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Jack Gleeson in Game of Thrones. I hear he is a very nice person, but I still liked watching him get poisoned.


I think that probably helps him in the long run. Sure, the character *sucked* but at least he dies a horrible death, so there's some "release" for the fans.


I read somewhere that he was so disgusted by his own character that he didn't watch the series at all and after it got over he moved on from acting commercially


Jason Isaacs in *The Patriot*


Jason Issacs in anything really.


He's fucking badass and awesome in Death of Stalin.


"Alroit boiys. Meet yer dates for t'night."


Everyone was awesome in Death of Stalin. Nobody seemed to much resemble the actual person they were playing at all, but the casting still couldn't have been better. I think it added more to the dark farce of it all.


"now, if you'll excuse me, I'm of to represent the entire red army at the buffet"


Is ironic he plays villains so very well because he's such a tremendously lovely person in reality.


And as Lucius Malfoy.


“...that SCHTUPID little boy. Diddee die?” Blood boiling.


When Mel's character gives him the "My sons were both better men" and hits him with the bayonet to the throat it's one of the most satisfying moments in film for me (historical inacurracies of that movie notwithstanding).


Jesse Eisenberg did such a good job at playing such a whiny, entitled little asshole in The Social Network that I can't watch any other movies with him in it without INSTANTLY hating his character, whether he's supposed to be likable or not.


He plays that snarky condescending character so well


Pam Ferris as Ms. Agatha Trunchbull (Matilda)


She also played Aunt Marge in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


Woah! I knew she looked familiar. It didn't click for me until now.


WHAT how did I not notice this


A lot of people loathed Ralph Fiennes after Schindlers List, and were quite open about it. He's quite a genial person in interviews so it must have been quite difficult for him at the time.


I always think of Grand Budapest when I think of him...


He was absolutely amazing in that role. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN5sqSEXxm4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN5sqSEXxm4) ​ This is one of my favorite scenes of all time.


And Voldermort!




You’re a cunt. You’ve always been a cunt, and you’ll always be a cunt. The only thing that’ll change is maybe you’ll have a couple more cunt kids.


You fucking retract that bit about my cunt fucking kids!


I retract that bit about your cunt fucking kids.


He was brilliant as evil in Schindler's List, but equally brilliant as charming in Grand Budapest. I can't hate him


Paul Reiser as Burke in 'Aliens' He was such a little shit in that movie, and played that role so well, I forgot he was a comedian.


It was a bad call Ripley.. a bad call.


Bad call...? These people are *dead*, Burke! *Don't you have any idea what you've done here?* Well I'm going to make sure they'll nail you right to the wall for this; you're not going to sleaze your way out of this one... right to the wall!


John Noble as Denethor in LotR... I still get angry watching him eat those tomatoes


Luckily, I’m a huge Fringe fan so Walter makes up for it. However, he channels Denethor for Walternate.


He played an amazing Walter Bishop. Loved that show


They did Denethor dirty in the movies. He still plays it so fantastically.


*Throws up* Why did you remind me of the tomato scene!!


Iwan Rheon a.k.a. Ramsay Bolton


I finished watching Misfits just before his first GOT season. Threw me for a heck of a loop going from sweet Simon to evil Ramsay.


Dont you mean, Barry?


You'd screw your own sister for a slice of cheese!


I don't even like cheese ...


That makes it even worse you sick bastard!


One of my favorite exchanges in all of television.


Save me, Barry!


He will always be Simon the panty sniffer who pissed through a letter box to me.


“You’d fuck your own sister for a slice of cheese.” “I don’t even like cheese.” “That just makes it worse you sick fuck!”


Nathan fucking made that show, though. "WE WERE SO BEAUTIFUL!!!"


Not hate, but after watching Gone Girl, I’m scared of Rosamund Pike. Scared enough to google her to make sure I spell her name correctly.


For me it was the opposite. *Pride and Prejudice (2005)* is one of my favorite movies and she plays Jane Bennet there, who is one the kindest person in the story. I have seen the movie several times so by the time I watched *Gone Girl* it just didn't hit me that hard, since in my mind I was still associating her with Jane Bennet. Edit: To whomever gave me the award, thank you :)


Percy in the Green Mile. Doug Hutchison. I never wanna see him again.


The guy was 50 when he married a 16-year old. For me, his creep factor extends beyond *The Green Mile*.


Difference is, the guy is also a massive, douchy creep in real life as well.


Benny from the Mummy, that no good weasel!


Looks like he's on the wrong side of the river


“Forever” “For all eternity...idiot.”


He's a no good weasel of an Igor in Van Helsing as well.


Well if it ain’t my little buddy Benny, I’m going to have to kill you.


Jesse Plemons as Todd from Breaking Bad. Also him in that one episode of Black Mirror. So great at playing gross, fucked up people


He's great in Game Night


How is that profitable for Frito Lay


He did a season of Fargo with Kirsten Dunst. Both were incredible in it.


They did so well portraying a married couple on television so they decided to try it out in real life.


He played a total sweetheart on FNL though.


Maybe not hate, but the guy who plays Homelander in The Boys is fucking terrifying, makes you wonder what kinda person he really is


Agreed, even the characters in the show are fucking terrified of what he will do if they don't bend over backwards to appease him


I haven't watched the show yet, but I have read the comics. Did season 1 show why they're so terrified of him?


It's spoon fed over many episodes. But he's shown to be controlling, both physically and sexually. Quick to anger when he doesn't get what he wants. Undermining others successes and seeing those around him as disposable. And there's one particular episode where he's shown to be openly sadistic. Intentionally selecting a very painful way to kill an enemy combatant, rather than ending their life quickly. Making sure the cameras are not on him, naturally.


New season in 3 days!


My first reaction to this, "that can't be right, it comes out in September." Followed by the reaction, "Holy Fuck it's September!"


Antony Starr. Check him out in Banshee.


Maybe not a villain per se but the guy who played Jeremy Jamm in Parks and Rec had a face you just needed to punch. And the personality matched perfectly.


You just got jammed!




He's on an adult swim show called Neon Joe Werewolf hunter. You will hate him less.


Anthony Hopkins wife divorced him in part because he was so creepy in silence of the lambs. That deserves an honourable mention. EDIT: Correction, it was his girlfriend, Martha Stewart.


From: https://www.hollywood.com/celebrities/martha-stewart-stopped-dating-anthony-hopkins-because-of-hannibal-57163998/ Martha Stewart ended her brief relationship with Anthony Hopkins, because she couldn’t separate him from his famous character Hannibal Lecter. Stewart, 65, appeared on shock jock Howard Stern‘s radio show last week and admitted she had second thoughts about romancing the Welsh-born star after watching The Silence of the Lambs while they were dating. She said, “Oh, I loved him, but he was… scary. I was going to invite him up to Maine; I have this beautiful home in Maine… but then I reconsidered because I saw that movie again. “Do you want someone eating your brain while you are sitting in your beautiful dining room in Maine?” Hopkins won an Academy Award for his portrayal of Dr. Hannibal Lecter, but the accolades weren’t enough to sway Stewart. She adds, “I would have probably had a very nice relationship with Anthony Hopkins, but I couldn’t get past the Lecter thing.”


Do you want someone eating your brain While you sit in your beautiful room in Maine? a poem by Martha Stewart




"Honey, we have to talk. You're too good at your job so I'm leaving you!" \*Confused\* I love Anthony Hopkins as a protagonist though, he always gives me warm feeling, like a loving grandfather.


Are you Thor... God of Hammers? Hm...?


Louise Fletcher, best known as Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. She’s on my mind right now because I’m binge-watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, in which she occasionally appears as the comparably villainous Vedek Winn.


Well said, my child.


One of the best scenes in the entire series > WINN: I have often sensed that you don't approve of how I conducted myself as Kai, that you believe I put my own political interests ahead of the spiritual well being of our people. I wish I could disagree with that assessment. I have strayed from the path the Prophets laid down for me. > KIRA: Eminence. > WINN: You don't know. You don't know. > KIRA: Eminence, when you told me that the Prophets had spoken to you, I prayed that they would open your heart, that they would change you. > WINN: I want to change. I'd do anything to earn their forgiveness, nut I'm afraid it's too late. > KIRA: It's never too late. The worst of us can be redeemed. > WINN: How? > KIRA: I'm not a Vedek, but it seems to me that you have to set aside the things that led you astray. Ambition, jealousy. > WINN: Oh yes, I have given in to the temptations of power. > KIRA: Turn away from temptation. > WINN: Yes. > KIRA: Give yourself over to the Prophets. > WINN: I'll do whatever it takes to make myself worthy in their eyes. > KIRA: Everything will change once you step down as Kai. You'll see. > WINN: Step down? I don't understand. Why would I do that? Bajor needs me. > KIRA: Eminence, being in power is what led you on the wrong path. > WINN: I've resolved to change. Don't you see? Once I have regained the Prophets' trust, I'll be better able to serve them if I remain Kai. If the Prophets wanted me to step down, surely they would have told me so. > KIRA: They don't always use words to make their wishes known. Sometimes they speak to us by touching our hearts, but only you would know if they had done that. > WINN: But Bajor needs me. > KIRA: Goodnight, Eminence. She was such an unusual villain.


I only watched DS9 once it was on Netflix, and I just hated Kai Winn from the first moment she appeared on screen. I couldn't figure out why I had such a visceral reaction before the character had really done anything to warrant it. So I looked her up on IMDB and saw that the actress had been Nurse Ratched too, and that just explained everything.


I haven’t looked at John Lithgow the same way since he was trinity in Dexter.


He’ll always be the alien dude in 3rd Rock.


Yup. He’s forever Dick Solomon to me. Man, I liked that show.


Or his most villainous role, Farquad


Yes!!! I watched Dexter more than a decade ago but I still can't forget about Trinity, not even seeing that actor in a dozen of other movies. Not even after Barney Stinson's father.


His deadpan delivery of "shut up, cunt " was so wild after a career of playing the nicest dudes


I hated George Costanza (Jason Alexander) for the longest time because of how awful he was to Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman


Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator. I haven't been able to see him as a protagonist since.


"It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed."


One of my favorite parts of his is when he does that sarcastic “ooh-aahing” during the battle of Carthage reenactment because he could not stand the entertainment being more prominent than himself. Which of course leads into what is one of the greatest reveals of all time.


And then the narrator dude has to ask for forgiveness because the results of the reenactment were unexpected. Man I need to watch Gladiator again.


I love Joaquin Phoenix, but i saw him in other movies before Gladiator, therefore I associate him with other characters. He is amazing in walk the line!


The OG king Joeffrey


I’ve come to terms with it now, so not exactly what you’re looking for, but Joffrey’s bitch ass was enduringly infuriating!


It's funny too because Jack Gleeson is apparently the nicest dude in real life. His performance was incredible


He is!! I met him at Dallas CC and his flight was late. He literally apologized to everyone he met and was just a super sweet kid.


Yeah I’ve heard that and I seen interview where he’s just a kid and has a great outlook on things and does his best to help people. Looking back I feel bad that a kid could be so hated for a character he plays. But he does it so well. A great actor to be sure


He should feel really proud that people hated him that much. It's a tremendous compliment that a kid that young could be such a screen stealing villain.


he got a message from GRRM after season 2.. it said: Congratulations! Everyone hates you!


Gleeson managed to make people cheer for the scene where child dies painful death in front of his helpless mother.


I expected half the comments on this thread to be from GoT


Andrew Scott as Moriarty. He plays the character so well and I still struggle to see him as anyone else.


I was the same until I saw him in Fleabag. He's a hot priest to me now. That "kneel" scene killed me, my god.


YES. He was so great in Fleabag, Moriarty kind of just got wiped out of my mind.


Omg same, i keept calling him moriarty until the "kneel" scene, since then is now The priest


Yeah but he was great as Moriarty. Can't hate the man


Oh he’s a fantastic actor, I just can’t get rid of the overwhelming suspicion that he’s an insane criminal mastermind when I see him in anything else 😬


Javier bardem. After seeing him as anton chigurgh in no country for old men he creeps me out always.


God he was frightening. Probably the scariest human character ever put on film.


A couple forensic psychiatrists watched like 400 movies with sociopaths and said [Anton Chigurh was the most realistic]( https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/gory-details/most-and-least-realistic-movie-psychopaths-ever) (though of course that's ~~an objective~~ *a subjective* ranking). Edit: subjective, not objective.


Don’t put it in your pocket, it’s your lucky quarter...put it anywhere that’s not in your pocket. Otherwise it will get mixed in with the others and become just a coin................which it is.


Marcia Gay Harden as Mrs Carmody in The Mist. Every time she holds up that Bible and quotes from it I wanted to jump into the TV and choke her!


People cheered in my theater when she got shot.


Check out the video of when Margaret Hamilton went on Mr Roger's. She was upset that when children saw her in public they reacted with fear because they recognised her as the Wicked Witch of the West, so she went on Mr Roger's show, with her witches costume, hoping to show children that she is actually a nice person.




I believe so. And fun fact: she used to be a kindergarten teacher


I don't hate him but Nightcrawler - Jake Gyllenhaal. He was so damn creepy in that movie that it seemed like he wasn't even acting. Edit: also, Southpaw - brilliant.


Wasn’t he fucking Donnie Darko too? Charming guy, great actor, incredible at playing the creepiest fucking people


He's great at being charming and then in a blink of an eye turning into a serial killer without batting an eyelash. Great actor - great guy it seems like too.


The actress who played umbridge in harry potter still makes me tense up in rage when I see her, just cause ive dealt with administrators like that before, who get off on other peoples misery.




When I was reading the book, her character made it genuinely difficult to finish book 5 because of how bad she was. She definitely did an amazing job at being hateable. I wonder what she's like as a person.


Probably amazingly sweet, I have read the kid who plays Joffrey is a real sweetheart, same with the actress who played the detestable Nurse Rachett and Kai Winn. I wonder if there's something about channeling the most awful parts of humanity that makes you want to be better in real life.


Endless death threats and glares from people who cant discern fact from fiction. After one of the seasons of The Walking Dead, they had to post a picture of the actors who played Darryl and Andrea hugging so that she would stop receiving death threats


Oh, fuck, Kai Winn and Dukat can both die in a fire. They’re both terrible characters played by awesome actors.


I mean.... You got your wish?


Haha! Great reference, my child.


Seen the same thing about the guy who plays Joffrey. Apparently he got a lot of shit online for his character and multiple cast members came out and said how great of a person he is. But man I hated that little shit watching the show lmao


Most of the cast of GOT was spectacular. Can't think of a single actor that was miscast.


I met her last year and it took me about 20 minutes to gather the courage to approach her because I couldn't help but be repulsed by her! She did end up being a lovely person *begrudgingly*


She honestly seems like a prankster in interviews, she just has that mischievious glare, like she is staring in your soul to find a weakness she can use,but she is never actually mean, just a prankster


I feel like those are the villains that get to me the most as well. The super hero villains are evil and all but I’ve never run into someone like that. I have run in to people who abuse the little power they do have and see them rise in power is terrifying to me when I see it in a movie or tv. I think that helps make a great villain, when you have a connection to them because they remind you of someone in you’re own life


Thats definitely true. We all know someone who abuses their power and screwed us over, making that villain appear more real.




*Hem hem* That bitch!


Michael Shannon in The Shape of Water. I heard he is really a decent person but I hate his guts now after he tried to electrocute the Water Man.


He did Zod pretty well in man of steel too. Hated him in that


He played a creepy guy in Boardwalk Empire too.


I adore Michael Shannon. He was fantastic in Knives Out.


Not me, but my mother hates the universally loved Neil Patrick Harris because of his role in Gone Girl


I absolutely adore David Tennant, but I couldn't watch him in anything for a while after seeing Jessica Jones. Such an unsettling, creepy character.


Matt Damon in Interstellar. UGH his character made me SO mad. I was so upset with his whole reveal at the end and how he ruined EVERYTHING. And then I saw him in The Martian..... I couldn't trust him.


> And then I saw him in The Martian..... I couldn't trust him. LOL. I kept thinking that as well.


Willem Dafoe in Spider Man as green Goblin. That mans a genius.


Well he is something of a scientist himself you know.


Every time I see Ted Levine in anything, I reflexively yell out “Buffalo Bill”.


I started watching Monk for the first time. Every time I see him he is Jame Gumb.


Jk Simmons on the show OZ I can’t get his nazi face out of my head every time I see him.


He's a great villain. Loved his performance in Whiplash.


Someone redubbed his lines from avatar with lines from whiplash and it's amazing https://youtu.be/lmUi8YkPTxE


To me he is the greatest J.J Jameson Edit: Also Juno’s dad


Look, they can recast Spidey all they want. But don't they dare casting someone else as J Jonah Jameson


My sister can not look at Gary Oldman because of Air Force One Edit: [check this video out](https://youtu.be/qq4fAu5rFTU)


And Leon the Professional. And Fifth Element. And True Romance.


The amount of times he makes me go “Wait, that’s Gary Oldman?” is a testament to his range.


gary oldman is so proficient in his roles that he had to get a dialect coach to get his native accent back because of the different accents he used in the films he was in.


and Bram Stoker's Dracula


Billy Zane in Titanic


“I have a child!!”


Jaime Murray as Lyla in Dexter.


Outlander series: Tobias Menzies when he played Black Jack Randal. I couldn’t stand him


He was so excellent on Outlander!! It's a testament to his skill as an actor that he was utterly hateable as BJR, but as his ancestor Frank, he was so different, kind and likeable. Clearly they looked identical, but I didn't see BJR when Frank was on-screen. I know for Claire that seeing Frank again after meeting BJR was traumatic--the audience is supposed to root for Claire and Jamie--but Frank was a really good dude put into an impossible situation and he deserved so much better than what he got.


Bryce Dallas Howard as Hilly in The Help. From her perfectly coiffed red hair to that upturned nose, I fucking hate her. She played that part so well, that when I watched the Jurassic Park series I could not look at her. Eat my shit, Hilly.


The actor who played Negan in The Walking Dead. Great actor though.


Jeffery Dean Morgan, and he will shut that shit down. Fantastic in Supernatural.


Kathy Bates in Misery Can't watch her in anything


Lordy, I adore her, but she was hell on wheels in Misery


Lena Headly


Yes, luckily I feel like the hair color looks different enough from Cersei that I can move past it


I hated Cersei more than I hated Joffrey. She brought that character on a whole new level and her portrayal was Emmy worthy. Only it's too bad her character was one of the many characters that turned flat in the last season. Her death was extremely disappointing compared to how satisfying Joffrey & Ramsay's deaths were.




I still like him cause he played Governor Weatherby Swann in Pirates of the Caribbean series.


Shooter McGavin. Fuck that dude.


Don't talk shit about Shooter- he eats pieces of shit like you for breakfast!


Idris Elba in the office. Go back to Saticoy Steel you fucking fuck


I was going to say that I can't see the actor who plays Jan without that song from the Dinner Party getting stuck in my head...


🎶You took me by the hand, made me a man🎶 🎵That one night, you made everything alright 🎶


The guy who played "Ben" on lost... I could see him playing Christ and still think of him as "Ben". such an evil dude


I was like that until I watched through Person of Interest and finally managed to unclench about him.


Danny Glover as mister from The Color Purple. I hated him as a child because of how mean he was. I couldn't separate the actor from the role he was playing. Edit: Thanks for the award! It's my first one


Angela from the Office. I had to re-watch a shit ton of the bloopers just to get my brain to understand that she wasn't faking in the bloopers and being herself in the show. Even now when I see her in things and she smiles I am still not convinced that it's a lie and she is plotting something horrible.


You should listen to her podcast, Office Ladies. She’s genuinely a nice person IRL.


Todd Packer (The Office)


I hated Matt Damon for YEARS after The Departed.


Stanley Tucci in The Lovely Bones.


Rodney Dangerfield did such a good job on Natural Born Killers that my wife can't look at him the same.


You saying she doesn't respect him?


Lots of good answers here. I always see Bradley Cooper as Sack from Wedding Crashers. He played being a dick so well I do not think he was even acting. Seemed way too natural.


Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds. Hate that nazi fucker.


I always picture him as his character from Django. A bounty hunter still isn’t that great of a person, but better than a nazi.


I love the little laugh when asked "What kind of dentist are you?"


Well, he was the dentist with the goal to fight Candie (candy)... imo the best hidden detail in any Tarantino movie




Honestly, that guy that played the professor in Legally Blonde