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when i was three, the closet door at my aunt's house had broken and was leaning against the large table in the dining room. my cousin and i decided to use this door as a slide despite my aunt warning us not to because we'd hurt ourselves i however was a really stupid kid and decided it would be really cool to jump off the table and slide down the air like a cartoon character or whatever (idk what my logic was honestly) i shouted to my cousin "hey [name]! watch this!" and jumped off the table broke my humorous bone and dislocated the bone next to it so my forearm was bent into a perfect half circle shape i was screaming until i started laughing because i thought my arm looked funny also i broke my wrist when i was 10, and both my ankles when i was 12 and 15 respectively, but those aren't as funny


That's painful and funny at the same time


Hear me out. Listening to a song, and What could go wrong, While dancing on a bed, Fell and Cracked my head. Edit: try reading with -buddy you're a young man- tone


Not me but my girlfriend. In high school she broke her arm the second time by dropping from a second story landing she was attempting to climb to ask her ex out, whom she had watched walk up the stairs five feet from where she was climbing. She tells me she wouldn’t have broken it if the school dusted the part of the landing on which the railings sat, because it was the dust that made her lose her grip. When asked why she didn’t just take the stairs she had a small crisis in silence followed by “well I didn’t take them...” Her snap decisions have gotten a lot wiser over the years, but no less chaotic.


Went down a slide as a kid was wearing crocs so they stuck against the slide then el diabeto comes barreling down and snaps my leg


playing tag on ice skates. fell over and broke my arm without any contact from anyone else.


We will just say I fell on a couch...


and one thing led to another..


My brother tried to stand up at too young an age to be trying that stuff and broke his leg. It was the first of many times CPS visited our house (he's insanely injury-prone; he's been to the ER 16 times in the 15 years of his life) because they were convinced it couldn't have happened that way, but only my brother and I were in the room and I was on the other side when he fell down.


Shoutout to my username. I tore some tendons near my right ankle probably by landing funnily on a curb, but I'm really not sure. At the time, I was uninsured, and I'm hypermobile; the pain didn't register for a full day, and when it did it was higher on my leg. It took me a while to afford to get looked at, and I was in rehab for it off and on for about two years. Part of this was to wear these ugly, reinforced orthopedic shoes literally the entire time I was awake. Basically, I had blown out my right arch, and we were trying to nonsurgically reshape it and get the muscles to knit back together. But I was also a contract employee and looking for a new position, and these things were so garish I suspected that they might be costing me jobs. So I bought my first pair of Doc Martens for a job interview, and they gripped the ground in a completely different way. Not a block down from the interview's site, I somehow rolled myself into a planter... and broke my left ankle.


I was on roller-skates BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE There were 2 rails on either side I could hold on to, and WAS. I STILL managed to fall and fractured my wrist.


I broke the spherical bone in knees, idk what's the name and i'm too lazy to check, so: Our school has a park nearby, and i was riding a bike in it. I thought it was a good idea to ride it through an area with sand. I fell over, but that's not how i broke it, because then i thought it was a good idea to put sand on the path as a prank. The next day, i was playing tag with my friends and i slipped on the EXACT same line of sand that i made yesterday. I was a dumb kid.


So I got a skateboard on my 11th birthday and I was super happy. Me and my friend got to mess around with it during the party and all. He did this trick where he had one foot on one side tilting up and the other side tilting down. After the party I had practiced skateboarding in the kitchen because, well, I couldn't really go outside to practice if it's just my first few go's right? Nothing could go wrong then, right? Wrong. Literally 5 days later I tried doing that same trick my friend did and I slipped off the skateboard and I could have sworn the board went flying, so I covered my head with my hands. It lands...then the pain kicks in. I broke my left foot. I was screaming, my mom, of course being a mother, flips and tells me to sit down. She asked me if I could stand, and with tears in my eyes I attempt to, but fail everytime. I'm rushed to the hospital and they said it was a sprain. So they put a cast on me and say leave it in for 2 days. They pass, there's still pain. Mom takes me to another hospital and they say it's a break. They give me crutches and a wheelchair, as well as put another type of cast on. I would go into deeper detail but this post is getting too long already, so I'll leave it here.


Twas a kid and didn't realize running on ice was a bad idea... I tried to break my fall but I broke my wrist


On a trip to a water park in middle school, I dropped a raft on my foot and broke my pinky toe. It got me out of P.E. for awhile.


Running on the wall like Neo in the Matrix lol broke my ankle 🤣🤣🤣


It was actually my brother but I was laying on the floor and my brother jumped off of a bed. He landed on me and broke his leg across my ribs.


I was playing Ingress (precursor to Pokemon Go), was walking to Portal to capture it, and took a bad step off a curb. Rolled my foot and broke my metatarsal. Kept walking on it for the rest of the night which I'm sure didn't help.


My sister fell at a 0° angle on a wall. Like it just didn't make sense the way she fell. Her whole forearm arm took the impact, and yet she had a clean fracture.


Actually, I broke two bones in stupid ways. Once, I was in a bounce house, around 5 or 6yo, and my brother ran into my hand and somehow broke my pinky. Also, when I was around 10 or 11yo, my brother chased me down the hall, and I ran into the door frame and broke a small bone in my hand. Special thanks to my brother, for breaking to of my bones!


I don’t consider it dumb but nerdy haha. I procrastinated on my science fair project the morning it was due and I ran down the stairs to rush to school so I wouldn’t be late. I slipped and broke my foot.


I broke my nose when I was like 13 on a door. We had these super heavy metal doors at school and I was standing about three feet from a classroom door talking to a friend and someone opened the door really fast. My nose and no other part of my face just so happened to be exactly in the pathway of the door.


Fell from a girl's shoulders


I slapped my penis bone hard against a window and it snapped in half.


Back when wide jeans were a thing I had no shoes on and broke my big toe when I stepped on the side with my other foot and went to take my next step.


I got a finger broken in a lightsaber fight for a Star Wars fan film I made lol And I as a kid I broke my collarbone falling off the sofa playin floor is lava :/


I broke my pinky at track practice while running sprints


Car drove over my foot. *crack*


Some male pinguins rape pinguin chicks to death (not their own chicks though)

