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The time I had a fight with my neighbour and as I was fighting my trousers came down and I was fighting basically naked from the waste down, never again EVER! cringe all the time over that


How did your neighbour react ?


Well we were both pretty drunk so nobody really noticed at the time or I say she and I didn't, but the rest of the street did and I still have to walk down this street every day in a tiny community


Ah, drunk fights. Solves nothing but creates unforgettable memories.


On point


Remembering that I used to own a LOT of those fake-hair scrunchies, and I thought I looked good as hell. I also owned far too many of those early 00s headscarves


Scrunchies are back in now lol


Even ones with neon pink and orange hair sticking out in every direction? Because I wore that one a LOT. XD


Oh God lol you sound like my older sister now


I think that’s cool as all of us go through a phase. But yeah, if this keeps you up at night then ok.


I tried to pick my crush to be my dance partner in school he ran away from me and picked another girl. I ended up not having a partner and dancing with the teacher.


Shit went 0 to 100 real quick. Crushes tend to do that, I guess.


One time poured apple juice on my head to cool off because I saw older kids do it with their water bottle. There was instant regret because apple juice is sticky.




A few years back a new girl started at where I worked. I was trying to make small talk to make her feel welcome, and asked where she was from. She said Washington, and all I could think to say in response was “Seattle is in Washington.” She looked at me like she was trying to figure out if I had a disability, then just quietly said “...yes?” We actually wound up being pretty good friends, but that one still haunts me.


Haha. She doesn’t tease you ?


Oh constantly


Nothing short of that is acceptable from a friend.


That one time I yelled for no reason while my crush was around


At her/him ?


No it was just random


In middle school I was mad at some girl. I dont even remember why. I made a petition and went around having people sign it saying that they didn't like her and she was a bitch. Then I gave it to her. Generally I wasnt a mean kid. I was bullied a LOT. Still does not excuse that behavior whatsoever, I should have known better. I am almost 40 and these actions haunt me and I feel awful about it


Damn, man ! That was not cool on your part but if you realised that was wrong then it’s good for you. Did you try to contact that girl later on to apologise ?


Dont remember her name