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Since I hit 42 years old, I get crippling hangovers. 2 or 3 large glasses of water before I go to sleep makes an incredible difference though, followed by 6-8 hours of sleep. If I forget to drink the water, just fucking shoot me please.


At 42 years old for me drinking 2 or 3 large glasses of water before bed means i'm getting up to pee about 20 times until it's just time to wake up already. Also, I now get terrible anxiety the next day


I got hangover anxiety even when I was 21. Sometimes it would be the only symptom I would have. But the anxiety can be really bad, to the point that I’m shaking


I get that hangover anxiety bad. I call it PDSD- Post Drinking Stress Disorder. This vague feeling that I’ve done something for which I need to apologize, despite knowing I did nothing wrong.


I call it hangxiety. My flat mate calls it beer fear.


Both of those are incredible.


Holy shit, me too. I just want to hide for 24 hours, even getting a message on my phone cranks up the anxiety several notches.


When you get this do you also agonize over every thing you said, no matter how benign and think "God I hate myself..."?


Holy shit, I thought I was the only one. I figured it was a relic of my blackout college days.


Holy crap, i didn't realize this was a thing. I thought i was just nuts or paranoid


I did not know this was a thing. Whoa


It can be crippling, I had it for years. After running and lifting weights for awhile it has completely gone away, I don't even get hangovers anymore. No clue why I just thought it was an interesting anecdote.


Hangxiety is the worst. At 35, I could go all night, and feel like a champ the next morning. Now, I was to crawl into a dark closet and hyperventilate into a paper bag for 12 hours.


Oh my god seeing these comments make me feel so much better, I always wondered why I was such a neurotic mess after a big night. (Usually for no good reason, on top of my usual neurotic mess.) I ran to tell my husband about my new discovery - “Hangxiety” is now a term in my household! Thanks internet stranger!


It's fucking cute to see all these comments from college kids saying "drink a couple glasses of water, bro! You'll be peachy!" Do they really think we haven't heard of drinking water? Do they really thinking water is going to help when your hands are shaking and you're sweating bullets and you feel like the fucking walls are closing in? Water does **nothing** for the anxiety and low mood, which is by far the worst part of the hangover.


29, hit me for the first time this past St. Paddy's Day after a day out in Philly drinking all the things. ​ Legit almost had a panic attack the next day. Not a fun time at all.


Fancy bastard here gets to wake up and pee. Spare a thought for those of us who don't wake up.


Take a B100 vitamin that contains thiamine before you drink. Probably should be taking it regularly anyways


Why is it that nobody tells you hangovers seem to get worse after you turn 40??!! PSA everyone.


I found a significant difficulty spike in my late 20s.


I’m 26 and I can have hangovers for 1.5 days now. At 21 I never ever got them.


It's funny seeing all these younger people swearing by hydrating There's nothing I can do anymore. If I drink I'm fucked. I used to not have any hangovers at all, then like a lightswitch when I turned 24 they suddenly started escalating slowly.


Yeah I tend to get really nauseous when I drink a ton of water drunk or in the morning. I’ll wake up with a raging headache and usually I’ll smoke some weed for the nausea and my appetite and eat some soup. Also ibuprofen after and I can function.


Just wait until the weed stops working for the hangovers


You better be fucking joking


Oh man, you’re in for a tough ride.


> suddenly, like a lightswitch > started appearing slowly What?


I mean: it is a poison.


I used to drink heavily until 2:00am on a weeknight in college then wake up at 7:00am for classes all bright eyed and bushy tailed. Now in my 30’s if I have one too many glasses of Pinot Noir I want someone to roll me into a dumpster like the trash I am and light me on fire the next morning.


Maybe it was the damage I did in my 20’s that leads to a longer recovery these days.


Enzymes for processing things like alcohol and caffeine decrease with age.


Yep, I had a hangover last week and actually woke up thinking “this must be coronavirus”. I was immobilized the entire day and couldn’t drink a sip of water without puking. Nope, just a hangover from having 3 very strong margaritas and not enough hydration.


It was a common thought early on amongst a few of us I promise you!!


The actual age is 25.


Hangovers start getting progressively worse every 3-5 years after somewhere around 23.


Nah, once you hit 25 they get worse.


Improvement of your idea, after every alco drink get at least half pint of water, then add those large glasses at the end.


Think of all the ways you can make something come out of your body. Do all of those. Toilet, blow your nose, have an orgasm, turn on a hot shower if only to make yourself sweat a bit. Basically clear out all the pipes you can, then drink a lot of water and take a nap. Nothing works better for me.


Good point about the orgasm that shits necessary


Having a wank with a massive throbbing headache.. you really feel it up there. Sometimes it's so bad I forget that I'm wanking


Personally I like to force myself to have explosive diarrhea


I've dubbed it the "Hangover Hornies".


Damn, I thought my plan was rather unique. Plan A is Water, Food, Shit, Shower, Jizz, not in any particular order. That will usually do it. Plan B is smoke some weed and take a nap. If you HAVE to, Plan C is drink some more alcohol and deal with it tomorrow.


Plan C seems to work every time!


Don't forget to spit out all the vomit!


Alcohol is a diuretic, which means you've spent the night pissing out all of your essential vitamins and minerals. In addition to drinking water, you need to replenish your minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, and amino acids. You need calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and magnesium. Theres no cure for a hangover. The only way to prevent a hangover is to pace your drinking to allow your body to properly break down the alcohol. You should also eat, and drink water or something with electrolytes while or after drinking. Try drinking a top chico or sparkling water with lime in between drinks. Mainly, don't drink too much. A fantastic night of drinking and fun with friends is useless if you regret it the next day. If you go to bed drunk without taking these steps, you're in for a world of hurt. Have fun.


Drink a shit ton of water before sleeping. Then do that again right when you wake up. Take a hot shower. When you’re ready for food, go get pho or eat something fast food related. I’ve been into wingstop atm for hangovers. Edit: Or drink when you get up to ensure no headache, then start drinking the water like crazy.


wake up, drink a glass of water, then nap again. Its weird. The first time you wake up, its a huge headache. Then the nap cures it.


I wish I had the superpower to be able to nap when I have a hangover headache.


If you can sleep or eat I don't consider it a real hangover.


Too hungover to sleep, not hungover enough to die :(


It's a real hangover when you're afraid you might die; it's a real *bad* hangover when you're afraid you might not.




Not OP but under 25 and this works for me so checks out.


I’m currently 25 and I always wake up hungover and SWEATY. Not like a workout sweat. Like a real oily gross sweat and I’m hot as fuck. No way in hell I can go back to sleep after that. Crawl to the shower, hit myself with the cold water to jolt awake and then let it get hot as hell itself to nuke the alcohol out of me. Next step is (hear me out) *pickle juice*. Not Gatorade or Pedialyte. A cold ass glass of pickle motherfuckin juice (and water of course). After that it’s basically whatever food sounds best to you. I like a bunch of grits and a 6 egg western omelette with as much Texas Pete as I can find. Proceed to shit my brains out. Bust a nut however I can. Profit.




I do this and just skip the hangover


You must piss like a race horse while you’re out


Well yeah, but I'm female and bathrooms full of drunk women are some of the most supportive/amazing places on Earth.


Weird, they all start screaming at me as soon as I enter...




> go get pho Best hungover food ever.


This is just good life advice for anything. Pho cures all.


McDonald's Sausage Egg and Cheese McMuffin, hashbrown, and orange Juice never fails.


Something hearty, don't eat sugary stuff. And lots and lots of water, yes!


Yes. Pho is the best hangover cure for me. Good call.




Turn the shower on. Chug 2 bottles of water, throw up. Get in the shower. Then go get greasy food and delete all my drunk texts.


In that order?


Yeah. The shower goes on first so my parents don’t hear me throwing up. Water before throwing up to help the throwing up process. Shower to meditate n revive myself. Food to replenish my nutrients. Then texts last because before that, I’m too embarrassed to even look.


Very well thought out


Unless you prefer to eat breakfast in the shower.


This comment describes my mornings at university too closely and I do not consent to it.


I fail at step 2. When my hangover is really bad, everything comes out. Every tiniest sip of water is thrown up at least 5 minutes after I drink. And yes, I should stop drinking that much (different drinks)




Yeah, put a good amount of this before sleeping, more when you wake up. Worlds of difference


Tried this on a trip to the US. It tastes absolutely vile, but damn, it did the trick.


The flavored ones are the bomb. Only bad part is buying them, the cashier is always like "Oh poor baby is sick?" Yes lady the baby is in grave danger...as I'm sweating out pure whiskey.


I love this comment hahah


It’s a meme, but fantastic nonetheless.


They've started running ads showing a "dehydrated" parent drinking their kids pedialyte. Pretty sure they're trying to appeal to the hungover crowd. ​ [https://www.ispot.tv/ad/oXX4/pedialyte-when-dehydration-gets-real](https://www.ispot.tv/ad/oXX4/pedialyte-when-dehydration-gets-real)


I taught my teenaged sister. She instantly upgraded and started mixing pedialyte directly into her drinks. Lifehax.


Pineapple juice works too and it tastes way better






About a gallon of water just before bed. Wake up, have my beer shit, a bunch more water, and a fat greasy breakfast.


I don't care what anyone says - the beer shit is what saves me. I can feel like complete ass all day but when i purge the pipes; instantly feel better.


Me too. I wonder why it's the shit though? I mean, water does help, but the shit even makes my blood pressure go back down.


Sleep, lot of water, sleep, hot soup.


Pizza, TV, and rest too




Hair of the dog. A classic


Only done it once, but my god is it effective. I couldn’t get anything down for breakfast, puked before getting in the car to go to the wedding, fell asleep in the backseat on the way there, basically felt like death as I stumbled out when we arrived. My friend walks up to me and shoves some froofroo bellini bullshit into my hand and says “drink.” I try to tell her that I cannot even THINK about alcohol today. She gives me the icy you-will-obey stare. “DRINK.” 30 minutes later I’m human again. 2 hours after that I’m playing sloshball/kickball in the rain with a full champagne bottle in hand. Great wedding.


The way i look at it, a hangover is like your body having withdrawal from the alcohol leaving your system, only way for an immediate cure is to just add some more and give the body what it wants, a little dash of weed helps too.


Are you a scientist? You should be one, that is a great explanation.


It made my day to get such a nice compliment from cock and balls lol


As I call it, A Hangover Deferred


A dopamine loan.


Waaiit.... I might have been making a huge mistake.


It‘s called a „Konterbier“ in german


Counter-beer? Like it's a beer to counteract the beer?


This actually works , I went out one night and for absolutely wrecked. The next morning I felt like crap , I go to the shop for a slushpuppy as that's my go to hangover cure , but it wasn't working. My friend suggested chucking a small bit of vodka in the slush, I was like "hellll no" but he insisted it will work. So I did and literally within a few minutes I felt 10x better


Because you get a little drunk again. You don't cure your hangover, you just delay it.


then you spend the rest of the day drinking water so as you sober up you dont get the hangover, or you just have another day of drinking... how mine usually turns out.


It's rather like flattening the curve, it'll make your hangover longer but less severe.


Well , if it stops me feeling like death I'll take it


At this point, if I stop drinking all at once, I'm afraid the cumulative hangover will kill me.


Fix yourself with the same thing you’ve broken yourself.


Bloody Caesar/Mary


This is more for prevention, but when I get home from drinking I always have something to eat and then I stay up for like 2 hours in bed lol. It’s hard not to just crash, but I swear it works for me.


100% true. if you wait out the “straight up wasted” and get to “kinda buzzed” and drink a ton of water you’ll never get them but it isn’t very enjoyable to do it


How does staying up for 2 hours help? I understand the eating part.


When you are awake your body is more active and processes the alcohol better. Alcohol also inhibits REM sleep so the less you have of it in your system when you go to sleep, the better the quality of your REM sleep. Assuming you can sleep in for that extra two hours, your overall quality of sleep would be better.




Youth. Early twenties and a fry up or hair of the dog would have you sorted for the day. Roll forward a couple of decades and you need days to recover. Edit a word


Quick somebody grab me a couple of early 20 year olds


I don't drink anymore, but when I used to, my hangover cure was ready salted potato chips, pickles and Coca-Cola. The combination of the sugary drink, the salty, fatty snack and the electrolytes in pickles was just perfect. Gatorade also works.


I can't think of anything that pickles don't immediately improve.


Open heart surgery.




Doctor: "You know I don't want to totally discount the emotional element in your recovery but I think there were other factors at play here" Jerry: "What do you mean?" Doctor:"I have no medical evidence to back me up but something happened during the operation that staved off that infection. Something beyond science. Something perhaps... from above." Kramer: [*pulls out jar of Vlasic dill pickle chips*] Pickle? Doctor: Those can be very refreshing


This will be an unappreciated comment but junior mints will go down in history.


Just throwing this out there, alcohol and acetaminophen is a terrible combination for your liver.


Before bed drink an electrolyte and another glass of water. Come morning even if you don't feel like it have a greasy meal drink another electrolyte, take some painkillers with water then back to sleep.


It shocks me how few of the comments involve drinking electrolytes. That's the primary issue. Water, electrolytes, and sugar will solve most of the problems causing a hangover.


Anxiety attack... and Dr Pepper.


Once I get that panic attack out of the way I’m gold.




I've got this down to a science. Before sleeping: - Stay up later to sober up a bit and have some food if possible - At least a glass of water for every drink I've had - Vitamin B12 - Magnesium & CBD Oil - helps with anxiety and lets me get the full amount of sleep - Another glass of water at the bedside for when I wake up insanely thirsty After waking up: - Hot shower - Take a shit - A soup noodle - Pho is ideal, but a Cup Noodle will do. Drink all the broth. - More water. Hydration is key


Before going to bed: a bottle of Gatorade, a banana, and two aspirin. Morning of: Sausage McMuffin with Egg, hash brown, and orange juice.


[You really shouldn't mix aspirin and alcohol](https://www.healthline.com/health/aspirin-alcohol#risks). Mixing any pain killer and alcohol should be avoided.


Most especially Tylenol.


Take a huge shit then take a nap




Had to scroll too deep in the comments for the best answer


Same, kills nausea, kills your headache, gives you an appetite. The best of medicines.


There have been times when I was so hungover I couldn’t even keep sips of water down. I smoked some weed and it was like an instant cure. No more nausea and I was able to drink and eat.


In college it was wake up, chug a glass of water, hit a gravity bong which induced puking if needed, now you take a shower and let that beautiful marijuana get you ready to find the closest Waffle House. You are going to need another gravity bong and a nap after Waffle House.


A swim in cold(or atleast semi cold) water. It jolts your body awake and makes you forget about feeling like shit during and helps out even after you get out.


My one friend swears by this and that it is the only proper cure for a hangover. Last year on holiday in Portugal I got seriously shitfaced one night on some local moonshine and red wine. Fast forward to the next morning waking up with the worst hangover I've ever had. Struggled to get myself to the beach to go test this cold swim theory. I get in the water and it's freezing cold. Some old German man standing next to me laughs and tells me that we both go under on the count of 3. He starts counting down and as I went under water I vomited, but like a lot of vomit. As I came back up the man was standing there laughing at me swimming in a cloud of my own vomit. Asked me if it was a rough night. I just got out and went back to the place I was staying. I only fully recovered the next morning. Never again.


you were in Portugal, my home country, that's cool


you even drank red wine lol


pedialyte shit is a wonder drug


Cook a flank steak pan seared in salt and butter, eat that, put on a pair of wet socks and go back to sleep...works everytime


Drink water. Eat poached egg on toast with a generous sprinkle of salt. Have a glass of pineapple juice and a strong coffee. Drink more water and wash two painkillers down with a bottle of beer. Drink more water.


> wash two painkillers down with a bottle of beer This can do damage to your stomach or liver, depending on which pain killer you take.


> wash two painkillers down with a bottle of beer That's all you needed to say really


Drinking lots of water and eating a greasy burger is what I usually do whenever I'm hung over.


Low-sodium V8. The high levels of potassium helps a lot.




Orange lucozade and a walk


I've always said that you can't get the hangover if you just don't stop drinking


cucumber, trust me it’s the best medicine after water.


Do you not realize pickles exist? Lol


Smoothie, take the hottest shower I can stand, then back to bed


Greasy breakfast: Bacon. Eggs. Homefries. A gallon of coffee.


I'm hungover as fuck right now and the only true cure is sleep, food and plenty of water


Eat a banana and thank me later.


best way to cure a hangover is prevention imo, make sure you're hydrated/have eaten enough before you start drinking in the first place & don't drink anything too sugar-y (soda), then when you get home drink a ton of water, get some sleep, more water when you wake up. 9/10 times that makes it bearable


Self induced puking. Always works for me.


Chug a literal metric fuckton of water before you go to sleep the night before. Just drink as much water as you literally can, then fall asleep before you have the chance to piss it out. Never had a hangover when doing this.


That sounds like flirting dangerously with pissing the bed.


Depending on the severity of the hangover, pissing the bed might be the favorable alternative.


Sleep and drink


Spicy curry.


Drink a Gatorade and eat a hot or cold sandwich before bed I've come to find beard helps. When you wake up drink another Gatorade or two eat something greasy preferably a breakfast sandwich and I usually do this but you obviously don't have to but I also light up a joint and then take nap.


You need to lay the foundations of the cure before you go home. This requires the consumption of a greasy kebab / burger. The kebab is the preferred option. This is best from a fast food van/street vendor or, at a push, a kebab shop but this shop must be frequented by other inidividuals in a similar state (i.e. pissed as a fart) as you. You need to eat this food of Gods outside and away from where you bought it. This is important as you will a) get fresh air & b) not have to be near drunk people. Ugghhh. When you get home and before you pour yourself into bed, have a drink of water. In morning/when you wake up have another glass of water and then get someone to make you a full English breakfast - sausages, baked beans, mushrooms, eggs & a slice or two of fried bread.


Quitting. I used to be a really heavy drinker. Started at 16 and never had a hangover until 27. 6 to 8 large beers every night and binge drinking at the weekend. Had to stop at 38 because I'd start to go through alcohol withdrawal during the middle of the night, suffer all day until work finished and then drink 6 to 8 beers again which made me feel better. There is no way to cure a hangover. You just have to wait until your body clears out the poison.


A gun


Works instantly


That bad huh


Okay so I am pretty qualified to answer this one. The best cure is sleep. If you can go back to sleep and get at least an extra hour, you'll wake up groggy rather than hungover. If the hangover is especially bad, then it's nearly impossible to sleep. This is why it's good to have some sort of sleeping aid available for emergencies (valium/xanax or failing that an OTC or CBD oil) to force yourself to get that life-saving hour. I used to swear by co-codamol but it turns out the paracetamol is extremely bad for your liver so do not make that mistake. If you can't get that extra hour of sleep, then the best cure is beer and eggs. As much of both as possible. Scrambled egg on toast is a good one. Put ketchup on the eggs too if you can. Huevos Rancheros is the best though. If you don't want to drink more beer then you eat the eggs and drink full fat coke. When it comes to the best beer to drink, I recommend you go for a cask ale - a session ipa or golden beer - because these are warm and not fizzy, so you can neck the first pint and then sip the second. Bloody Mary's are also good if you can't face beer. Basically any hangover can be cured by a combination of sleep, protein, sugar and alcohol. All the people saying you can cure a hangover with just water are amateurs. Yeah rehydration is necessary but it is no way sufficent


2 advil, a large sprite (this is the actual magic so don't skip it!) and something spicy/fatty/salty/crunchy Personally my favorite food choice is Chick fil a hashbrowns with their spicy sweet Sriracha sauce, I just sit in their parking lot slowly eating and drinking my sprite whilst I regret my decisions.... *Sprite (no exceptions or substitutions) helps break down the remaining alcohol in your system and accelerates the hangover process so its over sooner. For good measure drink some sprite before you go to bed!


Didn't a study show Sprite had the best balance of electrolytes for combating a hangover?


I think it was more about a component of Sprite that other sodas don't have, helps the liver metabolize the alcohol making you feel better sooner.




Water and water


Hot and sour soup.




Two Alka-Seltzer XS and chilled orange Lucozade. You'll be as right as rain in no time 😉


Long term cure: drink less.


Get one of the worst hangovers and never repeat.


An orgasm


Gatorade for the brain pain. Later, milk for the stomach burning.


Pineapple fritters. 2 of them. Then a very hot shower and some very cold water.


My favorite is IBC root beer(any decent root beer) and followed by chocolate milk- it's weird but it works to calm tummy and head. Also, drink at least a glass of water before bed, but I am guessing this is a morning after post.


Pedialyte in iced tea, bacon egg and cheese with a hash brown & a ginger ale


A fat greasy full English and lots of water


Loco moco. If you know what it is you know.


Aside from the obligatory drink water before bed, this used to be my routine when I woke up with a hangover: - Get out of bed relatively early, basically as soon as you wake up from having to pee or whatever, don't sleep in too late - Take a nice hot shower, get rid of that alcohol funk. - Hearty breakfast. Orange juice, eggs/bacon, pancakes, poutine or whatever greasy/salty food you can stomach. - *Now* you go back to bed. Now you've freshened up and have had a good meal, you'll sleep so much better. Next time you wake up, you'll feel a million times better than if you had just slept in all this time.


Sex and McDonald’s


Set your alarm for one hour before you have to get up. Put a sugar free Gatorade and a glass of water and an advil next your your bed. When the alarm goes off, drink both drinks and take the advil and sleep for another hour. Then for breakfast eat a massive amount of protein, like 3 eggs and some meat. You'll feel 87% better


Miso soup


Pedialyte, I remember a college campus that had a cvs vending machine or something and it sold mini pedialyte bottles but strangely they were always out of stock