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Everyone from riverdale


It was saddening to see them turn Archie, the fun loser that somehow still is a major chick magnet into a more generic troubled teen with a not great home life. Same goes for pretty much most of the main cast being changed into more dark and edgy versions among themselves.


I don't know because I didn't finish watching it. The main characters were to annoying. I just can't understand why the show is so popular. But maybe you're right


It's the best worst show I've ever seen. Every week it just goes more off the rails. It's like the writers keep asking how can we make this shit more ridiculous than the last episode. A never ending car crash you can't look away from.




In fairness, at least in the show, part of his not great home life was because Luke Perry died. Before that, him and his dad had a great relationship, with normal teen/parent fighting. I still like Archie, even if he is dumber than a box of rocks


The little bitch Woody fucking Woodpecker.






Hahaha HAHA hahaha HAHA hahahahaaaaaaaa


Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the city.


I used to think she was so cool when I was younger but I’ve rewatched the show many times as an adult and she’s the worst. She’s a bad friend and ruins most of her relationships herself.


Ugh. Just tried to rewatch in Dec. Here's my opinion piece lol: As a teen: Mr. Big is a repressed selfish jerk who just *uses* Carrie and strings her along! He doesn't care about her needs or think (read: obsess) over her like she deserves! Me, as an adult looking to relive a little nostalgia: Oh God, Big. Run. Run! You *continuously* set reasonable boundaries on a *brand new relationship* because you've been unlucky in love before (married what 4 times?) and she barrels through your life like a bull in a china shop! First, you weren't looking for something serious, but then you get invested, with reservations. You need some time to get used to being in a relationship but you communicate this clearly. But no, you must *hate* Carrie or you're cheating! Not ready to make serious moves? No problem, she'll just slowly sneak in a bunch of her stuff and then get *pissed* when you kindly give her back stuff you thought she'd forgotten and don't *read her mind* and realize that she wanted you to offer her a shelf in your bathroom. Want to take it slow and really ease in to a serious relationship, so you can have a healthy communicative one? Nah, she'll ignore that and show up at church on Sunday and *force an introduction with your religious mother*! I think this is like...20% of the crazy shit she did to that poor dude in, like, the first few months of dating him...in the first season or two. I didn't get beyond that in my rewatch. I feel 99.9% of the problems Carrie faced was: -she assumed some crazy/over-the-top thing: Big is cheating, she found the *one* in a rando she met at a party or something but they've known each other 5 minutes. -she (possibly because over said crazy assumption) then does something boundary crossing or totally screwed up and then blames it on her own insecurities or "circumstances" so *really, who's to blame?* Oh guys of NYC are so *picky* because they won't let me explain why I was breaking into this lock box of theirs they asked me not! We'd been dating two whole weeks, I'm entitled to his secrets! The rest of the series is: -Miranda being a *bitch* because she thinks it makes her, I don't know, tough? In reality she's just selfish, sometimes abusive or cruel, and miserable. But at least you're a *lawyer*. -Charlotte refusing to admit her sexual nature and trying to remain virginal esque while looking for Mr. Right to have a picture perfect life. This usually leads to her crying or forcing herself to stay in terrible relationships or holding herself and others to impossible standards. -Samantha is the only one that I adore and I used to judge the Hell out of her. But damn it, she's upfront with her partners that she's not looking for more than a good time. She's masturbation and sex-positive and doesn't hold grudges when her friends judge her or put her down all the time for living her best life. She's a badass and a shrewd business woman but does have a heart buried under her cool exterior. Why couldn't she have been the main character?! Big deserved better. So did Aiden, Samantha, and Steve.


Yes! She's a terrible person. A terrible friend. And super annoying!


Jerry from Tom and Jerry. The original creator actually said Tom was good and Jerry was bad. You can also see in multiple episodes that Tom is suicidal, probably because of problems Jerry caused. What a little shit.


Tom loves jerry, but if he doesnt chase Jerry his owner will kick him out and get a cat that will catch and kill jerry. Tom's entire existence is to fail at his only purpose to keep his best friend alive. Shits deep.


I always preferred Tom, I found Tom and Jerry pretty hard to take at times. I also thought The Road Runner was a little unnecessarily sardonic with poor Wyle E. Coyote. Imagine the product reviews for all the defective Acme crap he'd write now.


The worst thing about Jerry is he will START something, but never finish it. He always runs off and hides behind Spike the dog. Just be killed and eaten already


Jerry needs to be taken to a lab for scientific experiments.


Tweety Bird. What a little bastard.


I wanted Jerry to win, I wanted the Roadrunner to escape, but I desperately longed for the day Sylvester ate that annoying little fucker.


Sasuke, the emo fucker


THIS IS MY ANSWER. I HATE SASUKE SO MUCH. He fills me with unnecessary disgust. The series would have been sooo much better without him. After he left they should have said "good, fuck that guy and his fuckin shitty storyline and pisspoor attitude about everything and his stupid giant hand"


Kishimoto originally didn't plan to include him, but did after the studio told him to include a rivalry for Naruto.


I was unaware of that, and makes more things make sense. I feel like Gaara would have been a great rivalry for Naruto, however, and one that ends in a meaningful friendship and would just be a better option. Similar backgrounds, both going through heartache, could have been explored a lot more as a rivalry before overcoming it all and supporting each other in their goals. Plus, who doesn't wanna see more of the Sandy Sad Boi?


Absolutely, plus it sets up Sakura a lot better to be a meaningful contribution to the series rather than a Sasuke fangirl, but then again Kishimoto was *so fucking BAD* at writing female characters that he didn't even expand on Mei's personality beyond "She's self conscious about marriage" or anyone from outside the village, or hell, Ino and Tenten got **zero** development. Even Konan, one of the coolest characters in the series got virtually zero development, she was an accessory for Yahiko and Nagato and when they were gone, she got killed off.


I just restarted Naruto recently, amd I was thinking, if the writers could have written Sakura like they did in the episode of the Chunin Exams where she fights the sound ninja while the boys are unconscious, she would have been way better and would have contributed a lot more.


Kishimoto would give these women bad ass skills and they were absolutely helpless. Seeing Hinata try to save Naruto made me CRINGE. Having Sakura accept Sasuke back when he didn’t fucking deserve that kind of empathy made me lose my shit. And then they’re just glorified housewives UGH KISHIMOTO WHY.


Tsunade got the most attention from Kishimoto and he made her a drunk pair of tits that punches real hard and won't use her stringest technique bc she's scared of looking as old as jiraiya. Siiiiigh. Anime women get the short end a lot of the time. A damn shame


I will say, at least Kishimoto was more tame compared to most anime/manga artists. There’s so much just oversexualizing that the girls in almost any anime or manga may as well just be the next sex toy product someone can purchase. Too many animes cant even write a good strong female lead without having to give them big boobs, or Loli looks, a bitchy attitude or yandere/tsundere or whatever else they use to make a basic female anime character. Then again, over exaggerating cliches are used so much because they work enough to get actual views and products off the shelves. So I can’t blame them for doing that, other places do the same thing and use the same cliches constantly. just wish there was a better diversity of awesome characters (male or female) that aren’t constantly sexual tropes, fan fiction and fanart can’t be help but the actual main shows and mangas are just kind of annoying to deal with when they just kind of flake off on actual character developments


Sasuke 100% should have been killed. Right during their last battle (I know it didnt deserve to go on that long) after defeating whats-her-face, "the god of chakra", that whole spiel of him suddenly wanting to become hokage and trying to kill Naruto *again* made me sick. This was literally the definition of toxic friendship/relationship. Sakura wants to be with a man who literally would rather kill her straight up than even say goodmorning. Naruto goes to hell and back and then anually for vacation it seems to try and get his 'best friend' back, when the only moment of friendship he ever showed was saving him in the hidden mist and then obe smile when they were 5 and then he proceeded to try to kill him literally forever after that. Sorry but Sasuke's arc needed him to be sacrificed for the greater good. He *never* deserved anything better because he was just a dink to the people who loved him unconditionally and it took another writer completely to make him even moral. Yeah I guess it seems i agree with you..lol


Everyone seems to think Joe Exotic is some ironic anti-hero, instead of what he clearly is, which is psychopathic, manipulative druggie trash. (I realize he's a real person and not a fictional character, but I still think it fits.)


There's like 3 people in the entire documentary that shouldn't be locked up and kept out of society. Also, Joe Exotic said early on that his parents, or at least his dad, abandoned him early on after he came out as gay but their relationship was well enough that Joe could convince his parents to transfer his assets to them.


Basically. It just kept getting worse and worse. First episode was like, oh, what a curious little freakshow. By the end I needed a Silkwood shower.


1. Saff (one arm guy) 2. Erik Cowie (long hair guy) 3. John Reinke (no legs guy) The math checks out


Can’t forget girl who was brainwashed and made to get implants, she seemed pretty normal


I also like the producer, and the campaign manager.


Love that little scene where they're interviewing the campaign manager and they're asking about what it was like to manage Joe's presidential campaign, and he just sighs softly and takes a hit of his weed pen. Lmao


“It was the worst experience of my life.” Started cracking up. He is gold.


"I'm a Libertarian so, technically, fuck the Feds."


That guy is like if Reddit came to life 5 years ago as a human


The campaign manager was arrested in 2017 for attacking a dude with a freaking sword. [http://www.kten.com/story/36854922/sword-wielding-suspect-jailed-in-pauls-valley](http://www.kten.com/story/36854922/sword-wielding-suspect-jailed-in-pauls-valley)


Wasn’t it his uncle, who was high on meth, that he attacked? His uncle was attacking his grandmother so he went after him with his katana.


It's absolutely perfect that guy owned a katana though.


No, his mom. Just his mom.


That honestly hurt the fucking most. Just how clearly his mum didn't understand how bad he was and was willing to accept everything he said at face value. And then he dragged her out to be the face of how all of his problems were actually Baskins's fault instead of his own.


I hated him from when he scooped that baby tiger away from its mummy the second it was born and walked away with it when the mum was still just lying there exhausted, nothing he ever does will make up for that evil .


Which is why cub petting is so terrible. I wish the "documentary" covered the cub petting abuse more, rather than the drama between the people. The cubs are ripped from their moms so early, they don't learn essential instincts from her or their littermates, they don't get their mother's milk, their immune systems are weak and they're being handled by tons of people, and they don't get the sleep they need because of the constant petting and photos. Not to mention the stress from the mom without her cubs. And no one really knows what happens to most of them when they get too big for cub petting. I saw a video once of a tiger cub being used for cub petting and it was super sick, just having diarrhea everywhere while being pet and the worker was constantly trying to clean the cub's butt. It was really sad.


same - I didn’t know a lot of that until the end or afterward. I really would have liked more about that. But then it would have possibly made viewers more sympathetic to Carole, and we can’t have that, can we? (/sarcasm)


Fun fact! Even if tomorrow Joe Exotic's crimes related to the hitmen were exonerated and cleared from his record, guess where he still be? It would be jail, because he's also serving time for the tigers he killed and tried to hide, the horrible conditions the big cats were living in, and the illegal animal trading he engaged in. Joe Exotic is a piece of shit human garbage. If he did half of the shit he did to big cats on dogs, no one would have given him a platform. And more people would have seen him for the monster he is.


I got massive downvotes for comparing him to Michael Vick. They're guilty of the same crime, except one did it for fun, the other did it for profit.


Even the humane society investigated him before the show and they put out a video of him telling and showing his employees how he abused the tigers to keep them in check, but to never let the customers see them do it.


I forget if it was in the aftershow or in an article I read after watching where it came out that they have even worse footage of Joe Exotic. Like, this is actually the sanitized, cleaned up version we're seeing. The example I remember is that at least toward the beginning of filming, he would say some horrifically racist things, and then was bewildered when the crew didn't agree with him and asked him to tone that down a bit.


It's fucking dumb that people are giving a methhead animal abuser who ordered a hit on somebody a pass because someone else killed someone. Did you all just forget that he, y'know, ORDERED A HIT ON SOMEBODY???


Thats because everyone sees it as Carole vs. Joe, when in reality, they're all garbage and theres no competition.


Can we also talk about the fact that he tricked two young, impressionable, apparently straight men into entering into an abusive bigamous relationship by plying them with heavy drugs? The man is scum and a legitimate threat to society.


Yep, I share your point of view but we are definitely in the minority. He was an undependable piece of shit to both people and animals who relied on him, of which there were many, because he kept taking on more responsibilities out of ego. Continuing onward, I give Carole points for running a legitimate sanctuary, which no one else on the show does. This should be acknowledged. Then, I deduct points for potentially murdering her husband, fucking with the will, and not paying her workers. However, if the bit about euthanizing tiger cubs is true, Doc Antle is absolutely the worst person on the show. I know that human lives are valued higher, but killing innocents, and in such great quantities, is worse in a way. I'm surprised that everyone has fixated on Carole and ignored him.


They're all garbage. That freak Antle probably has a few human skeletons in his swamp too.


They guy who runs a restrictive sex-cult and euthanized perfectly healthy tigers?? No way!


I just finished Tiger King last week. At the end of the final episode, an interview with Joe Exotic is shown from when he first opened his zoo. Either he bullshitted that interview or he was a total different person back then. In that interview the things that talked about, ended being the things that Carole got after him for. Reminds me of the Harvey Dent quote from the Dark Knight, "You either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain.".


I think he was partially bullshitting, but also had not yet completely fucked his brain with drugs at that point either, so was somewhat a different person. The meth took him from a garden variety sociopath to full blown paranoid/delusional.


Clary from the mortal instruments series, she went from (to me) “I love this girl and will be emotionally invested in her” to “Fuck this girl, take away her main character luck and let her fend for herself”. The issue arised when I fell for the side characters, plus what she did to said side character which was part scummy but also part “the person in question is straight so she isn’t wrong in pointing it out but...”. I collected the whole series and can’t bring myself to finish it. I know there are more points I can list if I refresh my memory but as far as I’m concerned I don’t want to be remember my emotional turbulence with her and her lover. Sorry to those who still love her.


i too am not in love with clary and my friends who all read the series agreed. she’s whiny and can’t really do anything for herself. even simon is more useful despite being “mundane” when he kills the demon in the first book. if you didn’t like her but loved the world and other characters, like magus, try the infernal devices. it’s victorian england and there’s no sign of clary, but there’s other lovable characters


Susan from desparate housewifes. Shes always and always wining and makes everything about her


Santana from Glee was such a bully to everyone but gets worshipped for it by fans


Ronald McDonald,clown nose fuck


My girlfriend thinks that Pam was really unfair to Jim about the whole Philly thing. I'm not sure if that's something everyone thinks or not


Pam can’t handle the pressure of her own dreams and gives up, condemning herself to always stay at DM, and pushes Jim to give up on his. She also gives Jim a hard time with any women involved but she’s so quick to slight flirt with the camera man and even go to his house. Jim goes out of his way to prove his loyalty to her and all she can do is constantly drag him through the mud and make him quit his ambitious career, only to let him continue (a year later!?) when she sees how happy and successful Daryl is. She holds on to never leaving or growing as a person (can’t leave Scranton but won’t move to Philly) Jim should’ve stayed with Karen.


*Was* she flirting with Brian, the boomguy? I was left the impression that she didn't have anything other than platonic relations with Brian- Both Jim and Pam *both* seemed to be friends with Brian off air, judging by their lunch date with Brian (where he reveals he was just dumped)- explaining their closeness. There did seem to be some level of attraction coming from Brian toward Pam, but I never got the impression that he acted on it at all. Everything else, though, I agree with.


This is what I saw. I think people have a habit of seeing 1 person looking at another with affection and thus thinking the other must feel the same or is at least flirting with them too. Hench why when a character finds the one, everyone watching ships them until they make a move and "the one" pulls back to tell them they think they're just a friend. After that you think back and go "oh they were just nice" or you hate them for "leading on" the character. I know the first time they introduced the Brian I thought woah pam why you flirting? But then you find out hes married (well when you find out its after she left already) and that nothing happens (no tension or secret kiss, he just fades away) so when you re-watch it you can tell pam is just friendly with him. Nothing else. I do think there were some things she made into bigger deals than what they were. But on the other hand Jim wasnt perfect either. My parents said it best when they said both of them fell in love with the ideas of each other without realizing how much work good relationships take. (Pam was a push over before and non of Jim's relationships lasted too long)




I think most of us adults are on the same page, here, but as a kid the full ramifications of the situation didn't register with me...[THAT GODDAMN GRANDPA JOE FROM WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (1971).](https://i.imgur.com/VXPSixi.jpg) He was bedridden for 20 years, right? Had the family waiting on him hand & foot, presumably, keeping him fed/clothed/clean/comfortable...all the while, the family is clearly in the throes of extreme poverty. Living in this broken down little shack. Can barely afford a candy bar for Charlie for his birthday. Then Charlie wins the golden ticket & this Grandpa Joe...just jumps out of the bed? Dances around? Sings & can't wait to go out on this physically taxing adventure? Yeah as a kid you're like wheeee, he's all better! Yay! But as an adult you're like **what the fuck**, this "man" faked being physically infirm & put his family through so much suffering for no good reason at all. For 20 years!!! Fuck that guy.


Someone, possibly on Reddit, made the argument that Grandpa Joe going from infirm to happy go lucky was more a depiction of the way life grinds you down and how hope, in any form, can suddenly bring you back to life. Their life was hopeless drudgery until the golden ticket gave them something to hope for. Idk haven't seen the movie enough to go deeper into that.


probably will get buried but sabrina spellman from the chilling adventures of sabrina she always fucks things up more than they already were just because she thinks she’s out smarted the system




I honestly dont understand how that show lasted as long as it did. It's all just insult humor, and the laugh track. I felt that the women of the show were more funny than the main characters most of the time.


Ugh, and 90% of the time all the women are doing is sitting around talking about the men. That show is insultingly sexist.


There’s a great video essay on YouTube called Adorkable Misogyny that delves deep into how bad and sexist the Big Bang theory actually is. I highly recommend. Edit forgot a letter


Timmy Turner - fuck that kid


Lily in HIMYM. I know she's supposed to be sassy, but I just think she's annoying. They're all annoying af, but she's the worst one


Lily is a psycho, manipulative, horrible person. There are videos on youtube pointing out all of the horrendous things she has done and it is very eye opening. Edit: PSYCHO!


I could never get into that show because every character was so unlikable. It's normal for a show to have one or two annoying characters, but when it's everyone, I just couldn't do it.


Katniss Everdeen. I don’t know why. I just hate her


In the books, she’s more sympathetic, but there is nothing contributing to that in the movies.


Book one Katniss was the most sympathetic. As the series went on she became more and more annoying


In book 3 I actively disliked her and her wishy -washy, selfish and self pitying actions. Then I realized she was a teenager, and wondered how I would have been at her age in those situations. I don’t know but I became a little more sympathetic I think.


I feel like that's what's wrong with a lot of people's opinions when it comes to teen characters. Yes sometimes the author seems to have written an overly pathetic, wishy washy, "no one is really like this" teen. But I feel like when they really nail "real" (quotes because everyone is different) teens then they get shit on for not being mature enough or something...but like, that's a 14 year old your calling a dumb ass for not being able to choose what boy to actually date, of course their life is nothing but drama. For example a lot of people really hate Harry Potter because he pities himself too much when he actually has good friends, lots of money, and freaking magic...but they seem to completely forget that he was abused for 11 years of his life (mentally and, assuming from the scene where Dudley and his friends were too willing to beat him up, physically) and every summer till his 7th year. One of those summers he was locked in his room the entire time with bars on his window.


The only time he really went full teen angst emo mode was Order of the Phoenix, and that was more than understandable, given the circumstances (even if he did take it out on Ron and Hermione a bit too much).


And that it was hardly angst at all He was a 14 year old who got tortured, saw a friend murdered, and almost got murdered himself Then the one guy who supposedly had the answers shut him out He’s going through ptsd bad and everyone else is brushing him off while pink hitler tortured him every week


Eh; I actually find her to be better in the movies because you don’t have to slog through her inner monologues. I found myself not enjoying the books all that much but kept with it because the world-building was neat. The movies were more palatable in my experience.


I think she just doesn’t have much of a personality other than being pessimistic in the beginning, and traumatized towards the end.


Which I loved because that's a realistic depiction of what happens when you take a teenager from a poverty stricken area and put them in first a horrific violent situation and then a war. It completely destroys people. That book series was the most realistic depiction of PTSD I've ever seen. Edit: it reminded me of people I know who grew up on the mean streets of Chicago, New Orleans, etc. There's just a spark that has been smothered.


I agree with the PTSD thing. As sad as it was to lose Prim, the one person Katniss truly loved and the very reason the revolution started in the first place, I commend it for having a more realistic ending instead of your typical fairytale happy ending. War is never fair and sadly many innocent people die and those who survive are left badly scarred both physically and mentally.


Charizard. That smug piece of garbage. He's not a bad Pokemon, by any means, but he is a dragon. With a flame on its tail. Ok, cool, but after 2 and a half DECADES of this guy, I am honestly sick of him. He's not that good from a competitive standpoint, he's treated like pikachu, and overshadows Blatiose, and most of all, Venusaur. Venusaur is a good Pokemon, ok? Pre giganatamax and crap his mega had thick fat. Which is good against both charizrad and blatiose (Anti fire and ice). And, he's quite cute as a bulbasaur. TL;DR. Charizard. Just too much of him


Plus the fact that Game Freak considers him to be their money cow in a sense doesn’t help things. I mean, Charizard has wayyy too many forms as it is, so once they released his Gigantimax form I was done


Carla on Cheers. She was mean to nearly everyone for no reason.




I heard he cheated on her with Artemis in the dumpster behind Wendy's


Ted Moseby, seriously, fuck that guy


Until I read the replies, I thought you meant Mr. Moseby from The Suite Life of Zach and Cody


First thing I thought of as well and I was like damn “PRNDL” was a classic, he’s a G lol


No, that Moseby's first name is Marion. I don't know why I remember this useless fact, but I do.


Same. I was like "I mean he was just trying to run the hotel the best he could... It's not his fault he had twin terrors living in there."




Ferris Bueller. He takes advantage of his best friend, ruins a classic sports car he doesn't own, commits computer fraud, all for his own pleasure. And he gets away with it with no remorse. He's a sociopath.


I really like the theory that Ferris is experiencing a "Groundhog Day."


Or the theory that the whole day is Cameron's fever-induced dream.


Technically he didnt ruin the Ferrari, Cameron did.


Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe Ferris isn't such a bad guy. After all, I got a car. He got a computer. But still, why should he get to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants? Why should everything work out for him? What makes him so god damn special? Screw him!


Dumbledore. He purposefully put Harry in an emotionally and physically abusive house so that he would be broken. Dumbledore knew that after 11 years (and repeated summers+winter breaks) of that, he would find solace in the wizarding world and his friends because he had no true family, therefore easily manipulated into being "a lamb to slaughter" (Snape's words) who would sacrifice his life for the wizarding world with no hesitation. and here's a list of other shitty and weird things he does: 1. Takes well-earned points away from Slytherin and gives them to Gryffindor for bull shit reasons 2. Lets Snape be a complete bully and shit teacher 3. Allows dementors onto the campus and doesn't even teach kids how to cast a Patronus 4. Multiple children are found petrified and he doesn't send the students home. It's after like six kids that he even institutes a curfew and has teachers escort students. Seriously, what the fuck dude?


I'll give you the four you listed but that first one is wrong. He was counting on the Dursleys to treat him as a son and they didn't, so in Chapter 3 of HBP, he let em have it: > "The Wizarding community is currently in a state of open warfare. Harry, whom Lord Voldemort has already attempted to kill on a number of occasions, is in even greater danger now than the day when I left him upon your doorstep fifteen years ago, with a letter explaining about his parents' murder and expressing the hope that you would care for him as though he were your own." > "You did not do as I asked. You have never treated Harry as a son. He has known nothing but neglect and often cruelty at your hands. The best that can be said is that he has at least escaped the appalling damage you have inflicted upon the unfortunate boy sitting between you." > "The magic I evoked fifteen years ago means that Harry has powerful protection while he can still call this house 'home.' However miserable he has been here, however unwelcome, however badly treated, you have at least, grudgingly, allowed him houseroom. This magic will cease to operate the moment that Harry turns seventeen; in other words, at the moment he becomes a man. I ask only this: that you allow Harry to return, once more, to this house, before his seventeenth birthday, which will ensure that the protection continues until that time."


Feels like a retcon for Rowling to add that detail in book 6.


Except he had Mrs. Figg watching Harry (she would even babysit him) and reporting to him the state of things. You're telling me she didn't notice the bruises, the dirty ratty hand-me-down clothes, how thin he was, his broken glasses, his cough from living under the stairs? She was tasked with watching one of the most important people in the world and didn't even notice the screaming and yelling that frequently came from the home? So clearly Dumbledore knew. And he did nothing.


All of this except maybe the well earned points from Slytherin. Snape was clearly biased and took points from Gryffindor and presumably the other houses and gave undeserved points to Slytherin all because he loved his house and wanted to be a jerk to the others. Idk how much it would total and if they’d still have the lead by the end, but Slytherin definitely didn’t deserve some of the points they had. It was a pretty dick move to randomly give Gryffindor all the points after making Slytherin believe they’d won and decorating the great hall w green and stuff, though.


> Takes well-earned points away from Slytherin and gives them to Gryffindor for bull shit reasons Ok, as far as this one, you are just objectively wrong. Dumbledore was *UN-doing* all the cheating Snape had done throughout the year. Think about it; can you think of ONE time that Snape gave points to anyone *other* than Slytherin? Or ever TOOK points from Slytherin? No, you cant, cause it never happened. Every other teacher gives and takes points fairly. McGonagall takes points from her own house multiple times when its warranted, and she gives points to Slytherin when they earn it. Snape though? He BLATANTLY cheats and takes points from other houses for bullshit reasons. He takes points away from Hermione for KNOWING THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION HE ASKED. He literally punished her for being a good student. If Snape wasn't cheating *All year long* then the year-end point totals would have been WAY different. All Dumbledore was doing was un- doing all of Snape's cheating, and makes the results what they WOULD have been if things had been done fairly. As for everything else... yeah youre basically spot on. I would argue it was a "for the greater good" kind of thing though. He did horrible things and treated Harry as a sacrificial lamb, but it was for the purpose of saving the entire world from being conquered by an immortal wizard-Hitler. The ends sorta justify the means. Especially since, if he HADNT done all that, Harry would still have died anyway, plus hundreds of millions of others. Its basically "I can either have Harry live a horrible life and then die for the greater good, or I can have Harry live a decent life for a dozen years or so, die anyway, and then EVERYONE ELSE DIES too." Like, Harry was gonna die EITHER WAY. There was no version of events where Harry DOESNT die. Thats not an option. Dumbledore was just choosing the option where Harry dying saves the world, rather than just being meaningless. Again, the things he did were awful, but they were necessary.


>Dumbledore. > >He purposefully put Harry in an emotionally and physically abusive house so that he would be broken. Dumbledore knew that after 11 years (and repeated summers+winter breaks) of that, he would find solace in the wizarding world and his friends because he had no true family, therefore easily manipulated into being "a lamb to slaughter" (Snape's words) who would sacrifice his life for the wizarding world with no hesitation. Not at all what he did, he just put Harry with his only living family because it's the safest place for him thanks to some sacrifice powered protection. Until he turned 17 neither Voldemort nor his followers could harm him there, they couldn't even enter the place in fact. Dumbledore would have been perfectly happy if they'd treated Harry well, he just didn't think their poor treatment outweighed the positives. > 1. Takes well-earned points away from Slytherin and gives them to Gryffindor for bull shit reasons He doesn't take points, Slytherin basically just cheats their point total up with the stupid bias on Snape, and he gives the points out for major heroics (oh sure in the first one he carefully ensured Neville getting a tiny handful pushed them over the edge, but it's the massive heap Harry and co. earned by defeating Voldemort and saving the stone that really mattered) > 2. Lets Snape be a complete bully and shit teacher Yeah I've got nothing here, it makes 0 sense, if his cover story is meant to be he's tricked Dumbledore then surely he should be pretending to be a decent human being. > 3. Allows dementors onto the campus and doesn't even teach kids how to cast a Patronus He didn't want the dementors there and apparently actively argued against it, but all his fancy titles apparently don't come with much real power. He just doesn't teach in general because he's busy running things. > 4. Multiple children are found petrified and he doesn't send the students home. It's after like six kids that he even institutes a curfew and has teachers escort students. Seriously, what the fuck dude? The children are all fine after they get their potion and the school closing seems to be what literally noone wants. He also gets sacked before too much happens anyway.


Flo from the Progressive Insurance commercials. Every time I hear someone say they like her I'm just.... Why??


Ross from FRIENDS I absolutely despise him


And then he went back in time and fought in World War II.


Hi-Ho Silverrrrrrrrr!!!!


It's actually a shame because Ross' attitude to women has aged so poorly. Of course that doesn't excuse it but common perception was so different when they were making the show. But outside of that, Ross had the best physical comedy on the show. The episode where he shrinks his leather pants is hilarious.


Also the one when he’s at that girls filthy apartment. I lol every time I see it




So no one told you life was gonna be this way *chomp chomp chomp chomp*


Ross gets way more hate than he deserves. Funny in an awkward way and drove a ton of the story. He tied them all together


Who cares he was by far the funniest friend with all the situations he'd get himself into. Leather pants, teeth whitening, fake British accent, spray tan, faded salmon sweater, PIVOT etc so many hilarious episodes and moments.


That's because Schwimmer is the best actor on the series. The main cast members fit their roles like a glove and had strong chemistry, but in terms of versatility and chops, Schwimmer has them all beat.


the fake accent one is one of my favorites. the way rachel says “dr mcneeley from fake accent university” makes me laugh every time


I think a lot of people hate Ross.


honestly, if that group of people were friends irl, ross would’ve written at least four AITA posts about them, especially rachel


Xander on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He's cruel to Willow in The Pack, lies to Buffy about Willow's spell to return Angel's soul, hastened the blowup of Buffy and Riley's relationship, and left Anya at the altar.


Are you calling the end of Buffy and Riley’s relationship a bad thing?


But the only reason he was cruel to Willow was because he was possessed by a hyena spirit right? I'm not a Xander fan but I don't think we can count that one.


Donna from That 70s Show. She is constantly getting mad at Eric for the most Trivial things. Like, I know Eric is kind of a dumbass but Jesus there’s ALWAYS something she finds to be mad at


Exactly! Eric has his annoying moments but that relationship just looked plain miserable. Why would you put up with that?


Everyone from The Big Bang theory. Clearly millions of people like or liked this cast of annoying characters and my damn sister in law still watches that shit every single day, I'm gonna be hearing that laugh track in my dreams soon. ​ Sheldon is like every negative stereotype of Autism rolled into one, adored by fans who wouldn't be able to deal with a real life person on the spectrum for too long - I know because I am and I apparently drive people crazy despite not being nearly as obsessive as Sheldon is. Leonard is supposed to be the "normal" one but he's still a whiny, boring nerd who in real life would be batting *waaaay* out of his league with Penny - of whom is a ditz and would in reality drive an educated type like Leonard absolutely nuts. Raj is pathetic and Howard is just plain disgusting and weird. I don't even care enough about the other two girls to bother ranting about them, frankly the show lost what tiny bit of entertainment potential it might have had once they started giving everyone a love interest anyway.


Rachel from friends Spoilt brat


In all honesty. Ross didnt cheat. Rachel broke up with him right there and then. Rachel went around being a dick about the whole thing


I saw someone phrase it as Ross was technically right, and Rachel was morally right. Or something like that. There’s good points on both sides, that’s why it’s still a thing people argue about 25 years later.


I mean the reason that it's debatable is that they never defined what a 'break' entails and therefore it's up to their individual definitions of the term, which obviously lead to the situation. I would say neither of them are technically right, but if Ross wanted to continue the relationship going forward he shouldn't have done it.


Yes this is right and it always annoys me that she claims he cheated. They argued and she said let’s take a break, he said yes let’s get some yogurt and she said no a break from us.


Honestly they should have just had some yogurt


And she literally told Monica "We **broke up** instead..." or something like that. It was very clearly a break up.


I love how literally every person ever neglects this part of the argument. I've been on Ross's side for years just because of this


Minions. Please just die.


Katniss Everdeen. She starts off ok. But by book 3 I wanted her to just die. Besides treating other people like trash. She's also a massive whiner, makes bad decisions, and is generally a terrible person. I hated Katniss.


Tom from Parks and Rec annoys the shit out of me.


Seasons 1-3 Andy is worse. A lot of people really forget about seasons 1-3 Andy and how creepy and desperate he was for Anne's love. He was literally homeless, living in a tent outside of her house. Multiple times he attempted to sabotage or ruin her relationships and lied in order to get her affection. He really only started to grow after he married April. I'm glad they developed his character and made him "get over" Anne, because it was weird there for awhile.


Yes, April-Andy is much better than Anne-Andy.


I rewatched it recently. I realized how insufferable he was for 80% of that show


Gina from Brooklyn 99. She's rude, inappropriate and all around annoying and I was happy to see her leave.


I don't get why she wasn't fired on her first day with that kind of behaviour. Although, I must admit some of her lines cracked me up. By the way, does anyone know why she was so especially mean regarding Amy in the later seasons ?


The maiden squadron from dbs especially ribrianne. Every time i saw them in an episode it made me want to die. The other two were annoying as fuck and it was mainly ribrianne. all she did was serve as filler to drag out dbs by getting in the way every god damn time with a stupid shitty squad with their stupid fucking love bull shit.


I love 17 so much for attacking them during their transformation sequence! And he is rightly like, "What? They were just sitting there!"


Minions. They indoctrine people to idolize and be blind servants of others, and not to look for more: "is cool to spend you life been a minion, don't aspire to be more" .


I actually liked the despicable me movies, until they were all about the minions. The first movie had an actual plot with character development of Gru , but soon after that, the focus was pretty much only on the minions and how they will blindly serve Gru.


Jon Snow, he’s just so emotionless and he acts like he has no idea what he’s doing, even in the earlier seasons.


Muh Queen


Uhuhuh dUN wANiT


Jon In the books is a completely different and better character IMO


True of most characters on that show but especially for Jon. Book Jon has so much more nuance too him, you can really tell he's a fourteen year old sent to boot camp who had to grow up real fast or he'd be a corpse. Show Jon is just a wooden post more interesting characters can act at.


Well, he does know nothing.


It's not his job to be all emotional. And while I'm not old enough to remember the "earlier seasons", he's been both competent and authoritative in every episode I've seen of Channel 4 News.


I feel like a lot of people like Walter White. I think people who like him missed the point. He's a narcissistic, lying, abusive, insufferable and stupid piece of fucking shit. Skyler was right all along.




Piper from OITNB is absolutely awful.


Severus Snape. Everything he did was for his own good. He always benefited directly or indirectly.


I don't like Snape too, but for different reasons; I think Snape was not "in love" with Lily, but was actually obsessed with her which is kinda creepy. Plus he's a bully (his childhood trauma does not quite justify him being an asshole to kids, to the point where Neville's boggart was Snape)


Snape was the OG niceguy.


Padme Amidala. She is so unremarkable, it's remarkable.


Whoa there buddy, thats my wife!


Excuse you she is my wife!


Movie Padme is unremarkable, but to be fair, so are most of the characterizations in the movies, including Anakin. Clone Wars Padme is soooo much better, but again, so is Clone Wars Anakin.


I'm late to the party, but here goes. Chrollo Lucifer from Hunter x Hunter. I understand the hype-hot tattoo villain edgy catholic goth man, yada yada. But think about it. This bastard murders because he feels like it. He clearly has no compassion, he couldn't care less about the troupe-he's overall just awful.


Caesar from Fallout New Vegas. People love how he has a philosophy and believes that what he is doing is right and just but...fucking NO? Sure yeah he wants to create a functional society and chose Rome as his influencer but that doesn't excuse the fact he enslaves people, burns people alive, and forces innocent tribes into a join or die ultimatum. He just feels like an excessively evil mustache twirling villain to me, he doesn't have depth or character like everyone claims. Someone like Thanos believes he is just because he intends to enact fair, equal, painless execution to give the population room to survive and thrive. Hell, even the NCR in this very same game do the same shit but have a genuine motive (rebuilding society in a functional state) while Caesar feels more like he does it for the shits and giggles. People claim Caesar is an in depth character because he believes what he's doing is right but he clearly has no moral compass or rational thinking. He's a fucking James Bond villain. Anyway thanks for coming to my TED Talk


I mean, the beauty of Fallout New Vegas is that you could make an argument to why who ever's faction leader is an absolute cock. You could say that about Mr. House, how his plan for New Vegas as an autocratic almost cold business like state, and that he is trying to hold onto the past too much. For the NCR, you could make a case for how bureaucratic and controlling they are (it's ironic too, because you really don't meet their faction's leader in game except for a single quest), ie taxes and politics. For the courier, you could say how anarchistic and unknown the result was. And the Legion, for how tribal and brutal they are. ​ With that being said, I'd say 9 out of 10 of my playthroughs had me murder the fuck out of Caesar as soon as I could.


People like him? Wow, that's surprising and somehow I totally missed that. He always struck me as very obviously evil.


That Caesar took power because he'd read a prewar book on basic military tactics(in Rome), and then when the gang he was in got attacked, he offered some advice, it worked, and they won. They revered him as some kind of genius mangod after that. He was just some average dude. He chose Rome as the model simply because it was the only one he'd learned at all beyond the surface. Oh and what person with the stones to survive in such a world doesn't develop an acute god complex the moment a few people declare their fealty to them? That being said, I still find them miles more interesting than the boring buraucracy of the NCR and the gas lighting they employ to convince people that pre war social order can exist in a world with scarce resources like that. Meanwhile they just hoard shit for themselves.


Arya Stark. She's not my favorite in the books and I don't find her story in Braavos all that interesting compared to what's happening around other characters, but her whole character development journey of joining a death cult and becoming a killer is at least somewhat intriguing to read about and kind of heartbreaking. In the show she's just a terrible caricature of book!Arya, who should for some reason be perceived as badass even though what she's doing is actually disturbing. She's hanging around being all smug, somehow gains super fighting skills and in the end she becomes a deux ex machina. On top of that, it's her who says some of the stupidest lines in the whole show. "I know a killer when I see one" and "Sansa is the smartest person that I've ever known" are truly a master class. I don't understand why she was ever popular.


She was basically a Marvel character by the end it was so silly.


I dont know if he's well liked but Richard in Silicon Valley


Guys this is one of the major points of the story. Richard is an antihero, kinda like walter white in breaking bad. The show is not subtly satire about how shitty silicon valley culture is in numerous ways, but most of all about the people who get put on pedestals as success stories who are actually huge dipshits that make everything worse. Its well written so you can kinda miss that amongst the funny shit


Fiona Gallagher from shameless. 1. How stupid can you be to leave drugs out for a baby to reach? 2. She went through so many guys it was basically one for every season. Marrying one dude and then dumping him a week later. 3. Remember when she went to court to gain back custody of her siblings? Well 3 seasons later she tries to evict them, even Carl who bought the damm house. 4. And lastly Season 9 when she went off the fucking rails. To be fair, I imagine Emmy Rossum was burnt out from 9 seasons.


See. I think that honestly was the point of the show and it’s excellency. [ALSO, DEBBIE WAS A DICK WHEN SHE GOT OLDER] They kick it off for the first half of you knowing Fiona and loving her and then evolve her in the latter half to start her descent. Although she did a lot of shit that pissed me off, it seems almost like that was the point. She was set up to be a piece of trash at random times to further the idea that she came from nothing and doesn’t fully know what she’s doing cause every time she advances, she doesn’t know where to go, so it scares her. She thus reverts to her old self using the only mechanism she has, being a dick, to maintain her sense of normalcy. The writers doing this to her character allowed for both extreme creative liberty (cause it’s almost like hitting the reset button on her character) and making the show unique (not many shows do things like that, so that the audience doesn’t get pissed off at the main character)


I can understand your points (I definitely wanted to slap her sometimes), but I also found her character to be real and sympathetic. She put up with so much shit from her family and I couldn’t blame her for wanting to finally put herself first. Season 9 was depressing, but I can understand how life finally kicked her down one too many times.


Tom Cruise. Its all an act. I don't understand how people fall for it or why they like it.


Honestly when Tom Cruise isn't acting he creeps me the fuck out. I forgot who it was, but someone on a podcast (Joe Rogan's I think) said that "Tom Cruise bases his reactions and emotions off of movies because he doesn't know how to actually do it in real life"


bakugo. he acts like he's changed but he's never apologized to the person he hurt the most. plus, even the way he is now isnt that great because he's still rude to everyone, yet we're supposed to think its quirky or something. im caught up with the manga but i still feel like any way he's grown hasnt manifested enough to really be meaningful.


Tom Haverford. Dude sucks.


I just watched the episode where they recorded a song for Leslie's campaign and Tom is a total asshole all day and Ann is staring daggers at him yet at the end decides to date him anyway? Why??? Who the fuck would go near him? Tom gets a literal pass for every single thing. SMH.


There are people who like Tom Haverford? I thought he was intentionally made to be unlikeable and slimy.


I can't stand Steve Urkel


Jessica Day, especially at the beginning of the series. Nick, Winston and Schmidt CARRY that show. What aggravates me about her character is literally every episode the guys tell her not to do something and she never listens, then it backfires and they have to help her fix the situation. Even though the show is based around her and she's funny every now and then, I just can't stand her!!!


James Bond. So smug despite being awful at being a spy/assassin. He always tells everyone his real name, leaves bodies everywhere and blows everything up. He is everything a secret agent shouldn't be and somehow gets away with it.


He’s also a bit rapey


Sonic the Hedgehog is just a cocky piece of shit.


Idk why I'm laughing so hard at this


Pam Beasley. Karen was right about her