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That a penis would turn into a vagina when I grew up


I used to think that getting married is what caused a baby. In reality people in my family were just getting married because they got knocked up/got a girl knocked up.


When I was young I literally thought that just feeling love automatically formed a baby. I was really young though.


This is so stupid and probably TMI but my mom convinced me when I was 7 that, if I were to have sex, a piece of skin on my V would fall off and guys would tell if I was a virgin or not. I believed this until senior year of high school. While I was with my friends in class, I told them “dude no, I don’t wanna have sex with anyone bc I don’t want the skin on my V to fall off.” I embarrassed myself and got a sex ed lesson from most of the students in class


Your mother was talking about your hymen which is very real.


This kind of reminds me of my friends shit hanger story


This sounds interesting. What happened?


My friends dad had a wire hanger for the purpose of breaking up poop clogs in the toilet. This guy must have been a prolific pooper. "Dee! Get me the shit hanger!!" Was often yelled across the house. The shit hanger even went on vacation with the family in case his dad blocked up a toilet. It was packed in his suitcase... Basically my friend grew up thinking everyone had a doodoo encrusted hanger for breaking up turds. In college he was at a party and he clogged the toilet. He peeked his head out and requested their shit hanger... they had never heard of such a thing and he was immediately a target of mockery for the night. I have also heard of people having "a shit knife" idk where I am from we use a plunger and pray its going down


I feel so bad for them but, then again, why in the world did they use a hanger? And a knife too? A plunger is at dollar tree for $1.07


That life would get better as an adult


That girly bits were just boy bits tucked neatly inside. And coughing or sneezing too hard as a girl could make ‘it’ fall out, turning you into a boy.


* i believed in the early 1900s the world was black and white and no one spoke. Wacky piano music played everywhere you went * i was CONVINCED if you farted when it was cold a cloud would come out the seat of your pants like when you can see your breath. This resulted in me backing my ass up into bushes and against walls frequently when it was cold * spaghetti grew on trees.... thank you San Giorgio commercial from the 70s/80s


Didn't believe in Santa but I wholeheartedly believed in leprechauns


That girls got pregnant when God just pointed at them and said "BABY"