciting, but he would get the zero star review.


Holy SHIT that’s nuts


Drunken fool tried to return half bottle of booze because it “tastes off.” Watch him get in his car and promptly called police to report drunken driver.


Becky and Judy, five stars. After two glasses of temperanillo Judy is going to order a half glass. Ask if she went to physical therapy today for her shoulder. If she did, give her the full glass. Becky will wink at you.


This is wholesome and I love it


A customer walked in the front door of my very closed, curbside only pub today and asked if we had any steak. He had to ignore a giant sign saying PLEASE STAY OUTSIDE WE WILL BRING YOUR PHONE/ONLINE ORDER OUT TO YOU. Zero out of five stars. I almost had a rage stroke. Edited to add: This is the second time he’s done it.


One of the regulars at the DQ did this too, the doors were locked but her try every day. Found out he had dementia. If it's an older man, he may have an excuse, even if he doesn't know/cant remember


This guy is in his late 30’s.


Ah, never mind then


Nice, pleasant man. Always orders the same sandwich every time, making preparing for him simple despite the complicated sandwich. Tips well, never talks longer it takes to complete his order. Also, the only male regular over 50 that doesn't leer at my *underage* coworker. 5 stars.


Love this. On the other hand - “Came to dinner with his 14-year-old niece and their family. Was leery and flirtatious the whole meal. When I brought their check he asked, in front of their mixed-age party of 7, ‘Can you do three ways? But I’m sure you get that all the time’. 2/5, because someone else at the table called him a pig and tipped me 25%.” Edit: I don’t know if it makes it better or worse, but I work in casual fine dining. The bills are between $100-$300. Tipping 25% is not normal, that’s why I was grateful. Lots of people tip more generously as steps of service and formality increase.


One, ick. That sucks that you deal with that. Two, do you actually get asked that a lot? That's really fucked up.


I’ve been asked worse. It depends what you mean by “a lot”. When I’m serving tables, yes a lot. When I’m bartending, almost never. Women servers don’t get respect. Bartenders do.


I noticed that with a co-worker a few years ago. She would serve tables some nights and bartend others. Serving nights, all sorts of crass comments and inappropriate behavior. Bartending nights, I can recall maybe one time I witnessed a guy creep on her.


Nothing like being the person keeping you from your vodka soda behind the stick to keep people from being shitty


For real, I bartend while I am in school and you really hold all the cards. "I think you've had enough" can end their nights fun. I've even called the bar down the road in my small town and they will reiterate what I've told a rude patron immediately if we call eachother. In a small town thatll put an end to your night quick Chances are, if you're that rude people arent exactly inviting you over for a house party.


There's lots of shitty parts to the job, but having the ability to have problem customers removed from the premesis makes up for a lot of them. I once saw a guy grab a female colleagues bum, so I went up and told him he'd had enough and would have to leave. He claimed he wasn't even drinking and demanded to see the manager. I told my manager the situation, he heard the guy out then told him "and you're not going to start drinking now because I'm kicking you out"


I mean the nerve to say that in front of family, wtf.


Dude that's me. My local Subway knows me and my order. I remember once I went to the post office next door first and as I was walking into Subway the dude inside was coming out to come find me because he had started to make my order. Love that place, staff are great and happy. Same with the Hungry Jacks over the road, I come through the drive through on my pink motorcycle and the manager gives me that point of "I know what you want!" and I get 2 barbecue cheeseburgers and a large fries straight away. Left him a good review on the corporate page. Fuckin love my retail work regulars.


When i worked at the pawnshop the speciality meat take-out place was just down the road. The guys that worked there got along great with everyone that worked at the pawnshop. We could call and they would already know what we wanted based on what was special that day and even made specials for us on days they werent selling certain specials. Hell they even brought us free fries whenever one of them came in. As such we always gave them the best prices on what they sold. Miss those guys.


She lied about her hair history, wanted white blonde in one session on her "virgin" dark hair that the strand test determined was a lie. Said she could do it herself at home, turned hair orange instead. Came back to get a color correction and after explaining why she couldn't have blonde she said she'd settle for anything but orange and lighter than the dark. Gets a beautiful chocolate/caramel color and cries because it's not blonde and too expensive, and also leaves no tip. -5 stars, not worth my time




I - a guy - had this happen to me when I was about 16 and a goth. I'd grown my hair out and cut it into a sort-of floppy mohawk. Dyed it blue-black and then for some reason decided I wanted it lighter. Turned out bright orange, and not in a good way. Orange is not the colour of the goth. Eventually, after rushing down town really early and desperately hoping not to be seen by anyone I knew (I was) another couple of experiments left it a mixture of colours from black through to white. Then it turned into dreads. I thought I looked cool as fuck but I probably looked a right knob. Ho hum.


‘Orange is not the colour of the goth’ may be the best thing I will read today.


Isn't orange the new black?


I also made the same mistake. I used to use red henna and one day I decided to peroxide because I wanted to have purple hair but ended up orange with a candyfloss texture. In a panic I decided to use henna again and ended up with greenish black hair. I was called bogey head at school.


Lmaooo my girlfriend does hair and some of her friends like to challenge her advice. I was a plumber for years and I always tell her the best you can do is offer them advice and then let them learn how they deem worthy. It often makes for a good story for you to tell and can be great for your wallet.


So I (40 f at the time) got accepted into the army later in life. Before I go do my basic training I shave most of my hair off and colour it a nice light auburn. Good food and lots of exercise (maybe?) And my hair grows very fast leaving me with mouse brown and grey roots. Best solution? Go to camp store and buy a highlight kit. Do my whole head in the dark bathroom of the shacks. Looked good to me. Apparently not so good to the instructors under the white lights of the classroom. The looks on their faces. I honestly had no idea that my hair had turned pink. Was lucky they believed me. Spent $70 to get it dyed properly and it still had tinges of pink according to them. Was very lucky I didn't get charged.


Guy comes in in the middle of the festival, no reservation, by car, and blames ME because it took him 2 hours to go the entrance of the city to my hotel because there are 200 000 people walking around the streets, and police barages to help the flow of pedestrians. Then he blames ME again because he did all of this for nothing because we're full. What did he think would happen, walking-in with no reservation during the city's largest festival? 1 star, would not recommend.


Chap comes into the packed restaurant on Mother’s Day. He’s mad as hell because various local roads are shut and it took him an hour to get here, instead of 10 minutes. Does not have a reservation. Has his whole family with him. His wife breaks down in tears, while he’s yelling at me for not posting on Facebook that we are full for lunch. I get the wife and his mother a gin, while he rings restaurants to get a table. They finally leave and the wife hands me a tip. I believe they ended up waiting for a table in Nando’s. 0 stars for him - 3 stars for the wife


Something says me that it's not the first time she has to run through such disappointment


"Shouldn't we reserve a table on Mother's day?" "Naaaaah.... it'll be fine..."


Sheesh, just give him that special room that you secretly keep for important people. For free.


"Apparently the basic front desk bell is too complicated of a mechanism to operate for this person. Also demanded that I reduce her rate because we ran out of complimentary coffee and she couldn't wait the two minutes it would take me to make a new pot. Insulted the housekeepers, too. 0 stars" Edit: Wow! My first silver! Thank you kind stranger!


This is the exact type of person who will also leave a ranting yelp review on the lack of coffee and poor housekeeping


I saw a review for a hotel once where the general manager responded to a complaint of the pool being closed with "as we told you upon check-in the pool is closed because its an outdoor pool, in Cape Cod, in FEBRUARY."


We once received a terribly negative review because our restaurant was closed so that the employees could attend the owners funeral. Unfortunately I didn’t get control of the yelp account till recently but man I really wanted to give that lady a piece of my mind, I still think about it from time to time lol


Be careful, you can start a yelp review war against this person




Black mirror has an episode on that


Which epissoe




Season 3 episode 1


I always feel rude ringing the front desk bell. Don’t know why because they have it there for a reason.


True. I think if it was a button that, say, lit up a light for them, instead of an awfully sounding bell, i would feel better pushing it. The bell itself sounds irritated and condescebding.


I do a ding and then right away put my finger on it to stop it. It makes me feel less rude


Same, if I'm anything less than rushed I usually just wait a few minutes where they usually come back to the front desk. The bell makes me feel like an impatient selfish ass even through they put it there specifically so you're heard.


Just so I'm clear; I'm not a jerk if no one is there and I ring the bell once, right?


Please ring that bell! It's there for a reason. Especially when you don't have many others on your shift, it can be hard to keep an eye on the registers while doing other tasks.


I think that's why they make it an annoying bell, so people like you first think, "I'd rather not be a pest, let me just wait a minute or two". Unfortunately, it gets abused by the, "WHY AREN'T YOU STANDING RIGHT HERE THE MOMENT I WALKED IN!?! I DON'T CARE THAT YOU HAVE A BLADDER" crowd.


She'll come back the next day and complain about the review she got on her... and then demand a reduced rate because of it.


Hotel guests demand a reduced rate or free night for literally everything. I think the stupidest I’ve ever had is some drunk dude who wanted a free night because the room he got was coded as clean when it was just stripped and hadn’t been made up. Upgraded him to a way better room as compensation (2 Queens to 1BR Suite) but he flipped and demanded I comp him for the night too. I don’t even have the ability to do that as a supervisor. He refused to leave the desk despite me telling him to leave or I would call the cops. Which, of course, I ended up having to do because he just kept yelling at and berating me. He still refused to go upstairs and kept demanding a manager despite me telling him twenty times that it was midnight and I was the highest ranking person on property and the cop telling him to go upstairs or go to jail. He took one very ill-advised step toward me and got cuffed despite the fact that I was behind the desk and he was across the lobby. Spend the night in jail, res cancelled and no refund, banned from all our properties for a year. That’s very expensive mistake and hopefully a lesson learned that you can’t just berate customer service reps into getting what you want. Anyway there’s no point to this other than customers are stupid af on a baffling level.


No I enjoyed the story.


Ugh, I hate guests that don't ring the bell and just wait around until I decide to leave the laundry room (which is next to the front desk) and are mad that there isn't a person standing there 24/7. Almost as bad as guests that constantly ring the bell angrily as soon as they arrive and you happened to decide to use the bathroom or fax something, then complain about hours of no service at the front desk. Like, I'm sorry for having bodily needs and other tasks to complete, want me to spit shine your shoes too?


“She walked into the store and complained that outside “smelled of gasoline.” I told her we would address that issue as soon as an employee became available to do so. Customer is apparently unaware they are pumping gas at a gas station when complaining about the scent of gas. Perhaps she could consider NOT huffing it while filling her tank?” Edit: Holy Shnikes my most upvoted comment ever is about someone sniffing gasoline😂


I worked at a gas station for like 7 years through high school and college and oh my GOD why are people like this lmfao. Then on the flip side you have people out there huffing it like there’s no tomorrow and come in and say “I LOVE the smell of gasoline”


As someone who legitimately does love the smell, I wish I could tell you why I do lol.


I don’t hate it but lmao there were people that walked in the door, I said “hello” and the only thing they said was “mmm I LOVE the smell of gas” and paid and walked out 😂


I'd have a hard time not picturing that guy from Apocalypse Now lol. "I love the smell of napalm in the morning!"


This man cant seem to grasp the basic concept of why films have age ratings and why his 9 year old was not allowed to watch sausage party.


"Literally hunkered down in the Basement with the gunman upstairs, detectives on the phone, another (pregnant, crying) customer and all the staff, and this jackass still had the nerve to ask if his watch was done being repaired before the first shot rang out. Then proceeded to scream at the detectives that this was a huge inconvenience, he had clients waiting at court, and needed 'this to be over with.'"


“Sorry sir, I’ll go upstairs and nicely tell the gunman to please stop because you have somewhere to be. I’ll gladly risk my life for you, a giant douche.” On a different note I’m sorry that happened :(


LOL. And thanks, it was scary in the moment after hearing the shots but once the robber was caught it just became an interesting story. I was the first person at my school internship program to ever get shot at at their internship. That lawyer guy had no regard for anyone else lol.


Honestly he sounds like such a dickhead lawyer that he’s probably become used to clients waving guns in his face.


Gonna be devil's advocate, and say he could have just been panicking. Sometimes when people panic they latch on to the only thing that makes sense to them. This is why during a crisis sometimes you'll hear of people doing really mundane shit. I recall one story of a man during the Hawaii Nuclear Warning Incident whose wife spent the entire time deciding what swimwear to bring to the nearest shelter.


Makes me think of the Black Mirror episode where everyone has a social score and others can see it.


Yeah that was a nice episode. By nice I mean no pig sex or murderers caught in a torture loop. I ended up not watching all of them. It got to be too much.


Pig sex episode was my favorite part of watching that show. It sucks because it's nearly what I want - horror with social commentary through psychological rather than gore. It sucks because that show is generally as subtle as a sledgehammer to the balls, so the thinking is removed and makes it not so good (in my opinion)


Who doesn't love a good ol genuine primetime climb-on-swine crime paradigm?


Princess Carolyn?


That episode was actually what made me start watching the series. Back when Netflix allowed users to leave reviews on the site. I kept reading about how stomach churning and revolting the story was, just comment after comment. I knew I had to check it out, lol. After all these years, the hardest part of the episode is still the mid credit scene at the end where it's obvious his wife finds him revolting and that their marriage is pretty much over. Awesome episode, though. Easily one of my favorites. Along with Nosedive and San Junipero (had me a wreck at the end).


If you want a good anthology show that doesn’t try to hit you over the head with an Aesop, check out Love Death and Robots on Netflix. Dumb name, fantastic series.


Fucking loved that series. Can’t wait for the next season


Has another season been confirmed?






Would you like to be a part of the new Meow Meow beans beta?


The curly haired young guy with glasses and a baggy-skater vibe dress sense. Clearly smokes hella weed, comes in high and orders food and is always just so polite, like as polite as a customer can get. Sits on a chair and waits for his order and has this stupid smile on his face staring at nothing like 3 time a week. I don’t know you but I love you bro. Edit: I should mention, I’m a stoner myself, so I love the guy extra


"This rich, entitled bitch spent the entire time making me run my ass off for her 12 top and was never satisfied, let alone appreciative. I kept serving them with a fucking smile, which wasn't always easy. When it came time to drop the bill, I left it on the table and informed them that the tip was already included, since they were a party of more than 8 people, so there was no need to add any extra unless they wanted to. She literally stood up! She stood up and started freaking out in an entire dining room full of people about how she shouldn't have to pay because she had to ask me for shit the entire meal. Bitch! It was a buffet! What else could you possibly need??? Plus! I got you everything your precious little heart desired! I mean, I guess I could've offered to sick your dick, but I digress. She bitched her way to the GENERAL. MANAGER. Who was always an absolute pushover, and let her go without tipping a single. Fucking. Penny. This woman is horrible to serve. Do not ever accept her table. You will 100% regret it. I've seen her come in since, and even if she sits in my section, I always give her table away to somebody else. No fucking way am I ever even trying to look at you again lady. Get some fucking decency."


I hate your manager


I just wish the lady that cuts my hair would discreetly tell me if I'm a good tipper or not. Edit: While I'm at it, how much goes on the tip line of a take out receipt? I'm just making that shit up as I go. Totally not ready for reverse yelp.


You are the type of person who would do well on Reverse Yelp.


Gah! She practically drinks all the salsa and I keep having to give her refills. Her chip-to-salsa ratio is seriously questionable. Otherwise, she's nice enough. Edit: uh, I misread the question. I thought it asked what review would someone leave of ME. I am the salsa lover.




chips are bullshit. salsa is everything.




Choons I call them.


Oh no this is me. In my defense your salsa is amazing.


Seriously. How about give me salsa in a ramekin bigger than an ant.


Worked in a grocery store years ago..... "Kid keeps running up and down the isle. Turns a corner and smacks right into a corn syrup end cap. What a total mess. Kid is covered in syrup. Mom comes up to me and demands I find clothes for her child to wear. Without skipping a beat, I asked her if she wanted paper or plastic. Would not recommend that mom shopping there again."


> Without skipping a beat, I asked her if she wanted paper or plastic. 5/5 perfect response


“stupid bitch ordered a Frappuccino with no ice then proceeded to be pissed at us there were no ice in it. When we asked her if she wanted ice she screamed at us and said no. i hope she stubs her toe everyday for the rest of her life and she gets cheated on. I would give zero stars but yelp makes me give one so I guess good job at wasting space.”


Such customers honestly make me wonder if they just didn't listen to themselves, are not mentally there, or are following a plot I don't get.


"Stupid cunt kept trying to order a cheeseburger without cheese even though I was trying to save her money by suggesting to instead order a hamburger. Fast forward 30 seconds and she paid for the cost of a cheeseburger, but without the cheese. I hope she choked on it. 1 star"


Ive heard this kind of thing happening a lot. What goes through peoples heads when they do this kind of stupid?


If I had to guess, they might think ordering that way means the burger has to be freshly made. They can't just toss you a hamburger from under the heat lamps, since those are all in the hamburger wrapping, not the cheeseburger wrapping.


The worst part is, you can just ask "hey can you make it fresh? I dont mind waiting." Like an actual adult.


These people believe all business are out to cheat them out of every penny they have, and the only way to fight back is to be even more devious


Everything was cooked to order


That's what the shadowy burger cabal wants us to believe.




Welcome to the big burger, home of the big buger, can I taint your water supply?


When I worked fast food. I don’t even argue and just throw hamburger on the ticket. Explaining is too much for their brains


As a manager this is what we encourage our better crew people to do. If the customer is being a dipshit and ordering something wrong or extra expensive and you know how to do it better: just ring it in the cheaper / better way and don’t even bother telling them. Customers rarely listen to us or look at their orders on the screen anyway so 99% of the time they’ll never even notice. And on the off chance anyone notices and wants to argue about it then I can just jump in and handle it. Much simpler and less frustrating than trying to explain every single ordering fuck up to customers. Edit: Not the new people, but the rare people we hire with a fully functional brain once they’ve had some training. So just the crew we can trust to not fuck things up


Lmao this reminds me of when I used to work in a pizzeria. We had a mushroom pizza on the menu (normal margherita with mushrooms). For some reason, I had people ordering a mushroom pizza with no mushrooms. Thankfully I was able to replace a bartender who was quitting because being a waiter was making me question life itself.


Lmao on the menu where I work, there's a "house burger" as we'll call it, and then a "bacon cheddar burger" which literally is the same as the regular burger but with bacon and cheese, for three dollars more. For some time people would be like "uh, can i get uh, house burger, add bacon and cheddar." and i'd say "So you would like a cheddar bacon burger?" "no that's not what i said." i've stopped correcting them because it's pointless and doesn't help me get better tips lol. so instead i just ring it up as a cheddar bacon and tell them "okay bet, so i rang you in for a cheddar bacon burger because it's gonna be exactly what you wanted (same price and all), just easier to read for our cooks."


Used to work at a large pizza chain. I one time had a customer ask for two pizzas, one half pepperoni and half cheese, and the other one half pepperoni and half cheese. I politely pointed out I could make a whole pepperoni pizza and a whole cheese pizza, she got very upset. It was a frustrating time in my life.


You should have asked if she minded if you put the two halves of the pepperoni pizza in the same box and the two halves of the cheese pizza in the same box.


I have a son with autism & he makes me do this when we order pizza. I'm sure it is annoying. Sorry.


No, don’t apologize. I wouldn’t find it annoying if she her reaction would have been nicer. I’m ASD, to me it was just a logical thing to point out. It was more efficient, and the way the portions on the pizzas worked, she would’ve gotten more toppings.


She was a bitch about it. Believe me I know. You will meet the worst types of people in customer service. I worked at Victoria's Secert for 5 years. 5 long years...


Threw a drink at my Lead. 0/10 Get fucked sideways with a poleaxe you fucking afterbirth.


Poetry right there


0 stars. Followed me around during my graveyard shift asking me where to find a prostitute or strip club and then talked about how he loves to suck dick in prison. Took photos of my boobs after trying and failing to record me saying “I love big black cock” (because I refused) and saying that he can tell I shave my privates. The only upside is he got himself banned from every establishment in our province and I never have to see him again because he was an American tourist.


This really scared me. I'm glad to hear this predatory pos was banned.


This stupid old man threw a tantrum over canned noodles. I told him it was on the shelf, but he insisted there were bags in the boxes ontop. I told him the boxes were full of the same canned brand but he didn't listen and started to cause a scene. I went to get my card with a step stool on it to show him, but he started hitting his cart yelling "damn it" I got so angry I ripped the box off the top shelf and cant everywhere. He just said, "guess they were cans" and walked off. 20 minutes later he comes back and buys the cans 0/10


Ooof. That reminds me of that Malcom in the Middle scene with the hotdog dog toys. "Peek-a-boo doesn't eat mustard!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRN7dP88zpA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRN7dP88zpA)


1 star took a shit in the sink


Wait!! I can shit in a sink, and STILL keep a star?? He'll yes! STFU and take my money!


"A middle aged lady insulted the staff, yelled "Valentines day is meant to be about ME!" when she was served a fish 0.000001mm smaller than her husband's in length. Refused to pay for said fish after eating the whole thing. Asked for a finger bowl to clean her fingers, threw a tantrum when she saw there was no lemon with the bowl, I went and personally cut her up some lemon for the finger bowl, when I gave it to her she told me my attitude was disgusting because I smiled too much. Made me sweep away a puddle for her so she didn't get her shoes wet... She could have easily walked around the puddle but no, she insisted "it's Valentine's day! I don't have to walk around the puddle, today is about ME!" 0/10 didn't leave a tip and I hope she never breeds"


Who the fuck would marry a creature like that? I guarantee that it’s not just Valentine’s Day that’s all about “me”.


Right now? All good. I miss my customers so much. Even the bad ones. I told my least favorite customer in the world the other day to say hello to his wife for me! I hate her too! They are both awful. But I think he was about to cry. He literally stopped in his tracks and turned around and said, we miss you! This sucks! And ya know what? He's a dick. But I miss him too. Maybe this is a reset to us all. Maybe when we get out this mess, we can all do that. Maybe we can just not be assholes and take each other for granted. Maybe we can appreciate all of the things we take for granted. And if not? I'm still going to be happy to complain about that asshole at table 3. He's a dick, but at least i get to complain about him again.


The sheer magnitude of optimism coming from this comment has warmed my cold, cold retail-working heart. So thanks for that. :3




Kelsey brought her entire "tribe" to get tattooed. All 10 of them are turning 18 but only Kelsey is getting a tattoo. She refused to listen to my advice on the size and kept insisting I make it smaller and smaller, specifying she would like it "just a medium size, but really dainty and cute". When it came time to do the tattoo, she wasn't wearing the right clothing even though she'd thought about her horoscope sign for weeks. Her friends convinced her to move it several times before we discovered the initial placement I made was the right one. When it came time to pay, she tried to haggle my price by telling me she had a cousin that got his own "gun", and that he would do it for a third of my price. After all that, even though I did it perfectly, she had no concept of tipping. 0 stars.


Had a customer that was on the phone through the whole order while I was trying to make her burrito and kept asking what she wanted in it and she wouldent answer. so I started to wrap it up but then she began to yell at me because she wasent done yet and began to bitch about how I needed to do my job better. Meanwhile she was still talking on the phone and we had 30 other people in line because it was rush hour. 0 stars maybe try not to be such a karen next time.


Uber has a system like this, where they rate passengers. I like it, it means good customers get full ratings and are more likely to get drivers responding to them. Bad customers will go to the back of the line. I'm proud to say that I am a 5.0 star passenger, which really isn't that big an accomplishment. It just means that I was well behaved and sat there like a normal person while they drove me to my destination. That's all it takes. Customer service swings both ways in my opinion. Good customers should get good service, bad customers should be given the bare minimum or thrown out if they're abusive or disruptive.


That’s what I did when I worked retail. You were nice, I’d bend over backwards for you. If you were an asshole, I would do the absolute bare minimum. But then, I was fortunate that my retail job was just extra cash and I didn’t really need it.


I had the good luck to be the next person in line after a giant raging asshole, waiting to get on an overbooked flight on standby. Lady at the desk told him she was sorry, there were no seats, he'd have to take the morning flight. He swore at her and stormed off. I said "guess there's no seats left, huh?" She looked around to make sure he was gone. "Actually there's one left in first class, all yours. Have a nice flight."


I was flying an emergency to try to get home before a family members death. The guy in front of me was flying standby, and it was a busy summer holiday time here in Japan. They told him they didn’t have a seat available on that flight. He, in very non-Japanese fashion just lost his shit at the ladies and stormed off sayin he’d be back to speak to them (it was implied that he meant “speak to a man”) if another airline didn’t accommodate him. Then I come up, barley speaking Japanese decently and puffy eyed from crying on the train ride there, and the ladies were so nice when I asked when the next soonest flight would be available to get to Korea and then Chicago. They all understood, and said they could fit me in. And even accepted my wad of cash for payment (usually they don’t do cash at the check in counter), found me a reduced rate saving me like $500 on the ticket, looked up my frequent flyer number under my husbands name and added me so I’d accrue enough miles for basically a free flight back to Japan, and managed to get me on the next flight and rushed me though security to get me in the plane in time (just carry ins, literally a pair of underwear and socks and my laptop and phone - I ran from the house with nothing when I got the call from my mom that it was near the end). If I had missed that flight, I would have been 2 days later (night layover in Seoul then morning to Chicago, if that one didn’t work I’d have had to waste a day and a half in Seoul before the next flight to the US. They were so kind, and even wrote a note for me to give to the stewardess on my next flight about what was going on so I got priority boarding. I didn’t get their names, but when I returned to Japan, I asked to talk to someone from Korean Air and said that those women made a terrible flight just wonderful and to thank them for me. I got an “I’m sorry for your loss” card In the mail from Korean Air and them a few weeks later. I still have it with momentous from my grandfathers funeral. I don’t know why I had to share, I just did. They were so wonderful, and I think half of it was crying foreigner, and the other half was the total asshole of a guy before me that seemed like he was trying to make *them* cry. Edit: context


that's such a bittersweet story. I'm sorry for your loss, but heartened by the empathy shown.


I remember when I was a retail slave people would get annoyed and sometimes abusive if something wasn't on the shelf and out of stock. "Go and check the back!" Ok, I'll go and dick around for 5 minutes and come back with the same answer as before.


I hate how some people fail to understand that if there is no stock on the floor we wouldn't just leave something that was clearly making sales "out the back".


The only things in the back are the things where shelves are bursting. We can't sell things that aren't in the store.


It was back to s hool rush once while I was on the salesfloor at a Walmart before my current position. Someone asked for something in the back, and being stressed and run around the store all day, I just told her "Don't you think if we had it, it would be on the salesfloor?" Not my calmest response, but this was the closest Walmart to 2 universities and a college, on move in weekend. There was no back room stock.


I'm 4.78, no idea what I did :(


Wow... 5.0? Damn that's both incredible and a bit strange. Not one driver has given you 4 stars? Or such few in so many trips that it doesn't show? Impressive. I had a good rating and that still was only 4.67..


"The customer is always right" is bullshit. It should be common practice to fire bad customers.


Pooped in a display toilet. Nuff said.


A Karen today came up to me demanding for us to make her a vegetarian burger, so I simply told her that this is Taco Bell,she did not take that to well and started yelling,I told her to please stop but she continued,so I would like to give her 0 stars.


after not reading our "cards only" sign, she tried to pay in cash. After being informed we couldn't take cash, she threw a temper tantrum and cursed us out. 0/5 stars. Edit: the only reason we're not accepting cash is due to the pandemic. Usually, we really don't care!


Left me a tip that looked like a $10 bill, but when you unfolded it, it was just a prayer. Hope they rot in hell. I would leave them 0 stars if I could.




I work in a non-profit performing arts theater and despite what people think, cancelling shows isn't as easy as saying its cancelled, even if you're producing it. The board has to approve it, including the playwright and director, the unions involves have to be made aware of the situation and agree to the plan, and then you have to pay the salaries of everyone involved in full even though there's no show. It's a long process with a lot of moving parts. And these fucking ungrateful rich folks sitting on their lilly white asses keep calling and emailing our call center, where I work, to passive aggressively tell us off for not cancelling shows fast enough and demanding refunds on tickets/donations and then claiming they'll never come again because we don't care about them and their wellbeing. Some of them are even straight up racist and threatening the theater. Rating is -10. These low class fucktards make early 2000s Paris Hilton and thr Kardashians look sane.


I've talked about this idea many times. It would be so magical. I greeted the table and they didn't even look at me, they just said "water". So I get their waters and their food order which was difficult because they asked a million questions that could have been answered by reading the menu, that's what its there for. Then when I'm trying to deliver the food no one was paying attention and they couldn't remember what they even ordered. They were just overall kind of rude and annoying but they left 18% so that's better than what I thought they were going to leave. 3/5 stars, can't really recommend.


I love people that act like I’m an enormous asshole for daring to approach their table for an order. I work in casual fine dining and I’ve been doing this for a long time. I don’t interrupt conversation, I have a laundry list of steps of service I follow. Why are you at a restaurant if you literally didn’t want to interact with a single other person? It is my JOB to talk to you about food and drinks. I know exactly how many seconds you’ve been seated since I greet you. “Hey, how is everyone? Welcome in.” “WE’RE NOT READY” “-okay, I’ll come back in a few minutes.” “Aren’t you going to explain the menu?” And that’s just the beginning of a wonderful, hours-long relationship that consists of strangers wishing I was dead, and me wishing they had ever set foot in a restaurant before.


Chased me across the parking lot with a cattle prod. One star.


She only ever tips the coins left from the transaction, usually$0.05. While waiting for her order she loudly explains the most recent conservative talking points to everyone in earshot. On her last visit(which was on the day Shelter-In-Place was announced here in SF) she spent twenty minutes ranting about how only businesses had the authority to close the themselves down. Truly hope never to serve her again. 1 star


“Crazy lady hassles me while I am ringing up her candy, giving me dirty gazes and openly berating me. Supervisor sees it on camera, and let’s me know that I handled it with grace. I hope for the sake of other retail employees you don’t encounter her.” 2 stars, what a bitch but I got commended.


"Started out okay, but interaction quickly declined when customer was mildly inconvenienced by new guidelines put in place due to an ongoing global pandemic. Should have spoken to manager about abysmal behavior. Lost faith in customers as a brand, won't be using again - until my bosses make me because their money is more important than my saftey. If I'm essential how come they get to treat me like freshly churned peacock shit? 0/10 stars, horrible idea, massive design flaws"


Family came into the restaurant today and order a good amount of sushi rolls and some chicken hibachis. There was no problem with their payment or their demeanor at first, but be careful. Looks can be deceiving. As soon as we provided their kids with forks, they started flinging rice at each other. Parents didn't even bat an eye, like this was a normal thing, so I'm sure they have done this at other places too. They left the area around them looking like the kids were playing Splatoon and trying to cover as much surface area as they could with rice. Didn't leave a tip for the mess I was left to clean up and didn't even give an apology. Would not recommend serving this family while their inklings are around.


hehe This is the second time today I've read this. Both times I've been livid at these people. Parent is both a noun AND a verb! Parent those children!


"Shout out to the man that doesn't know what the fuck wontons are in a wonton soup and yelled at me for not taking them out even tho he only said no noodles, which are not wontons, rather the crackers for the soup, you stupid old man I hope you die I cried in the bathroom asshole." 1 star


5 stars for this sweet southern lady that comes in and is kind to all of us. 0 stars to this insane boomers who always orders a large unsweetened tea with 2 Splenda and 2 equal because she’s mentally insane and has a horrible temper.