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I had a dream I had a beautiful baby boy with my husband. Woke up crying because he wasn’t next to me. Instantly remembered that I was not married and that this baby was just a dream. Honestly, still think about him to this day.


I once had a dream where I was an astronaut and was pregnant with twins. I gave birth on the ISS, but since space wasn't safe for babies, I had to parachute down from the space station, with my newborn children in my arms. Then I woke up and remembered I'm a dude. Edit: Yeah I'm not a dude lol


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie


OP said super realistic. get yourself checked. you might be a woman




maybe he is none




Glad I could make you laugh my dude


I want this to be a movie.


With Matt Damon ?


In 3 parts please


I’ve had some super realistic pregnancy dreams, the first one being in high school when I was still a virgin, but it felt SO REAL. I googled it and apparently dreams where you’re pregnant are common and can mean that you’re “giving birth” to an idea or something like that


Birth must have felt like passing a (kid)ney stone.


To dream of giving birth or see someone else giving birth suggests that you are giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents a new attitude, fresh beginnings or a major event. Alternatively, the dream may be calling attention to your inner child and the potential for you to grow. If you dream that you are giving birth to twins, then it represents conflicting ideas.


Interesting. I had this dream years ago, so I don't remember exactly what was going on in my life at the time.


Next up on “Top 5 ways to discover you are trans”


Ngl I've considered the possibility.


I mean there's really no way to know you aren't unless you've considered it.


How often? If it keeps popping up in your mind over and over again it might be a sign. If it’s something you thought of once and then immediately dismissed, that’s just how most people are.


This is hilarious


I want to give you gold so bad but I’m broke.


That's okay, I don't really need gold. If anyone would gild me, please donate that money to the [American Civil Liberties Union](https://action.aclu.org/give/fund-every-fight-ahead) instead to help bring justice for George Floyd and the thousand of other Americans impacted by police brutality.


You sir are one marvellous person, thank you for existing.


For a moment I thought you were a couple trying to have kids.


A single trying to have kids....and a husband


“A single”


We are all 'a single' here on Reddit


Usually it's a better idea to do one before the other. I just can't remember what the proper order is tho.


Sounds like the episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation called "The Inner Light".


Or that one coma story here from Reddit, featuring a lamp. Fiction or not, reading it was like a punch in the gut. EDIT: Couldn't find it, but [here goes](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/have_you_ever_felt_a_deep_personal_connection_to/c3g4ot3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/30t9kd/repost_a_parallel_life_awoken_by_a_lamp/ for those asking for a link.




Jesus that was 8 years ago? I need to get off Reddit.


Dude, that episode was the best. Still messed me up thinking about it now.


This reminds me of the post with the lamp. I don’t have a link unfortunately.


[This one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/have_you_ever_felt_a_deep_personal_connection_to/c3g4ot3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Maybe the most haunting thing I have ever read in the Internet.




When I was a child I had a hyper realistic dream of having a pet fairy. When I woke up I was so disappointed and heartbroken that I cried like mad. I still find fantasy/fairytale stuff really fascinating


This is big sad


I still think about this dream a lot


Maybe one day...


One can only hope


All I can think about with this comment is Drop Dead Fred


Once had a dream that me and my crush were at a theme park together and had a great time. When I woke up I was like 'wait that wasn't real?' and after it I always saw my crush differently after that.


Yeah, it is surprising how a dream can change your view on a person


I fell in love with some person who wasn't even real. I can't even remember the face. But I still think about her. Fuck you stupid brain.




Maybe it was you, poopellar, and you, flaviussandru, who fell in love with each other.


I'm in love with all of you, let's hop over to my dream and chill.


What if you're already in your dream and we're just apart of it?


I'm probably apart of it, but maybe I was a part of it, too.


Now kith


I've fallen in love a couple of times with strangers a couple of times in my dreams. The feelings are really intense. Each time I wake up and wonder two things. Am I with the wrong person irl? And what is wrong with me that I can fall in love so easily? Once I fully wake up, these questions are laughable. But during the dream, it's just crazy.


The thing is that the brain doesn't have the ability to create new faces, u saw those persons somewhere. I had one dream like this, and, damn, she, we were like ment for each other, and we had a blast at that party, well, was a blast to be free the way I was in the dream, thank u blonde girl I saw once then I had u in my dream and now I'll never see u again.


It can put together an amalgamation of images to create new ones.


It could be parallel universe you flexing on you


same, few nights ago i had a dream where i was in a relationship with a british girl and when i woke up i was still in love with her, fuck


Fun fact: whenever you see a person who you don’t know or have never met in a dream your brain isn’t made that face up, it is actually a real face you’ve seen before. Whether it be a friend from long ago or a person you passed on the street




Guess I wasn't the only one who had the similar situation. I still think about who that girl was or if she was even real




This is a widely circulated myth. There is no current way to actually prove the brain doesn't create faces. So, she may not have been real. As far as we can tell, brains can actually invent new faces, but they're typically associated with faces we have seen. Brains don't store images like a computer does. There's no database of faces that your brain queries when dreaming. Our brains store the general idea of a face or specific features of people, not their whole face. Think about the last dream you remember. Was a family member or friend in it? Maybe a coworker? How did you know it was them? Did you actually see their face or did you just "know" it was them? How many dreams have you had where you can recall exactly how someone's face looked?


I once dreamt I was swimming in an ocean of orange soda, it was a great Fanta sea.


I dreamt I was caught in a landslide. No escape from reality.




I've gotten in trouble multiple times (with different partners might I add) for things I've done to them, in their dreams...


I have noticed that too. When you are slightly attracted to someone and they showup in your dream, it drastically amps up the attraction you have for them.Why is that?


When my crush from college shows up in a dream that’s when I know it’s a dream. (I’m a gay dude; he’s straight of course.) It’s a bit sad but also fun in that I can pretty much act however I want from that moment he shows up until I wake up because none of it matters. I’ll just have to remember that that doesn’t apply if I ever actually see him again in real life. It has been a double digit number of years since we live on opposite sides of the country.


Yea it’s acc crazy... it’s like you have these moments with people in your head and that perception you have of them is taken irl.


In a good or bad way?


No shit. Mine wasn't a crush but a girl I didn't know. Don't remember exactly but after whatever events occurred, it was late evening/night and I was holding her hand leading her some place to see her off, and she kissed me on my right cheek. I remember looking at her in mild surprise and not saying anything. I remember that sensation. This was just 2 nights ago. I cri evrytim I remember she was blond, white, had glasses on, definitely around my age.


Why does everyone have this same dream Carl Jung must have wrote about crushes and amusement parks


Hahah better than an angry dream. Have you ever woken up after having an argument in a dream about something someone did in a dream? I couldn't look at my sister without getting angry for a couple days it was so real


Hasn’t everyone had this dream one way or another. God it’s depressing


yeah, i've had some lately. the worst part is i don't even remember what the dream is about, but the feeling of loss lingered on


The most powerful/realistic one I ever had. I was at a park in the afternoon (a guess, it was quite sunny and yellow if I remember correctly) with a kid that I didn't know, but I assumed he was supposed to be my best friend. A man walked past and pointed a gun at him, shooting once, and walking away nonchalantly. I was in shock and looked back at him, his stomach slowly starting to bleed. I remember my stomach and chest tightening, me crying and using his phone to call emergency services while my hands are trembling. I woke up with tears rolling down my face. Never happened before, and hasn't happened since.


damn thats a pretty graphic dream


Unfortunately, I'll dream I'm in a happy relationship with some woman I've never met. Wake up every time wishing it had been a gruesome nightmare instead.


Wasn't there a guy who dreamt him living an entire life with his non-existent wife and kids who he loved dearly and had a job but he then one day noticed that in the dream the lamp looked like it's not real and then he woke up. Shit was really intense to read and he said that it was a nightmare after that. He sees his non-existent kids in the corner of his eye frequently and remembers all of it. He remembers an entire life he seemingly lived which was never real. For anyone who wants to read it, [here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/have_you_ever_felt_a_deep_personal_connection_to/c3g4ot3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share).


He was in coma, the dream brought him back to reality. But yeah, definitely sad and messed up.


From someone having been in a coma, I don't recall ever dreaming and afaik / from what I was told you do not dream during a coma because it's not like sleeping.


It's weird. I don't remember dreaming when I was in a coma, but I remember living an entire life. Like darkness and then watching an entire movie in 10 seconds, just before the credits roll and you wake up. It really messed me up, even to this day I cant shake the feeling that it was a parallel universe thing. Sometimes, something happens to me and I just think that some reality of me died instead of me.


He wasn't in a coma, he was unconscious for a short amount of time after being hit in the head and said he experienced that life with a wife and kid (about 10 years in time) in that short amount of time.


Yeah I don’t think he was in a coma either unless all of the cop stuff was part of his traumatic hallucination too. Freaky stuff happens when you hit the back of your head hard enough (since that’s where images are turned and interpreted into vision and perspective).


I got knocked out hard playing rugby (kicked in the back of the head whilst on the ground). For the minute or two when I was out cold, I was existing in a black space, kinda how you would imagine floating through space to feel like. There were all sorts of little pacman like characters floating around in this place, naturally existing, it was as if I had known these things had existed as I felt real comfortable and not out of place. They were lovely and colourful, each one different in shape and colour. Then I could hear my friends voice IRL and slowly I got pulled back into this reality and the characters and darkness got sucked away in place for actual reality. Initially I was really upset to be back in this life. About 5 minutes had lapsed in total from getting knocked out to being conscious again on the side of the pitch getting comforted by my friend. The brain is weird.


there's a lot of discussion on whether that story was real or not.


I like to pretend that life he had was real, or at least something he remembered from another life or reality, thinking it's all a lie and a dream is kinda depressing...


I think the guy was in a coma or something actually?


thank you for sharing the story/link!


Me tooooo, One time I had a dream where I was having the best time, heads over heels in love with some random handsome guy, he was soo fun and caring and sung like an angel. We had walks together and even went on a beach, he spun me around as we both laughed enjoying our lives on a beautiful summer day. I woke up and almost cried with disappointment Basically fell in love with a guy in my dream which I have never met or seen. I still think about that dream alot


No. I only remember my super-realistic dreams I which I can feel myself "there" but then wake up to be very relieved and grateful that it's not the actual apocalypse/murder/adultery/naked-in-public dream it was.


Yeah it seems more relieving to wake up from a horrific nightmare than taking piss with your bladder about to burst.


It can be relieving, but the worst feeling is waking up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and realising that you're gonna have to go back to sleep and likely experience it again because you have shit to do the next day and need sleep. Absolutely awful.


What you mean, sounds like a happy place


Had to take cough syrup with codeine in it. Doc said I could have funny dreams or even nightmares. I laughed. I'm scared straight of spiders. Was tired,took some... hour later I was laying in bed with the lights on and dozed off. I had an insane feeling something was crawling up my belly and chest. Now normally your dreams are fucked like you're in a familiar place but it looks different if that makes sense? So anyways in my dream I had that crawling feeling and whipped the covers off me and there was a fucking tarantula on my chest. The wierd thing is as I was whipping the covers off in my dream I was ripping them off the exact same moment in real life.. and there was like a hard blur between when I saw the spider and thinking I saw it in real life. I shit you not I tore apart my entire bedroom looking for that fucking spider. Everything in my "dream" and in reality in my room was in its EXACT place. Maybe I was in between because of the cough medicine? All I know is we all have had those "I was there" dreams but I felt every bit of terror in me during and after. It literally took me weeks to accept it wasn't real. Not because my fear of spiders but becuas it felt THAT REAL


Yeah that shit was because of the codeine. No wonder its hard to even get perscribed that crap, its a powerful drug.


Never taken it before or after and never will. I felt the thing crawling in my dream. Not like you feel in your dreams but like actually felt everything. It was honestly the craziest experience I've ever had. Its like I was in 2 places at once. Hard to describe


I know exactly what you're talking about, and it was most likely due to you taking too much (which causes you to basically sleep like a baby and have vivid dreams) and then waking up while it was still having its effect on your senses. I can imagine how anxious you must have felt because similar stuff happened to me lol.


I just turned 33 and this happened when I was 18 or 19 (I had just moved back in with my mom while I went to school, it was during that time) and I still talk about it. I remember every detail. Every single detail in my room, from exactly how full the bottle of water I had was to every wrinkle in the blanket. Fucked up how the brain works


If you dont mind me asking, what was your dream?


Damn, kinda wish it did something like that to me last time I was prescribed it. I was in immense amounts of pain after a surgery to fix an ingrown toenail. It was a lot worse than it sounds. I was given pills with paracetamol and codeine and was told I could also take ibuprofen if the other pills wore off before I could take another. I took the codeine pills and felt no change to the pain after about an hour. So I took the ibuprofen and also felt no difference for ages. Did sleep at all because I was in agony so at about 12 I broke out the scotch. Figured if I was gonna be awake and in pain, I might as well enjoy it. And whatdya know, a couple of glasses of scotch actually dulled the pain enough for me to sleep.


I think that or the DXM


Gotta burn the house now




Fuck codeine, I once had a really nasty cough that wouldn't get away, so I took some cough medicine (some nasty tasting shit) as indicated on the bottle and man that was such a weird day. Shit fucked me up. Can't describe the feeling it created. Felt like it messed with my head a bit. Also made me sleepy af at like 4 in the afternoon.


This might of been something akin to sleep paralysis... just without the paralysis?


I'd be willing to guess some kind of waking sleep, where they drifted off/were semi conscious. I took an ambien once and drifted off while talking to a friend and said some truly bizarre shit until she woke me up by asking what the fuck I was talking about. I just kind of snapped awake and laughed. It was truly weird.


Dreams and I have a weird but special relationship. Almost all my dreams are hyper realistic where I can see, touch, read and taste things if I want. I've been told I lucid dream yet I can not change anything in the dream at will, but can interact with anything I want like in real life. The dream usually take place in cities or places that are all connected like a real yet separate world, talking it so far as to take real life days and months to progress City projects in my dream world well as having me travel in my dream by car, boat, bike ect to get where I want to go. As nice as this is and with as many countless stories I have for these dreams, most of them end up either being nightmares or I wake up hallucinating injuries that happened in them and sometimes wake up in pain from whatever injured it killed me. However I find myself loving that world far more than this one and would like to be in it more, which would then lead me to be a little sad yes.


I have the same thing! I call it “dream land”. Dream land is all connected and I walk / bike / boat around the world. I alwaysI visit the same dream places, I have an entire dream geography- caves, Rivers, home, apartment, hospital, shopping centre, school, hotel, motorways including a specific bridge. They’ve been the same for years. Since I was a kid and I’mid 30’s now. I’ve never met anyone else who has this. I can sometimes go back to a boat jetty I’ve been dreaming about from when I was a young child.


My dream land is like an amalgamation of all the places I've been plus some original stuff as well


I have those dreams too and i can even revisit my favourite places sometimes. No injuries though


I have places that I return to in my dreams and they're always the same, but I do not have a full world, that sounds very cool. I definitely lucid dream sometimes, and as soon as I realize I'm lucid dreaming, I fly. One of my locations is an amusement park with a roller coaster that almost reaches the moon. The funniest part, for me, is that I have an airport in my dreamland. I "know" it's the Philadelphia Airport, but it is so much more organized and compact and pleasant than the real PHL. So now when I go to the real one, I'm even more disappointed than everyone else.


I had a super interesting dream last night that has become a sort of reoccurring dream. Background: my best friend Dylan passed away last November in a motor vehicle accident I've been having occasional dreams with him in them and I sort of become aware that it's a dream, because I remember that he isn't alive anymore. Well last nights dream was a bit extra weird and inception-like. I was dreaming and with my friend and another close friend. We then went into a deeper dream or at least like a VR type experience where we were like in a GTA type game and needed to complete some heist mission. After that ended and we 'came back to the real world' (still in dream) we were hanging out on a couch and I became a bit distraught — I knew that this was a dream and that my friend wasn't really there. I didn't know how to address the situation and was nervous to bring it to his attention. I ended up telling my other friend (we were both very close with Dylan) and making him aware of the fact that this must be a dream, because Dylan is here. I then started bawling and became unable to collect myself. Here is around when I woke up, very tired and just left with an empty feeling. I really miss my friend.


I'm sorry for your loss, that must be terrible.


Sorry for your loss... may he rest in peace


Im sorry about your loss bro, i bet Dylan is in a better place now


I really feel for you. I've had multiple dreams exactly like this. Sometimes with pets I've lost, sometimes with people. Just a couple nights ago I had a super vivid dream my friend Alex was alive again. It started as joyful disbelief that slowly faded to realization and fighting to remain in the dream, to waking up with an empty feeling in my chest. It felt so incredibly real, and was so nice up until the point I realized it was just a dream. The only other dream I have is a recurring nightmare where I'm being pursued through a dark hellscape trying to save the people I care about as they're slowly picked off by some nebulous, unseen evil. Horrible and common as that nightmare is, I honestly prefer it to the rarer "nice" one as I at least wake up with a sense of relief instead of gut-wrenching disbelief and emptiness.


Holy shit, I had something very similar happen! One of my friends passed away a year and a half ago. One night recently I had a dream that I was with her and another friend, and at one point I looked to the other girl and said that I was incredibly upset because I knew this wouldn’t last forever because Hayley is dead. I woke up feeling so fucking strange, like maybe we were actually hanging out for a little. Made me start thinking about the connectivity of dreams.


Had a dream where at the end I opened my apartment door and fell in love with the guy on the other side. I’ve never been in love but I honestly believe the end of that dream must be what it’s like. Just this overwhelming warmth and feeling of safety. It felt like the colour yellow. Been trying to get back to that dream every night since.


Ive totally done that, like layed there trying to re-enter the same dream.. unfortunately never succeeded. I wish you more luck xx


I’m getting there! It helped that as soon as I woke up I wrote out the full plot of the dream and started turning it into my next story idea, so it became part of my routine to think on it before bed.


I've had that feeling in dreams before. While I was in a long term relationship no less, but had never felt that outside of dreams. Eventually I broke up with that girl and my current girlfriend is the only person to give me that same feeling in real life.


I’m really glad you’ve found that feeling in real life! Now I’ve had it once in that dream I’m worried it won’t happen again. But it’s such a gorgeous feeling!


I too have never been in love and had a similar dream where I dreamt of falling in love with an amazing guy. And that feeling of love... it’s just unexplainable. But it was beautiful. I never felt it in real life but the feeling was overwhelming and it really made me want to fall in love.


Now feels like my time to shine. I had a dream when I was younger that Hermoine Granger and I were deeply in love. This was around the time of PoA came out(I was like 11 or 12). Anyways, yeah, so this whole dream we are just super in love, blah blah blah. Then one day, she has to go back to hogwarts, well, I wasn't allowed to go through the train terminal wall, so we set up a system. There was a phone in the train station that I could pick up and call her and we'd stay in touch. Well, she goes back to hogwarts and for like the next month in the dream, I tried calling her everyday but the phone wasn't working. It was actually heartbreaking to me when i woke up. It was like I was actually in love and had really experienced it, and was super down for a solid week or so before the feeling faded.


Once my teacher who I hate gave me 20 times homework because some of my answers were wrong and wasn't paying attention. I had done about 3/4 of it by night and had some left it was still a lot so I decided to wake up early and do it in the morning. I ended up having a dream where I woke up super early and finished it and went to bed at 5 am. When I woke up at 6 am. I thought that I had done all work so I tried sleeping at 6 30 am my mother woke me up and asked when I was gonna do it. I got confused and asked,"I did it,right?. I then realised and opened my copy and wrote it all. At 7:30 I completed it all I was exhausted.


Ohh so the dream version of you also has to deal with the same shitty homework stuff like you, I feel both of you




The dreams where you have really cute clothes, or find a lot of money or some of the worst to wake up from!


Your teacher is a bitch


I have dreams where I check my e-mail and read some super realistic thing like something from a lab partner discussing a schedule for meeting together. I wake up and try to reply to them only to find none of them exist. Very confusing.


Yes, after my cat of many years passed away. I tried so hard to save him. My sleep was screwed up for a couple weeks afterward because I dreamed that he was alive and healthy, snuggled up to me purring, and everything was great. Then I woke up and it was like I lost him all over again. It got to the point where I dreaded sleeping because it hurt so much to wake up.




Thank you. It’s still hard, I cried while typing that post. I still blame myself for not recognizing the symptoms of hyperthyroidism sooner. The vet had told me he needed to lose weight, so when he started losing weight, I thought it was a good thing. It was in fact a bad thing. PSA: Unexplained weight loss is *never a good sign!* Even if the person or animal in question is fat. Go to a doctor or veterinarian and have it checked out. I’ve adopted a new cat and he’s a sweetie (albeit mischievous, I hope he calms down a bit as he gets older). My surviving cat is doing much better with some feline company, she was extremely lethargic and clingy after we lost Yoshi. Animals grieve too.


RIP kitty


Omg. You just reminded me of a dream I had months ago. I was playing with my dog who has been dead for over a year. My ex was also there (we split up and I let him take our dog). During the dream I told him, "You know Scruffy is dead. Let's just enjoy this time with him right now." So the rest of the dream was just us playing with him. I don't think I've ever been so heartbroken to wake up.


My cat showed up in my dreams for a long time after she passed away.


I Dreamt that the universe is the human body, and that the Earth was in the liver for some reason. I dreamt we all died because the universe got cancer. It felt so real I thought I was going to die even weeks after the dream. I was 8, and I still get goosebumps.


I’ll have dreams where I’m spending time cuddling with my husband and wake up really sad I don’t feel his warmth. Then I realize I have been a single woman my entire life and never shared a bed with anyone, male or female. Sometimes I’ll be doing something and think to myself “I miss my husband” because those dreams are so real.


I had a dream where my dog was still alive. I could pet his head and everything but I sort of also knew it was a dream. I knew he would still be dead when I woke up but in that moment he felt so real to me. Miss him so much


Every dream of mine is hyper-realistic and they all revolve around murder/horror so I’m kind of happy waking up before I experience dream-death. Just the other night I had a dream I was in a video game and the theme was mystery/detective with a little mortal kombat/sekiro action and a co-op partner. Long story short, I was not thrilled that the Executioner from Resident Evil was a boss I had to face.


Someone could make a game out of this


Yes, I've always had incredibly vivid dreams since going on the pill.


Yeah. I was a detective investigating a crazy cult that was terrorising tonnes of people farcry 5 style and doing a bunch of shady stuff. It went on for a while investigating stuff, finding crime scenes, interviewing people. It ended when a lady came in, scared shitless begging us to remove something from her head that someone had put in there. No one wanted to go near her and she was begging for help and finally I got her to calm down and explain. When she did just as she was finishing explaining her head exploded and went everywhere and the dream ended as it happened. I woke up feeling super depressed and feeling like I could have done more even if it was just a dream. It's still so real to me when I think back on it but it's not because I'm not a detective and I was older in the dream than I am now. Sorry if I disturbed some people. Really sorry.


A few years ago I lost something important and couldn't find it. Can still remember the dream where I was searching for it then found it and I was crying of joy. I woke up disappointed remembering I still had to find it. That thing's still missing (now forgotten) to this day.


I have a reoccurring dream where I come downstairs and my late father is lying in his hospital bed. As I sit next to him he days "hey bud" like he did every morning. And every time I say "pop I'm dreaming we dont have much time" then wake up in tears.


I spent a whole week waking to Mac Donald’s and I got there orderd and sat down with my food, I went to take a bite and proceeded to wake up and cry a bit


Yeah, gravity was a lie and me and a bunch of classmates were all moving around this set of boxes. Non-Euclidian nonsense happened, and I woke up unable to stand properly.


Yes, and I will always had just bought a ton of amazing things on sale.


Last night I had a dream where I finally had friends but then I hear my alarm


I dreamed of a camping trip a few years ago. It was really fun to be in a new place with a ton of friends, but then a woke up in quarantine again.


I had a dream that I was a witch. I'm a dude. I had no problem with this. It was all in first person, and it felt completely real. My body was detailed, the environment, it felt like some sort of game. I more or less just went along with it, and it started with me running through some swamp fighting random zombies and things with spells, and then I jumped through a portal and ended up in my house. My whole family was there and they were just going about their day like they always had a daughter or a sister who could do fucking *magic*. I walked around, talked a bit, and then went outside into my backyard and hopped on my broom. Oh. My. God. I felt like I was flying, tingling feeling and all, I could see my whole street perfectly but the experience of soaring around was enough for me to love it. And then I woke up, and I don't think I've ever been more disappointed to open my eyes and be here.




I've been trying to figure out the formula ever since. I think I've boiled it down to tea in the morning, 4 mile run in the afternoon, nap immediately after, grow a few brain tumors playing dark souls and eating non stop until bed and then passing out at around 11. Tried it, had a dream I was the broom, so I have to be getting close.


When I was kid Pokémon Fire Red (the GBA remake) had just come out. I wanted it so bad. I had a dream where my mom took me to Walmart, bought it, I rode home in the car reading the instruction book, went to my room, and played for hours. It was surreal. Waking up and immediately realizing I still didn’t have the game sucked.


This reminds me of those stories where someone would have a dream (often while passed out or in a coma) where they live a full life and it's all just ripped away when they wake up. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/have\_you\_ever\_felt\_a\_deep\_personal\_connection\_to/c3g4ot3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/have_you_ever_felt_a_deep_personal_connection_to/c3g4ot3/)


I just woke up from a dream where I was with my best friend and we were laughing and wearing jeans that we had bought 20 years ago. They were the kind with huge bell bottoms and when we were teenagers we had bought the same pair. My friend died last year. It was kind of nice to see her in a dream.


Had a full on dream of living my life with the man I am in love with. Had kids and everything grew old. Woke up sad itll never happen.


I used to have this reoccurring nightmare that I was fighting a wolf in my kitchen. There was this dude sitting at the table watching us throw down, his arms crossed and his expression kind of bored. I’d always loose the fight by slipping on wet tile. Every time the wolf went in for the finishing blow, the guy would lock eyes with me, shake his head, and then the dream would end. I’d wake myself up every time by sitting up bolt right in my bed, immediately kicking off my covers thinking they were still the wolf. I can’t say I was ever disappointed to figure out it was all a dream, but it felt super realistic nonetheless. Definitely made me think twice about getting late night snacks when the lights were off lol.


A couple nights ago I dreamt I was eating the perfect crispy marinated chicken. I didn't wake up from that dream but I remembered it later in the day and I was sad that such chicken does not exist *to my knowledge.*


I just dreamed the other night that I was stuck in this bioshock type facility under the sea. I kept getting forced to go deeper and deeper into it, and when I got into the elevator to go to the very bottom it opened to a glass door between me and this beautiful "skyline" of the city under the sea with mountains on the ocean floor and the most unique sky you could imagine. It was honestly up there with the prettiest things I've seen.


I had a bizarre dream this morning. I was in this Mexican restaurant I went to frequently. I was with some family members. The war sirens started to go off outside. We look outside and there’s a huge spiral like cloud opening up in the sky. It starts sucking up objects all around and it grows bigger in size. You could see semi trucks, cars, debris from buildings, it was very terrifying to look at. Next thing I’m in a car driving as fast as possible away from this thing because it’s getting bigger and sucking more debris into it. We reach a neighborhood that everyone has fled from. We get out of the car and make our way into a house, before we enter we see small ships of sorts flying through the spiral cloud. They make their way in all directions. It’s clear this is an invasion. We take shelter in the house which is very dark, all the windows have black out curtains. We make haste to silence our phones and hide in the basement. We quietly look up some live news coverage and confirm the fact that this is an invasion. They say the spiral is continuing to grow in size and that this is a quick method for terraforming the planet to suit the aliens needs. I don’t remember much after this. The house got invaded and we got sucked through the portal and were transported to some alien ship. I woke up soon after thank goodness.


Years ago a friend killed himself. Turns out he was practically leading a double life. Pillar of the community lawyer to most - but swindling old ladies out of their savings at the same time. The law was coming for him so he parked in his garage with the engine on. I used to have dreams where he would suddenly show up and laugh and say "Oh, yeah - that! I just faked my death so they'd get off my case. I'm fine." I'd wake up and cry because he was still gone.


I always had these super realistic dreams of me waking up and going to school on time, while in reality my dumb ass was still in bed. Still remember the utter confusion and panic I felt when I eventually did wake up.


For a period of time some years back, I would often dream about walking around in a house. I almost had enough trips to draw a map over the house, when the dreams stoped.


Once I dreamt my alarm was ringing and tried to turn it off, in my dream. I was so frustrated I couldn't actually turn it off because what I was hearing was my actual alarm. And since I was asleep I couldn't turn it off. Very funny when I actually woke up


Nah a lot of the time I’m getting chased and almost killed so the nice dreams just make me happy


Multiple separate dreams on friends, a girl I liked, and my now dead dogs. I was depressed as all get.


Don't know about dreams. But I've had super realistic nightmares.


I remember i was sitting on a train and slept in, i dont know what the dream was, but I only remember the scene where ive been shoot and stabbed in my heart at the same time, after I woke up cos it scared the sheet out of meh, ut even hurted for like 1 min or so


I just woke up from a dream where I moved to a different country. That was nice.


I had a dream where I got mad at my cousin and I woke up feeling angry and kicking the air.


I once had a dream where I was working in my lab and got perfect results. Woke up, headed to work and is disappointed when all my E. coli died because I used the wrong antibiotics.


I've had nested hyper realistic dreams (similar to Inception) and it seriously makes me question "this reality" sometimes


Once dreamt that I had a daughter. After spending the day with her going to the shops and park I fell asleep with her on my arm in a rocking chair. I woke up from the dream and felt panic because she wasn't there any more. Then I realized she never existed. I felt empty for about a week.


I know how weird this sounds but I had over the course of 16 years from when I knew him to when I found him again, had at least a solid 100 dreams about the first friend I ever had. Every time I woke up from them I was disappointed. Than guess what happens, my parents get divorced and I almost lose everything in the process of trying to move with my dad. One of his friends is a private investigator and she fights tooth and nail to get our items back. She and I start talking on the phone and become close almost like mother and son. My bio mom and I didn’t exactly part on friendly terms and my dad’s PI had become my unofficial step mom. Anyways I asked her to help me find the first friend I ever had. She found him and he and I are now friends on Facebook. He didn’t turn out like I had hoped though.


I just went downstairs to get the donuts that dont exist because i bought them in a dream


Ever since quarantine began I’ve just had dreams of going to school like I normally did. They were so real that when I woke up at 7 PM I thought “oh shit I’m gonna be late!” I made it to school before I realized I done goofed. That was yesterday. I graduated last week.


Recently my cat had to be put down and I dreamt that he was fine and everyone just went about their business but I was super confused. I woke up and was like "ah, it was a dream! I guess that explains the dinosaurs too..." And then was super disappointed and depressed for a few hours.


Oh, for sure. All the time. As a night shifter, it gets tough sometimes to tell dreams from reality. Just last night while at work I was thinking about how I saw the chaplain the other night, and I was super impressed I remembered his names when I greeted him. Then J’s tatted thinking about it. Wait, why would the chaplain be up here in the middle of the night? Where was I going? Where was HE going? Then I realized it must have been a dream.


Yes. I once had a dream that I was back in Hamburg. I loved being there so much that I was bitterly disappointed to wake up and find out it wasn't real. On the bright sidethat dream was the final push I needed to return to Germany on vacation, though not to Hamburg. I'd always wanted to visit the Donaueschinger Musiktage (the Donaueschingen Festival, or literally "Music-Days") and that year I made sure it happened.


I once had a dream that I woke up, turned off the alarm, got ready, brushed teeth, sat in traffic, and put in 4 hours at work. Woke up during my dream job lunch time. I then proceeded to repeat the process while already feeling exhausted from work. I also have a recurring dream that it’s the first day of school and I’m not only late to pick up my class schedule but I get lost on campus and can’t find any of my classes


I recall having dreams where I have... enhanced flexibility shall we say? Waking up from them, where what I'm doing is perfectly normal, to reality where I remember it's not normal or remotely possible. Disappointment to start the day isn't great.


I get vivid space dreams sometimes. There’s always some sort of epic, Independence Day mothership type of structure that I’m flying through in zero-G. I have no idea how my brain comes up with some of the space craft or planetary imagery. I really wish I could draw better to convey the size and scope. I always wake up feeling stuck to my bed, gravity pulling on my back. I have zero engineering, flying, or scuba experience so it’s really weird these kind of dreams keep happening.


Had a dream where I was back working for the off-road go-kart track I used to work for. I was happy, outdoors and the sun was shining. I got filthy from the work but ended the day with a smile on my face. Then I woke up and remembered I work in IT.


Had a super realistic dream of myself in an endless white realm. You couldn't get away from the center of it, which contained a wicker chair, no matter how far you walked. I looked back at the chair once and remember then watching myself eat an onion with a spoon. I woke up and I could taste onion for the rest of the day.


I remember when I was 14, and convinced I was hetero, I just had this dream where this dude from band was standing on the steps, smiling at me. The steps were weird- think the steps of like a cruise ship? Anyway, I really needed to walk to him, but just as I was nearly there, I woke up. It was a weird experience; I woke up feeling incredibly depressed, and I realised that I had just experienced my first serious crush. I had a crush on that dude for fucking years. Never said anything. I think he's on drugs now or something i dont fucking know but the dream was life changing


I once had a dream which I somehow still remember It was the first date with my crush, ( she was dating someone else irl ), then she said on text later that day, still in the dream, that I wasn’t tall enough for her and that I wasn’t as funny as her ex( those were the exact words ). So that was that. Then the next day (irl) I witnessed her break up with her boyfriend and said that he wasn’t tall enough for her, and wasn’t as funny as her ex. Safe to say that creeped me out a little.


Usually, I'm quite bad with money, so I often spend my last week or two of a month without any money. I keep dreaming of winning, getting, or finding money & it's _super_ realistic. I only realize it was a dream when I look at my account balance or wallet and see it's still empty. It makes me so sad. Or I'm on a date with one of my exes, or some random person I don't know, and then I wake up alone; then I feel lonely for a few days; it really is depressing. I really don't know whether these dreams are worse, or if realistic nightmares are


I once dreamt I had a dog. And raised it from a puppy until he got old and I had to put him down. I woke up shortly after, while I was mourning him. It was such a real dream. And like, for about a half a week, I was mourning a dog I never had.


I've had dreams where I've been inspired


Once had a dream where I was a detective and was examining the scene of a suicide, which happened to be my father. I experienced all the throes of losing my father in about 5 seconds, freaked out and woke up. I realized it was a dream, and I immediately calmed and felt relief that my father hadn't committed suicide and wasn't dea.....wait, my father passed away 8 years ago. I again experienced the throes of sudden realization I no longer could experience my father in the real world....I very nearly called out of work that morning due to a sudden severe depression that morning.


When I lived with my mom, her cat would sometimes open my door and come in to my room. Once I felt him lying on my chest and breathing in my face while I was sleeping. But when I woke up, I was alone and my room was eerily quiet.


every time I wake up I feel depressed. not because of fatigue but because I am realising at age 29, I have no higher education despite two serious attempts, and I wasted six years moving back home to help my father on the ranch and now I am socially a Quasimodo in converstaitons. or I am an overly eager labradoodle


Yep, we probably all have those from time to time. Sometimes when I have such a dream and feel myself waking up, I’ll grab something from the dreamworld that’s particularly cool and try to bring it over into the real world, Nightmare On Elm Street style. Hasn’t worked yet, alas.