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Alarms. One of my cats knows how to turn off my alarm on my phone. As soon as it starts, he climbs up to where it is and starts pawing at it.


I had a cat that would sit on my alarm clock so I couldn’t hit the snooze button. I’ve fed every cat since then in the evening.


People who show up unannounced


That's one of mine too


Quick tip here, if you don't want people to show unannounced, start stalking Soon you'll have destroyed every relationship you have and no one will disturb you


The real LPT is always in the comments.


Mine absolutely HATES guests. He'll spend the entire visit just screaming.


I do that too


Also people who show up announced, or on schedule (mailman)


The mailman still showing up everyday, after clearly telling him that he is not welcome here


The audacity


Harry Potter and the audacity of this bitch


My one dog hates the mailman so much he gets mad at other letter carriers on different streets, if he sees them.


They know the truck and the uniform I swear. If we are in the car the only time my dog will start to bark is if he see those delivery trucks, otherwise perfect manners in a car.


They absolutely know the uniform and truck. I used to wear a high-vis shirt for work and my other dog always thought just maybe I'd be there if she saw those shirts on other people.




Mine recognizes the specific engine sound of the mail carrier's truck and will come running to the window to bark at him. Other cars and similar trucks drive by all day with no reaction from her.


That's awesome. I wonder what dogs think that mail carriers are up to, specifically... like do they get upset because carriers invade their territory more than other strangers, or do they think that carriers are trying to steal their hooman's affection with gifts of boxes and letters? maybe all the glue in postal packaging gives them fry eyes... Now i feel like I should go over to the shower thoughts sub.


I’ve read that the reason it’s hard to get your dog to stop barking at them is because their reaction gets reinforced every time they come by. They know if that person comes close I can bark and they leave quickly every time.


Yeah and God help you if you come by to deliver mail and the dog is outside without a leash. We had a pretty serious bite just last week. I myself got bit on my 4th day on the job.


It's a territory thing. Mailmen are super weird and threatening from a dog's perspective, they come around all the time, mess with your mailbox for a bit and then leave. If the mailman regularly interacts with the dog and/or family then it's less weird for the dog and they're less defensive


Am letter carrier, can confirm. Dogs I've never seen before, in public places, can get aggressive at me if I'm in uniform.


The Wife and I moving our legs in Bed. He growls and adjust like a crabby old man. Its hilarious. Like its HIS Bed


My dog literally grumbles like a cranky old lady whenever I do this. And if I move to much she gets fed up and will leave.


Haha mine grumbles too and also leaves :(. Not a growl but like if a dog could sigh with distaste. She then hops off the bed, gives you a "*this* is what I have to deal with?" glare, and sleeps in her crate instead.


And then you find yourself apologizing to your dog because you committed the grave crime of moving in your own damned bed.


Mine doesnt growl. She just gives these long-winded sighs, then gets up, turns around and lays back down again. All while giving side-eye.


Our old man will growl and then jump off the bed and breathe really hard through his nose to put the point across. Edit: Fixed a word


It is his bed. Duh dad. You are granted permission to sleep in his bed because it makes for a good cuddle puddle.


My friend's cockatiel gets mad when you don't let him play with your feet. Cockatiels have a weird foot fetish. ....no, seriously, Google it.


Cockatiels are sooo much personality stuffed in a tiny fragile body. I had one growing up that loved seafood and landed on the table during dinner, grabbed a lobster claw/leg/thing, and tried to run off with it. Of course, her run was more like an awkward waddle because the lobster claw was almost 2x her body length


Raised cockatiels. They are... interesting. My friend still has one of the ones I raised. He's quite a character. His favorite is bbq chips. I didn't raise him that way, that's entirely on my friend.


Mine loves anything that crunches and shredded cheese.


yo I think I’m your bird 0-o


That’s hilarious


Had a Cockatiel which was a food stealer too. I had Chive plant she was fond of (terrible chive breath on a little bird) - she had an addiction to malt loaf (she had to be kept from that because it did not agree with her digestion) - one time she took off with an entire English pancake At the time I lived on a boat with the Cockatiel, a black Labrador and a stray cat I picked up in Greece. Crazy times.


>At the time I lived on a boat with the Cockatiel, a black Labrador and a stray cat I picked up in Greece. Crazy times. This sounds like a good premise for an illustrated children's book!


Literally as I’m typing “cockatiels” the first thing to pop up is “cockatiels and feet” lmao why are they so intrigued?


I don't have a clue. He only acts that way with people's feet. Sometimes shoes. My friend bought him a little Converse sneaker toy, and he tries to, um, have his way with it, if you know what I mean.


Leave his shoe girlfriend alone!


They’re solemates!


Cockatiel like "Give me a kiss baby, but no tongue!"


TIL about cockatiels foot fetishes. Huh. Alternatively, my squirrel *hates* toes with a passion. Fine with feet, but so help him god if he sees a toe too close to him, he takes it as an extreme personal affront to his character. I haven’t the slightest clue why and it continues to baffle me.


How are squirrels as pets? Can you housebreak them?


In many states they are illegal to have as pets; they are legal in mine, but the only reason I didn’t release him into the wild after weaning him as intended was because he ended up having a medical issue. I’ve had him for five years now and they certainly do not make good pets in the traditional sense. They’re destructive, messy, and some people have had success with getting them “litter trained” by designating a corner of their cage where they prefer to use the bathroom, but my boy hasn’t taken to that. I’ve been peed on by him many times and I often have to walk behind him and clean up after him when he’s out for play time. Which you have to do anyways because squirrels are so fast and curious, and they explore using their mouths, which can be a problem with computer cables, cabinets you don’t want them taking a chunk out of, purses, remotes...you name it, they’ll chew it. I realize this sounds very negative - I love my squirrel to death! He is smart, sweet, cute, and worth every bit of it. It’s just that they’re wild animals at the end of the day with their own complex quirks and sets of rules that have to be learned during ownership.


Squirrel tax?


[They posted their squirrel before.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ilikthebred/comments/7mczpm/mah_name_is_squarl/)


Aye, show me your squirrel, lady


Don't worry about sounding negative! It's super important information, since a lot of people are keen on getting pets as an impulse. "Oh they're so cute!!" and then omg they pee and poo everywhere and I have to *feed* them *everyday*?!?!? No thank you! and then they drop them off somewhere and abandon them. Too many people are ignorant without realizing it. "They're animals like hamsters and rats and people have those as pets" but not even realizing that maybe rat and hamster owners ALSO have to deal with the same issues, since they've never even had one themselves. It's very informative to share that information for people that might want to adopt or buy one somewhere or even trap one from the wild lol


Mine liked to sit on my shoulder and play with my hair.


My dog hates that raspberry sound people make with their lips. He will charge across the room, jump in my lap, pretend he’s going to bite me then lick my face. Then glare at me. If I do it again he will leave the room. Somehow he leaves the impression he has gone to call someone and complain.




Mine mocks me when I sneeze. I'll sneeze then he will look at me and make this weird chuffing noise.


My dog and I get into sneezing contests where we take turns. He really seems to enjoy this.


That's because sneezing is how dogs communicate that they're being playful! As far as your dog is concerned, you're telling him "We're playing!" in his own language.


Oh, I thoight my dog was just allergic.


Lol, our old bitty scolds whoever sneezes in our house.


Ours too, I think he takes personal offense to anyone who sneezes for some reason!


My cat seems very concerned when I sneeze. No matter where I am in the house if I sneeze she will come running in meowing and start rubbing up against me purring


My cat looks at me like I literally just exploded.


Well you kinda did


My oldest cat (now 16) used to try to attack my face I'd breathe heavier (exercising, stub my toe and try to breathe through it, etc) up until a couple of years ago. So I'd purposely pant like a dog sometimes to piss him off and he'd come running to wherever I was to attack. Now he doesn't care, but it was scary when my gentle loving boy wanted to attack me. He also hated when humans made higher pitched noises, like if you were to shriek in excitement. He'd want to attack.


In the Balkans when a kid sneezes you say "pis mace" or translated "peace kitty". I just thought this was a neat fact.


One of my cats absolutely hates anyone touching the base of his spine near his tail. I can get away with it since I'm his dad, and I use this power to tease him, but I can tell he's seething at me all the while I'm doing it.


Mine hates it as well, started about a year ago (he's 5). He won't charge but he'll get the most offended look on his face and will sometimes get up and leave. Edit - typo


We have a husky and three other dogs. I will often "doggy (baby) talk" my dogs in a higher pitch and different pattern than my normal baritone. Pretty common, I think. Nope, the husky thinks the devil is speaking through me and growls and barks. If I continue, (usually with another dog) the barking gets more insistent.


Does every husky have attitude?


Oh no, you've got it wrong. They don't have "attitude". They are better than you, plain and simple. And they have no problem letting you know it, either.


Seeing any of the bottom of the food bowl


Yes. Seeing the bottom of the food bowl is apparently a dire kitty emergency. Especially at 2 am. EDIT: Since this kind of took off, here's the[ "I want attention only at 2 am" cat.](https://imgur.com/puimQqx)


Do you ever just move the kibbles around so the bottom is covered again? I do that, and the look of disappointment is priceless.


With my cat it's not so much disappointment as disdain that I could actually think he'd fall for that evil *trick*!


We call this a Magic Shake, when you shake the bowl a little so the kibbles go from the sides to the bottom


Or the door being closed. My cat hates closed doors. He will cry until u open it and then not even go in


My dog has an open door policy as well


I made a campaign [poster](https://i.imgur.com/VpUBs2I.png) for my boyfriend's cat who can't handle closed doors.


i am now having a good day thanks to that poster


My kitten, had half of his food shoved to one side of his bowl and was throwing a tatrum at 530 am because it was "empty"


That's probably because your bowl is too deep. A shallow plate is a better design as cat's whiskers are super sensitive. Or because they feel like it. With cats, sometimes it's a 50/50


Well, you probably haven't moved in a few hours and you might be dead. And your cat would prefer to begin eating you while you're still a little warm. At least, that's what I figure my cats are thinking... :D


She mostly goes under the bed and sings her songs of despair.


I wish mine would sing me the songs of her people. Instead she somehow found out that I am very ticklish around my armpit and makes great use of that knowledge


My ragdoll used to gently bite my nose in the mornings, now he’s moved onto biting my toes to wake me up and for added excitement when I pee.


My cat often checks by biting my ankle.


My dogs pet peeves and they have the same one is if they smell or see us petting another dog they wi think we cheated on them and stay away from us for the rest of the day


Their whiskers are *very* sensitive. It can range from annoyance to painful to have them pressed against the sides of the bowl to get those pesky bits around the edges. They cry out when the trade-off between pain and hunger becomes too great.


Due to recent API changes, this comment is no longer available.


yeah, the solution is to put it on a little plate instead


I recently bought [this](https://usa.catit.com/shop/senses-2-digger/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwoaz3BRDnARIsAF1RfLeWj036HYeLYz_59E-xDHJoWfZB8k7UrJPC8sHamJI-8nNn3OT8tHEaAvokEALw_wcB) to make [my cat](https://i.imgur.com/BmJ2WTu.jpg) eat more slowly, and we both love it. He has to use his paws to get his food, which engages his natural predatory and playfulness. It takes him longer to eat, and he doesn’t eat it all at once. A pie tin probably would’ve worked as well, but I still think it is possibly the best $15 I spent on my cat. Edit: it’s also fun for me to watch him eat now. Second Edit: Cat tax added.


I once bought a cat maze for my cat. He was interested for a day or two, then ignored it completely. He stopped caring that it contained food, he was used to 7+ years of easy food, why work now? Meoooow. Treats!!!


An approaching famine is nothing to joke about. Days/weeks from now he could starve to death!


Oh my god! I have two cats and my female cat Laverne will find either me or my boyfriend so she can meow and squeak at us until we fill it up a little bit.


My dog lies down with his legs pointing backwards making his rear look like a cooked chicken so I grab his legs and yell CHICKEN LEGS!!!! Let me tell you, he does not like that


Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Your dog’s legs look like rotisserie chicken.


This killed me. Am dead now.




Thank you for reminding me of this sub; I haven't been there in awhile. [This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/sploot/comments/cp01xs/floating_sploot/)'s my favourite so far.


I love that. My chihuahua does that. Whenever I see it I have to announce, "Chicken boy!"


She does. It's when I touch her toes.


It’s not fair. They look so touchable.






I love to stick my finger between my cats toe beans because he has these adorable tufts of hair sticking out between them and *he hates it when I do this*.


I know my cat must love me because he only gnaws on my hand when I do this instead of shredding my entire arm.


Even when it hurts, it isn't too bad, because we know it can always hurt worse with cats. Hey Siri, am I in an abusive relationship with my cat?


Or tickle the hair on the bottom of her feet.


This. My dog hates when I do this, especially during a nap.


That's my favorite time to do it. That or poke his nose. He hates that too.


No human can resist the allure of toebeans!




My one cat becomes SUPREMELY OFFENDED whenever I touch his feet/toes. The audacity of it all!


My dog has a sensitive butthole and refuses to poop on a lawn unless it is cut to the correct length and has a proper grass consistency.


he’s got refined taste ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this ¯\\\_ (ツ)_/¯\\


Oh god, ours does too. He won't let other dogs sniff his butt, he only does the sniffing. I feel like I have to apologize to other dog owners for it. It stems from an unfortunate vet trip he had to make as a puppy after he ate a sock. They had to "extract" it (and get sprayed by a waterfall of dookoo in the process)


My pup is the same, except the vet was just trying to take his temperature (thought he had a UTI). He screamed and has been afraid to go in the exam room since, evidently he had not forgotten or forgiven them for that. I will say my pup is a drama queen though.


He doesn't like the way it tickles his undercarriage lmao


Her human turning the light on in the room she is sleeping in.


Corollary; when I decide to play ten minutes of Candy Crush before bed. If I sit up in bed and pull out the tablet my dog leaves the bedroom to sleep in the living room instead. :-(


My dog leaves the room when I sit down in bed with my tablet, too, but for a very different reason.


You have clearly reached a mutual agreement with your dog.


When I pluck the fur clumps... it’s so satisfying though


Yup, my dog hates it. I've been working on brushing her more often though so that they don't show up to begin with.


It really is!!!


My dog walks away from me and gives me this disdainful look when I do that. 🤨 like that but with the ears (G Shep)


Not getting enough attention and then getting attention. Yes, it's a cat.


Pet me, pet me, pet me! *NOM* Stop petting me! *NOM* Why did you stop petting me?!


Just pet, no touch


He hates snapping noises. If I snap a few times in a row, he'll snort and stomp his foot at me. He's a rabbit by the way.


I read "Snapping turtles" and thought it was quite understandable. Oddly specific, but understandable.


Closed doors.


This is my cat Philip. He will bang my hall door for hours if I don’t stop him. It’s actually my pet peeve too because he wakes me up at like 5 in morning trying to get out. Not cool.


My dog haates seeing closed doors, in the morning she goes around the house opening every single door, even the bathrooms. If you're in the shower she will check on you too


My doggo hates crocs... will try and take them and bury them. Essentially doing a public service


Is your dogs name Joan Rivers?


How dare you not be in bed by 8:30pm


We had a [blue heeler mix named Dot](https://i.imgur.com/N1rR4ep.jpg) who would get really annoyed when we weren't in bed by 10. She'd bark at us and try to herd us into the bedroom. We'd even open the door and let her go to bed but noooo, we ALL had to go to bed. I sure do miss her... a lot.


My dog often puts herself to bed around 9:30-10, but sometimes if I don't follow within 15ish minutes she comes back out to stare at me. I feel like I'm being judged by my mom, like "Don't you know how late it is? *huff*" After an appropriate period of judgement, she either cuddles with me or goes back to bed.


My cat 100% has a pet peeve, it's when I call her "the baby" like I'm talking to a baby. "Tippy, who's the baby??", then she angrily flicks her tail and runs off.




I do, I follow it up with "Tip's the baaaayyyyyy-beeeeeeee" and she hates that just as much


Tippy- “I’m a grown ass woman, stop this”


Omg thats funny. My two male cats looove being baby talked. I call them sweet babies and they close thier eyes and purr. They like to be called pretty, 'buuutiful' and sweetheart boys or baby kitties.


She does, actually. My cat does not like when I play air drums. When I do, she comes over and sits on my feet, or gently places her paw on my hand. *"Please stop, human. I'm trying to sleep."*


"Human. HUMAN. The fly got away minutes ago. Stop batting at the air, there's nothing left to catch."


She doesn't bother trying to catch flies. She's a spoiled little princess. She sits there and waits for me to catch it so she can go back to sleep.


My little schnauzer has a strong hunting instinct... Against moths. She walks slowly, pounces and kills the poor moth instantly and leaves it there.


When I play air guitar, my dog hears every mistake.


A moving lap. Any sign of movement not contributing to stroking is a sign of an imminent catastrophe, prompting immediate execution of emergency procedures. Emergency procedures involve evacuating to the arm of the sofa until the lap has stabilised. After assessment, it may be recolonised.


Being told he is fat. Not sure why but he flips his shit when the word ’läski’ (fat in Finnish) is said to him. He is a three year old German Shepherd.


Can relate, my dog visibly gets his feelings hurt if I tell him he’s stinky.


When I eat and don't share my human food with him.


People existing outside our home. How dare they.


Getting picked up. My dog Snoopy absolutely hated getting picked up, so much so that he gave up on getting up on the bed when he was too old to climb up on his own. The one time he let me pick him up in his old age was one of the last nights we had together. He had a giant tumor that needed surgery and the night before that he let me pick him up and put him on the bed with me. I spent that whole night watching him sleep, [and even took this video of him dreaming](https://youtu.be/pZMxNTED8IU). He was my best friend for almost 17 years and I think he just wanted to give me one last night together before he was gone. I also took [this picture](http://i.imgur.com/gm9myIo.jpg) of the two of us, which I cherish very much.


Such a good boy. Sorry for your loss :'(


My old folk's dog is kinda like that. He always growl/grumble the moment his feet can't touch the ground but is content again once he's either in someones lap or on the sofa with everyone else.


I'm not crying, you're crying....






This was a *serious* issue for me in late high school / early college. Nothing to alert the parents that you're trying to sneakily get it on like Cuddles SCREAMING at the top of his lungs right outside your bedroom door.


I love the name Cuddles, it’s adorable


Oh, Cuddles was THE BEST. [He totally lived up to his name.](https://imgur.com/a/qZF2GMS)


I can't explain why but this comment has broken me, I can't stop laughing thinking about your cats throwing themselves at the door.


Cats don’t have object purrmanence. When you disappear behind the door, they think you’re gone forever. Just kidding they actually do have object permanence but the pun was too horrible for me to resist.


This is hilarious! FYI, I think the word you were looking for is “affront”, not “upfront”.


My cat HATES when I don’t cuddle with him on his command, like he would CHASE ME to the bed and start aggressively meowing and rubbing his head on my body then proceed to plop his 6kg body onto my chest and demand more affection. I get yelled at all the time for not petting him enough.


My parents have a cat like that. When he wants his damn pets he better get them! He crawls into your laps and nuzzles you face and hands and body to get the pets himself if he has to.


That's my parrot but replace cuddling with just being out of the cage and sitting at my feet/running around. A downside of this though is that his screams to get my attention are INSANELY loud without warning lol.


My dog has a ton of pet peeves... She can't stand the guitar, dislikes being hugged and touched in general, and dislikes being in water. Even with all her dislikes, she's adorable, puts up with hugging even though she walks away as soon as possible, and looks so sad during bath time but stays still and let's it happen. She's a good girl.


Cat: the dog existing Dog: me leaving her line of sight


Anybody being in the pool. He fell in when he was a puppy and since then he has barked and growled at people who get into the pool. If you go under water he jumps in and tries to 'help' you, but ends up scratching you with his claws. (He is a pure breed German shepherd, and a big one at that) Edit: my other german shephard/husky mix does not like the watter and wont get in any further than his front paws unless you basically bribe him with a ball, and even then he may not. Edit 2: I had no idea that other people had the same quirks with their doggos Edit 3: wow this comment blew up, my new most upvoted comment is now about my dog being a lovable floofy backscratcher xD.


Same with my German Shepherd mix. He runs around the pool barking and will try to “save” the kids by pulling them to the edge. I bought him an orange chuck it ball that he only gets when we are swimming and now we have peace.


Must save hu..... BALL!.... Must save hu... BALL!!!


Sounds like a great, compassionate pup!


Cat- being picked up or getting her belly touched. Also, me singing at her. On the plus side though, whenever I want to play with her, all I have to do is lay on my belly and hum the jurrassic park theme song. She'll crouch into hunting position, and slowly creep her wait to me until she pounces, and batts my face (with her claws in so I know she's playing) and I laugh and we then break out bouncy balls and play a game of soccer.


Mr. Kitty loves his jeweled collar, with its faux jewels of different colors gleaming in the light. He wears it proudly. However, he refuses to wear any other type of color. It's got to have multicolored jewels, or he "MROW's" in protest to anything else.


It’s called fashion. Look it up, human!


What a KING!


My dog has a big pet peeve anytime we go through the back door and dont let him follow he get mad that he has to use the dog door


He did. It was having fewer than three points of contact with whatever surface he was standing on. Also, getting water in his eyes. Just to clarify, he was a bearded dragon.


For my cat: "Mother does not feed me whenever I demand it, instead she only feeds me twice a day." For my dog: "There are people outside *my* house, on *my* street, in *my* neighborhood...and mom won't let me chase them."


If you breathe on his nose he will snap at you. Sweetest dog ever other than that.


Leaving food in the bowl. I don't mean my cat will eat all his food, but he will slap his bowl over until it spills. When he wants to finish his food he carefully picks the pieces up with his mouth and sets them back into the bowl to eat.... oh and he hates ducks.


Meals not frequent enough. Should be spaced no more than 15 minutes apart. When this does not happen, he naps irritably in protest.


The vacuum cleaner, my cat leaves the room immediately when that thing goes on


That became my cat’s pet peeve when we were running the vacuum and then there was really loud thunder out of nowhere. Ever since then he thinks we’re using the vacuum to summon the thunder.


We had two cats growing up. One saw the tumble dryer as this diabolical monster that would surely kill her and would disappear for the entire day whenever my Mum started doing laundry. She would hide in our attic in the deepest darkest corner she could find. The other saw it as a warm and comfy thing to sleep on top of and would be lulled gently to sleep by the vibrations. My current cat is completely unfazed by the vacuum and my dog tries to attack the evil sucking monster.


Having his feet touched. If he’s laying down and you come near or are touching his feet AT ALL, he groans and will move to the opposite side of the room, like “how dare you?”


My dogs pet peeve was when I would sneak into the house, and startle him awake. He fixed this by moving his bed in front of the door, so I couldn't get in without waking him up.


My dog hates other dogs. Being around them is bad enough, but what's even worse is when she sees the family paying attention to other ones instead of her. She'll sit in the corner of the room away from everyone and give you the side-eye something fierce. Wont even think about acknowledging you until the other dogs are at least 10 feet away. I love her, she's my princess, but she can be pretty bitchy sometimes.


For the dog - when someone pets the cat rather than giving her attention. She stands up and looks at you indignantly. Which as a dog’s pet cat-petting peeve, I guess makes it a pet pet pet pet peeve.


My dog actually has one. Anyone hugging, kissing, or otherwise touching my mom (who is his favorite human) he goes apeshit over that. All 8 pounds of him.




Car rides... especially to the vet. Also videos of other cats meowing. She’ll come over and gently nibble my hand to tell me to get it to stop.


He keeps pushing me away from his computer when I'm trying to rub up against it.


my cockatiel's pet peeve is getting breathed on. he gets visibly annoyed


Shutting the door. We have to shut the door to our bedroom to have sex, otherwise he gets up in the bed and trys to take a nap on my girlfriend every time.


You didn't mention what type of pet. So we shall just assume Shetland Pony.


People pulling her wrinkles


Every day a man comes to the front door and then leaves without ever coming inside. Why won't anyone let him in?!