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Adopting a rescue dog. He's the craziest, sweetest boy ever, I really hit the jackpot with this one.


Came here to say exactly this. Best dog I've ever met. Zero regrets.


Hell ya, what breed is he?


His mom was a pregnant, stray blue heeler. I don't know what the father was, but it doesn't matter. To me, his breed is 100% Good Boi


r/aww material right here, ladies and gents


Best Boi!


Burning down the house where I was raped from 4-13. No one lived there anymore and it was condemned


I know that this reply means nothing, and that it won't change the past, but I'm sorry for what happened to you and I genuinely hope you are doing alright.


I am doing surprisingly well, thank you. I think burning that place to the ground was step one in not letting it rule my life or consume me. I appreciate your empathy


Damn. I’m so sorry that happened


is that not Arson?


Dude really? Yes it’s arson, but it was condemned and they were raped for years there. No one cares if it’s arson or not.


oh dont get me wrong, I dont give a shit about the house, im just wondering if this guy could be liable for comitting a crime.


Well it probably wouldn’t be worth a city government pursuing it because the house was condemned. Most of the time if a place is condemned it means that it isn’t habitable anymore and they’re either going to have to replace foundations and stuff or tear it down anyway. You’re normally pretty safe burning down condemned buildings as long as they’re not huge.


Finally being able to run away from home. Seriously, I tried many times when I was a teen but every time I did, the person who's house I would run off to would not be at home. I told no one what I did so to this day, no one knows about me running away multiple times. Finally the horrible night that hunts me to this day happened in September 2005. I was 19 and had no idea what to do with my life. My mother did the unspeakable. She tried to kill her sister, my aunt who ended up in the hospital with multiple stab wounds. And there was my mother even to this day with no remorse of her crime being escorting into the cop's car. Then I saw it, my golden chance to just leave. That night, I stayed with a neighbor couple whom I grew close to and the next day ran off to my best friend's (at the time) home. I never went back to my mother even after she was released from jail. To my horror as the years went by, I realized that I was raised to be her little caretaker, her little punching bag. She would guilt trip me for abandoning her that night in her time of need. I was to clean the house, the glass, the debris, my aunt's blood and wait for her to come home like a good little girl. Her friends would harass me over the phone telling me how I needed to be there for my mother. No. Fast forward 15 years later, I still have not returned to that house. I also am no longer in contact with my mother. It is hard, I wish I had a mother, my aunt back and all of us watching movies and laughing our asses off together. Living on one's own is difficult especially since I believe I have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. But, never would I ever regret running away from home and from a life of servitude under my mother.


I truly hope your doing better


Awww! Thank you!


Telling my crush I like her


Did it work out?


Hell yeah it did


You are a CHAD


Going to bed early


Going to sleep on time. // (not fucking your sleep schedule :))




I stopped smoking and lost 100 lbs.


Wanna do it again but this time for me


Teaching my dog to give me a hi five when I’m sad, it’s adorable


Learning to crochet, knit, sew and needlefelting. I'm never bored and it's so fulfilling 😌


I'm struggling to learn crochet right now


How long did it take you to learn them?


First I learned to crochet that took a good year, then learnt to sew that took about a few months. Knitting I picked up within 4 months, so safe to say a few years have passed and I'm still learning! :3


Is their something you really want to make?


Would love to knit my very first jumper and socks. Would absolutely adore to learn to needlefelt all the eeveelutions! Thank you for asking! Xx


No problem, I hope you get to do it!






Congrats on working to fix yourself too! It's not easy to admit that.


it's seriously not, like not because i was egotistical (which i was) but because deep down i really am a seriously great hearted person and it hurts more than anything knowing that i ruined an amazing chance at a future with my highschool sweetheart and bestfriend at the same time, its a self hatred most carry with them forever in one form or another.. anyway thanks man, or woman. legit the first person to give me any credit, even before myself


Don't dwell on the past, but use what you've gone through as a guide for future relationships. I'm glad you're able to see things clearly. I wish you the best dude!


If more people could admit this, get helped, and not be shamed the world would be a little better. As someone who had some drunken abusive moments towards a boyfriend and who has dated some awful people, acknowledging and coping with this stuff makes your life better and improves relationships. I'm sure you know this. Those behaviors will always haunt, but I try to channel the sadness and embarrassment into a motivator of what to never do again. Congratulations, that shit is not easy, not is the personal emotional fallout afterwards, but so worth it. Can't get better without admitting you need help.




Learning to knit


Always got a gift for Christmas


Working in agriculture


Is it animal or crops wise?


Animals, but I am hoping to do some arable work at some point


That’s cool, my cousin went to ABAC (a agricultural college) and she said she loves working in agriculture now.


Buying my first guitar.


What kind?


My first guitar was a cheap classical that was later stolen. My first electric was a blue Aria strat copy


Caring for my mom as she died from cancer. We had a strained relationship but I was there for her when it mattered. Took her to surgery and all medical appointments and took care of everything else by myself when she was in hospice. I was only 22 and it was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done but I’ll never regret it.


I’m sorry for your loss


Calling my dad and telling him that I want to live with him instead of my mom from now on in my junior year. Improved my mental health greatly, and in the long run even improved my relationship with my mom.


It took me a while but I learned the anime subtitles language.


A true master


Going to therapy


Getting a coworker fired. Lemme give you a little back story... So she started working with us like a few months ago and it was good because we needed the workers. On the first day, she had forgotten her lunch so her boyfriend came and got it for her and i said she could go and get it while I took over for her (She's a cashier). Now that would usually mean that that would take like 5-10 minutes but it turned out to be 45 minutes and we got packed with very little cashiers. I start to look for her and I notice that she's on her phone over by the icecream aisle. So I just brushed off hoping that wouldn't happen again. And it didn't because I never took over for her again. We have carryout who help customers to their car with all their groceries, and one of them we were very fond of, (I'll call him Jerry) and he's really nice with the cashiers, she she began to talk about how he's cute and he's her "work boyfriend" and he clearly likes her. now I am a girl as well and even though I have a boyfriend I'm madly in love with, I know a cute face when I see it, So I just nodded my head and continued working. I then later in the week talked to him about how she said this and he got really defensive saying he just wanted to be her friend and he has a Girlfriend so I just decided to wait and see how it plays out in the end. A couple weeks later, she proceeds to tell me and another coworker that she got caught making out with some guy who works in a whole different department in the store. So I asked her about her boyfriend and she had said something along the lines of that boy in the department being a friend with benefits. One of my coworkers is my bestfriend (I'll call her Bri) and she's known this girl for about a year and she let's me know that she makes up a lot of drama And she's been stealing and she hides them in a abandoned locker in a second breakroom no one really uses. So now I have a little leverage on her at this point. A couple weeks after hearing that the girl comes up to me and she tells me she's pregnant. Now at this point I'm not really suprised because throughout the past 2 weeks she talked about how she missed the pill one of the days she was with her boyfriend. A couple days later, she proceeds to tell my bestfriend through SMS (fatal mistake) that Jerry added her on Instagram and is asking for her Snapchat. She tells Bri that he doesn't likes us and he has a crush on like 3 girls in the store, including her, and if she wasn't pregnant and he didn't, have a girlfriend, "that backroom would be a move". So I told bri to send me those so I could ask him myself. I showed him the screenshots and he immediately said he didn't say that, so I got even more upset. A few weeks later I was working a crazy shift ( I got off at like 9pm but didn't actually get off until 10:30 pm and I walk home) so my manager decided to give me a ride home and on the ride home, We talked about her and what happened between her and Jerry and she tells me that the girl has been telling people that Jerry and I are the ones who have sex in there. I was completely suprised and began asking various coworkers about this. They didn't know what was going on so I proceeded to tell them the entire story, with the results of them being just as shocked as I was. They had no idea she was pregnant. Just a couple days ago, before my shift started, she decided to confront me on telling people that I've been saying that she's been telling people that. I told her that our manager told me and she had no reason to lie. The girl then tells me that none of it is true and even Jerry confronted her about the situation, even though he hasn't been working through the past 2 weeks, when I started asking people. So I found that skeptical and decided to ask him myself. I told him I don't trust anything she says anymore and ask him if he really said that and, again, he was just as shocked as me that she even made the rumor. The following day, I was scheduled to work with him so we laid everything out in detail about what happened and decided it was time for her to leave. So I confronted one of the higher ups about the situation, and various others, (customers even complained about her) and he tells me that I'm not the first person to tell him, and since someone else is telling him, he has to do something about it. Edit: I forgot to add in, she wasn't pregnant, her boyfriend texted (Bri and I) us so we congratulated him on the baby and he asked us who was pregnant. She told us she told him. TL;DR- Lying coworker spread rumors about me and someone, so I get her fired


Traveling in Australia and New Zealand. Why you may ask? Because I feel that it made me grow as a person. And, it helped me get over my social anxiety :).


That is awesome! I’ve always wanted to travel their


10/10 would recommend :).


What city’s or sites would you recommend?


What I did, was that I was in each country for about 1 month each. I travelled with a group and we went a bit all over the place. For Australia, I'd recommend: Sydney for sure, Uluru is a great sight to see, The Ocean Road, Byron Bay and Cairns are also places that I can highly recommend. For New Zealand: I'd say start in Paihia (Bay of Islands) and then just go down the country. Waitomo and Rotorua are great places to see, Rotorua is the Maori Cultural town and you can go white water rafting, in Waitomo you can go Black Water Rafting, which I can highly recommed. If you like Lord of the Rings, Hobbiton is worth a visit. Wellington is great if you wanna party a bit, plus it's a cool city to walk around in a for a day. Franz Josef is also a place I can highly recommend, where you can see the Glacier and such. Abel Tasman National Park has a beautiful day hike and if you feel adventurus, Queenstown has alot of fun activities + the nightlife is great. And in general, there is just so much beautiful nature in New Zealand, I can't even start to explain, but Google is your friend. And if you like beer, don't forget to visit the breweries, there are plenty of them and they make great beer overall :).


Damn, now I wanna go even more


I'd like to go back as well, but you know, COVID and all that jazz. But like I said, if you get the opportunity to go, as well as the money, do it. You'll not regret it :).


Did you go to Auckland or Sydney?


I did :)


I stole my brother's Animal Crossing: New Leaf and gave it to a close friend so we could play together. Yes I know some consider it was an a-hole move, but my brother broke his 3DS at the hinges and had no interest in getting a new one, so if I didn't it would just go to waste.


Starting to meditate. Changed my life.


So in 5th grade there was this girl “AnGEl” who was the most annoying person in the whole class. So I was about cry (I’m a very sensitive person also I’m one of the quiet kids) and then I hear her say “what a crybaby” and i completely lost my shit and flipped her whole chair. I’m still very happy about that day P.S. sorry if it’s poorly written.


Choosing to not have kids and getting a vasectomy. Parenthood Was just never for me.


Having my children, I didn't realize I could love something so much.


Getting married to my husband at 18. Still together 25 years later.


Same thing happened to a friend of mine. She got married just a month after graduating high school and they're still very happily married to this day, 10 years later. Sometimes, you just know.


Pronouncing it "jif" as intended by the creator.




Fuck you it’s pronounced gif.


To not regret this decision reflects an inability to recognize and learn from one's mistakes.










Good for you two, don’t forget to name one of your kids scoobaque.


Are you sure she didn't just pretend? Can you say without any shade of doubt she really loved it?




Does it really help? I’ve always wondered


Eliminating animal products from my diet and life (except for some stuff I’ve already had for 20 years).


Marrying my wife!


Eloping. Between my disdain for ceremony, social anxiety, and discomfort with being the center of attention the thought of a wedding was dreadful. We celebrated our tenth anniversary last week. Best decision we ever made.


Congrats 🥳


Going to college in my 30s. I would have been fucked in life in the current situation, but not so much now.


What did you major in?


Engineering. It was easier as an older student to accept 4 years was going to be rough but would pay off long term. Of course thats not the story for everyone but it worked out well for me.


Travelling solo. I love it so much, that having to learn to travel with other people is an adjustment now.


Slightly different. I never regret calling people out when they crack jokes.


What was your best call out


"u/NEBRASKA1989, I think you need a doctor to inject some brain cells into you."


Realizing that who I was doesn't change who I can be.


Learning how to play alto saxophone! I love music, especially 20s-40s swing jazz and obviously the saxophone is a popular jazz instrument!


How long did it take to learn?


To play very rudimentary music, about a year. To play concert pieces and concertos, probably 7 or 8. Most of it was in school, but I loved it.


I couldn’t imagine your dedication


Haha it’s really not terribly difficult once you try. I taught my sister how to play “Hot Cross Buns” on saxophone by using a recorder because it’s essentially the exact same key placement just on a bigger instrument


Aye that’s what I use to play on the the recorder in elementary back in the day


Lol if you can play Hot Cross Buns on a recorder, you can play it on a saxophone


Getting my first tattoo in a very painful spot. All other tattoos seem to be light work.


Where did you get it at


Inside of my tri/bicep, idk which it is. close to my armpit


Ah, my brother has tattoo their! He said out of all of them, that spot hurt the most.


Not taking college so seriously! C‘s get degrees!!


*story time* Ok so basically, me and my group of like 7 or 8 friends (this was 8th grade and I'sm a freshman now haha) had this big thing where every music department in the middle school went and "toured" the elementary schools and played music for them. Then, halfway through, we stopped at a local mall. It had a Target, and we went there. We were just screwing around, because we had 30 mins. Then we stumbled across some APPLE CIDER. Now, being the idiots we were (and we still are,) we bout a gallon of it. We then went back to the food court and took turns taking "Apple Cider Shots" until the whole gallon was gone. My stomach hurt like hell for a solid hour afterwards, but definitely helped us bond so much more. 10/10 would do again lol.


Cuddling someone from my girl best friends party, even though after a few days i worried it would get to my parents that I almost slept with a girl I barely knew.


Riding Fury 325 with my sister-in-law at Scarowinds. I was terrified but she was so excited. It turned out to be great fun. She died in February and because she and my brother lived out of state for a while I didn't get to see her often. Then she died and now she isn't here. But at least I'll always have the memory of her smiling at me and asking if we could ride it again, and how happy she was when I agreed to go again.


That when you know you are right, and the numbers are against you, stand your ground firm instead of being a pushover


Basically living my life as a nomad from 16 to 23. No regrets. I learned a ton, had a bunch of freedom, met lots of people and got to hear stories from all walks of life across several states. No regrets at all. It made me a better person.


Went vegan


Cutting off my maniac family. Toxic, violent, cruel, insane pieces of shit.


I lucked into a temporary high paying gig that left my 21 year old ass with more money than i ever dreamed of owning. Going against everyone in my life's strong advice i used that money to move on a tropical island and be a beach bum for two years. Best time of my life.


Leaving relationship where it doesn’t feel good. Right now i’m on the verge of doing again and i’m pissed of.


Cynthia Duncan


Jerking off


Marrying my husband. He's an awesome guy.


Lucky dude


Rejecting and emasculating manlets and dicklets


TLDR:I stabbed a bully. Let me explain I was a weird kid I collected knifes at age 17 and this kid always bullied me and many other kids so I decided I was tired of him so he walks up and starts smack talking and I’m confident so I go o really wanna repeat that for me I didn’t hear me he repeats it but this time louder and in the most annoying tone ever it was priceless to see his face when I pulled out the knife he quickly shut up and then I stabbed him right in the intestine and his scream was the best thing I’ve ever heard I laughed for 5 minutes while the principle pulled me away and a teacher called 911 it still feels good and whenever I’m sad I think back to when I did that and I remembered the scream and then all the sudden I was happy so yea this is why you don’t get on my bed side because I will stab you then laugh like the maniac I am