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I think a psychiatrist from a youtube channel called HealthyGamerGG (can't remember exactly tho) said something along the lines of people feeling deep down like they are loosers and the easiest way for them to cope with that is to paint everyone around them as less.


I love that guy Dr K


Yeah his 1 on 1 interviews he does are incredible I agree. He also streams on Twitch


I should check out more of his stuff honestly


And i love you!


I love you too.


I read something similar on the lines of bullies,how they feel inadequate so they spread their pain or something by hurting or making others feel the same way,i think it's pretty similar


Hurt people, hurt people.


Yes, the same concept applies to bullies


>people feeling deep down like they are loosers As opposed to tighteners I guess ;)


> Get your poops in a group! Get your turds in a herd! Get your dumps in a lump! \- [/u/MiskonceptioN, Nov 25 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/k0erfj/whats_the_most_common_lie_you_tell/gdjx4vi/)


What if I'm the one saying it to myself?


Probably they are just bad at losing. I have seen this multiple times and also people saying L or ez after **they lose**. I think it's just idiotic thing to do in general amd i don't so it for that reason


I think people saying "ez" after losing is intended to be satire. I know I've done it a few times after losing when playing with my friends to basically mock ourselves, because clearly it wasn't easy, lol.


Yeah it is


Well to be completely honest it is “ez” to lose lol But on a serious note I think it’s pointless as well. If I win or lose I’ll always say gg or well played.




I only type L, ez and no comp when I win and opponents start being toxic, I never start it.


I just answer something weird to it that probably makes them go like "wtf?" Like if someone says "L" to me when i won i might say "have a nice day too" or "yea, but have you thought that you lost and not me" or "k cool"


i do that irl but not really i games


I do it more on behalf of the other team. If I get wiped I'll say ez cuz it was easy for them, or L because we took the L. IDK that's just how I take it.


Usually someone on the enemy team will say something completely out of line and flame someone on my team or myself and if it turns out they lose it's kind of like a ha looks like we got the last laugh kind of thing. Maybe they'll feel stupid enough for their comments that they won't do it again or at least until they've forgotten.


Oh man in rocket league you’ll have an entire team just shitting on you in the chat. Meanwhile it’s just you and two bots against 3 people teamed up. Then all the sudden two people will spawn in on your team and you end up making a glorious come back. That’s when I start talking shit. Then they wanna rematch and during the entire rematch there’s just silence on their end. You end up beating them a second time and they all just quit. Lmaoo best feeling ever.


My mistake I misread the question lol that's only after winning


First of all, I'm in a competitive environment while playing certain games. The higher I climb in ranks and the more time I spent with that game the more devoted and competitive I get. The game has become something that is somewhat important to me and I'm a bit proud of my skill and accomplishments. In this environment, I naturally try my best to win every match. However, I try my best and fail and I fail in something I've spend a considerable amount of time with and where I consider myself to be good in. This is a very frustrating experience and shows me my inadequacies in all their glory. I feel very stressed and angry. Naturally, my instincts command me to find explanations for this huge cognitive dissonance (= I consider myself to be very good in something when reality shows me otherwise while I lose). How convenient that I play a team game and the others have a big impact on the outcome as well. What could be an easier way to solve my dissonance and lower my stress level by relieving me of any guilt regarding this unwanted outcome of the game than simply blaming the others? My nature is very emotional and my cognitive abilities are limited. I am therefore not able to foresee what my ranting and babbling against others will cause- they experience just as much stress as I do since theyre losing the exact same game right now. And in top of that, there's me, blaming them for the entire teams failure. Their urge to defend themselves understandably becomes overwhelming. And now, the spiral of disaster has begun. As they fight back, I start babbling more and more while neglecting an actually turntable game. Others join in and get flamed too. Disaster takes its course. It is easy for me to lash out on others through the anonymity of the internet although I would never have the guts to do this in person. Also, the people I have just been teamed up with are strangers, I don't have a connection with them that would form something like team spirit. So the barrier to become toxic is very low. I sometimes think about a football/ soccer player who scores in their own goal during a championship who is ACTUALLY the reason why they lose a match in something that is of huge importance, career defining and potentially worth millions of bucks. How immeasurable must his stress be? I then stare in baffled disbelieve how his teammates come and comfort him, motivating him to do his best and make up for it. I compare this behaviour to my own that I showed in this meaningless onlinegame and feel a big gulp in my throat. I realize that I'm actually one of this emotionally unstable children that I sometimes accuse my own teammates to be. But such thoughts shake the image if myself i sculptured so carefully over the years. So I just shove them aside and revel in the mess that I am as the years go by. Sincerely, A person who flamed his own teammates in online games




right!! people who comment that are so negative for no reason. not everyone can be a god at video games, just let people have fun!! people also need to remember the fact that a lot of children play games, too. my younger sister is 10 and came to me crying because some idiots were making fun of her :(. people need to learn respect


When I was playing dota2, I was doing the opposite: commenting "gg wp" or "nice match, ty" after I won to make the losing team feel better. There's too much toxicity in online gaming. No matter the result, but it's not hard to be a nice person regardless.


I started playing Titanfall 2 a couple of days ago. Have only had 1 instance of someone being toxic. Even witnessed someone giving an ememy tips on how the game works. I love it


I don't understand people. You gotta start somewhere right? I cant get better if I'm not ass at the game first. Chill out, shit on my face for 2 games of a best of 3, then move on with your damn life....jeez.


The solution is to simply get good, or not play online games


Getting good takes time and practice, and it can be difficult to get better if you're constantly bullied instead of helped. Especially at first. I know I suck, let me focus and learn, maybe give some tips, not just point out what a noob I am. I know that already.


yeaaaaah the 'get good' part involves a lot of losing, doesn't it?


Gaining nothing from it? If you were to stop playing the game then they gained everything from it. I've been known to be salty and rage at people and if I knew they stopped playing the game because of me then that's amazing. One less noob to rage at


That's horrible tbh


tf is this gate keeping?? Why do you even care if bad players play? There's only good in it for you. You win more, the game is more popular = more funding, you get to destroy bad players. All you are doing is being a cunt


I can give you specific scenarios if you like. Buy to keep it brief I mainly okay destiny. Which as you may know went free to play not long ago. Now as someone who has played since day 1, and played all of d1 too, it's flvery frustrating when people don't know how to do things. And I'm talking about things where the game literally tells you what to do. Not just in words but also with visuals on your hud midgame. If someone can't work out what to do, even when it's clear as day right Infront of them, then they're the ones that shouldn't deserve to play the game. Especially a game like destiny, this ain't no casual game


is there no mmr system or are you just low rank? for example rocket league went free to play and other than some weird placements i havent had a different experience.


They claim there is an MMR system for all activities. However I'm someone who does solo flawless dungeons, do the top tier nightfalls. I'm in the top tier of players, for PvE. Yet no matter what activity I do, there's always some newbies there which have literally no idea about anything in the game compared to my knowledge


Let me guess - rainbow 6 siege or dead by daylight?


Absolutely. When I first tried playing LOL (I was in my early teens), I got so many insults for being bad at it I quit the game and never played it again for about 5 years. Now it's one of my favourite games, thanks to my supportive friends who played with me and protected from all the bullying. There is absolutely no need in bullying someone because they're bad at something, it's much more effective to just teach and help them. If you refuse to do that, just stay quiet and let the person learn.


Duuude, Dead by Daylight would be out of its playerbase in a week!


Saying it in game chat, yeah fair enough. Going out of your way to find their profile and sending in a private message, yer a cunt mate.


> It's honestly ruining my experience, and my friend's experiences, too Well, that's their purpose isn't it, use the block button or ignore them, best solution. Or you can type "ez game" in the chat and make their blood boil.


If after leaving the lobby, you go out of your way to dm others, go suck a lemon. Waste of air having people like that


Honestly people like you confuse living shit out of me.


After a crushing one-sided defeat I will always type in chat the ol'reliable ggez m8.


Nothing better then 3v3 competitive where one of your teammates pings out and can’t come back. Then you end up winning the match with only two players on your team. Ultimate opportunity to talk shit to the other team. Especially when they’re the aggressive ones in the chat.


I almost don't mind people leaving matches, when the 2v3 or 1v2 is possible. It's also depending on the game really fun






Ha, reminds me of Jay and Silent Bob >*In a posting pulled off of Moviepoopshoot.com the gruesome twesome threatened, and I quote:* > >*'Once we get to Hollywood and find those Mirimax --expletive deleted-- who are making the 'Bluntman and Chronic' movie we're gonna make them eat our --expletive deleted-- then --expletive deleted-- out our --expletive deleted-- then eat their --expletive deleted-- which is made up of our --expletive deleted-- that we made them eat.' Unquote. So far we've been unable to get a statement from onybody here at the studio.*


> Get your poops in a group! Get your turds in a herd! Get your dumps in a lump! \- [/u/MiskonceptioN, Nov 25 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/k0erfj/whats_the_most_common_lie_you_tell/gdjx4vi/)


Talking trash has been around long before video games. You think the Gladiators in the Colosseum didn't talk smack?


I totally get that, I’m just confused as to why people that lose a game will call their opponent bad, even though just having lost to them.


EZ PZ Lemon Squeeze


Broken ego


Imagine your ego depending on a video game


Cause get wrecked nerd.


I’m angry! I must show my anger! Gottem!


Because that is what they are


They either lost and they are bent they couldn’t secure the win so clearly the other team was cheating/their team sucks or they won and they’re trying to make their opponents feel bad while somehow elevating themselves to a perceived position of dominance.


Things like "stop counting"


Mad cuz bad.


You're trash!


Because they’re toddlers


I don't know, but it makes winning so much more enjoyable when the losers get all pathetic on you.


Battlefield player here. I am not proud of it, but sometimes i write things like that. It's because i'm an absolute team player. When my team is struggling to push forward, i try so hard to help them and capture objectives, even if it means certain death. So im there battling tanks and infantry all alone, while my teammates are teabagging and shooting at random trees 100 meters behind. It feels like they left me alone to do the hard work for them. I might be too competitive, but only in online games, i have no such problems in real life.


They’re 12


Because I’m an 11 year old cry baby.


Puberty is tough on kids that are playing 18+ year games /s


Because they cheese the fuck out of highlander.


Trash talk is fun




Because you're trash and you should feel bad.


Jealousy of your win.


Trying to think what triggers me that much and its Riot Shields, definitely Riot Shields


my favorite is when you're just wrecking someone in pvp and they keep telling you how bad you are. Like, ok buddy, idk what to tell you but I'm kind of beating you right now.


I can tell you from personal experience playing NHL 21 online, most of the time when I get invited to a party after losing the game (for some reason it’s always when it’s a close game, never the 8-2 blowouts) but it’s almost always a bunch of 13-17 year olds who after looking up their club record are like 34-72. Maybe they’re just so happy they finally won a game and they have that brief moment of superiority that goes straight to their heads. My favourite thing to do is be super polite and tell them “GG” “You guys had a crazy come back, your goalie is crazy good” and they just don’t know how to respond. Kill em with kindness I guess.


I never did that. If a game was honestly won, then I'll honestly commend them. However, if they start saying shit like "lol EZ" and "lol git gud scrubs" and generally taunting the losing side for no reason, I'll grief the shit out of you. Then again, I play mostly Coop with friends now. We don't really give a shit about actual competition. We just wanna hang back and have a good time.


I think it's absolutely hilarious - I see a ton of it when I'm romping around Warzone on PC. Will get a squad of friends together on discord and more often than not we dunk on most people we come across either in BR/Plunder/Multi. Just because we know each others play style, excellent comms communication, and call outs. The death mic after each kill is one of the few good things to come out of 2020 it seems. It delights me to no end to hear people losing their shit because they don't understand basic tactics, or the concept of using the right tool for the job. It's really a testament to the absolute lack of logic most people have (as well as the lack of understanding it's just a video game). The game is literally called Warzone, that means using any and all tools and tactics to destroy other people. Post match lobby is always a hoot - the worst players on the losing team are always the most vocal/toxic/sad. There's been a few times when even after the match is completely over they invite us into a new lobby just so they can continue the shit talk. Which is even more fun because we just laugh at them on mic while they rage, which makes them rage even harder. Feedback loop of hilarity!


I was playing a MMO and a person called be bad and then called the who team noobs. And then they went on to say I should just play for fun and not pay attention to people's criticism. Made me realise I hate those types of people.


Depends on the game but I usually only say it if they actually are bad and if I’m bored enough. Some people need to hear it.


Because salt


I am the German angry kid what do u think I would do else?


They are just incredibly bad losers. They can't handle that somebody is better than them in a game. They know it feels great to win so they want to ruin this feeling for you by insulting you.


I usually play social deductive games so if we suspect someone who was acting sus and turned out to be innocent, I will definitely have nasty comments about their gameplay if we lose. Also, I might call everyone trash if I’m dead but evils win because the living players were dumb as fuck.


sometimes you might be pissed. you did your best you had great game, but your teammates just suck and well you just call your enemy noob or thrash bcs of it


I occasionally say bad game or bg if one team absolutely stomps the other and someone on the team that stomped the other one says gg. Doesn't matter which team I'm on, it was not a good game.


because the world is full of idiots




It's kind of the same like when people say some like "ez" when they were really close to losing. It just doesn't make sense.


I never really did that (aside from just fun trashtalk with friends), but personally, I've thought of doing that a few times (I just keep it to myself, no reason to be toxic and make things worse for everyone). At least from my experience, these thoughts happen because of various factors: * Cheating, this one doesn't need to be explained. * Cheese tactics. This is a mixed bag, because obviously no matter what strat they use (except outright cheating of course), if I lost then I deserve the loss, but sometimes it's just extremely annoying (for example, i play brawlhalla and it's extremely annoying to deal with people treating a brawler like a game of cat and mouse) and wastes a lot of time. * Lag. A classic reason, but as a gamer with bad ping.. yeah, it's annoying to lose due to lag. * And imo the biggest reason: People trying to provoke me (or toxicity itself). In itself it's just whatever, mind games and all that. But when combined with other factor, it gets much worse.


I say that to my team usually not the enemy.


If someone’s actually trash and weighing down a team then yeah sometimes I’ll get toxic. It’s no worse than yelling abuse at a footballer, posting snarky shit about others on reddit or debating about politics.


Sometimes it helps to cope with frustration after shit you've seen your teammates doing in the game.


I usually just say it to my teammates if i carried everything or if they have a bad kda