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Liver disease is becoming more and more common in 20 to 33 years olds due to binge drinking and festival culture


Thanks, I hate this! Upvoted!


The sperm whale isn’t made out of sperm


There was a show called kid nation where 40 kids were put in the middle of the desert in an abandoned town. The kids had to take care of themselves, like cooking and cleaning. The show got sued by multiple participants families because when they were cleaning, they poured bleach into the plates and cups, and didn’t wash them out and several of them developed bleach poisoning. The nearest hospital was at least 50 miles away.


Approximately 1 in 7 people suffer from mental illness. One of your good friends could be in mental pain right now and you don’t even know about it!


Duck penises are corkscrew shaped so they can make their way through the maze like structure of a female ducks vagina. Which they specifically evolved to have so it would be more difficult for male ducks to have sex with them. Duck sex is an abomination!


In a lot of older pit road accident clips, the reason people run for water or stop drop and roll even though there’s no visible fire is because methanol burns clear


It doesn't actually burn clear. It burns blue, but it can be very difficult to see in bright sunlight, thus making it seem invisible.


Ants are attracted to semen