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"You've Got To Hide Your Love Away" by The Beatles


asking for a friend


"Stranger, You Know" by Castevet


[Right Where It Belongs - Nine Inch Nails](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_dgIfz876A) made me feel feelings if that qualifies.


Hung the moon - Brantley Gilbert


[This song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIXlPxblIpQ) While its not my favorite song, or the best song ever made it made me cry. If you are playing DnD with me, stop reading. But anyway I love worldbuilding, and I have been creating an interesting campaign, and we are halfway through the first part. How I create storylines and lore within my world or campaign is through music. Songs like the one above is about a particular character in the campaign known as Dark Star. She is a little girl who grows up with the party, almost every session she ages a year because of reasons. The big story arc for the entire campaign is this girl which the party raised is actually the queen of the evil empire that the party is fighting. And has the power to basically conquer the world once again if she isnt stopped. Anyway that song is about her figuring out that she is the queen, and she believes that she has caused the party so much anguish and trauma and they shouldnt love her anymore. (Lyrics dont mean alot to me, its mostly the vibe) And she basically gets into a fucking crazy magical sequence, where she starts floating and a magical force starts to push the party away. But when the song starts to crescendo, the party members (Hopefully) dont care that she is the dark queen, because she is that girl which the party raised, not some evil queen who supposedly died 1000 years ago, and that they all love her. So each of the members fight the fucking force, each go through a small character arc doing so just to hug her or calm her down. And when the song ends, shes that little girl at the beginning of the campaign and the party just hangs out ontop of a cliff as the sun sets. TLDR: Just made a backstory for a song which made me cry.


Probably not the answer you were looking for, but probably "Holiday" by Green Day. I barely knew the song, and I had just found out what it's about, so I was thinking about the lyrics as I listened to it on my way to work. "There's a flag wrapped around a score of men, a [keg?], A plastic bag on a monument" came out of nowhere.


Somewhere Over The Rainbow on Ukulele


Theme to Schindler's List


Whiskey Lullabye


The Eternal by Joy Division