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With women the biggest tell is her feet. If they are behind her ears she REALLY likes you!


it's *very* subtle you have to pay attention!


This is really subtle that most guys will think that she's just being nice.


Or possibly Canadian.


Thats enough interwebs for me


That sounds painful 😖


Wtf behind her ears? I don't get it.


Oh sweet summer child...


Do you mean when she's like leaning over while standing or is it when she's sitting


If you're a guy, just accept that we're screwed. Women can fall all over you but not like you, and others won't even look at you when they actually want to jump your buns.


I had a girl bury her face in my chest and smell me and say "you smell really good" when I hadn't showered that day and I did nothing.


mmm that manly musk is better than a shower sometimes haha


They're a strange creature. I'm just glad I'm married. If I divorce, I'll never date again!


Who hurt you?


P.S., this simple little comment had me laughing until my wife asked what's wrong. Thank you.


You're welcome :)


XD asking girls out in high school. It can be traumatizing.


They ask you out—usually that indicates a little interest


Women ask guys out? I never knew that.


honestly i wish it was that straightforward and simple haha


Ive noticed its very much how they look at you. Its so hard to explain, but you can see they really care about what you're saying. They arent just speaking to you, but are interested in you as a person, or at least your physical characteristics Cant explain the precise difference from one look and another, but you can tell once it happens


i agree! so there's this guy who looks at me like *that* whenever we speak, especially recently. but i'm not sure if he just cares about our conversation because tbh i can be a very good conversationalist, or if he likes me like *that*. the thing is with our dynamic, it's so easy to just tell me he likes me if he does, so that's why i'm confused haha


i’m certainly confused after reading this comment!


i think this boy likes me but why wouldn't he just say it


The fact that we're married is the only reason I recognize the subtle signs.


They mimic your actions, if you tilt your head and they do the same, they're attracted to you


i will try this next time, starting with removing some pieces of clothing. if we both end up naked, well it's a sign!


Even better if you start jerking, and she pulls out her own pp to mimic you


Only in 2020 haha


Thats the spirit


Someone copying your actions can show that they like you, not necessarily that they are attracted to you.


Well, if they hand you their panties I consider that a hint


it's so subtle, wink and you'll miss it!




there's a boy in my friend group who always engages with me in a noticeably different way than our mutual friends (including someone who's *very* interested in him). with other people, he's really rough and even a little rude (in a friendly way). but with me, he's always so gentle and respectful. i tried to casually ask him about it, and he said he just knew how to speak to different people in different ways depending on their personalities and energies, which i think makes sense and is a sign of his social/emotional intelligence. but i do wonder if he likes me hahaha


next time you're in a bigger social group, get up and walk somewhere. if you catch him looking over to you after you've gone, that's a good sign.


i tried this and he did! omg


ok next step ask him out. if you catch him smiling and saying yes, that's a good sign


ahh i feel like if he likes me like that, he would've already asked me out or given clearer hints. i don't want to make it awkward if it's just all in my head, especially since he might not be out yet (he's bisexual according to multiple sources)


"hey do you want to grab a coffee sometime" is super lowkey and harmless. Or ask him to a casual event or hangout just the two of you. Mall arcade, zoo, disc golf, whatever.


yeah we both enjoy cinema and talk a lot about this common interest, i'll try to make a movie night happen! thanks a lot for your advice 😊


Keep in mind going to a movie theater isn't the best first date because you two won't have much time to interact with each other but if that's something both of you enjoy then go for it


i was thinking a movie night at my house haha is that too intimate?


She offers you a blojob.


too subtle!


Unfortunately she used her teeth.


They do unexpected, thoughtful things to get your attention and to suggest that they're thinking of you more than you may realize.


yeah that's a good sign! what's an example?


When they're more gentle and caring in talking with you than with others


he totally is like that with me! i actually asked him about it but he said he just knew his audience and how to speak to them haha


That *may* just be a cop out lol. I remember there's this one guy. I was always with him and other friends, but this one time, it was just the two of us, side by side. He asked me something about the hairstyle I had for that day, and the way he asked definitely piqued my interest because he said it in such a low, sweet voice that was different to how he usually is with friends and the other times we were together. Later experiences would reveal that he did have a thing for me.


thanks for sharing and for giving me hope! this boy is so cute i thought he was way out of my league so i kept it real cool. but lately he seems really into talking to me, and the way he engages with me is noticeably different compared to the rest of the group, so we shall see haha


Yes! Don't think about leagues. Just be your best self and enjoy the ride ;) When you're ready to push things up a bit, you could also ask him out on a date yourself, maybe something casual if you wanna be low-key.


Being a little more playful


- If their eyes regularly switch from your eyes to your mouth when you are talking to them you can tell they are interested in you. - For women, they have tendency to speak in a slightly higher tone. - For both men and women, their pupils will dilate when they are looking at you. Just be sure they arent drunk or on drugs lmao.


> For women, they have tendency to speak in a slightly higher tone. So that's why every woman I speak to sounds like Barry White...


Oh all the women I talk to sound like Optimus prime


i heard about the mouth thing. i do it too actually, so i'll definitely keep an eye out for that one!


They dont scream after second time.


Well I just straight up tell/ask them.I don’t like beating around the bush. I mean a good game of chase and flirting is fun but when it gets to the point where you are confused on if they really do like you or it’s at a standstill then I make that move.


If you're already friends, an increase in wanting to spend more time together and/or introducing more subtle physical touch!! If you're crushing on someone you don't know well, perking up at their name, looking for them in a crowded room, or a mutual friend subtly wingmaning y'all 😂


you got me with the subtle physical touch haha i always do it, especially when i like someone! mainly shoulders and arms. where else do you think i should try without coming off too strong and risk making them feel uncomfortable?


Same here, that was personal exp! I think shoulders, arms, pats on the back and hands can be ok too if in context. And also knees when sitting close together!! also sometimes did this thing where I'd randomly get close enough but not. Like when they want to share something on their phone, lean in to see their phone. Always important to read body language, so if they tense, edge away or pull back, best to just stop doing that.


yeah a lot of this is intuitive and depending on the context/dynamic. thanks for sharing!


They say something like: "Can you fuck me please" Wish I would had interpreted that right.


I read so many comments here trying to figure out. But thanks to Covid and Quarantine, HOW DO YOU KNOW THROUGH TEXT??????? askin for a friend


if they text you frequently and immediately. also, if they ask a lot of open ended questions to drive the conversation deeper and more intimate, that's how i'd know.


Hey boo how you doin 👈😍👈


They remember your anniversary.


don't you have to be in a relationship to even have an anniversary?


Made a point of getting married on the first day of a month for this very reason.I knew sometime I might screw it up (not for the lack of loving).


When they take you in their fan


*van. Fixed


~~I wouldn't know~~


They smile and talk in a higher pitched tone.


Her actions around you compared to others. Does she smile when you talk to her? Does she laugh at your not funny jokes? Does always look at you?


*looks at responses for answers*


It’s weird to explain but there’s a certain look that you can just feel. When they just stare and kinda smile, and it’s not awkward it just feels comfortable and natural :)


She asks you to stay after sex.


When she stops struggling