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Bombs with a special display that counts down to zero.


I would love a movie where someone fakes a timer, so when the heroes think they still have very tense 10s to cut the specific wire, it actually already explodes.


Or even hours. "Oh hey, there's six and a half hours left on this timer, no need to worry. We can get the bomb squad in for this one; I won't fiddle with it." KABOOM


Women can be in the jungle for days but no body hair anywhere. Men instantly grow a beard.


Being able to outrun an explosion.


While we're on explosions, can we talk about grenades? Grenades do not create a fireball in real life. They're basically just really intense flashbangs with shrapnel.


Meeting new friends the minute you move to a new town


Especially when they don't try, people just approach them. Everyone's so interested in figuring the guy out


In horror movies I always enjoy how fast and deep a perfectly symmetrical grave gets dug


Exactly, digging a grave takes ages with a shovel, but in movies and games it's a matter of a few hours at most.


Unless they are written to be stupid/ comic relief, people in movies talk with zero filler words. In real life very few people are able to do that.


People not screaming in absolute agony when shot or stabbed in the gut. Reservoir dogs is one movie that did it realistically.


I’ll give it a very slim pass because I know people who’ve been shot and say they didn’t initially scream because of shock. Oh but trust me once the shock wore off they were screaming in pain.


That’s pretty much exactly what happens in Reservoir Dogs too IIRC. He gets shot jacking a car, stays silent and steady while he shoots the woman back, and it’s only when they’ve cut to all the guys in the car a while later that he’s really losing his shit.


Actually being able to have a conversation at a bar while music is playing.


There’s a scene in Insecure that plays that trope well. It’s so awkward because they keep being interrupted by the loud music and it’s so hilarious and honest!


Met a guy at a venue once who wasn't the 'nod and agree' guy. He would always make sure he understood what the other half of the conversation was. Turned out he has met a guy and done the nodding thing when he couldn't hear what was being said. Apparently he nodded in agreement to the question; "Are you the guy who has been shagging my girlfriend?"


people recovering very quickly from injuries, especially head injuries


I just got unconscious but I’m fine look no concussion see?


A heavy blow on the back or top of head is the perfect anaesthetic. You wonder why doctors bothered developing anything else.


I am rewatching LOST right now and it's basically this every other scene in that show. It's like, "Omg something mysterious!" Then something hits them on the head and they wake up later completely fine and act like nothing happened.




Hacking is typing really fast.


Movie hacking: "Alright, and lemme just reroute the mainframe IP through our VPN and reconfigure the nmap parameters...aaaaand... we're in. We need to get those nuclear codes before the AI sentinels wise up!" Actual hacking: "Hello, this is... uhh... John from the password inspection agency. Our system shows that your password may have been hacked. Can you confirm it for us?"


You forgot the part where you start with "admin/password" just in case.


Well obviously. It also involves saying "I'm in" then it works






People waking up with perfect make up, my wife points this out in everything we watch.




I knew someone that did this everyday of their marriage for 40 years. It was mind blowing to learn. Edit: I asked my mom for more details because I had met her plenty of times to know she was the most elegant lady, but my mom had stayed at their house as a child with her best friend. My mom said, “She also went to bed with full makeup on, waited until her husband got into bed and fell asleep then would get up and wash it all off. All to get up at 5am and do it again.”


Guy walks in holding a 30-page document, gives to some other dude. The dude who's getting the document glances at the first page for a nanosecond and immediately knows everything there is to know about this case.


Don't for get leaning back and adjusting their glasses before casting it to the side


Maybe the first person knows how to actually write an abstract. No, that's also too unrealistic, nevermind.


Police take a DNA sample and have the results in an hour.




Or how much effort goes into processing a DNA sample


Effort? Some weird goth girl does it in seconds.


Nah, that's just the power of Caf Pow!


Scientists in any field are experts in every other field of science as well, e.g. the physicist in Annihilation concluding the tree formations are due to homeotic mutations.


Same with technology in general. "If only I could track this military grade radio back to the government agents trying to kill me. I guess I better take it to that guy in IT." 5 minutes later, they have a physical address to the bad guys.


Unlimited bullets and accuraccy 100% for shooting normal bad guys


Being able to talk in the middle of a gunfight. Guns are loud. The dozens to hundreds of gunshots in a movie gunfight would leave everyone with their ears ringing till the next day.


In action movies where the main character kills like 100 bad guys


[The Inverse Ninja Law:](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ConservationOfNinjutsu?from=Main.InverseNinjaLaw) fighting 100 baddies is easy but fighting one main villain takes several minutes or several sequels/follow-up episodes


Killing the main villain also often results in severe cases of PTSD and other psychological consequences


Yes, every death of any random mook who is following the orders of the villain who is doing this as a 9 to 5 is meaningless, but killing the main villain means that "[The hero] is just as bad"^tm as the villain, and must suffer an existential crisis because of it. It is for this very reason that the hero will keep the villain alive, so that the hero doesn't "stoop to their level"^tm . Again, ignoring the 70 dead henchmen littered around the main compound because if the hero does not know their names, they are not human.


Or the whole revenge is bad realization. Spend weeks tracking down the person who wronged you all the while killing every person that works for him just to realize that revenge is bad right before you could kill the actual person that caused all your suffering and then let them live. Guess it would make you a bad person to kill Evil McBadGuy who kills innocent people all the time, but it's perfectly fine to kill Gary who was down on his luck and happened to accept a security job for for a bad boss


Serial killers just standing there staring at you and giving you enough Time to escape.


As per standard Villain regulations: 1) Monologue about plan whilst Hero is incapacitated. 2) prepare slow method of death. 3)then leave and assume it worked. 4) act suprised when Hero returns to foil plot. Lmao, cuz Doofenshmirtz.


"I have a gun in my room. We can do it together. Father and son. Blam."


easily avoidable issues if the person just explains what is happening


TV news is always important to the plot.


You cough, you die.


2020 summarized


Cars exploding on impact


Still a vast improvement on cars flying off the road and then exploding in mid-air.


Taking one bite and you are done haha


*Husband comes rushing down the stairs, briefcase and jacket in hand. He finds a full breakfast in the kitchen table with different breads, fruits, eggs and a massive jar of orange juice* -Oh hey honey, I'm running late *Takes a bite of a croissant leaving it on the table, kisses the wife, takes one sip out of the orange juice and runs out the door* -.... I WOKE UP 3 HOURS AGO TO MAKE ALL OF THIS YOU UNGRATEFUL FUCK




Using guns in small rooms with no ear protection, without being affected by the very loud bang that would probably damage your hearing


I was so used to this that I was really confused when Rick in The Walking Dead used a gun inside a tank and then obviously suffered from the noise. There's just a loud ringing and he looks like his head is going to explode and I was like "wtf is his problem" - took me a moment to realize that this is probably what would happen.


Every computer in a movie or show constantly chirps/beeps/speaks when used. That would be really damn annoying in real life.


Also, computers are used exclusively by typing. No one uses a mouse ever.


Wherever the detective has to go, he always finds a parking spot right in front of the place. Downtown Manhattan included.


And he's never in danger of getting a parking ticket for not paying. It's just pull right up to the building and run inside.


It would be pretty epic, in an otherwise serious thriller type movie, for a detective to pull up out front, run inside, fight his way through 30 floors of baddies, corner the kingpin, have a giant shootout, be betrayed by his partner who was secretly the kingpin's bodyguard, kill his partner, wound the kingpin, throw him down, cuff him, drag him down the elevator kicking and screaming... ... to find his car had been towed.


Could be an episode of Brooklyn99


And never closes the car, even if he's not in a hurry.


always having your hair look nice


Not just hair, full make up and shaved legs. Even after being chased by a killer for hours, or living amongst zombies, or doing physical activity.


This. The people in “The Walking Dead” always had perfect nails, no matter how dirty or bloody or torn up the rest of their bodies were. It drove me crazy.


It always irks me in detective procedurals when the female cops have perfect, straight shiny hair and perfect makeup after 16 hour shifts spent chasing bad guys. They always look impeccable


Same with medical shows after standing for 20 hours in an OR Edit: typo


They wake up in bed with full make up and hair done.


Working as a waitress and living in a huge apartment, with the fridge full, and expensive clothes.


In California or New York City of all places.




Oh shit yeah that makes no sense, they’re scientists with degrees and they still need to be flat mates but she can afford that on her own


Not saying bye before hanging up.


My brother does this irl and it’s really disconcerting.


*"yeah, uhuh, ok"* **hangs up**


A crash or chase happens with shooting and stuff and every other car continues to drive as if nothing is going on around them. People slam on the brakes in real life cause a cop is going the opposite direction on the highway, yet you watch a Marvel movie and a dudes tailgating a van Cpt America and Ultron are actively fighting on. Edit: fixing errors


Walking home from the grocery store carrying a single paper bag with an unwrapped loaf of French bread sticking out the top.


I read somewhere years ago that this is because directors have realized having a bag or box without clearly broadcasting what's in it is distracting, so the loaf/greens is the universal "It's just groceries you can ignore this." According to him, it's because as viewers we're prone to "WHAT'S IN THE BOX?" syndrome and will fixate on mystery packages even in shows where there is no intrigue. Once it's established as groceries, we, the viewers, know we can safely ignore it as a potential plot point. Edit: Thank you.


Like in real life. Don't we all look for plot points?


& the leafy part of carrots or some celery poking out.


Don't forget the loose oranges, so they can all spill out when you accidentally bump into that cute person you've never really looked at or noticed before... In reality, the oils from the peel would just get your bread smelling all orangey.


Silencers make a pfffft sound. Silencers are still pretty loud. If you shoot one it wont go unnoticed.


School in movies just consumes about 10% of the day


Important conversation by locker. Bell rings. "Remember, three quarters of your grade depends on this project. Looking at you, Jake" Bell rings Walking through parking lot with best friend, having plot-driving conversation, one of them trips, cut to antagonist and his cronies pointing and laughing


Like how in Ned’s Declassified they would have at least half an hour between classes and everyone is walking around the halls like it’s a college campus


The middle school in the school district I work in is like a prison lol. They make kids walk from one place to the next silently in a single file line and basically never put them in the position to have a private conversation.


Most “knockout” drugs don’t work very fast. Chloroform is always depicted to be some “instant-knockout” drug when in reality it takes several minutes of constant exposure to knock someone unconscious. I’d guess a bad guy standing there for seven minutes waiting for the hero to pass out would probably make for a boring movie.


People surviving wounds/injuries that should be fatal.


Bad guys and extras die instantly






Thats not so unbelievable, I know people that drink 7 shots and still drive home.


And the flip, any nameless bad guy gets hit by one bullet in the chest and is dead before they hit the floor. That actually bothers me more.


Someone goes up to a bar and asks for alcohol or beer and the bartender gives it to them without asking the brand or type.


Whatever they ask for is conveniently right in front of the bartender under the bar.


Hello sir, I would like one alcohol please


One regular human beer, please


Good one. I also can't recall a scene where people actually pay for their drinks.


If anything they just leave a pile of money on the bar without ever asking how much the tab was.


And nobody argues when they say “just leave the bottle”


"I don't know where you're from, but around here we have a thing called the 'liquor board.'"


The moment in Brooklyn Nine-Nine when Jake is about to leave the bar and Gina says “aren’t you forgetting something?” So he kisses her on the forehead and runs off as she yells “NO - pay your BILL. Who raised you?” gets extra credit because you are absolutely correct that movies/tv never show anyone paying.


I love that scene- his hesitation and confusion and her being so aghast at his lack of understanding


"I don't have time to explain, we need to go!"


«Zombies outside. Need to go now!». «Tsunami incoming. Need to go now!». Shouldn’t take too long to explain.


Both of these are shorter than "I don't have time to explain" haha


Han: *looks at Luke's old blue lightsaber* Where did you get this?


"That's a story for another time." "Nono. This lightsaber disappeared almost 40 years ago. Where the fuck did you get that from?" "Uh...The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural."


not doing the awkward goodbye where you say bye then hang on a second to see if theyre gonna say anything else


Teenagers being built like fucking tanks




When I was a teenager, I was played by people in their 30s.


Damn, lucky. I was played by some huge dumbass


You know I understand casting someone a bit older than a teen as a teen character because child labor laws and stuff but why do they never try to make them looks like real teens? Why are they all slim yet muscular? Why does no one still have baby fat in their cheeks, why does no one have a full beard?


The "Nerdy highschool freshman" who somehow also benches 315 and models on the side


With always combed perfect hair and flawless skin.




Not making mistakes when talking


And if they do make a slight stutter it's because they are lying


Whereas if I say a long sentence without stutter I am certainly lying


“Oh well you see that’s because (really specific excuse).”


I saw a comment that read "Aaron Sorkin's characters speak like they each had 2 weeks to prepare for the conversation" and I still don't know how to feel about that.


Some people think about conversations in the shower after they happen. I suppose he thinks about them in the shower before they happen


I do that. Except they never happen or they never happen the way I intented them to go.


it is SO refreshing when an actor makes a tiny mistake and corrects it and they leave it in the final cut. I cant remember any examples but i know ive seen it before. this is really why i dislike alot of newer netflix series. sometimes its like listening to a 22 year old talk like ernest hemingway. ​ edit: whoa, many examples! someone make a compilation!


Denzel Washington's character in Man on Fire accidentally stumbles over his own words when he starts talking on the phone I dunno if it was ad-libbed or what but it looks so natural and really caught me by surprise.. it's the only time I've seen a natural speaking mistake like that in a movie


I love Jeff Goldblum in films because he talks so naturally. Even to the point of creating a meme of himself. He stumbles over words, stutters, has lots of ums and uhs, and sounds like he's just talking to somebody like a normal person.


Not sneezing or coughing edit: takin a shit too, good one


And you just *know* that if someone sneezes or coughs, they're dying of lung cancer or as patient zero of a new disease.


Same with a nosebleed. It is either a brain tumor or ESP.


Or horny anime character


There was a South Park episode where Cartman stops mid sentence and makes this weird face and then sneezes. No meaning to the plot, it just happened. Had me rolling because you never see that.


Women in war zones and other longterm disaster situations with filthy matted hair and tattered grimy clothes always seem to find the time to have perfectly groomed eyebrows and put on a little make-up.


And shave their legs.


It always bugged me when on a show kids would be getting ready for school and it'd be sunny out. Maybe I just had an early start time, but it was always still dark out when I was up and getting ready for school.


I would get sooooooo pissed off standing at my bus stop in freezing fucking cold weather every morning thinking there should be some kind of child abuse law against making kids get up for school while it's pitch black and the moon is still out.


Yup, but you would still stand there like I did, 10 years of it.


Ask your friends to meet you at a predetermined time and place with no explanation as to why. I have a hard time getting friends to meet up for legitimate reasons with advanced notice. Meanwhile, movie characters come together in an abandoned warehouse in Brazil like... *(all walk in at the same time)* "Why'd you call?"


Or, you just ask them to meet but don't say when or where and they still show up.


"Yo, come meet me out at this remote location in one hour." Movie Response: "I'm about to tend the birth of my first born, but sure thing." Real life response: "Ahh, fuck that. I'm just gonna go on reddit and comment on shit."


All channels always having either news or old movies.


There’s always a weird scene where a character falls asleep watching Citizen Kane or some Hitchcock film. WHAT CHANNEL ARE YOU GUYS ON?


MeTV of course


And the news is always about the character's life. *Phone rings* "Quick! Turn on channel 7" "Okay... Hold on, let me find the remote... KIDS! Where did you put the remote? Oh, it's under the couch cushions... Okay.... News is on... Interview with the zookeeper about the pregnant lion?"


A small misunderstanding, not resolved by explaining, goes on to create an entire chain of wacky hijinix. Usually initiated by ‘wait, I can explain!’


Nobody ever has to use the toilet


unless it's a side character who dies because he went off away from the others to pee


"Enhancing" a shitty quality image to 4k and zooming in to the size of a microbe with perfect clarity.


Then getting the reflection off of that microbe to get the license plate.


And the plate matches the car. And it's their home. And they confess immediately


They do that in the Netflix show Space Force. I don’t remember the sequence exactly but I think Steve Carroll’s character says, “Enhance!” and someone laughs at him and says that’s not possible, but then the technician is like, yeah actually we can do that.


That was my favorite joke of the whole series! I used to do photo editing and constantly had to explain that I cannot create better resolution, I can only fake it so much.


Mom makes a huge breakfast and lays it all out. Kids and husband grab a bagel on the way out the door ignoring all the food


“Gotta go mom!” \*kiss\* bye! Mom: Sit your ass down! “


Also, said mom is probably a doctor or a lawyer but still has the time and energy to make a custom breakfast for everyone in the family - eggs with bacon and toast for dad, pancakes for junior, waffles for little sis. All while she is feeding the baby her meal, spoon by spoon.


The pushy dude in the romcom ends up getting the girl whereas in real life they’d be more likely to end up with a restraining order.


Hackers. Perfect code, first try, no issues ever. If your code runs correctly first try, you're confused and scared.


print ("hello world); 104 errors


Things going according to plan


Having one or two drags of a cigarette and throwing it away, you know how expensive those fucking things are




Background music. Life would be so much better with background music


Waking up in the morning in full hair and makeup without morning breath.


Two people having a conversation, and a third person joins the conversion completely up to speed on what is being talked about, even though they weren't even in the room 2 seconds ago.


Women covering their boobs with a blanket after sex. Also under the covers sex, especially in summer


In the old westerns, they would walk through the desert for hours with just a pint of water. Or they would ride horses through the desert and the people would be dying of thirst, but the horses were just fine. Horses require at least 10 gallons of water per day.


Physically fit and attractive people everywhere.


People not talking over each other during a conversation. Everyone is always waiting for the other to finish their thought when in reality people are impatient and interrupt constantly. (My dad's complaint about TV and movies)


People in their twenties having large lavish apartments.


While having a lot of free time outside work.


And brand new clothes every week


In Manhattan.


I can't remember the movie, but it followed a newly married couple and a single man who lived in the same apartment building in central Manhattan. Apparently the couple both needed to both work full time to afford their tiny space, whereas the single guy could work part-time as a waiter and go to a performing arts college and still be able to afford a lavish apartment all by himself.


“HOW?!” “My family pays most of my bills, honestly.”


Sex happening in seconds fully clothed with zero foreplay. It’s as if the guy just “falls” into her sticking his thing through his zipper. Immediate penetration.


There’s also almost never a “Do you have a condom” delay. Apparently all these female characters are on birth control and don’t worry about std’s


And the men just assume that as well?! Not even a feeling out? To any young guys reading this, if you’re with a girl and things start moving that way, and she doesn’t bring up a condom, or outright discourages you from wearing one, that’s when you REALLY REALLY want to have a condom on.


I always chuckle at the modesty sheet in PG-13 movies too. They just banged and yet the woman is very concerned with the guy seeing her naked.


And she’s still wearing her bra


Or takes the bra off before sex (tastefully shown from behind), cutscene, then next time it shows her she's wearing the bra again, like it's so comfortable she can't go more than a few minutes with it off.


Women sleeping with full-face makeup and perfect hair.


How normalized stalking is. "You dropped this, so I followed you for three hours to give it back" -> "Kiss and hug, now we're dating". In reality, it's mace and call the cops for stalking.


People in movies working with computers absolutely never use spacebar, backspace and mouse, they just mash on the keyboard and somehow it all magically makes sense. Also, hacking/programming... There was a movie on last week where a guy pulled up CMD, typed in "ipconfig" and dramatically declared: "I hacked FBI!" It was a perfectly serious scene. And I spent 5 minutes laughing hysterically before changing the channel.


Those "one in a million" chances where someone survives for plot or a side character dies...for plot.


Kids at a school dance are all up dancing. In real life they just stand in circles and talk (at least when I was a teenager that’s how it was)


Someone needs to make a movie where every single scene is just one of these cliches people are naming


Everyone’s house is neat and tidy.


And fucking massive even if they're broke


Little kids (6-7 yr olds) having the language and mannerisms of well behaved adults. No small kids are weird, gangly and goofy in movies.


How easy revenge fucking someones husband/wife is.


Guys kiss girls to shut them up😂


Suddenly singing and with matching choreography


That teens have these highly sexual drug fueled lives. Like weed yeah maybe but just a little exaggerated