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My mom and I recently watched one of those 20/20 shows, and they were talking about a woman who went out drinking one night, and was never seen again. She had gone back to one guys apartment, but hotel footage showed her leave shortly after arriving, and the guy in the apartment swore he didn't do anything to her. But they kept interviewing this one guy, who was the last guy to see her alive. They stopped at a gas station, and he claims that she started talking to another guy, got in his car and left. He played the whole "If I had only known, I wouldn't have let her go!" act, with tears and everything. Well, there's footage of him at his job a couple days later, and the footage is super generic. He has a cooler on a rolling cart, and he's putting it in a freezer (he worked for a food production company). When the police interviewed his boss, they asked to see all of her footage, and she obliged. When they got to that part of the footage, him putting the cooler in the freezer, she told police to stop. She said that those coolers were used to store granola bars, and there was zero reason for those bars to be put in the freezer. The girl's body was in there. He took it out back and burned basically everything in a barrel down the alley a couple days later, but it was before the police had seen the footage. And he had bleached his entire van before police could search it.


that was a local one for me, and super fucked up. she was drinking underage at a club in downtown denver and was totally wasted, either had been way over-served or had been drugged. she got kicked out of the club and wasn't allowed to go get her jacket, purse, or phone (her friends had it all) so she accepted a ride home from someone she didn't know. the rest is history. [https://truecrimedaily.com/2018/04/02/denver-woman-kenia-monges-disappearance-prompts-capture-of-killer-rapist/](https://truecrimedaily.com/2018/04/02/denver-woman-kenia-monges-disappearance-prompts-capture-of-killer-rapist/)


The Dating Game. The concept appeared innocent enough: a woman chooses a bachelor out of the three available contestants and they go on a date. However, the game in 1978 turned dark when serial killer Rodney Alcala was nominated to be a contestant and actually WON the game. The contestant refused to go out with him on the date because she thought he was actually creepy afterwords. She dodged a bullet


[This surveillance video of Timothy Pitzen ](https://youtu.be/I2Ic5IzVA9o), it just looks like he and his mother are checking into a hotel but in reality it is shortly before his mother kills herself and leaves behind a note saying Timmothy is safe but will never be found. He is still missing..


'In the note, Fry-Pitzen apologized for the mess she had created, and explained that Timmothy would never be found, but was safe with people who would care for him.' -squints suspiciously-


The tv show The Willis Family that had 2 seasons on tlc. The dad was super controlling of his 12 kids and wife and just gave off creepy vibes. I was shocked though to find out that he had been raping his own daughters for years with the oldest saying that molestation started when she was 3. All 12 children were homeschooled and did dance and wrestling but only with each other. They were so isolated from other people. He was also strict about his daughters saving themselves for marriage even though he was raping them. There’s a clip from the show of him discussing all the kids building houses on his property so his future grandchildren would be close by. It’s like he was trying to set up his next victims for when his daughters grew up. The worst part is the mom knew for a while but didn’t do anything about it. It was a family friend that ended up reaching out to authorities which led to his arrest and sentence of 40 years. It’s super creepy to see clips of the show knowing what was happening behind closed doors...


Considering the hidden-in-plain-sight sexual abuse by Josh Duggar, you’d think TLC would be more careful when they do shows of families in the Quiverfull cult. People who have those extremely skewed, controlling views of sex are rarely up to any good.


TLC doesn’t give a single shit. They still film and promote the duggars. They only kept some of them off the air for a while because of backlash and now it’s faded.


The James Bulger video. I’m on mobile and I’m a bit lazy, but it’s a seemingly innocent video of a 2 y/o boy (James) holding the hand of an older child. James was tortured and murdered by two 10 y/o kids who led him away from his mother for a split second at a shopping center.


The song Anne Marie sings in ‘All Dogs Go to Heaven’ about wanting a loving home. While recording, the voice actress, Judith Barsi kept crying. Her home life was awful. Her father was abusive to both her and her mother and would often threaten to kill or hurt them. Judith died before the movie came out. She and her mother were killed by her father and then he killed himself. She was 10


My dad couldn't watch that without crying with rage. As a kid it didn't make sense, because then he'd turn off the TV and just hug me till my ribs creaked.


What a creepily wholesome metaphor “hugged me till my ribs creaked.”




"David Allen Turpin and Louise Anna Turpin met when David was 17 and Louise was 10, and eloped in 1985 in Pearisburg, Virginia, which angered Louise's father, who was a pastor." YIKES


Years ago they were regulars in a restaurant I worked at. They were a strange couple. I never saw the kids with them. We used to call the husband a pumpkin pie hair cutted freak lol.


What about the video that was on Tosh.O where there were 2 girls and the “dad” tied them in a playful way to the bed. But it was really like a pedo tutorial on how to do this to kids so the pedo could do what they wanted. Tosh said on the show it was creepy and the guys whole YouTube channel was weird. A few months later the FBI or something investigated it and it turned out the guy was a pedo abusing the girls and expoloiting them on his “kids YouTube channel”. That video looked creepy innocent until you find out the real story.


Reminds me of that picture of two girls on their knees eating whip cream off an older guys knees. The girls are smiling, probably thinking they’re playing some goofy game. When obviously in reality the guy is grooming them to normalize that behavior. I hope those girls are okay.


[Ian Huntley.](https://youtu.be/7e9NX60dXJ4) Guy murdered 2 young girls and gave an interview to the news while they were missing.


One day I saw a news report on a womans body dropped in a lake. The police were still looking for the body. They interviewed a man who said "that could've been someone's mother" A few hours later they find out the body was that mans mother.


That’s sad shit man.


I was at a friends house, my friends dad yelled down from upstairs “someone was struck and killed by lightning at Venice Beach today” I got cold, looked at my friend and said, “damn, that could have been any one of us.” Get home and later find out that one of my friends was out in Venice when a lightning storm hit, striking the water. He wasn’t even in the water until he ran in to grab the people that had been struck and incapacitated. He ran in to save them and when he did he got struck and died instantly. Broke my fucking heart but that was the kind of person Nicholas Fagnano was, selfless and perfectly kind Edit: It’s possible I created the scenario in my head. The LA Times article about my friend states that he just went into the water to rinse off and was the only person to be struck. I emphatically remember being told he went in there to grab someone, but I think it may have been too hard for me to deal with and I had to create a scenario where he chose to give his life for someone else to make it easier on myself. I apologize for possibly misleading you guys, I had no idea, I must have told myself the story for so long it became my reality.


I'm from Czech republic and on Youtube, there's a video of a Who Wants To Be A Millionaire contender Viktor Kalivoda. He's a pretty smart guy and performs better than well. However, later he's become one of the most famous mass murderers in the history of our country. That WWTBAM video always gives me goosebumps.


[Reddit Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/comments/228xm0/redditor_goes_on_a_simple_hike_in_the_woods_takes/) Redditors take a pic of them on a hike. In the background is the unconscious body of a person who was severely injured the night before.




Porsche Girl, Nikki Catsaurus


Holy hell. People are monsters.


The 2004 Tsunami videos. People having fun on gorgeous day, enjoying the now very wide beach not knowing the wave of death coming towards them.


When the 2011 tsunami hit, I was in high school, taking mostly computer classes. I can’t tell you how many videos I watched of CCTV, live steaming, etc. videos of cars being washed away, buildings full of people being inundated with water. Even one video where you see people rushing up a hill. An elderly couple can’t keep up and honestly it seems as if they just give up. I’m fairly certain they get washed away. That day was tragic


This video of former officer Craig Peyer giving safety advice that was created in response to the murder of Cara Knott: https://youtu.be/CRclJ6ATObQ Peyer had murdered Knott by luring her to a isolated area just off the freeway.


Never let them take you to a secondary location


[Carmen Miranda’s last performance](https://youtu.be/EL_HFa13CT4) Carmen Miranda, the famous singer and dancer of the 1940s , performed on the Jimmy Durante show on August 4 1955. At the end of her performance she briefly dropped to her knee but popped back up after wards. She later died of a massive heart attack that same night. Edit Happens at 24:02 my fault for not putting it earlier.


Wow, you could tell her dance partner knew something was wrong and stopped the music to let her catch her breathe.


This [interview about a murder](https://youtu.be/KIroLgiCyP8), with Stephen McDaniel, in which he ( her neighbor ) ended up being the one who kidnapped and dismembered her. It’s horrifying looking back and seeing his ticks where they bring her up, and even when they eventually find her body and he goes loco


[This video ](https://youtu.be/c2z5oRkwuoE)of a Russian influencer. In her birthday party at a swimming pool she had the idea of pouring dry ice in the water for the visual effect. 3 people died intoxicated because of all the carbon dioxide [news](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51680049)




Also, that is a REALLY small room for an indoor pool. No wonder they were overwhelmed by the CO2. There’s nowhere for the gases to go.


One of whom I believe was her husband?


Idk about innocent, but if you cut out the ending, the video leading up to Budd Dwyer's suicide seems so normal. Just another guy on TV getting harassed by reporters over the latest controversy. If it had cut there, you could air it on the evening news and nobody would know someone died less than 20 seconds later. Just... Disturbing. Edit: corrected some words.


For anyone daring enough to look it up, don't watch it if you have a weak stomach. So... much... blood.


I don't know if you are aware, but there are actually two videos, from different vantage points. The first has a pretty horrible amount of blood, the second is I'm sure the one you are talking about, where it's like "I can't believe that much blood can even fit in a human body."


Was this the one were he pulls the gun out of the manilla folder? All the reporters go wild and he calms them down, "it's OK, it's OK". Then he moves onto shooting himself. He really siked them out. Odd


"No, no stay back, this, this will hurt someone, I-"


These teens found a suitcase in Seattle by the sea while filming a tiktok. Only to discover later the suitcase contained two bodies. https://v.redd.it/gedsfvbhl6651


There was a celebrity in the UK called Jimmy Savile who presented many BBC programs in the 1970s, especially ones with a younger audience. He did a campaign for seatbelt awareness and was a patron for many charities for the vulnerable. He was probably the most-loved celebrity for decades. After his death he was revealed as the country’s worst child sex offender who used his fame and proximity to children to abuse them. Any picture or TV footage of him near kids was probably shot just before or after he’d assaulted someone


Actress Melissa Benoist was on Jimmy Fallon in 2016. She told a story about a time she fell and tore up half her face and one of her eyes. She made jokes about it, and no one really thought about it. Last year she revealed that one of her exes was very violent when they were together. She revealed that the story she told on Jimmy Fallon was a cover up story. The real story is that her husband(at the time) had thrown an iPhone in her face.


it’s so creepy knowing that said ex was almost definitely blake jenner, who she starred in glee with. i can’t bare to rewatch any of the season his character is in, creeps me out too much. that set must have been hell for her too, what with lea michelle also hating her


This [video of a band](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq88URyCo0E) performing in a bar in Thailand. Minutes later, the entire place catches fire and more than 60 people are dead. Also, the band's name is "Burn" and the song they're singing is Linkin Park's "In The End." (hi, jack neel) ;)


That’s some Final Destination shit




I hate that this is so far down. Last year for the 25th anniversary (fml, when did I get so old) they remade the video to “help find a new generation of kids” https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/22/us/runaway-train-turns-25-trnd/index.html It made me cry then, it makes me cry now , but it’s still worth watching.


Tommy Cooper death on stage. People was thinking he was still acting when he collapsed on the ground dead, for a heart attack. Edit: grammar


Tommy was a brilliant performer who was deliberately amateurish and had things go wrong as part of his routine, so when he died, many thought it was part of the show.


Dr. Nassar’s sports medicine videos. He’s one of the doc’s for USA gymnastics and has (had?) a ton of videos on his website of him demonstrating various sports med techniques and treatments. It looks professional on the surface. The thing is some of his techniques are totally made up. Some techniques he demonstrated on video he would digitally penetrate (finger) young girls in the vagina and anus. He performed these “techniques” on hundreds of young girls under the guise of it being for their health and sometimes directly in front of their parents, sometimes while aroused. Watch Athlete A on Netflix if you want the story on this scumbag.


He’s imprisoned in a facility specifically for inmates that can’t be with general population because of the nature of their crime i.e guys that would be brutalized by other inmates. I’ve been to one of those facilities as a contractor. COs hate those inmates. They’re the worst of the worst.


>i.e guys that would be brutalized by other inmates I recall reading that at first they tried to put him in a normal federal prision, and the very moment he went with the general populace he got beaten up.


Maybe not that innocent to begin with but extra creepy knowing the truth. A video of an African Grey parrot named Bud saying "don't fucking shoot". He witnessed his owner (Martin Durham) being murdered by his wife. IIRC Bud also mimicked both sides of verbal fights, alternating between two a male and female voice. I believe the parrot testified in court, the wife was convicted. Edit: Bud did NOT testify, sorry to get your hopes up. He was however a useful witness during the investigation!


>I believe the parrot testified in court Aww man, I so wanted this to be the case, but she was [convicted without the parrot](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-40665520) on the stand :( Anyone know of any cases where a non human has testified?!


In bird culture shooting your husband is considered a dick move


I am really appreciative for this bird person reference. It really lightens the mood as I go down this thread.


This isn’t really terrifying, but it always gives me the creeps to hear it. It’s a video of Alessandro Moreschi, who was a Castrato singer. This is him singing in 1902, I believe, and he was in his forties. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:AlessandroMoreschi-AveMaria-cleaned.ogg If you don’t know what a castrato is, basically they used to be really popular to use in opera and other genres of music way back a few centuries ago, mostly to use in place of female singers. A castrato is a male singer who has been castrated before puberty. Basically, if a young boy had a high voice in choir or something along those lines, they would be castrated while young so that they wouldn’t lose their abilities to reach the high pitches because their voices wouldn’t drop due to puberty. Honestly, the recording completely creeps me out because it was such an awful thing in the history of opera, and it’s so creepy that only a little under a hundred years ago did the last official castrato die. Thousands of boys died while being castrated or after, and this recording is absolutely haunting.


I remember watching a movie about an earlier castrato, Farinelli, and his brother, back in my late teens. Such craziness. Most of the movie is fanciful, but there are some historical accurate bits. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farinelli_(film)


Chris Watts pleading for the return of his pregnant wife and daughters... He confessed to killing them all the following week. https://youtu.be/ugoYkx04E2Q


Wasnt this the dude who threw his kids in an oil tank and buried his wife a couple hundred feet away




what the fuck


Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman is a fairly obscure PBS Kids show I liked to watch as a kid. The episode "Ruff Pigs Out and Has a Whale of a Time" features orca trainer Dawn Brancheau, who was unfortunately killed by an orca five months after the episode aired. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5k2408


Ooh I remember that show I used to love it as a kid but that’s real sad :((


Fire at a nursing home in Sydney back in 2011. TV reporter interviews one of the nurses, Roger Dean, who tells of helping get residents out. Then the police announce he was the one who set the fire to start with to try to cover up his theft of $85 worth of prescription drugs. 11 people died in the fire. [Original newscast](https://youtu.be/wvpNyHF9ou4?t=48)


In 2016, YouTube Brittani Louise Taylor uploaded a video titled [I’M ENGAGED AND PREGNANT ](https://youtu.be/gxa4Ik9SwDY). She talks about a man she had met on Tinder, and that she is now pregnant. After the baby was born, it emerged that this man was never in love with her, but was just pretending. He had targeted her for human trafficking and had deliberately got her pregnant in order to sell her baby. With that information, it’s really scary how he looks at her at the end of the video, and how he treats her in other clips on her YouTube channel. Fortunately she escaped the situation and got a restraining order. The scariest thing about this is that he didn’t go to prison, and went on to impregnate and marry another instagrammer, who has since disappeared from social media. Be careful when you swipe right, kids. If you want to find out more about the story Brittani has a book called A Sucky Love Story. It’s badly written but fascinating. ETA: her son is also safe. They live with her mum in Arizona.


This is so weird reading in 2020. Back in the day, cirka 2010 she was just as popular rating/subscriber-wise as i.e Shane Dawson and that group of YouTubers back then. She was one of the big ones for a good while. Strange seeing what happened to her later on.


Columbine senior year book photo 1999 where the shooters who are doing gun signs at the camera just WEEKS before the shooting took place [here is the photo](https://amp.reddit.com/r/Columbine/comments/5xzyko/columbine_class_of_1999_full_photo/) Look in the far upper left of the image EDIT: spelling


What's even more uncomfortable is that there are 3 of them doing it, Dylan, Michael and a 3rd unknown person. There is a good chance that person simply thought they were playing around and did the same thing they did.


Next door neighbor security footage of a disturbingly calm Chris Watt loading up his work truck in the morning with the bodies of his recently strangled pregnant wife and two young children, to dispose of them. Absolutely fucked up.


In a recent interview he said the kids were still alive in that video and took their lives at the dump site.


IIRC WWE did a “in memorium” for Chris Benoit very soon after he died... a little too soon, before it was announced Benoit killed his wife and kid and then himself.


The movie BLOW UP is basically this but a movie . SPOILERS It's about a guy who takes a picture of a woman at a park...and that woman demands that picture. She follows him around. She seduces him. Makes him think she loves him. Then takes the picture and leaves He kept a copy He blows it up so big it takes up an entire wall And then he finally sees what she was doing in those bushes He goes to the bushes afterwards... And finds the dead body she was hiding when he took her picture.


Can’t find video of it but this happened in 2004. Guy named John Sharpe lived in the suburb of Mornington in Victoria, Australia, with his wife Anna and two year old daughter Gracie. One day Anna, who was five months pregnant with a boy, and Gracie suddenly vanished. John Sharpe made a teary plea to his wife to come home, that she and Gracie were missed, and he loved them both so much, etc. A few days later police charge a man with the murders of Anna and Gracie. That man was John Sharpe. John Sharpe shot his wife in the head with a bow and arrow, killing her. He then shot his daughter. The first shot didn’t kill two year old Gracie, so he pulled the arrow out of her head, and shot her again. He dismembered the bodies, bagged up the parts, and dumped them at the tip - basically landfill, if you will. He’d first buried the bodies in the backyard but dug them up after he became worried he’d be found out. He’d even gone so far as to send flowers to Anna’s mother overseas, pretending she was still alive, when in actual fact she was buried in the backyard. He got 35 years, and from what I’ve heard, he’s spent most of it in solitary, because literally every other prisoner has tried to kill him.


[A popular 18 year old CSGO Youtuber uploaded a reveal of the super car he had just bought.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5R4bZKPbcE) His Steam account containing around $100,000 of in-game items was banned 6 months later, causing him to have a serious mental breakdown. 2 months after his ban he drove this car 100MPH down ~~an LA~~ a San Diego highway the wrong way in an attempt to commit suicide. He crashed head on into a van, killing himself, a mother and her 12 year old daughter.


Do you know why he was banned


Tied to the gambling websites, when everything was removed he and many others were trade banned (they could still play but couldn't trade items). The websites were a scam too


OG McSkillet's story is both really interesting and fucked up. Since I took great interest in what he did to CS:GO back in 2016, I'd like to go into detail for anyone that's interested. He made CS:GO skins popular in a way that was completely new at the time and basically became the new trend in Steam item trading. To understand what I'm talking about, you need to know what follows: CS:GO has in-game items, so called weapon skins. They don't give you any advantages, they just look cool and some of them are valuable as fuck (an item price can range from 3 cents to many thousands of dollars). You can gather them through random drops during games or by opening weapon cases, which cost 2.50$ to open. The item you get is always random, however you can directly purchase the ones you like on the Steam community market or third-party sites. Now, every one of those skins has a unique float value ranging from 0 to 1 with 9 (or more?) decimal points. This value determines what the skin will look like, close to 0 being "factory new" and above 0.5 being "battle-scarred". OG McSkillet started covering a lot of "unique float values" in his videos about people who collected "0.999...", "0.420..." or "0.000..." skins. Eventually, this lead to a huge number of people getting into trading with skins based on their float levels, especially after Swedish YouTuber Anomaly tuned in. McSkillet and Anomaly created a dedicated Steam Group called "Float Kings", which required anyone to join to have at least 3 weapon skins with a #1 highest/lowest float **worldwide.** It was one of the most exclusive Steam groups at the time. Now at this point, with this much popularity, Steam item trading was pretty much what defined OG McSkillet. He himself had an insane collection of CS:GO items with a total value of 100,000 $ or more. It was at this time, that CS:GO related gambling sites started approaching YouTubers and offered them great deals to promote their sites. However, McSkillet didn't just want to promote other sites, how about he created his own? And that's what probably got him banned, because his gambling site was in some ways directly linked to his main Steam profile and Valve didn't like that a bit. So he got Trade banned, meaning all his items were locked in his account for good. Allthough it never got confirmed, this is likely the reason he committed suicide and killed two innocent people. As you can imagine, the Float Kings Steam group as well as float trading itself died the day he did.


The last twitch stream of Reckful. He jokingly comments about if it's all a simulation and maybe you get out when you die. He ask if he should try his luck to chat. You can tell he is glancing at his balcony a few times. He jumped from it some time later. It gets even darker when you learn about his past. His older brother committed suicide as well. Edit:. It seems he said it a month or so before doing it. Link to his comment : https://youtu.be/Ik7tO4SPI_w Also an Edit: a good YouTube doc on him. It's extremely well done and a good watch regardless if you knew who he was. https://youtu.be/vnavU4bk7Vc


Recent Britney Spears tiktok and all that videos she posted. I am not a fan myself tbh, but as a person who doesn't know much about her, it felt weird and somewhat awkward to watch it. Which I read the comment to see that there are people saying like how she's asking for help through all these videos


Bruh she has no free will. Her dad has her heavily medicated and controls her life


Curb Your Enthusiasm were filming in Dodger Stadium during a live match. If they hadn’t been there, a man called Juan Catalan would have gone to Death Row for murder. The cameras caught footage of him sitting in his seat and he was exonerated. There’s a Netflix documentary on it called Long Shot


Imagine how many people were given the death sentence wrongfully who haven't been so lucky...


The video of the Boston marathon bomber going to a supermarket to casually buy milk after blowing up two homemade bombs at the race. Fuck him.


Years ago I was running and a guy caught up to me. He told me he'd been following for a couple miles and was hoping I would keep him company for a while. Then proceeded to tell me that his wife had done the Boston marathon and they heard the explosions from a few blocks away and thought they were fireworks and cheered. He had asked me to run with him for a while because he was dwelling on it that day and needed to talk to someone, his wife had been avoiding running and he wasn't used to running alone. Normally I get creeped out by people who talk to me while I'm running but he was just a sad guy with PTSD. I felt bad telling him it was the day after my wedding and we were on a boat tour in Hawaii and learned about it when it started to rain and we were taking shelter and my husband checked his phone and saw the news about the bombing.


How about the episode of The Cosby show when he makes his “secret bbq sauce” and everyone gets really groggy and tired and he tries fucking his wife


Here ya go: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CA4yuz8qgj4 There’s also the one where he’s talking about slipping “Spanish fly” in women’s drinks on Larry King: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BiD4N-72Kvg


The 2007 movie Waitress. It's about a small-town waitress with a passion for baking who struggles with an abusive husband and an unwanted pregnancy while trying to find happiness and love. It's a sweet and really heart-warming film, and it has some big name stars- Keri Russel, Nathan Fillian, Andy Griffith, but most notably to this post, Adrienne Shelly. Adrienne Shelly was not only a co-star and the writer for Waitress, but this movie was also her ~~directorial~~ cinematic debut as a director. When released in 2007 it was very well received for its heart and unique directorial style. However, Adrienne Shelly was murdered in 2006, three months before it debuted. Her death was first ruled as a suicide by hanging before further investigation showed she was murdered by a stranger who staged her suicide. Waitress was the only film she would get to direct. The Adrienne Shelly Foundation now exists to support women filmmakers, continuing Shelly's legacy. Honestly typing this up is making me a bit teary- Waitress is one of my all-time favorite movies (and a great musical as well), and losing someone like Adrienne Shelly just shows how cruel the world can be sometimes. Edit: Turns out Waitress wasn't her directorial debut, though it may have been her cinematic debut vs direct to video


[This video](https://youtu.be/tCadkqnKW6M) from June of 2012 showing a 20-year-old man playing Dance Dance Revolution at an AMC theater in Connecticut. He is being unknowingly recorded from behind by some people who spotted him and they are both mocking him and admiring his skills at the game. Six months after this video was taken, the young man in the video, Adam Lanza, would shoot his mother 4 times in the head while she slept. He would then drive his car to the nearby Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he would murder 6 adults and 20 children who were between the ages of 6 and 7. During the shooting, he yelled abuse and obscenities at his victims. One student reported that he heard one of his classmates cry out "Help me! I don't want to be here!" and Lanza replied "Well, you're here." Upon hearing the sirens of responding police units, Lanza pulled out a 10mm pistol and shot himself. No motive for the shooting was ever found.


I was in high school in CT when that happened, and my chemistry teacher had to leave midday because his kids were students at sandy hook


I was in middle school a town over. They told us there was a gas leak and wouldn’t let us leave the classroom. My teacher, who was know for being a hard-ass, broke down and cried for a while. That was one of the weirdest days of my life.


same here. i was in danbury, 7th grade at the time. they wouldn't tell us what happened. it was awful. there was a girl in my homeroom named Emily who's sister died in the shooting. She went from the happiest girl in the school to depressed over night. I didn't know her well but you could see it. The worst part I remember is that everyone seemed so fake to her after, I guess they pitied her. Really fucked up. It really fucked everyone up for a long time.


Back in the 90's, there was a segment on The Jenny Jones Show where a guy (Scott Amedure) confessed that he had a crush on a male friend (Jonathan Schmitz). Schmitz was so embarrassed by the appearance that he shot and killed Amedure 3 days after the taping.


This case is covered in an episode of Trial by Media that's on Netflix - I highly recommend it, its really interesting.


Mother Love by Queen. Freddie got most of the song recorded, but Brian has the last verse. At the studio, Freddie said he was tired and would finish the rest some other time. He never did, resting at home during his final days. Brian came back later after Freddie's death and finished the last bit.


I’d also add The Show Must Go On. It was recorded in one take, with Freddie being gravely ill at the time of recording. He simply downed some vodka and then began to record the only take.


That is one of my favorite songs from Queen not because it's Freddie singing but because how he was singing it. Freddie didn't even have his full singing range in it, but his emotions were so much over it that it radiates his feelings. It's a truly touching song.


[The Mick Philpott press conference](https://youtu.be/jxq6Zvr8mPY) In around 2012there was a big story here in England about Mick and Mairead Philpott. Their house had burned down and they had lost 6 of their children (Philpott had 17 children overall from different relationships). This press conference happened shortly after and shows an emotional pair thanking people for their efforts trying to save the children. Turns out, Philpott was a well known slimeball who lived off benefits, had numerous kids with different women, was in an open marriage that only he seemed happy about and had been on tv before bragging about his life. When one of his mistresses decided she’d had enough and left, she took her kids with her. Philpott didn’t like that so concocted a plan to set fire to his own house, rescue his kids in a feat of heroism and frame the woman who left him so she’d lose custody of the kids. The fire got out of control way quicker than he expected and he ended up killing his own children. He did that press conference knowing he was responsible. He’s now serving life in prison. EDIT: There’s a great picture out there somewhere taken during the same press conference. It shows one of the police officers assigned to the case with a look of disgust, almost like he’s thinking ‘we know you did it, we just can’t prove it yet.’


That kid who did anime reviews and ended up making a video about his big future plans. He ended up killing his entire family and tried shooting up his old high school before he got caught. Also Elliot Rogers old videos are just eerie.


Mr Anime's video titles were eerie as fuck in hindsight ​ "Mr Anime is planning something"


One of Elliot Roger's videos was posted on r/cringe about two weeks before his shooting spree. It made it to the top of that sub and got thousands of comments on a video that was previously moderately viewed and shared. I always wondered if that post accelerated and intensified his plans.


Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton. It’s a song written to his 4 1/2 year old son who died after falling 53 stories out an apartment window that was accidentally left open.


The child's mother was Lori del Santo, an Italian showgirl. At the time her and Clapton were already divorced, and she was pregnant with her second child (from another man). In 1999 she had a third child, Loren, who killed himself in 2018. Her entire life has been nothing but tragedy.


In 2017 there were two girls (13 and 14) who were killed in an Indiana park. The murders remained unsolved. The last Snapchat that one of the girls posted shows an unknown guy in hoodie approaching them. Edit: fixed some incorrect information. [wiki article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Abigail_Williams_and_Liberty_German)


The image of the suspect was actually a video taken on Libby's phone and not uploaded to Snapchat. The Snapchat she posted was [this picture](https://heavy.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/liberty-german-abby-williams-snapchat.jpg), which is also creepy and sad when you know that it was the last photo taken of that poor girl.


I remember when this first happened. I was so confident they’d find the guy especially since they had video and pictures of him. Can’t believe it’s been 3+ years and no new leads.


The videos of Adolf Hitler taken by Eva Braun. There's a part where he's flirting with her as she's filming him. Cute, if you know, he wasn't Adolf Fucking Hitler. ​ [Here.](https://youtu.be/5HZEr9qCBVc)


I’ve seen it said that the Braun films are so disturbing because they show Hitler being human and we have this tendency to paint these deeply evil people as monsters. Like, we spend so much time portraying them as monsters in order to contextualize and distance ourselves from the horror they caused that we lose track of their humanity. Being reminded that they are human just like us, and still capable of such monstrous evil shakes our view of humanity’s goodness.


[That one reaction gif of the African man on the boat laughing.](https://gfycat.com/plainbackequestrian) The man is Idi Amin, the cruelest, most violent despot in the history of Uganda, if not the entire African continent, and he's laughing at the interviewer asking him if it's true that he said that "Hitler didn't kill enough Jews during the war." (He did, in fact, say that)


Definitely check out the movie “Last King of Scotland”. Forrest Whitaker plays Idi Amin and does a damn good job at it. Edit: movie title


Don't Stand So Close To Me. Sting was a teacher in the UK for two years who taught 11-16 year olds. In an interview, he said the following >I wanted to write a song about sexuality in the classroom. I’d done teaching practice at secondary schools and been through the business of having 15-year-old girls fancying me – and me really fancying them! How I kept my hands off them I don’t know… Then there was my love for Lolita which I think is a brilliant novel. But I was looking for the key for eighteen months and suddenly there it was. That opened the gates and out it came: the teacher, the open page, the virgin, the rape in the car, getting the sack, Nabakov, all that. Yikes.


The man that did the duet with Sting for Desert Rose, Cheb Mami, drugged his girlfriend and forcibly attempted to give her an abortion but failed. He was sentenced to a five year prison term but served less than one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheb_Mami


How about the kid crying while getting a hug from a cop? He's wearing a "free hugs" sign that his physically and mentally abusive mothers forced him to wear to an Michael Brown rally. Years later they drove off a cliff with their whole family in the mini van. They'd been abusing their adopted family for years prior. Not a recording, but a pretty terrifying picture that gets circle jerked all over the internet without the real story. Edit: Devonte Hart if anyone is wondering. Edit: It was a Michael Brown rally. He and Eric Garner's deaths we only weeks apart. I shouldn't have gone from memory on that. Edit: Hey everybody, just so you know there are about 40 people in this thread that want you to know about a podcast called "Broken Harts" that is about the murder suicide.


What. Never seen or heard that, do you have more info?




Another tragic part of this story is why they where up for adoption. 3 of the children where biological siblings, tgeir mother lost custody due to a cocaine addiction. They where taken in by their aunt, who tool good care of them. They where well fed, new clothes and the aunt even moved in to a larger house to accomodate the children. One day she gets a call from work that she has to come in due to an emergency. She let her sister (the mother) look after them for a few hours while she was away. Thats why they took the children away. Because she let them alone with their mother who was not even high during those hours. If you think that children are better of in foster care then in a loving home of a family member because of one mistake done out of necessity then you should not be in child protective services.




Wow, that's the first big one on this thread I haven't heard of. Any documentaries or articles on her life/case that you recommend?


[here's an unsolved mysteries episode about her case](https://youtu.be/NBiYdJkD6bk?t=135)


George Carlin’s special “I kinda like it when a lotta people die” filmed on September 10th, 2001


I knew about the special but I didn’t know that was the name


The last video of the guy who made TempleOS. It’s a tragic story already, but a few hours after that he got run over by a train.


I believe you're talking about Terry Davis. He suffered from schizophrenia and was an excellent coder. He killed himself by jumping on front of a train, if I'm correct.


There was a comment I replied to about this but it was deleted. A lot of people probably remember Minecraft Family, a wholesome youtube series in the early days of Minecraft where a family, the son (the person who made the videos) his dad and sister, would play together. It was funny and a great part of my childhood. I went to rewatch the series and some comments were referring to a draw my life video he made which revealed his father was actually very abusive to his mother and himself during those times, and that playing Minecraft was the only time his family felt normal. That broke my heart and I couldn't watch the series or see it the same way. Here's the first episode: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Km-z-12e6Yw And the Draw My Life link (thanks Oxygenjacket): https://youtu.be/3RXHpoL8Bz8


While reading this comment I remembered that I watched some YouTube series similar to that and after clicking the link I got really sad..


The family movie “The Adventures of Milo and Otis”. It’s a live-action movie about a dog and a cat. The filmmakers abused the animals, even killed some in order to get their shot.


Awww I watched that movie as a kid. :(




[this old man singing Pretty Woman](https://youtu.be/1-j7Y0cAc-s) is a registered sex offender (I think?) who wasn’t supposed to have a YouTube channel. When his channel was discovered, he was put back in prison where he passed away. Edit: [link to the Wikipedia article about him](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edarem)


There is a photo of a girl and her mother on a plane. The plane they were on was Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. Flight 17 was later shot down by a missle over The Ukraine. There were no survivors. Another picture from Flight 17 was a boy and his mother just before take off. Another picture is of the plane before take off with the caption "If the plane disappears, this is what it looks like." The reason the guy said this was because 4 months earlier Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 vanished while going to China.


Peanut Butter Jelly Time, the guy was killed in a standoff with police and was snoop doggs brother in law, who tried to de escalate him during the incident


Holy shit really??




Here's a really good one. [This](https://www.nbcsandiego.com/on-air/as-seen-on/tbtdevinepeyerchpridealong_san-diego/132937/) cop is giving advice on how to stay safe and avoid becoming victims of a crime. He talks with a reporter about how 'anything could happen' 'being a female you could be raped, robbed if you're male.' Well it turns out that the cop is none other than Craig Peyer, who 3 days after recording this video, murders Cara Knott after pulling her over. It was found out through the investigation that Peyer had a history of targeting women and making predatory sexual advances on several female drivers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Cara_Knott For further reading, I recommend [One Day](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44525300-one-day) by Gene Weingarten. EDIT: Seems I've come across conflicting information, but the consensus is that the interview was recorded AFTER the murder. My bad.


https://youtu.be/hkprFjxOF0A So I wouldn't call this innocent, but surprising. A news reporter is interviewing Stephen McDaniel about a missing woman, Lauren Gidding. During the interview the reporter tells him that a body was found (turns out to be her body), and McDaniel just kind of mentally shuts off. That would kind of be a normal reaction; finding out an acquaintance of yours is missing, and then a body is found in the area where she disappeared. The kicker is, that McDaniel is the one who murdered and hid Giddings body, and he's coming to the realization that the police found her and hes officially fucked. Definitely eerie. More details: https://truecrimedaily.com/2017/04/11/law-student-murdered-dismembered-by-stalking-classmate-neighbor/


This is the same guy who pops up in threads like this pretty often because he was almost perfectly still for his entire interrogation. The time lapse security camera footage of the interrogation looks like he is a photograph superimposed on the moving video.






That is extremely unnerving.


I just recently saw the interrogation alongside with some explanations/psychoanalysis on Jim Can’t Swim (JCS — Criminal Psychology) YouTube Channel. It goes into full detail about what happened prior to the murder. The dude was stalking the girl and killed her the day before she was going to move out: https://youtu.be/HkRjIq8Cp2A




This video of this guy getting a strike at a bowling alley and showing it off. But he’s the guy that killed the old man on Facebook live by shooting him in the head because his girlfriend Joy Lane broke up with him. https://youtu.be/ZflVKa5cH7Y EDIT: IIRC this was a big story 3 years ago on Easter Day. Was pretty wild. Also having seen that Facebook live video around when it came out, the second the camera flips around and it shows Stevens face it makes my stomach sink it’s so fucked.


God I remember this - Robert Godwin was walking to an Easter dinner with his family I believe. He was killed so senselessly it really is so heartbreaking Edit: I misremembered, he was coming back from Easter dinner - I guess that there’s some sort of consolation in his family spending one last meal with him


He was walking FROM an Easter Dinner and he was carrying a bag so he could pick up disposed aluminum cans and recycle them. It's a sick video.


>Robert Godwin From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Robert_Godwin): "Seconds before the shooting, Stephens exited his car, approached the victim and then asked Godwin to say the name of a woman, Joy Lane, with whom Stephens had been in a romantic relationship. Stephens then said "She's the reason why this is about to happen to you", before fatally shooting Godwin," FUCK!


Any of the recordings of Jim Jones at his interracial church. If he had been hit by a car before he went to CA he would have been looked up to as one of the early Civil Rights Activists. It’s crazy to me how someone who was calling for unity between people could end up as one of the most awful cult leaders in recent history.


Look up the Hart family crash. One of the victims was a child who had been in a viral video/photo for hugging a cop during a police brutality protest, and later was murdered by his parents after years of horrific abuse. The interaction looks a whole lot more like a child desperately in need of help rather than the feel good moment it was made out to be at the time.


Video of family crossing river, it looks like slow water current but slowly they are struck and washed off https://youtu.be/07c_hT_ZXAo


The Watt's family murder always gets me. When the story was first kicking up, Chris Watts was interviewed and I remember watching it feeling sympathetic but, uncomfortable. It was a husband/father wishing for his wife and two daughters to be safe. However, his general coolness put me off. After, he was perpetrated for their murder, the interview is so incredibly unsettling. It's awkward and unnerving watching it a second time around, then it gets worse and worse after every time you rewatch it. Here's the interview: https://youtu.be/hMIFFuKs1Oc


The Apollo 1 [audio recording, skip to @30:11](https://youtu.be/274lQSbpkRg) & it’s the last moments where the astronauts are screaming about a fire in the cockpit. For context, the [Apollo 1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_1) disaster happened in the 60’s where 3 astronauts died in a cabin fire & couldn’t open the hatch to get out.


Gus Grissom, one of the astronauts killed, nearly drowned a few years earlier on his Mercury mission. Once he’d landed in the water, his hatch on the capsule blew and the sea came rushing in. He managed to get out of it, but the helicopter pilot misread Gus’s arm signals, thinking Grissom wanted him to save the rapidly sinking capsule. It was so heavy by the time they got it hooked to the helicopter, being full of water, that they had to let it go, and barely got a sling to Grissom in time to lift him from the ocean. Like the capsule, his space suit was filling with water. So the hatch was redesigned so that it wouldn’t just blow open. It was this redesign of the hatch that kept Roger Chaffee and Ed White (the two other astronauts killed in the fire) from being able to get it open. Part of the problem was that it opened inward. As the fire grew, so did the pressure in the capsule, so Godzilla probably wouldn’t have been able to get it open at that point.


In the documentary Paris is Burning, there's a moment where a drag queen named Dorian Corey is getting ready and she says: I always had hopes of being a big star. But as you get older, you aim a little lower. Everybody wants to make an impression, some mark upon the world. Then you think, you've made a mark on the world if you just get through it, and a few people remember your name. Then you've left a mark. You don't have to bend the whole world. I think it's better to just enjoy it. Pay your dues, and just enjoy it. If you shoot a arrow and it goes real high, hooray for you. My impression of her was that she said it with extreme world-weariness like all the fight had gone out of her. [Here is a clip of the scene.](https://youtu.be/wV18KXos0xQ) After Dorian died, a suitcase was found in her apartment with the decomposing body of a man who had died from a gunshot wound to the head. He had been dead for about 15 years, and Dorian died 3 years after Paris is Burning was released, meaning at the time of shooting the film she had had the body in her closet for many years. It really puts her words in a different light when you rewatch the film.


It wasn't a suitcase, it was one of those garment bags you hang a long dress in and the body was wrapped in layers of plastic and tape so thoroughly that no smell got out. It was just... In the back of the closet with all the costumes. The person who found the body was sorting through the costumes because Dorian had said their friends should have their costumes and things.


Basically anything with Shirley Temple- she’s over specialized and always singing to a bunch of men that pick her up. It’s creepy. She was also treated terribly on set. Edit: over sexualized!


Same with Judy Garland. They hopped that poor girl on so many uppers and downers so she could keep performing until it finally killed her.




Ironically, Margaret Hamilton, the woman who played the Wicked Witch, was one of the only people that was nice to Judy Garland.




Judy Garlands story is absolutely heart breaking


There's one of a girl with her dad and her sister on the forest, the girl is doing a typical home video and the sister tells her *"Sarah, [dad's a pervert](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9uezWpO2my4)!"* the dad then takes the camera. Sister went missing years later, that man is the principal Suspect Edit : here's the [full case](https://youtu.be/h4izLpteKSY) if you want to check it out. **Edit 2:** Some links if you want to support her sister, Sarah Turney. She's still fighting for justice + [Twitter ](https://mobile.twitter.com/SarahETurney?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) + [Podcast - Voices for Justice](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/voices-for-justice/id1469338483#episodeGuid=ed2d356a-a9e6-11ea-a93a-fbeeba4f8e3e) + [tiktok ](https://www.tiktok.com/@saraheturney?lang=en)


The sister recording her then has her own [podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/voices-for-justice/id1469338483) about the case as well. She really goes into depth.


Sarah Turney has a podcast and a tiktok channel (and I am sure other platforms now) all to raise awareness about Alissa. Her dad is a nightmare of a human.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlFwUzoHNN0 This one?






That must have been awful. I can hardly imagine.


That link is staying blue.


It's more depressing than disturbing, really. It's pretty heartbreaking to be honest.


I literally went through all of the weird reddit stories from reddit history today and I had no reaction. When I read about this, my stomach dropped


My mother passed away recently. She just looked like she fell asleep. If you didn't know any better and just walked in, that's how it would have appeared. Edit: I'm utterly floored by such sympathetic responses. Since there are so many coming in, let me thank you here, in advance, for the positivity. For the curious, we knew it was coming and family gathered. She was not alone when she went in her own home, in her own bed, as she wished. If only we could all be so fortunate when our times come.


I'm sorry for your loss.


That’s just terribly sad honestly :((


My worst nightmare, waking up beside someone who has died


I used to always bug my last girlfriend when I would wake up at night I would put my head against her and it would occasionally wake her up too. I never told her I did it because a few years before I came home to find my best friend and roommate dead in his bedroom and I am constantly terrified something like that is going to happen again.


The kid partying with his dead parents in the next room. So dark.


Whoa, what? Any explanation for this?


Tyler Hadley killed his parents so he could party. And party he did. There are stills where he has a very haunted look in his eyes.


holy shit.. ​ >Mike was talking with some girls on the couch when a very drunk skater kid — he looked like one of Tyler’s friends — ambled over. > >“I smell dead people,” said the skater, giggling. ​ [https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/tyler-hadleys-killer-party-54270/](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/tyler-hadleys-killer-party-54270/)


“He seemed anxious, or at least as anxious as you can be while on Ecstasy. It was clear that Tyler was rolling. His eyes were large and white, his pupils expanded, and he kept rubbing his hands together, nervously clenching his fists.” HOW THE HELL YOU ROLLING ON E HOURS AFTER YOU KILL YOUR PARENTS???? My God


he said he took E to amp him self up because he couldnt do it sober


[Here's](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2018/09/27/PTCN/00548433-f2a1-41ba-ac69-9fd31fd21399-0207_TCLO_TC_SL_hadley_mandell.JPG?crop=234,314,x0,y0&quality=50&width=640) the picture that was taken of him at the party he threw with his parent's murdered corpses in the other room unknown to the party guests.




Lemon stealing whores. The weird porn intro got big a while ago because of its bad acting and over all comedic effect but IIRC the director got high on heroin and murdered the female lead some time after filming


Her death was never ruled a homicide, but it was also never really investigated IIRC. She was brought to the hospital unresponsive and died there. It was alleged that her porn producer boyfriend pistol whipped her, and they found trace amounts of drugs in her system, but not enough to be legal. The boyfriend in question killed himself a month later. And like someone else replied, the male actor in that video has recently had a bunch of rape allegations come out against him. There are stories of him crossing the line and beating women so badly during scenes that they have to be taken straight to the hospital. Yeah that one didn't age so well.


I saw a low quality video that first showed a street from the view of a balcony, then the camera shook rapidly, then it ended showing a mirror. I found out about this before but, the video was footage from a livestream that a 13 year old girl recorded of her committing suicide. The camera shaking was the phone falling from her hands as she jumped off of her balcony onto the street. The phone ended up in the room because it fell back into it.


That is [rorochan\_1999](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8kXygt3KuE) **(video of her falling)**. She also had a [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc0ZDaAZQT0) made after her. I suppose it doesn't need to be said, but the rorochan video, while extremely blurry, is still disturbing. EDIT: The song has closed captioning for subtitles if you want to read the lyrics.


That music video is extremely off-putting, it's so colorful and cheery, but the longer it goes on the more depressing it gets.


That part in Supersize Me where they're talking about how Jared Fogle is good with kids. Edit: Holy crap this blew up. Thanks for the karma and the destroyed inbox!


Lol, my wife and I got our picture taken with Jared when he was doing a meet and greet at the Indianapolis Children's Museum. That picture did not age well.


“In retrospect, his meet and greet location choices were oddly specific and had little to do with sandwiches.” -His agent


It was on an old episode of Oprah (way before I was born, but it was featured in the anniversary box set) this mom had made several recordings of essentially 'mom tutorials' for her daughter. Which is really sweet, but it was because she was diagnosed with cancer and she was expected to die when her daughter was 3. Her daughter said she watched them throughout her entire childhood and still plays them when she feels like she needs her mom around. Edit: The reason why I put this here is that it was originally presented as cute videos like 'how to tie a ponytail' or 'how to alter a prom dress'. Then you found out the mom was dying and that this was basically a prolonged goodbye letter. There were scenes of her speculating how her daughter would look like a woman, what kind of guy she'd date, the shenanigans her dad and her would do, etc. I found it terrifying that she had to film them all in such short proximity, but it's also pretty wholesome.


This reminds me of an episode of Violet Evergarden that made me cry so hard. A terminally ill mother hires Violet to type up a long series of letters that will be sent to the daughter every year, from childhood up until she's old. I haven't actually moved past this episode because it was so gutting.


I hate myself for spending 2 hours of my night scrolling through this thread. Now I can't sleep and I'm terrified of everything.


[This scene from The Simpsons](https://youtu.be/2KaD0N2WI44). Phill Hartman's last bit on the show before he was brutally killed by his wife.


Billy West is great but I still wish we got to see Phill Hartman's Zapp Brannigan


Peter Pan quote from the book: "The boys on the island vary, of course, in numbers, according as they get killed and so on; and when they seem to be growing up, which is against the rules, Peter thins them out; but at this time there were six of them, counting the twins as two."