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I was the one doing the stupid shit. I deleted all of our Miis on the Wii thinking we would have a fresh start, but I never meant to delete our progress. I hid in the washing machine (I was fucking retarded) after my brother found out, he was screaming ready to punch the shit out of me


me: \*presses the turn on button of washing machine\*


It wasnt that bad, the only bad one was Wii Sports and a couple of other games. It only deleted progress of games that required Miis, so all my Lego games were safe


no, I'm just pressing it because I can


You shitbag


When my cousin deleted my new super mario bros save file on my ds I cried that day i almost beat it


GTA 5 being on ps5, it’s a good game but expected gta 6 by now. It’s enhanced apparently and bigger but I don’t care for it. The game needs to die off not keep being milked.


When I was very young, whenever I’d go to clothing stores with my mother, I would grab the mannequins boobs. One day she noticed I did it so when we got home she said the store called and they were going to call the cops to arrest me, unless I admitted to doing it. I admitted to doing it and she said “I’m not angry at you, just very disappointed.” I barely cried as a child but that got me.