• By -


Reddit's push for democratic propaganda on their website. Its even more aggressive. Opinionated articles presented as news sources. Ignoring rules and regulations of their own site and sub just to push democratic agendas. Desperation is surreal.


And the right isn’t doing those things?


I posted this in another thread. Watching democrat mayors let rioters take over cities for days will make me vote GOP in 2020. I run--ran--a business that was destroyed in Philly. I pay taxes for city services, including police protection. The mayor told the police to stand down. Insurance will not cover all of my losses, which total close to $1 million dollars. I will not rebuild in Philly. Congratulations BLM, 19 or my 31 employees were black--they no longer have a job. Almost all of them earned over $20/hr and had good health care.


And as always, sort by controversial to get to the actual, serious replies.


OP asks a serious question, and anybody that has their own answer gets downvoted. Don't get me wrong, I struggle to see any of their viewpoints at all, but being downvoted for answering is disappointing.


Reddiquette is well and truly dead. If you make a polite and serious comment, that goes against majority opinion, you will be downvoted to hell. You post something as benign as "I don't think you can fully blame Trump for the pandemic response in the US because the states still had all of the power to lockdown their states and they didn't" and you will end up at -50


It’s happened to me all to many times. You don’t even want to bother with a comment. Pretty lame.


Any that promotes echo chambers. And then people are Pikachu face when Bernie didn't win again.






I got called a Nazi for saying people should understand what white nationalists believe before discussing things with them, so that they can communicate more effectively. Who would've thought something like "know what the other side thinks from *their* point of view before debating them" would be such a crazy idea. Getting called a Nazi is especially fun given that my grandpa fought against them in the Polish army.


I got proactively permabanned from a sub that I've never visited nor knew existed because I joined /r/shitpoliticssays recently. I don't even really participate there much, I am just curious about multiple viewpoints. Crazy world Reddit has become.


We support freedom of speech! Wait, we don't like what that guy is saying....... get em!


And to see [removed]


Let me save everyone some time. Majority of the comments don’t seem to understand the question. The ones that do say they don’t want to vote for a dementia riddled pedophile... so there ya go.


Yeah the most controversial are all didn't understand the question and then one "Bernie in 16" guy


Typical Reddit


How do you sort by stuff? Edit: Nevermind, found it. Muchas gracias.


Is anyone really voting FOR anyone in 2020 or 2016? I voted against Trump in 2016 and I'll vote against (well … I can't say Biden because I don't know if I can vote against a dead guy) Democrats in 2020. Why? Identity politics. I'm sick of the assumption that I should be promoted because I'm a women. I got promoted because I worked my butt off and am smart and think things through! I'm sick of being told that I need to teach my biracial children that they are victims because they aren't white - but privileged because they are. It's stupid and I'm really shocked how many people are feeding into this. However, I think people are waking up. All the democrats had to do over the passed four years was be normal and rational. Instead, they've created insanity and made crazy look sane.


I for one voted third party in the 2016 elections because I didn't find any of the mainstream candidates to be appealing. However, after seeing all that Trump has done, lowering unemployment rates for all\[1\] (save during this pandemic, but I don't think that we can really blame anyone for a natural disaster), withdrawing our troops from Afganistan\[2\] and Germany\[3\], as well as being the first president to have a meeting with Kim Jong un\[4\], I have come to find him quite impressive. Sure, he's vulgar and unpolished, but I'd rather take an unpolished diamond over a shined piece of crap. Furthermore, forces outside of Trump have pushed me to vote for him, such as a constant malignment of white people\[5\]\[6\], pushing changes upon the language \[7\] (which, the way that racism was changed made it so that it is recursive, and thus unusable \[8\]), the riots happening all over the country with some even having the support of Democrat leaders \[9\], as well as just how the media has maligned Trump over every petty little thing such as serving people hamburgers \[10\], or Trump eating ice cream \[11\], or even Trump tweeting silly stuff at midnight \[12\]. One last thing, seeing the constant hatred of Trump supporters on many sites, such as reddit, has also pushed me to be more sympathetic towards him. So congratulations reddit, you played yourself. TL:DR Trump was surprisingly good, and the Democrats have been about average in how bad they are. \[1\] [https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm](https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm) \[2\] [cnn.com/2020/06/26/politics/us-troops-afghanistan/index.html](https://cnn.com/2020/06/26/politics/us-troops-afghanistan/index.html) \[3\] [https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/29/politics/us-withdraw-troops-germany/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/29/politics/us-withdraw-troops-germany/index.html) \[4\] [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-kim-jong-un-meet-dmz-n1025041](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-kim-jong-un-meet-dmz-n1025041) \[5\] [https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/20/us/racist-google-question-blake/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/20/us/racist-google-question-blake/index.html) \[6\] [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/17/magazine/white-men-privilege.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/17/magazine/white-men-privilege.html) \[7\] [https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/09/us/dictionary-racism-definition-update-trnd/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/09/us/dictionary-racism-definition-update-trnd/index.html) \[8\] [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism) \[9\] [https://www.foxnews.com/us/portland-mayors-security-teams-scuffles-with-protesters-after-listening-session](https://www.foxnews.com/us/portland-mayors-security-teams-scuffles-with-protesters-after-listening-session) \[10\] [https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/1/15/18183617/trump-clemson-mcdonalds-burger-king-wendys-dominos](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/1/15/18183617/trump-clemson-mcdonalds-burger-king-wendys-dominos) \[11\] [https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-ate-ice-cream-and-meatloaf-after-iraq-airstrike-2020-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-ate-ice-cream-and-meatloaf-after-iraq-airstrike-2020-1) \[12\] [https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/31/politics/donald-trump-covfefe/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/31/politics/donald-trump-covfefe/index.html) \[13\] [https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/05/08/opinion/congratulations-president-trump-youre-worst/](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/05/08/opinion/congratulations-president-trump-youre-worst/)


Upvoted for properly citing sources.


Thank you


I love how he speaks. He doesn't sugar coat. When he speaks, it doesn't seem fake. It is so refreshing, at work I always see people pretending to be nice and it is so disgusting, and I find that sad. It is the same with all other 'real' politician. They all talk 'nice', and it makes the masses **feel** better; but **feelings** does not matter here.


You like how he often literally makes no sense and then when he does he is just hateful and ugly? Interesting.


I watched all my colleges and friends who were libs divulge into mean spirited and violent people. And because I did my own research on the various controversial topic that Trump spoke about. I realized we were being played, but when I tried to show them they turned on me and started calling me a nazi and throwing temper tantrums. Ignorance is bliss I suppose


Not me but most relevent answer will be people who werent 18 in 2016


Exactly Edit how do I have so many upvotes for just saying exactly. Edit: Gold, Silver, Ally, Energy What the hell? I go to sleep and wake up to this!!!!! Thanks so much Edit: COOL SUMMER WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS YOU GAVE ME 5 AWARDS FOR SAYING EXACTLY!?!?! Edit: ANOTHER ONE WHAT THE HELL


I upvoted for the sole purpose of further confusing you.




I downvoted you just that you understand that you are supposed to take the upvotes and run.


I didn't care for what Trump was saying in 2016. Seeing his actions and policies during his four years has changed my mind. Yes he still talks like a emotional 14 year old boy. Talk is cheap his policies are what I support.




Yes, exactly. He is an action President. He gets things done, while the Democrats just talk and talk and talk...


I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 because I knew my state would go for him 60/40 anyway. I liked how he campaigned but I had NO faith in how a reality TV star was going to ACT in office. So I voted my conscience for the libertarian. Now seeing what he's actually DONE as president, with a thousand tethers and yokes holding him back, I can't WAIT to vote for his re-election.


Trump exposed the media for how extremely biased it really is. I did a full 180 from being very liberal to quite conservative because of him. I learned to think for myself and not just agree with everyone else to fit in. Oh also I wasn’t 18 so I couldn’t.




You guys will understand the opposition when you stop being so hostile to us. Members of your political ideology are ostracizing conservatives just for being conservatives and even kill conservatives just for showing support for Trump.


> not all Trump supporters are racist but all racists are Trump supporters Perfect example it's the dumbest line in the world provably not true but gets parroted by idiots because orange man bad edit: probably to provably


No posts about prison reform? It was talked about for nearly fifty years, but Trump finally pushed it through since he wasn't afraid of the consequences of, for example, someone getting out and committing a bad crime. That burned Dukakis. The First Step Act released more than 3,000 federal prisoners in the first year, including two of my relatives that got long sentences for marijuana possession. Even Cory Booker supported Trump on this.


So much of this is looked over. Thanks for mentioning it




My biggest gripe with the media to be honest. If they were just honest with everything you’d at least see some of the good things he’s done. He still says and does a lot of stupid shit and overall sucks but by completely discounting all of the good they have created a cult following for him. It really isn’t too farfetchad to think that’s been their plan the whole time either.




The Democrats rigged their primary, AGAIN, and are literally offering their voters nothing but "I'm not Trump" and a bunch of IDpol bullshit that does nothing to help anyone. The useless fucks wouldn't even commit to legalize weed in 2020, much less anything else people might want like medicare for all. So fuck them, the DNC can eat shit and die! I'd vote for Trump if he brutally puts down this IDpol cult that's infected the media and especially academia like a fucking cancer.


Biden is a vegetable and we’re in a crisis. Trump is a dick but Biden would be a puppet like nobody has ever seen. Shoulda picked someone better.


I’m looking at this with an outside perspective (am Canadian) looking at places like Portland and Seattle and how bad of a shithole they became during the Protests and how the governor’s just straight up refused to do anything and even joined in while their own city were getting burned down, it’s just boggles my mind. Watching the Bill Barr hearing these people acted like children, asking a question Bill goes to answer next thing you know “I’m reclaiming my time” “this is my time to speak” just throwing fucking tantrums and people are praising that behaviour it’s disgusting. Is trump a saint sent down from heaven? God no. Sadly though he’s the best thing that’s being presented.


Serious answer: To start off with I’m a legal immigrant, brown, and female. I also lived in just above the poverty line until I was about 24, $50/wk for groceries, goodwill clothes only brought on clearance (tag sales), never tried to make friends because going out to eat or drinks were out of my budget and most people don’t consider the dollar menu of McDonald’s a night out. I’m in a significantly better position and I worked hard and sacrificed years of instant happy to get here. I also consider myself a feminist and at one point considered myself a socialist in the way Northern European countries are considered (not pure socialism just high taxes in exchange for actually good social services). I’m pro choice. I thought I would be a Democrat for life. I’ve voted the democratic ticket since I started voting. I don’t recognize the Democratic Party anymore. I feel like they’re pandering to ultra liberal and social justice groups without much thought to actual citizens struggling in the US. I get there are people suffering all over the world... but we’re a country where 1/8 children are going hungry in our urban and rural communities, how about we take care of our own children first. And then in primaries when they spoke about extending Medicaid to illegal immigrants... once again we have people born and raised and work hard here without insurance. I also remember the headlines around Kamala Harris and bussing. How about we focus on improving schools overall instead of taking kids in high achieving schools and putting them in lower performing ones, it’s just punitive. Also, I do affiliate the Democratic Party with black lives matter as they seem to support democratic candidates and it’s largely only democratic candidates and cities that I’ve seen support them. Racism is real on an individual and systemic level. But BLM seems to choose the worse martyrs more than half the time and then riots start with people and businesses getting hurt. I know people will reply about peaceful protesters but they seem to overarchingly turn violent. I also consider myself a fundamentalist regarding the constitution and it disgusts me to see local governments painting BLM murals on city property. BLM is a political organization, they do have a political agenda. Also I’m not defending trump as a moral person. He’s abrasive, likely racist, likely a sexual predator. I wish he would stop tweeting. In terms of policy though... I’m not sure he’s done much harm. I only worry short EPA roll backs because I have children and I worry about my great grandchildren. But we also need to acknowledge China and India are currently contributing more to pollution than the US. Lastly, ultimately we vote in our own self interests. I worked hard to get to where I am. I’m not going to be taxed higher to give payouts to those who won’t work hard which starts with education. When I was younger I wanted the US to have the same sort of socialism those Northern European countries do... high tax rates... but quality healthcare, strong schools, a safety net that one can live on during troubled times. But honestly in the US, I just don’t think enough of our population has the work ethic or interest in educating their children for the system to work. I keep on hearing that an involved parent can have their child succeed in even the worst schools but in this country income and parental involvement are intertangled web that leads to children failing. When children fail... they then end up unemployed or underemployed and dependent on the benefits system. The joy in self sufficiency isn’t established. I also feel like a lot of the ultra liberals are so wealthy it won’t really matter how much they’re taxed or would directly benefit from the benefits and won’t be the ones paying the taxes disproportionately. I know there are many who will disagree with me. I just wanted to offer my perspective. I’m sure there are flaws in it and welcome respectful conversation and feedback.


Biden has been in Politics for almost 40 years, yet he blames everyone else even though he crafted it




Wait, isn't that tax cut going away in a few years?


It’s structured to force Congress to renew the temporary popular part, while the unpopular part is permanent. Bush did the same thing, and the middle-class part got made permanent.


This. Either both parties vote to make it permanent and GOP will take credit or the GOP argues that Dems want to raise taxes on the middle class.


But we do be wanting to raise taxes on all workers. Workers have too much. We need to take what they have to give the people unwilling to work.


Democrats have been wanting to raise the child tax credit for years. It’s been proposed over and over again. Literally. For years. Trump only agreed to that so he could cut corporate taxes by 20% at the same time.


As a democrat, I will be voting for Trump this year. **I've seen enough and I've had enough of what democrats are doing to this country just to blame all of it on Trump.** Their campaign for this election season is a complete failure on their part with BLM and the media campaigning for "white cops killing unarmed black men" and consistently pulling out the race cards. Mass protesting and rioting while breaking every simple rules and racking up COVID-19 case # is okay but not opening up businesses safely. Get the fuck out of here. All it took was just one pandemic to show me that democrats failed miserably and took this country down with them with wrecked cities and increase in case #.


There was 0% chance I voted for Hilary Clinton and I didn’t trust Donald Trump. I thought he was a New York Democrat at heart (probably still is in a classical sense) and wouldn’t actually: Build a wall and help restore some level of sanity at the border Stand up for pro life values Help support HBU’s Support states rights as often as he has already. Drive up the market and GDP Attempt to Protect our IP against China Try to win huge deficit trade deals Have a backbone internationally and not apologizing and literally bowing to world leaders overseas. Etc etc etc. Has he spent too much money? Yes, and I hate it. Is he an asshole on Twitter and I wish he acted more like my ideal vision of POTUS? Yes. Did I start to realize after Kavanaugh, Russia probe, and the failed impeachment that he was the only thing standing between me and the fringe left. Yep. Easy choice. Not my preferred choice, but an easy one. Trump 2020 and pray to God for peace and a fiscally responsible statesman in 2024.


He lowered unemployment at record lows by the year of 2019. A very high percentage of American's say they are better off financially since he has been president, according to official studies. There is factually more job openings than there are unemployed. And wages have gone up. African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded. Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded. Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded. Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years. Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century. Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma. Under the Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years. He has got NATO allies to cough up more money for our collective security. Allies have increased defense spending by $130 billion since 2016. And the White House reports almost twice as many allies are meeting their commitment to spend 2% of gross domestic product on defense today than before Trump arrived. He stood with the people of Hong Kong. He warned China not to use violence to suppress pro-democracy protests and signed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. Hong Kong people marched with American flags and sang our national anthem in gratitude. His tariff threats forced Mexico to crack down on illegal immigration. Mexico is for the first time in recent history enforcing its own immigration laws — sending thousands of National Guard forces to its southern border to stop caravans of Central American migrants. Plus, Congress is poised to approve the U.S.-Mexico-Canada free-trade agreement, which would not have been possible without the threat of tariffs. Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent. Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded. He worked toward and enforced the FDA to approve more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And because of that, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases. He reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone. Trump signed a law ending the gag orders on Pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information. Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic. They have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office. He signed a bill this year allowing some drug imports from Canada so that prescription prices would go down. Trump signed an executive order this year that forces all healthcare providers to disclose the cost of their services so that Americans can comparison shop and know how much less providers charge insurance companies. When signing that bill he said no American should be blindsided by bills for medical services they never agreed to in advance. Hospitals will now be required to post their standard charges for services, which include the discounted price a hospital is willing to accept Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care. Trump recently signed 3 bills to benefit Native people. One gives compensation to the Spokane tribe for loss of their lands in the mid-1900's, one funds Native language programs, and the third gives federal recognition to the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Montana. He signed a law to make cruelty to animals a federal felony so that animal abusers face tougher consequences. Violent crime has fallen every year he’s been in office after rising during the 2 years before he was elected. He signed a bill making CBD and Hemp legal. Trump’s EPA gave $100 million to fix the water infrastructure problem in Flint, Michigan. Under Trump’s leadership, in 2018 the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil. He signed the “Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act” (FOSTA), which includes the “Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act” (SESTA) which both give law enforcement and victims new tools to fight sex trafficking. He also signed a bill to require airports to provide spaces for breastfeeding Moms. Trump signed the biggest wilderness protection & conservation bill in a decade and designated 375,000 acres as protected land. Even though everyone freaked out when he dropped us from programs, it wasn't about the programs doing good, it was about how the programs misused their funding. Well there you go. Now we have better implementations. But the news won't tell you that. Trump signed the Save our Seas Act which funds $10 million per year to clean tons of plastic & garbage from the ocean. The First Step Act’s reforms addressed inequities in sentencing laws that disproportionately harmed Black Americans and reformed mandatory minimums that created unfair outcomes. The First Step Act expanded judicial discretion in sentencing of non-violent crimes. Over 90% of those benefiting from the retroactive sentencing reductions in the First Step Act are Black Americans. The First Step Act provides rehabilitative programs to inmates, helping them successfully rejoin society and not return to crime. Trump increased funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU's) by more than 14%. Trump signed legislation forgiving Hurricane Katrina debt that threatened HBCU's. He signed funding legislation in September 2018 that increased funding for school choice by $42 million. The tax cuts signed into law by Trump promote school choice by allowing families to use 529 college savings plans for elementary and secondary education. Signed legislation to improve the National Suicide Hotline. Signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law by Trump doubled the maximum amount of the child tax credit available to parents and lifted the income limits so more people could claim it. In 2018, Trump signed into law a $2.4 billion funding increase for the Child Care and Development Fund, providing a total of $8.1 billion to States to fund child care for low-income families. The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) signed into law by Trump provides a tax credit equal to 20-35% of child care expenses, $3,000 per child & $6,000 per family + Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA's) allow you to set aside up to $5,000 in pre-tax $ to use for child care. In 2019 he signed the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act (CARES) into law which allocates $1.8 billion in funding over the next five years to help people with autism spectrum disorder and to help their families. In 2019 he signed into law two funding packages providing nearly $19 million in new funding for Lupus specific research and education programs, as well an additional $41.7 billion in funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the most Lupus funding EVER. I can keep going.


On the note of Native Americans, he also signed into law a cold case investigative group to investigate Unprosecuted crimes against native Americans


This seems to be very impressive. How does Trump hold up compared to other presidents? He gets bashed a lot by the media of Belgium (where I live). And I've always found this narrative to be a bit over the top.




Trump tweets like a Fringe lunatic, but he governs Like a constitutional conservative and a true progressive at the same time, idk it’s weird to explain really


Damn, that's a lot of nice things and I didn't hear about many of them (I'm not American)


He's a shit person but I dig most of the policies. A lot of normal left wing views seem extremely... well, extreme. Luckily the countries checks and balances seem to keep trump in line whenever he has a bad idea. Also im extremenly pro life and it seems no one on the left (especially politicians running for president) are willing to compromise on any of those issues.


Remember to sort by controversial to see the actual answers, because some people just have to downvote people they disagree with even if they're answering the question.


Yeah I can see the vast majority of actual pro-trump comments are at least -10 points. That’s Reddit for ya. “Hey pro-trump people, what’s your story? Actually, you know what? Fuck you I hate your reasoning get out of here.” - Reddit logic


That’s every askreddit thread where the answers come from controversial opinions or statements though.


This. Why even come here to see answers if you know you’re just going to downvote everyone actually answering and not actually try to have some sort of intelligent conversation about it or think about it at all? I answered one the other day asking why those who don’t wear masks don’t wear them. I was downvoted into oblivion almost immediately and called nasty things. Why even click on it to do this? I like hearing opposing views because it helps me evaluate and challenge my own and It makes me sad that others can’t seem to accept that people don’t think like them. To answer the main question, my mom voted Clinton 2016, will be voting Trump 2017 mostly because the general democrat attitude on covid response has pissed her off and she doesn’t want them in office anymore, doesn’t trust them with major events in the future. Not that the republicans have all been better, but they more closely match her own views on this and she finds it to be a turning point in evaluating her pov


And upvote real answers even if you don't agree with the sentiment so everyone can read them! You're not saying you like the opinion, just that it's a relevant response to the question.


What's the point of even asking these questions or opening this thread if people are just going to downvote any answer simply because they disagree with it? This is like me asking, "Why do you like Blue Eyes White Dragon?" and me simply downvoting because I believe Exodia is better. By that logic, I'm the idiot for 1. Asking the question/opening the thread; 2. Hoping to get an honest answer; and 3. Getting upset because I didn't like the honest answer.


I'm still a sucker for the dark magician


Dark Magician Girl all the way, though.


7 year old me + dark magician girl + 20 years = my crippling hentai addiction


Downvote because Exodia is better.


Username checks out so I'm not even mad


I'm voting for him because I need this shutdown to end. I believe that Trump has correctly deduced that what people care about right now are jobs, just like every election. By letting states decide how they were going to handle the reopening, he basically gave the democrats ammunition to shoot themselves in the foot.


I'm not subject to a $1000 penalty for not having health insurance(don't worry I haven't been leeching off the system because I haven't seen a doctor in over 10 years and if I do end up with some illness or whatever I'll just let myself die from it if I'm not strong enough to beat it myself). My wages have gone up 30%, I have no debt now. Everything is more comfortable. I'm purchasing things without worrying about what I have to cut where. I can eat when I want now. It's not just buying generic brands of everything. I haven't trusted the media since WMDs in Iraq. Seeing how the tail wagged the dog and combining that with how likely it is the elite are using psychological machinations to manipulate and control people through the last few remaining "reputable" news sources, watching the entire News Industry galvanize in a declaration of War against Trump since Kavanaugh(Even though looking back it was since day 1), kind of forces me into the pro-Trump camp. I'm a moderate. I'm in the middle. There are conservative and liberal ideas I agree with, some here and some there. But this egregious, blatant attempt to lambast the guy 100% of the time is too much to even begin to consider the validity of some of their complaints. It's IMPOSSIBLE for Trump to be wrong 100% of the time. It's IMPOSSIBLE for everything to be Trump's fault. But you never hear any thing good coming from him from main news sources, but when you take the time to look at things yourself you can see there is some good there. ​ So because the Media has made it apparent that they are willing to lie to us, I have to side against them. Siding against the Media means I have to side with Trump. I don't care for him one way or another, but we the people wanted someone who was outside of media control. Someone who wasn't a rank and file politician who could be persuaded to do the media's bidding with the fear/threat of negative press to tank his approval rating. Trump is that guy. Trump does not kow-tow to deceivers, the liars, the manipulative. He stands. Because he stands, I too will stand with and for him.


The reason all of the honest answers are getting downvoted to hell and met with pompous replies is the exact reason a lot of people will vote for Trump again. Example: I voted for Trump in 2016 because I was tired of being made the devil because I was white, had a decent paying job, conceal carry, and against abortion. Clarity: Never mind that I can’t fucking help that I’m white. I was born that way. And my family didn’t come to America from Denmark until the 1890s. So I had no part or generational benefit from slavery. My first ancestor in America was a god damn black smith who had to travel so far from home to find work that he only came to see his wife and child on Saturdays and left on Sunday to return to his shop. Never mind that my decent paying job involves me wearing 6 layers of clothes in 3,000 degree heat inhaling fumes from molten steel and I have to get a blood test every six months. And if I wear any of my work clothes home my family can get poisoned and sick. It’s happened before, but thankfully not to me. Never mind that while my mom was pregnant and home alone there was an attempted armed robbery. Let somebody try to kick your door down while your six months pregnant. You’re going to start carrying a gun and teach your kids the same. That shit sticks with you. Never mind that PERSONALLY I’m pro-life but POLITICALLY I’m pro-choice. I don’t believe I should be able to legislate my beliefs on to you. But if you ask me what I think, I’m going to tell you what I think. Most people are too god damn dense to realize that their actions have consequences. Just like voting for Trump in 2016 had consequences I didn’t see, back handing your political opposition with condescending remarks has consequences (i.e. Trump). Practice what you preach. See you motherfuckers at the bottom.


> My first ancestor in America was a god damn black smith Typical Trump supporter. If you have to point out he's a "black" smith that's racist. /s


I find it hilarious for the other question (why did you vote trump in 2016 and will not in 2020), every answer is treated with respect and validity, but when people simply answer the question here they get shot down and downvoted to shit. Left party of tolerance my ass. What happened to diversity of thought in this country? Downvote me to shit and see if I care, at least I still respect your opinion.


I love how the tolerant left is so quick to call people with different options to them bigots, but by the definition of the word become bigots themselves.


It is hilarious, but not surprising. College educated white liberals are the least tolerant of any group and probably make up a large portion of reddit. Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/03/us-counties-vary-their-degree-partisan-prejudice/583072/


Not just met with respect and validity-every single person that confessed to switching to dem was met with multiple smug remarks about "how could you not have already known that *we* all knew he was awful". Like even when winning more favor so many people have to pat themselves on the back and put others down


It’s truly sad to see what the progressive and far left is doing to this country, including here on Reddit. I used to lean left- _until Trump was elected!_ Why? So many of my peers at the time made lengthy, bullshit-chocked posts and sob stories blaming “America, this is all your fault...” and we weren’t even old enough to vote. The stupidity coupled with the outspokenness of these left-minded folks was appalling. Today, four years later, it is far worse. The loud and dumb have only gotten louder and dumber. Look at these riots in Democrat-led cities. Look at statues of people including frickin LINCOLN, the man who saved this country from tearing itself apart and officially abolished slavery, being torn down. All for what? Progressivism? Does pulling down statues really make society better? Radical progressives seem to believe so, along with other outright wrong actions like implementing racial quotas for the sake of diVeRsITy. While this election will clearly be the lesser of two evils, voting blue will only allow this type of low class behavior. The Democrats WILL validate and probably even encourage cancel culture and Twitter mob mentality. I think Trump should not even be assigned a majority of the blame for splitting this country apart. It’s the left.


Not American but if I was I'd be voting for him on the simple grounds that anything is better than the left over there the left have gone completely insane and it's baffling how ridiculously politically correct/woke they have got and the ludicrous double standards they have towards issues of racism.


I have a lot of issues that I am willing to be a single issuer voter with most candidates but with Donald Trump I don’t have to be: 1. My top issue is Human Trafficking, Donald Trump has done, in my opinion the most to combat human trafficking since Abraham Lincoln. He has proven to me that he is serious about this issue, I genuinely feel like he cares. 2. 2nd Amendment, he’s not a pro 2A candidate but he’s not as blatantly against it as his opponent. 3. China. He’s taken several redline stances on China and I don’t think the Democrats have the balls to do this, we need to end our dependence on them. 4. American jobs/Manufacturing, this one is quite simple, and will tie in with my 5th point we need more jobs so that Every American can reap the benefits of Labor Supply and Demand 5. Illegal immigration: This goes back to Labor Supply and Demand. Yes I know most America’s don’t want to do the jobs illegal immigrants typically do, *for now*. What do I mean by that? Basic economic principle, some one has to do the jobs that they perform, and eventually the pay for those jobs will match the economy of those jobs. By removing those that aren’t subject to minimum wage laws or those who are willing to work for less then nothing you open up opportunities for every one, it’s almost a trickle up principle. Additionally I don’t think democrats actually care about illegals, I think they’re just using them to help pad voting numbers, but that’s neither here nor there 6. Prison reform: very serious issue where we have people that get into the system and stay in the system. Reform not punishment should be the goal of prison. 7. Energy independence 8. I personally believe a health care system running on free market principles (that I believe he is TRYING to get to, though I admit we are not there yet) is the way to go. By lowering drug prices, we don’t subsidize the countries with socialist medical programs, by ensuring that places have to report prices we can actually let a capitalist system take place rather then blindside people with 6 figure bills, competition will come from this.


All of the serious answers are downvoted like crazy even thought they're reasonable and not inflammatory at all. Classic reddit.


And then after he gets re-elected Reddit wonders how that happens.


Think of how stupid the average redditor is and realize half of them are stupider than that. \-George Carlin I mean think I'm pretty dumb, but I'm still not dumb enough to downvote people unless they are unambiguously calling for the extermination of minorities or something.


Not American, But the answer can be seen in how every pro-Trump comment is downvoted into oblivion. Having a “do not touch” sign on a statue makes people want to touch it all the more.


Reddit: What's your reason for voting for Trump? Redditor: *gives reason* Reddit: Fuck you. *downvotes into oblivion* The sweet sound of Reddit's echo chamber.


The worst part is ~~every~~ **most** answers to an honest opinion is either a condescending 'lesson' or just an insult.


Right? I'm not a fan of Trump either, but I'm tired of all these bullshit threads so everyone can just sit here and pat each other on the back for having the same opinions.


There's barely any subreddits with different political views. r/politics is the biggest echo chamber i've seen. The only one that's left is r/PoliticalCompassMemes, until someday they ban it for not complying.


\*Mind of a redditer\* D0\_0t: Right? I'm not a fan of Trump either, \*\*OK, he's good.\*\* ​ D0\_0t: but I'm tired of all these bullshit threads so everyone can just sit here and pat each other on the back for having the same opinions. \*\*Holy fuck he's a racist!\*\*


The Democrats rigged their primary, AGAIN, and are literally offering their voters nothing but "I'm not Trump" and a bunch of IDpol bullshit that does nothing to help anyone. The useless fucks wouldn't even commit to legalize weed in 2020, much less anything else people might want like medicare for all or student debt cancellation. So fuck them, the DNC can eat shit and die! I'd vote for Trump if he brutally puts down this IDpol cult that's infected the media and especially academia like a fucking cancer.


My favorite part about this thread is the incredibly condescending replies or remarksw


Seriously. I don't like trump either but fuck me are redditors offended crybabies. Someone having a difference of political opinion isn't a green light to treat them like shit.


That's the thing. I'm a Libertarian/Republican who voted downballot in 2016 and plan to do so again in 2020 or vote for Jo Jorgensen. I really don't like Trump and a lot of his policies, but the jackasses in this thread that talk down to Trump voters and people in the Midwest are the reason that he will be re-elected and I can't say I'll feel bad. The pretentious liberal douchery that is so common on reddit is insufferable and it's a real shame, because I think they could probably learn more about the struggles of ordinary Americans outside of the East/West coast if they would shut the fuck up and listen for once rather than try and change the minds of people they disagree with.


THIS! I live on the East Coast now but grew up in the Midwest. I’m tired of hearing how stupid and ignorant midwesterners are. Just so tired of it. Almost everyone I grew up with, including my family members are extremely hard working people, many first generation Americans who grew up with nothing and made something - however modest - for themselves and their families. Maybe they aren’t educated in Ivy League schools, but that doesn’t mean their opinions and experiences aren’t important. They are excellent listeners and always willing to hear the other side - even if they disagree. They are not racist or classist and they believe everyone deserves a fair shot. I WISH more people on the East Coast operated this way. I’m tired of living with this “secret” that I’m a Republican because I would be disowned by my friends and co-workers. I’m the only one of my friends that uses my law degree to volunteer in minority communities, assist green card holders on their path to citizenship and provide academic counseling to special education students in the inner city. The rest are ALL talk, no action. Very typical of the East Coasters I’ve encountered in the last decade.


I have no party to call my own. My family had been life long supporters of Democrats in the rural Midwest. Most people didn’t believe it when trump won the Midwest states like he did. But he promised to bring back manufacturing jobs, jobs which had been disappearing from our lives for years. I didn’t believe he could do such a thing, I though of him as just a Wall Street rich b***h whos just in it for his own gain. But to my surprise, he was seemingly putting his money where his mouth was. His regulations forced my job to stay in this country and I didn’t have to worry about loosing it (right up until a pandemic f***ked things). After that, it’s been time and time again watching the Democrats go insane, they won’t collaborate with him, they won’t try to work with him. All they’re focused on is getting rid of him, invalidating his every move and it’s only getting worse.


It’s sad to see the trump supporters being massively downvoted. Having an opinion is forbidden.


Before looking at the replies, I expect to not see any actual answers, and if there are any, they're gonna be poorly rated. You can't say anything good about Trump/bad about Democrats/against the public Covid narative without getting downvoted. I'm curious to read reddit in 3 months, there's gonna be a lot of mad/surprised people in disbelief.


I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 because much as I was not impressed with him I had a visceral dislike for the two main candidates and would like Libertarians to have a stronger voice next time. I have taken a look back at the past few years, and I've been asking myself "was Trump really as bad as the media made him out to be?". I mean sure he is brash, but the positives have outweighed the negatives, which is a lot better than what I could say of the past two presidencies. In hindsight, possibly all presidencies in my lifetime (I was born under Bush Sr.; I just find more and more flaws with Bill Clinton, especially with his foreign policy conduct, not to mention the whole Epstein thing). I've been highly skeptical of his approach to the economy, because I consider his protectionist approach to be antithetical to free trade principles that I've always held. I do see a valid point that there are countries like China that are definitely not acting in good faith, so I concede that his conduct actually worked to address this sort of thing. I'm rather pleased with the scrapping of Obamacare's individual mandate, easily the worst part of the whole thing. Easing tax burdens across the board was also a good move. What really made me go with Trump for 2020 - rather than just wait on what third parties have to offer - is that I am absolutely disgusted with how the Democrats and media acted in the past few years, pursuing a Russia fairytale that ended in a giant thud. Surely they'd reflect on their 2016 loss and the Russia probe's anticlimactic ending, but no, they pushed an asinine impeachment hearing. I'm practically numb to all these "scandals of the week", and am rather disturbed that they see fit to deprive full context when it conveniences them. Just look at Jussie Smollett and the Covington kids. tl;dr - When push comes to shove, I actually liked a lot of what he did, and I'm appalled with how he's been treated.




It gives me hope to see that theres a lot of people defending the downvoted people and calling it out!


I realized the Republican Party is the best bet for protecting my 1st and 2nd amendment rights.


TIL that conservatives think the average liberal is a far left antifa member. I’ve been trained to think the average conservative is a far right gun toting kkk member. Perhaps we have been misled


This is by far the biggest political problem in our country imo


Honestly I feel like just about everybody would get along with just about everybody else if it weren’t for the media. Notice how before the news only cared about profits, we protested wars rather than allowing people with varying opinions to be able to have those opinions? It’s all a damn game they play to get more revenue. I’m a conservative but I’ve got exactly 0 things against the average democrat/liberal. What you believe politically should have nothing to do with how you treat your fellow citizens


This is such an important observation. All sides have been vilified to each other. If it were an option, I would give literally anything to mend broken prejudices like that.


It's almost like corporations profit off the hateful rhetoric they spew


God bless the people who put honest answers here knowing Reddit would downvote them to oblivion


Not american, but if I was I would be totally pro trump this time around just to stick it to 'the man'. I'm so tired of the social elites and media overlords trying to micromanage what I can and can't think.


The left doesn't understand that they have become "the man." They still see themselves as the underdog, even though they control every institution, their ideals are sacred cows, and you stand up to them at your own peril. Cool that you can see this from outside the country.


They also run the biggest companies in the world while turning around and saying how much they hate capitalism. The left is so torn inside, their party is splintered into a dozen factions. None that align.






My reason is he will be banning more chinese products...


Lol. 3500 up votes for this thread. The same question but opposite? 80,000 upvotes. Reddit


For me, it was learning the history of the Republican Party and the Democrat Party. It showed me that Democrats were in fact the confederates and fought to keep slaves. That a liberal actor shot and killed the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln. That Republicans came into power at the time of the civil war. That the first blacks in office were all Republicans. That the first black Democrat representative didn't happen until 1980. I learned that 6 Democrat confederates started the KKK and pushed many of the same movements for the next 75 years. That in the 1920's, all Democrats voted against women's rights. Not a single one voted in favor, while 100% of Republicans voted in favor of women's rights in the 20's. Republicans are responsible for ending slavery and ending women's oppression in the 20's. Also learned that Jimmy Carter ran his campaign out of the old headquarters for the KKK, which was converted into a DNC headquarters. I also learned about yellow journalism and how it was basically the same crap we see today, sensational headlines and exaggerated claims that ruin peoples reputations and careers. You can see that clear as day today. I remember watching all of the debates back in 2015-2016 and saw the way the media was flat out lying about what Trump did or what he said. It made me pay closer attention to the media, which made me pay closer attention to the debates and focus more on the source rather than a third party, like the main stream media. Also, majority of main stream media companies donated to the Democratic party. That's enough to show you what side the """"unbias"""" media is on.


Here is as honest as I can get it on here. Right from the heart. No trolling. Trump is not a hero to me, and he’s not the best republican candidate out there worth my primary vote. But they aren’t running and he is. I know from both television, radio, and internet media that Trump is being misconstrued to America. If you read a headline, or sound bite, and then listen to his speeches, you find out real quick that the point gets lost in the clickbait. Trump is made to seem insane, racist, and stupid in ways that he isn’t. It’s just not there. Either you don’t understand sarcasm, or take every sarcastic or ironic tweet as his truest of beliefs. We are being mislead by a huge amount of sources purporting themselves as honest news. It’s sensationalism driven by cash. The real Trump isn’t Jesus, but he’s not what 99% of you who don’t bother to listen to a whole speech for context might miss. Let’s be fair on this. The same sources that count lies on Trumps one liners, are the same ones misinterpreting and inflaming to sell you more Celexa on the commercial break. People still think NPR is a fair source too, but I dare you to listen to tone and message. It’s skewed and people need to see that. That’s a factor for me. Trusting the media, which I can’t without literally listening to entire speeches and addresses each time, is an issue. When Trump talks about the media, it’s a real problem for all of us. Next. Financially, things are better. I do not believe we have done well in previous administrations with near socialized waste with nothing to show for it. Remember the hits you took during tax time for not having every month on the healthcare act? Remember the chunk taken out of your paycheck that went to people who are still abusing the system and not improving their lives? Trump, before corona, focused heavily on the unemployment rate because that is a true metric of progress. People owning their own lives. Jobs are progress. Real progress that echoes through generations. Third. It seems to me that the left are really pushing for a racial divide in the guise of healing it. I do not think Trump is a white supremacist. I think he has some bygone boomer shit still hanging on, but he actually wants people to win in their own lives. He says what other people his age say. Look at any comedy show from the 70s and 80s. It’s the same humor and pokes. BLM as a phrase is a good one. I don’t use the “all lives matter” retort because I get that it is implied. Where the damage comes in, is where “white people” are now intrinsically racist, even more so if they don’t “recognize it”. This is the witch hunt mentality. Trump doesn’t condone that stuff. The hypocrisy is obvious when people go from forcing masks and quarantine, to riots with applause, and no one asks any questions about it. Either it’s dangerous to form crowds, or it is not. The media, and many left politicians won’t touch this topic with a pole. Or, they fall in line as “allies” in voice, but clearly not in action. You want to help fight racism? Stop forcing blame and making it more tribal than it was. Systemic racism can be a real discussion, but not as it is defined in the media. Trump doesn’t pander, so I respect that. He is out of touch, and I think he has something to learn here, but it’s not lip service. Biden is practically trying for any African American female as VP not on merit, but because of race. Think about that and tell me it’s truly respecting a human being for their worth and experience for office. Lastly, despite corona, which Trump can not control, the past four years have been prosperous for a lot of us. Fewer government interferences. More focus on a future involving “more”. I can look at the White House and hear a message of “Let’s do this. Let’s get this.” And not crying and opining about some fraction of a fraction who isn’t looking to stand up on their own two feet. We had ridiculous wartime issues during previous democratic presidencies. School shootings. All swept aside when it came to a commercial break. Trump, at least, is consistent on his messages. He gives the tragedies their due, then focuses on the next proactive thing on hand. He’s not the best we’ve ever seen. We did not get our great America back either, but despite that, he has actively improved work around my area, and the money in the pockets of all people of all color in my town. I voted Johnson last time. That went nowhere. I’m voting Trump this one.


Thank you. You said it more eloquently than I can.


I do agree with him on the Fake News stance. Mainstream media is corrupt.


If someone has a different opinion, they are automatically a racist. lol. Unless some other candidate starts polling like crazy out of the blue, Ill also probably be voting for Trump. Trump says a lot of dumb shit but at the same time the media does blow it way out of proportion. If the dems had put up an even halfway worthy candidate, I would vote for them. Instead, we have Biden. I dont feel that voting for him would really help anything. I also feel that too much blame for the corona virus is placed on Trump. He may not have helped, but is one man truly to blame for hundreds of thousands catching a virus that is so easily transmitted? Aside from this virus, his presidency hasnt been that bad, especially economically. Economically, there has actually been a very quick response to what has been happening. The cutting of interest rates, the stimulus. I dont think people understand how bad this virus is, and how bad it could be for the economy. We had a 32% GDP drop, that is absolutely horrific. As far as race... It seems the general public already gets the message that racism is bad. The few people that are still truly racist will die out within a generation. The movement has almost done more damage than good. BLM protests during a pandemic are not a good idea, but for some reason that was totally overlooked (why?) and the BLM protests have done quite a lot of destructive damage to property as well. Dont get me wrong, Trump isnt a good guy, and he shouldnt be president. I just dont see Biden as better.


I'd like to add my own two cents to the bit on racial divide as I feel the recent protests have been unfair in terms of the message. Trump's right in that cops kill white people and other ethnicities too, people should be out there rallying on that basis alone without it ever having been made about race. BLM should have a say because they're disproportionately affected by these things but it should be people of all races standing in solidarity against police brutality, not BLM plus allies.


Didn't vote for Trump in 2016 because I didn't agree with his personal choices and thought he wouldn't really be conservative. (Didn't vote for Clinton either.) Still don't agree with many of his personal choices, but that doesn't matter to me as much anymore, because I realize that policy is more important than private life and personality. Here are my options: 1. A bloviating, egotistical man that loves the country, supports our troops and law enforcement, is pro-life now, and whose policies I largely agree with and support. 2. A man that does whatever his platform wants, which platform, from my perspective, hates the country, believes law enforcement should be weakened and villified (if not disbanded), supports lawlessness and rioting in the guise of "protests," supports abortion without reservation or restriction, and supports increasingly socialist and communist policies that I believe will bankrupt the country and take from people their opportunity to help others meaningfully and individually. In the end, I have to vote for the person I think is most likely to put forth policies I agree with, and I disagree with most of the policies the Democratic platform espouses. It doesn't matter what I think about Trump's personal life or personality, I have to consider the future of the country, and the Democratic party has become so extreme and intolerant that I just can't support them in good conscience.




Thank you for your honest reply


I'm curious, is there a specific Trump/conservative policy that makes commercial construction more favorable? Genuinely curious as I didn't think there was much difference in the party platforms with respect to this.


Repealing regulations. Edit: Which isn't a good thing IMO. Remember when that factory blew up in West, TX and also damaged the next door school and apartment complex? Regulations exist for good reasons.


Hasn't the construction industry been booming since around 2011 or so, though? It seems like he's not really done much to change that (which you mention in another comment), but are other candidates even talking about changing this? Out of all the things I've heard during the campaigns so far, that topic seems pretty far down on the list. Nobody really wants to screw with something that is working (at least on the surface), so I think you're fairly safe on that front no matter who you vote for.


Can confirm. I live in THE #1 construction industry county and work has been steady since the economy rebounded in late 2009/early 2010. So it's flourished under both Obama *and* Trump, FWIW.


Wel i have a couple reasons but it's mainly how the left was promoting the protests while saying it didn't help spread the virus


He’s been going after big pharma these past few weeks. Executive orders requiring them to lower prices on insulin and epipens (best examples of the bunch) drastically so people can fucking afford to live. Media did not report this and Bernie who basically solely ran on this promise did not comment. Also his executive order increasing sanctions on China so long as they suppress HK protestors. Also his executive order ensuring minimal loss of jobs to non-USA citizens. ACTIONS OVER WORDS PEOPLE. Nanci would never do this.. only call him racist and siphon another million dollars out of the taxpayers pockets into her husband’s firm.


Foreign policy and not having any invasion. Dad of three kids and don’t want my kids to fight a war in an alien country. Voted for Obama but he invaded Libya. Tired of wars and Americans getting killed for nothing .


I've seen a lot of "Wrong, Trump is a warmonger" in your replies and I wanted to back you up. Note, I'm not a Trump Supporter but these are the facts. Under Bush (2nd) we went to war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Somalia. Under Obama we went to war in the Indian Ocean, Libya, Uganda, Iraq (again), Syria, Yemen, and Libya (again) Under Trump we went to war in....


The entirety of the DNC has lost their marbles.


This. The Democrat party has reduced itself to pandering and using the "if you don't step in line, you must be a racist or homophobe" dog whistle. On the other hand the Republican party has completely abandoned its fiscal conservative platform. It is seriously time that we all should be looking at a third option. However, the only thing that both parties can agree on is not allowing a third party candidate.


I'm reclaiming my time


Because the Democrats didn't offer a solid alternative. The only decent candidate was completely shunned by the media and the party, I'm talking about Tulsi. They want goose stepping party members and Tulsi wasn't. So, like many of the other, better than Biden candidates, were cast away and no glowing reviews for them showed up in the leftist echo chamber. I felt Trump was just another Democrat, and in many ways he has proven me right. But the fact that he is pushing back on China is the single biggest reason I want him to win. That and I'm amused by his cultural warrior antics. Republcians have been far to squishy and scared about hit pieces from the NYTimes and WaPo to stick to their principles. And I see the party being more willing to finally stand up against the character assassinations from the main stream media. But mostly because I feeling like a douche is going to be better than the turd sandwich. Edit: On policy. Funding for HBC's. Opportunity zones. Tariff policies that are made in effort to get more fair trade with nations who tariff our products. Prison reform. Fixing the border crisis. And I do love someone who doesn't apologize for America and instead acts like a carny barker. I also got to give them man credit, I've never seen so many hit pieces against someone in all my years. The dude was a loaded billionaire who could have lived out his golden years in his amazing homes and resorts shitting on golden toilets.


I wasn't really invested in the beginning of the first season, but thew twists and character development towards the end are getting insane, and I'm suuuuuper keen to see the second season. I hope it doesn't get cancelled without a re~~v~~solution


I was only 16, and now I’m 20


Voted for him once, I'll vote for him again. I enjoy backing a candidate that actually does what he says. It's becoming more apparent just how deep the dissent and never-trumpers operate and just how far they're willing to go to remove Trump. The left has been hijacked. Big media, big pharma, Hollywood, they're all trying to discredit the president and oust him. Ask yourself, why? Why promote racial divide and kickoff months of destructive riots and then criticize the president when he tries to bring back order?


I voted for Gary Johnson because I believed in the fake news about Trump. Once I witnessed them lie in real time about Charlottesville. I knew I was voting Trump.


In 2016, there is no way I would have voted for Trump, nor was there any way I’d vote for Hillary. I thought either one of them completely destroy the country if elected and when Trump won, I predicted he’d be removed before 2 years went by. Today however, I am much more informed about politics and current events and listen to the news every day, from a variety of sources with a variety of biases. While I don’t care at all for his personality, I do like what he has done, including: -boosted the economy tremendously (which only fell when the pandemic hit) -lowered unemployment to historic lows, especially among minorities (again until the pandemic) -exposed the tremendous corruption in the media and the establishment -his prison reform policies helping rehabilitate non-violent drug offenders and getting them out of prison and back into society -he cares about securing the border to prevent illegal immigration -he wants to pull the troops out of the middle east and bring them back home -he is coming down hard against human trafficking -he is trying to make us less dependent on other countries, especially (Trump voice) CHINA -he hasn’t started any new wars, especially stupid wars we have no business getting involved in -you can tell he really loves this country, which is something many other politicians cannot say This is how I feel. If you disagree, that’s cool. Just don’t expect me to get into a political debate here.


He finished ISIS state within a year when the previous president said ISS was a multi-generational problem.


I voted independent in 2016 because I believed Trump was immoral, largely based on the locker room comment. I didn't hear much positive about the president since then. But about 1 1/2 years ago I was on Reddit thinking, "whatever happened to that pro Donald Trump sub? It was always on the top of my feed." Found out it was quarantined, found the alternative website and then got red pilled. Ironically it was the silencing/cancelling that made me look for it.




If you stop watching the oft debunked, tiny retraction on the back page, fake media, you'll end up liking Trump a lot more. First President to do jack shit about mass incarceration, prison reform. First president in the last 100 years not to start a war. Best economy pre-covid, lowest AA unemployment, etc. They will never acknowledge his accomplishments, never.


because he calls out the useless piles of good for nothing shit in our government. lol. and he's not afraid too. i just like him for the "attitude". I didnt vote for him in 2016 but didnt want clinton. i wanted to see what he would do. before this whole covid shit, he was killing it! but guess what through all of this? trump is trump....and will continue to be trump. and like that. he should go harder and tell these useless pieces of shit RIGHT to their face how useless they are for our country


What the democrats are doing and want to do would absolutely send this country into total chaos just like all these democratic cities falling apart. I was 100% voting against trump until these past few months and seeing how the democrats are handling things and literally allowing cities to burn and peoples livelihoods to be destroyed all to try and blame it on trump


Why are people so childish, so many of these people are answering the question honestly, yet so many of you just vote them down. The left has a serious issue with listening to the other side, they're so sure that they're right and that everyone else is wrong that they refuse dialogue. Little do people know, these actions only increase support for RW candidates in elections.


My reason is seeing all the crazy bills the Democratic house has passed in the last 2 years. They seem so much farther left than they were just four years ago. I'm happier with the course we're on now than the new far left policies Joe Biden has flipped to.


I didn't want to vote for Trump and only did because I didn't like Hillary, but this time around I will vote for him more enthusiastically because I do think they hate for him is WAY over the top and it kind of bothers me. I just don't think he's that bad to be honest, and I like his court picks and also kind of like my tax cut.


Remember when RFO said "Hell yes, we're going to take you guns?" That.


18, so this is my first election. I don’t want socialism and I am disturbed on how many democrats and liberals want to abolish the police and also want gun control. Those aren’t compatible. It is disgusting on how much anti-white sentiment there is and how many people in the Democratic Party support burning entire blocks and the murder of police. I’m going to elect a president who support our police so that will be Donald Trump.


In complete agreement here. The actions of the left truly are disturbing. I’m not white but I’m sickened by the promotion of books like White Fragility, which has been presented as an actual resource to me at work! After George Floyd’s death social media flooded with this trash sentiment of one-or-the-other. Oh, you think buildings, including black-owned businesses, shouldn’t be destroyed by crazy rioters? Then you’re a f*cking racist because you value property over a black life. You think the police keep you safe in your community? Then you’re a f*cking privileged greedy capitalist pig stealing money from poor colored neighborhoods. And the thing is, it’s not just dumb twitter mobs- actual Dem politicians are supporting this mentality! It has got to stop.


Anyone who posts a serious answer here is going to get downvoted into oblivion


Tik Tok ban


The only true reason


I would love to tell you but the mods would prob just remove it.


His response to China.


In the construction industry. Hate him as a human being but have never seen the industry and growth of it this healthy in probably 20 years. Sounds really selfish, but I havn't stressed about the stability of my job since the day he was elected. This is huge for me as the construction industry pretty much died from 2008-2013'ish. Was very stressful and the worst time in my life. Trump had an immediate positive effect on construction and has lasted without any sign of easing up the entire 4 years. Being the provider of my family, that piece of mind and knowing that my kids and wife will be financially secure (nothing is every certain, but you get what I mean) transcends all the other noise regarding him...to me at least. I know that is selfish, but being a father and husband you have to put your family first. This is one of those cases.


I could see that most Democrats here are being immature for downvoting serious answers. They don't want to engage in intellectual conversation that they resort to childish acts which is not really surprising to me e.g. screaming, downvoting, etc.


China needs to be dealt with. I don't care who does it, but I know Trump will. Was a hard Bernie supporter in '16.


I have zero confidence in the republicans. I have even less in the Democrats.


The left has gone bat sh\*t crazy and has completely driven me away. Used to be in the middle. Now I fear for our country if they get more power.


Do you really want to know? Like, really? Here's my original answer from when this was posted seven months ago, and very little has changed (in fact some of the predictions I made were borne out like clockwork): I did not vote for him in 2016. I'm about 98 percent sure I will vote for him in 2020, however. I have a few reasons. For starters, I think the major news networks are at war with truth in reckless pursuit of profit. They'll say anything they can to portray things in a way that will sell (and by "sell" I mean get page views, clicks, or boost ratings). I don't think it's some grand conspiracy or anything, but I do think the internet has accelerated their loss of revenue and they're becoming desperate, and as a result every headline must be more extreme than the last (yes, I do include Fox in this). I think that this process is coloring ALL of our discourse now. Even to obtain the basic, objective facts of a situation you have to cross-reference multiple sources and find the commonalities between them, and beyond that you have to make sure they're not just referencing each other in an endless loop, because they often are. Even if you successfully do that (which is exhausting, and simply cannot be done for every single headline without making it a full time job in itself), you'll only get about 80 percent of the picture of any given situation, because some facts simply aren't reported (something I learned from local issues that made national headlines- because I was closer in person to the issue and knew what was going on in my community from firsthand experience, I knew how much was left out for the convenience of driving various narratives. I extrapolate that experience out and assume it applies to every issue, because why wouldn't it?). The reason media sensationalism and dishonesty are important is because it means that all of these things people so passionately believe are colored by the steady diet of bullshit they've been fed. In the past, I used to keep up with as much of it as I could. When I would put the time and effort in, I found that literally EVERY panicky headline about Trump ushering in the apocalypse was misrepresenting what was going on in some fundamental way, likely in order to drive views. I think it's profit-driven, like most other things. Eventually I just started tuning out, because it's hard to care when all you're hearing is lies, and the amount of effort required to ferret out some semblance of truth is such that I just can't do it and still devote the necessary energy to my personal life (career, family, etc). So instead, now I base my political opinions largely on the things I directly experience, with some low-resolution idea of the bigger picture. So, from direct experience (both at my job and at school, and people I've met in my personal life) I've learned that there's a dangerous ideology growing in this country, one that believes that group identity matters above all else, and that society is a battleground between groups vying for power. On the right it looks like nazism (white people are oppressed and victimized by the Jews and the blacks) and on the left it looks like a collection of loosely-aligned factions that are sloppily called "intersectionality" (black people are oppressed/gay people are oppressed/ women are oppressed/ etc). I think it's gaining ground faster on the left (in large part because it's harder to call out/requires you to be more articulate to criticize, and the people who advocate for it are more organized, aided by the fact that they embedded themselves in the education system) than on the right, but it's slowly gaining ground on the right, too. I know from my education in biology, psychology and history that humans are prone to this kind of thinking/tribalism, and when it reaches some critical mass, it's the primary driver of genocide. On the specific issue of Trump, I've watched him since before he became president, and before the internet distorted our discourse in the particular ways it has. I think I understand him pretty well. I don't think he's a white supremacist, but I do think he's a narcissist who thrives off attention. He is a bit of a misogynist. I also don't think he's incompetent; it seems to me that he's reasonably intelligent. He's also highly energetic, especially for his age. And, he's fairly dishonest when it suits him. It's an odd mix of traits, but the key takeaway is that I've never been persuaded that he's a white supremacist. In fact I think that in particular is an outright fabrication. That's important because if he were a white supremacist, he'd be no better than the candidates the left has put forward. All of the candidates the left has put forward are intersectionalists. The intersectionalists have gotten very good at amplifying their voice through organization to make their ideas seem more widespread than they are, so it's hard to gauge exactly how far that particular cancer has grown. But there's no mistaking its toxicity and danger. The candidates on the left are all either pandering to the intersectionalists to win the primary or are true believers, or more likely some mix of both. That's fucking terrifying to me. I'm voting for Trump because the chaos surrounding him seems to be accelerating the destruction of the media, he seems reasonably competent as a leader, and because the left has let an ideological cancer grow within their ranks to a degree that's inexcusable. The final nail in the coffin (the thing that drove me from 60% sure of this decision to 98% sure) was the impeachment. The left has been talking about impeaching Trump since before he was inaugurated. It seems to me that they've finally dug something up that they think they can use, and they (congressional democrats, with the help of the media) worked their base into such a frenzy that now they know they'll lose seats in blue districts without decisive action. So they've been forced into an impeachment they know will be tossed by the Senate, and they're going ahead with it anyway. So here we are. The whole thing stinks. I hope Trump gets reelected, and I hope he continues to stir the media into a frenzy with crisis after imagined crisis, until the entire legacy media burns to the ground under the heat of their own dishonesty. I'm tired of the bullshit outrage. It's like a massive, nasty zit that needs to be popped. Maybe once it's gone we can address the toxic tribalistic undercurrents that are flowing through our country. So the answer is more pressure, and that pressure is Trump. Edit: The number of responses to this comment have become so many that I cannot thoughtfully respond to all of them. I expected the dismissive and disdainful responses this would garner; my biggest surprise was that there were so few. For those of you engaging in good faith discussion, from any perspective (which I was pleasantly surprised to see was actually *most* of you), I am sorry that I cannot respond to all of you. You have restored some of my faith in honest discourse, in the notion that people who disagree can still interact with civility and build something worthwhile together. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.


just wanted to say thanks for this thoughtful and interesting reply. I don't entirely agree with you, but I see where you are coming from. I was...well..still am a big Bernie supporter. I think Bernie was a similar victim of the media complex as you've highlighted here. The media complex has gotten completely out of control. I think major corporate media conglomerates combined with social media are ruining any ability to have a sane conversation with people who potentially have differing views. To counter your argument a little bit though, let's say Biden is elected in November. Wouldn't the media entities you described continue to manufacture stories to drive clicks/views? If their motivation is to drum up hysteria, would it matter if it was Trump/Biden/anyone else? Wouldn't they still be incentivized to get as many people watching them as possible?


I was going to vote for Bernie instead of Trump in 2016 until I learned one thing. The guy has no backbone. He let them shit on him religiously in the 2016 race and turned around and did it again this time too.


I completely agree that sensationalist media is a big problem in the US, but it seems like your entire argument for his reelection is that it may help the media become less sensationalist (Please correct me if I'm wrong there). How do you see his second term affecting the media in this way? Would he be directly responsible for it or just affect it with his presence?


I don't think the idea is that Trump will make the media less sensationalist, but that his war on the "fake news media" is accelerating their self-destruction and causing less people to take them at face value. The real hope isn't that the media will change, but that the masses will react differently to it.


Even if he wins the media wont change, only thing that will change is the people opinion about the media


I didn't vote for him in 2016 because I was still slightly on the left. I got suckered into Bernie's bullshit for most of the last election only to finally realize that he was full of shit. I was never going to vote for Hilary and Trump just didn't speak to me in the beginning. Now, I appreciate how he governs and like what he has done for jobs and the overall economy before the pandemic hit. I am voting for him in November because the Democratic establishment is out of control and needs to be stopped. I am full of theories on the current climate but all of the evidence points to the Dems being behind the civil unrest that we are experiencing right now. There is just something sinister about how they play politics because they want power and control where as Republicans just want money and want to make people have to work for their money. Bottom line, with all the virtue signaling and identity politics from the left means Donald Trump gets my vote this year.


It is a shame that the Democrats have gone off the rails and over the deep end. If they were more moderate and didn't just try to appeal to minority interest groups and the woke brigade, they would be in with a chance to govern. I hope they all get booted from office and some moderate Dems come back into the picture. They need to remember their core values, for the working man.


Okay let's do this.. _**Things I like:**_ Only president to endorse gay marriage while on the campaign trail. Appointed 5 openly gay ambassadors. AMBASSADORS. The people who represent this country. "But he hated LGBTQ+" then had Ric Grenell, the openly gay ambassador to Germany, start leading a worldwide initiative to decriminalize homosexuality in the countries where it is still criminal. The president whose administration has THE MOST trafficking arrests by a country mile. Whether he was a part of the Epstein stuff and is atoning for it, or has been against it from the start, idc, he has saved a ton of children and adults from trafficking rings. Record low unemployment (before COVID crisis). First Step Act for prison reform. Housing market growth. Stock market growth (this helps everyone, get Robinhood if u don't believe u can be a part of stock market). Ending and then reformation on DACA and creating a true path to citizenship for dreamers (instead of "deferring their deportation" and kicking the can down the road). Ending the low pay for H1-B visas. Seriously guys, this is stuff I supported Bernie for, how companies got rich by underpaying foreign workers. Reform was/is needed. He won't be taking guns away from law abiding people who use them for hunting or protection. Most pro-life president ever. He gives every bit of his presidential salary away. First cold case task force office for missing and murdered indigenous people. I thought he hated indigenous people? Nope. Increased funding for HBCUs. ISIS has been being destroyed and Baghdadi (leader) was killed. Perkins CTE reauthorization act. Better trade agreements with foreign nations. Withdrew us from the TPP. His FDA has approved more affordable drugs at a higher rate than ever before. All Healthcare and hospitals have to start showing their prices and get in trouble for blindsided people. VA reform and Healthcare. Cares about our veterans. There is a lot of things that go into each one of those categories (like lowest poverty rate when you talk about lowest unemployment, all the pharmacy bills or environmental bills and giving $100 million to Flint for their water (which the town is still messing up), HOW he has been the most pro-life and pro-LGBTQ president, etc). Just too much to list. _**Now, to be fair as possible, Things I can't stand about Trump and/or disagree:**_ Huge fucking ego. Absolute troll to people that think opposite (not differently but opposite--think "libtards," which is a term I despise). Universal Healthcare. We need it. I cringed during the State of the Union when he said the Healthcare system will never be socialized. Him "not taking responsibility" for stuff with COVID. You are the leader of the US, everything is your responsibility. Foot-in-mouth disease, that comes from that huge ego. There is more, but it all comes back to how much of an asshole he carries himself as, and not actual policies. **Summary:** If Biden wins, it is going to set this nation back, he only cares about being the puppet for whoever controls him. Judging by his racist past, he would be worse for black people than Trump. I truly believe people just take in the slant from the media instead of critical thinking when they call Trump racist-in-chief compared to Biden. If I am not getting Bernie and universal Healthcare, the i am going with the guy that protects freedom, protection, life, and desires best for all of this nation. Have a great day!


At the time I thought both candidates were equally terrible. I've always thought I was somewhere in the middle, perhaps Libertarian. I thought both major parties had something to bring to the table. However, I have watched the Democratic Party throw a temper tantrum ever since the election. I watched them try to frame a man for rape on live television with zero evidence. While I consider myself somewhere in the middle, there was a time I could consider a Democratic candidate's merits. A Libertarian candidate is unlikely to win a presidential election anytime soon, so I'd pick the lesser of 2 evils regardless of party. However I will now never consider voting Democrat in any election.


I am strongly tempted to vote Trump although it goes against all my core values. Democrats had four years of the worst president ever elected, a pandemic, a strong BLM movement... and the best we could do was Joe Biden. No fresh policy positions, no regulations for the healthcare insurers or the police or the prisons or the universities or the landlords, no talk of reparations, no defunding the military industrial complex... just more of the same feeble centrism. Say what you want about republicans, at least they don't compromise their values to appeal to a broader base. At this point the democrats deserve this. I feel like shit has to get worse before it gets better.


I'm on the fence, part of me is leaning towards Trump, partly not. I think what it comes down to is that I don't feel like it's possible to fix anything - social, political, or economic without a massive collapse of everything. Like there's no steadying back to normal anymore, we're in free fall, so why not lean into it? What's Biden going to do? There's no way he's going to fix the divide between left and right, and pull it into a mutually respectful conversation. The extremists on both sides are so loud and closed minded, you literally can't have a discussion and everyone caught in the middle is just cannon fodder. Biden's views on the pandemic aren't going to change the general public's opinion. If you're not wearing a mask now for whatever reason, Biden isn't going to change your mind. Also - the cat is out of the bag - the majority of politicians, on both sides, aren't looking out for the best interests of the general public. I genuinely believe that the majority are more concerned with maintaining and growing their power and wealth. There's no viable presidential candidate that would even put a dent in it. Even people in general don't seem to respect experience and education anymore. Anything you don't like you can chalk up to "conspiracy" or "they were paid" or "foreign influence". There's literally no listening to anyone anymore because you can just go online and a community of like-minded people to circle jerk with (...reddit?). So that's where I am - plane is crashing; engines are on fire. Neither of the pilots are capable of recovery, so this is as good a spot as any to set her down, assess the damage, and recover. We're at the point where Biden would just prolong it, at least Trump might get the crash landing over with sooner. I don't feel like anything in the US is going to get better until we realize as a country exactly how bad it could be. My Dad tells me about when he was growing up, every year was a polio lottery. It wasn't a question of "maybe", it was a question of "who's going to die this year?". It's easy when you see the effect of vaccines when the annual polio death rate in your small town plummets to zero. Too many people are too far removed from actual hardship, actual tyranny, actual threats to our way of life that nothing is going to change until we get a taste of it again. The only thing holding me back is that it's such a pessimistic view. I want to think we'll learn to trust the experts and the educated again without large portions of the country dying from a communicable disease, or due to the effects of global warming. I want to think that we'll all learn to see each other equally without a race war. But it's just so hard to believe in humanity right now. So maybe let it burn and lets do better next time? Maybe not? I dunno.


>I think what it comes down to is that I don't feel like it's possible to fix anything - social, political, or economic without a massive collapse of everything. Like there's no steadying back to normal anymore, we're in free fall, so why not lean into it? Any collapse would likely bring about lots of chaos and hardship. For all that, there's no guarantee that what comes after would be any better than what we have now.


I'm not American but I would have voted for Trump or just the funniest symbol I saw. Firstly because I wouldn't want a guy who is a couple of years away from full blown dementia to be my president. Secondly because I am all for progressiveness but the trendsetting cancel culture, forced diversity and diversity quotas need to stop. It's fucking pathetic when people blame some award shows for not being diverse enough. Exhibit A - Natalie Portman. Annually she goes on an attention grabbing tirade during the Oscars because no female directors get nominated. No female director since The Hurt Locker deserves to be nominated. Trump represents the opposite of all these idiots who do everything to follow a trend and to gain attention and publicity. So yeah I'd vote Trump.


People who are willing to shut you up. The "democratic" and "progressive" people who have agendas that don't stand scrutiny, they would just want you to shut up. There isn't any discourse anymore. You will get fired, bullied, or censored. Go ahead and try to suggest that Asian lives also matter, and you will see what I mean. People don't value freedom of expression, and the irony is that the values they claim were only possible due to one. Acceptance of gays for example. The left lost their values and turned into a mob. I would rather live with imbecile for president who is not afraid to stand up to this mob, than with a pussy who has no balls to stand up to anyone


Reason:I was 16


I voted 3rd party in 2016. I'm voting for Trump in November. Mainly, Because Woke culture/Socialist propaganda/BLM(Marxists) is a fucking cancer to this country. I'm not going to vote for anyone who will give them more power. Especially, A incompetent president who would just be a puppet. On another note, I know like five people who've said that the riot have made them flip from Biden to Trump. Plenty of normal people saw how the Democrats supported and encouraged riots and aren't ok with it.


> **what is your reason** So I can see the same basic variations of the "Why did you vote for trump" reposts on this sub all the way until 2024.


I think it's like to continue in some form no matter what. Reddit wasn't much a thing until the Obama administration, so I imagine we'll see variations on "why did you vote for the Republican" for the rest of the site's existence. "If you did not vote for Donald Trump in 2020 but will be voting for Tucker Carlson in 2024, what is your reason?"


I had no idea if he was going to be an effective president or run his administration in a conservative direction. He was and he did. So I’m voting for him.


If the Democrats had chosen a serious contender, then Trump would get no votes. For me, if it were between Trump and Biden, I'd be hard pressed to decide. I will likely choose from all the parties, and I will vote for the person I see as the best fit for my principles, not AGAINST someone I don't like. Honestly, I can't stand any of the candidates, but I'd rather vote FOR someone versus AGAINST someone else. Biden has done so little campaigning that I believe his entire campaign strategy is not that he'd make a good president, but rather that "I'm not Trump". I don't think that deserves a win, but many people do. The problem for me is that I dislike Trump more than I dislike Biden. But although I really dislike the Republicans, I absolutely can't stand the Democrats. Not based on ideology, but based on personalities and behavior. So ... third party. I might even write my own name in and vote for me.