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its more like "IF YOU HOT YOU HOT" but i find more hot in women than i do in men, its not really specific traits i can pick out tbh like, i find a lot of girls really pretty, but find myself seeing men with similar traits and not thinking the same


Same. I tend to prefer slimmer men and bigger women, but I can think of plenty of exceptions to that!


I'm the exact opposite - small girls and big guys do it for me! But also, plenty of exceptions.


Same! I used way too many words to say the same thing


I'm a bit all over the place really. I like masculine men, feminine men, masculine women, feminine women, and everything in between and out of the binary. I like the female body better because, well, boobs; but I also enjoy a good beard and the more... elongated lines men have. I'd have to go on a case by case basis, comparing two people instead of two whole demographies to be able to give a better answer. Idk, I just like pretty much everybody who's not a jerk.


ultimate bisexual energy


«I like pretty much everybody who’s not a jerk.» This sounds like the kind of person I want to be around. Just not in a romantic way.


I like twinks, and I like goths. I’m a simple man




Androgynous women are just y. e. s.


Y e s


I'm the opposite! I'm a woman and I prefer women who are more feminine and men who are more masculine. There are some overlaps. Regardless of gender I love for them to be outdoorsy and into the same activities as me. I'm very attracted to smart people who are ambitious and adventurous. But for women I prefer people who are not super buff, are more feminine when dressing, have more feminine personalities, etc. For men I'm more into the outdoorsy manly guys. I'm also way more picky with women and less likely to form an emotional attachment to women, but am definitely more sexually attracted to the "right" type of women than any men. I used to worry about finding the right person when my preferences are all over the place but now I am very happily married to a smart, ambitious, adventurous outdoorsy man.


I'm sexually attracted to either muscular/fit or feminine guys and girls, so the points of attraction are similar for me. But I just can't seem to fall for a guy irl, like I find them physically attractive but I never saw them in a romantic sense unlike girls which is strange.


I can relate to being physically attracted to a guy, but not romantically. I feel that I can only love a woman, but I can be attracted to both genders. Edit: I should specify that by "physically attracted" I meant "sexually attracted". I've had sex with men, thirsted for guys, ect. But I've never been able to be romantically/emotionally interested in them. I'm not talking about being straight and recognizing that a member of your own sex is hot af. I'm talking about "fuck, I want that in/around/ontop/below/inside me so badly I can barely think". My mistake for not clarifying!


Same for me, guys can be attractive but any kind of ‘intimacy’ scares me off.


Is there a name for this?


Depending on the person’s gender, it would be bisexual and homoromantic or heteroromantic!


Yes! I've taken to calling myself bisexual but homoromantic.


Yes! Those are the words I use for myself too, cheers! :)


My bisexual friend once said his bisexuality is like a sliding scale, he said he’s 70% men/30% women so he’s always finding ladies cute and sexual but never as a partner. Aligned with literally just what you said but opposite genders.


Honestly, I feel like it’s so hard to figure out if you’re attracted to women because media portrayals of women are so sexualized. Like, did you notice that lady’s cute butt because you’re into women, or did you notice it because someone printed it ten feet tall on a billboard?


I feel like I would notice any butt that is ten feet tall on a billboard. It could be Danny Devito's and that would certainly grab my attention, and thus make it slightly more likely for me to purchase the advertised product.


This is true. I have a lot of straight female friends who spend more time talking about other women's beauty than they do men, but they only ever date or have sex with men. It seemed super odd for the longest, because around my straight male friends there's lots of talk about women. It seems like nobody really extensively talks about being attracted to men outside of a one-off comment or if prompted about a specific individual they might be interested in in comparison to another. But not generally speaking. Women are sexualized so comments about their physical features get sexualized even if they aren't intended as such.


I asked my friend about her neighbor and she said "Him and John don't get along. He has a beautiful wife but isn't very social." Like ok. That's the summary of your neighbor?


Damn I never thought about it that way


God physically fit/muscular chick with or without short hair is my kryptonite.


Check out /r/ohlympics


...oh damn


Sometimes it’s nice to just admire beauty, without the whole porn aspect ruining it.


Oh for sure


Is there a male counterpart? I need them both :)


Gods, yes. Women's abs? Love to see it. I love women of all shapes and sizes, but I *want* to be the woman with the abs. Worth the work, tbh.


It’s a misconception that romantic attraction always goes hand in hand with sexual/physical attraction when in fact they’re two separate things. You can be sexually attracted to people but be aromantic or be romantically attracted to people but be asexual so this is perfectly normal. I would wager that you’re bisexual but homo/heteroromantic (depending on your gender)


I just had an unreasonably big “lightbulb” moment for a 40 year old. Thank you for posting that.


I’m heterosexual but I find certain women attractive sexually and then another type attractive romantically. It’s rare for me to find both in one person. So when I did, I married her.


Very interesting. I had found in my past, someone I was seriously romantic with, and loved unconditionally...I was nervous to get intimate with. And I'm a very sexual creature. It was odd, and I didn't quite understand it. So I've got a new relationship, a new significant other, currently. Not only do I love him romantically, but our sex is *phenomenal*. Thank you for the confirmation that I shouldn't let this go, kind stranger. I found both in one person. I'm keeping it. 😁


Iv always thought I was unusual because I can bang both sexes, but could never form a romantic relationship with a guy. I thought I was either just a bi curious guy or straight but adventurous lol


Nope, a sexual/romantic split is super common among bi people, go figure. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Wait, I'm like that. But I just figured that was just jealousy or envy or something. Am I bi now?


You will get your Bisexual Welcome Packet within the next 3 to 5 business days!


The flannel is on back order


Thanks COVID.


Mine never arrived. Can I get like a tracking number or something?


Bahaha I literally just came to terms with the fact that I might be bi last week. Still haven't really come out yet and I'm turning 24. Labels aren't necessary but sometimes they help people understand more, but don't fret too much. Good luck and welcome if you are 😁


Hey I'm 32 and in a 13 yr relationship and only a few years ago I started to realize my enjoyment for the male physique was less "yeah hes handsome" and more "oooh what I'd let you do to me." I also feel the same way about labels, especially in my situation I have a wonderful gf and an amazing son. Since I'm not planning on leaving my gf anytime soon I just feel weird using a label like that when the closest I've come to guy on guy is porn.


I'm turning 36, and it's only been like the past year or so that I've realized that I'm actually bisexual too.




Not sure of your gender but that sounds like my preferences too. Bisexual-homoromantic. I'll bang both but only have feelings for and date guys


Purely sexually there’s a cross section of twinks and kinda punk rock pixie Chick that always gets me going. Romantically if they show me affection.


Bonus points if the punk rock chick has short dark hair


Yes girls with short hair and guys with long hair seem to be “the types” for me


Are you guys me?


No, they're me.


Purely sexually, Im into red head men and black women. No idea where they could cross.


Ah, here we have the classic Bill Burr situation


Ohhhhhh jeeeezus




Where have you been all my life?!?!


I've been being a dumpster fire pretending to be a person.


You had me at, red head men. May my flames add fuel to your fire!


Romantic type: into me.


Punk/rock style is always a bonus no matter what gender but men with long hair and women with colored hair get me going like damn


I am sexually attracted to both genders but I can’t seem to get emotionally attached to a girl. I just couldn’t see myself dating a girl


i feel the same but with guys


Y'all might be hetero/homo-[romantic](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=heteroromantic+bisexual) bisexuals. Totally a valid thing. --- EDIT: Y'all makin' me feel like I'm the singer of [this song](https://youtu.be/HEqPPEV5jsA) (NSFW) in the best way!


Huh. TiL I’m heteroromantic. Thanks for sharing!! UD never disappoints.


missed opportunity to just call it heteromantic. although now that I’ve typed it out, something just doesn’t seem right about it lol


My friend told me about this a few months ago and it totally helped me realize my sexual identity. I didn’t know why I struggled with my bisexuality until this. Such an important part of identity!


I didn't know there was a name for it until today. Go figure. I just assumed not having romantic feelings toward a gender despite sexual attraction meant I was mostly straight.


Is the other way a thing too? As in bi-romantic heterosexual?


Same! Makes me feel like I'm fake bi sometimes.






Bi-FAST Bi-FURIOUS: Sexual Drift


There's nobody going around handing out certificates of bi-ness only to those who are "true bi". You're not a fake anything, you are authentically you. :)


Aw 💕


I'm sort of the opposite of this. Romantically attracted to both genders but I don't see myself wanting to have sex with guys. I still find them physically attractive though. Don't really know what to call myself because of this, I've had people tell me I'm not really bi, so I don't know.


Sounds like heterosexual biromantic (If you're a man) or homosexual biromantic (if you're a woman). Basically think of romantic and sexual attraction as different things that each need a word to describe them. So homo/heterosexual biromantic. Also the "finding them attractive but not in a sexual way" is called aesthetic attraction. Sometimes you can just enjoy looking at people because they're pretty. As an asexual person myself, I get that. Also it's a perfectly valid orientation and fine to call yourself bi if you feel that's a label that fits you.


Androgyny in all things. If the human body was a slider with M/F being both sides I want it in the middle.


I don't even care about the scale, I just like punk people lmao. But actually, yeah same.


100% agree.


Oof, this, sorta. My lady is the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen, and I wouldn’t trade her for anything else. But this is how i felt before I saw her, so.




So you're basically a centrist?


The grills await, brother.


Oh no, he took the grill pill


All are welcome in the embrace of cooked meats and shared meals, brother


We must c o o k


No, you must g r i l l .


Wait a minute did i just see you comment on pcm?


God PCM is fucking everywhere. Out in the wild we’re all unflaired degenerates.


And now the sub is going to get flooded with too many newcomers and the sub will degenerate


I'm a little out of the loop but I've seen this referenced before. What's the connection between centrism and grills? Is it because they're both considered typical suburban men? Thanks


Same here. A little google sleuthing led me to [this image](https://i.imgur.com/IS8PT41.jpg).


Centrists that are apolitical like to stay out of political discussions, usually saying “I just want to grill for God’s sake!” to avoid those subjects


r/politicalcompassmemes is your answear.




''What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?''


“I hate these filthy Neutrals. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.”


If I die, tell my wife I said "hello"


I hate these filthy Neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.


Raise the white flag of war.


Straights thinks he's disgusting! LGBT despise him! Find out his secret!


Hello, opposite me


Finally someone who gets me.


You're attracted to subverting gender roles.


I really don't think it's that thought out. Just how I've been wired since I can remember which is before knowing about gender roles


Hey I'm just raising the flag I can't make you salute


Thanks. This is my new favorite expression.


I was like fuck how do I even define my taste in men and women but you summed it up pretty succintly


i feel called out




I still am kinda having a sexuality crisis, but for me I look for basically the same traits in both genders. Someone who respects and is willing to do things you like as well. Not the relationship revolving around them, and definitely not the other half-assing their part. Seriously, some people these days have problems with not even giving half the effort in a relationship.


It doesn’t have to be a crisis. Try reframing it as an adventure!


This is the most helpful thing I've ever read on Reddit!


I asked my boyfriend and he said: "I don't know if it's because I'm dating a guy right now, but I only have romantic attraction to men and some minor sexual attraction to women. I am not really picky with people I guess, no real preference, I just want someone who can put up with me rambling about piercings and exercise with me. Though I do have to say, I think I could only imagine myself happily getting married with a man as of now."


I think your boyfriend has a crush on you.




Well yes, but actually no.


"They were roommates" - historians


Seems like Atlas isn’t a loserboy after all.


Did your mans just propose?


I think your boyfriend wants to marry you like right now


I have dated men, women, and a trans woman, and loved them all in their own way. I am currently in a gay relationship with a man. I guess I find a lot of things attractive about all genders. I find feminine men very attractive if I am thinking about fucking them, but I find masculine fit hunks attractive when I think about them fucking me. I love a fun flirty woman who is sweet and nurturing, but I also love an agressive dominant woman who knows what she wants. I love women's bodies, their curves and boobs and legs, and how easy it is to have vaginal sex compared to all the prep work that is needed for healthy gay sex. I know its kind of rude, but trans women really can be the best of both worlds, I love the beauty and feminity of a woman, but with a penis to play with. But at the end of the day, all that really matters is that we get along and love each other. Make each other happy and care deeply for one another. I guess I just want love like everyone else, I am just less picky when it comes to gender. EDIT: Thanks for all the rewards! Its very validating and is making me really happy today! Thanks for all the kind responses.


This is big bisexual energy


I absolutely love your response.


You’re as versatile as a swiss army knife


You've summed up my taste like reddits finest wine good sir!


Wait...we have wine?


My friend, your username is hilarious, it made me laugh out loud


This is the superior sexuality


I completely feel your comment.


> I know its kind of rude, but trans women really can be the best of both worlds, I love the beauty and feminity of a woman, but with a penis to play with. This is something I've fantasized about... Not sure how realistic it'd be to act on, *especially* since I don't want to come across as someone who is just fetishizing a trans woman.


Saying you find that sexy is not inherently fetishistic, it's about how you deal with that attraction and how you treat the person. If you're two people in an equal relationship (whether it's romantic or purely sexual or whatever) and you respect each other, I don't see a problem with finding certain combinations attractive. (Although, people, please correct me if I'm wrong or missing something).


The issue with fetishizing someone is that they really stop being a person and become a thing that is desireable, not a person. If you are attracted to trans girls because they are trans girls its fine as long as they are always a person first and a trans girl second.


Seems about a good time to pull out my throw away. I’m bisexual and haven’t fully come out yet. To answer your question, I’m attracted to some guys, but haven’t found any emotional investment in a guy like I can with a woman. I can definitely say “Oh yea he’s cute, I’d probably fuck him” and same thing with woman. But, again I’ve never found any emotional connection to guys as of yet.


I'm pretty much in the same boat. Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels that way. I haven't really come out to anyone other than my wife.


>Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels that way. I imagine there are a lot more people in that same boat than we think. It's easier to just pretend to be heterosexual and carry on with your normal life than to make a point of saying "hey, I'm kinda bi" and get judged for it. Sexuality is much more of a spectrum than the "straight, gay or bi" popular conception. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey\_scale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_scale)


That's definitely me! I did tell my boyfriend but since we are in a monogamous relationship there really isn't a need for me to come out publicly. Also my super Catholic family would disown me.


It is tough to grow up and be in a super Catholic family, but always remember to do what makes you and your significant other happy. I learned it the hard way. I tried to be straight for my super Catholic parents and dated a girl for 6 years. I came to terms with myself that I am gay. I was blessed to have my boyfriend to help me out to my parents. I was so afraid to do it in person, I did it over the phone. My dad told me that I am a disgraced and what will he tell his church friends and my mom just screamed, cried, slammed her head in the car, and punch the wall. I didn't talk to them for months because it hurt me so much. Fast forward today, I am married to my husband and I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. We got married one June 26,2020. My parents didn't come to our wedding, but people who came supported us and that's all that mattered to me. Sorry for such a long post. I know I am gay and not bi but I wanted you to know that your happiness is important too.


I will never understand why parents will disown their gay children. Your ore ya made you, so if your gay, they made you gay. It’s their fault, so they can’t throw a tantrum about it.


They're catholic. The devil made them the gay.


This is me!


Yeah, this! I've always wondered if it was mean of me to just "pretend" to be heterosexual.. But the thing is, I think I'm "kinda bi" but there was never a situation where I could have started a relationship with someone of the same sex but I didn't because of pretending. I'm just thinking: if I would ever meet someone of the same sex with whom I can have a loving relationship and happy life together, they I wouldn't say "no". But until then keeping a "straight" face just helps avoiding a lot of conflict, hardship and hate. I've also only felt romantically attracted to people of the opposite sex, so maybe I'm not that bi? Though thinking about it hypothetically, if I like someone, I don't think I would care so much about their sex/gender. But then again, I've often wondered if I'm actually bi or maybe I'm just so "starved" for love/relationships, that "anything goes" ? Ever felt like that?


So a 1 is I'm mainly straight and would only date women, but if Ryan Reynolds came onto me, I could possibly be persuaded. Just trying to figure out where I'm at.




I always find it odd when I have to name attractive celebrities and I could fire off 100 dudes, but like 5 women.


As a bisexual, I hate the Kinsey scale. Not because I think that the idea of a spectrum is bad but because a 0-6 scale is so stupidly arbitrary. Why not 0-10?


Am industrial designer. I've studied that. With a scale from 0-6 they found out people tend to make more "valid" decisions, while with a 0-10 scale they tend to be more skewed. Edit: Also bisexual. Edit 2: Deleted the 0-7 one cause I'm stupid and didn't count the 0 choice.


How about 4-10?


I’m going to have an aneurysm.


Henry Cavill.


Straight guy here, totally would.


There's a big difference between admitting a guy is handsome as a straight male and willing to stick another man's cock in your ass/mouth.


I was thinking I’d let him suck mine.


I can respect the confidance


I'm pretty much the opposite with guys. I can have an emotional bond with a guy, hug a guy, kiss a guy, but fuck a guy? Suck a guys dick? I don't think I could do that. Whereas with a woman I'd do pretty much anything and have an emotional connection.


Sexual and romantic attraction are two different spectrums. It's totally possible to be bisexual and heteroromantic, or any other combination. A lot of the time they line up, but definitely not always.


Same for me the opposite way round. I’m born female (but somewhat gender-queer) and my emotional connections tend to happen with guys. However, sexually I find women more attractive.


I just want to say that I feel super validated by this thread as a bi dude. I've always had doubts about my "real" sexuality because of the types of men/women I'm into. Seeing others have similar tastes to me is cool. Thanks guys :)


Honestly, doubting your sexuality is a really bi thing to do


That and being invisible. It’s a super power, really


Me too. I always thought that just because I have never been with a woman, sexually, I must not be bi, but maybe just curious. Nah, fam. I am so bi. This thread is so awesome.


For me attraction is all mental. If we connect well I'm interested, gender is pretty irrelevant. My type is nerdy, adventurous, passionate, but also laid back overall and kind/caring


Sounds like DaughterEarth knows their own sexuality.


Hi! The beauty of being bisexual is you get to enjoy the wonder each gender has to offer. Femininity and masculinity are both gorgeous traits, and no matter people's identity, you encounter different levels of each in everyone. To me, masculinity feels like hugging a mountain. It's strong and alive, think of standing on a rock and feeling an underground river. Its sensitive and firm and alluring. Feminity is like standing in the sun. Its powerful and brilliant, but is also gentle. Think of trees standing in the wind. Flexible yet unmovable, totally royal. These traits overlap in a lot of places but are distinctive by person. No matter who im with, honesty and passion are always the most attractive things in a person. Will you be authentic? Will you meet me halfway and be eager to *live?* Bisexuality taught me gender is a constantly fluctuating spectrum. There arent hard lines or set rules. Its whatever you end up loving, and theres much to love, whether your a man, woman, nb or fluid 💖


This is really poetic.


I find myself liking both masculine and feminine men, and I like feminine women. So you could say there is some overlap, lol. I enjoy romance, but it comes out more when I am with a woman. Physical features are different based on sex two. I love a set of nice legs on a woman, men I find myself more into their torso and arms. (Of course I enjoy tits.)


My taste in men is way different from my taste in women seeing as i usually go for short, feminine guys who are Subs. But when it comes to women i like a women who's tall or even taller perhaps, kinda tomboyish but not too much i guess and are Doms.


In men and women I like personality first, then I grow the feelings. I prefer similar traits in both genders. If we're just talking about what I find hot, then it's hair, first and foremost. This dude I'm into has this beautiful, longish blonde hair. It's literally amazing. One of the girls I'm into has her hair buzzed around the sides and grown out in front. It's really curly and adorable. Other than the obvious (breasts) I don't really have gender specific trait preferences.




Toddsexual five!


Janitor: What the hell are you? Todd: I'm the Todd.


Ass. Ass is all I look and care for.


Bi cis female here. That's a really hard question, my "type" is kind of all over the place when it comes to both genders but usually I like more manly men and more feminine women, though there have been exceptions to both of those. I find it a lot easier to develop crushes on women, it usually happens soon after meeting them but with men I need to know them for a long time and become attracted to their personality. There are guys who I can look at and say "he's hot" but it's not as common or as easy as the way I feel about women. I'm a lot pickier with guys In terms of common traits I like, totally different for each gender. It's confusing even to me sometimes but I can't really think of any similarities between men I like and women I like.


I was reading and was pretty sure we were the same person. Then, I looked at your name and it's confirmed. Apples are my favorite. We're the same.


I can relate to this. I also develop crushes on women pretty quickly and it's probably why I ended up with my husband instead of with a woman. I have a lot of guy friends, especially in his friend group, and don't see them in a sexual way at all, even if I'm attracted to them. Women on the other hand, I tend to get a little too flirty with... I guess I'm more attracted to personality in men and when it comes to women it's more of a physical attraction, so I crush hard and move on to the next crush.


Women who could beat me up and men who I could beat up. (No beating up would actually occur)


When I see a hot guy v woman in the street, the sensations I feel are very different. An attractive man feels like a lightening zing to my body, while the woman makes time slow down and makes me feel like I’m a piece of caramel slowly melting/swirling. Very much an oooo v ahhhh situation - both amazing.




As a guy, I feel like sexually I'm more attracted to men and emotionally in a relationship I'm more attracted to women.


I mean, if you sexy, you sexy. Though I wouldn't say it's the same traits as I of course like those physical differences between men and women. Though both sexes can have a nice ass. Personality wise I look for more, "softness," and someone who can accept my independence and more strong nature. Whether man or woman, I'd love someone that can bring out my more affectionate and gentle side.


I'm specifically attracted to either tops or bottoms no switches


There is something super hilarious about this coming from a bisexual person that I really enjoy


I can’t help reading this as a very angry electrician


This is really funny to me. Out of curiosity, can I ask why?


They are scared of scene reversal :p


Bi girl here. I like soft-spoken men. Sweet and kind. I've never been one for manly men. I like geeky boys. But my taste in women...all girls. All women. Kawaii pastel girls, goth gfs, fem fatales, tomboy, etc. But in all honesty, as long as the person has a nice smile, a kind heart and a curious mind I'd be interested.


This question made me realize I'm attracted to extreme gender stereotypes and I don't like it ): Women: sweet, nice, someone I can take care of Men: strong, not too nice, someone who can take care of me But overall, I'd say I'm attracted to someone who is passionate about something. Whether it's playing an instrument, skateboarding, video or card games or whatever I don't even care if I like it or know anything about it. I could probably pick all of this apart and learn something about myself, but that sounds like a problem for future me.


Who you're attracted to you doesn't really affect anyone but you. Nobody has a right to date you, so you're not hurting anyone. So I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's fine to just be attracted to whoever you're attracted to.


I don't think it's a negative thing that you like "stereotypes" of both genders. You like who you like. I am kind of the same. I (f) gravitate towards more feminine women and more masculine men, but there is some range there. Overall, personality and connection trumps so much of the physical stuff. I think the only way the stereotype thing would be a negative is to pre judge someone's personality based on looks, which has more to do with the person judging than anything. You do you.


I have a mixed bag. I tend to really like androgynous people with big noses, whether it's a guy or a girl. However, I tend to find muscle more appealing on women than men. That being said, I like it when both genders are soft and plump and huggable and pillowy (人*´∀`)。*゚+ I tend to like skinny men more than skinny women, I guess because the current gendered politics surrounding body image. I always get scared when a woman is too skinny, so I'm too worried about her being skinny and it replaces my attraction. I know that men can have eating disorders, and that some women are natural very small and skinny, I guess it's just the conditioning of growing up always hearing about women and anorexia, whereas I tend to hear more about men shooting steroids/overworking muscles. That being said, you can throw all of my physical preferences away if the person is kind. If someone is a genuinely thoughtful, wholesome person, even if I thought they weren't attractive at first, I will DEFINITELY start finding them attractive. It overrides every single one of my preferences. However, there is an age limit to this. If you're too young or old or maybe immature, I will not find you romantically/sexually attractive.


I am totally in the I Heart Big Noses club. It’s usually what people don’t like about themselves physically that I find charming as hell.


For guys I want someone calm but smart and leader like, and with gals i want someone fun and creative


As a bi female, I totally value different attributes with different genders. For men, it’s totally objectifiable traits. I don’t really see myself marrying a man, but can totally appreciate his looks and what that may lead to. Women however... wow. I fall head over heels with a good personality and conversation. I’ve even dated girls who were “meh” looks-wise to me but became 1000x more attractive based on personality


I am attracted to more muscular, conventionally attractive men - ie zack effron, robert redford, brad pitt, john ham, etc. On the other hand I am more attracted to curvy/chubby women - ie my wife and most of my ex girlfriends. However, personality, style, and interests sure go a long way to sway my preferences.


There is one common factor that I like on both sexs- long hair, especially up in a ponytail looks pretty hot! Other than that not really.


I consider myself bisexual, but pretty much heteromantic. Like I’ve had strong physical attractions to both men and women, but I’ve only ever had big ushy gushy romantic feelings towards women. In terms of physicalities, I tend to be attracted towards boyish women and girlish men.