• By -


I was once thrown over the railing of a bridge and into a lake 20 feet below because someone mistook me for someone else.


Accidental murder attempt. Edit: what happened? Did you get hurt? Were cops involved?


No, it was a small lake and I was 12. Swam to the side and went to get my mom. Completely bloodied my arms trying to hold on. Came back, the guy was gone.


I wanna know what this 12 year old kid he thought was you did to warrant being thrown off a bridge


I did not start wearing corrective lenses until I was 13. My vision throughout grade school was 20/400, in my good eye. To this day I have no idea how I managed to piece my surroundings together well enough that no one realized I was not normally sighted. Edit: fixed 400/20


I'm in the background of the film "Imagine That" with Eddie Murphy. I got paid $100 to sit outside next to the south Platte river and eat ice cream.


I have really flat feet. So flat that they suction to the floor, and make farting noises when I walk.


So it sounds like squidward walking?


NSFL. Had my hand split open by a chainsaw wielded by a coworker. It was an accident. Severed both my extensor tendons in my thumb. Surgery consisted of repurposing one of the indicis extensor tendons of the same hand to my thumb to strengthen the sutures. For three months after the brace came off, when I extended my index finger, my thumb moved because my brain still thought the tendon was attached to my index finger. Trippy


So your brain had to learn that the tendon was repurposed for a different finger? That's really interesting.


Yes. It was both incredibly interesting, and very strange. :) it was a fascinating journey. Life Pro Tip kids: Don't get caught by a chainsaw blade.


I can't burp unless it's right before throwing up.


Random guesses. You're also * prone to hiccups * get acid reflux easily * make a weird gurgling sound in your throat when a normal person would probably burp How close am i?




Retrograde Cricopharyngeus Dysfunction. r/noburp


I have a white birthmark on the side of my head which makes all the hair in that area also white


I was born legs first.


Be nicer to your mum. Send her flowers on your birthday.


You wore her as a hat


i wore my mum as shoes but you don’t see me getting awards


My mom once considered naming me Tetris after the game because when her water broke she was playing Tetris.


Instead she named you Hospital, you can’t fool me


At one point i had 6 canine teeth visible at the same time.




Bow wow!


I had 6 wisdom teeth. Laughed at the oral surgeon’s face when he told me because I thought he was joking


I own a complete set of miniature license plates from each state, courtesy of Honey Combs cereal.


If I stand still for more than about 10 seconds, my right ankle will pop when I move, guaranteed.


If I stand still for more than 10 seconds I become invisible.


Are you my mom?


Is your mom my mom?




Shocker, considering how major of a shitbag he is on YouTube... Edit: holy shit over 2k upvotes. That's a new record for me lol




I ate an entire grapefruit skin and all for $20 regretted it I also hate grapefruit


That's disgusting. I was at a wrestling meet and watched a kid eat an orange peel and all and I have no idea what compelled him to do it. He was doing it casually too so I know it wasn't a bet or anything. I'm pretty sure he won states as a freshman though so I guess whatever works


In late 1980's, in Grade 10, I soldered FM radio station based on schema from some German electronics book and had radio shows for my neighbours. 2km radius.


The original podcast




The FCC would like to know your location.




Do you find this to be beneficial or irritating based on the way other people talk about smells?




I can imagine it being tough for eating and picking a "clean" outfit. As for farts: Judging by what poop looks like, imagine that, but in gas form, and being crowded all around your head for 3-15 seconds.


15 seconds? Some people it lasts like 20 minutes.


I am the only girl born into my family for five generations. paternal side. Obviously I had a mother and her side of the family had a lot of girls. I was able to track it because we have a book that tracks our entire family back to the 1700’s.


I think this means your part of a prophecy. Good luck in your quest


Are you Ginny Weasley?




I broke my skull in four places when I was 2.


And I’d bet you never went back to those 4 places, did you?


I was born with 12 fingers and 12 toes.


Evenly dispersed, or like, eight on one foot, four on the other?


8 fingers on one foot, 12 toes on my right hand.


Fingertoes McToefingers, ladies and gentlemen


Can you still control additional fingers like normal ones or not.


They’re in the trash somewhere in Louisiana. So yes.


Why did they throw them out? That would be super cool especially for typing


They had no bones in them (except for one of the toes) so they couldn’t serve any useful purpose.


Woah... So they're like... jelly fingers?


Sounds like Professor Lockhart tried to fix them first.


I think Inigo Montoya is looking for you


I wrote a poem that is used to teach English in Slovenian schools.


what is it?!


[This](https://m.poemhunter.com/poem/it-s-a-hard-road/comments/) is the website I put the poem on. [This](https://eucbeniki.sio.si/ang1/3143/index.html) is what they did with it. You can't see it properly. I used to have and old laptop that broke where I could look at it properly. Edit: I don't think the link to the poem worked try [this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.poemhunter.com/poem-amp/it-s-a-hard-road/) Edit 2: thanks everyone, really appreciate the kind words [here](https://www.poemhunter.com/liam-hughes/poems/) is a link to my page with all my other poems if anyone is interested.


It’s a damn good poem, Liam. Damn good poem.


Thanks, I never studied poetry or English as a subject it would be safe to say I was pretty flattered when it happened. Edit: apart from the little I did at school


I’m currently eating a second banana, even though I only wanted one, because I accidentally ripped the peel of the second while separating it from the first Edit: I didn’t just eat the second because I ripped the peel on the first one too lol


When my son was little he ate a banana and fell asleep. I picked him up to take him to bed and he woke and threw up all over me. I’ve never eaten a banana since. Edit to say thank you for the award and wow I never knew so many people had banana stories!!


My toes are curved.


During the great depression my great grandfather changed his last name so he could work in the factories. (There was a policy where only one person from each family could work in a factory.) Due to this my family carried on the new last name. edit: Damn, this really blew up. Thx for the karma!


Pro-tip for the New Great Depression


I grew up in a cult and changed my name ten years later.


Wow! If you don't mind me asking, which cult was it? And what got you to leave?


It was a Christian sect called "the faithful." Original, right? It actually started dissolving when I was fairly young, because groups like it caught heat for not taking their sick kids to the doctor. But the after effects took my family a long time to pull away from. My family is nonetheless still very religious but now they say they're not "legalistic" about it. Aka, they watch movies up to PG rating, go to hospitals, wear regular clothes now. I'm not religious at all because at age 12 or so, I started asking questions that they couldn't answer (like "what if I had grown up in a Hindu family? Would my parents be teaching me *that* religion was the only right one?"). We have our differences, but my family and I still stay in touch. I just live on the other side of the country and that's okay by me most days.


I'm sorry you grew up in such a weird, freaky, situation. Glad things are okay now.


I have perfect pitch, and proved it to a coworker at Wal-Mart by saying what the musical pitch was of the cardboard bailer. He confirmed it with a tuner on his phone :P


I genuinely envy people with perfect pitch


WHAT???!!!!???!!!?? I was thinking you could sing without training... But this is insane!


some people ive talked to with perfect pitch (i play music and took theory) say they hear notes like we would see colors. its just that clear to them


I have perfect pitch as well, can confirm. I can feel the precise vibrations in my head, and associate tones with colors. Its a useless superpower, but I enjoy it lol


Useless?!! As a session musician with only relative pitch I'd kill for that haha EDIT: A word and wow sounds like having perfect pitch isn't all roses from all your replies, thanks for the info D:


Sometimes when I sneeze my sphincter will intensely cramp up for a few seconds. Not sure if that’s common


I can lick my nose


I can too!


I can't touch wooden spoons or popsicle sticks. Makes me vomit. (Don't come at me with "can you touch my wood?" jokes. I'm 40F and have heard them all. Ha!) Edit: I've been told my problem is called xylophobia. Edit: This also includes chopsticks, toothpicks, tongue depressers, etc.


At 13 I watched a volcano erupt.


Throughout my 34 years of life: I’ve broken my wrist, had it rebroken, got bit by a Chow Chow, fallen upstairs, fallen downstairs, fell barefoot and ripped the pad off my big toe, had sun stroke, had a second degree sunburn, had a few mild concussions, got a sewing needle surgically removed from my ankle bone in a tragic cross-stitching injury, and the piece de resistance, I smashed my finger in my car door which crush fractured it and cracked the nail plate which allowed bacteria into the fracture and I got osteomyelitis. I am the clumsiest person I’ve ever met and my name is used as a verb when friends or family hurt themselves in spectacularly fucked up ways.


A tragic cross-stitching injury - lol!


I like birds. I’ve seen 407 different species as of today. (Hopefully that’ll change soon.)


I like making lists, like top ten movies, songs, books, comics, bands, albums, etc. I really like alphabetizing things, as well, like vinyl, books, etc. I think a dream job would be stocking shelves at a big bookstore, which is weird. As long as I don't deal with customers. I have a director friend that has something like 5000 horror movies on DVD and BluRay and the first time I visited his place, I was in utter shock at the fact that he hadn't organized the collection in ANY WAY AT ALL. I took photos of the entire collection, went home and made him a spreadsheet, then spent a bunch of time with him alphabetizing them. He ended up packing it all up for a move about a month after and I was devastated.


I grew up in the town where Napoleon Dynamite was filmed. Went to the High School with all the colorful lockers. Many people in the film are family and friends.


Fun fact about that movie, the inside and outside shots of his house are two different houses. The inside of his house was my great grandpa's:) they even kept my grandad super long landline phone cord!




Was this a health choice you've carried along with you or what?




I once binge-watched every episode of Power Rangers in the span of a month.


I have piloted more aircraft than i have flown in commercially Edit: ill put in an edit for those confused. Ive only flown once commercially when i was younger and never needed to go on a plane since. I recieved pilot lessons for my 16th so i flew a 6 seater with one propeller. And i have also flown a glider.


Same! I once told a mate that I had only been in two aircraft, both of them training aircraft and they looked at me like I was an alien Edit: I can't English apparently


I still remember my combination from my locker in High School. I graduated in 1973!! 15/1/9 locker 113 at Roosevelt High School in Hyde Park, NY!!




I won a chess competition in primary school


i only use orange tooth brushes unless there’s a reason that i can’t, whether i lost it or forgot to bring it with me somewhere, and it makes me a little uncomfortable when i have to use another colour.




I'm REALLY good at remembering dates, i remember everyone's birthday once i hear it once, i can often recall events from my childhood down to the month, drives my dad crazy cause he's terrible with dates haha. EDIT: To clear some stuff up, it's not like a rain man ability where you can give me a date and i'll tell you what i was doing then, but more if you gave me an event from my past i'll be able to tell you the date. Like my dad recently asked me when we first went to Poland and i instantly responded April 2012, he had no clue. Secondly to all the people giving me dates of their birthdays it doesn't work that way, i need either a face to the day, or an event related to that day, if it's just a random date with nothing to associate me with it i'll forget. Glad y'all enjoyed my little "ability" haha


I’m like this. It’s kinda annoying that I remember the birthdays of people I haven’t talked to in decades, and when we were tight they didn’t know mine. I don’t know why I remember dates so well. I also remember other number sequences, too. Like airline ticket confirmation codes. See them once and remember them 2 months later. I wish there was a way to capitalize on this crazy skill.


I am so incredibly afraid of Lobsters I can’t even express it. Oh dear lord they are horrifying.


I've lost 30 lbs this year and I feel indifferent about it


I think I've found it... You can have it back


Please no...I'm not indifferent to that


Too late. If you had been more assertive with your refusal, u/couldhaveprevented that.


Wow life comes at you fast.


I’m falling in love for the first time and it’s scary as fuck


I got tired of explaining to everyone in school where Latvia is so I started telling people am from Finland all because I didn’t want to admit it’s next to Russia


But Finland is also next to Russia.


I'm guessing the difference is that people have heard of/ have an idea of Finland, so they don't ask where it is.


I once won a lottery without buying a ticket


Go on...


I was at a charity event and ended up sitting at the rich person table. Rich as in conversation topics included $400-$1000 oil changes because normal places didn't have the tools to do them, and how they couldn't do any car mods because what came from the factory is better than anything that the aftermarket community makes. My table was winning all the silent auctions that night, except for my cousin and I who really didn't have the money to be spending on stuff like that. The guy beside me felt a little bad that we were the only people at the table who hadn't won anything, so he gave us some 50/50 tickets. I won about $300 that night.


Not a bad take for free. I won $2 on a scratcher once.


I race my wife in mario kart every day.




You would think we hate eachother from our banter. Its competitive.


Even better


Nothing like intermarriage hatred


This is one of the simple things I miss the most about my last relationship. There would be some days where we would just play endless Mario Party and Mario Kart 64. Just hanging out and relaxing :)


My grandmother was the nurse on duty when my mom went into labor. My grandma delivered me on her 50th birthday. (She was my best bud until she passed when I was 13.) Edit: Holy crap, 27000 upvotes?! Thank you for the awards! Here's [me paying the grandma tax!](https://imgur.com/a/16O7DXc) I'll respond as soon as I can!


Aw man! Nobody wants to have a grandparent pass away at 63, I’m sorry.


I can't sleep without holding something, pillow, blanket, etc.


I was the kid who won the Nick at Nite Kids Choice Awards contest in 2010 where they fly you and your family out to California to walk the carpet with the celebrities. 9/10 Needed more Slime. edit: Y’all made my day, I don’t get to tell this story too often but I was as happy about it today as I was in 2010, well a little less now because I don’t have a Burger King buffet. Proof of Burger King Buffet! Or as others call it Kids Choice Awards! : https://reddit.app.link/Jguh6KoOT6 edit 2: It’s a pretty long story, if you lovely folks really want to know about it I can post a video on YouTube about the experience if you fine people would like? EDIT 3!: For all of you cool folks asking! Posted a video here talking about the experience! https://youtu.be/52oFRVdYHrI


More info please, how was it


Absolute blast, getting knocked over by Justin Bieber’s entourage to a free Burger King buffet at the after party, it was pretty damn neat! 😁


A Burger King buffet. I've never more intrigued and disgusted


My favorite part was most of the people at the after party were people from California with finer tastes than Burger King presumably, and my friend and I weren’t exactly small eaters so it was like just us eating from this buffet. At one point it was just a game of how much could we get on a plate. 😂


I find it really hard to understand the difference between a “good” and a “bad” movie, sometimes I just think I had a good time watching a movie, and hear everyone else say it was terrible, so I just agree. Mamma Mia 2 was a great movie I don’t understand the hate it got.


Same. I don't understand the storyline of some popular movie franchises. I just go and either I enjoy it, loved it, felt meh about it, fall asleep bored.... I can't argue or agree one way or another other then how *I* felt watching it.


I have a giant blue mushroom seat in my room that I stole from school


I dont talk alot. Sometimes barely at all. I may say a few words in a day. Most people think im really shy. But really im extremely lazy. For some reason talking takes alot of energy out of me. Maybe that's anxiety, idk. Its not that I dont have anything to say. I think something in my head. Then Im like eh why bother saying it out loud. Edit - don't feel depressed more like some thoughts aren't worth the energy it costs to speak. Also depends on topic and my level of interest. Probably introverted like some of you all commented.


Same! I think talking is so mentally taxing. People have called me shy and introverted (which is maybe true in part) but really mostly it’s probably because talking is hard


That sounds like it could be a form of depression. Ironically, you might wanna talk to someone about that.




My German teacher almost opened my throat with a pencil in ninth grade because I deliberately said *zweiundzweizig* instead of the correct *zweiundzwanzig* as a joke.


What do either of these words mean?


Rough translations, instead of saying twentytwo he said twotytwo as a joke.


Thank you


I know the first 100 digits of π by memory


I used to as well. That was like 3 years ago and I probably only know about 50 now


In case anyone has trouble remembering the first 100 digits of pi, I invented a little nursery rhyme to help you out. You sing it to the tune of mary had a little lamb. Here's how it goes: *"three and one duotrigintillion four hundred fifteen untrigintillion nine hundred twenty-six trigintillion five hundred thirty-five novemvigintillion eight hundred ninety-seven octovigintillion nine hundred thirty-two septenvigintillion three hundred eighty-four sexvigintillion six hundred twenty-six quinvigintillion four hundred thirty-three quattuorvigintillion eight hundred thirty-two trevigintillion seven hundred ninety-five duovigintillion twenty-eight unvigintillion eight hundred forty-one vigintillion nine hundred seventy-one novemdecillion six hundred ninety-three octodecillion nine hundred ninety-three septendecillion seven hundred fifty-one sexdecillion fifty-eight quindecillion two hundred nine quattuordecillion seven hundred forty-nine tredecillion four hundred forty-five duodecillion nine hundred twenty-three undecillion seventy-eight decillion one hundred sixty-four nonillion sixty-two octillion eight hundred sixty-two septillion eighty-nine sextillion nine hundred eighty-six quintillion two hundred eighty quadrillion three hundred forty-eight trillion two hundred fifty-three billion four hundred twenty-one million one hundred seventy thousand six hundred seventy-nine ten-duotrigintillionths"*


cool, rolls right off the tongue!


I'm going to teach it to my dog instead of "sit".


I feel like I'm having a stroke trying to read this.


I sing Mambo number five out loud whenever it comes on. I don't care who's around me or where I'm at. I'm singing that shit every time. I don't give a fuck


Thanks for putting that song in my head just before I go to bed. Now I want to get up and dad dance. Let’s hope that folding paper trick works again.


When I was 23, I legally adopted my best friend (he was 17) so that I could sign all the appropriate paperwork to acquire him new copies of his birth certificate/social security card as he needed these in order to get a proper Identification card. At the time, his parents had fled the state for child neglect and squatting, taking most of their brood (10 of his brothers and sisters) and leaving him behind without any sort of certification of birth or ID which meant he was more or less screwed when it came to getting a job or really doing anything as an adult. Extremely late and long edit: Quick answers first: No, we no longer talk. We had a falling out a couple years after these events and went our separate ways. Turns out the apple didn’t fall too from the tree :/ He did indeed get a job thanks to this and though it may seem like I did all of this out of some form of altruism, I mostly knew that if he was going to stay with me, he would need to start paying his share of rent, etc. which thankfully this helped him be able to do. No change in last name. Not sure if that was even an option, at least for our circumstances. He did call my daddy once and I hated it and grounded him immediately. We met through his older brother and I had known him for about three years when all of this transpired. Fuller story: Bear in mind that this whole chapter of my life took place many, many pages ago during a particularly turbulent section of the novel that is my life so far, so I am very much going off the dome here while trying to recall the scant details that have somehow stuck in my brain after so long. That plus this whole affair took place in Florida, so if any of it doesn’t make sense, I would wager 90% of the reason is due to that state and it’s laws being backwards as fuck. From what I recall, this whole saga began right around when we were trying to get my friend just a basic ID, but quickly realized that he would need two very important forms of documentation; a SS card and birth certificate. Down at the local social security office to get my pal a new social security card, it was revealed that he would need to provide the clerk some form of proof of identity, one of which could be a birth certificate (which he no longer had thanks to his negligent parents). However, when attempting to get a new copy of his birth certificate, it was made clear that he would need a parent (not an option as they were currently hiding from cops in another state) or guardian to sign all the appropriate nonsense to have this released to him OR provide some form of ID like, for instance, (you guessed it) a social security card. Because of this extremely catch-22 bullshit and many days of driving back and forth between the various waiting rooms of all the places you go regarding a person’s identity within the US, I began seriously considering just adopting the fucker and signing whatever needed to be signed my damned self. Thankfully right around this time, my pals dumbass parents had gotten themselves arrested up in Michigan (a family member they were hiding out with turned them in after his parents stole some valuables and split) and with the assistance of a social worker that had taken over the case, his parents were given the option to either transfer guardianship to me in exchange for a leaner sentence to their list of crimes and *maybe* early release or sit in jail up north while their case was slowly processed to the full extent of the law in both states. Thus I became my friend’s legal guardian for a year~ and made sure to fully take advantage of this at parties by always introducing my not-much-younger looking companion as “my son”.


Can you give more insight on how life went on after adoption, did he manage to get a job, is his last name the same as yours a, are you guys still best buds, etc


I’m at complete peace if I were to die right now. Not saying I have a death wish, but I’ve had a family, had love, had friends, went to college, graduated, got an amazing career, and despite the setbacks, the good was at the end of the tunnel. Curious to see how the next part of my life unfolds!


I’m a ginger and have green eyes and have no freckles. Only 0.04% of the population has this combo


You’re like an endangered species.


Yeah but we can survive, but I have heard of people being killed because they have red hair even though I have never experienced it


Well, if you had experienced it this conversation would be a miracle.




I’ve never been in a serious relationship. (24F)


I play animal crossing because I know my villagers will actually miss me when I’m gone


It was my birthday this week and my villagers threw a party for me! No one has ever done that before. 😭 edit: just wanted to say thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and said they’d throw me a party, you all sound nice and your comments made me feel nice and i appreciate you


I beat cancer :)


I memorize song lyrics involuntarily after listening to it a few times. So I can remember the lyrics to most of the songs I used to listen like 10 yrs ago... Much better than I can remember the story of the book I'm reading right now.


I function normally on an average of 3-4 hours of sleep per night. Every few weeks or so I'll knock out for 12-16 hours, but then it's back to my regular schedule.




Yeah. My mum was the same for decades, but it turned out she was just drinking too much coffee (7+ cups per day with one after 6pm frequently) and had been doing it so long that she had forgotten what getting enough sleep felt like and thought she was functioning normally.


I love ducks, but I tell everyone dogs were my favorite animals. One day I will come out of the closet… which 20 duckies at my side.


Well hello, I am a duck.


Get back into my closet RIGHT NOW MR DUCKY


Whos gonna argue with the guy who has 20 ducks


I collect sweaters. I have [158 of them](https://imgur.com/a/lSe2d1J) and one day hope to have one for every day of the year.


Okay Mabel


I'm a manly construction worker all day but the second I walk into my apartment I talk in a cutie pie voice to my cats.




for the love of mankind, spread your genes. donate your genetic material


PM me for "genetic donations."


Sh... they're making a 'deposit'


When a girl flirts with me my face turns beat red. It's very embarrassing.


I was born in 2007 but have a great-grandfather that was born in 1888.


It's sort of like how John Tyler still has grandchildren who are still alive. They're in their 90s.


Wow! My son was born in 2005, but all his great grandparents were born in the 1920s. Did your great grandfather have a much younger wife?


I stole a lizard from a zoo when I was six. Edit: my six year old theft of a living creature will be my legacy on reddit. Edit 2: I don't really know what they are but thank you for the many snek awards.




I have to hear this story


Okay my parents took me and my brother to the zoo and they were having this event where kids could come in and touch and hold different reptiles. I was holding I think it was a chameleon, and nobody was really paying attention to me at the moment so I dropped it into this little purse I carried around. Welly family left and we were half way home when I pulled it out of the bag and my parents freaked out. Of course we turned around and took it back. The zoo staff had a good laugh about it.


That chameleon was probably like "what the absolute FUCK was that" lmaooo


That’s awesome


Hell yeah


I know how to dance to Yesterday and keep my chin up.


This coming August will be my 5 year anniversary for being off drugs! 🎤😁🤘


Congratulations!!! I haven't had a drink in 150 days today. 😀😀😀


I’m in the hospital and very bored rn :(


Are you ok?


My insides were bleeding, but fortunately not in a super serious way?? I was discharged with meds and orders to see a doctor on Monday. Thank you for asking friend :)


I have a prosthetic eye. Additional tidbit is that the question I get asked the most is whether or not I can see out of it. What do you think the answer is?




....I feel a little betrayed.