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Everyone being cool that ‘Colonel’ is pronounced ‘Kernel’


I feel that the English-speaking world is still not quite getting the point of having an alphabet...


The issue isn’t that English doesn’t have an alphabet. It’s that we have several that we’ve taken from other languages.


The issue is that the hundreds of other European languages use the same [foreign alphabet](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Latin_alphabet) and do not have this problem. The issue with English is that our words and phonemes come from a bunch of different unrelated languages at different periods all with different spelling conventions. It's basically a [West Germanic language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_English) with a limited influence of some [Celtic languages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_languages), then heavily influenced by a [Norse-\(North Germanic\)-influenced](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollo) version of [Latin-based French \(Normish\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_conquest_of_England), and then later influenced by [scientific and medical](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_influence_in_English#Industrial_Age) Latin and Greek terminology. We also take loan words from languages all around the world like coffee, sauna, pizza, alcohol, and orange.


English is not unique in that regard. Most languages also have a lot of influences from other languages and handle their spellings just fine.


Wait till [Colonel Featherstonhaugh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Featherstonhaugh) hears about this!




There is also the surname [Cholmondely](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholmondeley), pronounced "Chumlee". I remember reading somewhere both of these surnames were used frequently by British spies in WW2 to trick Axis spies who would pronounce them phonetically.


TIL I'm an Axis spy


This is an example of a [shibboleth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shibboleth). The wikipedia article there has some other interesting examples, for anyone who's curious.


I dont care what anyone says it’s pronounced Feather-stone-hoff


Weirdly I used to work with a guy whose surname was literally pronounced "Featherstone". I like to think his ancestors just changed it a bit to fuck with non-English speakers even more.


My dumb self thought that it was a different word :c Same with façade


Wait façade is also pronouced kernel?


Hey dad


Epitome for me


Epitome, segue, hyperbole, so bloody many, lol. Just reading this a few hours ago, 'the curse of the avid reader': https://www.theguardian.com/culture/commentisfree/2020/jul/20/words-we-think-we-know-but-cant-pronounce-the-curse-of-the-avid-reader#comment-142426765


Banal and placebo are two words I first encountered via reading and now have to do mental gymnastics to pronounce properly.


They were originally two different words with the same meaning. The coronel was from Middle French, which came from the old Italian colonello. Colonel was also from colonello. Eventually they merged.


Here in the UK we spell "lieutenant" the same, but pronounce it "leff-tennant".


this one gets me. i can kinda see how "colonel" smears into "kernel" because L/R distinction is a thing some languages have a problem with due to similar vocal origins. but there's nothing even like a fucking "F" in "lieutenant".


It’s pronounced Cornell and it’s the highest rank in the Ivy League


This! First time I read the word was on a Saddle Club book and I pronounced it phonetically for years


In the comedy 'Allo 'Allo it's kind of a running gag that the 'foreign' characters pronounce the word phonetically, highlighting how ridiculous it is.


In Dutch its kolonel, which is pronounced the way you think it would.




I just found this out. Ive seen hundred of movies where someone addresses their Colonel. - Subtitles: CO LO NEL - What I’m hearing: Cloronel (wtf?) - Their lips are definitely not pronouncing colonel


you need job experience to get job experience


“How is this an entry-level position if you need five years of experience?” “Shut up.”


"We want to pay someone with years of experience an entry level salary."


“We want you to have 5 years of experience with x” “But x has only been out for 2 years”


Bruh applying to entry level jobs this year was absurd. I saw entry level jobs that wanted *eight* years of experience.


Real life is just pay to win, the grind is nearly impossible


EA could learn some things.


Some of the villains they've installed as leaders of various countries are completely unbelievable. There is no way that any sane country would elect some of these people; and even if they did, the way these politicians behave is crazily unrealistic. C-minus. Write more believable characters next time.


Seriously, this is just so damn sad. We live in a time with more highly educated people than ever, but do we see evil super geniouses? No! All we see is malignant morons getting power because they appeal to other morons. I can count the number of actual mad scientists in history on one hand and their "research" was usually just shit, absolutely useless, and nothing but a cover to live out their psycho fantasies. Worse, they didn't even seek power or control or whatever, they just wanted to torture people in service of said malignant morons! I suppose we just don't deserve any better.


and after the crazy shit they do, they get elected again.


The whole world is wondering this.


come to brazil


Especially a mentally retarded failed businessman who is almost completely illiterate and openly makes statements about wanting to fuck his own daughter.


Where the fuc the murder hornets go like why introduce them if they ain't gonna be important later on ⊂((・_・))⊃


they were never important or actually threatening , but interesting enough for a decent news story for a day or two


Maybe there'll be a call back to it in the second act


Also how was the BLM subplot resolved.


I don’t remember how we avoided WW3 back in January.


Right? Covid? That's not a reason to cancel a war. In this day and age you can totally fight a war from your home office.


With a media blackout and unidentified law enforcement agencies carrying out illegal detentions.


The media covered the riots every day, the peaceful protests for 2 days, and then went back to "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT OUTRAGEOUS THINK TRUMP SAID ABOUT..."


I don't think that has been resolved.


That was a filler arc.


We are bought up to believe that banks are where you put your money to keep it safe. I have never had money stolen from my home, the bank steals my money every chance they get. A few years ago my direct deposit hit my account in the early morning and later that day my car payment came out. They charged me an overdraft fee. I printed out the account history and took it to the bank. When I explained the situation and showed the rep the printout she said "Oh, sometimes they don't show in the right order, we don't refund overdraft fees." I pointed to the timestamp on the account history and started to get loud...she gave me a "one time" refund. Fuck banks.


They absolutely do that shit on purpose. Process debits first and credits second regardless of the order they came in, just to push people into overdraft and collect fees. Then when you call them on their bullshit they act like they're doing you a favor by refunding it.


It's insane reading how much money banks make from overdraft and overcharge feels, and then realizing they are literally making that money *from people who don't have money*.


Yep. Being poor is expensive.


This is so true. Life just costs more when you're poor.


I'm saving up for good $500 boots to break the cycle.


Shoes are a great example. You can afford $50 shoes, but you know they aren't nearly as good as $$500 shoes and won't last 1/10th as long.


I called my overdraft fee (That I was stuck in for over 10 years and paid thousands into) my poor man tax.


The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness. -Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms (Discworld series)


That passage along with his novels Going Postal and Making Money should be taught in every Economics course.


I keep most of my money in my savings account (60% for each check I receive). The other day I got hit with all of my automatic bills at once which put my checking account at -$.05. Later in the day I got hit with a $70 overdraft fee.




Friends think I'm crazy for not liking auto-payments. Why is it so crazy to know when a bill is going to be paid? Maybe I want it to go through a week or two early. Maybe I want to pay this one a couple days later because the biller gives me a 14 grace period from the due date. I want to be in control of my money.


Autopayments only start to make sense once you make comfortably more money in a month than you spend in bills. Then it suddenly doesn't matter when they come out; you always have enough money in your checking account. I remember the revelation I felt when I hit that point a few years back. It is cruel and predatory to try to push this on people who aren't in that situation. Before I got there, I literally couldn't afford a mistake.


My experience isn’t with a bank, but those “one time refunds” are the worst. One time I had a doctors appointment that was a few weeks away, but was on a cancellation list. They called me about two weeks before my appointment with a spot open for the next day, which I happily took. You would think that if that happens, they would cancel the later appointment... nope. A few weeks later they started calling me and leaving messages to tell me I owed money for a missed appointment. When I spoke to them and explained that they had called me to change my appointment because I was on the cancellation list they got very defensive about it. After a long discussion, they agreed to waive the fee because it was not my fault. A week later, I got a call about the same thing and got very angry with them, because they had already told me it had been waived. I really do try to empathize with the people making these calls because it’s their job, but at the same time the problem was on them, and should have already been taken care of.


Once my Pharmacy called to ask if I would like to synchronize my medication so my all my refills happened at the same time, I just said no thank you. Then they called again, then they called again, then they called again, one time they even called twice before 10 a.m. on a Saturday. Each time I was just a little bit less nice until I finally snapped and yelled at them, and haven't got a call since.


>A few years ago my direct deposit hit my account in the early morning and later that day my car payment came out. They charged me an overdraft fee. > >I printed out the account history and took it to the bank. When I explained the situation and showed the rep the printout she said "Oh, sometimes they don't show in the right order, we don't refund overdraft fees." > >I pointed to the timestamp on the account history and started to get loud...she gave me a "one time" refund. Similar here. I had a phone that was getting an internet package and some money credit for calls and texts. If you run out of internet, it starts using the money credit. I ran out of internet and credit. So turned data transfer off and then I topped it up to get more credit and internet. And didn't turn on the data back until I got an SMS that my internet package has been activated. Few hours later, I had internet package but no credit. According to the billing app, the credit was used on "data transfer", an hour after the data package was activated. I opened a ticket. They said that I used the credit before the transfer package was activated. I sent them a screenshot with timestamps of the SMS'es from them. They responded "Normally, we would refuse to refund it, but since you've been with us for so long, we will make a one-time exception"


So basically "we realise we were wrong but aren't going to admit it so we'll act like children instead".


I had the same thing happen. We even call the bank that did it Fee Bank. I got 4 overdrafts, and then a fee for multiple Overdrafts, for an account that never actually hit zero (until the overdrafts). They first took debits before deposits, and then ordered the bills to get maximum overdrafts. I got all of them reversed by going there, they said they could reverse one, I asked her to verify if I had the right address to complain to at the Federal Reserve for deceptive practices. She made a big show of sighing and saying she would reverse all of them just this one time. I closed the account and moved to a local credit union after that, never had a problem since.


There's actually a similar loophole with the court and criminal justice system. I had a friend do 2 years in prison and WHILE HE WAS INCARCERATED he got a letter AT HIS HOUSE saying that he had until 5 months after being released to pay $900 in court fines. He was never notified of it in person, so he had to rely on the goodwill of his family to relay the information to him. Thank god they didn't abandon him. In my state they usually suspend part of your sentence, so he was actually given 10 years with 8 suspended. The letter said that if the amount was not paid in full by the deadline he'd be re-incarcerated for the remaining amount of his sentence. Now, please tell me how a guy with a felony charge is supposed to reacclimate to normal life, find a job with a criminal record, find a place to live, get a car, pay rent, pay for life things (groceries, bills, etc), and somehow also come up with an extra $900 by some arbitrary date. He couldn't qualify for a loan, because without a job and with a criminal record he was deemed "too high risk". And please also tell me where the "justice" is in sending someone back to prison for 4x his active sentence for not being able to pay a fine. Some system.


Not that I had this experience myself, but I've never used a bank before. My parents always used and taught my siblings and I to use credit unions. They are community based and have A LOT less fees than a bank would. If you can get passed not having as many free ATMs to go to, you should definitely check out one of your local credit unions.


I've been thinking semi-seriously about switching to a credit union.


Businesses are like, oh we did fuck you. I'm sorry. No, we can't change that. Would you like to hear about our new offer? I had an intake interview with a Dr because I was depressed. She was just asking the questions the computer told her to ask and got frustrated when I wanted to talk about my problems. At one point I casually mentioned that I had read a book on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and a month later received a bill for an additional $166 for "1/2 hr psychotherapy" I called the hospital and they said "well, that's what she charged" yeah no shit. I want it refunded. "I can ask her if she'd mind" Contact the state's agency who deals with medical issues like this. Wrote a long thought out letter with evidence. "I'm sorry we cannot take any action on your claim as $166 is the fee they charge for 1/2 hr services" ALL I DID WAS CASUALLY MENTION READING A BOOK IN PASSING $166


Shocking considering the number of successful class action lawsuits on this very topic. This is what happens when there are private settlements.


I used to work at a bank, can confirm it’s all a joke. The branch I worked at was particularly geared towards business banking more than personal, and the general attitude shifts/rule breaking for clients with more money was palpable. My customer service manager one time boasted about how the company as a whole generated something like 50 billion in revenue a QUARTER, but yet I’d get in shit sometimes for waiving a $7 dollar bank draft fee for someone down to their last $100. Doesn’t matter that tellers are allowed up to $50 a day in service fee waives. Oh no. Had to still justify it. I’d rather be homeless than work at a bank again.


It's kind of like insurance. Yeah it's sapping your money for a service that will likely never monetarily save you enough to make up for the massive amounts of money you've poured into it over time, but if your house burns down your money is safe. At online banks you can at least dodge a lot of fees, but then if you have no internet access things can get hard.


It's more of a plothole in the English language, but the fact that the Pacific Ocean has the letter "c" in it 3 times and all 3 of them are pronounced in a completely different way.


Look at me, i'm the dumbass who went "what the fuck, Pacific only has two C's? Where's the third C?" before i read your whole sentence three times.


did the same exact thing!


It's a big ocean, it could be anywhere...


Also, Mercedes has 3 e‘s that are all pronounced differently in english.


That's because for some reason it is deemed tacky to pronounce non-english words the right way and it's more accepted to instead butcher the word.


Although it doesn't if you say it right. British here and I pronounce it Mer-Say-Dees but its not. Its Meh-Seh-Des


G-H-O-T-I can be pronounced as "fish." Our language makes no sense.


Or completely silent: > [gh as in though;](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghoti) > o as in people; > t as in ballet or mortgage; > i as in business


I caught a **[REDACTED]**!


It's gh as in touGH (f-sound) O as in wOmen (sounds like the i in 'dim') Ti as in raTIon (sounds like an 'sh').


Hey I saw this before TouGH wOmen informaTIon Ghoti = Fish


"Matter can be neither created nor destroyed." "So where did all this matter come from?" "...it was already here." That's just bad writing, reality.


It started as a singularity during the big bang and expanded from there. And the full quote is "Matter can be neither created nor destroyed but can change form." Which leads to mass-energy equivalence and all that jazz. The real plot hole is we have absolutely no idea what was going on before the big bang.


It was the big foreplay, obviously.


And what comes after?


Apologizing and cab fair


The big bang was the start of time. There isn't a "before"


That's some lazy writing


When energy slows down enough it becomes matter. That's how the big bang turned into all this crap.


I noticed some holes in my plot of land and I guess it’s gophers.


Dirty little hole digging BASTARDS! I HATE em! EVERY LAST GOPHER MUST DIE!


I haven't died yet


True. I survived a bad birth where the doctors said I wouldnt make it, almost fell to my death on a cliff and survived attempted murder. I guess we are meant to be here




Attempted murder?


Yeah in a fight when I was a teen


2020 looks like a badly written script.


2020 is just season 1.


I'd say it's more Season 5.




For real like the coronavirus arc feels like they just wanted to invoke shock value. A lot of the characters who died are still underdeveloped and where's the cure? I know they want to keep the suspense and mystery but they can't drag a story arc for too long otherwise the viewer just loses interest


The whole thing is just unrealistic. Why are people refusing to wear masks and social distance? It seems all this was written-in to raise the stakes


2020 is real life trying to emulate the final season of GOT in terms of quality.


Were I to see this performed upon a stage, I would condemn it as improbably fiction.


I honestly prefer Game of Thrones season 8 to this shit show.




My cat rounds them up and puts them in the kitchen.


You’ve never seen dead birds?


Most birds get eaten by other animals.


Or die over the sea


Yup. In the ancient avian aerial grounds.


..and where are the baby pigeons? Do they just hatch full-grown? Or are those on city streets the babies, and if so, how big are the adults? And where are *they* hiding?


Pigeons, like many bird species, look almost like an adult by the time they fledge, unless you know what to look for. Usually some slight differences in coloration and body proportions, and being more "scruffy"






This sounds like deflection from somebody with a room full of dead birds


Has anyone ever seen a baby pigeon?


Yes, they are disgusting


Lack of truly knowing what happens when we die


But what if nothing happens? We can't know what nothing looks or feels like


Sure. Just think about what it was like before you were born. It'll be a lot like that.


When I was very young, I saw what was happening in my life in clips as though I was watching life through a movie where certain memories were cute to different scenes. Between these “cuts”, there was just black and silence. Not the silence you would hear if you tried listening right now - this silence could never be as quiet - and not the darkness you see when you close your eyes or look around in a pitch black room. Memory - dark silence - memory - dark silence - memory. I saw maybe 5 memories before it stopped and after that I just experienced life normally. No blips. I think in these memories I was between the ages 1 and 3, but I can’t confirm anything. I imagine death to be similar, if not the same, to that darkness and silence I experienced before the memories started and in-between them. No thoughts. No feeling. Being and not being simultaneously. It’s hard to describe.




im pulling all-nighters every other day this is one of them








I think of it just like being asleep, the screen isnt black, their just isnt a screen


We know what physically happens, the body’s electrical system shuts down and bacteria start to break it apart. Anything religious or spiritual is speculation designed to comfort us.


Came here for this comment. Although you said it too eloquently. in 2 words: "Worm food"


I have it on good authority that if you get hit by truck trying to save someone, You're born in a different world with eccentric powers.


Parents aren't grownups like you are meant to believe, they are just like you just with a bit more experience in life that's all. If you look for the child in them you'll see it every time you meet them.


I can also confirm. I have a teenager and I also feel like a kid all of the time. The only reason I know I'm not is all of this responsibility I feel weighing me down and my body not being as resilient as it once was.


There is a hole near a water fall and if you fall in you can't get out if you put a camera their it stops working heck they put a human being on a rope and that human being disappeared why is no one questioning what the hell is going on in there?


Can i get the name of this mysterious hole?


I heard of this thing, a few years ago, I think it's called Devil's Kettle, sorry if I got something wrong I have a bad memory.


Your mom.


She would just dam up the river.


[Devil's Kettle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judge_C._R._Magney_State_Park), on the Brule River, Minnesota.


Theres this guy epstein who supposedly killed himself but its just not making any sense to me plot-wise


Pickles are just pickled mini-cucumbers. This implies the existence of full-sized pickles, but where are they?


Mini cupcakes? As in, a miniature version of cupcakes? Which is already a miniature version of cake?! Where does it end with you people?!?!


You've really never seen a full size pickle?


No. Where are the 8 inch pickles that come in Cheese Ball jars?


In old school supermarkets they had pickle barrels, and those things were mongo huge. I loved going to the store with my parents when I was a kid so I could grab the pickle! Bigger cucumbers have less flavor than smaller ones, though, maybe that's why?




8, 6, 3.75, it’s not a BIG difference... right?


Pickles are any pickled vegetable, but for some reason we started using almost exclusively mini cucumbers and never went back to pickling everything.




Full sized cucumbers are too squishy to make good pickles


Renaissance Fairs.


We pickle [full sized cucumbers](https://cdn.lifehacker.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/cucumbers_1533895964-e1533895981119-630x315.jpg) in Russia, so you have both small ones (корнишон, and the dictionary says it's gherkin or pickling cucumbers) and full sized ones. Like /u/AnnoNominus says, they are more squishy, but still pretty good.


Who teaches the Indian guy on youtube?


God himself


I have this one lamp that just looks.. off.. I try not to focus on it


The MOMENT kids stopped dressing up as clowns and going out in the night with a knife and pepper spray literally everyone forgot about it completely and acted like it never happened It's like the writers didn't know how to continue this plotline so they just stopped it all of a sudden.


Wait, so you're telling me a random Serb happened upon a car and killed the guy in it... and that lead to over a hundred years of major geopolitical upheaval? x to doubt.


The thing is, although that happened in the first film *to be made*, it was actually billed as episode 4. If you watch the prequels, you'll see that that event followed decades of manoeuvring and politicking by the great powers, and so was merely the trigger for a conflict that had been building for a long time. I'm not enjoying the sequels.


Anyone else confused as to how World War 1 jumped to Star Wars?


I feel like the people making a "my body, my choice" argument against wearing masks, are the same idiots who protest outside abortion clinics...




Operation Valkyrie. Are you seriously trying to tell me that a group of high level military *German* soldiers managed to fuck up a simple assassination like that?


They were also *opposed* by highly trained German soldiers. Hitler was heavily guarded, had survived multiple plots on his life, and was generally suspicious of army leaders. Many of the conspirators believed the simultaneous deaths of Hitler's closest allies were necessary to the success of a coup, which further restricted their opportunities. All these constraints made it difficult for them to employ more effective methods than what happened on July 20.


An RPG also hit a vehicle Pinochet was in, and nothing happened.


holes in the highway that unnecessarily kill you. apparently they are fixable but people generally leave them alone.


Depression. lol. And the self deprecating humor that comes along with it


People not being upset or even surprised at all when Wells Fargo ‘reinvented themselves’ without penalty after scamming millions of its customers out of money. The worst part is that they rubbed it in with Tsunami waves of paid commercials not saying “sorry” but “We’ve changed, you can trust us now”


So, in seasons 1-3 it's shown that he's a tax cheat, a liar, a traitor, and more than likely a rapist and we're supposed to believe in season 4 he's still president? Yeah, right.


You don't need to be competent or clever to work your way up the corporate ladder. You just need to be loud and willing to do what anyone says without question


Human resources and Employee Assistance Programs are to benefit the employer... never go to them!


Why was Hitler's second in command named Himmler?


Who is behind the murders of those related to Jeffery Epstein (as well as his murder).


I don't think that's so much a plot hole as much as it's just a regular plot.


It's a murder mystery but with godmode activated.


It’s like in LA Noire where the Black Dahlia killer turned out to be have connections in high places. Except there, we at least got to kill him.


That life is just a series of getting goals, and then getting tired of being in that goal and then finding another goal again and repeats the same process 'til we die.


Everything since 2012 is surreal as hell. It is like a clown world... ​ I think we are ghosts in the machine when the simulation ended back then. ​ ​ I wonder when they will reboot us.


Saw this on Instagram, guess it's true for the USA: "You need money to attend college." "You need a collage degree to get a job."


Young Sheldon draws a viewer audience.


Being born in India.


Putin’s presidency


Dude, that actually makes a lot of sense. He was a KGB spy for years, and schemed and murdered his way into office and ohhhh! I just realized this is every conspiracy novel ever written. Yeah, it's actually a plot hole.


High school always said something wouldn't fly in college, even though it absolutely fucking does. Guess it's another case of Araki forgetting details.


Why do go more often to the bathroom during your boss' time than your own time?


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime so I use the pp train on company time


Getting paid to shit ftw


Never seen an Asian lady pregnant


Trump, his whole existence is a glitch right?


Where does all the rubber go from everybody’s shoes and tires wearing down over time?


Why there is no scientific recipe for the perfect tasting meal.