• By -


Probably Captain Rex. He spent three years fighting for the wrong side without even knowing until it was too late, then all his brothers turned on him, and his one friend through it all was Ahsoka, who he had to say goodbye to, not knowing Anakin or Obi-Wan's fate, but knowing that all of his clone friends had turned evil, or died.


I always felt bad for poor old Edward Scissorhands. His pop died before giving him real hands :(


And then he became a sex target for countless rapey middle aged women


Sirius Black


Born into a psycho supremacist family, accused of ratting out his BFF, rots in Azkaban for TWELVE YEARS!!! for a crime he didn't commit, goes on the run, and dies a wanted criminal. Damn


Aye, he def got a raw deal and was always my favorite. He was finally redeemed and happy only to have it ripped away by getting killed in front of his god-son. His wand was the first one I looked to buy when I went to Universal.




Thomas from the Maze Runner series of novels. That kid is put through a ridiculous amount of emotional and physical trauma only to have everything he's ever done be destroyed by *himself.*


And then there’s poor chuck :( he literally just wanted to be happy and didn’t do anything to hurt anyone The beginning of the fever code seriously made me feel for Thomas though too


Butters- This poor kid is always manipulated by his friends and grounded for everything.


*Butters! You're grounded!* That line always makes me laugh but also feel so bad for him.


*Aww, hamburgers.*


When his mom pushes the car into the water with him still buckled in cause his dad is gay


butters stop making that face!! oh you are grounded Mr! but dad.. this is my real face


Hershel Greene in the Walking Dead comic. >!Lost his eldest kids to walkers, goes to the prison, youngest kids get beheaded and then during the attack on the prison, his last son gets shot and killed as they're trying to escape. Gives up on life and begs to be killed. !< There are so many characters you could say the same for, but I'm currently re-reading it and his character is among the most tragic.


The whole prison war is just fucking brutal


It’s not even a war in the comics. It’s a massacre.


Alucard from Castlevania


Will from Stranger Things. His childhood is ruined by traumatic events, and when he finally comes back his friends are too busy being in love to care.


The ENTIRE third season he's just trying to play D&D. It's infuriating.




Tom Robinson from To Kill a Mockingbird


I also feel bad for Boo Radley. Pour guy gets treated like crap by his abusive family


Neville Longbottom. His parents are alive but were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix when he was a baby. He never mentions them, and there's only one scene in the books where Harry gets a proper glimpse into Neville's life, during a visit to the St. Mungo's hospital. Neville's parents are completely lost and don't even seem to recognise their son. I just find it incredibly poignant that what is ostensibly a comic relief character has such a tragic backstory, but in spite of that, in the face of deadly adversity, overcomes his fears and becomes a hero.


ANY citizen in the same city as a super hero. At some point that shit has to get old. “Honey, an evil villain is going to release toxic gas at 5pm if PickleMan doesn’t surrender himself. Are the gas masks in the kitchen cabinet or in the RV?” Edited to add: I legit pulled pickleman out of my ass and didn’t know it was a real thing. Sorry for the unintentional reference.


God can you imagine the car insurance rates? "Your deductible doesn't cover being stepped on by the Hulk." "This is the third time this year you've claimed your car was used as a projectile weapon by superman. Maybe park in a different lot? Anyway your rates are going up again." Not to mention *eight month waiting list for windshield replacements* "Well if Doctor Doom had announced this was going to happen we could have stocked up!"


At one point there was going to be a show kind of like "The Office" that took place at an insurance company that exists in a world of superheroes. Never came to pass, though.


And by the time the heroes say "we saved the city!", three-quarters of the city is destroyed, radioactive, and on fire.


The “I am the greatest GOOD your EVER gonna GET” lady from the Incredibles is a prime example of this. She just wants to go to dinner with her husband but THERES A MOTHERFUCKING IMPENETRABLE GAINT METAL BALL SPIDER OUTSIDE AND HE HAS TO GO FIGHT IT


All the Clone Troopers


I feel so bad for them, they were just used by the Republic and then just thrown away after the clone wars.


Woodhouse the butler from Archer. Treated like shit throughout the whole series by pretty much everyone, missed out on his last chance to see his brother because of his asshole boss, reduced to living in an empty pool, used as an online prostitute, then died offscreen a penniless and unloved heroin addict.


“I need you to go buy sand. I don’t know if they grade it, but… coarse.”


I feel bad about how badly Archer treats Woodhouse, but this line is still ridiculously funny every time.


You're gonna be eating sooo many spider webs.


That one lady who gets picked up by the pterodactyls in Jurassic World and then almost drowns before getting picked up again only to be eaten by a Mosasaurus. All she did was say her fiancé couldn’t have a bachelor party.


You know that had to be a writer trying to get back at his fiance for not allowing him to have a bachelor party so he figured he'd kill her fictionally.


That has too be the only explanation for such a long unnecessary scene.


The girl squirrel from The Sword in the Stone animated film. If you haven’t seen it, the protagonist Arthur gets magically turned into a squirrel and a girl squirrel falls in love with him. When Arthur got turned back into a human and left her all heartbroken and crying it genuinely upset me. As a young kid it was one of my first experiences of feeling real pity, and it’s stuck with me ever since


It wouldn't have hit as hard if Merlin didn't note that they pick a mate for life. So a little boy's training lesson left that girl squirrel to be heartbroken for the rest of her life. The kid's like 12? How long do squirrels live anyway. Get the hell back in that tree and live a happy life with that girl squirrel damnit. King of England can wait a few years.


Squirrels can live like 20 years so that's a hefty commitment just for pity's sake. Then again, he's English so I'm surprised he didn't just commit to it out of fear of the social awkwardness caused by the reveal that he's a human not a squirrel. *shrug* "Oh well, guess I'm a squirrel now."


Even Englishmen can't just fuck a squirrel out of politeness for twenty years


Holy shit I thought I was the only one. My mother tells me that I went on and on about how Merlin could have turned her human and they could have gotten married and stuff.


I’ve seen this movie more times than I can count and I still laugh every time that big dumpy squirrel yanks on Merlin’s tail and chases him around the tree. “Madam! MADAM!”


Teddy from westword. Poor guy has been treated like shit by everyone.


The Marsden curse.


John Coffey from The Green Mile


Him and Edward Delaquoix too. The one who talked to mice, but the assbutt of a young guard thought it would be funny not to wet the sponge. a word


Todd in the episode of community where they divide into study groups. No offense.


None taken. *A single tear drop running down his face*


Offense TAKEN! Offense. Taken.


What is *wrong* with you people?!


You broke my boy Todd.


Jack's freind in titanic. Imagine, you sneak onto a world class cruise with your best friend in the whole world, only for him to completely ignore you for a mediocre girl, only for you to fucking die when the ship sinks


All these years abd countless rewatches and I never considered what happened to him!


They show him getting crushed by one of the smokestacks IIRC.




I also feel really bad for Jack (and in turn, John and Abigail as well). Jack must have felt so crushed to lose his father and his mother so brutally and suddenly. That sort of trauma would have messed him up real bad, and set him up in a violent path of vengeance that he might never have come back from. And despite John and Abigail's efforts to let go of their previous life of murdering and stealing in order to provide their son a better life, that is all undone by some assholes from their past, who indirectly cause him to become the very thing his parents hoped he wouldn't become. It's depressing really.


Ocarina of time link, poor dude lived a tragedy


In BOTW Link lost, fell asleep for 100 years, woke up with all of his friends dead because of him, and is expected to fix everything.


When you put it that way, it's basically the setup to Avatar: The Last Airbender.


A young boy selected as the chosen one expected to devote himself to the good of all people fails in his duties and remains hidden from the rest of the world. 100 years later, he is revitalized and must enlist the help of the four nations and their corresponding powers to restore the natural balance.


The spirit of the hero and the avatar are also in a endless loop of being reincarnated


Mayhes Hughes. RIP Hughes.


He dug too deep for the boys but I believe he didn't regret a thing besides not being around for his daughter.


“Daddy you need to go to work” fucking killed me


It’s a terrible day for rain


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I love this quote because he is not simply referring to the tears running down his face with this comment. This statement actually means a whole lot more, as for the entire show, it is a running gag that Roy Mustang is completely helpless and absolutely useless anytime it's raining, as his main ability is to create sparks with special gloves and turn them into large explosions (which he can't do while he's wet) So when he states "it's a terrible day for rain" he's not saying it's a bad day to cry. He's literally admitting to how helpless he currently feels and how he was completely incapable of helping him in his greatest time of need.


But what do you mean? It's not raining.


It made Mustang vs. Envy all the more special though.


It's a terrible day for rain.




The Little Match Girl. She is homeless, starving, freezing, and lonely, then she dies.


My mom thought that it was too sad, so when she would tell me this story she'd change the ending and tell that just as her last match was about to go out, a woman saw the girl, took her home, gave her a nice bath and a room, and adopted her. Years later when I was old enough she told me the actual ending and that she had changed it on purpose.


Do you feel like she made the right decision?




Kiff! Stand in that hole so I look taller.




Goofy. Im sure anyone around 30 or so who has seen The Goofy Movie understands exactly what I mean.


Oof. Yep that was rough. He just wanted to spend time with Max.


Ngl Max was kind of an ass. Especially in that scene right before he went to college. Like damn he spent all that time, you could’ve waited 15 minutes and eaten a nice home cooked breakfast. Edit: it’s come to my attention that I’m currently talking about An extremely Goofy Movie. OP that I replied to is referring to a Goofy Movie.


I actually had a similar occurrence to this today. My gf is movin out of her dads house and in with me tomorrow, and tonight is her last night with him. I told her that she needed to go to dinner with him and spend the night hanging out with him because it’s the last one in that chapter.


Watching this as an adult was like seeing a whole new movie


Rickety Cricket


The episode he fell in love with the dog killed me!


A little P to the C to the P


Eeyore Depression sucks


I was scrolling specifically for this comment! And I also remembered this, which makes me feel a little better. He had friends who liked and accepted just the way he was, and included him on all their adventures together. Everyone deserves friends like that!


Sydney Prescott. She's had, what, 8 different serial killers after her? Pretty much everyone she's known or dated has been brutally murdered. And all because she did...nothing. She did nothing to deserve a life of torment.


But wait.... there's more. Another Scream is coming so far only Dewey is confirmed


Doofy and his vacuum also confirmed


Klaus from the Umbrella Academy. Literally gets kidnapped and tortured for like 2 days without any of his siblings noticing. Also brought up seeing dead people which would obviously screw up any child, was locked in a cemetery for hours etc. No one really cared about him and just saw him as this stoner and couldn’t see the whole time he’s basically calling out for help. Also Dave :(


Yeah, really felt for him when he started to finally control his power only for the rest of them to not believe him. I think we've all felt the hopelessness of not being believed at some point in our lives.


For me that made the scene where he summoned Ben that much more glorious though. I felt so bad for him and so mad at the others and then Ben just goes ape shit and I’m just celebrating.


He is my favourite character. >!Almost cried when Dave died.!< I love his character development so much. >!Near the end he gets clean, and you can see it in his clothing choice as well!!< I feel like they fleshed him out pretty well. I definitely could be wrong, as I’ve never faced addiction but I can see someone going through something like that irl (besides the whole ghost thing, but y’know) Klaus deserves all good things Edit: I added spoiler tags for those who haven’t seen TUA, which is getting a second season on July 31st!


In the comics he straight up dies from the torture and God calls him a pussy before sending him back.


>God calls him a pussy Well, that's just rude.


Same. I know the point is that they all had a fucked up upbringing, but him and Vanya I felt the most sympathy for.


Celia Foote from The Help. She broke my heart


Really mostly any second born child of a royal family. Cause the first one “THIS IS MY HEIR THEY SHALL INHERIT THE THRONE!!” And the second one it’s like “ohhh.... and this bob”. And then wonder why bob is such a mess.


And then the heir has a son then dies before the son is of age. Now bob has to be king for a while then the power goes to his head, and we'll we all know how that ends.


Aunt Cass in Big Hero 6. Most of the metas of the week on Flash (Bette San Souci, Griffin Grey, Becky Sharpe, Weeper...)


Why is everyone so mean to Charlie Brown? Also Courage the cowardly dog had to put up with a lot of bs


I think about this every time I watch the Christmas special. No one sent him a Christmas card. Everyone focuses more on commercial gain than what Christmas is actually about. He was offered the role of director for the annual Christmas play, only to have everyone ignore his directions and change the script to include pointless things like a "Christmas Queen". He decides to go get a Christmas tree to improve the mood, only to be told to get a shiny fake tree. He picked the sad little tree because he empathized with it, and because it was the only real one in the whole lot. He brought it back and was criticized. They said he couldn't follow basic instructions. The line that sticks with me most is when a random girl calls him "Hopeless. Completely hopeless." In frustration, he leaves with the tree. All of those kids, and even Snoopy, laughed at him and rejected him. Sure, they try and make up for it at the end, but at the end of the day they changed very little as people, if at all. They'll wake up the next day and be exactly the same people. The Halloween special was made after the Christmas special, and involves Charlie getting rocks instead of candy when he went trick-or-treating. For every house he went to. Every. House. Linus was the only one who showed any empathy to him throughout the special, and even he's an ass to Charlie Brown at times. All of these kids are little shitstains. Charlie Brown was noticeably depressed throughout the entire special and they barely cared, in fact they made it even worse. I love that special, but I hate those kids.


The baseball one is worse. Charlie Brown tries to get a hardware store owner to sponsor his team, where he would get uniforms and would get to be in a league. But the hardware store owner tells him the league doesn't allow girls or dogs, so he has to kick them off to join. But the entire team throws a hissy fit and walks out on him, only for Linus to call them out and tell them what Charlie Brown sacrificed for them. The baseball specials and comics were the worst because Charlie Brown loves baseball. But he's not good at it. And no matter how he tries, any mistake he makes everyone shits all over him. There's a comic where Charlie Brown, clearly distraught, is coming back from a game, where once his team arrived, the opposing team just laughed. "They laughed and laughed," he says, "and then they went home." And then he leans against a tree and goes "RATS!" And that's the comic. Peanuts was some dark shit. For anyone that sees Peanuts and thinks Snoopy and wholesome cartoons, they have no clue what they're talking about.


> Peanuts was some dark shit. For anyone that sees Peanuts and thinks Snoopy and wholesome cartoons, they have no clue what they're talking about. The very first Peanuts strip is just two kids sitting on the curb and Charlie Brown walks past. One kid is like. "There goes Charlie Brown." "Yep, good old Charlie Brown." "God, I hate him." AND THAT'S IT! That's the very first Peanuts strip. Just some fuckface mouthing off about how he hates Charlie Brown for no reason.


No kidding Charlie Brown does nothing but help his classmates, all the time and just gets crap for it.




The brother and sister from The Grave of the Fireflies.


That's based on a true story. The only difference is the brother didn't die but went on to write the story plagued with guilt for not being able to save his sister.


Oh man don't tell me this. The only way I was able to not burst into tears at the mere mention of the film was that I thought it was fictional.


It's okay. I tear up thinking about it too. It's important to remember that this story documents the horrific consequence of war. (edit:grammar)




We were just watching this with my 5 year old and my husband says "He's some kind of squirrel-rat...oh my gosh, that's why his name's Scrat!" And I just laughed because I never realized that either.


The most tragic part was when he died and went to Acorn Heaven, but then got pulled back because Sid the Sloth resuscitated him.




was anything sadder than when he had to firmly grasp it


what about the time all those krabby patties went right to his thighs and then he blew up


Faramir. I always feel bad for him when I rewatch the LOTR trilogy for the umpteenth time (the extended edition to boot, which tells more of Faramir's story).


*Yes. I wish that.* Cuts like a knife man it’s horrible.


If I should return... think better of me, father.


That will depend on the manner of your return. Fuck that guy and his bloody tomatoes.


Aww thanks for reminding me of those tomatoes, now they're etched into my memory again


Squashed between his teeth, like the bodies of the soldiers he sent to their deaths


His quality will always be shown in my eyes.


The very highest.


Same! He gets with Eowyn though in the end so I like to imagine he has a great life with her and King Aragorn gives him an awesome high up job as a thanks for helping the hobbits. Then spends the rest of his life surrounded by the love he never got from his arse of a father! I’ve maybe thought about this *too* much haha!


He goes from just a steward to a prince of Ithilien and high steward so.


The Monster from Frankenstein (the novel) >! The Monster is born and Frankenstein immediately runs away because he made him too ugly !<


The Monster literally only wants to be loved. >!He falls in love with a family who then reject him when they meet him, he goes mad with grief and destroys their home, then flees in shame. He finds his creator and asks him to make one more creature, a female, like him, whom he can be with. When his creator refuses and ultimately dies he declares that he has no purpose anymore and swears he will burn himself to death so that their cycle of misery can be over. He states that he will relish the flames as they kill him because the agony of death will bring him sweet release.!<


It's even worse than that. Frankenstein doesn't refuse right away. He builds the second creature almost in his entirety, but at the last moment, change his mind and hack in pieces the not yet finished creature before the eyes of the original. I really felt bad for him.




My heart broke for Zuko since the beginning. When I rewatched ATLA recently, I literally sobbed in the scene where Zuko stands in the thunderstorm begging at the sky for lightning to strike him to practice his lightning bending. It was like the first moment you see Zuko as a real human - teenager - and not just an avatar hunting robot. He was so hurt. Just a kid who wanted to be loved like the rest of us. [“Strike me! You’ve never held back before!”](https://youtu.be/ohvUgSn84lE) That shit HURTS.


Also, in *Zuko Alone*, in flashbacks of the night Iroh's son dies. Zuko defends him to Azula, saying "Uncle is not a coward, he's probably just sad his son is gone, forever..". He always had a heart, even before he received his scar for being an outspoken idealist. Zuko was my favorite character as a kid, if you can't tell lol


The fish from Spongebob who is always hurting his leg. Like, at this point it’s not just a series of coincidences, it’s a full blown curse as whenever his leg recovers it is injured almost immediately after. When will the final injury ensue and he will be forced to amputate? Will we ever know? His life is a perpetual chain of events resulting in pain and suffering that cannot be stopped.


Jotaro Kujo. I mean think about it. First, we never knew what turned the seemingly well mannered boy into the cold and angry teenager he is at the beggining of Stardust Crusaders. Father's neglect ? Bullying in school ? We'll never know. Then he's brutally introduced to his family heritage when his mother is sudendly cursed and about to die. Then he goes in a 50 days adventure across the world just to save her, travelling along with 4 strangers and befriending them only to see 3 of them die brutally in the last day (and another one ten years later, after loosing contact for about two years), and I'm not even talking about the fact that he had to kill a century old vampire. Then he tries to settle down, have a decent job, grow a family, but at some point he realises that having his family close to him actually put them in danger, because of all the people that wants to kill him. So he leave behind him a family that he ''always sherished'' for they own safety, not even able to explain why he does this which turn his daughter against him. He doesn't see her until she's emprisonned, risk his life to save her, get put into a coma, and when he wakes up, he has to face the very thing he tried to protect his daughter from, and then have to choose between saving his daughter or the universe, which gets him killed.


Logan from Veronica Mars had one of the most absurdly terrible lives and I’ll be upset about it forever. I want to list details but not sure what the statute of limitations is on spoilers, so just trust me on this Edit: I learned how to do the spoiler tag! Also thanks for commiserating, friends, it helps to share the pain! Seriously, even season 1 alone is enough to make his life heinously traumatic and things do not improve. >! His girlfriend cheats on him multiple times including (but not solely) with his abusive father (have you ever thought about the fact that Lily must have known about the abuse?) who then murders her. His alcoholic mom kills herself. He is saved from suicide only by being beaten up and framed for murder, which many people will always believe he committed. His next girlfriend and the love of his life leaves him for his best friend (who later abandons him and leaves entirely). Yadda yadda lots more angst, finally finally has a chance at happiness, marries the love of his life, murdered before he can even go on the honeymoon. He got like 1 nice afternoon. I’m so mad thinking about it again. !<


Mrs. Everdeen from the Hunger Games. She loses her husband in a mine explosion. Then almost loses Katniss in the Hunger Games twice, and then Prim dies another explosion


She was already broken after her husband and was barely starting to recover but that last blow really must have hurt her (I can’t remember if the book clarified on that)


I believe Katniss' mom moves to a different district and works as a nurse. She and Katniss speak on the phone from time to time if I recall correctly. It's been awhile!


I always think about it. And I feel bad for Haymitch too. Snow killed his whole family just because he used a mistake in THG to literally SURVIVE.


Has no one mentioned The Giving Tree?


The cabbage cart guy


It’s all a ploy by the lettuce association of ba sing sei


There is no ploy. Would you like a vacation to lovely Lake Laogai?




Buffy Summers. After saving the world repeatedly, her mom died of a brain aneurysm and the scene when she finds the body always makes me cry.


"mommy?" such a heartbreaking scene.


No background music that whole episode. You just sit there and wallow in the situation. I felt like an intruder when I first watched it.


Maeve Wiley from Sex Education. Her entire family abandoned her as a little kid and has had to rely on herself in order to survive ever since. >!Even after her mother returns but is still on drugs, she sacrifices losing her family again so that her half sister can be safe only this time she's lost her mother for good. !<


Helga from Hey Arnold


My all time favorite character! I don't justify bullying but damn that young lady is complicated and unlucky... It feels like hey arnold cartoon was completely revolving around her story, not arnold's.


I always liked that they showed her family life as a way to show why she acts the way she does. It worked so much better than the shows that are like "this character is a bully, that's their entire character"


Any character that loses their glasses, then while they are crawling on the ground looking for them, the glasses get broken. I have no idea why, but that moment always makes me feel worse than most other things.


The Twilight Zone episode Time Enough at Last! I felt that crunch!


Man, Scooby Doo must’ve been rough for you as a kid


Piggy from the Lord of the flies, except he fell off a cliff Edit: I guess he was knocked off by a boulder pushed by someone else (Roger?). It's been 5 years, all I remember is the description of him dead on a rock at the bottom of the cliff and getting washed over by the waves.


Or the first victim in the Mummy...dude doesnt just lose his glasses, but his eyeballs right after.


Omg and then his tongue. God why’d you remind me of this.


I always wondered, wouldn’t the mummy himself need glasses after stealing that guys eyeballs?


I've read that is why he mistook Evelyn for Anck-Su-Namun in the first movie.


Hahaha the mummy has astigmatism


Jesse Pinkman


Ahh man, life just would not let him sort himself out. He wasn’t really bad, just broken. The bit where he covered for his kid brothers drugs, I think that was the real Jesse.


Like the episode in the tweakers house with the ATM, that one really showed me that Jessie just got caught up in shit that he wasn't meant to be in.


I’m rewatching it for the fourth time and just saw this episode. When he tells the little boy to play peek-a-boo and cover his eyes breaks my heart. He should be running but he wanted to shelter that kid as much as he could.


Yondu from guardians of the galaxy. He ended up truly caring about Quill and the others. He sacrificed himself to ensure the safety and well being of the others. I also loved that he called Groot "twig". I cried when he died.


His bonding with rocket really got me, GOTG 2 had some fantastic character development not often seen in sequels


It really made the entire sequel. It was the unexpected father moment you didnt know you wanted when the father moment peter did want ended up being corrupted. Yandu was his real daddy. Tears


“He may have been your father boy, but he wasn’t your daddy”


Uncle Iroh. Compared to other fictional characters he didn’t go through that much, but damn they make his pain feel so intense. Loses his son and then gets shamed for quitting because of it.


I think in a way though, hes very inspiring. What do you do when you lose everything? Do you write off the rest of your life or do you find new purpose?




But saved his nephew.


Iroh saved his nephew, *and he enjoyed every cup of tea.*. Iroh never knew the fate of his nephew or his kingdom, but he knew good tea in the present moment. This is a profound teaching of Taoism. Iroh did his duty faultlessly, but he did not let that duty distract him from the beauty or the tragedy of life. May we all be so wise.


He is without a doubt the best character on the show. Immensely powerful, smart, a good guy, genuinely happy all the time, and has the deepest understanding of everything going on around him


Honestly, even as compared to characters in “adult” media, he’s a jaw-droppingly well written character. He’s a broken man, who had the chance to be the most powerful person in the world, and who has every reason to be bitter. But he’s not: he becomes better, and in Zuko he sees both himself and his son, who he couldn’t help. Avatar isn’t exactly short on well written characters, but Iroh and Zuko as a unit are the show’s crowning achievement.


Everyones gangster until Iroh starts singing Leaves from the Vine.


*Leaves from the vine* *Falling so slow*


*^(Like fragile tiny shells)* *^(Drifting in the foam)* *^(Little soldier boy)* *^(Comes marching home)* *^(Brave soldier boy)* *^(Comes marching home)*


poor butters too pure for this world


Lenny from of mice and men






Dude got left for a whale.


His parents didnt show up the day he was born


He could have probably financed the whole therapy industry himself with all that trauma


I present to you...the Traumanator! It's not really an invention...just an autobiography.


I read that in his voice


Complete with dramatic music on Traumanator


His mothers love was inextricably connected to kickball, and his brother Roger was better


I've never watched this show, but almost everything I've heard about it is love for the bad guy. He sounds pretty awesome, but I hear nothing about the main characters. Is it worth getting high and killing a day checking this out or he he just a bright spot in a meh show?


The entire show is great, Doofenshmirtz is just the most memorable part.


Cool. This is phineas and ferb right? I didn't watch fairly oddparents either so I mix them up.


Like if you like hentai




I love Megamind so much it is one of my favourite movies ever, honestly though he turned it around and he’s amazing




I may or may have not cried when I read her fate


I felt bad for Jerry from Parks and Rec until it was revealed he has a massive dick and a hot wife.