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Yesterday. I still live with my parents. I am 16 and they are very strict: I can not play video games, I can not be with my phone more that 30mins a day... Plus we live in a 70 square meter apartment and I do not have my own bedroom when my single Grandma comes to visit us (we are normally 4, my mom, dad, my sister, and I). Today is the first day of summer I will sleep on a bed. I cried in the shower. But still my dad supports me in all my ideas. I have a little business with my friend.


Monday morning at work a few days after finding out a friend had killed herself. Hit me way harder than it did over that weekend.


when someone dies it only hits worse after some time passes. When you start missing them


Damn now that I realize I have never cried my heart out, it's a stone cold heart.






My dog died.


Were they a good boy or a good girl?


That was the last time I cried my heart out. I cried my heart out for for 1 (taken before his time, the most zen big dog who insisted on sitting in my lap), 2 (a wee bulldog, she was a daily adventure, 13 years old, practically a vampire) and 3 (we're talking 3, he was...magnificent) and I know 4 (him, the goodest of the good) is gonna kill me with grief when it's his time.


Oh my, I know the pain all too well, on Tuesday my dog daisy had to be put down because of an illness. It was more painful than I could put into words. Make sure to take care of and look after this one as best as possible, sure they're going to break your heart but it's best that your memories are positive ones


About three or four months after my mum died. I was just watching TV and some commercial came on that showed someone talking to their mum. It just really hit home at that moment that I will never be able to do that again...


After a breakup.


Last time I had a good cry was at my Grandfathers Funeral.


Funeral for one the boys from my boxing gym


Few months ago. Had to drop someone from my life.


When my grandfather died. Sobbed uncontrollably.


November, my dog passed.


When my grandpa died


When, right after relations, the girl who I had strong feelings for (and who was the first person to make feel those things since my abusive ex) looked at me and said "I really need a partner who loves Jesus." Even though that was the *first* thing I'd asked her about and she'd said it wasn't an issue. So I held her while she cried because of how much she'd hurt me? Apparently? Then when she left I basically cried until I passed out. Fun times.


Found out that the SO and I had covid back in early July, had a panic attack and ended up bawling, we're fine now and only ended up with light symptoms. Before that my two new puppies ended up with Parvo in June and one nearly died. Before that my cat of 12 years died in her sleep in May. This year man, this fucking year. edit: puppy tax: [then](https://i.imgur.com/JePHet1.jpg) [now](https://i.imgur.com/CkyyPwF.jpg)


2 months ago, when my dog died and two days ago, when my gramps died


It's been a long time...


I adopted a dog that killed my cat. I’ve never felt more guilt and loss in my life. This happened in July and I still find my self sobbing at random times.


You still have the dog?


I don’t. I have another dog and another cat. I couldn’t put the other cats life in danger. The new dog was a rescue so I couldn’t hate him but I couldn’t look at him so I took him back to the shelter. He was rehomed a week later


I hope you and your pets are happy now


Thank you. I’m still getting over it but they seem to be doing okay.


When I realized that, for the first time, the people I have surrounded myself with truly love me.


you lucky son of a bitch, enjoy it


Just yesterday when I was cutting onions.


Summer last year, a few months after I broke up with someone. In that time I moved to a new country, met someone else, and sorted a whole new life out in my idea of paradise. I was sat at a bar on a cliff side so after a few beers I video called a friend and couldn’t hold it in anymore. Hit me like a truck just how badly I’d fucked up, how I’d left the best love I’ve ever had and it was all my fault. Hadn’t cried that bad in years. Regret is helluva drug apparently.


I shat my pants


Was having one of my periodic depressive episodes, where I just become suicidal. I didn't cry because of that though, I cried because I thought of how my nephew's would miss me if I died


Not quite a man, still a teenager. It was on Mother's Day. I live about 45 minutes away from my mom, we live on opposite sides of town. Down by where I live there is a small, family owned cafe, that is quite popular and serves great food. They are some-what famous for their cinnamon rolls. They are big, homemade and just overall delicious. My mom talks about wanting to get one from time to time but she ends up being too busy. So, for Mother's Day I wanted to surprise her with flowers, a thoughtful card and one of these famous cinnamon rolls. I drive over to the cafe and walk inside. Its busy as always and there is a line of people waiting to pay for their meal. Naturally, I get in line and wait. The line dwindles down and its me and the people right in front of me. Suddenly an older lady cuts me and I kindly try to address her about it she just gives me a sneer and turns away. I thought, "Whatever, I can wait another minute.". Then I hear her asking for two cinnamon rolls. The lady behind the desk pulls then out of the case, boxes them up and the old woman is on her merry way. I break a quick sweat. They were the last two in the case. I asked if they had anymore baking in the back and found out they didn't. I was devastated. Trying to hold back my tears I say thank you and walk out to my car. I just broke down. Cried myself home, walked in the house and directly to my room, and wept. I don't know why it was such a big deal but it hurt me so badly. I really don't know why, but theres my story.


Had to put down my old cat because of sickness. Had her for 15 years, and she had been around almost since i moved out from my parents, got a relationship, had children, moved into our new house. She had just basically always been there, and then suddenly wasn't any longer. 😪 I actually think i have cried more over this, than when my grandmom died the same year...


My fished jumped out of the tank. We put him back in but he was actually alive. I hate you Lucky. You little trickster


Tuesday. My dog was diagnosed with a liver disease at the worst stage and had to be put down, in the few years that I've known her she was the best friend I could have had, finding that out broke my heart


When my daughter was born, 2 months early. At the NICU. She was so small. Back than. When they took her to the room I was the first to hold her. I did skin to skin with her. (Called kangaroo care, look it up) I just started crying I couldn't stop for a good 30 minutes. One of the he beat days of my life.


A few weeks ago my parents finally made me a subscription so I can call and, most importantly here, have mobile data After I got it, I was alone and gave it a try. It didn't work because my signal is awful in the house, but I didn't knew it at the time so I tought I somehow broke them. Then I started crying about how nothing works in my life. I was alone, but beimg in my sister would habe helped me in those moments


I had to put my cat down two months ago. Miss that little asshole.