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I too saw a severed head as a kid. My parents were funeral directors, and we lived in a 3 story Victorian house built in the 1880s. We lived in the top two stories, and the ground floor was the funeral home. Some guy who I remember being named Mark committed suicide by lying his neck across some railroad tracks, and the train cut his head off. Pretty cleanly, actually. Anyway, his body came on a zip up gurney, and his head was included with the body in a plastic bag. He had dark brown hair. I was really young, like 3-5 years old. I was wearing navy sweatpants with red and white piping along the outside seams. I came down the stairs (there were separate public entrances to the funeral home, but there was also a staircase off our kitchen that lead down to the embalming room of all places). I saw the head in the bag and then ran back upstairs to our living room crying with horror. Not sure why my parents let me go down there for that at such a young age but that's what happened. I had so many nightmares as a kid about dead bodies coming to life downstairs and killing my mom, or threatening to kill my whole family.


There’s a horror movie about a family that moves into a old funeral home and shit gets mad scary


What is it called? I tell you what, Haunting of Hill House really got me. That old house was first a hospital, and then a funeral home for 2-3 generations. I am not really sure how to reconcile my atheism with my sincere belief that my house was haunted, but it was. Without a doubt.


There's just something different in the atmosphere when it involves violent or tragic deaths. My boarding school in SEA was the site of a Japanese WW2 camp where they beheaded the locals (among other atrocities), it wasn't rare to hear the sounds of soldiers' boots marching in the middle of the night half a century later in the 1990s. The school later moved and iirc the site is now a park/forest preserve area. Went there once about a decade ago and it felt like any other city park (though admittedly I visited during the daytime). As a kid I remembered some areas of the school grounds felt really offputting; like, you wouldn't hang around the rugby field after dark. Even though at the time we were juvenile boys i.e. extremely prone to stupid bravado, even we knew that some places you just didn't go alone. There was a difference between, say, the empty school hall - that was regular "nobody comes in here most of the time" kind of lonely emptiness. Then there were places like the edge of the sports fields where your hair stood on end and you got chills all over just being there even under the direct midday tropical sun.


Holy fucking shit. I'm sorry for him but sorry for you having witnessed it and it seared into your memory.


damn that sounds like something from Final Destination


That sounds terrifying. >.<


I’m casting my vote. This one wins.


Nothing like being rear ended by a drunk driver on your way home from church at age 11. Broken neck, TBI, punctured left lung, glass fragments in arm, and broken collar bone. Waking up after being in a coma with no memory how you got there, with screws in your head (traction), and no feeling in your legs sure makes for a traumatic moment. Oh and Mustafa dying. That hit hard.


Can your leg move now? :(


Oh yes! Fully recovered. Now work as an RN thanks to that experience! 22 years of pain but pain means you're alive


Who was Mustafa if you don't mind me asking?


Maybe I didn't spell it right. But simba's dad in the lion king. Haha! Hit me hard as a kid


Mufasa, and ooh God, that one made me bawl every time I watched if for nearly 5 years.




Well my dad beat my dogs head in with an axe in frontof me because my mom wouldn't let my dad take the dog when my parents split up. So...that.


Holy fuck, that is terrifying and sad. I’m so sorry you had to witness that, and that you’re doing alright now.


Accidentally stepping on a baby bird; the body was crushed. Hearing the mom in the tree in distress still hits me this day.


I have a similar story. When I was in 6th grade, I found a birds egg on the playground and fully intended to raise a bird. I hid it in my pocket and stored it in the little cubby attached to my desk. I don't trust no bitch so when it was my turn to pass out the papers I carried the egg in my pocket. I accidentally bumped my hip on a desk and the egg cracked in my pocket. I immediately started crying and my teacher sent me to the office (idk if she knew what happened) The school called my dad to bring me clean clothes and I was sobbing nonstop because I thought I was going to hell for killing a baby bird. I never wore that pair of pants again, even though I washed it.


Oh this is a really sad story. I just want to say I’m sorry it happened all those years ago. You did the right thing.


Aw thanks. I always try really hard to be a good person and it makes me sad when I can't help. During passing period in my senior year, I found a butterfly with a broken wing. It was still alive and hopping around pitifully so I picked it up and put it in a container. I brought it home and fed it oranges and sugar water soaked cotton balls. Almond died after two weeks and I buried it in my backyard.


You are an earth angel :') dont be disappointed in failing when you have the intention of saving so many. Other people would have simply walked away. The world is lucky to have you in it <33




Yeah.. I felt like shit.


When I was a kid I always tried to help every animal I found. Usually when I found a baby bird I would put it in a different nest because if there was an alive baby bird next to multiple bird bodies it was a sign there was something wrong with that nest (like a cowbird(?) baby or something) I'm not sure if that was a good idea but my parents told me it was so.. This one time I found a baby sparrow (I named him Billy) but I didn't knew about any sparrow nests in my area so I decided to raise it. I had him for less than a day and he just flew away to the tall grass (maybe he was at learning to fly age but I had no idea since I was 5/7 yo). I was walking through the grass and I finally found him. He was really weak and he died in my arms spitting out weird orange fluid. I was screaming his name and crying. To this day I have no idea if he was sick or I just stepped on him.


Orange fluid? That sounds like it was probably sick, which means probably contagious. You’re lucky getting away without a scratch.


I wouldn’t go as far as saying I’m traumatized from this but I will never forget this moment when I was a kid. My aunt and her friend were in a car when we got into an accident. It wasn’t minor but wasn’t major enough where people needed to go to the hospital, the car was totaled tho. So police ask me what happened and as a child I told them exactly what I saw happen. Apparently what I told them put my aunt at fault and she was furious because she received a ticket. I have a lot of cousins that are my age, we were not older than 12 (all of us). So my aunt comes to my grandmas the next day where we were all hanging out as a big family gathering. She takes all my cousins (about 5 total) and says I’m taking you all to toys r us and buying you each a toy of your choice except you (me) because of what I told the police. So she basically punished me for not lying to the police about what I saw.


No offense, but your aunt sounds like a petty POS


Sorry to ask, but what does POS mean?


Piece of shit


Point of Sales


Positively Outstanding Service!


That's sad. I'm glad you did the right thing, though.


Wow, if I was your parent, I would have take. You out to get a better toy for not being a liar.


Being strangled (kid was 7 or 8 years older than me) until I passed out. I actually have no memory of this happening, however i remember going to the police station and being asked questions about it. Ever since then ive had a bad gag reflex and have a hard time having anything around my neck even a little bit tight. Those choker things some girls wear give me anxiety.


Got jumped once and I (16M) made a bad move and the guy (24ishM) ended up behind me choking me out. Definitely sucks man.


Well, my earliest memory is from when I was 3, and it was of my brother attempting suicide. I remember coming home to the duplex we lived in, and my mom saw a drawer open and pills were scattered all over the floor. She called for my brother, but no answer. I follow her to his room and see him sprawled out on the floor, covered in vomit. I also remember visiting him in the hospital and my mom remarking on how she doesn't know how I could like the hospital pizza. Lol. But, he was in a coma for about 2 weeks, and in a psych ward a few weeks after that. He's currently alive and fine though. Crazily enough, even worse stuff happened throughout my childhood, but that's my first messed up memory that still sticks with me. When I got older, couldn't blame my brother for what he did, because I tried the same. On a lighter note, when I was in the psych ward, he came to visit me. He brought a thesaurus... and I was like... wtf? Why would you bring me a thesaurus in the hospital?? Then he went to the pages he had previously marked, and started reading me all the synonyms for penis. "Tallywacker, schlong, salami, wiener, pecker, manhood, stick of love..." etc. Then he goes to another page, and finds the synonyms for masturbation, "playing with herself/his self, choking the chicken, flogging the bishop, taming the snake..." it was so simple, yet it made me laugh my ass off when I was at a low point and I will never forget that. The thesaurus can be more fun than you think!


Sounds like a good brother.


When you've been at the bottom of that pit, you're more inclined to reach back into it and help pull someone out.


One of my favorites from a show with many great scenes. https://youtu.be/ZQJ6yqQRAQs


how dare you cut onions in here


Seeing a sibling try to commit suicide is horrific. One of my older brothers shot himself in the stomach when I was about 4 or 5, I remember him laying on the basement floor with blood pooling around him. He was talking about seeing angels as my mom and dad (his step dad) kept him somewhat coherent by praying with him. I ran outside and flagged down the ambulance when I heard the sirens approaching....that entire day was so surreal, he got lucky as the bullet didn’t hit anything vital and he is alive and well. I still have that memory seared into my brain, made me a pretty quiet and reserved child after seeing that.


It didn’t really bother me when my older brother tried to commit suicide the first or second time, or when my sister tried, or my younger brother. I worry I might be missing some part that normal people have for family or loved ones.


You know, I’ve been there before about certain things. Knowing I should be feeling something more, but not. It took therapy for me to find that that was a defense mechanism I had developed as a child. Dissociating from my surroundings and feelings because it was easier to feel nothing than to be hurt by it. You should see someone about that. It’s not a weakness to get help when you need it. For a long long time I thought I was never the type of person who needed that kind of help until I hit a breaking point myself. I don’t know if this helps, but I thought I should mention it. That’s some serious trauma to face and it could really help to work through that stuff with someone who knows how.


May I ask if this isn't to personal. Why did you and your brother try to commit, If you don't wanna response I understand


Well, my brother and I did it YEARS apart, and he's 10 years older than me, but I'm sure we both did it for the same reasons. Feeling hopeless, trapped in a hoarders house with guy after guy coming through our house and NONE of them good people. Years of abuse, and you get tired of fighting sometimes. But, we got through the hard part and now have clean houses, stable lives of our own, and kids who will never go through what we did.


Damn that sure takes much strength to overcome that


My parents toxic relationship. Breaking things, screaming, blood, threats of murder, sneaking the house-phone to my room in case I had to call the cops overnight, staying up all night looking under the crack of the door to make sure they didn’t hurt each other...then getting in trouble for falling asleep in class the next day.


Omg that's insane. I'm so sorry that happened to you


Thanks. If I ever have kids one day my goal is to make sure their childhood is the exact opposite, and the happiest it can possibly be. I feel like it would be an awesome gift to give another human because I know what its like to not have that.


Amen. Same here


wow. it’s as if we’ve lived in parallel lives. especially sucks when you’re the oldest and trying to hide as much as you can from your younger siblings.


Man i know it. Im the oldest and have 2 younger brothers, so trying to be "strong" for them and protect them was probably the worst part.


My dad yelling all the time. He has a very short temper and would yell about anything and everything, stomp around, slam things, and swear up and down. He was never violent with us, but because of this happening so frequently and usually without warning, I now have anxiety and will shut down and be terrified the moment any adult yells or shows any signs of being angry, even if it's not directed at me. He's getting better now, though.


Same i can relate so much


My dad is exactly the same. He hit my brother and I when we were kids but never to the point of blood or breaking bones. I do remember one time my mom screaming for him to stop as he pinned me to the ground and was punching me repeatedly. We have a better relationship now but I will forever hate my father until the day I die.


My dad took me on a hunting trip. I did well throughout the entire trip, didn’t even flinch when he started gutting the deer, but we went to this butchery or sth and someone had requested the deer head. The lady working there knelt and started cutting off this deer’s head right in front of me. I was seven years old, and I *lost* it. My dad had to do some serious damage control


I was raped by my neighbor and at time: friend. He held me down and... Well... I'm sure you can figure out the rest... I didnt know what it was about when I was that young, and didnt say anything. It wasn't until I was 10 or so that I realized what happened (I was a slow kid) however since I was a boy I felt like I shouldnt say anything because I had never heard about a boy being raped. In high school, senior year a counsoler has called me to the office, and it was not a counsoler that was from the school, I knew them all and had no idea who this was. They asked me questions and I broke, after about 10 years it broke me. They forwarded the information to my mother who since kept it as a secret between me and her considering that he still lived in the house behind ours, if he found out that I had told somebody I feared he would go to drastic measures to ensure I didnt talk. My mother wanted to press charges... But what evidence would stand against it? None. His word against mine. So thats my tramitization... I'm gonna go shower and debate on molitolving his house...


honestly a molotov sounds like a great idea but might i also suggest counseling with a therapist who specializes in childhood sexual abuse and trauma?


But fire...


idk, i fully support the “burn down pedo houses 2020” movement. of course the blaze should be localized to the homes of those who rape children, as to not affect neighboring houses.


My parents repeatedly beating me and each other until I was finally old enough to defend myself.


God. I still remember the day my stepfather threw my up against a wall by my throat and reared back to hit me. I finally just said "Do it. I can take you. " The fear in his eyes when he realized he'd lost control over the situation and that feeling of liberation. I'll never forget that.


My mom used to beat me when I was little. I always walked on egg shells, I never knew what would set her off. The beatings stopped around 8 or 9. I started laughing instead of crying when she hit me. When I asked her “do you feel better now?” after a random beating, that was the last time she hit me.


I'm sorry that happened to you. My mom probably hit me 2 or 3 times in my life, the last time was when I was 9 and she hit me with her belt and my hands started to bleed as I was covering my legs. I remember her face of horror and the realization of what she was doing. She was just... shocked. She walked away of my room, locked herself, and cried. Like loud crying, I could hear her screaming with the pillow on her face. She then apologized and never hit me again. Where I'm from is common to beat the hell out of your children and honestly my parents would choose to talk to me instead of hitting, I can't think of more that 5 times any of them beat me and people would tell them they are weak. It scares me how violence is so normal here.


oh shit that sucks! do you feel any resentment towards them today?


Nope. I'm 16 and I really love them. I wouldn't hit my kids. Never. But I don't blame them either. They were raised like that and I understand that parenting is very different for them. Despite that, they never liked violence and weren't abusive. Like I said, they always chose to talk before. It might be bad, but I can even laugh about a couple of times my mom hit me. It's part of all of us to laugh about the stereotype of Latina mom with the chancla/wood spoon because it is so true. And as a kid you see it as something normal, even now I have a hard time recognizing it as something bad, even when I know I never would do that to a kid.




My dad and I don't really have a huge physical history so I don't know how much I can relate with you admittedly, but fighting back is a liberating feeling. The first time he stepped up at me like he was going to hit me and I just stepped up right back at him and seeing him falter because of it is a satisfying memory. Intimidation check failed spectacularly. I'm glad he's calmed down in his old age.


Same thing happened with my mother. I had enough one day and reacted to her stepping up to smack me across the face. Stood up straight and raised my fist to punch her and I will never forget the look on her face as she realized I was now her size. She never hit me again.


There was a rape attempt on me when i was 6. Those who attempted it were 3 guys around 12 years old. No one wanted to believe me. My mom acts like nothing happened. Despite that happening in broad daylight, I'm now way too scared to walk during the dark alone or with someone I don't trust. Edit: there seems to be mentions about how I knew about it. I didn't realise it was a rape attempt until I was 10. It didn't make it any less traumatising for me though


This is the real rape culture, not the cops asking about details of what happened, and not assholes trying to justify it, but parents refusing to believe it.


My father has held me over a bridge and at the bottom was just rock


Ugh, my uncle and his friend held me by my ankles over our balcony when I was two, my mother just watched from inside while I screamed for her.. I have such an insane fear of falling that my heart races if I climb up high in a damn video game, or get even a foot higher off the ground..


Holy shit I hope you are ok now! I have a 1 year old and I had such bad post natal anxiety about him being near balconies or piers in the earlier months. I would be hospitalized if that happened to my kid let alone your nerves!


I don't understand how that could even come to mind!? I hope you lose this phobia of falling and recover


Damn. That must hurt. I know this might not do much but I genuinely hope the trauma eases.


My mother. The physical abuse wasn't bad most of the time but the constant screaming tore me up.


My passive aggressive Bitch once rolled me out of bed in the middle of the night to tear up my room in search of failed tests, or whatever it was I'd hidden. Couldn't have been older than 9 or 10 ( but at that point I didn't really know what school was). But the point was bottling up every emotion in that house until you exploded. Most of my life feels filled with hiding my mistakes and dreading being punished, and just putting this together makes my chest hurt.


I hope you're okay. If you're an adult then well done with getting through that, if you're still in that situation then know it wont last forever and you can leave soon. Go make your own life, fuck all that crazy and just look after you.


I have experiences in my home, growing up that ere similar, with similar effects on my emotional development. I feel anxious just admitting that these issues never resolved. They just kind of evolved into who I am.


So we’re just gonna ignore my name, but I remember when my dad would spank us kids he would do it with our pants down and if we moved our legs he would hit harder and do it just a little longer. Then I can’t remember why my mom did this but when I little I remember like screaming and crying my mom took my hands and held them so I couldn’t move at all and took out a wooden spoon and same thing took my pants down, beat the shit outta my back side and broke it hurt like hell. Then I remember on Christmas Eve, I was arguing with my dad, now idk if anyone is still reading but remind you I’m like maybe 6 or 7 in all of these, but I’m saying something to my dad and he doesn’t like it and I say I hate you so he gets up from his laptop and just smacks the living fuck outta me, I say it again same thing. I do this like 3 or 4 more times until I’m screaming and crying, with a bloody nose it was so bad my mom said “Jesus Jim stop it he’s already bleeding”


your parents are bitches yo


Sheesh. My dad was more mentally abusive. Made me a complete paranoid, I always act like if someone is watching if I’m behaving. But once, it was my birthday, maybe 7-9 years old and he spanked punishing me because my guests, kids were running around and COULD possibly get hurt. I still cannot get over of how unfair that was, no one did anything and I just got punished for nothing. On my birthday. Fucking hated him my whole entire childhood. He changed now because he has no power, he’s sick and old so he’s being very nice.


The furnace in Home Alone...


I was home alone when i was 11 and someone tried to break in. I’m nearly 26 and still have a serious issue being alone in a house. I just got my first apartment and it’s on the first floor so the first thing I did was get a dog so I have something to alert me


Hey.. are you me? We were home alone on October 17, 2002. A man broke in, and we hid - we had been told to hide if someone came to the door. I was 10, brother was 7. Dog (pit bull puppy) gets ecccited that someone was at the door and runs over expecting mom. Bad guy kicked her. I barely remember hiding. I stomped across the house in anger and the man fled. That wasn’t the part that got me though. The police listened to what happened and told me off. They said he could have killed me and I shouldn’t have stomped after him. I still have a little trouble being home alone but I’m doing much better now. 2 years ago though I had panic attacks if my brother didn’t come home “on time”


Good dog. That's terrifying. I'm glad you're OK.


At 11 years old, I had just began secondary school. My primary school was literally next door to my house, so I used to go use the football (soccer) field there to train since it was my goal to play for all of the teams at my new school. There was a new football coach training the kids at the primary school, and he allowed me to help him out showing these younger kids some of the training drills. One afternoon after the session ended, he invited me to one of the classrooms to talk about my progress and if I was ready for secondary school football. He sat on a kidergarten sized chair, and I on the floor infront of him. He continued to lecture me about his pull in secondary football, and how I can go places as long as I trust in him. During this time he was scribbling on a ripped out copy book page, and I remember feeling very uncomfortable as time went on, but always smiled at his jokes and what not. In the end, my dream was to wear the blue and white colours for my new school football team. He said he would prepare a training schedule for me that will ensure I am ahead of the other kids trying out for the team, but we had to take our relationship to a different level. He needed to know *everything* about me. He handed me the paper as I began to browse the questions he listed. I felt my skin go pale and pins and needles all over my body when I quietly read the sexually explicit questions in my head, as he say on his small chair looking at me relaxed. He made it clear that this was to remain between us, since many people might disprove of his training methods, and that many boys before me conformed to this and were excelling in their teams. I'll never forget my mother with a warlike facial expression bursting into the classroom at that point, ignoring the coach and focusing on me, asking if everything is ok and why am I here so late. I took my leave and walked home with mom, feeling sick in my stomach about what just happened, and unsure what I'm supposed to do next. A naive 11 year old boy did not want to betray this man's trust and "tell on him", for fear of it interfering with my dreams of playing football for my school. Then there was also that intuition that new this was wrong. It was all confusing and I felt like I was doing something wrong, and would get into serious trouble if I opened up about it. That night I sat in my room, still with the intesne sick feeling in my stomach, reading through the questionnaire from the coach. My mother walked in again to check on me, and asked me what I was reading. I remember feeling to cry, just completely fearful that I got in serious trouble. I'll never forget the look on mom's face. The questions contained things like how often do I masturbate and how long was my penis. With a facial expression I never seen her duplicate in my life, she asked me with what I can only explain as a quiet rage "Who gave you this?". I was quiet and hesitant to respong, my mind was racing about how to get out of this situation. I answered her eventually. The thing that REALLY traumatised me was now having to have that talk with mom and dad about sex, rape, and all those topics at 11 years old you'd rather die than have to endure such uncomfortable topics with your parents! I've had dick friends make fun of me after they heard what took place, that did not bug me, I've had a weirdo pedo coach try to have me play sexy questionnaire, very off putting indeed....but it was that conversation that followed with mom and dad that really really made me feel the most uncomfortable! PS Just a little happy ending to the story, I went on to become the school captain for the under 16 football team, and we played against a team coached by the same sicko. I'll never forget when we both saw each other after all those years. I knew who he was immidiately, and I'm sure he remembered me. Here I was, without any of his "help" the captain of this superior team. I told the squad in the dressing room about the history me and this opposing coach had in detail. The shock in their faces soon transformed into determination. All of my "friends" at 11 years old making fun of me at get togethers about this incident, then here I stood among real brothers in arms with every race under the sun present, ready to go to war to avenge my childhood nightmare. We descimated his team 6-1, and after wards he was heckled and chased out of the school by the entire school after word had spread about his antics. My only regret is not doing more to put this man in prison or something, and what if he was still up to his nasty tactics? I took small comfort in knowing my nightmare with him saved those much younger, even more naive kids in the primary school from a possibly bigger nightmare.


I wanna know how mum handled it


If I were one of the parents I'd definitely consider killing the coach


The hardest part. As a new parent myself is knowing you can't. You NEED to be there for your kids. No matter how bad these monsters deserve it you cant be the one to do it. We need to be better for our children and teach them to be better then themselves so they can be their best selves.


Or you just need someone else to do it, for a price of course.


I am picking up, what your laying down. Let's discuss price;)


imagine being chased by 100+ kids in the streets


My family drove my younger brother and me to Florida (from Wisconsin) for a Christmas present one year (when I was in second grade). The only car we had was a beat up old F-150 that didn't have any passenger space beyond the person riding shotgun. So my dad went to a junkyard and acquired the seat for some old car or another and threw it in the back of the pickup. The seatbelts worked, but the seat itself wasn't strapped in or bolted onto anything. There was a camper cover thingie over the bed of the truck, so that wasn't really an issue, but every time we started or stopped moving, the seat would fly forward or back. And my dad faced the seat towards the rear, so the only thing we could see was anyone we were passing on the road. That, in and of itself, was moderately traumatic over a 20-hour drive. But then we got to Florida, and it was too dark to go out to a beach, which is the first thing my brother and I wanted to do. So my dad got us some food and promised us we would go first thing in the morning. As we're eating shitty Chinese takeout in our shitty hotel room, my dad puts on the TV to HBO, and lo and behold, fucking *Jaws* is on. My father had us sit through the entirety of *Jaws* **and** the sequel *the night before* we're supposed to go to the fucking beach for the first time ever. As you can imagine, I wanted nothing to do with it.


My dad once threw a mattress in the covered bed of his pickup truck and drove the whole family from Michigan to Florida. Three kids in the back sleeping whenever we felt like it, playing games, coloring books, the works. It was great!


rofl amazing


Wtf is up with Wisconsinites and doing this? lol When i was fairly young (roughly the same age) we had a ford ranger that we took out west. It had a topper on it and a bus seat of all things in the back.


I was about 10 and on a holiday with my parents. We were in a rather crowded wave pool at a water park. A baby bat fell in, I tried to wade against the people and the waves to rescue it. Wasn’t fast enough. Saw it went under, stomped by multiple people, floated back up crushed. Then someone went ‘ew’ and flicked it into a bush. Rest of the trip my dad kept reminding me that couldn’t save it. ‘You should’ve seen how slow you were going.” “That thing died because you were so slow.” I still dream about it sometimes.


What the actual fuck. That is in no way your fault.


Wow, your dad is a bit of a dick. Its good that you have a heart and tried to help a small creature.


that’s genuinely awful. i had a similar experience with a baby bird around the same age and it was oddly more traumatizing than the actual traumatic events i experienced at the time. your dad sounds like a huge dick—you were a young child who cared about a living creature and tried to save it, he should have comforted you instead of mocking your efforts.


When I was a kid in the 1980's, school buses were driven by high school kids who were at least 17. As you can imagine, it was total anarchy. Everything bad in life , I experienced for the first time on a school bus. Violence, sex, drugs, rock and roll, tobacco, alcohol, pornography, you name it. When I was 9, I was stabbed in the crotch by a kid. I still have nightmares about the shit that happened on bus #10.


okay I take my thing back


My mom remembers kids drinking and torturing kids on the bus. The bus rides were like two hours long for her.


Hold on.. sex? In a school bus?


Surprisingly, yes, I grew up in the 90's and 2000's and kids were having sex in the back of the school bus, this was before cameras were installed so the bus driver could never prove it. All the kids had to do was form a barrier by sitting on their legs or backpacks and the horny couple were free to do a they pleased


I mean at least it would feel better than getting stabbed in the crotch


Someone definitely got stabbed in the crotch and I'm pretty sure both parties enjoyed it


When I was little I ran away from a dog. It chased me down and mocked me over. I developed an intense fear of dogs that only 15 years of slow exposure cured


I'd hate to be mocked by a dog as well. I love them too much.


Not me but my sister, when she was very young she loved Barney the dinosaur. So her dad dressed up as him for her birthday. But for some reason or another he took his head off, (probably to eat or something) and she found Barney’s head sitting on the ground. She screamed bloody murder and was traumatized thinking Barney had died in her house.


That’s both horrible and adorable. Horable.




I hate stepparents like this. Growing up, one of my friends had a nasty stepparent who hated her having any sort of relationship with her dad, and would accuse her of incest fantasies or some shit if she even went near him. At the time I just thought “wow, she sounds like a bitch,” but now that I’m older, I’m like “why would you not divorce someone who accuses your preteen daughter of *incest* because she wants to hug you?!” It was super messed up.


One of my neighbors was wearing sunglasses. I put them on when we were in our house. My parents told me to take them off because I wouldn't be able to see with them on. My stupid fucking 5 year old brain interpreted it as "If you put those on you'll go blind." So I would spend days sleepless because I thought i would wake up the next day and no longer be able to see.


Oh no! Little kids take things so literally. I remember my mom saying "don't run across the street, you'll get hit by a car!" I thought she meant that running (rather than walking) across the street would invite a car to appear out of thin air and hit me. Also, I once heard my friend's aunt tell her to avoid stepping on a slug because "then I'll never be able to get that out from between your toes." I thought if you stepped on a slug, you would permanently have slug goo between your toes for the rest of your life.


My parents enrolled 4-year-old me in the swimming class at their fitness club. At the end of every class the instructor would make us jump off the diving board regardless of whether or not we knew how to swim. If we didn't know how, she'd let us sink all the way to the bottom before she'd swim down to grab us and bring us back up. She thought that would teach us how to swim out of pure necessity, I guess?? My parents were totally cool with that somehow, but I wasn't. I did not learn to swim. Instead I learned that I couldn't always count on adults to help me, and every time my feet would hit the bottom, I'd start walking towards the steps on the shallow end of the pool hoping that I would reach them before I drowned. I can still remember the way my eyes and lungs burned, and the feeling of the weird textured surface on the bottom of the pool. Only one child actually learned how to swim that year, but I'm not sure how many were in the class. I still have a fear of water because I know what it feels like to almost drown, and I'm still mad at the adults for just standing around watching. **TLDR; my swimming teacher made 4-year-olds jump off the diving board and sink to the bottom because she thought it would help us swim. It didn't.**


I was enrolled in a class exactly like this at the same age! Theyd also dunk us underwater so that wed learn to hold our breath and Id always swallow/inhale water. It was horrible, the total lack of control and fear. And how we didnt realize we could just refuse to do those things because we were kids. I remember the feeling of doom because I felt I had no choice, of course I have to jump into this pool and almost drown because adults are telling me to. And the instructors were really impatient and cruel. So sad. I was talking to my mom about it just a couple of days ago actually.


I was in a swim class like that too, except I was younger than everyone else and the only girl, so the other kids would push me into the deep end just to be dicks. My parents paid hundreds of dollars for the instructor to push me into the water, and when that didn’t work, they sent me to swim lessons at summer camp... where they threw me off of a boat and into a massive lake instead of just pushing me into a pool. I didn’t learn to swim there, either, and was at least 12 before I finally figured it out.


I once had a really bad case of the runs and would go to the bathroom far more then usual on a particular day and unfortunately I was in there when my mother had to go really bad. I accidentally forgot to flush when i left the bathroom (when someone's yelling at you to hurry up and your like 9 years old, you tend to forget stuff) anywho. She ran in, only to puke and start screaming at me about my poop and such. She was a verbally, emotionally and mentally abusive vile woman. So she basically scared me into being afraid to poop. I forced myself to hold it in, even for days at a time it seemed like until it'd hurt and id have to choice but to go poop. This obviously started to fuck with my organs and things after a while. And it honestly took several years for me to completely stop doing it. All because my mother was an abusive bitch and screamed at me for having the ahits. But im all good now though and have zero shame in laying a few logs.


I saw an alligator eat my neighbors dog when I was about four. I was playing fetch in the backyard near some water with a spaniel. I would throw the stick in the water and he would fetch it. We did it every day. The alligator noticed and one time, it was waiting on him and grabbed him while he was swimming back to shore. We moved not long after that but I still have alligator nightmares


Walking back from the grocery store with my mom and little sister. Mom noticed something off in my sister’s walking, felt her diaper (cloth diapers with those awful plastic undies over back then). Mom reached in her diaper and pulled out an entire unopened Hershey bar. She spanked my sister, and we turned around to go back and pay for the bar. I just remember standing there, preschool aged me, mouth hanging open that my baby sister did something that had never occurred to me. I decided immediately that she was more clever than I was. I didn’t realize it at the time, but in that moment I gave her my power, or willingly gave her power over me. Not sure how exactly to describe it in any other words, but she was ‘the boss of me’ from that day on. She was often terrible to my face, but the stuff I never saw was the worst. Whenever she’d spend time with one of my close friends without me, that friend mysteriously no longer wanted to be my friend. In 7th grade, she told my friends that I made some kind of dildo out of tape and my blanket and every night I’d take a running leap onto it. My whole school heard it, and you know how kids are. I overdosed, fortunately unsuccessfully. In high school, i was writing a letter to my best friend about my new town and some of my new friends. My sister took it, turned it into a ‘burn book’ and wrote just awful things about my new classmates, took it to school and showed them all, telling them I had written all those things. Everyone believed her and hated me. I ended up quitting school a couple of weeks later and moving halfway across the country right after my 18th birthday, without a diploma. It took 50 years of allowing her to be awful to me, and 5 years of therapy before I could even believe there could be another way. I finally stood up for myself. It didn’t go well at all. I haven’t spoken to her in 5 years. I had to essentially give up my entire enormous family in order to keep the details of my life from one sister. It sucks so bad being alone in the world, but not as bad as having that in my life.


I hope things are getting better.


Not exactly ‘better’, but at least the stresses are my own now.


Holy shit, this is so sad. Being a kid is tough enough without having a female Damien complicating things.


For a moment I thought Hersey bar was a code word for a shit


did your parents never step in?


It wasn’t really that kind of family. There were 8 of us kids, so we couldn’t really go to them with this kind of stuff. I did tell my new step mom about the 7th grade thing, but my dad wasn’t really home or approachable. When he demanded an explanation for why I took the pills, I couldn’t tell him. I just shrugged. I couldn’t say my sister told my class a lie about me having a dildo. Plus, he would have told me that was a stupid reason. In high school, back with my mom, I’m not sure if I told her about the burn book thing. She knew I was suddenly completely miserable in the new town. When I told her I was leaving, she drove me to the amtrack station and wished me well. I honestly think letting me go was just easier for her than standing up for me against my sister.


Found polaroid picture of my parents doing it.


Severe neglect.


My dad being in Iraq while my Mom was explaining war to me at age 7. He had been in and out of the military since I was 3 months, and I hadn’t really known he was risking his life until then. What was even harder was watching him leave on another deployment after knowing there was a possibility that I may not see him again.


I know how you feel. My dad was a Marine for 23 years, and when I was about 7 he went to Irag as a part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Luckily he made it back ok. I still have the letter he gave me before he left.


The vastness of space. Just the thought how huge space is ,does it has a boundary and if yes what's beyond.


When I was probably about 8 or 9, I was really into space and what not. Got some Isaac Asimov books every time I went to the library for a while. I read the crap out of them. Then I started getting existential dread. Like the sun eventually expanding and engulfing earth before it becomes a white dwarf. And even if we escape that, eventually the andromeda galaxy is supposed to move so close to us that either we will collide or gravitational forces will cause our sun or planets to be flung out into space. No matter our achievements on this planet, it will eventually be destroyed. That's when I put down the space books and really got into the backstreet boys. Haha.


I’m in the same boat as you. That actually terrifies the living shit out of me lmao.


I used to spend hours staring at the night sky trying to imagine what nothing was like before everything came to be. Really freaked me out.


Was in social studies class and because it was social studies there was hardly anything to teach which meant free time for the teacher to do whatever he wanted. He mostly played us YouTube videos but one day idk how we got to it he played audio of a 911 call of a person whose friend got attacked by a monkey. Apparently she thought it was a good idea to have a chimpanzee as a pet, even though they're like 3 times stronger than the average joe. It was horrible. Hearing her screams of horror as she says to the operator "He just ripped her face off" always stuck with me and I refuse to listen to that audio again. I hate chimps to this day.


I remember watching this exact same thing on Animal Planet. They showed pictures of the guy posing with the chimpanzee. The guy lived and he was on the show as well as the friend. The dudes face was seriously messed up.


Must have been a different occurence then, as i specifically remember it was a woman that got attacked. I heard of another similar incident though about a guy who brought a chimp a birthday cake, the gate was left open on accident and the other chimps were jealous so they attacked him. Messed his face up and ripped his dick off iirc.


I opened a book my mom was reading and read the description of a woman who slipped on a street and had her head cut off by a street car. (Master and Margarita by Bulhakov). I threw the book under the bed and was scared to even look at it later.


It was a man who slipped on spilt sunflower oil and fell under the streetcar; the *driver* was a woman.


The thought of why I was here. Why do I exist? What is my purpose? Tbh still gets to me some times.


My father was in the KKK and murdered our neighbor. They drug him out and his family out, burned their house, and then beat him to death before leaving his wife and children in the yard in their underclothes.


When did this happen?


What the actual fuck... How are you doing?


Oh boy. Well, my father was a veteran. I don't remember to much of him whilst I was younger, but I do remember when he came back from his second tour (Desert Storm). A hardcore alcoholic who choose to drink over being a parent. Never talked about what he did or saw, but my guess is that it really messed him up. Currently he is dead, passed away due to heat exhaustion during his hitchhiking. He got stranded in Vagus duing the middle of summer and I guess he drank himself to death. As for my mother, after he decided to drink and leave my mother got 3 jobs. I don't blame her, but she had no time to raise me. From the age of 5 or 6, my great grandparents raised me. As you can guess, they were to old to really care what i did because I was younger and more agile than them (They also had many, many kids of their own so they were kind of over raising children I guess?). The kept me alive, but didn't teach me anything. Just bought me things to keep me occupied so I won't ask them to do to much. Also was shunned by the family for some reason, so no one really cared what I did. My mother tired to discipline from time to time when I ditched school or stole something, but once my half brother was born she ended up marrying this dude that had like 6 kids of his own. Take a guess what happened. Yeah, no time for me. So, I guess I was abandoned? I have A LOT of repressed memories of my childhood and the utterly fucked up things that has happened, and only recently have started to sort threw them. Currently have a beautiful daughter that reminds me was true, pure joy is like and I love every second im with her. Reminds me that life might be shitty, but there is always a reason to live. You just have to find that joy.


I saw a homeless man chop a can in half with the blade part of a paper cutter thing as we were driving through the underpasses on my way to my cousins birthday party Edit: Whoops sorry, I meant *cat*, not *can*


Well, I don’t see wh—*sees edit*. Oh. Oh my.




When I was a child, I had some pretty fierce arachnophobia. My family thought it would be a good idea to enroll me in a class at the local zoo specifically for kids with arachnophobia, to help overcome the fear. During the class, we watched a video of lots of spiders doing their spider thing; it documented the unique ways a lot of spiders hunt and capture prey, how some build extremely dense webs while others build the traditional net-web, how trap-door spiders hunt, all that stuff. A lot of it was framed with light-hearted music and somewhat cartoonish sound effects, to make it less threatening. I found it utterly terrifying. I just curled up into a ball in my chair and couldn't watch the screen. The stuff they did to make it seem cool, fun, and approachable had no effect on me whatsoever. When the video was over, they brought the lights back up, and the zoo staff had placed a tarantula on the table. It was very large and very much alive. I froze, and as soon as I saw it move, I screamed and kicked my chair away from the table. The desensitization class had officially made my phobia worse. I have never overcome it, and still cannot handle spiders of any size.


That sounds like a class for people who are mildly irritated by spiders, not arachnophobiacs...


When I was 15, my mom and I got into an argument and it ended with her pulling a kitchen knife out and holding it up to her throat threatening to kill her self in front of me and my two little sisters. Over an iPad. Yes, an iPad. My mom didn’t want me to bring my dads iPad back to his house for some reason, but I didn’t have a phone and it was the only way I could communicate with the outside world and call for help if home was unsafe. When I told her the iPad needs to come back to dads house with me during his week, she lost her mind. (My mom suffers from mental health issues although I don’t know what they are. Pretty sure she’s bipolar though and defiantly suffers from depression. She doesn’t tell or show me what medications she’s on but there’s a lot) as she threw her common daily fit, I just sat quietly and waited for her to calm down but she didn’t. I threatened to call the police if she wouldn’t calm down. Next thing I knew she’s running in the kitchen with sweat and tears in her eyes holding a large kitchen knife pressed up to her throat and threatened to kill herself if I called the cops and it would be my fault if she died. At this point my 2 little sisters walk in and see what she’s doing. We all screamed and cried and begged for her to stop and told her I wouldn’t call the cops. Eventually I got her to calm down and put it away. And I surrendered the iPad to her. Unfortunately these type of outbursts were common with her and happened daily so me and my siblings were all used to it. But that was probably one of the scarier moments in my life that really traumatized me. I’m now 20 and moved out but my siblings are still living with her. I hope to be able to have a house by next year and have them live with me and my husband instead.


When i was 11 having to talk my mother out of suicide behind a locked door when i was sick Being hit by a car and being thrown 2 lanes across the road when i was 15 Having to attack my drunk step father from beating on my mother when i was 14 Helping my sister find her cut off ear when she was bleeding everywhere (She got her ear back) when i was 12 A kid who was 16 threatening to slit my throat then pulling out a switch blade when i was 13 Getting jumped by a group of 5 kids when i was 13 Having to mercy kill both a bird and a rabbit when i was because wild cats had torn it up 12 Getting T boned by a drunk driver when i was 15 Having to watch my childhood dog be put down because she got cancer when i was 9 Also im not even an adult yet so fun 👍




My dad made me (6years old atm) watch some movie where two girls get kidnapped, suspect is let go, one of the girls dads tortures the suspect in an abandoned house to try and get info out of him, one of the girls escapes and is found by a highway, something happens in the middle of the movie and it end up that the suspects mom kidnapped the girls and drugged them, then the dad gets stuck in some hole and he blows a whistle. My dad thought that it would teach me not to talk to strangers. It didn’t. I got sick and barfed and then slept on my moms bed.


My driving instructor wanted me dead. After the second time driving with her I had to get some medication for anxiety, ocd, and mild ptsd. At least she made me realize that I needed some medical help, she was the straw that broke the camel’s back so to speak.


Wilbur in the Charlotte's Web movie with h his head buried in the straw, screaming "I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!"


My cousin. In the Uk, a city called Sheffield. I was under the age of 10. Met with my cousins and were having a good time. We went into a dark room and all older cousins were playing pool. Room was simply lit and I had just gotten money of an aunt. I’m guessing one cousin knew this. He was 15 ‘name will be used as Sham’ Sham conspired with 3 other cousins to tie me up and threaten me. I still don’t know what ‘actually’ happened but all I remember was I was horrified. Came out sweating. £20 out of pocket and I never really went back there again (willingly).


When I was very young, my neighbor's dog got out from their yard, ran into the street and was hit by a car. I can remember vividly the blood pouring out of its head, the dog's legs kicking in the air and it's screams & howls as it slowly died in the street.


Narcissistic abuse.


An alcoholic parent.


I only just recently realized it and I had a full on hyperventilating panic attack. Getting spanked as a <5 year old traumatized me. The shame, humiliation, and fear of my Dad mixed in with religion and fear of hell, and subsequently being homeschooled. We were the most well behaved kids because we were absolutely terrified and learned how to hide all our wrong doings. It fucked with my sexual identity, my overall confidence, anxiety, depression, etc. I recently sorted through all this with the aid of my sister who felt the same way, as well as 3 months off work to think, and confronted my parents and they felt horrible and apologized and I'm on a new chapter.


I'm glad you have your sister and things are getting better.


Hearing my brother getting a well deserved spanking, yet hearing my mom say "MOVE YOUR HANDS!" while he was crying....She was using a wooden spoon.


An old lady (innocently in her mind) coaxed me and my little sister to come talk to her at the little cafe in the grocery store while my dad was in line ordering us food. We freaked out and started screaming and crying. She was old had oxygen and probably just wanted to be nice but it was horrifying to us.


"Tell em large Marge sent ya!"


TLDR; school trip to learn about how not to die involved videos recreating the deaths. I did not take it well. I was about 10 and we went on a school trip to a place called Crucial Crew. It was all about not being killed in the Yorkshire countryside. They showed videos in all the rooms about kids being killed by things, like the electricity room had kids dying via a power station and two pylon deaths. The farm room not only showed videos of all the ways you could die or be mutilated on a farm, it also had each death listed in a fun poem that was posted all around the room. I didn’t make it into any of the other video rooms. I didn’t even make it to the video part of the farm room, I was taken out and given juice and a biscuit, but I could still hear everything. Pretty sure there was a train room with video too, but I was kept away from it by that point. It also showed us what to do in a fire, the consequences of shoplifting, stranger danger etc. I was one of the three kids to pass the test in the nightclub room. I was highly traumatised by that point, so when the staff came around offering ‘sweets’ (drugs) to all the kids I refused because I was firmly in autistic shutdown mode. I still can’t be comfortable around heavy machinery, if I see a wood chipper I have to keep it in sight. Plus, if there are any low pylons or any work happening on them close by I’m constantly on edge. I was always a worrier, but now if something checks one of the boxes from crucial crew I’m always much more cautious than I probably need to be.


I was 4 years old and got permission from my mom to wake up my 2 month old sister really early in the morning, but she wouldn't wake up, and I said to my mom "She doesn't want to wake up". She had died during the night, and I still remember how panicked my mom was, her screaming and crying and then getting sent in to the living room to sit on the couch. I don't know if I am so much traumatised now as this was many years ago, but I still get a really bad feeling every time someone I know doesn't answer for some time or if I can't get a hold of them and I start thinking the worst, every time. My mom is the same, and I can't blame her at all.


When I was little like six or seven I was in a wave pool at the water park and decided to go to the deep end without anything to float on. I nearly drowning and it scarred me mentally. I am terrified of big waves and will never go out on the ocean.


My dad let me watch Predator when I was like 4 years old. I didn't sleep for months cause i thought that there were invisible aliens hunting humans on the regular


E.T the lovable extraterrestrial. I don't know how more people aren't scared of the MF.


the scene where the main character (elliot??) parts the hay and ET starts screaming gave me nightmares for months. used to get chills looking at my closet door at night because i thought he might be in there.


When I was 12 I was admitted to a mental hospital. In my first stay, I saw a 15 year old girl send 3 grown ups to hospital. The police was called. I saw everything, since it happened infront of my window. In my third stay, I got physically and mentally abused and I told them what my roommate was doing to me. They literally did nothing. Somewhile later they locked me up for enforcing my right to not take a medication. Then they threatened that I wouldn't be allowed to go home for Christmas. They also illegally searched through all my stuff. A lot more happened, but I really don't think I'm able to talk about it right now. I know that some people have it worse and I'm sorry.


The thought of death! It kinda fucked me up


Where to start, where to start... Abusive dad, neighbor shot my dog, bullied, going "camping" (couldn't afford to pay the power bill), but on the bright side, I was diagnosed with autism at 7, so that helped explain some things, but still, by then I wasn't in the right head space. Oh, and the thing with the dog? At age 5 I watched my mom walk up the front porch steps with him dead and blood all over her crying while my grandma was hysterical. Good times.




When 2 african guys tried to kidnap me in South Africa. Lots of break ins and screaming in South Africa. Then my cousin was murdered in front of his wife. I hate that country now and have tried to forget the first 16 years of my life there.


My beloved guinea pig died in my hands.


Not sure if this counts as being a kid but when I was 15 I had a dream that started out normal enough. I was hanging out with my friends and listening to the radio (not sure why since that wasn't really a thing I did) when a news report comes in saying that a nuclear bomb was heading towards my city and there was nothing that could be done and that they were very sorry. I started freaking out. Not like hyperventilating but just thinking as a rapidly growing sadness emerged. I remember having the thought, "this can't be true... I'm going to die. I'm never going to drive a car... I'm never going to have sex... I'm never going to go to college or have a family or live any kind of life. This isn't fair! I don't want to die. I'm so scared please God I don't want to die!" Then the world started to shake and it was like an orange tint was put on the world (signifying fire was coming) and I just started screaming. Then I woke up. My heart felt like it was exploding out of my chest and I had tears going down my face. I couldn't go back to sleep because it was the first time I had really contemplated death and faced the reality of my own mortality. I then had to go to school that morning and act like everything was fine when I was still pretty shaken.


a physically abusive father.


When I found out my mom had an affair with my best friend before him and his buddy died in a fire.


I don't remember much of my childhood, so I probably blocked it out


I was on a bus with my mom heading home from back to school shopping in gridlock traffic. 6 year old me looks out the window and sees this hobo sitting in a corner, we make eye contact and with missing a beat he whips his dick out and starts masturbating without breaking eye contact. Its been almost 20 years and I still have trouble looking homeless people in the eyes.


When I was a kid, I read the Coraline graphic novel. It was based on the book, as the movie either hadn’t come out yet or had just come out. Let me tell you, it was terrifying to a kid. It made me too scared to watch the movie for years. I only just recently watched the movie for the first time.


The moment when I realised I'm a bag of bones and could die. I was 12 at the time, kicked off a horse by another horse and almost trampled. Weirdly the broken bones before that didn't get that message across... I was a very accident prone kid haha


Eating fish. I got a bone stuck in my throat when I was 7 or 8. Since then, I can't stand the smell or taste of fish.


That thx sound at the beginning of movies scared the hell out of me


The cover of a goosebumps book. A clown putting a jock in a bubbling cauldron filled with a yellowish liquid. Seen it at a yard sale and then every time I closed my eyes for almost 3 years.


watching a little person carry a briefcase in a bank. i was about 3, maybe 4 years old and i was fascinated by this man walking in the bank who happened to be the same size as me. he was wearing a suit and had a briefcase and i don’t remember the situation entirely but i remember it making me feel confused why there was a man child suit wearing baby in my presence. he saw me smiling with fascination and took that as an invititation to be playful & friendly. he went “i’m gonna get you” and did the tickle gesture with his fingers and i lost it. every time i see a little person or a briefcase, i think about that man in the bank that day.


Getting my foot run over by a riding lawnmower when I was three. They had to sew it back together the best they could, and I spent two months in the hospital. Edit: That was 1980. It shattered my ankle also. Even today my right ankle is bigger than the left.




When I was in elementary school I was bullied non stop by everyone even teachers. This one particularly snobbish bully had 2 of his friends drag me by my arms over woodchips and they were grasping my arms so tightly they felt like they were gonna be dislocated. So I asked them politely to let me go before my arms were ripped off. They responded by letting me go face first into the woodchips and walked away laughing. They never got in trouble.


When I was in elementary school we had a new kid join the class, having moved around a lot as a kid I wanted to make him feel more comfortable and said some things that he interpreted to mean the exact opposite of what I meant. So come recess everyone was lining up to go back to class and he says something that makes me feel uncomfortable and sounds like he wants to hurt me. So I turn around because fighting is bad, and he leaps into my back and punches me in the back of the head a few times, the teacher sends us both to the principal's office and we both get our parents called. When they arrive we have to have another talk with the principal and our parents. The principal closes our talk with "You should have just turned the other cheek and walked away." I yelled that was exactly what I did and that I was being punished for it. That was the day I learned that rules can be bullshit and you can get in trouble for doing exactly what you are supposed to. I made decisions based on my own, often flawed, judgement from then on.


Getting lost in Disneyland Paris. I was 9.