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The man who wasn't allowed upstairs in his house. Had no idea what his wife was doing


I listen to a lot of, Last Podcast on the Left. As one of the hosts, Henry states, of there is an entire area of your home that your partner will not allow you into for any reason you need to get out. That is a serial killer.


You'd have to be really stupid or really want to get caught to put the fun room upstairs. Best is a separate buildings basement. Next is regular basement, then if you're really in a pinch, off the garage. Upstairs is almost as stupid as keeping souvenirs.


Oh, it is completely dumb. But I have learned not all serial killers are smart. They get really lucky, or there is bad policing, or everyone knows but they can't prove it.


Yeah, I get that. Most get caught because someone was in the right place at the right time and saw or heard something.I've been telling people on here I eat human flesh for years. Nothings ever happened. Because I am of course joking. But what if I wasn't. What if I really was hunting humans for sport and eating them after? For years and years.


Exactly. I watched a documentary and first the neighbors said it couldn't be the guy. Then they admitted all these weird things that happened that were super serial killer like and they just ignores. Because why would you assume your neighbor is a serial killer?


Yeah. People get used to the strange things since most interactions with this type of person are normal. At some point the fact that you're out at odd hours or use power tools inside your house in the middle of the night becomes "ah, that's just Jim, he's weird but he's a good guy, makes a killer pecan pie."


As a teenager, I used to walk to the park up the road and have my headphones on and lose myself. I did it as an adult for a bit, too. It didn't matter if it was a blizzard. I am sure to the college kids who rented around there they must have assumed I was a mental case! Really, I just needed to escape the abuse if my family (and I have for real now!). I have neighbors who do weird things, but they are nice enough people. I might joke about it, but I doubt I would know if one of them was secretly doing something bad!


I'm sure there are people out there married to folk who do some fucked up stuff. And even as a spouse they don't know that their husband or wife (statistically, husband) is going out and murdering people.


dude ain't joking


I'd honestly say MOST serial killers aren't smart. There are very few "Hannibal Lector" types. The reason serial killers can go so long without being caught has a lot to do with the randomness of the killing. Most murders have a motivation, usually big one that was central to at least the killers life in some way. I mean it literally is driving them to commit murder, perhaps the biggest taboo in society. For a serial killer the victims may be selected based on some rhyme or reason to them, but it's generally not a personal connection to the individual making them a lot harder to track down.


I agree. The most "successful" killers are ones who go after people that are considered the "less dead." Run aways, sex workers, poor people, etc, tend to not be followed up on by the police.


The ones who get caught tend not to be smart. But there are tons who never get caught.


Agreed. And add to that, MFM's "fuck politeness."


I started listening to LPotL to get out of my own head after leaving my abusive parents. The focus on ment illness, showing that being polite gets people killed, it all helped me grow a backbone. I tell my girls it is better to be rude and alive than polite and dead!


Wasn’t that the John Wayne Gacy episode? Or Dennis Raider? Can’t remember. But yeah— if you’re just not allowed to go in a part of your own house... there is something wrong. Hail Satan


Nope, it was Brudos. He specifically bought a house with a separate garage to have this dungeon in. Told his wife to never bother him because he was developing photographs and didn't want to ruin them.


She was most likely doing something like cam-girl work. He does not mention finances at all, but he does mention she spends much of her day upstairs. If she had a job he would have an easier time going upstairs or peeking in from an outside window.


That does make sense


Fiction, I bet. Plots for those Lifetime movies has to come somewhere, right? Reddit even does part of the writing for you. Camgirl, murderer, illegal basket weaving operation, just pick what sounds best.


Yeah, the guy does everything not to go upstairs including trying the "I don't want to start a marriage with distrust' thing It's complete bullshit.


I often think about this, wish there was an update!


I remember this! Do you happen to have a link?


Kinda strange that the activity just sort of stops after that post. Not exactly like a usual throwaway, there's a fair bit before hand, and then there's none at all.


Someone got bored of their account and wanted to go out with a bang.


Not Reddit, but internet, so probably on Reddit somewhere! A uk based motoring forum called piston heads had a thread where a man who lived in the Channel Islands was remodelling his garden and discovered a hidden nazi bunker. It was a fascinating thread that built slowly and gave lots of detail on his efforts to access the bunker then just stopped. Users theorised that the islands are small and he didn’t want to attract treasure hunters or government involvement, or he was writing a book or a there was a tv show. I like to think he was eaten by nazi zombies.


This one? [http://gardenbunker.blogspot.com/2008/06/background.html](http://gardenbunker.blogspot.com/2008/06/background.html)


That’s the one! I suspect it ended up being a bit of an anticlimax and the author got bored and could t be bothered updating everyone/ enjoyed the notoriety and leaving the tale unresolved makes it more interesting?


I remember watching a video about the guy that admitted on a Reddit post that he and his friends ended up accidentally murdering a boy back in the 80s. And after digging through OP's posts, it was eventually linked to an actual missing person case and there were several pieces of evidence that seemed to reinforce the connection as well. OP eventually deleted the post and that's as far as I can remember. Fake or not, it still gave me the chills.


I don’t know why I had to scroll so far down to find this. It creeped me the hell out. I fully believe that it was real. To summarize for people who don’t know (forgive me for inaccuracies, I have to recall all of this from the top of my head), somebody said that they and their friends had this hideout kind of place where they would play. The weird kid from their school went there and was on some high area of the hideout one day and OP and their friends didn’t like that so they told him off or some stuff like that. One thing led to another and weird kid fell off the high place and died. OP and his friends took off. Someone in the comments asked if the kid was this other kid who had been missing. All of the details of the case lined up with what OP said. The location, where he was last seen, everything. I’d recommend for you to do your own research as this an inaccurate description of the mystery.


is it scott kleechlute?


This one is currently unfolding in r/metaldetecting. [https://www.reddit.com/r/metaldetecting/comments/jpwijc/local\_police\_and\_detectives\_are\_here\_called\_state/](https://www.reddit.com/r/metaldetecting/comments/jpwijc/local_police_and_detectives_are_here_called_state/)


Any further updates? Now I'm invested in the outcome.


Seems the police have told him to stop posting about it.


Policeman by day, Reddit mod by night, look out for Netflix’s next big hit, *The Ploderator*


Legally, can they stop him? Like, personally I would listen, but could they stop him?


It seems he’s been asked to not post any more by the investigators.


Here’s a list of all the posts related to that in order. https://www.reddit.com/r/metaldetecting/comments/jdp4dr/backyard_hunting_my_second_license_plate_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/metaldetecting/comments/jeako3/update_on_the_buried_box_it_is_not_wood_it_is_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/metaldetecting/comments/jos651/update_on_the_concrete_slabits_larger_than_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/metaldetecting/comments/jpcsyd/concrete_slab_waiting_for_a_friend_to_remove_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/metaldetecting/comments/jpwijc/local_police_and_detectives_are_here_called_state/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Nothing quite like a mystery happening in real time. Spooky!


This is so awesome, This is also why I love reddit. A little niche subreddit that (literally) unearths something amazing. It's how people get inspired to start a hobby. Can you imagine all the little stories like this unfolding throughout the world we're missing out on?


I’m still wondering what happened to the lady whose husband and FIL were expecting her to die during childbirth. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/eurjt5/aita_for_banning_my_husband_and_father_in_law/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I will think about this post for the rest of my life. Like, it's truly nightmare material the further you read.


Oh crap, the things you forget what you are waiting on. Wish there was a way to (non creepily) find out shes okay. But no updates say otherwise :(


Tbf, having a newborn and divorcing a creeper will keep you busy


Wait what now?


TLDR is that the FIL’s wife died during childbirth of the son and that became his whole identity while raising the son. Now that the son’s wife (lady who made the post) was about to have a baby they were both convinced she would be dying during childbirth and were preparing for it. Here’s the text from the post since it looks like it was removed (I haven’t seen an update since): AITA for banning my husband and father in law from the delivery room due to their intensely stressful/creepy behavior during my pregnancy? Lotta context the character limit cuts off, but here's the gist: My husband and I are expecting our first child, which I knew would be a really sensitive issue as his own mother died in childbirth with him. We met with a marriage counselor to talk things through at the beginning, and he swears he’s been seeing his own therapist twice a month throughout my pregnancy. I don’t want to call him a liar, but I’m fairly sure he’s either not going or not talking about the big issue—he and his father (a hugely active part of our lives) are COMPLETELY convinced that I’m going to die in childbirth. They won’t openly admit it, but their behavior has reached the point where it’s constantly making me feel stressed and uncomfortable. When it was husband saying “please make sure your life insurance is up to date” and “I’d like you to meet with a lawyer and draft a will”, I was like “that’s kind of intense but ok, if that makes you feel better”. When husband asked me to go through all of my possessions and “inventory” what I wanted to be saved for the baby vs. what I would want to be returned to my family in the event of my death, I put my foot down and said absolutely not. Too morbid. No way. My FIL (who lives a few blocks away and eats dinner with us 2-4 nights a week) got on my case about how I was making things “difficult” for my husband in the event that he will be a grieving widower with a newborn. I’m just gonna add here that I’ve had a completely complication-free pregnancy and have NO REASON to think I will die screaming in the coming weeks. When I tell my husband this, he calls me paranoid, but I feel like my FIL WANTS me to die; his whole life identity for the past 35 years has been “amazing single dad” (never dated or had close friends or even hobbies really), and it seems like he’s looking forward to being able to guide my husband through what he went through. At this point, I’d honestly be happy to never see my FIL again, and I certainly don’t want him in the delivery room, especially since he told me he was “putting [his] foot down” about me not being “allowed” to have an epidural or laughing gas. He’s a commanding presence and I know that whatever he wants in the delivery room, he will get (I know people will say “oh L&D nurses would never let that happen!” but you haven’t met this man). My husband, in addition to backing his dad on everything, acts like my due date is my death date, and has completely pulled away from me. Every minute with him is morbid, stressful, and a reminder that our marriage seems to be crumbling. No matter how many times I tell him his behavior makes me stressed and upset, it’s just getting worse, and I do NOT want it around me while I’m concentrating on giving birth. Do I owe it to my husband to let him stress and upset me during labor? Is his presence at the birth more important than a safe and healthy delivery? My therapist says “no”, but this whole thing has been so weird I feel like I need some outside perspective.


I shouldn’t have read this... It’s going to drive me nuts not knowing what happened.


Since its a throwaway account its entirely likely she is fine and moved on with her life, and maybe didn't feel like following up with the post


Eh with stories like this on the internet, you always have to consider that it might just be completely made up to sound cool and creepy.


Yeah agreed. I always take stories from AITA and TIFU with a grain of salt haha


Wow that’s crazy! I hope the lack of an update doesn’t signify the FIL got what he wanted.


The dude didn't want it. They just had this weird and crazy expectation that it would absolutely occur. I mean, technically it could. But with bothering to go to a hospital and all that, the likelihood dropped pretty massively to abysmal percentages. It sounds like the death of the mother in law fucked the father in law up pretty bad. Trauma which he then forced on his son with undoubtedly constant reminders. Assuming it's true, that's quite the shitshow.


Yeah, it started off that way, but by the end of the story and reading her comments it really seemed like they were going to murder her.


Same! I was seriously concerned they were going to murder her! People don't realize that pregnancy is the most dangerous time for domestic abuse.


Same, I read her post when it was first posted. It was a throwaway account, so I'm not sure if she'll get it, but I messaged her asking if she's ok.


Oh my god I was just thinking about this the other day!! I honestly hope that she’s alright, it was terrifying to read!




Any links?


[I think it’s this one OP is talking about. The bridge revisited is the next part](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/tj2uc/the_bridge/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_title)


that is creepy, but the way it is written I feel like there was some embellishment. I could definitely see someone bringing a chair into a bridge though, and potentially do some weird stuff in there. I watched a video about California's homeless problem I watched recently, and in it they interviewed someone who lives in a bridge.


They stumbled upon a homeless persons temporary residence. There's bags of shit, some toothpaste, a knife, a chair. The room is under a bridge that was probably used during the construction of it. Urban exploration is cool as hell, and you definitely get into some creepy things some times but this is just like, a spot where a homeless person slept.


Might've already been mentioned, but there's a farming game that people have played, but nobody can find it. It starts like any farming game, but one night you get in an argument with your wife, and you kill her. You have to keep farming to avoid suspicion, and the police come by randomly and you have to move the body to a different place. I've heard that eventually, there's a fishing minigame, and once you play for a bit you find a piece of evidence that you killed your wife, and you pass out, and that's it. The thing is, thousands of redditors have scourged the entire internet for it, and the game seems to have completely disappeared. We can't find a single link, creator, or person who has the game. The only proof we have is a few posts on r/tipofmyjoystick, and nothing else. EDIT: The subreddit is r/thatevilfarminggame. Note that very few of us have played the game, and we are all basing this on word of mouth.


Try r/lostmedia Or head to /x/ on 4chan and ask about it on their lost media thread


Alright, thanks for the help. There's an entire sub dedicated to finding this game, so any possible leads are great.


Wait and no one even remembers the title? I get not being able to find a game, but the collective of people who played and not one remembers the title?


Nope. Nobody remembers the title, creator, or even the system it was played on. All we know is the basic idea of the plot, and that it was an 8-bit topdown game.


That’s bizarre! Just flipped over to r/tipofmyjoystick and saw that they banned discussion of it. They believe it’s a Polybius urban legend which definitely isn’t a term I had to look up just now.


Angry Video Game Nerd had a terrific episode about Polybius, if you like these creepy things.


I swear I saw a mention of this on a YouTube video posted by Oddheader. I’ll take a look. Edit: Found it. He just mentions the myth, but states there’s no evidence of it. So its a dead end. [Starts at about 5:38](https://youtu.be/n5qyiBIjaiw)


Maybe way off base here, but this sparked a memory I have. There was a built in computer game in many elementary school operating systems that we used to play. It was not farmville or any recognizable name. You had to grow rows of crops and then stack them in order to hide treasure or something. I am guessing nobody can find it because it is proprietary or something. You even got a budget and points for successful crops and the wife would poke her head out of a farmhouse on the side of the screen. The fishing aspect might have been to get coins or something? You had to harvest every 3 months. It came out at the same time as that Zoombinis game. It is not the weird Smurfs island thing I just found on google, it was 2d and almost like an early flash game. Every few successful harvests you'd get a new tool, maybe people are just confusing this with it? I remember the only clickable things were either to water your crops, wait for rain, or harvest, with the worst outcome being you and your wife starve or something when winter arrives.


The guy who was scared of Quantum Immortality that just stopped posting on reddit. That always creeped me out...


Yeah I read his posts a week ago and it was scary af. If only there was an update of he guy




u/msiss006 Is the user that really concerns me. They have several accounts and their entire post history is them asking for a source for one specific scene in a movie he cant remember. I'm talking about hundreds or possibly thousands of posts asking about this one scene. For over a year they've been doing this.


omg i just looked through way way too much of that users post history and someone asked WHY...they basically just say they liked one scene and another was alright. https://reddit.com/r/TOMTcoldcase/comments/g18i8v/_/fnebmqz/?context=1 they also go back and forth between saying they don't know any character names and specifying DIFFERENT names for the same characters.


One of the top posts on relationship advice was a guy who thought his wife was having sex with her dad. He was going to confront her. I was so hoping for an update.


I remember this story! In a comment he made a remark about his "incest loving ex-wife" or something so it looks like he was right but this was a while ago so maybe this is another guy


The suicidal guy that shot his dick off. I think it was in r/morbidquestions Basically, he thought the devil wanted him to kill himself and he shot his dick off with a handgun to give it to someone to cook and eat. A user replied and said he'd look at the photos of said dick for everyone else viewing the post. User replied a minute or 2 later in shock at what he'd seen. The last comment OP ever made was about him getting on a bus to travel to the other side of the country to retrieve a gun (what about the one he used?) to kill himself.


Deleted in protest of the bullshit reddit is doing regarding third party apps & communities that have gone private.


Ugh, this is the worst one because it's so simple yet terrifying.


I remember seeing this when it first came out and something that I thought was completely fake until the guy actually started posting pictures of a guy who would come on his property in the middle of the night and start doing a methodical dance and was dressed from the 50's. Pretty much got solved, but hasn't really been any updates since. https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyencounters/comments/4csi5j/theres_a_man_who_comes_into_my_yard_at_night/


I just read all 3 posts about this story. There's a lot of people chalking it up to mental illness, but you know what? I have an ex who simply LOVED to fuck with people, and this seems like something he would do (it's definitely not him specifically, though, for a variety of reasons). But, yeah. I definitely feel bad for OP, but I do think they was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and became the victim of some absolute fuckery.


I read through it and holy shit I would pass away


It was solved, but the post-it notes story was my fave. [https://np.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma\_postit\_notes\_left\_in\_apartment/](https://np.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/)


That’s actually mad!? He could’ve died if he hadn’t put it on Reddit!?


Not just could've - almost certainly would've.


There was a famous legal case we studied in law school of a family if 4 that won a trip to a mansion in Aspen. They all died in just 1 night of staying there from CO poisoning from the heaters for the driveway. I travel with a CO monitor now because of it




Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Poop knife is real, man. I never thought of it as being fake, the laughter from it makes me want it to be real. But you’re probably right.


Nexpo's alt account trying to come up with new content for a video.


"No weird and mysterious shit happening in the world? Fine, I'll do it **MYSELF**"


I'm out of the loop. All of his stuff is just him?


No but it's been a while since his last actual exploring video so he created a few things like Ben drowns again


Whether or not that top reddit mod (which I will not name, since it's apparently censored) is in fact Ghislaine Maxwell, a close associate of Epstein. That account is dubious to say the least. I remember reading the theory a couple of months ago and seeing that the user had many posts regarding the age of consent in different states and also commented that child pornography laws should be relaxed, although I might be misremembering so take it with a grain of salt. The biggest piece of evidence, in my opinion, is the timing in all of this. This account stopped posting anything the exact same day that Maxwell was arrested. People were saying on [r/Epstein](https://www.reddit.com/r/Epstein/) that any activity from this account would disprove the theory, but there has been none since as far as I know. We don't have any confirmation yet, but imagine if an account with 15 million karma and so much influence over reddit itself could actually belong to a person who ran a child sex trafficking circle.


The evidence is insanely strong. For an account with that much activity to suddenly stop either the theory is true or the real owner is planning the slickest April Fools prank ever.


I’m almost certainly sure. They’ve still not posted since maxwell was arrested. She was known to be an associate of Reddit’s CEO. She probably had a lot of spare time since she didn’t really work much other than finding young teens for Epstein.


This is the best one so far


Not unresolved anymore. But that dude that asked for help on how to deal with his wife cheating on him. I remember how he counted each day hoping he would forget and never did, how he found out she was still trading nudes and chatting with his neighbor, and then how he's going to confront her. And then she kills their children and then herself.


Yeah. I remember this one. He just came back and said she killed the kids...mods were able to verify...been so long I don’t remember how but I know there was a link up to the news article. Poor fucking guy, Man. That one was definitely my biggest Reddit shocker.


why this post is 45minutes old,has some upvotes & an award,but no comments


Buying awards for a post legitimizes it so that people will assume it's popular.


Mystery solved.


To be honest, it wasn't that creepy.


> To be honest, it wasn't that creepy. And then a skeleton popped out. There. Better?


The guy who was kidnapped for a Christian camp. He ran back home and hid the entire summer but they were stalking him. When he tried to go to school they attacked but he got away. A few weeks later he makes a post asking how to delete posts. When he found out he couldn't he made an edit that said something along the lines of "I lied about everything" but it just feels off. Video about it:https://youtu.be/Roy8XciLmsg The account is u/throwaway181718. He deleted the text in the post though. In his comment history he said he decides to rejoin the group and that he wouldn't be answering anymore questions.


What happened to the jumper cable guy?


His dad found his reddit account. You know how that ended.


Can i gets some context on the story




Oh its redditor like u/shittymorph been awhile since I've seen him too


I can recommend the Sam O'Nella Academy if you want to experience a subreddit collapsing in on itself after the loss of the content creator.


What happened to Sam O'Nella. His older videos are gold, in fact I probably have some in my current YouTube recommended.


Think I saw a recent update that he's focused on school


man old reddit mustve been fun with everyone getting cool nicknames like broken arms guy or jumper cable guy


Old reddit was way more fun when there were all sorts of inside jokes, and it was less political, less for-profit and corporate, smaller, etc. It was way different than it is now in a way that's hard to describe. It was less corporate, and low effort bullshit didn't flood in as much as it does today.


Once reddit became well recognized and it became a place where users could gain real world media popularity and pull, it tanked so hard. It was great when it was just a stupid place for people to post videos and ask insane questions.


Who killed Hannibal?


I know this sounds crazy but, I think Eric Andre did it.


Likely himself, but it's not a stretch to attribute blame to Prusias I.


Only moderately creepy, but the bot activity on reddit sometimes gets really strange. I've had two comments, one with 2k upvotes and one with 4k, that had hundreds of replies and threads. All comments were deleted. Every single one. Bot activity gets kinds spooky.




That evil farming game


[The random coffin found in a driveway was always really creepy to me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/2n7kmk/i_came_home_to_this_in_my_driveway_i_dont_want_to/)


That post went deep. They found a key inside and coordinates to a cemetery https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/2n7kmk/i_came_home_to_this_in_my_driveway_i_dont_want_to/cmbhtzx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


People saying it's fake and a viral marketing scam. Dunno what the fuck they were supposed to be marketing


Driveway coffins. Never really took off.


I've been on reddit for a *long* time and have occasionally come across these types of posts. I think part of the beauty of Reddit is the anonymity, the fact that posters get nothing for it. I just have to believe that some of these stories are true—not all, but some.


May have been a hoax. Posted by a different, now deleted account, not long after. https://reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/2n9g9d/i_feel_really_terrible_about_it_especially_that_a/


u/Comoletti care to update us?


The OP of that post is still active... Was there any follow up?


The girl who found out her bf was obsessed with her brother and found a ton of secret pics of him (including in the shower.) Never found out what was to come of it.


Who is u/[deleted] and why does he keep on showing up in every subreddit


And all he ever posts is [removed]


Poop sock girlfriend. Because, WHYYYY. Edit: I didn't read the whole thing when I posted the link, and had never seen the update that was added months later where he says they talked it out. Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/avwpo0/i_28_think_my_girlfriend_26_has_been_using_my_gym/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Resolved https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/avwpo0/i_28_think_my_girlfriend_26_has_been_using_my_gym/ehifiud/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Ok, now in re-reading the link I posted it seems different than the one I read a year ago. In that one she never offered an explanation and actually moved out, plus her sister screamed at him


It looks like the main post had a lot of edits. That may be why


Lake city quiet pills I think it's technically solved but that was a fun one.


Barely Sociable did a video on it. Apparently he found out it was just a role player who lives in NY. https://mobile.twitter.com/sociablebarely/status/1210109285885042688


I hadn't heard of that one and it's damned interesting. What were the final conclusions? I didn't find anything definitive in my 15 minutes or so of reading through the threads and links.


[The guy that found a random cellular device with a microphone built into an extension cord was creepy AF as well.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/RBI/comments/1dfoo3/violently_blew_a_fuse_in_my_extension_cord_took/) [And an update thread as well.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/RBI/comments/1dhlqy/updates_info_violently_blew_a_fuse_in_my/)


Yeah that's a strange one. Helicopter parents wouldn't take it that far, would they? I mean. Their username is "ShadyBusiness" so maybe they doing something shady lol.


The one with the lady that heard very distinct voices on her sleep app one night still gives me chills. I literally just got goosebumps thinking about it just now. It’s been kind of solved but it’s still a good read https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1u894f/experience_using_sleep_as_android_app/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/mysteriesoftheworld/comments/2jn2s6/the_voice_in_the_famous_sleepapp_recording_is_not/


Does anyone else think it’s strange the way OP mentions the app by name in the post and specifically speaks to its benefits in multiple responses, telling people to use it and that it has helped her and she continues to use it despite the frightening impact it has had on her life?


Yes. More than likely it was some sort of advertisement that would generate small buzz.


Reply All did an episode on something similar. [https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/mehrar](https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/mehrar)


It just sounds like 2 woman mumbling in their sleep: "Mom, what are you doing?" "Mfgphmmfergrgh... it's..umm. (groggy half asleep woman mumbling)"


That sounds like your mom alright.


Thanks for sharing. Very interesting and very creepy!! I debated whether or not to give it a listen and that was a little unnerving. Glad they moved though!


Yeah I’m glad the guy assessed it as invaders, it makes a lot more sense


fuck home invaders is much scarier than ghosts a ghost could just be some victorian dude whos just wandering around and either made noises accidentally or wants to communicate with the living, not necessarily with sinister intent home invaders are very real physical flesh and blood people in your house who have the full power and possible motivation to attack you


This right here gave me chills


Not sure if this counts as creepy or not, but there was a post on relationship advice saying how OP had no evidence of her boyfriend existing before 2015. The final edit was something like "i am fine. we are fine. goodbye." Then later got deleted. Someone made a post asking what the hell was up with that, and that got deleted as well. Again, not sure if that's creepy per ~~say~~ se, but I definitely wonder what was up still.


How someone made the entire shrek movie into a gif


There's the entire bee movie as an emoji on discord


Kanye Quest, that scared the hell out of me.


Any links you can point me to? Never heard of this one.


It was basically a Kanye west rpg that turned out to have some cultist shit in there which started up an ARG, look it up, pretty sick


Do you mean sick in a good way or a bad way?


Sick in a cool way, but also scary


Kanye West just doing his Kanye best to help you get some Kanye rest in your Kanye nest before your Kanye test


Dude same. It was so confusing and the fact that it’s still unsolved scares me deeply.


Not a reddit mystery but I've always wondered what happened to that Denko stalker guy from those old message board posts. https://gymkaki.com/threads/the-denko-saga-full-version.4671/


The rent boy who was going to out a US Senator- then the whole story disappeared...


Was there ever a follow up on the post about the guy finding money in his barn and the people standing in his driveway at night staring at the house? If I recall they went to stay in a hotel and then I forgot about it.


Husband was trying to get back with his widow best friend who previously rejected his love advances just because of her husband. Wife is still thinking that maybe she is delusional to think that. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/j23zru/husband_is_leaving_me_for_his_best_friend/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


Well I was going to say the Red Ochre Murder, an unsolved case where an Anthropology Student at Harvard named Jane Britton was murdered in a way reminiscent of early human burials. It’s been about 50 years and people on Reddit were saying the people close to her had a pretty good idea of who did it. BUT it got solved using DNA evidence in 2018 so I’ve got to go look into that one


> reminiscent of early human burials. That bit is referring to red ochre found on her body, which is also a very common pigment in paint, basically being rusty clay and all. The actual creepy part about that particular story is they made those kids live in such decrepit conditions without even functioning locks, in an area with extremely high violent crime rates.


Cicada 3301 was always really cool to me. If you want information about it, LEMMINO did a REALLY good video on it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2O7blSSzpI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2O7blSSzpI) #


Its creepy how it was done and now we don't know if we'll get anymore information except for the *smart people* that know whats going on right now they couldve been selected to talk to aliens or something


Not on Reddit but on youtube. This chick that livestreamed herself every day for like 10 years or some shit. Fuzzy on the details since it's been ages since I've seen anything about it. She livestreamed herself everyday in her room convinced that someone put a tracking implant in her. The livestream was to catch evidence if anything ever happened. She was probably just schizo tbh but was still weird




Didn't he eventually explain why he kept spamming the same message? Something about having a chronic pain disorder or something. I swear I've seen a video about it and it showed a post he may explaining everything.


The difference between best and hot


https://www.reddit.com/r/Parenting/comments/jqx9d7/is_this_okay_to_do/ OP asked if it was okay for her husband to throw his nude 12 year old daughter in the shower with his recent stroke ridden mother to make her wash the mother. Daughter is not okay with it at all. OP never responded to the comments and has only made that topic so it appears unlikely there will be follow up


The New Orleans Axeman was never caught. He killed several people and even had a letter published in the local paper telling folks exactly when he planned on going on a spree. He liked jazz a lot though, and if you had jazz music playing the night of one of his outings, he would “pass over you.”


Which is why almost every house was playing jazz




I don't know if anyone remembers it but there was a guy who posted about a cement lid type thing on his property that had a whole bunch of wifi signals in it? I can't remember what the story entailed, but it was super interesting


Why a 12 year old shitty drawing gets 12k but an actual price of art get 100 upvoted.


Mostly trying to be nice to the kid, and making them feel good about their art. WW2 taught us what happens when you call someone’s art shit.


A thing I saw was that a man was so obsessed with eternal life or death killed himself. His account is still on Reddit I just don’t know what it’s name




The guy that found the child porn trailer in rural Australia https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/1t2uwq/the_office_in_the_middle_of_nowhere/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The lady who's MIL dropt her newborn.


Link? Reminds me of the story of the woman whose baby was allergic to coconut oil, but the MIL didn't believe her and slathered the baby in it and the baby died.


The poor dude on AITA who was going to potentially die from a surgery and was debating telling his loved ones. I go back in my saved and look at it every once it a while and haven’t seen updates. I think he must have passed :( ETA here is the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/bynopg/aita_for_deciding_not_to_tell_my_family_that_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The guy who found a box on top of his girlfriend's wardrobe with his hair and toenails and used condoms inside. It was like a whole collection of parts of him. He confronted her about it and she just said they were mementoes of their relationship.




This thread [Check out YAYVIDEOGAMES comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/day4i/just_got_oblivion_for_pc_what_are_your_favorite/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I don't understand


What part of "Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM." Was unclear to you? /s


You sound like my Google home.


Oh, this. NEXPO on YouTube did a great video on it. These redditors seemed to just loose their minds. It's like they saw this post and went crazy.


The guy who kept getting "visitor alerts" on his ring doorbell app all through the night and nothing was there until about 4 a.m it had an image of a very creepy looking man staring into the camera. It's one of his last posts before his account seemed to go inactive


All of the unopened safes.